E-news Page 1 of 10 E-news Issue 29 - 18 September 2014 PRINCIPAL The Next Step 2014 Report on the destinations of Year 12 completers from 2013 was released to the school in September. It was conducted between March and June this year by the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority. Out of a possible 95 students in 2013, St Margaret's had an 88.4% response rate with 84 respondents. In 2014, 77.4 per cent of students who completed Year 12 at St Margaret's Anglican Girls School in 2013 continued in some recognised form of education and training in the year after they left school. The most common study destination was Bachelor Degree (70.2 per cent). The combined VET study destinations accounted for 7.1 per cent of respondents, all of which were in campus-based VET programs, with 3.6 per cent of Year 12 completers entering programs at Certificate IV level or higher. In addition to the above study destinations, a further 21.4 per cent of respondents from St Margaret’s deferred a tertiary offer in 2014. 22.6 per cent did not enter post-school education or training, and were either employed (16.7 per cent), seeking work (4.8 per cent) or not in the labour force, education or training (1.2 per cent). Most students in tertiary study are attending the University of Queensland and QUT and those who are not studying wanted a break from study, or had sports commitments which they wished to pursue. It has been a very busy term and I hope the girls and staff enjoy a very restful, happy and safe holiday with their families. Congratulations to: Edwina Whyte (Year 9) who participated in the International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS) WRITING test and achieved the top score in Year 9 for Queensland. Amelia Simpson (Year 6) who also participated in ICAS ENGLISH test and achieved the top score in Year 6 in Queensland. Both Edwina and Amelia are now eligible for the University of New South Wales Medal. Rhiannon Proper (Year 8) who has been selected as one of six national finalists in the Girlfriend Model Search. Her place as a finalist has already won Rhiannon a two year contract with Chic Management. Ros Curtis Principal DEPUTY PRINCIPAL The Power of Silence As the girls come to the end of another busy term and embrace their free time with enthusiasm, I would like to take a moment to reflect on the importance of silence. In today’s world this is a rare commodity indeed. Parents long for it and adolescents shy away from it. It is so seldom that we can take a while to enjoy a moment in this bustling world, and yet it is so important that we do. All too often we have the TV blaring in the background, our children reach for the radio/CD/Ipad the minute they climb into the car and of course, the incessant bleeps, pings, rings and chirps that emanate from our phones and computers reminding us that we are on call 24/7. Is it any wonder that they, and we, are frazzled at the end of the day – only to have sleep interrupted by vibrations and buzzes from our ‘silenced’ technology? We seem to feel constantly the need to be in touch, to be stimulated and engaged mentally. It would be wonderful if during the holidays our daughters could take 5 minutes every day to immerse themselves in silence – no music, no phone, no computer. Understandably this may be uncomfortable for them and would require a certain amount of willpower. Susan Leigh of Lifestyle Therapy, understands that this can be difficult. She says, ‘Silence requires us to become more confident, confident in our ability to be quiet and still, to find an inner peace that can enable us to sit and enjoy the silence. Being confident and at one with ourselves means that we can enjoy being on our own or in company and not need to fidget and be constantly active or occupied. It is enough to just be there, in a relaxed, comfortable state of mind’. For those who cannot bear the thought of doing nothing for a few minutes they could fill this time with silent prayer, learn to meditate or read a passage that requires some contemplation. Embracing silence and being comfortable with one’s own company can be a wonderful way to reduce stress at the same time as being very therapeutic. The Dalai Lama states, ‘Sometimes silence is the best answer’. Wishing you a blessed and peaceful holiday. References: www.lifestyletherapy.net/the-importance-of-silence/ www.habitsforwellbeing.com/quotes/20-wise-quotes-from-the-dalai-lama-xiv http://www.stmargarets.qld.edu.au/Pages/E-news.aspx 8/10/2014 E-news Page 2 of 10 Kim Cohen Deputy Principal CHAPLAIN Pet Blessing and Teddy Bears’ Picnic! All pets and their owners are invited to come along to Churchill Lawn on 12 