US II and the World Summer Assignment ­ All levels Directions: 1. Print out the blank out line maps provided. 2. Use the colors listed and the list provided of regions, countries, cities, water bodies, and land formations to correctly label the maps. 3. Use the maps to study the regions of the world where the items you labeled are located. Purpose: You are labeling these maps yourself, instead of using pre­labeled maps to study, for a few reasons: 1. This will serve as a useful tool to be used in a classroom assignment at the beginning of the year. 2. By labeling the items yourself it allows the brain to better absorb the locations. 3. By using the correct colors to label these items it makes deciphering locations and reading the map easier for both you and your teacher. Upon Returning to school in the fall you will be tested on your understanding of geography as it applies to regions throughout the world. You will also be completing a classroom assignment involving geography, current events, and writing. The completed maps will be counted as a graded assignment on the first day of school. Materials Needed: Found attached to this document 1. List of items to be labeled 2. World Map (to be used for region identification) 3. North America Map (for specific item labels) 4. South America Map (for specific item labels) 5. Europe map (for specific item labels) 6. Asia Map (for specific item labels) 7. Oceania Map (for specific item labels) Items to be labeled World Map (regions of the world) Choose a different color for each region (any color of your choice) North America South America Europe Middle East Asia Oceania For the rest of the maps use the following color key: Cities = red, Countries = black, water bodies = blue, and landforms = green North America New York City USA Great Lakes Appalachian Mtns. Canada Atlantic Ocean Cuba Rocky Mtns. Washington DC Mexico Pacific Ocean Haiti Guatemala Panama Canal Caribbean Sea Panama Gulf of Mexico Mississippi River Dominican Republic South America Bogota Brazil Colombia Chile Uruguay Peru Ecuador Asia Hiroshima Russia Indian Ocean China S. China Sea India St. Petersburg Hanoi Moscow N. Korea Cambodia Indonesia Africa Cairo Egypt Libya Sudan Nigeria Senegal Nile River Angola Europe Atlantic Ocean Ireland North Sea Portugal Baltic Sea Spain France Berlin Adriatic Sea Vienna Italy Normandy Slovakia Hungary Greece Norway Middle East Tehran Turkey Israel Lebanon Syrian Desert Kabul Islamabad Jordan Saudi Arabia Yemen United Arab Emirates Oceania Melbourne Sydney New Zealand Amazon River Atlantic Ocean Paraguay Andes Mtns. Pacific Ocean Bolivia Brasilia Argentina Venezuela Pacific Ocean Himalayan Mtns. Ural Mtns. Kazakhstan S. Korea Gobi Desert Beijing Hong Kong Sea of Japan Vietnam Nagasaki Japan Yellow Sea Tajikistan Philippines Mediterranean Sea Red Sea Atlantic Ocean Sierra Leone Cape of Good Hope Tripoli Indian Ocean Kalahari Desert Sahara Desert Guinea Dem. Rep. Congo United Kingdom English Channel Paris Black Sea Netherlands Switzerland Austria Sweden London Alps Apennines Mtns. Belgium Germany Poland Bosnia Denmark Caucasus Mtns. Plain of France Mediterranean Sea Warsaw Munich Czech Republic Serbia Finland Persian Gulf Indian Ocean Syria Riyadh Afghanistan Oman Sinai Peninsula Jerusalem Mediterranean Sea Iran Pakistan Baghdad Red Sea Zagros Mtns. Iraq Kuwait Australia Indian Ocean Coral Sea Pacific Ocean Great Victoria Desert Marshall Islands