English 100 Spring 2002 Jane DeRoche, Instructor MiraCosta College Required Texts: 1) Bartholomae and Petrovsky. Ways of Reading, Fourth Edition 2) A good grammar book 3) An MLA source Course Objectives The readings for this class have been carefully selected to enhance and excite our natural curiosities about the nature of human experience. Our goal will be to improve reading and writing skills through the examination of multiple text perspectives, the analysis of a variety of rhetorical issues, the development of a critical agenda about the works we read, and the cogent processing and organization of information in the form of essays. We will set about accomplishing these goals through the act of student-generated inquiry; that is, the class will, through reading, discussion, and writing, create its own learning environment, guided by the instructor. Success in any college class is dependent on a joint contract between the instructor and the student. My objective is to present subject matter and a forum for thinking that stimulates learning. Your responsibility is to commit yourself to engage with these materials in a manner that supercedes the mere earning of a grade by endeavoring to become an independent learner and thinker. Come to class prepared to discover! Course Policies 1. Good class attendance is essential to your success in this course. No more than two absences will be allowed without grade penalization. You have two “free tickets” for absences. Use them wisely. Apart from these, there will be no excused absences. One point will be subtracted from your overall grade for each absence more than two. For example, if you have earned a total of 81 points, but you have 4 absences, you will receive 79 as a final grade (a drop from a B to a C). 2. It is important that you arrive to class on time and well prepared. If you are tardy, please see me after class so I can mark you present. If you fail to let me know that you are present, you will be marked absent for the day. This will be your responsibility. Do not rely on me to “spot” your presence. Three tardies (you are tardy when you enter the classroom after roll has been taken) will be the equivalent of one absence. 3. NO LATE WORK WILL BE ACCEPTED. Assignments are due within the first 15 minutes of class on the due date. Always make more than one copy of your work in anticipation of a myriad of unfortunate events that may take place between the printer and my desk. Do not take for granted that your computer or printer will behave in its usual well-mannered production mode. Plan ahead. If you are unable to attend class on the day your assignment is due, it will still be your responsibility to get the assignment to me on time. I do not accept papers placed in my box. 4. In accordance with the atmosphere of free inquiry and exploration of various controversial issues, disrespect for others’ opinions, feelings, or standards will not be tolerated. As your instructor, I reserve the right to enforce this “safe arena” policy by requesting offenders leave the classroom. If that unfortunate event occurs, you will be marked absent for the day. 1 5. Essay Workshops: Prior to each essay due date, we will have a writing workshop. These workshops will be an opportunity to read each other’s papers, exchange solutions to writing problems, and to freely explore ideas with peers. Workshop groups will consist of two students. You may not workshop your paper with the same person more than one time. If you fail to bring a draft to the workshop session, you will be penalized five points on your final essay. 6 Essay Revisions: You will have one opportunity to revise a graded and returned essay. A revision is not merely an editing of the essay—you must revise; that is, the essay must be represented, re-written. You may certainly draw from parts of the original, but what I do not want to see is a word-for-word copy with grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors corrected. The original must be stapled beneath the revision. I cannot accept revisions without the original essay attached. Revisions are due one week after the return of the graded essay. 7. Please make sure that all pagers or cell phones are turned off during the class period. Unexpected beeps or rings can be disturbing to the class and distracting to the instructor. 8. If you have any disability that may hamper your ability to perform well in this class, please register with Disabled Student Program and Services, 795-6698. 