216 FAMILY AND COMMUNITY SERVICES PROGRAMME COMMITTEE 14. FAMILY AND COMMUNITY SERVICES PROGRAMME COMMITTEE REVENUE BUDGET MONITORING POSITION AS AT 31ST JULY, 1997 The Committee considered a report of the Director of Social Services setting out the financial position of the Family and Community Services Programme Committee as at 31st July, 1997 an A inrlnrfina details of (a) items of employee expenditure which would involve additional expenditure together with information on the departure of 164 employees from the Department under voluntary severance schemes, (b) the financial position of premises, supplies and services, transport and agency services, (c) the overall revenue budget position which was currently operating at an overspend of £274,000 against the profiled budget and (d) a proposal to establish a contingency fund designed to be held against a number of categories relating to children and adults services. RESOLVED: That (i) the information set out in the report now submitted indicating an overspend of £274,000 as at 31st July, 1997 be noted; (ii) the Director of Social Services be requested to report to a future meeting of this Committee with detailed action plans to contain the net expenditure within the approved cash limit and to provide regular monitoring reports to this Committee; (c) approval be given to the establishment of a contingency fund from transfers of holdbacks within the Adult Purchasing budgets; (d) allocations from the contingency fund be subject to further reports of the Director of Social Services to this Committee and the Finance and Property Sub-Committee; (e) approval be given to the detailed budget allocation work undertaken to establish the fall year impact of 1996/97 expenditure, the allocation of the Special Transitional Grant, capital disregard and the offsetting of the home care income shortfall against the whole of the elderly purchasing budgets; and (f) the Director of Social Services be requested to provide an update of the revised breakdown of the Department’s detailed activity budget headings within the approved cash limit for submission to the next meeting of this Committee. (15) VISIT BY THE UNDER SECRETARY OF STATE FOR HEALTH, MR. P. BOATENG, MP The Committee noted information reported by the Director of Social Services on a visit to Sheffield on 31st July, 1997 by the Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Health, Mr. P. Boateng MP, including details of his itinerary on the visit which included a meeting with the Care Management Panel, a visit to the Pitsmoor Day Centre, a meeting with the Chief Executive and senior politicians inrinrfing the Chair of this Committee and meetings with representatives of the Youth Justice Services in Sheffield. i 217 ENVIRONMENT. HEALTH AND STANDARDS PROGRAMME COMMITTEE Meeting held 2nd September. 1997 PRESENT: Councillors Jordan (Chair), Bagshaw, Barnard, Ms. Bowden, M. C. Brelsfoid, Hinman, Hughes, Law, Mrs. Leek, Mrs. Newton, Pears, Qadar, Rooney, Mrs. E. Smith, M. Smith, K. Walayat and Webster. 1 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Mrs. Chadwick, D. Jones, Lumley, Macfarlane, Mrs. Midgley and J. Moore. 2. AUTHORISATION OF ANIMAL REMAINS INCINERATOR AT HOLBROOK The Director of Environmental Services and Standards submitted a report on an application made by Woolley Brothers under the Environmental Protection Act 1990 Part I, for an authorisation to operate animal carcass incinerator at Holbrook, Sheffield for the purpose of disposing of cattle slaughtered under the "Over Thirty Month Scheme" which provides for the purchase of cattle over thirty months old presented for slaughter and the carcasses to be incinerated or rendered and destroyed. The report indicated that the Director had investigated the application to determine whether it met the BATNEEC (Best Available Technology Not Entailing Excessive Costs) Environmental Standard which had revealed that the application failed to meet the standard on two counts. Firstly, the chimney stack height of 14 metres on the proposed incinerator was not sufficient to avoid excessive ground level concentrations of sulphur dioxide and, secondly, it did not meet the requirements of the Secretary of State for the Environment, Transport and the Regions for an incinerator of the type now reported to have an automatic de-ashing facility. The Director, therefore, recommended that the application be refused. As part of their consideration of the application, the Committee received oral representations opposing the granting of a licence from a representative of people residing in the area of the proposed incinerator and Councillor I. Saunders as the City Council member for the Mosborough ward representing the area. RESOLVED: That, in accordance with the recommendations contained in the report now submitted and in light of the representations now made, (a) the decision of the Director of Environmental Services and Standards not to authorise the proposed animal remains incinerator at Holbrook under the application now reported, be endorsed; and (b) the Director of Environmental Services and Standards be requested to (i) write to the S e c r e t a ^ ^ ^ ^ of Suite for the Environment, Transport and the Regions informing him of this Committee’s (A) view that (1) further, detailed research is required to ascertain the most suitable method for the disposal of animal carcasses of the type now reported, in view of the scientific questions currently being posed as to the total effectiveness of incineration, (2) animal carcass incinerators should only be sited in areas which are as remote as possible from densely inhabited areas and that the Government should consider using remote areas of land under the ownership of the Ministry of Defence for this purpose and (3) when considering applications of the type now submitted, planning issues should be taken account of as well as other environmental issues and (B) concern at recent Government Directives suggesting that local authorities should issue approvals in respect of applications for licences for animal carcass incinerators which is not in keeping with the present Government’s policy on decentralisation of decision-making; and (ii) submit further reports to this Committee following the receipt of any additional or amended applications for the authorisation of similar or associated processes to that now reported. 