Compan ny Techn nical Desiign and M Manufaccturing Capabilitiies CMO infrasstructure in ncludes a hiighly professsional Tech hnical Department withh Mechaniccal Engineerrs and Designers to develop p manufactu uring proceess of all ou ur productss specially tthose that are a not standard design products and n need engine eering calcuulations to aadapt them to customeer´s require ements. Our Techn nical Deparrtment inclu udes a R & & D sub‐de epartment to developp new prod ducts everyy year according tto the requirements off our custom mers and th he market. CMO usess latest design and engineering e g tools to be able to o give bestt possible solutions to our customer´ss needs. We mostlyy use Autocaad Mechan nical and So lidworks 3D D with its So olidworks FFlow Simula ator. ows CMO to be known n in the intternational market for its techniccal capabilitties to be able to All this allo provide to end users products sp pecially desiigned and m manufactured accordinng to their sspecification ns out of CMO Staandard and 100% adap pted to any internation nal or local SStandard. C.M.O O. Amattegui Aldea 1 142, 20400 Txarama-Tolo T osa (SPAIN)) Phone: +34 + 943 67 33 3 99 / Fax: + +34 943 67 24 2 40 / cmo@ htttp://www.cmo We provide to our customers all necessary drawings, mechanical calculations, flow calculations etc… to make their decisions easier and to help them to choose the correct product and design for their application. Samples of design calculations CUSTOMER: DOUBLE ECCENTRIC BUTTERFLY VALVE SERIES ME DN800 -- PN16 HYDRAULIC Revisión. 02 Hydrostatic Calculations --- torques -- mechanical --- performance DATA FOR CALCULATIONS Type of valve ME double eccentric Quantity 1 Nominal diameter (mm) DN = 800 Corresponding diameter to the sealing joint (mm) Dj = 773,1 Dij diam. Corresponded to sealing inside esposed to Pn=766,65 Nominal fluid pressure (bar) = Pn = 13 Maximum fluid pressure (bar) = Pn = 13 Maximum pressure in opening (bar) Pn = 13 Safety pressure for closing (bar) = Ps = 14,3 Testing pressure of body (bar) = Pp = 20 Fluid = WATER Fluid density = T = 1 Other important information S275JR material elastic limit (Kg/Cm2) Le = 2750 S275JR material elastic limit (Kg/Cm2) Le = 2050 AISI 420 material elastic limit for the shaft (Kg/Cm2) Le = 5500 AISI 304 material elastic limit (Kg/Cm2) Le = 2050 Gaskets friction coefficient = 0,07 Friction coefficient of the sealing rubber 80º shore = 0,9 Estimated shaft diameter in gaskets (mm) d = 90 Estimated shaft diameter on the disc (mm) d1 = 90 Radial eccentricityl (mm) = Exc = 25 Maximum fluid flow (m3/h) = 4680 Fluid speed (m/s) 2,59 Flow coefficient Cv (for 100% opening)= 44559 Eccentric radius from the turning radius to the rubber seat 0,4521 Welding coefficient for the collar m (from 0,7-1)= 0,85 Preservation coefficiento of the collar material (from 0-0,3 0,3 Safety factor s = (Le/t) on the collar 1,8 DISC Moment of inertia of a portion of the disc (Cm4) 10255 Modul of elasticity of disc material (Kg/Cm2) = 2100000 Maximum limit distance in disc profile dl (Cm) = 12,23 Main disc diameter (dm) = 7,66 Main disc