GenesCodeForProteins The genetic code is responsible for the construction of proteins, which may be structural components of cells or metabolism .ontrollinq enzymes, The various levels of genetic instructions are illustrated below, together with their 'protein equivalents' , Nucleotides are the simplest basic unit of genetic information, that are read in groups of three (called triplets) , One triplet provides information to bring in a single amino acid during protein construction , Series of triplets in a long string allow the synthesis of polypeptide chains and are called genes, Some ~ ~ Thispolypeptide chain formsonepartof the functionalprotein, Polypeptide chain I (0 (0 (0 (0 ~ ~ ! I I Triplet START t -+ -+ I i Triplel Triplet I, I Triplet I 8 8 Thispolypeptide chain formstheotherpartof thefunctionalprotein, Functlcnal protein Polypeptide chain I (0 (0 (0 (0 (0 (0 t t I (0 I A triplet ­ + Aminoacids codesforone aminoacid ~ Proteinsynthesis: ~ ~ ~ I :I transcription and II I ! i , I i, I I translation ~ 1 triplets have a special controlling function in the making of a polypeptide chain. The equivalent of the triplet on the mRNA molecule is the codon .Three codons can signify the end point of polypeptide chain construction in the mRNA : UAG. UAA and UGA (also called STOP codons) . The triplet ATG is found at the beginning of every gene (codon AUG on mRNA) and marks the starting position for reading the gene . Several polypeptide chains may be needed to form a functional protein, The genes required to do this are collectively called a transcription unit. Triplel t I Triplel i I I I Triple, STOP START Triplet I Triplet I , Triplel I Triplet i I I Triplet Triplet STOP 5' 3' .... DNA Transcription unit Three nucleotides make up a triplet Note : Thit start code is fer the codingstrandoftheDNAThe templateDNAstrandfromwhich themRNAis madewouldhave thesequence : TAC. Inmodelsof nucleicacids, nucleotides aredenoted bytheirbasetetter. 1, The following exercise is designed to establish an understanding of the terms used in describing protein structure and the genetic information that determines them. Your task is to consult the diagram above and match the structure in the level of protein organization with its equivalent genetic information: (a) Nucleotide codes for: (b) TriPlet/eoaon codes for: (c) Gene codes for: ~l~f2C"fH ~ (y~c;.:) (d) Transcription unit codes for: a. ~c*i5>na- t pn*~ C~ a N'\ 0. N"Y"-o' 'oA=> a.. cd J. IoeMQAa c:s£ cd-~ ~) 2, Name the basic building blocks for each of the following levels of genetic information: (a) Nucleotide is made up of: p~bo.1S.LI s,""'(f\.£o.X"l l ~ 4: n,~ knS.C4 (o-tLu,.y,~R ¥I. ~ I ~~'C4 ~f' ~~l OY"" l) ... J l.o::tCil '''1 (b) Triplet is made up of: ~etbL< (c) Gene is made up of: (d) Transcription 3 c..ons.oC.c.url V't- m Ck ba.~eo --tbo* a...ce:. rTead t&cM... ttf- 1T\~ld-~ , t±CU"+i ~ wj"",, a. idnK't O!... tu-~on (s-lnp) e.ccNt . a. r.eo,\M>AoI'a unit is made up of : themRNAis madewouldhave • ~-n('h -two 1 Inmodelsof nucleicacids, c.e:x4. P":. .... GeneExpression .&.