SBR PROGRAM SELF-CERTIFICATION TESTING GUIDE Purpose: This document provides advice to SBR Agencies and Software Developers on SBR testing and self-certification of SBR-enabled software. SBR Program Director: Paul Madden Date: 21 October 2009 Contact: For further information or questions, contact the SBR Program Office at or call +61 2 6263 3900 Standard Business Reporting Program SBR Self-Certification Testing Guide DOCUMENT CHANGE CONTROL Version number Date of issue Author(s) Brief description of change 0.2 25 September 2009 SBR Program Released for comment 1.0 21 October 2009 SBR Program Final DOCUMENT APPROVALS Contact Name Position Phone No. SBR SBR Program Office +61 2 6263 3900 Name Title Date Greg Divall SBR Program Manager 21 October 2009 This document was approved by: Version: 1.0 Page 2 Standard Business Reporting Program SBR Self-Certification Testing Guide COPYRIGHT © Commonwealth of Australia 2009 This work is copyright. You may download, display, print and reproduce this material in unaltered form only (retaining this notice) for your personal, non-commercial use or use within your organisation. Apart from any use as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, all other rights are reserved. Requests and inquiries concerning reproduction and rights should be posted at the Commonwealth Copyright Administration website or addressed to: Commonwealth Copyright Administration Attorney-General’s Department 3-5 National Circuit Barton ACT 2600 Australia Version: 1.0 Page 3 Standard Business Reporting Program SBR Self-Certification Testing Guide TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................. 5 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. 1.4. 1.5. Purpose ..........................................................................................................................................5 Audience ........................................................................................................................................5 Document Context..........................................................................................................................5 Document Scope............................................................................................................................6 Terminology....................................................................................................................................6 2. CONFORMANCE TESTING FRAMEWORK.............................................................................. 7 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. 2.4. 2.5. 2.6. 2.7. Self-Certification Model ..................................................................................................................7 Conformance Testing Workflow .....................................................................................................7 Testing Landscape .........................................................................................................................8 Test Service URLs .........................................................................................................................9 Testing Phases...............................................................................................................................9 Entry and Exit Criteria ................................................................................................................. 10 Regression Testing ..................................................................................................................... 10 3. TEST DATA MANAGEMENT .............................................................................................. 11 3.1. 3.2. 3.3. 3.4. 3.5. Requirements .............................................................................................................................. 11 Business Profile Types................................................................................................................ 11 Business Profile MetaData — SBR Level ................................................................................... 12 Business Profile MetaData — Agency Level .............................................................................. 12 Test Credentials .......................................................................................................................... 13 4. WEB SERVICE CONFORMANCE TESTING .......................................................................... 14 TAXONOMY CONFORMANCE TESTING ........................................................................................ 15 4.1. 4.2. 4.3. Test Case Selection .................................................................................................................... 15 Test Case Execution ................................................................................................................... 16 Test Case Template .................................................................................................................... 16 Version: 1.0 Page 4 Standard Business Reporting Program 1. SBR Self-Certification Testing Guide INTRODUCTION 1.1. PURPOSE The purpose of this document is to provide information that will assist software developers to complete SBR conformance testing of their products. 