thickness (dm) = 0,4 Reinforcement axiliar disc diameter (dm) = 0 Reinforcement axiliar disc thickness (dm) = 0 Center rib height (dm) = 0 Center rib thickness (dm) = 0 Shaft support hear medium lenght (dm) = 3 Shaft support widht (dm) = 1,25 Bli d id t j i t i id di t (C ) 13 1 C.M.O. Amategui Aldea 142, 20400 Txarama-Tolosa (SPAIN) Phone: +34 943 67 33 99 / Fax: +34 943 67 24 40 / STATIC CALCULATIONS HYDRAULIC CALCULATIONS AND TORQUES FORMULAS (Para abrir con plena carga) S = 0,7854 ·DN^2 Q=S·v Q = S · v · 3600 Dp =Q^2 ·T/ Kv^2 S = Pentock section (m2) Q = Flow (m3/s) Q = Flow (m3/h) p = Pressure loss (bar) 0,503 1,300 4680,000 0,011 F = 0,7854 · Dj^2 · Pn Gc PGc = Gc · Exc Pr = F · · d/2 Pa = 0,7854(Dj^2-Dij^2)·Pn··rx Phe = F · Exc Pt = PGc + Pr + Pa + Phe F = Fhydraulic Force (Kg) Gc = Disc weight (Kg) PGc = Torque because of disc weight (Kgm) Pr = Friction torque shaft/gasket. (Kgm) Pa = Torque because of rubber/steel friction Phe = Hydrostatic torque (Kgm) Pt = Net hydrostatic torque (Kgm) 61024,69 175,00 79,12 192,23 412,60 1525,62 2209,56 Ptm = Minimum torque with hydraulic cylinder and counterweight (Kgm) = (Pt+Pcont) · c = c = Safety factor for a safe opening = 3090,80 1,2 Pcont = Torque on counterweight (N/m) = Pt · v = v = Variable based on pressure of the cylinder originated by counterweight = 366,10 0,02 28,96 NOTA: Con el par Pcont la presión en la cámara menor del cilindro debe ser >10 bar. Si no se consigue se debe modificar la variable v CORRESPONDING ATTACK TORQUE WITH SAFETY MARGINS Torque with electric motor or gearbox Value in Nm = Safety Coefficient 1,2 3090,80 MECHANICAL CALCULATIONS Calculation of the collar thickness e = Pn·DN/(2·m·t) + c e =collar thickness (cm) 0,60 Disc performance Fc = Sd · Pnm/2.2 f = 0,0130201 · Fc · L^3 / (E· I) W = I / dl t = FC · L / (8 · W) Cs = Le / st Fc = Froce that acts in disc portion = f = Maximum bending at the center (Cm) W = Maximum resistance M. (Cm3) t =Maxumu effort to deflection (Kg/Cm2) Cs = Safety factor. Cs>2 27231,35 0,008 838,512 324,76 8,47 Shaft calculation working at a composed tension at the disc inside (Cutting effort + Torsion) Fp = 0,7854 · Dj^2 · Pnt ( Con presión de trabajo) Fc = Fp/2 Fp = Force with working pressure Fc = Cutting load in shaft (Kg) cmáx. = 4((Fc/3) + (Pt/d1))/S """ electric motor Cs = Le/cmáx *** for electric motor or gear box cmáx. =Maximum effort to cutting (Kg/Cm2) Cs = Safety coefficient in shaft 67127,16 30512,35 2798,79 1,97 Shaft calculation working at a composed tension at the valve outside (Deflection + Torsion or only torsion) tmáx.=(5,093 · Pt)/d^3---- Pt en Kgcm Para motor Cs = Le/tmáx *** Para motor eléctrico o reductor tmáx.