October for fun, games, face painting and a teddy bears’ picnic. Bring a blanket, all the family, and don’t forget to dress up your pet and teddy bear for some novelty prizes! The afternoon will begin from 4pm with the Blessing Service starting from 4:45pm. Women’s Retreat – a time to simply ‘be’…. In 2015 plans are underway to facilitate a women’s retreat, open to any women in the communities of both St Margaret’s and St Aidan’s. The retreat could be offered in a few ways, from a week day to weekend, from day only to overnight, from staying ‘local’ to venturing further afield, if numbers permit, to a retreat centre. I’d love to hear from you if you are at all interested! Please email me: ncolledge@stmargarets.qld.edu.au or call 3862 0716. Year 12 Quiet Day Yesterday the Year 12 girls were able to spend the day in activities and quiet contemplation that encouraged a sense of personal peace and the chance to reflect on their years at St Margaret’s. Sessions were held in the School Chapel, the Sisters’ Chapel, the Labyrinth and the old cottage to enable a sense of connectivity with the legacy of the Sisters and also the chance to share the various sacred spaces together. Morning tea was shared picnic style with the Sisters at their home in Petrie St. Reflection God who meets us in the shadows and in the light, enliven our spirits to seek your face in the lives of those around us. Grant us a sense of purpose and courage to be bold in this world, a sense of compassion and kindness to be of service to the world. Build within us all a light that comes from you, a light that shows us the way, a light that enables the journeys of others. Through your Son’s name, Amen. With every blessing on you and your week ahead, The Reverend Nicki Colledge Chaplain and Head of Religious and Values Education BOARDING Last Thursday evening we had the pleasure of attending the Yalari Gala Dinner at the Convention Centre. Yalari is a not-for-profit organisation that offers quality, secondary education scholarships at Australia’s leading boarding schools for indigenous children. Yalari’s mission is to educate and empower indigenous children from regional, rural and remote communities to bring about generational change. St Margaret’s has been involved in the Yalari program for the past 5 years and we have witnessed the change and growth of the girls that have been able to attend St Margaret’s. Taneale Lawton (Year 12) and Jondayah Martin (Year 9) were the Masters of Ceremony for the evening and entertained and enthralled the audience. In front of almost 800 guests, these two young women represented their school in an outstanding manner. Shaquille, Rachyl, Jadalyn, Jazleen, Kia, Monique, Brianna, Raelene, Racey, Kealy, Johanna and Rhiannon also played an important part in the evening by starting the dinner with a dance. In addition, Brianna, Kia, Jondayah and Johanna sang “Imagine”. The girls shone on the evening and were a credit to St Margaret’s. We hope you all enjoy the break with your daughters over the holidays. An important reminder: Term 4 Closed Weekend is the first weekend of term – 10/11/12 October. Please be advised that no leave will be permitted on the closed weekend. Sandra Johnston Pastoral Care Coordinator DEAN OF ACADEMICS Academic Pockets for Year 7 The Year 7 Academic Pockets have been reviewed taking into account the number of lessons allocated to each subject per week. Subjects which have more lessons have been weighted more heavily. As a result, the following students are to be congratulated for achieving either a half or full pocket. These were presented to them at Year Level Assembly this week. Full Pocket Sofiah Beach Half Pocket Amelia Stapley Rose Biddulph Amira Ryan Megan Roxburgh English and Writing ICAS Certificates Approximately 30 students participated in the 2014 English and Writing ICAS (International Competitions and Assessments for Schools) tests. They are commended for their commitment in participating in these assessments. Those students who received Participation, Credit or Merit certificates were presented with them in their form classes or year level assemblies. Students who were awarded a Distinction or High Distinction will be presented with http://www.stmargarets.qld.edu.au/Pages/E-news.aspx 8/10/2014 E-news Page 3 of 10 their certificate on the Whole School Assembly in the first week of Term 4. It is extremely difficult for students to achieve at this level on assessments of this magnitude. Special mention should be made of Edwina Whyte in Year 9 who was awarded the top score for Year 9 in Queensland in the writing test. This is a wonderful achievement. Year 7 Sofiah Beach Distinction (Writing and English) Emily Woods Distinction (English) Year 8 Penny Crothers Distinction (English) Year 9 Phoebe Coates Distinction (English) Edwina Whyte High Distinction (Writing) Hannah Witenden Distinction (English) Year 12 Brooke Henzell Distinction (English) Holidays I wish everyone in the community a wonderfully restful holiday and look forward to working with you again in Term 4. Sam Bolton Dean of Academics DEAN OF STUDENTS We often hear that teenagers are ‘under construction’ but we sometimes forget the amazing transformation that their brains are going through. Emotions run high when dealing with ‘irrational’ behaviours of adolescents and adults can struggle to get their own heads around what’s going on inside the teenage brain. As we approach the holidays, I thought I would share a short but excellent article that was published in Harvard Magazine in 2008. It concisely explains what is happening inside the brain of our children and gives scientific reasoning for their sometimes unpredictable behaviours. Your teenage daughter gets top marks in school, captains the debate team, and volunteers at a shelter for homeless people. But while driving the family car, she text-messages her best friend and rear-ends another vehicle. How can teens be so clever, accomplished, and responsible - and reckless at the same time? Easily, according to two physicians at the Children’s Hospital in Boston and Harvard Medical School (HMS) who have been exploring the unique structure and chemistry of the adolescent brain. “The teenage brain is not just an adult brain with fewer miles on it,” says Frances E. Jensen, a professor of neurology. “It’s a paradoxical time of development. These are people with very sharp brains, but they’re not quite sure what to do with them.” Research during the past 10 years, powered by technology such as functional magnetic resonance imaging, has revealed that young brains have both fast-growing synapses and sections that remain unconnected. This leaves teens easily influenced by their environment and more prone to impulsive behavior, even without the impact of souped-up hormones and any genetic or family predispositions. Human and animal studies, Jensen and Urion note, have shown that the brain grows and changes continually in young people - and that it is only about 80 percent developed in adolescents. The largest part, the cortex, is divided into lobes that mature from back to front. The last section to connect is the frontal lobe, responsible for cognitive processes such as reasoning, planning, and judgment. Normally this mental merger is not completed until somewhere between ages 25 and 30 - much later than these two neurologists were taught in medical school. There are also gender differences in brain development. As Urion and Jensen explain, the part of our brain that processes information expands during childhood and then begins to thin, peaking in girls at roughly 12 to 14 years old and in boys about 2 years later. This suggests that girls and boys may be ready to absorb challenging material at different stages, and that schools may be missing opportunities to reach them. Meanwhile, the neural networks that help brain cells (neurons) communicate through chemical signals are enlarging in teen brains. Learning takes place at the synapses between neurons, as cells excite or inhibit one another and develop more robust synapses with repeated stimulation. This cellular excitement, or “long-term potentiation,” enables children and teenagers to learn languages or musical instruments more easily than adults. On the flip side, this plasticity also makes adolescent brains more vulnerable to external stressors, as Jensen and Urion point out. Teen brains, for example, are more susceptible than their adult counterparts to alcohol-induced toxicity. Jensen highlights an experiment in which rat brain cells were exposed to alcohol, which blocks certain synaptic activity. When the alcohol was washed out, the adult cells recovered while the adolescent cells remained “disabled.” And because studies show that marijuana (cannabinoid) use blocks cell signaling in the brain, according to Jensen, “We make the point that what you did on the weekend is still with you during that test on Thursday. You’ve been trying to study with a self-induced learning disability.” Similarly, even though there is evidence that sleep is important for learning and memory, teenagers are notoriously sleep-deprived. Studying right before bedtime can help cement the information under review, Jensen notes. So can aerobic exercise, says Urion, bemoaning the current lack of physical-education opportunities for many American