Harford Community College HLTH 103 – Wellness Theory and Application Spring 2014 Instructor: Email: Office: Phone: I. Mr. Ed Augustitus (Mr. Augie) eaugusti@harford.edu Susquehanna, 226 443-412-2228 Class Times: Location: Office Hours: M/W/F 10:10–11:05am (21282) M/W/F 12:30-1:25pm (21281) Susquehanna, room 232 M/W/F 9-10am, T/Th 11am-12pm Course: Wellness Theory and Application This course combines two elements: the theoretical study of wellness and the application of wellness concepts. Topics include cardiovascular health, body composition, physical fitness, weight control, stress management, sexually transmitted diseases, addictive behaviors and chronic diseases. Other topics include teaching perceptual motor skills and fundamental movements. In a laboratory setting, students assess and evaluate their personal wellness state, and practice strategies (including a fitness program) to achieve an optimal level of wellness. II. Student Learning Objectives and Academic Outcomes Upon completion of this course, each student will be able to do the following: 1. List and explain wellness concepts and how they impact one's lifestyle. (Academic Outcome: Communication) 2. Analyze health information and products, taking into account the influence of culture, media, and technology. (Academic Outcome: Communication) 3. Develop a health action plan including the health related components of fitness, nutrition, and stress management. (Academic Outcome: Personal and Self Management Skills) 4. Identify community and environmental factors that impact individual health. (Academic Outcome: Communication) 5. Perform and explain locomotors and non-locomotors, manipulative and perceptual motor skills, and fundamental game skills. (Academic Outcome: Personal and Self Management Skills) 6. Explain how movement, along with motor skills may very among diverse populations. (Academic Outcome: Communication) 7. Measure and evaluate the health related components of physical fitness. (Academic Outcome: Personal and Self Management Skills) III. Required Text: Hoeger, Werner W.K. and Hoeger, Sharon (2014). Principles and Labs for Physical Fitness. 9th Edition, Wadsworth/Cengage Learning. IV. Course Content and Requirements: Dimensions and Components of Wellness, Chapter 1 and 11 Behavior Modification, Chapter 2 Cardiorespiratory Endurance, Chapters 6 Muscular Strength & Endurance, Flexibility and Skill Fitness, Chapters 7, 8 and 9 Nutrition, Body Composition, and Weight Management, Chapter 3, 4 and 5 Stress Management, Chapter 10 Cardio-Respiratory Disease, Cancer, Substance Abuse and Longevity, Chapter 11 Out of Class Assignments: Journal: 1. Each student will list one goal in each of the following areas and record their progress, in a format of their choice, throughout the semester as he/she works towards their goals. Fitness Nutrition Stress Management 2. The progress of these three goals will be tracked in composition journal or digital source each day that they are worked on (three days per week minimum) for the duration of the semester. 3. Halfway through the semester students will update the progress of their goals and ensure they are SMART and on track. 4. Upon conclusion of the semester, students will be required to submit their journal along with a three-page written summary which will include an overview of their progress or accomplishment of their goals. The paper should reflect on how the student will maintain a healthy lifestyle. Explain how the seven dimensions of wellness will influence your life. This paper should be well detailed, relating to your goals, the results of your labs, and the seven dimensions of wellness. Lab 9B should also be turned in with your journal. Further details can be found on the instructor’s website ww2.harford.edu/faculty/eaugusti and refer to the schedule for associated due dates. Oral Presentation: Each student, with a partner, will be required to give a 10-12 minute talk/ demonstration on a topic relating to wellness. The topic will be pre-approved by the instructor prior to administering the oral presentation. Students must use a minimum of three sources/ references while researching their topic. Prior to giving their presentation the students must submit an outline of their topic, including references/sources that may have been used during the preparation of their presentation. Students will be assigned a date. Failure to comply (no show) with the date assigned, without proper notice, will result in a lower grade for your presentation. Labs: The testing for lab activities will be conducted during class time. There may be class time provided, but most calculations and written summaries for the labs will require time outside of class to complete. There will only be few labs assigned that will be solely completed outside of class. V. Standard of Grading The following is a list of activities, which will serve as the basis for determining your grade in this course. Four Exams Lab Activities Oral Presentation Journal Completion with the Personal Performance Plan 150 pts 145 pts 50 pts 55 pts Total 400 pts Grade Scale ≥358 A 318-357 B 278-317 C 238-277 D ≤237 F VI. Course Policies: HCC students are bound by the academic policies outlined in the most current HCC Catalog (HCC Catalog may be accessed online at http://www.harford.edu/Catalog/default.asp?FA=Welcome.) It is the student’s responsibility to review these policies prior to the start of each semester. VII. Attendance: Worked missed due to any absence is the responsibility of the student. All labs turned in after the due date will be deducted 20% and those handed in one week after the due date will receive half credit at best. All work that is not made up will receive a grade of zero when the grades are calculated. VIII. Class Cancellations In the event of the cancellation of a class session, the instructor will modify the course syllabus to cover relevant topics. Check the website for updates and information regarding any class cancellation. IX. Federal Credit Hour Definition Statement At Harford Community College, for all credit courses, students are expected to spend a minimum of 37.5 combined hours of direct instructional time and related coursework time per credit hour. This course is a 3-credit course. This course achieves the minimum of 112.5 hours of combined instructional time by requiring a minimum of 37.5 hours of direct instructional time and 75 hours of student work outside of direct instructional