1.2. AUDIENCE The audience for this document is any organisation that will be extending their software to make it SBR-enabled. Typically, this will be software application developers. Readers should be familiar with the following: • SBR Program – please see for further information. • XBRL – please see for further information. • Web Services – please see for further information. 1.3. DOCUMENT CONTEXT Figure 1 - SBR Product Map SBR Solution Overview Web Service Implementation Guide Taxonomy Architecture Message Implementation Guide SBDM.xsd Definitions Message Business Interactions Message structure Implementation Guide Validation Rules Exceptions WSDL Reports (One per report) SBR XBRL taxonomy SBR Web Services Security & Messaging Test Cases SBR Test Profiles SBR Test Credentials Web Service Conformance Testing Version: 1.0 Self-Certification Testing Guide Registration & certification Test landscape Test data & credentials Test case template Test Data Report Test Data Report Test Cases Test Cases Taxonomy Conformance Testing Page 5 Standard Business Reporting Program SBR Self-Certification Testing Guide The documents and schema shown in Figure 1 are available from the SBR website. Software developers should: • Use the Web Services Implementation Guide (WIG) and the supporting WSDL to build basic SBR security and messaging capability. The web service implementation is independent of any specific report. Conformance with SBR web services can be assessed at this stage. • Use the relevant Message Implementation Guide (MIG) and supporting XBRL reporting Taxonomy to implement each report that will be supported by the software product. Each MIG has an associated conformance test suite that is used by the software developer for self-certification. 1.4. DOCUMENT SCOPE • Section 2 describes the software developer self-certification framework. The framework includes the certification process workflow, the testing landscape, support procedures, and change management (re-certification). • Section 3 defines the test data management framework. Test data includes a library of ‘Business Profiles’ together with test credentials that are available for software developer use and are supported by SBR Agencies. • Section 4 describes the SBR Web Service conformance testing suite. This set of tests needs to be run only once by any software developer. • Section 5 describes the Taxonomy conformance testing framework. There is one conformance test suite per Agency report (or related set of reports). One test suite will comprise several test cases. Test cases are versioned to support new versions of the corresponding reporting Taxonomy. 1.5. TERMINOLOGY For definition of the terminology and acronyms used within this document, please refer to the glossary on the SBR website. Version: 1.0 Page 6 Standard Business Reporting Program 2. SBR Self-Certification Testing Guide CONFORMANCE TESTING FRAMEWORK Both SBR Agencies and software developers seek confidence that SBR enabled products will lodge valid reports with government. Accordingly, the SBR Program has established a conformance testing framework for software developers. 2.1. SELF-CERTIFICATION MODEL The SBR approach to software product certification follows a self-certification model. Each software developer is required to complete a suite of conformance tests and to maintain records of successful tests for audit purposes. Products that have declared conformance will be listed on the SBR website. The SBR certification approach is based on the current ATO process for software developer certification. It firstly establishes the minimum criteria that the software must meet, and then requires the software developer to declare that they have achieved the required testing results. The results are not reviewed by Government or by a third party, so the declaration is a self-certification of compliance, with no implied approval or endorsement by the SBR Program or any Government Agency. However, on a risk basis, the SBR Program will undertake a targeted compliance audit of software developer’s adherence to the agreed processes. 2.2. CONFORMANCE TESTING WORKFLOW The conformance testing workflow is shown in Figure 2 below. SBR Program Software Developer Agency Figure 2: Self-certification Process The key points are: • For each report in scope for SBR, Agencies will load conformance test cases and test data to the SBR Website. • XBRL Taxonomies and other SDK components will be uploaded to the SBR website as part of the SBR Taxonomy release process. • Software developers register with the SBR Program to get test company profiles, to obtain access to their own secure area, and to download content (including test specifications and scenarios). Version: 1.0 Page 7 Standard Business Reporting Program SBR Self-Certification Testing Guide • Support will be available to software developers through the SBR service support model. The initial contact will be through the SBR channel service desk, which as required refers the matter to level 2 and 3 resolver groups or level 2 Agency support. • A test gateway will be established and maintained for continuous and concurrent use by software developers. All conformance tests are performed via the SBR test gateway. Software developers should keep the testing results for audit purposes. • Conformance testing at the SBR web service level can be performed independently from any report specific conformance testing. • Conformance testing at the Taxonomy level is performed on a report by report basis. Each report is supported by a