\ RAE) The process of protein synthesis is fundamental to the understanding of how a cell can control its activities. Genetic instructions, in the form of DNA , are used as a blueprint for designing and manufacturing proteins. Some of these proteins are the enzymes that control the complex biochemical reactions in the cell, while others take on a variety of other roles. The Chromosomal DNA DNA contains the master copy ot all the genetic information to produce proteins for the cell. Most eukaryotic genes contain segments of coding sequences (exons) interrupted by non coding sequences (introns) . Intron DNA Intron Intron Intron ] Exon Exon Exon Transcription H~ Exon Exon Double stranded molecule of genomic DNA Exon Reverse transcription occurs when retroviruses (e.g. HIV) invade host cells. Their vira l RNA is converted to DNA and spliced into the host's genome by an enzyme called reverse transcriptase . ._----- -~II-I--- ......... Primary RNA Transcript Both exons and introns are transcribed to produce a long primary RNA transcript. Intron process of transferring the information encoded in a gene to its functional gene product is called gene expression. It is divided up into two distinct stages: transcription and translation .These are summarized below and detailed in the following pages. For the sake of simplicity, the involvement of introns in gene expression has been omitted from the following pages. Primary RNA II -, r Introns I::::~., Exons are spliced together Messenger RNA The introns are then removed by splicing to form a mature mRNA. Messenger RNA is an edited copy of the DNA molecule (now axctuding the introns) that codes for the making of a single protein. Introns in the DNA (also copied to the primary RNA) are long sequences of codons that have (as yet) no apparent function . They may be the remnants of now unused ancient genes . It has been suggested that they might facili tate recomb ination between protein-codinq regions (exons ) of different genes; a process known as exon shuffling . Th is may accelerate evolution . Translation Structural proteins Y Y Y 'f Immunological proteins Regulatory proteins y Transport proteins Catalytic proteins 1. The hypothesis known as the central dogma of biology states that: "genetic information can only flow in the direction of DNA to proteins and not in the opposite directiort'. Accounting for the ideas in the diagram above , form a discussion group with 2-3 of your classmates and discuss the merits of this statement. Summarize your group 's response below : ~ CJ£.IPreoo i C\l"\ ',~ -tb.t. f20CC;OO ~ wh't c..h ..fut. c..cll (or c~ .~ rf'O,N\A.tto..~ rtcM,o ~ ~ ~ fln:d..Mc~. ~A ~ -+bt.. "lnftx~S>00J2 c0c4" or "ost<udi.ori foe ~'Pc1d~ a.. ~. 'Thnk \nb=n"'\a.noo o\" I,crJ...A"s. -h-o.J(\$m"~ ~~c.r'f'\i~ ~ I, -tco.m.s.~S*'\)v..U\~ maJk'~ 0. ~K'\. 1'h;.. ~ crl ~ ~ \s ',mflb~~ . 2. Explain the significance of introns and exons found in DNA and primary RNA: (a) Intron: .s <Lt£. W'\~I\ l~ (b) Exon: ".. ,nt~ ~~q.....Q....k\....-CJ:D"""""",--_-i+cx;t""""'-=-:.L.-~""""--L__ LUo""""''''''''~'''''''''''''''''--''-....L..L~ \oe.!ca.-tr()N\.S.lo~, '1h\s \s dA NoT ccv1L rCJrrA ~ \n -tb.L ."' ""c....... .... ·........... ~ eri~u..vU -=-. mt(.NA. - " •• _ • ••••• CO l f 9 d _ .• o.~ ~ _~:_ : : : : ~ ••• _ -fur - - " '-- a.. " ---~. _ .. _ .. _ ...... ~. . .. .- ... -r r ---_ ._~ Transcripti on Transcription is the process by which the code contained in the DNA molecule is transcribed (rewritten) into a mRNA molecule . Transcription is under the control of the cell's metabolic processes which must activate a gene before this process can begin . The enz yme that directly controls the process is RNA polymerase, which makes a strand of mRNA using the single antisense (template ) strand of DNA as a template . The enzyme transcribes onl y a gene length of DNA at a time and therefore recognizes star t and stop signals (codes ) at the beginning and end of the gene . Only RNA polymerase is involved in mRNA synthesis ; it causes the unwinding of the DNA as well. It is common to find several RNA polymerase enzyme mo lecules on the same gene at anyone time, allowing a high rate of mRNA synthesis to occur. 