

The people of the Skies survive, tested by an unimaginable apocalypse, struggling daily against ravenous beasts, sky pirates, and the effects of the inescapable voidglow!

But the fate of the Skies is in danger! The magic of the glow is not the only taint in this unforgiving realm. Dark forces conspire to bring the Skies to the brink of an even greater catastrophe. Can you survive long enough to discover the secrets of Sundered Skies?

Sundered Skies ™ is a dark fantasy Plot Point™ setting for the award-winning Savage Worlds RPG™

© 2008 Triple Ace Games. Sundered Skies and all related marks and logos are trademarks of Triple Ace Games. Savage Worlds, Smiling Jack and all related marks and logos are trademarks of Pinnacle Entertainment Group. All rights reserved. Used with permission. © 2008. All Rights Reserved.



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Interior Art By: by Nicola Cardiff, Julie Dillon, Simon Fella, Slawomir Maniak,

Daniel Rudnicki, Veronica Jones, Cheyenne Wright

Cover Art By: Daniel Rudnicki

Cover Design By: Robin Elliott

Cartography By: Cheyenne Wright

Playtesters: Kevin L. Anderson, Jenny Blewer, Brian French, Brad Guyer, Paul Keeble,

Piotr Korys, Michal Kuzniacki, Lee Langston, Ross Lewis, Dave Lloyd, Radoslaw Miodek, Eli

Moreland, Colin Patworth, Marian Plaszczyca, Abraham Sadafi , Joe Sargent, Matthew Scott, Simon

Scott, Snowy, Sarah Steward, Ian Sutton, Dan Tunbridge, Gavin Watts, Maggie Wade-Williams,

Paul “Wiggy” Wade-Williams, Maciej Ziebicki

Special thanks to: Dave Blewer (Snr.), Jenny Blewer, Steve Benton, Dave “Grubman” Bezio,

Markus “Derfi nsterling” Finster, Marc Hameleers, Bob Harding, Gerald Harding, Shane Hensley,

Mauler, Rich Mitchell, Mike Montesa, Randy Mosiondz, Eric Nieudian, Skathros, Brent Wolke and

Dave Wood. Thanks Chaps!

Additional thanks to: Frank Uchmanowicz & Jim Searcy

Dedication: To my own three little wildlings, Rhiannon, Jordan, and Molly.

Special Dedication: This book wouldn’t have been half so much fun to write without the support and encouragement of my gaming group, Kevin Anderson, Paul Keeble, Dave Lloyd, Matthew Scott,

Simon Scott, Sarah Steward, Dan Tunbridge, and Gavin Watts.

© 2008 Triple Ace Games. Sundered Skies and all related marks and logos are trademarks of

Triple Ace Games, Smiling Jack, Savage Worlds are trademarks of Pinnacle Entertainment Group.

Used by Permission. All Rights Reserved.

This game references the Savage Worlds game system, available from Pinnacle Entertainment Group at www.peginc.com. Savage

Worlds and all associated logos and trademarks are copyrights of Pinnacle Entertainment Group. Used with permission. Pinnacle makes no representation or warranty as to the quality, viability, or suitability for purpose of this product.