conformance test suite that includes test data and several test cases. • Software developers declare successful conformance tests to the SBR Program. SBR maintains a list of software products and the SBR reports for which the product has successfully completed conformance testing. • New versions of SBR reporting taxonomies require software developers to complete regression tests. Updated taxonomies, test data and test cases are published with each version update. • Software developers should communicate conformance claims to SBR for each version of their product that is released to market. However, SBR recognises that software products may have frequent releases and that not every release includes changes to SBR interfaces. Accordingly, it is the responsibility of the software developer to assess (and be prepared to substantiate) whether regression testing against SBR conformance test suites is necessary. 2.3. TESTING LANDSCAPE The physical landscape for conformance testing is shown in Figure 3 below. Figure 3 - Testing Landscape Version: 1.0 Page 8 Standard Business Reporting Program SBR Self-Certification Testing Guide The key points are: • Each SBR report (or related set of reports) is supported by a MIG. Each MIG will be supported by one ‘Conformance Test Suite’ document. • Each conformance test suite will reference multiple test cases. • A test case will use one or more test business profiles. • Each test business profile includes one or more test security credentials. • Test messages are authenticated via the test Vanguard STS (Secure Token Server). • Test messages are sent to Agency test systems via the SBR Core Services test gateway. • Agencies define the conformance criteria for each test case and provide suitable test interfaces. • Agency test interfaces are generally ‘idempotent’ (calling the same interface twice with the same data delivers the same result). This allows multiple independent software developers to execute the same test cases at the same time. However, some test interfaces will not be idempotent and SWD should refer to the relevant conformance test suite documentation for instructions on how to avoid clashes: – In some cases, software developers may be required to call a rollback transaction prior to testing the ‘lodge’ service. In such cases, the test case will specify how to call the rollback. – In other cases, Agencies may offer a daily refresh of test data and so SWD will need to either use dedicated ABNs or request a reserved timeslot for testing. • 2.4. TEST SERVICE URLS The SBR software developer test web service URLs are: Service URL List PreFill PreLodge Lodge SBR web services should be invoked in accordance with the specifications defined in the Web Service Implementation Guide (WIG). 2.5. TESTING PHASES Certification testing can be divided into two phases. • Web-service conformance testing confirms that: – Client software conforms to SBR security and messaging protocols as defined in the Web Service Implementation Guide. This includes both the WS-Trust request to the STS and the WS-Security request to SBR Core Services; – Client software has correctly implemented support for the standard message header that drives the routing of messages to the appropriate Agency service ; – Client software correctly handles SOAP Faults that may be generated by SBR Core Services or Agency systems. Version: 1.0 Page 9 Standard Business Reporting Program • SBR Self-Certification Testing Guide Taxonomy conformance testing confirms that: – Client software can create valid XBRL business messages that meet validation rules in the XBRL Taxonomy and any Schematron rules. – Client software correctly implements business rules defined in the corresponding MIG (Message Implementation Guide); – Agency response data is correctly handled in accordance with the MIG. – Business exceptions returned in the standard <Message.Event> header are correctly handled by client software. 2.6. ENTRY AND EXIT CRITERIA Entry Criteria for web service conformance testing: • Software developer has registered with SBR for conformance testing. Entry criteria for Taxonomy conformance testing: • Web service conformance testing has been successfully completed. • Software developers have mapped their products. Exit criteria for Taxonomy conformance testing: • All test cases in the selected conformance test suite have been successfully completed. If performing a regression test after release of a new MIG then only changed test cases need be re-run. • Test results have been stored for possible audit by SBR. • Conformance claims have been communicated to SBR. 2.7. REGRESSION TESTING Taxonomy Version Changes When a new version of a reporting Taxonomy is released, there may be a requirement for regression testing by software developers. Depending on the scope of the change, not all test cases in a test suite may be impacted. Each test case has a unique identifier of the form: CONF-[Agency]-[SuiteName]-[TestCaseNumber]-[Version] — for example: CONF-ATO-AS-001.01 In order to claim conformance against the latest release of any reporting Taxonomy, software vendors should complete conformance testing using the test cases listed in the relevant conformance test suite. Software Product Version Changes SBR maintains software developer conformance claims by major version of each software developer product. For each major version release of software developer product, regression testing should be completed and results kept for audit purposes. Software developers should present conformance claims to SBR for each major product version. For each minor version, software developers need to confirm that the release does not affect the SBR interfaces. Version: 1.0 Page 10 Standard Business Reporting Program 3. SBR Self-Certification Testing Guide TEST DATA MANAGEMENT 3.1. REQUIREMENTS The SBR Program provides test ‘Business Profiles’ that can be used by software developers for conformance testing with SBR Agencies. Each business profile is represented by an ABN. The following requirements apply to the test profiles: 1. The ABN’s should not represent real businesses that exist in production systems — to eliminate the risk of a ‘test’ being sent to a production system and being recorded as a real lodgement. 