9. The last day to drop this class is April 26. 10. I have zero tolerance for plagiarism. If I determine that any of your writing has been plagiarized, you will receive an F on the assignment and be referred to the Dean of Student Services. 11. The best way to contact me outside of the classroom is to e-mail me at JLDATMCC@yahoo.com. Additionally, I anticipate holding office hours on Tuesday and Thursday from 3-4:00 p.m., in Room 4113A. My office phone number is 757-2121, ext. 6253. 12. MiraCosta College provides excellent resources for its students. For help with computing, the Computer Labs are available during the semester, and there will be tutors to assist with technical questions or problems. Tutorial Services offers assistance with essay writing and is available on a walk-in basis or you may call for an appointment, 944-4449, ext. 7748. Additionally, the Library provides orientation programs for students wishing to familiarize themselves with the resources held there. Resource librarians are also present to assist with locating sources. The Buddha says: “All I am doing is pointing. You must find it true for yourself” Course Assignments 2 Reading Summaries: A one to two pages (typed, double-spaced) summary will be required for every reading assignment. These summaries must: (1) identify the issue or problem the author is discussing; (2) identify the audience you think the author is addressing (avoid too generalized groups such as “students” or “the general public”; (3) identify a conclusion or solution the author may offer. 5 points each maximum Essays: Six analytical essays will be required during this session. These essays must be at least four pages in length, typed, and double-spaced. Additionally, I expect them to be drafted in MLA style (I will review this format in class), to contain a solid thesis statement, and to offer clear, relevant supporting information. A revision process will be offered for five out of six essays. 10 points each maximum Group Presentations: during the course of this session, students will be working in specific groups in which specific issues regarding the text will be discussed. Group members will take turns presenting their group’s findings to the rest of the class. This will be done in an informal manner. Group members will rotate leadership. You will be graded on the amount of information contained in your presentation as well as the thoughtfulness in which you present it. 10 points maximum Grading Summary Summaries Essays Group Presentation 5 points each 10 points each 10 points each X X X 6= 6= 1= 30 points maximum 60 points maximum 10 points maximum Keep Track of Your Own Grade Assign. Summary Essay Summary Essay Summary Essay Summary Essay Summary Essay Summary Essay Group # Poss. Points 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 1 Your Score Percent Total Poss. 5 15 20 30 35 45 50 60 65 75 80 90 100 3 Schedule of Events Date Day Class 23-Jan W Course Introduction - Syllabus 28-Jan 30-Jan 4-Feb 6-Feb M W M W Walker discussion Group work Workshop essay #1 Writing roundtable discussion 11-Feb 13-Feb 18-Feb 20-Feb M W M W Oates discussion Group work Workshop essay #2 Writing roundtable discussion 25-Feb 27-Feb 4-Mar 6-Mar M W M W Rodriguez discussion Group work Workshop essay #3 Writing roundtable discussion 11-Mar 13-Mar 18-Mar 20-Mar M W M W Anzaldua discussion Group work Workshop essay #4 Writing roundtable discussion 1-Apr 3-Apr 8-Apr 10-Apr M W M W SPRING BREAK Wideman discussion Group work Workshop essay #5 Foucault Pre-discussion 15-Apr 17-Apr 22-Apr 24-Apr 29-Apr 1-May 6-May 8-May 13-May 15-May 20-May M W M W M W M W M W M Foucault discussion #1 Foucault discussion #2 Group work Group work Outline Workshop Essay #6 Class presentations (TBA) Workshop Essay #6 Class presentations (TBA) Final workshop on Essay #6 Final Assignments Read Alice Walker’s “In Search of Our Mothers’ Gardens” Summary due 1/28 Essay #1 Revise essay #1 Read Joyce Carol Oates’ “Theft Due 2/6 Summary due 2/11 Essay #2 Due 2/20 Revise essay #2 Read Richard Rodriguez’ “The Achievement of Desire” Summary due 2/25 Essay #3 Due 3/6 Revise essay #3 Read Gloria Anzaldua’s “How to Tame A Wild Tongue” Summary due 3/11 Essay #4 Due 3/20 Revise essay #4 Read John Wideman’s “Our Time” Summary due 4/1 Essay #5 Due 4/10 Revise essay #5 Read Michel Foucault’s “Panopticism Summary due 4/15 Essay #6 Due 5/20 Revise essay #6 4 5 6 7