Volume 5, Issue 2, February 2015
ISSN: 2277 128X
International Journal of Advanced Research in
Computer Science and Software Engineering
Research Paper
Available online at: www.ijarcsse.com
Smart Helmet
Kajal Thakre, Pranali Waskar, 3Pooja Sawant, 4Suchita Naik, 5Sumita Chandak
Information Technology Department & Mumbai University, Maharashtra, India
Assistant Professor, Information Technology Department & Mumbai University, Maharashtra, India
Abstract—This Due to rise in deaths after accidents, due to negligence, it is necessary to generate a system to limit
accidental deaths. This system has following features:
A smart helmet is a special idea which makes motorcycle driving much safer than the existing system i.e helmet . This
is implemented using Microcontroller. The working of this smart helmet using Microcontroller is very simple, here we
place the vibration sensors in different places of helmet where the probability of hitting is more which are connected
to Microcontroller. So when the rider crashes and the helmet hits the ground, the sensors sense and the
Microcontroller extract data using the GSM module that is interfaced with Microcontroller. When the data exceeds
minimum stress limit then GSM module automatically send message to ambulance or police or family members.
Keywords: Safety, Sensor, Vehicle, Accident, Drunken Driving, Helmet, Intelligent system,IR sensor,Gas Sensor
Due to rise in deaths after accidents, due to negligence, it is necessary to generate a system to limit accidental deaths.
This system has following features:
A smart helmet is a special idea which makes motorcycle driving much safer than the existing system i.e helmet . This is
implemented using Microcontroller. The working of this smart helmet using Microcontroller is very simple, here we
place the vibration sensors in different places of helmet where the probability of hitting is more which are connected to
Microcontroller. So when the rider crashes and the helmet hits the ground, the sensors sense and the Microcontroller
extract data using the GSM module that is interfaced with Microcontroller. When the data exceeds minimum stress limit
then GSM module automatically send message to ambulance or police or family members.
Sr no
Paper Studied
Old Feature
IJSRD - International A. Helmet Checking
Scientific Application
Research & Development
B.Sobriety Test Application
New Feature
A.Helmet checking via ir
B.Alcohol detection
C.No exhaust checking
International Journal of
Science and Research
ISSN (Online): 2319‐7064
A.Robotic helmet unit
C.Gps satellite unit
International Journal of
Scientific & Engineering
Research Volume 2, Issue
12, December-2011 1
ISSN 2229-5518 IJSER
A.Helmet checking
B.No entry no parking
A.Helmet checking via ir
B.Alcohol detection
members in case of
© 2015, IJARCSSE All Rights Reserved
Page | 408
Thakre et al., International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering 5(2),
February - 2015, pp. 408-410
3.1 Flow Chart of the System
The idea of this project is to give information about the accident to the ambulance and family members, so we
have chose GSM technology to give the information by sending SMS.
We are using GSM module which has SIM card slot to place the SIM and send SMS.
Sending SMS alone can’t help the driver, if we send and an SMS saying that accident had occurred where the
ambulance will come without knowing the location of the accident.
This is the methodology used in the project, let me once again give a brief description about the working of
project, The vibration sensor is placed in the helmet such that it detects vibrations of the helmet.
When the rider crashes, the helmet hits the ground and the vibration sensor detects the vibrations that are created
when the helmet hits the ground and then the Microcontroller will send an SMS containing information about the
accident and location of accident.
This project has a good real life scope, if it is implemented by the government. It can help to reduce lot of road accidents
of two wheelers as it is the major cause of deaths in the whole world. It can also help to prevent the damage occurred to
the vehicles by the accidents. So this helps in curbing the road accidents by implementing mandatory Helmet protection
and detection of alcohol content during the starting on of the bike. This project here is undertaken keeping in view of
traffic ,the traffic rules and also the safety of people. Implementation of this type of project by the government saves a lot
of time for the traffic police and most importantly saves the precious life of a person as one cannot run a motor vehicle
once he is drunk and if the helmet is not present. Family members will be informed as well.
Mandatory Helmet Protection System with Inbuilt Sobriety Test Sensor and Exhaust Checking for Two
Gas sensors –http://www.electroncomponents.com/Mini Components / Sensors Transducer / MQ-6-LPG-GasSensor
Microcontroller ATmega8 data sheet- http://wvshare.com/datasheet/ATMEL_PDF/ATmega8.PDF
IR transmitter and receiver - http://www.geeetech.com/ir-transmitter-module-p-339.html
Road accidents in India [online] 2007 June 25. Available from:URL:http://www.easydriveforum.com/f44-shareyour-road-experience/road-accidents-in-india-834.html
© 2015, IJARCSSE All Rights Reserved
Page | 409
Thakre et al., International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering 5(2),
February - 2015, pp. 408-410
Articles base directory [online] 2011 Feb. 16 Available
Article from The Hindu [online] 2011 Feb. 10 Available from:
Drunken Drive Protection System http://www.ijser.org/viewPaperDetail.aspx?DEC1114
Automatic Accident Alert and Safety System using Embedded GSM Interface.
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