2. The ABN’s should still be valid ABNs issued by the Australian Business Register. 3. A software developer should be able to use the same profile for testing with multiple SBR Agencies and reports. Therefore the issuing and management of test ABNs is managed at SBR Program level. 4. Each ABN will include a valid ‘admin’ credential and optionally several ‘user’ and ‘device’ credentials. 5. Agencies will configure their systems in readiness to receive test transactions from these test ABNs. In essence, each Agency will complete a registration process for each test ABN that they will support. 6. In addition to the ABN, each profile includes key registration data such as registered name, trading name, entity type, and registered address. 7. Agencies may specify additional Agency specific registration data for a specific profile ABN (for example, an ACN or State Revenue Office customer ID). In such cases, the Agency conformance test suite will define any supplementary profile data. 8. Every conformance test case must use one or more of the centrally managed test Business profiles. 9. The available test profiles will reflect real world variations in business type — from sole traders to large enterprises. Agencies will need to know which ABNs to support in their test systems (for example, sole trader types without employees will not need State Revenue Office systems to be setup for payroll tax). 10. The test data framework should be easy to use by software developers. 3.2. BUSINESS PROFILE TYPES There are five broad business profile types: Type Description SOLE Sole Trader SME Small Business with a few employees PTYLTD Proprietary Limited Company ENT Large Enterprise / Public Listed Company INTER Intermediary Version: 1.0 Page 11 Standard Business Reporting Program SBR Self-Certification Testing Guide In order to support more fine grained differences between test business profiles (for example, grouped verses non-grouped) there will be many instances of each profile type and each profile is uniquely identified with an ID of the form: [Type]-[Number] for example: PTYLTD-01 The list of test profiles with supporting registration data and credentials is maintained on the SBR website. 3.3. BUSINESS PROFILE METADATA — SBR LEVEL Each test business profile will include a set of common data elements defined by the SBR Program. The data includes: • Business Reference Data: Key registration data that will be setup consistently in all Agency systems that will support the profile. • Authorised Roles: Key individuals and their related credential references that will match Agency authorisation configuration. An example test business profile is provided below. The complete list of profiles is available from the SBR website. Additional profiles may be created as required to support Agency test cases. Profile ID PTYLTD-01 Description ACME is a privately held construction company specialising in prefabricated buildings. ACME has 500 employees across all states and territories. Annual revenue is $250 Million and approximately $70 Million in total annual payroll. ACME has two subsidiary companies, one that manufactures the prefabricated structures and one that is a spare parts distribution company Business Reference Data Data Element Taxonomy Reference(s) Value Australian Private Company Entity Type ABN pyid: Identifiers.AustralianBusinessNumber.Identifier 34123456789 ACN pyid: Identifiers.AustralianCompanyNumber.Identifier 123456789 Registered Name pyde:OrganisationNameDetails.OrganisationalName.Text ACME Construction Pty Ltd Trading Name pyde:OrganisationNameDetails.OrganisationalName.Text ACME Construction Registered Address pyde.AddressDetails 10 George Street, Paramatta, Sydney, NSW 2150 Authorised Roles Name Role Credential Ref John Smith CFO PTYLTD-01-A Sally Brown Payroll Admin PTYLTD-01-B Steven Black Accountant, Slick Accounts Pty Ltd INTER-01-A 3.4. BUSINESS PROFILE METADATA — AGENCY LEVEL In addition to common data elements and roles, Agencies may attach further data to any profile as necessary for Agency test cases. This additional Agency specific data is defined at the level of the relevant conformance test suite (and will apply for all test cases within the test suite). Version: 1.0 Page 12 Standard Business Reporting Program SBR Self-Certification Testing Guide 3.5. TEST CREDENTIALS Each profile will have at least one associated security credential. In some cases, multiple security credentials may be associated with one profile (reflecting the various delegated authorities within the business). Some profiles will also have device credentials for use by SaaS (Software as a Service) or client / server software system testing. Each SBR credential carries a set of related meta-data that is maintained in the Security Token Server and is returned in the encrypted SAML Token that is forwarded to Agencies (see the SBR Web Services Implementation Guide for further details on the security implementation). An example credential data set is provided in the table below. The full set of SBR test credentials are available from the SBR website. Table 1: Table 1: Sample of credential data Test Credential ID PTYLTD-01-A CLAIM URI Value 34123456789 John Smith ABR_User SBR34123456789.0000 01 000001 John Smith au strator 1 Credentials are provided in pre-loaded SBR keystores. The keystore passwords will be provided and SWDs will be expected to use the keystore API to extract and use relevant credentials. The SBR program provides a ‘reference client’ to assist with keystore interactions. Version: 1.0 Page 13 Standard Business Reporting Program 4. SBR Self-Certification Testing Guide WEB SERVICE CONFORMANCE TESTING SBR Web Service conformance tests are independent of any Agency specific report. The goal of web service testing is to support software developers through the correct implementation of SBR security and SOAP messaging standards. The table below provides a summary list of the SBR web service conformance test cases. The reference specification for Web Service conformance testing is the SBR Web Service Implementation Guide (WIG). There is one positive conformance test case which performs a simple message exchange with all four SBR web services using the <Message.Ping> services defined in the Web Services Implementation Guide. The remaining test cases exercise various error conditions that will generate SOAP faults. These test cases are designed to confirm correct handling of each error condition. Table 2: Table 2: SBR Web Service Conformance Test Cases Test Case ID CONF-SBR-WS-00 Type POS CONF-SBR-WS-01 NEG CONF-SBRWS-02 NEG CONF-SBRWS-03 NEG CONF-SBRWS-04 NEG CONF-SBRWS-05 NEG CONF-SBRWS-06 NEG CONF-SBRWS-07 NEG CONF-SBRWS-08 NEG To confirm correct behaviour in the event of various Agency transport problems: 1- No connection to Agency 2- Http error from Agency 3- Agency timeout 4- Agency system unavailable CONF-SBRWS-09 NEG To confirm correct behaviour in the event of various Agency system errors: 1 - Malformed XML returned from Agency 2 - Invalid (against SBDM Schema) response returned by Agency 3 - General fault from Agency 4 - Invalid signature on Agency response Version: 1.0 Test Objective To confirm conformance with SBR Security & messaging specifications. To confirm correct fault handling of Invalid XML error from Core Service Platform. To confirm correct fault handling when too many XBRL documents or binary attachments are sent in one message. To confirm correct fault handling when document (xbrl or binary) exceeds size limit. To confirm correct fault handling when Agency or service requested is unknown. To confirm correct fault handling when no security token is included in the request. To confirm correct fault handling when a signature fails validation or the security token fails decryption. To confirm correct fault handling when an invalid security token is included in the request. Invalid means: 1- token not for SBR 2- token expired 3- missing mandatory claims 4- certs for token and SBDM don’t match Page 14 Standard Business Reporting Program Test Case ID CONF-SBRWS-10 Type NEG SBR Self-Certification Testing Guide Test Objective To confirm correct behaviour in the event of various core service internal errors: 1 - Malformed XML encountered within core (as distinct from Malformed XML received from business) 2 - A general unhandled error occurred in Core 3 - A configuration error in core 4 - Core could not retrieve a unique ID for the request The Web Service conformance test suite document describes the Web Service conformance testing environment and provides links to each detailed test case. Once software developers have completed the test cases, a conformance claim can be provided to SBR and the relevant software product will be listed on the SBR website. TAXONOMY CONFORMANCE TESTING Taxonomy conformance tests are Agency and report specific. Similar reports (for example, different types of ATO Activity Statement or PAYG summaries) will typically be grouped together into one conformance test suite. The goal of Taxonomy conformance testing is to minimise the risk that a business user submits an invalid report to SBR. Accordingly, SBR Agencies will select a set of conformance test cases that adequately exercise the validation business rules in place within Agency systems. To claim conformance for a particular report (for example, Activity Statement), software developers must successfully complete all conformance test cases within the relevant conformance test suite. 