youths. Teens are also bombarded by information in this electronic age, and multitasking is as routine as chatting with friends on line. But Jensen highlights a recent study showing how sensory overload can hinder undergraduates’ ability to recall words. “It’s truly a brave new world. Our brains, evolutionarily, have never been subjected to the amount of cognitive input that’s coming at us,” she says. “You can’t close down the world. All you can do is educate kids to help them manage this.” For his part, Urion believes programs aimed at preventing risky adolescent behaviors would be more effective if they offered practical strategies for making in-the-moment decisions, rather than merely lecturing teens about the behaviors themselves. http://www.stmargarets.qld.edu.au/Pages/E-news.aspx 8/10/2014 E-news Page 4 of 10 By raising awareness of this paradoxical period in brain development, the neurologists hope to help young people cope with their challenges, as well as recognize their considerable strengths. Another way of looking at the developing adolescent brain is presented in the following infographic. References: harvardmagazine.com/2008/09/the-teen-brain.html www.generationnext.com.au/2014/09/judgment-call-maturity-emotions-teenage-brain/ Kelly Alford Dean of Students (Acting) ARTS NEWS The Independent Education presentation of awards for Excellence in Art and Design was held last week and I would like to congratulate St Margaret’s Visual Art girls who have achieved wonderful results. In the primary school, Madeleine Eastland and Ella Woods received Highly Commended certificates for their work as did Lucy Tuffley in Year 10. Very special congratulations goes to Felicity Martin, Year 11, for her ceramic sculpture installation which won the Senior Award of Excellence. Felicity’s work, based on the theme of family, was chosen from a field of Year 11 and 12 artwork. Independent schools across Queensland are invited to enter works so Felicity’s award is indeed a high honour. This is my last eNews entry as Head of Faculty, the Arts. I am on long service leave in term 4 and I would like congratulate Mr John O’Sullivan Williams, who will be our new Arts Faculty Head from 2015. It has been an absolute pleasure leading a team of talented and highly dedicated Arts staff and the enthusiasm and dedication of our Arts students has provided daily inspiration and joy. The support we receive from parents and friends in the St Margaret’s community has helped us to create so many wonderful events. So to all, a humble and deeply felt thank you. Lisa Smith Head of Faculty the Arts DRAMA Don't miss the "Get Reel" Film Worshop - click here for more information. Booking deadline closes TODAY September 18, 2014. Click here to book now. smART HOLIDAYS http://www.stmargarets.qld.edu.au/Pages/E-news.aspx 8/10/2014 E-news Page 5 of 10 smART Holidays will offer an exciting program for girls in Years 5-8 during the second week of our September holiday (29 Sept - 3 Oct). You are encouraged to extend the invitation to girls from any school, they don’t need to be St Margaret’s students. Activities will include painting on canvas, contemporary jewellery, a yarn bombing project, a visit to GoMA and many more surprises. Registration is via our online shopping cart and enquiries may be emailed to Mrs Jenny Lishman or 3862 0791. PRIMARY Last week I attended a biennial conference for IPSHA (Independent Primary School Heads Association). This conference was a wonderful opportunity to engage in professional dialogue and exchange ideas with Heads of Schools from around Australia. The conference was titled, Imagine our Future – Leading, Learning and Living. The keynote speakers came from all corners of the world and are renowned in their field of expertise. I will share key points in upcoming eNews articles. In the interim, I would like to make reference to a theme that evolved with the speakers; creativity. This area I hold very close to my heart and I have acknowledge its importance at various times throughout the year. Creativity was described as putting your imagination to work. It is not just about being artistic but it is the process of having original ideas that have value to create new ideas, new approaches, new actions, to challenge, to express, to experiment, to consider. With the holidays around the corner, I thought it was timely to set the creativity challenge. During the holidays provide opportunities for your child to be creative. It is the simple act of making something new. Engage in activities together or provide the opportunity - build a sandcastle, draw, build with Lego and boxes, play a thinking game, conduct experiments and visit