3. LICENSING SUB-COMMITTEE RESOLVED: That, except so far as they relate to matters delegated to the Licensing Sub-Committee, the following minutes be approved:- 218 ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH AND STANDARDS PROGRAMME COMMITTEE Meeting of the Licensing Sub-Committee held on 26th June, 1997. Present: Councillors M. C. Brelsford, Hinman, D. Jones, Macfarlane, Nazir, Pears, M. Smith, K. Walayat, Mrs. Walton and Webster. (1) Appointment o f Chair RESOLVED: That, in the absence of the Chair of the Sub-Committee (Councillor D. Jones) at the commencement of the meeting, Councillor Webster be appointed Chair of the ™Paring (2) Apologies fo r Absence Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Law, Mrs. Newton and Mrs E Smith. §(3) Safety o f Sports Grounds Act 1975 (As Amended) Sheffield Wednesday Football Club - Stadium Control The City Solicitor and Head of Administration submitted a report on action he had taken, in consultation with the Safety of Sports Grounds Advisory Group, in approving a new Stadium Control Room facility at the Hillsborough Stadium which would be located in the same position as the current Control Room. RESOLVED: That confirmation be given to the action of the City Solicitor and Head of Administration in approving the provision of a new Stadium Control Room facility at the Hillsborough Stadium. The Guide to Safety at Sports Grounds (The Green Guide) Fourth Edition: Audit n f Snnrt* .w ,v , The Sub-Committee received and noted a report of the City Solicitor and Head of Administration (a) outlining the procedure for the auditing of the four large scale and two small scale outdoor sports stadia in the City to ensure that they comply with the Guide to Safety at Sports Grounds (The Green Guide) Fourth Edition and which would involve r*r-h Stadium being audited by Officers of the Council’s Safety of Sports Grounds Advisory Group, in partnership with the Stadium owners and a representative of the Department of National Heritage and (b) indicating that reports arising from the audit would be submitted to future meetings of the Sub-Committee. Sheffield Wednesday Football Club - South Stand First and Fourth Floor Concourses The City Solicitor and Head of Administration (a) submitted a report on action he had taken, in consultation with the Safety of Sports Grounds Advisory Group, on the development of the first and fourth floor concourses and one of the Function Suites at the first floor level in the South Stand at the Hillsborough Stadium and (b) reported that an inspection was scheduled for the 7th August, 1997. RESOLVED: That (i) confirmation be given to the action of the City Solicitor and Head of Administration in approving the alterations to the first and fourth floor concourses and one of the Function Suites at first floor level in the South Stand at the Hillsborough Stadium, subject to compliance and incorporation of all the technical requirements detailed by Officers of the Safety of Sports Grounds Advisory Group; and (ii) the Sub-Committee notes that the concourses in the South Stand cannot be brought into operation until approved by the Safety of Sports Grounds Advisory Group and delegated authority be granted to the City Solicitor and Head of Administration to approve the opening of the concourses and the South Stand on agreement with the Advisory Group. (4) Public Entertainment Licensing - Security S ta ff Registration Scheme The City Solicitor and Head of Administration reported on the Security Staff Registration Scheme and indicated that (a) approximately 200 applications were originally expected and «inno the introduction of the Scheme in November, 1996,280 applications had been considered with 23 pending and (b) the budget for the Scheme had been exceeded and work was ongoing in identifying additional resources. ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH AND STANDARDS PROGRAMME COMMITTEE A Police Officer from the South Yorkshire Police’s Plain Clothes Unit at West Bar addressed the Sub-Committee and (i) explained that the Unit had been re-established in May this year and part of its remit related to licensing matters and assaults on licensed premises and Officers from the Unit had accompanied the City Council’s Licensing Officers on night time visits to licensed premises, (ii) expressed support of the Scheme but referred to problems with a number of security staff being unregistered and this situation, together with reporting to the City Council Hptniic of security staff who had been found guilty of offences, would be addressed through liaison with the Council’s Licensing Officers and (iii) sought an extension of the Scheme to include security staff at all licensed premises, including public houses. The Sub-Committee noted this information. Cinema Licensing - Film Certification The City Solicitor and Head of Administration submitted a report on an application in respect of The Showroom, Paternoster Row, for permission to show films which have not been i-'ortifir-atpri by the British Board of Film Classification and would be shown during the Lesbian and Gay Film Festival to be held from the 4th to 10th July, 1997. RESOLVED: That permission be granted for The Showroom, Paternoster Row, to exhibit the following films at the classifications indicated:Title Certificate Short Programme A (comprising Sherlock, Louise and Mina, Dinner Party, While I’ll Never Trust You, What Became Known As, Junky Punky Girlz, Dike, Margaret Star and Groove on a Stanley Knife) 18 It’s In The Water 15 Sebastian 15 Mum’s The Word 15 Short Programme B (comprising Saint, Particularly Now, In Spring, Spindthrift, Melvin Schmatzman, Twilight of the Gods and Must Be The Music) 18 The Escort 18 Skin and Bone 18 Public Entertainments Licensing The Embassy. Mansfield Road The City Solicitor and Head of Administration submitted a report on an application to renew the Public Entertainments Licence in respect of The Embassy, Mansfield Road. RESOLVED: That the renewal of the Public Entertainments Licence in respect of The Embassy, Mansfield Road, be granted for a period of 12 months. Cairo’s. Bank Street The City Solicitor and Head of Administration (a) submitted a report on an application to renew the Public Entertainments Licence in respect of Cairo’s, Bank Street and (b) reported that the minor repair works identified on an inspection of the Club on 4th June, 1997, had been completed. An Officer from the Directorate of Environmental Services and Standards stated that following a further inspection of the premises there were no further defects identified but he had inHiratpH to the Manager that, in time, the Club would be in need of some general refurbishment. RESOLVED: That the application now submitted for a renewal of a Public Entertainments Licence in respect of Cairo’s, Bank Street, be granted for a period of 12 months.