C a r l o p s P a r i s h C h u r c h

Carlops Paris h Church
Volume 8, Number 9; September 2014
Services, September 2014
31 August 10am
7 September 10am
7 September 6pm
14 September 10am
21 September 10am
28 September 10am
5 October 10am
5 October 6pm
Mrs Mary McElroy
Rev Chris Levison Communion
Mrs Mary McElroy
Prof Murray Campbell
Rev Dr Linda Dunbar
Rev Dr Linda Dunbar Harvest
Dr Brian Watt
Rev Chris Levison Communion
From our minister
Harvest thoughts
This year it is estimated that the world population reached seven billion people. Various
websites discuss what the world would be like if it were presented as a village with a
population of 100 people, instead of the seven billion that now inhabit the globe. Using such a
small number makes it much easier to grasp how unjust and unfair the distribution of the
world’s precious resources is. In the global village of 100 people, only a few villagers would
enjoy a western lifestyle, while many of their neighbours would be poor, illiterate and illhoused. Here's how it would break down.
Village population Asians 60; Africans 15; Americans 14; Europeans 11
People Children 26; adults 74, eight of whom would be 65 and older
Accommodation 23 people would have no shelter from the wind and rain
Education 17 villagers would be illiterate; only seven would have a degree; 78 people would
neither own nor share a computer
Village wealth 48 villagers would live on less than £1.20; one out of every two children would
live in poverty; 22 people would have no electricity
Wellbeing 13 people would have no clean, safe water to drink; one would be dying of
starvation; 15 would be undernourished; 21 would be overweight; 16 people would have no
toilets; 19 would have only basic toilets
At this harvest season of the year our thoughts naturally turn to such issues as the sharing of
resources and wealth. Judging from last year, I am sure we will rise to the challenge and show
ourselves to be a caring church. After all, John 3:16 does not say ‘God so loved the rich’!
Linda Dunbar
Harvest Thanksgiving, 2014
We extend a warm invitation to you to join in our harvest thanksgiving celebrations this
We will be decorating the church for Harvest on Friday 26 September, 2-4pm. Gifts of
produce, food, flowers, etc are welcome. Bring them to the church that afternoon (when we
also invite you to join in the decorating!), or on Saturday 27 September, 9.30am-12noon, or to
morning service on Sunday 28 September. After the Harvest Thanksgiving weekend, all
produce will be donated to Broomhill Day Centre in Penicuik.
On Saturday 27 September, the Drop-in Coffee stall that supports Carlops Produce Market
will be held in the harvest-decorated church, 9-30am-12noon.
Our celebrations will culminate in the Harvest Thanksgiving service on Sunday 28 September
at 10am.
Minister's leave
Linda Dunbar will be on post-(knee)op leave for about two weeks from 26 August 2014. Rev
Rachel Dobie (tel 01899 229 244) will provide pastoral cover. Best wishes to Linda for a
successful op and a speedy recovery.
Fresh Start update
I delivered a large car load of goods to Fresh Start's depot in Pilton, Edinburgh last month and
would like to pass on my thanks for the generosity of our members. The depot was buzzing
with activity when I arrived, with many volunteers from local churches sorting goods. A few
of the young people working there have experienced homelessness themselves and are now
benefitting from work experience with Fresh Start.
Fresh Start are most appreciative of the continuing support from the congregation at Carlops
Gill Gold
Table sale at the Manse
I will be holding a car-boot type sale in the manse garden (ie, there will be tables, but no cars
in the manse garden please!) on Saturday 11 October 2014 10am-12noon. Everyone is invited
to do a spot of de-cluttering and bring items along for sale.
The event is in aid of the minister’s benevolent fund, which exists to provide support to those
in need in the community. It will cost £10 to rent a table from which to sell things – or table
holders can pledge to donate the whole financial product of their table to the fund.
Contact me to book a table and for more information.
Linda Dunbar
If you would like to propose a person for consideration by the Session as an Elder, please give
their name to the minister in a sealed envelope marked Eldership. Please note, however, that
there is no guarantee that those nominated will be chosen.
Christian Aid Gaza Coffee Morning
In the Graham Institute on Saturday 6 September 2014, 10am-12noon – West Linton market
day. All monies raised will go to Christian Aid’s Gaza Appeal.
Favourite hymns songs of praise
Kirkurd & Newlands Church is organising a Songs of Praise service on Sunday evening 14
September 2014 at 7pm. If you have a favourite hymn you would like to sing, write the details
down, place in an envelope marked K&N, and put the envelope into the offering bag on 31
August or 7 September. We look forward to seeing lots of people sharing in a great service of
music and singing.
The Column
Raven Trust background
Carlops Church has been supporting Raven Trust for some time, and I asked Marjory Clarke
if she would write about the range of work they do. Ed.
Fourteen years ago, I was Colinton Church's correspondent with missionary partners in
Mozambique. Once, I asked what they needed and they said Four non-electric sewing
machines! I couldn't put these in a parcel, so I asked “121” for advice and was told that Raven
Trust would take them to the Mozambique border “they are so obliging”. That was how I met
Sue and John Challis, who lead Raven Trust, and became involved.
All goods are documented and addressed to one person who in turn passes it on at a collection
point in Malawi. Since these sewing machines, five or six 40ft containers have been sent
every year; every one has reached its destination.
No one is paid at Raven Trust; everyone is a volunteer. People give up holidays to work at
their profession in Malawi. A husband and wife from Dunoon, both dentists, have opened a
dental clinic and secured equipment for Raven Trust Dentistry.
The Raven Trust never asks for money but will accept it and believe it is God-driven. Many
experiences show that such money arrives "just in time"!
Local people are encouraged to help themselves. An area in Henga valley is fertile but had no
ready access, so in 2013, funds were provided for bridge work. John Challis trained local men
and when he was satisfied they were competent, left them to finish the job. Now, children can
get to school and the fertile land can be ploughed; food production is facilitated.
A bee-keeping programme began ten years ago. Raven Trust was asked if they could provide
hives to let widows and poor families generate income. Instead, John Challis taught people
how to build hives and local apiarist Hudson Chisambo taught bee-keeping. They now
produce seven tons of honey a year!
Despite such changes, the familiar projects go on eg, enabling children to attend school and
providing woollens. The woollens save lives in northern Malawi, where nights are cold and
babies and young children need to be well clad. And teenage boys love bright beanie hats! So
please, keep the needles and crochet hooks clicking!
Marjory Clarke
Future events in the church
Soup lunches Wednesdays 3 & 17 September 2014 12noon – 1.30pm
Kirk Session Thursday 18 September 2014 7.30pm
Drop-in coffee for Carlops Produce Market Saturday 27 September 2014 9.30am – 12noon
Eco Group Monday 29 September 2014 7pm for 7.30pm. Joint meeting with the Eco Group
of St Martin of Tours Episcopal Church, Dalry, Edinburgh
Soup lunches Wednesdays 1 & 15 October 2014 12noon – 1.30pm
Picturing belief: talk by Patsy Campbell Friday 3 October 2014 8pm
Eco Group's community birthday party Saturday 4 October 2014 7.30pm in Carlops
Village Centre
Drop-in coffee for Carlops Produce Market Saturday 25 October 2014 9.30am – 12noon
My bonnie dearie; Scottish songs and airs for voice and harps: concert by Anne Lewis &
Bill Taylor for West Linton Music Society; Sunday 2 November 2014 3pm see also
Material for next issue
To info@carlopschurch.org by Monday 22 September 2014 please