MGT 353: Creativity and Innovation Fall, 2014 Lecturer: Bernhard Schroeder Office : Gateway Center, 1502 Phone: (619) 594-0560 Email: Office Hours: Weds 3-3:45pm and by appointment Location: Gateway Center, 1502 Course meeting time and place: Wednesday, 4:00pm-6:40pm EBA-339 Course Overview: To really understand the how creativity and innovation play such important roles in the development of new products or services and how to develop a powerful company culture. This course is meant to expose you, teach you and immerse you in a new ways of thinking via readings, exercises and assignments in such a way that you are impacted forever. Be prepared to bring it in this challenging and innovative course. Course Learning Outcomes: 1. Learn and be able to explain and utilize creativity and problem solving techniques, team brainstorming processes, and environmental impact on creativity in organizations. 2. Describe the creativity and innovation process, including the innovation value chain, the role of champions, and commercializing an innovation. 3. Explain the process involved in managing creativity or innovation effectively and apply this knowledge to your own/teams creative idea or innovation. 4. Learn several organizational framework tools and practices that facilitate creativity and innovation. 5. Create and utilize case study analysis skills (specifically, identifying critical issues in case studies and applying course material to case studies). Required Texts: The Myths of Innovation, Scott Berkun, O’Reilly Media Thinkertoys: A Handbook of Creative-Thinking Techniques (2nd Edition), Michael Michalko, Ten Speed Press Course Reader: MGT 353 Creativity & Innovation Course Reader (contains three case studies) SDSU Bookstore Schroeder MGT 353 Page 1 Grading Assignments Type Elevator Pitch I Creativity Online Tests I Steve Jobs Paper I Pixar case I Myths of Innov. Papers (3) I Thinker Toys Top 3 I 10 10 30 40 120 40 Litmus case Cirque du Soleil case Observation Lab Team Paper/Presentation 50 50 50 100 G G G G Total Points (I = Individual, G= Group) 500 Take Creativity Tests Schroeder MGT 353 Page 2 Assignments and Format For all of the following, please use 11 point Ariel font, double-spaced. Individual - Myths of Innovation Papers (3): Answer the questions completely (see questions in Blackboard) - Thinker Toys: 3-4 pages on top three learnings from this book - Pixar Case Paper: 2-3 pages on top three learning’s from the case (see Course Reader) - Steve Jobs Paper: Innovative or Creative? 3-4 pages, make and defend your point of view with examples and research. Group - Litmus Case Paper (Group): 5-7 pages, provide simple summary of problem, answer the questions, provide your point of view o Read the case. Answer the questions and provide your point of view as regards a potential solution. o What is the overall problem? o How can the manager motivate Grady to complete the project? o What can he learn from Grady’s logs? o What is a potential solution? - Cirque du Soleil Case Paper Group): 7-10 pages, read the case and answer the questions; assume time period is 1980’s to present. o How would you assess the attractiveness of the circus industry in the mid 1980’s? o Would you encourage a newcomer to enter this marketplace? o Use Porters Five Forces model, analyze the industry and create a summary table looking at big league and little league markets. o What were the factors the traditional circus companies competed on? o What do you like or dislike about the traditional circus? o Using Blue Ocean Strategy, and considering Cirque du Soleil today, what elements of the circus were kept? Which ones were downplayed and which ones were played up? o Which elements were totally eliminated? Which elements were newly created? o How did Cirque du Soleil grow the industry, increase revenues and increase profits? - Observation Lab: 7-8 pages on lessons learned (possible improvements, enhancements, problem solving, creativity, etc.) from observing customer transactions, store environments, mall patterns, people patterns, customer services, sales, etc. Final Team Project Paper: 9-10 page paper on an idea, problem and solution, opportunity which has clear definition, marketplace research, competitive analysis, creativity and innovation tools used, and recommended solution. Final Team Project Presentation: 10 minute presentation, whole team is involved, cannot use PowerPoint or Prezzi…be creative and innovative… - Schroeder MGT 353 Page 3 Class Date Topic Reading/Homework Assignment August 27, 2014 Orientation, review course Chapter 1, Thinker Toys September 3, 2014 Power of teams, IDEO video Ten Faces of Innovation Chapter 1, 2, 3, Myths of Innovation Self assessment tests September 10, 2014 Pitch an Idea, (creativity videos) Chapter 2, Thinker Toys, Myths Chap.1, 2,3 paper due Self assessment tests due September 17, 2014 Guest speaker, environment, culture Chapter , 3 Thinker Toys, Pixar Case September 24, 2014 Brainstorming, brainstorm videos (2) Chapters 4,5,6 Myths of Innovation, Ind. Pixar Case due October 1, 2014 Creativity & Problem solving Chap. 4 & 9 Thinker Toys, Myths 4,5,6 paper due October 8, 2014 Tedx video, Creativity grid Chap 7,8,9, 10 Myths of Innovation, Litmus Case October 15, 2014 Group ideas pitch Chapter 8 Thinker Toys, Myths Chap 7-10 paper due October 22, 2014 Finalize group ideas, Porters five forces Group Case Litmus Paper Due October 29, 2014 Guest Speaker, exercise Cirque du Soliel Case (Group), Myths Chap. 11-14 read November 5, 2014 Innovation vs Creativity discussion Steve Jobs, Innovative or Creative? (Ind) November 12, 2014 Blue Ocean strategy, Tedx Video Cirque du Soliel case paper due (group) November 19, 2014 Creativity vs Innovation, Jobs paper, video Steve Jobs paper due (Ind) November 26, 2014 Video, Myths of innovation Schroeder MGT 353 Thniker Toys 3 learnings due (I), Observation Lab (G) due Page 4 December 3, 2014 Team Presentations No Powerpoint December 10, 2014 Team Presentations No PowerPoint Team papers due ( 10-12 pages) Schroeder MGT 353 Page 5