=Maximum tension to torsion Cs = Safety coefficient in shaft 1543,66 3,56 C.M.O. Amategui Aldea 142, 20400 Txarama-Tolosa (SPAIN) Phone: +34 943 67 33 99 / Fax: +34 943 67 24 40 / DN 1400 PN 16 GATE VALVE BODY TENSIONS ANALISYS C.M.O. Amategui Aldea 142, 20400 Txarama-Tolosa (SPAIN) Phone: +34 943 67 33 99 / Fax: +34 943 67 24 40 / 1500 X 2000 PENSTOCK GATE POSSIBLE DEFORMATION ANALISYS C.M.O. Amategui Aldea 142, 20400 Txarama-Tolosa (SPAIN) Phone: +34 943 67 33 99 / Fax: +34 943 67 24 40 / Our company supported by its Technical Department has designed and manufactured on past 25 years thousands of units of different products of our range from DN50 to DN3600 (2” to 144”) in Knife Gate Valves, Check and Butterfly Valves, for customers from all around the world. DN 2800 BUTTERFLY VALVE SERIE ME DN 2000 KNIFE GATE VALVE C.M.O. Amategui Aldea 142, 20400 Txarama-Tolosa (SPAIN) Phone: +34 943 67 33 99 / Fax: +34 943 67 24 40 / 3000 X 4000 GATE VALVE FOR DAM 2500 X 2000 TAINTOR TYPE GATE And many Penstocks and similar products for water projects from 100 x 100 to 16800 x 2800, generally we are able to manufacture any dimension as far as transportation is possible, and some times transportation has to be done in different parts and welded on site and up to any water pressure, according to any international Standard BS, AWWA, PN… DN 900 PIPING + BUTTERFLY VALVES 2000 X 2500 RIVER LOCKS C.M.O. Amategui Aldea 142, 20400 Txarama-Tolosa (SPAIN) Phone: +34 943 67 33 99 / Fax: +34 943 67 24 40 / 16800 X 2800 TAINTOR TYPE PENSTOCKS C.M.O. Amategui Aldea 142, 20400 Txarama-Tolosa (SPAIN) Phone: +34 943 67 33 99 / Fax: +34 943 67 24 40 / During the last 25 years, C.M.O. has been involved in many projects in many different areas in Middle east countries, valves and penstocks for many Dams, Water Treatment Plants and Sewage Water Projects, valves for paper industry, oil & gas, silos, cement... If you need any more information about any project please do not hesitate to contact us for more information about project. See below a few references of some of the projects we have done on past few years: Type of Country Customer Year project Name of Project Type of product BAHREIN Fabtech 2008 Water Pumping Station Kife Gate Valves EGYPT El‐Obour Paper EGYPT Islamic for Paper EGYPT Vincci Construction IRAN Urban Logic JORDAN Al Salem JORDAN Al Salem KUWAIT United Paper 2009 Paper ‐ 2012 2011 Paper 2009 Water 2006 Water 2012 Water 2013 Water 2008 Paper Paper Recycling Plant Kinfe Gate Valves Paper Recycling Plant Kinfe Gate Valves Greater Cairo Metro Gate Valves PN25 Doosti Dam Project 2 DN 1800 Fixed Cone Valves Rabi & Tunis Irak Penstocks for WTP Al Khamaliya Irak Penstocks for WTP UPI Plant Kife Gate Valves for Paper Mill Jeddah Pumping Station – Saudi Arabia Nimr WTP – Oman LEBANON Tajj Est. Contracting Water & Trading 2009 Paper Kesrouane Coastal WTP Penstocks and Knife Gate Valves for sewage water plant LEBANON Geobaco Ltd. 2010 Phonex Machinery Egypt Kife Gate Valves for Paper Mill LEBANON Al Salem Co. SARL Rabi & Tunis Penstocks water plant LEBANON Al Salem Co. SARL 2012 Water 2012 Water Al Kamaliya (Irak) Penstocks water plant OMAN Gulf Services & Tools 2011 Water Water Nimr WTP 2 DN1000 Knife gate Valves OMAN Cadagua Darsait WTP Penstocks and Knife Gate Valves for WTP Unknown Project Knife Gate Valves 2012 Water QATAR Anabeeb 2013 C.M.O. Amategui Aldea 142, 20400 Txarama-Tolosa (SPAIN) Phone: +34 943 67 33 99 / Fax: +34 943 67 24 40 / SAUDI ARABIA SAUDI ARABIA Water Al Osais Industrial 2007 Al Khobar