5' A copy of the genetic information for making a protein is made in the form of messenger RNA (mRNA). Many mRNA copies may be made from a single gene on the DNA molecule. Once the mRNA is complete and has been released from the chromosome, it travelsto the edgeof the nucleus where it gains access to the cytoplasm through a tiny hole called a nuclear pore. In prokaryoticcells (bacteria) there is no nucleus, and thechromosomes are in direct contact with the cytoplasm.This means that the next stage (translation ) can begin immediately, with the mRNA still being synthesized by enzymes on the DNA molecule. Freenucleolides usedto construct the mRNAstrand. Single-armed enrornosomeas found in non-diVidingcell. RNApolymerase enzyme Template strand of DNA containstheinformationfor the constructionof a protein. Pore(hole) in the nuclear mp.mhr;:l:ne throuah which "", " Coding strand of DNAhas a nucleotidesequence complementary to the templatestrand. the mRNApassesto enter the cytoplasm. -. . . ,~ :'?~~j "'-I'" X ' ~ '. -, Oncein thecytoplasm, the mRNAwill engage ribosomesto beginthe nex1stagein protein synthesis:translation Formationof a singlestrandof mRNAthatis complementaryto the templatestrand(therefore thesame "message" as the codingstrand). The two strands of DNAcoil up into a helix. Nuclear membranethat enclosesthe nucieus. Nucleus 5' 1 . Explain the role of messenger m ~NA COKrieo .fn:m. -l-bDDNA 'W\. fun n"cJ~ RNA (m R N A) in protein synthesis : ~c. \~~ ',0. Cytoplasm 0.. ~ of -tht.. ~ r·'W;;;.~ +Vw.o.~p~m. 2 . The genetic code contains punctuation codons to mark the starting and finishing points of the code for synthesis of polypeptide chains and proteins . Consult the mRNA-amino acid table earlier in this manua l and state the codes for : (a) Start codon: --LA....u,l""'-l""c:.r04- _ For the following triplets on the DNA , determine (a ) Triplets on the DNA: Codons on the mRNA: (b ) Triplets on the DNA : Codons on the mRN A : Coding strand of n NA h~~ ~ (b) Stop (termination ) codons : ~~L ~A G for the mRNA that would be synthes ized : G A C C G C c:r iluc.. GGcC GrCL.l AAJA... G C C T A T A A A A T A C AlA the~ sequence (A.M, lAAG",UGrA T A C A A ALJ.G lAUe GMA lAAL\. " ' ~~L_ T T T tAlA.lI\. ~~~.. Translati on The diagram below shows the translation phase of protein ­ more of the mRNA than the ribosome to the left. The anti synthesis . The scene shows how a single mRNA molecule codon at the base of each tRNA must make a perfect can be 'serviced' by many ribosomes at the same time. The complementary match with the codon on the mRNA before ribosome on the right is in a more advanced stage of the amino acid is released. Once released, the amino acid is constructing a polypeptide chain because it has 'translated' added to the growing polypeptide chain by enzymes. dBd unlOB:t: Thr·IRNA Polypeptide chain Ii This chain is in an advanced stage of synthesis. unloa~ ""~~ Polypeptide chain in an early stage of synthesis unload:t;ed Thr·IRNA -'---" ' " Ii JIJdJjbtDjjoiIilllUl.nllillUlJlllJdlltlJ =-__ 5' mRNA_ .