the art gallery, the museum. Not only will you be encouraging creativity, you will be spending enjoyable time together. Interestingly, research has found the happiest childhood memories that adults hold have two common threads. Firstly, childhood happiness always centres on activities experienced together as a family. Secondly, the most pleasurable childhood times centre on simple activities. During the holidays do something different, fun and something that involves laughter, play and creativity and enjoy the break from routine. I look forward to seeing everyone next term, especially the girls’ and staff returning from Japan. Artistic Endeavours Thank you to the Year 6 girls who donned their wearable art costumes and paraded around the Nundah Festival last Sunday. Thank you to the parents who supported girls while they attended the Festival. Congratulations to Ella Woods (Year 4) and Maddy Eastland (Prep) for attaining highly commended awards at the recent IEU Awards for Excellence and Design. Thank you to Mrs Rider for her contribution and support of the girls for both of these events. Congratulations to Year 2 Choir, Junior Choir, Senior Choir and Chorale who performed at the Choral evening on Tuesday night. Their combined, angelic voices were appreciated by the audience. Thank you to Mrs Cohen for preparing and guiding the girls for this event. Angela Drysdale Head of Primary A fortnight ago I mentioned some great achievements of the girls in the Primary School. This week we received the ICAS (International Competitions and Assessments for Schools) results for the girls who participated in the ICAS English Competition on the 29 July, 2014. The International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS) are independent skills-based assessments with a competition element. Commonly referred to as the UNSW tests, ICAS is unique, being the most comprehensive generally available suite of academic assessments and school tests for primary and secondary school students. Over 1 million student entries are accepted from over 6,300 schools in Australia and New Zealand annually. In addition, students from over 20 countries including Hong Kong, India, Malaysia, Singapore, South Africa and the USA participate in ICAS each year. I am pleased to announce the results from the English Competition. Girls receiving Merits and Credits will be presented their certificates on Thursday 18 September at our Primary School End of Term Assembly (9.05am in the Atrium) and girls receiving High Distinctions and Distinctions will receive their certificates at the Full School Assembly on Tuesday 7 October (9.50am in the Philip Harris Sports Centre). Congratulations to the following girls: High Distinction Amelia Simpson – Year 6 (who has achieved the top score in Year 6 in Queensland) Tamika Tran – Year 6 Audrey Wren – Year 4 http://www.stmargarets.qld.edu.au/Pages/E-news.aspx 8/10/2014 E-news Page 6 of 10 Ella Woods – Year 4 Distinction Isobel Barry – Year 6 Leilani Chia – Year 6 Lucinda Davidson – Year 6 Margot Davis – Year 6 Zali Fisher – Year 6 Sophie Gerlach-Zuch – Year 6 Catherine Herbert – Year 6 Alice O’Driscoll – Year 6 Emily Pitt – Year 6 Charlotte Aralar – Year 5 Sophie Howse – Year 5 Georgia O’Driscoll – Year 5 Celia Quinn – Year 5 Eva Young – Year 5 Ellen Manique – Year 4 Holly Marchant – Year 4 Claire Pitt – Year 4 Isabel Stephens – Year 4 Charlotte Wittmann – Year 4 Isabella Bluett – Year 3 Genevieve Heather – Year 3 Ha-Vy Hoang – Year 3 Credit Aanjali Azevedo – Year 6 Letitia Harper – Year 6 Alexandra Hope – Year 6 Claudia Howse – Year 6 Imogen Tsien – Year 6 Tara Boone – Year 5 Tully Button – Year 5 Casandra Mantis – Year 5 Charlotte Russell – Year 5 Gracie Zillman Wilson – Year 5 Elinor Barry – Year 4 Georgie Herring – Year 4 Kaitlyn Higgins – Year 4 Nicola D’Abreton – Year 3 Miyan Chia – Year 3 Merit Rebecca King – Year 6 Sarah Kelly – Year 5 Stella Pampellonne – Year 5 Priscilla Russell – Year 5 Nicole Devlin Head of Teaching and Learning (Primary) MUSIC Choral Concert Thank you to all girls for the wonderful performances given at the Choral Concert held last Tuesday evening. It was a real celebration of singing with all of the school choirs giving joyful performances. There were some exciting combined numbers which allowed all of the choirs to join together. One of these combined performances involved the Year 2's singing with the girls from Encorah. They sang the gorgeous Frank Sinatra number Swinging on a Star. It is always very special to see those connections being made between the younger and older students. Performances were also given by the Primary Senior and Junior Choirs, Chorale and Elevarsi