Waste Water Treatment Plant Penstocks water plant Damman WTP DN500 Telescopic Valves Water UITC 2008 UAE Fujairah Grain Silos – U.A.E Water Aes Arabia Ltd. 2010 Water AVK Saudi Valves 2012 Econosto Mideast 2008 Water UAE Eagle Electromechanical 2009 Al Dhaid Pumping Station Penstocks Benix‐Sanotec 2013 Water Abu Dhabi Pumping Station Knife gate valves SAUDI ARABIA SAUDI ARABIA UAE UAE Doosti Dam – Iran Pumping Station Check Valves DN600 Jeddah Pumping Station 10 units DN1000 Water project Various Knife Gate Valves for water projects Water Al Kamaliya WTP ‐ Irak Al Dhafra Oil Water Services 2008 Darsait WTP ‐ Oman Penstocks and Knife Gate Valves for Al Ramtha Pumping Station sewage water plant C.M.O. Amategui Aldea 142, 20400 Txarama-Tolosa (SPAIN) Phone: +34 943 67 33 99 / Fax: +34 943 67 24 40 / UAE UAE UAE YEMEN TTV Valves Al Dhafra Oil Services KSB ‐ Fewa National Cement Company 2011 Cereals Water 2008 Water 2002 Cement 2012 Fujairah Grain Reserve Al Reem Pumping Station Fujairah Water & Power Project Greenfield Plant 300 units Knife gate Valves for silos Penstocks and Knife Gate Valves for sewage water plant Butterfly Valves Water Project Knife gate Valves for silos Fujairah Water & Power Project ‐ UAE SOME OTHER PROJECTS AROUND THE WORLD AUSTRALIA AUSTRIA BELIZE BELIZE BULGARIA COLOMBIA COLOMBIA COLOMBIA 2009 2013 2006 2010 2010 2007 2009 2009 Watercorp Dam 4 units DN 800 Knife Gate Valves for sewage water Hydropower St. In Turkey 3 units DN 2600 Butterfly Valves Vaca Dam Project DN 2000 Fixed Cone Valve Vaca Dam Project DN 2000 Fixed Cone Valve Novi Iskar Water Project 30 Knife Gate Valves DN 1200 for sewage water Paraiso Pump Station Knife Gate Valves for Sewage Water Caruquia & Guanaquita Hydro Power Plant Butterfly Valves DN 1500 x 2 Antioquia Waste Water Plant Penstocks and Knife Gate Valves for sewage water plant C.M.O. Amategui Aldea 142, 20400 Txarama-Tolosa (SPAIN) Phone: +34 943 67 33 99 / Fax: +34 943 67 24 40 / COLOMBIA CYPRUS ECUADOR ESTONIA ICELAND 2010 2007 2009 2007 2007 Alto y Bajo Tolúa Hydro Power Plant 2 units DN 1500 Butterfly Valves Nicosia Pumping Station Knife Gate Valves for waste water Guayaquil Water Treatment Plant Penstocks and Knife Gate Valves for sewage water plant Tallin Water Treatment Plant Knife Gate Valves for sewage water plant Hafnarfirdi Treatment Plant Penstocks and Knife Gate Valves for sewage water plant IRELAND LATVIA LATVIA 2010 2008 2007 MACEDONIA MOROCCO NIGERIA PANAMA POLAND PORTUGAL PORTUGAL REUNION ISLAND Dublin WWTP 15 Channel type penstocks different dimensions Riga Sewage Water Tratment Plant Penstocks and Knife Gate Valves for sewage water plant Sarlin Pumping Station Knife Gate Valves for waste water plant 2007 2010 Complete Lisice Dam Project All type of valves for complete Dam Project Veolia Water Plant 2010 2013 2007 2005 2007 2005 Gavi Dam Project Knife Gate Valves for Water DN 1600 (4) ‐ DN 1800 (2) High 3000 x 3000 Pressure penstocks and Fixed Cone Valves DN 600 Hydropower Station 3 DN 2800 Butterfly Valves Sosnowiec Water Project Knife Gate Valves for Water DN 1200 (2) ‐ DN 800 (4) Sabugal Dam