Sophomore Research Paper - Your research paper must be on one of the following topics. After you have chosen a topic, you may have to narrow it down to something specific within that area. - Your paper must include an outline, in correct form, on what the major parts of your paper will include. (50 points) - Your paper must be 3-5 pages, typed in Times New Roman, size 12 font. You should have 1 inch margins. (100 points) - Your paper must include a Works Cited page completed in MLA format. You must have a minimum of five sources. - You must include 5 Annotated Bibliography cards (Source Cards). (50 cards) - Do Not Plagiarize!!! Your work should be your own!!! If you plagiarize at all you will earn a zero! - This research paper is worth a total of 200 points!!! - This paper is due ____________________ You may choose from the following topics: 1. Is racial or religious profiling ever justified? 2. Should the U.S. End Birthright Citizenship? 3. Is Outsourcing Good for the U.S. Economy? 4. Have Youth Sports Become Too Intense? 5. Should Women Be Allowed in Combat? 6. Is the Health Care Law Good for the Nation? 7. Should the U.S. have a national health-care system? 8. Is the War in Afghanistan Winnable? 9. Is Google Making Us Stupid? 10. Is It Time to Revive Nuclear Power? 11. Should the U.S. Halt Offshore Drilling? 12. Should The U.S. Drill for Oil Offshore? 13. Should Candy and Soda Be Banned from Schools? 14. Do School Libraries Still Need Books? 15. Should high school players be eligible for the N.B.A. draft? 16. Should U.S. airports use full-body scanners? 17. Should the U.S. reinstate the draft? 18. Will Closing Guantánamo Make America Safer? 19. Do we still need the post office? 20. Should public schools offer single-sex education? 21. Should Supreme Court Justices continue to have life tenure? 22. Should assault weapons be banned? 23. Should the Driving Age Be Raised? 24. Should states enact tougher gun-control laws? 25. Is It Time to End Affirmative Action? 26. Should The U.S. Lift Its Embargo on Cuba? 27. Should College Football Players Be Paid? 28. Should States Allow Election Day Registration? 29. Are Illegal Immigrants Good for the U.S. Economy? 30. Should High Schools Have Valedictorians? 31. Should Illegal Immigrants Be Able to Get Driver's Licenses? 32. Should "don't ask, don't tell" Be Scrapped? 33. Should We Elect The President By Popular Vote? 34. Should teens be banned from tanning salons? 35. Should the death penalty be abolished? 36. Should The U.S. Negotiate With Its Enemies? 37. Is America's Food Supply Safe? 38. Is It Too Easy to Get a Gun in America? 39. Should the Penny Be Retired? 40. Should illegal immigrants be eligible for in-state tuition? 41. Should schools do random drug testing? 42. Should there be Bible classes in public schools? 43. Should the U.S. close the prison at Guantánamo? 44. Should the U.S. raise the gas tax? 45. Should cell phones be banned in school? 46. Does the "Real ID" law make sense? 47. Should high school students be required to declare majors? 48. Should English be declared America's national language? 49. Should the records of baseball players who used steroids count? 50. Should the federal minimum wage be raised? 51. Should the driving age be raised to 18? 52. Should the 22nd Amendment be repealed? 53. Should military recruiters be allowed in high schools? 54. Is torture ever justified? 55. Should stem-cell research receive federal funding? 56. Nuclear Energy: Does it make sense for the environment? 57. Should states ban junk food in schools? 58. Should the United States adopt voter ID cards? 59. Choose a topic of your own. It must be a controversial issue and it must be approved by me before you begin.