Voices. It was fantastic to again have the St Margaret’s Community Choir perform a couple of numbers during the course of the evening. The concert culminated with the finale piece of You’re the Voice by John Farnham with all of the choirs joining together to ‘raise the roof’ of Eton Hall. Thank you very much to all who performed, and a special thank you to our choral conductors Mrs Regina Brennan and Mrs Deb Cohen! Thank you to Chamber Encorah Thank you to Chamber Encorah for their musical contribution to the confirmation service held last Sunday afternoon. It was a beautiful service and the performances by Chamber Encorah certainly helped in making it very special for all in attendance. Next Music Support Group Meeting The next Music Support Group meeting will be held on 14 October at 5:30pm in the Sister Helen Orchestra Room. Also, please be aware that Music Support Group AGM will be held on 25 November at 5:30pm in the Sister Helen Orchestra Room. Brad King Head of Music Music Extension Recital http://www.stmargarets.qld.edu.au/Pages/E-news.aspx 8/10/2014 E-news Page 7 of 10 The entire St Margaret's community are invited to attend the Year 12 Music Extension Recital on Wednesday 8 October. This event will showcase the superb talents of twelve Year 12 Music students in the professional venue, the Queensland Theatre Company. Although admission is free, please access the following link to reserve your seats. We look forward to sharing this wonderful evening of performances and compositions with you. Please click here for a copy of the invitation. To book click here. Mrs Nicole Walker Subject Coordinator – Music SCHOOL SUPPLIES SHOP Trading Hours School Holidays Open Thursday 18th September 2014 8am – 3pm Friday 19th September 2014 9am – 12noon Closed Saturday 20th September 2014 To Monday 6th October 2014 Reopen Tuesday 7th October 2014 8am – 5pm Normal Trading Hours Commence from Wednesday 8th October Panama hat cleaning and repairs during school holidays Drop hat off at School Supplies Shop by 12 noon Friday 19 September 2014 Pickup at School Supplies Shop 7.30am Tuesday 7 October 2014 Cost approx. $15 -$25 for cleaning SPORT QGSSSA Winter Fixtures The girls finished the winter fixtures on a high note against St Hilda’s. The 8A netball team finished with their second win for the season and the 9As had their first win 34 to 16. It was great to see their team finally pull together and play to their potential. The open hockey team had a fun game with St Hilda’s winning 13 to 1. Tennis found St Hilda’s a tough opposition with some close matches in the Senior A and B teams. Volleyball had two wins in the 8/9As and 10As. The girls finished the session at St Hilda’s with a St Margaret’s war cry to congratulate our open netball team. They have won the pennant for the first time in over 10 years. A fantastic achievement! Success is no accident, and this season St Margaret’s has had over 200 girls competing each week. They have worked hard at training sessions, learning the team dynamics and sacrificing a sleep-in on a cold morning. All teams showed perseverance, some keep coming back and trying harder after being defeated each week and others to keep winning under pressure. Most importantly the girls have shown a commitment to St Margaret’s and a love of sport. Congratulations to all our coaches and coordinators on a successful season. Overall Placings for St Margaret’s Teams Softball Our year 8, 9 and 10 softball teams have been selected for 2014. The girls will compete at the QGSSSA competition on 23/10, 28/10 and 5/11. Let’s hope Georgia Blair's recent success is an inspiration to our girls. Swimming The weather has turned and it is time to start swimming training. It will commence on Monday 13/10. We will hold a meeting with all interested swimmers in the first week of term 4. St Margaret’s Sporting Success Annabelle Warner competed at the inaugural Spring Carnival last weekend and has qualified to represent QLD in the 80m hurdles for age nationals in March. Congratulations to Annabelle on her early success in the season, this will help her focus on technique in training rather than the pressure of qualifying. The Queensland Athletics Target Talent Program is a high performance pathway aligned with the Athletics Australia High Performance Department. It has been established to support junior athletes ranked in the top 8 in their age. Zara Leembruggen has been named in the squad with a current PB of 1.63 in high jump, placing her in the top 8 for her age group. Look out to all the high jumpers at the Skools Knockout this week! http://www.stmargarets.qld.edu.au/Pages/E-news.aspx 8/10/2014 E-news Page 8 