Salvage ....................................................88

Complications ........................................92

CHARACTERS .........................................77

Making Characters ....................................9

Races ......................................................10

Hindrances .............................................15

Edges ......................................................16

GEAR ...277

Trading ...................................................28

Skyships ..................................................34

MAGIC & RELIGION .............................3399

Religion in the Skies ...............................39

Other Gods .............................................44

New Spells ..............................................46

SETTING RULES ....................................5511

Glowmadness .........................................51

Skyship Rules .........................................52

Repairs ....................................................54

Docking with Islands..............................54

Crew .......................................................54

Travel & Encounters ...............................55

GAZETTEER ...........................................5577

A WORLD IN HELL ................................6633

ISLANDS OF THE SKIES ........................6677

Aria .........................................................68

Bridgeways .............................................68

Dragon’s Spine .......................................69

Heartland ...............................................70

Freedom Isle ..........................................71

Shadowhaven .........................................72

Star Crater Isle........................................73

The Ice Isles ...........................................73

The Draining Sea ....................................73

Canopy ...................................................74

Meeting Place .........................................75

The Lower Reaches ...............................76

Deepsky Citadel .....................................76

Mount Ore ..............................................77

Plenty ......................................................77

The Shattered City..................................77

The Void .................................................78

SAVAGE TALES .......................................9933

Scavenger Hunt ......................................93

A Dragon’s Rage .....................................96

Orcbane ..................................................99

The Iron Citadel ...................................100

The Mad God .......................................105

The Damned Dwarf ..............................107

Savior of the Elves ................................107

A Call to Battle .....................................108

The Heart .............................................110

Within A Blood Red Sky .....................................114

The Festival ..........................................114

The Diseased Dead ..............................114

The Phantom Isle .................................115

Murder Most Foul ................................116

The Bloody Temple ..............................118

Requiem ...............................................119

Bad Business ........................................119

Weapon Run .........................................120

The Ship Snare .....................................120

The Unnamed ......................................121

The Shepherd .......................................122

The Dwarven Mother ...................................123

Brotherly Love ......................................123

Behemoths ...........................................124

Haunted! ..............................................124

The Bait ...............................................125

The Treasure Horde ...................................126

Fire Upon The Deep .....................................126

Landfall .................................................127

A Hero’s Wraith ....................................127

The Courier ..........................................128

The Hunger ..........................................128

Gladiators .............................................130

The Delivery .........................................131

Dragon’s Sons ......................................131

Doubles ................................................132

Civil War ...............................................133

Council Games .....................................134

Festival’s Tear .......................................135

ADVENTURES .......................................7799

Adventure ...............................................80

Employment ...........................................82

Trade ......................................................84

Crime ......................................................86


Salvage ..................................................137

Heroes and Villains ..............................168

Character Sheet ....................................173

Ship/Ally Sheet .....................................174

Index ....................................................175







The Sundered Skies began when another world died.

Millennia ago, a terrible cataclysm shattered a world. What remained was an unknown number of islands fl oating in a fathomless void. Millions perished in the Sundering, and hundreds of thousands more died during the chaos that followed. Despite the horrors of these times, the races of elf, dwarf, man, orc, and drakin—aided by mostly benevolent gods—survived and fl ourished in this strange new world.

Now, skyships fl y between islands, allowing trade, travel, exploration, and the salvaging of artifacts and material from the pre-Sundering age. Skyship crews face dangerous weather, pirates, and more, while scavengers of ancient ruins often face the undead and other, darker creatures. The churches of the Skies bring together worshippers to pay homage to the gods. The powerful and bureaucratic Trade

Council enforces a sky-wide peace, turning a blind eye to several small, clandestine wars continuing in the shadows. Meanwhile, mysterious and arcane secret societies hatch their baleful plans.

Sundered Skies is still a dangerous place.

Islands range in size from those barely large enough for a single tower to a size where they can support several cities. In the inland regions of larger islands, there is often no evidence you are standing on a lump of rock fl oating in an endless void.

Why the islands fl oat and how they orbit one another—sometimes moving against the strong wind currents that whip between them—is open to conjecture. Many put it down to the gods. Others claim there is a magically-active mineral within the islands that keeps them aloft. Most do not question the mysteries of their world and simply get on with their lives.

Very rarely, it has been known for an island to fall and either crash into a lower island or disappear into the depths of the void. This terrifying phenomenon is called “landfall.”

Sometimes the inhabitants of an island get some warning, such as tremors or smaller landfalls, before the cataclysm. More often they do not.

Collisions with other islands can also happen. Seventy years ago, the city of Spire was destroyed in a catastrophic collision with a previously unknown isle, killing thousands.

A group of sorcerers surviving the disaster founded a paranoid guild of astronomers,

The Sons of Spire. Now they scour the void looking for rogue islands, anxious to prevent disaster.

The vast empty spaces between islands are plagued with winds that can blow at extraordinary speeds. The inhabited islands are those spared these destructive winds, but many an isle can be found that has been scoured clean, leaving nothing more than wind-eroded bedrock. A permanent twister, called a vortex, forms where predominant airstreams meet, creating a navigational hazard strong enough to tear islands apart.