time. X. Academic Dishonesty Students will be familiar with and adhere to the policy governing academic dishonesty and its sanctions as written in the HCC Catalog. Students who commit acts of academic dishonesty (e.g., cheating, fabrication, facilitating academic dishonesty, and plagiarism) will be subject to formal disciplinary action and will receive a 0 on the exam, quiz, or assignment involved. Also, at the discretion of the instructor, the student may receive an F for the course. This includes incidents that occur in the Test Center XI. Student Conduct: Students will be familiar with and adhere to the policies and sanctions governing student conduct as written in the HCC Catalog. XII. Disability Support Services: HCC is committed to serving students who have documented physical, learning, psychological, or other disabilities. Students who have a disability are responsible for contacting Disability Support Services at 443-412-2402 to discuss their needs and establish eligibility for services and reasonable accommodations. Because accommodations can take time to implement, if you have not already contacted DSS you should do so immediately. All information shared with Disability Support is kept in accordance with relevant state and federal laws. Student Responsibilities: Come to class on time and take careful notes. If you wish, you may record lecture to assist with note-taking. Ask questions if you do not understand a concept or assignment. Turn off all cell phones during lecture. You may have them set to “vibrate” during lab activities. Please do not have discussions during lecture time. You may ask questions on material but do not talk to each other. It is very distracting to everyone. The instructor reserves the right to modify and/or change the course syllabus with reasonable notification to students. Date Topic 1/27 Introduction, Course Expectations Chapter 1/29 Physical Fitness and Wellness 1/31 Physical Fitness and Wellness 2/3 Behavior Modification 2/5 Behavior Modification Assignment SMART Goals Lab 1B 1 2 Lab 1C Lab 2A, 2B Exam 1 – Chapters 1 and 2 2/7 2/10 Cardiorespiratory Endurance 2/12 Cardiorespiratory Prescription 2/14 Lab 2/17 Strength Training 2/19 Strength Training Prescription 2/21 Lab 2/24 Muscles and Exercise 2/26 Benefits and Assessment of Flexibility 2/28 Lab 3/3 Benefits and Assessment of Flexibility 3/5 Skill Fitness 3/7 Lab 3/10 Exercise Programming 3/12 Exercise Programming 6C 6 Lab 6A, 6D 7 Lab 7A 8 Lab 8A Lab 9A 9 Exam 2 – Chapters 6-9 3/14 3/17 Class Cancelled – Snow Day 3/19 Nutrition 3/21 Nutrition 3 My Plate Diet Plan 3/24-3/28 - No Class – Spring Break! 3/31 Nutrition 3 4/2 Body Composition 4/4 Body Composition Lab 4/7 Body Comp and Weight Management 4/9 Weight Management 4/11 Weight Management Lab 4B 4&5 Lab 5A Exam 3 Chapters 3-5 4/14 FYI: 4/14 Withdrawal Deadline for this course. 4/16 Stress Management 4/18 Stress Management 4/21 Stress Management 4/23 Disease 4/25 Disease 4/28 Disease 4/30 Physiological Age and the Future Lab 10A-C 10 Lab 11A* 11 Lab 11B Last day to turn in Labs 5/2 Presentations 5/5 Presentations 5/7 Journal and Performance Plan Due Presentations 5/9 5/12 Presentations Final Review 10, 11 Exam 4 - Chapters 10 and 11 (Mon, 5/19 for 10:10 and Wed, 5/14 for 12:30) Harford Community College STUDENT SERVICES Student Services Advising, Career, and Transfer Services Test Center Student Center: 443-412-2301 Academic and career goal setting Selecting courses and planning for transfer Cooperative education and internship programs Resume writing, interviewing skills, and job hunting strategies www.harford.edu/testing Fallston Hall: 443-412-2352 Tutoring Support Services Disability Support Services Student Center: 443-412-2402 Requesting reasonable academic accommodations Study skills instruction Specialized adaptive computer hardware and software Financial Aid Student Center: 443-412-2325 Emergency loans Information on federal and state aid programs as well as scholarships Assistance with the financial aid application process HCC’s Aberdeen Proving Ground Center Aberdeen Proving Ground: 410-272-2338 Assists military personnel, military family members, Department of Defense and civilian contractor employees, and members of the local community Full range of student services available Evening credit classes Emergency Closing/Inclement Weather Information 443-412-2322 Recorded message updated when the College’s schedule is changed due to emergencies or inclement weather Sign up at www.schoolsout.com for email and text message alerts Student Center & Fallston Hall: 443-412-2402 Student Center 443-412-2224 One-on-One guidance and support for academic success Assistance setting and completing education and career goals Social and cultural activities College Life and Wellness Office Student Center: 443-412-2140 Student Government Associations Student leadership programs Co-curricular Service Learning Student clubs and academic interest organizations Athletics and Wellness Susquehanna Center: 443-412-2226 Library Student photo identification cards Student computers Assistance with reference materials and research Print, audiovisual, and electronic resources E-learning information Video viewing and group study room Walk-in tutorial assistance for reading, writing and presentations (Fallston Hall) Walk-in tutorial assistance in mathematics courses and in other courses with a significant mathematical component (Fallston Hall) Individualized and group tutoring (Student Center 261) Online tutoring Rites of Passage and Mentoring Program 443-412-2268 Academic Skills Assessment Open center for CLEP/DSST exams Course exams and many licensing exams Assessment of prior learning Intercollegiate athletics Fitness Center, swimming pool, outdoor walking track, volleyball, basketball and tennis courts College Security Services 443-412-2272 Library 1st Floor Report injuries or accidents, suspicious activities or other concerns Request escort service Report lost or recover lost items Campus Computing and Technology Services www.harford.edu or 443-412-2477 Registration and Records Student Center: 443-412-2222 Information on class schedules, registration, and OwlNet Transcript and enrollment verification requests Graduation and Nursing Program applications Free student email, NetStorage, and OwlNet access for student registration, records, and accounts at http://www.harford.edu/StudentUser/student_e_access.asp Campus-wide wireless Internet access