of 10 Sports Award Gala Dinner Invite The Sports Award Gala Dinner is on Friday 17 October 2014. Please click here for your invitation. Nicky Barrie Head of Sport DEVELOPMENT AND COMMUNITY Professional Women’s Network The RSVPs to the next Professional Women’s Network close the second day of term 4 - Wednesday 8 October. Don’t miss out on this great opportunity to network socially or professionally over breakfast in the CBD. We look forward to our guest speaker, TV personality Sally Jenyns, sharing her story with us. To book, visit the shopping cart on the website or for enquiries please call 07 3862 0765. We gratefully acknowledge our sponsors for this event: NOTICE OF GENERAL MEETING Please note the next P and F General Meeting has changed. The meeting will now be held on Tuesday 14 October 2014 in Eton Hall. All parents and guardians are warmly welcomed to attend this meeting. The items of business for this meeting are noted below: 1. Welcome and Opening Prayer 2. Musical Item 3. Apologies 4. Presentation by school staff member. 5. Adoption of Minutes of Previous General Meeting and Special General Meeting. 6. Matters arising from previous minutes a. Communication with year level reps b. Race Day c. P and F Ball 2015 7. Principal's Report 8. P and F Reports a. President b. Secretary c. Treasurer 9. Support Groups Reports a. Music b. Drama c. Swimming d. Rowing e. Cross Country/Athletics f. Boarding g. Hockey 10. General Business a. Proposed Golf Day 11. Close of Meeting If you have any items you would like to discuss at this meeting, please email P and F Association. We look forward to seeing you there. Helen O'Connor Director, Development and Community CAREERS Dream Big Engineering Scholarships for Year 12 girls As a progressive employer we’d like to see more women in the engineering profession. Each year, to encourage more women to enter the profession, we provide a number of university scholarships. Applications open from September in the final year of high school and close in March the following year (or as vacancies are filled). As part of the scholarship we’ll financially contribute to the cost of university studies throughout the duration of your engineering degree. We also offer paid work experience during the university break and throughout the semester. Upon graduation, Brown Consulting will provide a full time position, paid at competitive market rates, and a graduation bonus paid over two consecutive years. http://www.stmargarets.qld.edu.au/Pages/E-news.aspx 8/10/2014 E-news Page 9 of 10 For more information see Ms Johnston or go to: www.brownconsulting.com.au/dreambig Study in the USA The following are the details on the US Undergraduate Information Session + Sport Scholarship Information Session EducationUSA will be holding in Sydney during the September school holidays. Details are as follows: Date: Monday, September 22, 2014 Time: 1:30 for 2:00-4:00pm Location: EducationUSA, US Consulate General, Level 10, MLC Center, 19-29 Martin Place, Sydney Intended Audience: High school students aiming to compete in NCAA college sport + parents. RSVP: www.trybooking.com/89936 Other Information: A free general information session on the US undergraduate application process and NCAA eligibility process. RSVP is essential by Wednesday, September 17 (places may be filled before the RSVP deadline). NCAA sponsored sports are listed under the sports tab at: www.ncaa.com Photo ID is required for entry to the Consulate. Thinking of studying Architecture? High school students are invited to attend a special information session where they will be able to chat with students, graduates, academics and practitioners about architecture, as well as participate in some dynamic and fun activities. When: Sunday 12 October, 10am-12pm Where: Room GP-D241, D Block, QUT Gardens Point Campus, George Street, Brisbane RSVP: qld@architecture.com.au UQ Architectural Design Workshop A two-day workshop for high school students interested in studying architecture at UQ. Event Details Date: Thursday, 2 October, 2014 to Friday, 3 October, 2014 Venue: UQ School of Architecture Zelman Cowen Building 51 Event Description This design workshop is led by Kahn Neil, director of Studio Mitt and Lecturer at UQ. The two-day workshop provides an opportunity for secondary school students to learn more about studying architecture at UQ. Students will experience the day-to-day learning environment and facilities that they will encounter during the studio-based architectural design course at The University of Queensland. There are no prerequisite skills required for participation in this workshop and students will be provided with all required