Unknown forces prevent ships from fl ying over islands unless they travel at least a mile above it. A ship may approach an island’s edge, but for reasons not fully understood, they are unable to sail closer without also sailing higher.


Agile: Elves are graceful and agile. They start with a d6 in Agility instead of a d4.

All Thumbs: Elves have an inbred dislike of mechanical objects and thus have the All

Thumbs Hindrance.

Plant heritage: Elves are part plant and must pick one of the following heritages:

Bark skin: The elf ’s skin is bark-like, giving

+1 Armor.

Blood rose: The hands of an elf with this heritage are covered in dormant blood roses, which may bloom and absorb blood from an Incapacitated foe. This process takes ten minutes, kills the victim, and immediately heals one of the elf ’s wounds—however he is uncomfortably bloated and suffers a level of Fatigue for one hour.

Ivy crawl: His skin is covered in grasping ivy tendrils that aid climbing attempts. He gains the Wall Walker ability (see the Savage Worlds rules) .

Nettle touch: His fi in stingers similar to the barbs found on a nettle. With a successful bare handed touch attack (+2 to Fighting), the target must make a successful Vigor roll or suffer one level of

Fatigue—this can lead the victim to become

Exhausted, but not Incapacitated.

Perfume: The sweetest perfume surrounds the elf, improving his Charisma by +2.

Spores: The elf ’s skin may shoot out spores in a Medium Burst Template centered on the character. All those caught in the blast must make a Vigor roll or suffer one level of

Fatigue. The elf must make a Spirit check or be left Shaken after making a spore attack.

Thorns: The character’s fl esh is covered in thorns. He may make an unarmed melee attack dealing Str+d4 damage and gains +2 on Grapple rolls.

Willow Shadow: An elf with this heritage casts a weeping willow shadow. Any who spend at least an hour in his company

(including the elf himself) gain +2 on any rolls to resist glowmadness that day.


Requirements: Seasoned, Dragon Might,

Vigor d8+

The drakin’s skin becomes an armored, scaly hide, giving +2 natural Armor. This bonus does not stack with any armor the character wears.

Requirements: Seasoned, Dragon Might,

Agility d8+

As the hero’s progression toward dragonhood continues, he grows a long, heavy tail.

This helps him maintain balance and can also be used to knock foes down. He gains a +2 bonus to all Agility rolls involving an element of balance, and a +2 bonus to Agility-based

Tricks. His Size increases by an additional


Requirements: Veteran, Dragon Might, either Dragon Hide or Dragon Tail, Agility d10+

The drakin’s wings are now able to bear his weight, allowing him to fl y at twice his regular Pace with a Climb of one-quarter his

Pace (rounded down). His Size increases by another +1.

Requirements: and one

Veteran, Dragon Might,

from Dragon Hide, Dragon Tail or

Dragon Wings, Spirit d10+, Vigor d10+ most terrible weapon—its fi ery breath. She can breathe fi re by making a Spirit roll and using the Cone Template. Everyone within this cone may make an Agility roll at –2 to avoid the attack. Those who fail suffer 2d6 damage and must check to see if they catch fi re (see Hazards in Savage Worlds ).

The drakin cannot take any other action in the round she breathes fi re, although she may move as normal. If she rolls a 1 on her

Spirit die, she becomes Shaken.

Requirements: Heroic, Dragon Might, and two from Dragon Breath, Dragon Hide,

Dragon Tail, or Dragon Wings, Spirit d10+,

Intimidation d10+

The character is approaching the fi nal transformation into a dragon, and his very appearance can cause an enemy to freeze in fear.

As an action, the Chosen can cause all non-drakin within a Large Burst template, centered on himself, to make a Guts roll or roll on the Fright Table. The drakin’s becomes a negative modifi er to the Guts roll, and a positive modifi er on the Fright Table roll.

Requirements: Seasoned, cannot be a wildling, non-Chosen drakin, provider, or songpriest, Intimidation d8+


“We must all laugh and sing in the face of madness, for it is our best defence against the Lightbringer!”