4.1. TEST CASE SELECTION The SBR website maintains a matrix (spreadsheet) that lists all available conformance test cases, grouped by test suite. The matrix shows which test business profiles are used by each test case. This spreadsheet allows software developers to gain a quick overview of: • Which report test suites are available and the number of test cases for each. • The business profiles that the software developer needs to implement in order to support the selected test suites. The spreadsheet is the entry point for software developers to assess which test suites to complete and to locate the relevant test cases and test profiles. The table below shows a conceptual sample of the test case matrix. Version: 1.0 Page 15 Standard Business Reporting Program SBR Self-Certification Testing Guide Table 3: Conformance Suite INTER-02 INTER-01 ENT-02 ENT-01 PTYLTD-03 PTYLTD-02 PTYLTD-01 x SME-04 x SME-03 FR x SME-02 ASIC x SME-01 AS-01.01 AS-01.02 AS-02.01 AS-03.01 AS-04.01 AS-05.01 etc… FR-01.01 FR-01.02 FR-01.03 FR-01.04 FR-01.05 FR-01.06 SOLE-03 Test Case AS SOLE-02 Report ATO Business Profiles SOLE-01 Agency Table 3: Test Case Matrix x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 4.2. TEST CASE EXECUTION SBR Agencies will normally publish conformance test suites shortly after release of the corresponding XBRL reporting Taxonomy and MIG (Message Implementation Guide). It is important to emphasise that the published conformance test suites represent the minimum set of tests that provide adequate confidence in the ability of the software product to produce valid lodgements. In consultation with SBR, software developers may wish to derive further test cases from the MIG as necessary to meet their own quality standards. Every software product is different and SBR makes no assumptions about the behaviour of the product user interface. Accordingly, SBR conformance test cases are written to exercise the observable behaviour of the SBR interface and do not contain any reference to user actions via the software product user interface. Each test case defines the required test data, the test execution steps, and the conformance criteria. Software developers must complete all steps in the test case and maintain records as evidence that the specified conformance criteria have been met. All conformance test cases together with test data are available from the SBR website. 4.3. TEST CASE TEMPLATE A sample test case is provided in the table below. Version: 1.0 Page 16 Standard Business Reporting Program SBR Self-Certification Testing Guide Table 4: Table 4: Test Case Sample Test Case ID CONF-ATO-AS-001.01 Conformance Suite ID ATO-AS Purpose To confirm that Activity Statement PAYG-Withholding obligation data is correctly populated when required by the business profile. Message Implementation Guide(s) ctivity_Statement_MIG.pdf Business Profile(s) Required PTYLTD-01 Credential(s) Required PTYLTD-01-A Test Case Parameters ContextID Context Values (Entity, Segment, Period, Dimensions) C001 Entity = (PTYLTD-01 profile ABN) Period = 2008-07-01 to 2009-06-30 ReportPartyTypeDimension = ‘ReportingParty’ Data Element Context ID Value pyde.02.02:OrganisationDetails.OrganisationBranc h.Code C001 01 pyin.02.02:BusinessDocument.GovernmentGenerat edIdentifier.Text C001 <DIN> Etc.. Test Case Execution Step Description Conformance Criteria 1 Call prefill service URL with valid as.001.prefill.request structure containing the DIN provided. as.001.prefill.response received containing PAYG-W elements. This XBRL instance is a template for a valid lodgement. 2 Populate the data elements in the prelodge response in accordance with the activity statement MIG. N/A 3 Call prelodge service URL with valid as.001.prelodge.request structure Successful (criteria?) as.001.prelodge.response received. 4 Save all request response envelopes together with this completed test case for audit purposes. Result OK OK OK Reporting Taxonomy Versions and Test Instance Data Prefill request -as-001/prefill.request.02.00.xml Prefill response <sample> Prelodge request <sample> Prelodge response <sample> Version: 1.0 Page 17 Standard Business Reporting Program SBR Self-Certification Testing Guide The key points are: • The test case ID carries a version number. Software developers should refer to the conformance test suite document to determine which test case versions should be performed. • Each test case identifies the test suite of which it is a part. Testers should download the test suite document and ensure that any instructions or profile data defined at test suite level are understood and implemented. • Each test case has a specific purpose. • Each test case lists the identifiers of the business profiles and test credentials that are required. Some test cases may use multiple profiles or credentials. • Each test case specifies the required values for any specific parameters. The parameters will normally be specific values for XBRL Taxonomy elements. Accordingly the fully qualified XBRL data element names are used in order to avoid ambiguity. • Parameters include XBRL context information. • Test case execution steps and conformance criteria are written from the perspective of the data interface (‘provide these values in the request and you should expect to get this response’..). • Every test case lists the specific URLs for the XBRL Taxonomy entry point schema that describe each message involved in the test case. • Every test case provides reference XBRL instance data sets for each request/response interaction in the test case. It is not expected that the software developer will use these directly because the normal scenario is that the request envelopes are generated from data in the software application. However, the reference envelopes can be used to help software developers during testing because they contain test case specific data that would generate a successful test result. The test case reference envelopes are published to the SBR website at:[agency]/[suite]/[testcase]/[envelopename].xml for exmple: Version: 1.0 Page 18