materials. The cost is $220 per student. To register your interest for this workshop contact info@studiomitt.com.au or visit the website: www.studiomitt.com.au. Queensland University of Technology Important cut-off dates for Creative Industries courses: Creative industries courses with additional entry requirements, such as auditions, portfolio submission and interviews, require a separate online application to QUT, in addition to the usual QTAC application. To avoid disappointment, students interested in applying for the following courses should make note of the cut-off dates for application to QUT: • Fashion - 10 October • Acting - 10 October • Technical Production - 10 October • Visual Arts - 10 October (including double degree with business) For more information on specific additional entry requirements, please refer to individual course information on the QUT website. University of Queensland Four Week Intensive Program in Maths B, Chemistry or Biology UQ College is delivering courses in Mathematics, Chemistry or Biology in intensive mode over a four week period in November/December 2014 at St Lucia Campus. Dates: Tuesday 18 November to Saturday 13 December. Students attend 8:30am-5pm Monday to Friday, with 4 Saturday Tutorials, of which 3 are optional. Results will be available to be used in applications for the January 2015 QTAC Offer Round. Application: To determine suitability for this program it is important that an Application Form is completed which is located on the UQ College website: www.uqcollege.edu.au Ultimate Guide to Health Jobs Want to find out the latest from the health industry? UQ’s Ultimate Guide to Health Jobs explores the latest in: earning potential, future job openings, opportunities for flexible work, the expected demand for jobs in the future and more! Complete the form by clicking here to receive the guide and find out about health careers. ESP Applications Now Open Year 11 students have the opportunity to apply for ESP and undertake a University course in their first semester of Year 12, 2015. Successful ESP students receive one bonus point towards their University entrance rank and generally receive credit for their completed course when subsequently enrolled at University. Courses are available in a wide range of study areas and some courses are also available externally. Study areas include: accounting, chemistry, economics, history, mathematics, languages, law, music, philosophy, physics and political science. For information, contact: 07 3346 7762, Email: enhancedstudies@uq.edu.au or by clicking here. http://www.stmargarets.qld.edu.au/Pages/E-news.aspx 8/10/2014 E-news Page 10 of 10 Griffith University Year 12 students, are you interested in studying at Griffith University? Does the sound of Guaranteed Entry sound appealing to you? Would you like to know if you are accepted to Griffith University before January? Now is the time to start thinking about your options for next year and as a partner school of Griffith University you are invited to apply for the Connect Guaranteed Admission Scheme. Applying is quick and easy! You will be asked to supply your contact details, Year 11 and Year 12 results as well as nominating a program for guaranteed admission. If you would like to know more, please see Ms Johnston or visit the Guaranteed Admission Scheme website for details and the application form. START QUT www.qut.edu.au/study/high-school-programs/start-qut High-achieving Year 11 students have an opportunity to extend their studies in their final year of high school. Sample university life and trial up to two different areas of interest before committing to further study. Access all of QUT's facilities and enjoy campus life in the same way as current university students. Once completed, you can receive credit for your studies, putting you ahead of your peers and setting you up for future success. Applications open August 2014 Applications close 31 October 2014 Start month February 2015 Delivery On campus Caboolture Kelvin Grove Gardens Point External (Justice units only) Course contact Email: startqut@qut.edu.au Telephone 3138 3181 KEY DATES: • Tuesday 30 September 2014 QTAC on time applications close. • Tuesday 11 December 2014 Major round offer for most Creative and Performing Arts courses • Monday 15 December 2014 Documentation due to QTAC for January 2015 offer • Friday 19 December 2014 Year 12 results released by QCAA • Wednesday 7 January 2015 Final date to change QTAC preferences for January offer • Thursday 15 January 2015 Major round offer most Semester 1 courses Elizabeth Johnston Careers Counsellor http://www.stmargarets.qld.edu.au/Pages/E-news.aspx 8/10/2014