Attributes: Agility d4, Smarts d6, Spirit d8,

Strength d6, Vigor d6

Skills: Faith d8, Fighting d6, Guts d6, Knowledge (Legends and Lore) d6, Persuasion d8,

Streetwise d6

Charisma: +2; Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness:


Hindrances: Claustrophobia (minor), Code of Honour, Loyal, Pacifi st (Minor)


Arcane Background (Miracles), Holy

Warrior, Song Priest


Hide (+1, 10lbs), parchment helm (+2,

6lbs), short sword (Str+d6, greater blessing

4lbs), backpack (2lb), sleeping canvas (5lbs), waterskin (1lb), 45 cogs

Powers: 10 Power Points, defl ection, healing

You started life a nameless goblin in one of the ice mines on the Draining Sea.

Somehow, you ended up stranded on the surface. You were lucky enough to be found before freezing to death, but it was too late, you succumbed to glowmadness—becoming a glowborn.

You were shipped off to Freedom Isle on the next available ship, but Freedom didn’t prove to be the haven you were promised.

The elves were too authoritarian for your tastes—the glowborn had shed the slavery of their previous lives for a new servitude under the velvet heel of the Willow Court.

Unable to stomach what was happening on the isle, you left, seeking fame and fortune in the Skies.

Traveling to Shadowhaven, you became a full fl edged priest at The Choirhall. Now, you travels the skies, bringing the glory of Festival to all who will listen.


The Flaming Skies is the name given to the fi ery depths of the Skies below Deepsky

Citadel. No ship entering the Flaming Skies has ever returned.

The Fleshforge nestles between the roots of the mightiest tree on Heartland: known as the Leafl ord. The Fleshforge is the most holy of Wild temples and the birthplace of all ferals and wildlings, though no wildling is known to have any recollection of their creation there.

Only the most powerful Leafwardens know its secrets.

Foreign Quarter is the only city on

Dragon’s Spine accessible to non-drakin, the

Quarter is a lively cosmopolitan place, where anything produced in the Sundered Skies can be bought and sold.

Freedom Isle was originally a sparsely inhabited island called Jorvan. Just over 100 years ago, it was decided the newly emerging race known as the glowborn needed a homeisle, a place where they could develop their own sense of identity and community.

After much debate, it was decided by the

Trade Council that the sparsely populated

Jorvan was the best candidate.

The hand-over of the isle to the glowborn was mostly without incident as the original inhabitants of Jorvan were well compensated and offered free transportation to any island of their choosing. Since that time, however, the elves of Heartland have taken a special interest in Freedom Isle, and it is essentially under their rule.

Gateway is the major inhabited settlement crowded, and sprawling across several small islands, Gateway acts as a staging post for those scavengers brave or foolish enough to venture into the ruins of the Shattered City.

Goblins are a slave race. Though they are humanoid, divination deemed them soulless and unable to suffer. Many races abandoned goblin slavery after the emergence of the glowborn.

Heartland is the largest known inhabited island. Carpeted in thick forest, it is the home of the elves and they worship it as a god—the

Wild. The reclusive Willow Queen rules from the Leafl ord. Heartland is a very dangerous place to visit uninvited, as elvish troops and ferals—guardians created at the Fleshforge from large predators—patrol its shores and forests, always alert for intruders.

The Heralds of the Light, popularly known as voiders, are cultists who worship wrecks, with concentrated voidglow shining from fi ssures in their hulls. They are crewed by crazed cultists and glowmad victims of previous attacks. Their high priest, a mysterious fi gure called Lightlord, is rarely seen.

If this insane cult can be said to have a base, then it is on Aria, where they worship the mad god Festival, who was driven insane by Lightbringer. Here the cult follows Festival during his insane destructive dances, only to have to scatter and fl ee whenever the god temporarily regains his sanity, as Festival hates the Heralds with all his being.

The Ice Isles are ice-coated islands found in the upper reaches of the Skies. These isles are home to clans of orcs who have


Sundered Skies ™ is a dark fantasy Plot Point™ setting for the award-winning Savage Worlds RPG™

A shattered world.

A thousand fl oating islands.

A constant glow of madness.

Sundered Skies begins where every other world ends.

ISBN 978-0-9792455-9-6

5 3 4 9 9

9 7 8 0 9 7 9 2 4 5 5 9 6




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