~ ---:> ...... Ribosomes rnovmq In this direction Amino acid attachment site tRNA molecules move into the ribosome . bringing in amino acids 10add to the polypeptide cham unde r construction. t Ribosome i Large subunit The anticodon is the site of the 3·base sequence that 'recognizes' and matches up with the codon on the mRNA molecule. L=--.J Small subuni t Anticodon Ribosomes are maoe up of a complex of ribosomal RNA (rRNA) and proteins. They exist as two seoarate sub-units until they are attracted to a binding site on the mRNA molecule . when they join together . Ribosomes have binding sites that attract tRNA molecules loaded with amino acids. The transfer RNA (tRNA) molecules are about 80 nucleotides in length and are made under the direction ot genes in the chromosomes. There is a different IRNA molecu le for each of the differenl possible anticodons (there may be up to six different tRNAs carrying the same amino acid). 1, For the following cedens on the mRNA, determine the an1l;codons for each tRNA that would deliver the amino acids: Codons on the mRNA: U A C U A G C C G C GA U U U Ant i-codons on the tRNAs: 2. There are many different types of tRNA molecules , each with a different anti-codon (HINT: see the mRNAtable ). (a) State how many different tRNA types there are , each with a unique anticodon : bu* 3 C1J«.. -s-k>f ~. etALh.We&.0.. bringing in amino acids 10add to the _ :fb.A..<e c::vye. <ell'f'b~; bls..~ -mr: WlIl..NA} Col vxt.ot'\$ ~r m tNA rr:qu:£G'=21~NAs ea_ Ib) Give a reason for your answer in ra) above: .J2J <;.oc;ton.s· attachment site - n TheGeneticCode The genetic information that cooes for the assembly of amino acias is stored as three-ietter codes. calied codons. Each codon ioresents one of 20 amino acids used In the constructio n of olyoeptide chains, The mANA amino acid table (bottom 01 page) can be used to identify the amino acid encoded by each of the mRNA cocons. NOTethat the code is degenerate in that for I eac h amino acid. there may be more than one codon. Most of this aegenerac y involves the third nucleotide of a codon. The genetic code is universal ; all liVing organisms on Earth, from viruses and bacteria, to plants and humans, share the same genetic code book (with a few minor exceotions representing mutations tnat have occurred over the iong history of evolution), IUAA, UUGr, CW--\.. Ir's u: r'dl c:.uL::r Leu Leucine Lys Lysine Met Methionine Phe Phenylalanine Pro Proline Glutamine Ser Serine Glu Glutamicacid Thr Threonine Gly Glycine Try Tryptophan His Histidme CAu,C,Ac.. Tyr Tyrosine Isoleucine IAUU., N..AC,AUA Val Ala Alanine Arg Arginine Asn Asparagine Asp Asparticacid Cys Cysteine Gin r' s o 4 GCU, GCC, GCA, GCG I AA.<A, 12 AAC ItAGfU, \AGrC 12. IGrAA ..Gt'AGr Z. AAA,A~ UtA.U.., l,AGlA, I(J.f 12. \..llAC, I uc.c. v.LA, r....A I (;ret I ~ , Ace, A~c.. k..A. Ac& b Ilf I II tA.ACAI lAAc 1 2 Valine Use tne mRNA amino acid table (below ) to us: In the taole above all tne codons that code for each of the amino acids and the number of different codons that can code tor each amino acid (the first amino acid has been done for you). 2. (a) State how many amino acids could be coded for if a codon consisted of just TWO bases: --l/.... b....,. _ (b) Explain wh y this number of bases is inadequate to code for the 20 amino acids required to make proteins : ~-~<. ~ c:la N::>t pn:>vido q,xc: enr.::.wt' G<:)tnbiOQh'~ - ~ 2-0 c:A.