DN 700Fixed Cone Valves Porto Water Treatment Plant Penstocks and Knife Gate Valves for sewage water plant Cegelec Water Plant Penstocks and Knife Gate Valves for sewage water plant C.M.O. Amategui Aldea 142, 20400 Txarama-Tolosa (SPAIN) Phone: +34 943 67 33 99 / Fax: +34 943 67 24 40 / ROMANIA SPAIN SPAIN SPAIN SPAIN SPAIN SPAIN 2009 2006 2007 2006 2008 Aktor Project Waste Water Treatment Plant Knife Gate Valves for waste water Baix Llobregat Sewage Treatment Plant Penstocks and Knife Gate Valves for sewage water plant Tenerife Water Treatment Plant Penstocks and Knife Gate Valves for sewage water plant Madrid Sewage Treatment Plant 92503 Penstocks and Knife Gate Valves for sewage water plant Canal Isabel II Water Treatment Plant 2010 2006 Orellana Channel Penstocks and Knife Gate Valves for sewage water plant 36 High Pressure Penstocks 4000 x 4500 – 5000 x 4500 – 3000 x 3600. 6 DN 1400 Butterfly Valves Algar Dam High Pressure Bottom Outlet Penstocks Ibiur Dam Penstocks, Valves and Butterfly Valves Melonares Dam High Pressure and Standard Penstocks and Valves Laberne Dam High Pressure and Standard Penstocks and Valves Valdabra Dam High Pressure and Standard Penstocks and Valves Manzanares River Channel 9 units 16800 x 2800 penstocks for rivel channel SPAIN SPAIN SPAIN SPAIN SPAIN UK USA 2009 2006 2005 2010 2005 2007 2008 Cogmoors Wales Water Project DN 1600 Knife Gate Valve for Sewage Water Milliken Dam Project Knife Gate Valves for dam project C.M.O. Amategui Aldea 142, 20400 Txarama-Tolosa (SPAIN) Phone: +34 943 67 33 99 / Fax: +34 943 67 24 40 / MINING CHILE CHILE CHILE CHILE Codelco Norte – Chuquicamata Minera Escondida Minera Collahuasi Minera Los Pelambres MINERA ESCONDIDA ‐ CHILE CODELCO NORTE ‐ CHUQUICAMATA ‐ CHILE CHILE CHILE CHILE CHILE Codelco Andina Codelco Teniente Compañía Minera del Pacifico Minera Esperanza CHELOPECH GOLD MINE ‐ BULGARIA ASSMANG MANGENESE MINE – SOUTH AFRICA C.M.O. Amategui Aldea 142, 20400 Txarama-Tolosa (SPAIN) Phone: +34 943 67 33 99 / Fax: +34 943 67 24 40 / BULGARIA NORWAY FINLAND KHAZAKHASTAN MOROCCO Chepelopech Mining Sydvaranger Iron Ore Mine Kevitsa Mine Zhezkazgan Complex OCP Mines SAMANCOR CHROME MINE – SOUTH AFRICA IMPALA PLATINUM – SOUTH AFRICA SOUTH AFRICA SOUTH AFRICA SOUTH AFRICA SOUTH AFRICA Samancor Chrome Mine Impala Platinum Xstrata Coal BHP Billiton Manganese MOMA TITANIUM MINE ‐ MOZAMBIQUE CODELCO ANDINA ‐ CHILE MOZAMBIQUE NAMIBIA Moma Titanium Mine Langer Heinrich Uranium C.M.O. Amategui Aldea 142, 20400 Txarama-Tolosa (SPAIN) Phone: +34 943 67 33 99 / Fax: +34 943 67 24 40 / NAMIBIA LESOTHO Rossing Uranium Lestsing Diamonds BIERZO COAL MINES ‐ SPAIN SYDVARANGER IRON ORE MINE ‐ NORWAY BOTSWANA BOTSWANA ZIMBAWE SOUTH AFRICA SOUTH AFRICA SPAIN SPAIN De Beers Diamonds Opapa Diamonds Anglo Platinum Various Gold Mines Anglo Ashanti Voorspood Welkom Gold Riotinto Mines Bierzo Coal Mines NEWMONT ‐ BODDINGTON GOLD MINE, AUSTRALIA NEWMONT ‐ BODDINGTON GOLD MINE, AUSTRALIA C.M.O. Amategui Aldea 142, 20400 Txarama-Tolosa (SPAIN) Phone: +34 943 67 33 99 / Fax: +34 943 67 24 40 / CLOUD BREAK IRON ORE MINE, AUSTRALIA