·If£~ a~D o.~-elA 3, There are multiple codons for a single amino acid, Comment on the significance of this with respect to point mutations: ~kV'&- p:(m ~~n,Q ""o"od ..fha. 0"wM2trv6t>1') (~'l\ 'In +tu mRNA-Amino Acid Table ~-t ~ -#u. ~ ac:'ol-e&pC-c.t~ 'rf b)± ba.t(., 6.,r ~ ~tz.~ ..~p,R"j if *'--~'. c..OD6'NCHART \r>,kf " \ ) ~ ~r'"" Rea d secon d lener nere Example : Determine CAG C on the left row, fl. on the too colu mn, G on the right row CAG is Gin I,glutamine ) Ie) Read lhrrd Second Letter Head firs' letter nere ~ How to read the table: The table on the right IS used to 'oecods ' the genetic code as a sequence of amino acids in a polypentide chain . from a given mRNA sequence To work out whic h amino acid is code d tor by a codon (trip let of oases ) look for the first tette r of the codon in tne row label on the iei! hand side. ]ben lo ok for the column that Intersects the I ----e row from above tnat matches tne ___ .ronc base. Finally, locate the third base in the codon by looking along the row from the rrgnt nand end tha t matcnes you r codon, CecA opt - u c Pne A UCU seUCC Ser UCA Se t UCG Ser UAU UAC UAA UAG Ty' i yr STOP CCU CCC CCA CCG Pro CAU CAe !-1 1 ~ AUA Iso AUG Me: ACU ACC ACA ACG Tnr in I n: GUU va GUC Va GUA Va GUG ",jo GCU GCe GCA GCG Al e UUU UUC UUA UUG Pn" Leu Leu CUU Leu cue L et, CUA Lel. CUG Le u AUU rsc AUC ISO F :,c Pre " rc .,..., ~ AlE: Ali Ali here STOP G UGU e VE UGC c."s UGA STOo UGG Try CAf... Gl.... CAG Gte CGU Ar" CGC A'9 CGA A r~ CGG A,g AAU .A.Sr. AAC p,sn AAA LYS AAG LYS AGU Se r AGC Ser AGA Arg AGG Arg GAU ASL GAC Aso GAt. Glu GAG GI... GGU Gry GGC G l,! GGA G'y HI S GGG Gr.' and the number of different codons that can code tor each amino acid (the first amino acid has been done for vou), A. ITd' ~f\. ProteinSynthesis Summary ~ 8 . ee 8eO 08 . :·..0.···· ~aQ I~ V : ~ 6 ,' ~ b ­.'.tJ '0- . .. ~.... ' 4-.. ltlr J Cytoplasm The diagram above shows an overview of the process of protein synthesis . It is a combination of the diagrams from the previous two pages. Each of the major steps in the process are numbered , \~Ihil€' structures :r9 labeled with letters. 1. Write a brief description of each numbered process in the diagram above: (a) Process 1: \AK\wi ~ DNA (b) Process 2 : -tra.,oWr'ipt6>n-mitNA s..~w -r\A.lcJ,dic44 (c) Process 3 : DNA feb>" Q"Q(dp.,t 10 ~"3 mleNf\ rd.o ::: :::::: :::::a:::;i:::!':::::::: ~ :::~::=~r~ ~ ~t ... ~h 4eJlW*c~crxAAn f Q'>clAnkn'L (g) Process 7 : l:,(?NA lea.v'Co i'h.Q ";~ny" (f) Process 6 : .L'" (h) Process 8: ~ ....NA • u II .-J ~ rc.c:~"" 'I~- . ..Lt. .- • ~ ~ 0.(.4 Wl=rn -pMLf a.rn;(1() "1«~ o;:.~~ 'd 2 . Identify each of the structures marked with a letter and write their names below in the spaces provided : ])..... NL.1Lf\~ (a) Structure A: ..... _ (b) Structure B: "FCc.e. W'\M("ld (c ) Structure c RNA ertickoe 3 _ "'udDl1#' ~~ fU.McA-iC)n1 wi:tWn CA. W.l ~Q (i) Structure I: ~ 1r::c~r'Y'A- U) Structure J : Po\~r~h c.k\a.,,:O /p~ 7~k+,An c:.wn:. o.cAc::Lo (J'!I) fS'tlJ.j bla. -ftir: -:E'N\..~J ~p>rt Prb~J ~iN.e-hL(a..i ~} ~'!LJ """"-KnCdat(f d .~ -tho. n"nC4-\C*"- uf ~ c..eM - PAMt'9V\ vs· rCEA,blotd ........ 11'0. _ (h) Structure H: Explain the purpose of protein synthesis (gene expression): So ~ N. ACg De,., fDr"-' (g) Structure G:_"'=-""""""e..!!!<L...N::..oA-=- Pl)l~ (d) Structure D: ...... m~R"""""N.3I.J'P.::L(e) Structure E (f) Structure F: Go. Dec h..ey ~ ~tl. l')n ~ ~,~ • .J