Newmont ‐ Boddington Gold Mine BHP Billiton ‐ Worsley Alumina Refinery FMG ‐ Cloud Break Iron Ore Mine Sandfire Resources ‐ Degrussa Copper Mine Regis Resources ‐ Garden Well & Duketon Gold Mines Anglogold Ashanti – Tropicana Gold Mine NEWMONT ‐ BODDINGTON GOLD MINE, AUSTRALIA AUSTRALIA AUSTRALIA AUSTRALIA AUSTRALIA AUSTRALIA AUSTRALIA NEWCREST‐ GOSOWONG GOLD MINE, INDONESIA TOKA TINDUNG GOLD MINE, INDONESIA C.M.O. Amategui Aldea 142, 20400 Txarama-Tolosa (SPAIN) Phone: +34 943 67 33 99 / Fax: +34 943 67 24 40 / INDONESIA INDONESIA INDONESIA Newcrest – Gosowong Gold Mine Archipelago Resources – Toka Tindung Gold Mine Straits Resources – Mt Muro Gold Mine EGYPT GHANA GHANA CENTAMIN, SUKARI GOLD MINE, EGYPT Centamin‐ Sukari Gold Mine Newmont, Ahafo Gold Mine Newmont, Gold Mine C.M.O. Amategui Aldea 142, 20400 Txarama-Tolosa (SPAIN) Phone: +34 943 67 33 99 / Fax: +34 943 67 24 40 / Biogas Cement Cement Cement OTHER PROJECTS & INDUSTRIES ITALY MEXICO MEXICO MOROCCO Sebigas Project Tepeaca Cement Plant Boyano Cement Plant Ait Baha Cement Plant Knife Gate Valves Dampers Dampers Dampers Ait Baha Cement Plant Morocco Cement Cement Oil / Water Oil / Water Paper Paper Paper Paper Paper Paper Paper Paper Paper Paper Tepeaca Cement Plant Mexico Meftah Cement Plant Dampers Thai Cement Company Dampers Neste Project Gate Valves PN25 Neste Project Gate Valves PN25 National Paper Mill Knife Gate Valves El Obour for Paper Knife Gate Valves Islamic for Paper Industry Knife Gate Valves Celulosas del Arauco Knife Gate Valves Botnia Paper Mill Check Valve UPM Project Knife Gate Valves Andritz Projects Check Valves Fajar Suriya Paper Mill Knife Gate Valves Papelera del Nevado Knife Gate Valves Enpaques Modernos Knife Gate Valves ALGERIE THAILAND SINGAPORE NETHERLANDS EGYPT EGYPT EGYPT CHILE URUGUAY URUGUAY FINLAND INDONESIA MEXICO MEXICO Botnia Paper Mill Uruguay Fajar Surya Paper Mill Indonesia C.M.O. Amategui Aldea 142, 20400 Txarama-Tolosa (SPAIN) Phone: +34 943 67 33 99 / Fax: +34 943 67 24 40 / Paper Paper Paper Paper Paper Paper Power Generation Power Generation Power Generation Power Generation Power Generation KUWAIT FINLAND / URUGUAY CHINA CHINA CHINA CHINA FRANCE FRANCE FRANCE FRANCE FRANCE Air Liquide Shangai Project ‐ Dampers Power Generation FRANCE Power Generation Power Generation Power Generation Power Generation Power Generation MOROCCO INDIA THAILAND RUSSIA RUSSIA United Paper Industries Knife Gate Valves Montes del Plata Mill Nanning Fenghiang Fushun Project Yunjing Project Xiao Project Gec Alsthom Project Stein Industries Air Liquide KM‐Lurgi Air Liquide Japan Project Air Liquide Shangai Project Check Valves Knife Gate Valves Knife Gate Valves Knife Gate Valves Knife Gate Valves Butterfly Valves Dampers Dampers Dampers Dampers Mohammedia Power Plant – Morocco Air Liquide China Steel Project Dampers Knife Gate Valves / Mohammedia Plant Damper National Power Thermal Knife Gate Valves Bayer Thai Project Knife Gate Valves Lukoil Plant Dampers Gazprom Penstocks C.M.O. Amategui Aldea 142, 20400 Txarama-Tolosa (SPAIN) Phone: +34 943 67 33 99 / Fax: +34 943 67 24 40 /