Indian Removal Lesson Plan

Indian Removal Lesson Plan
Central Historical Question:
Why did people in the 1830s support Indian Removal?
• Indian Removal PPT
• United Streaming Video Segment: Forced Westward (from The West:
Empire Upon the Trails 1806-1848):
• Copies of Indian Removal Timeline
• Copies of Document A: Jackson
• Copies of Document B: Boudinot
• Indian Removal Guiding Questions
Plan of Instruction:
1. Introduction: Show PPT slide of “Trail of Tears.” Ask students to write
down what they see.
Elicit student responses. Explain that this is a painting made in 1942 of an
event that happened in 1838, when Cherokees were forced to march over
800 miles to Indian territory in Oklahoma. 4,000 died along the way.
Show students slide #2 with map of Indian Territory.
Today we’re going to learn about the policy of Indian Removal and try to
answer the question: Why did some people in the 1830s support Indian
2. Show United Streaming segment: Forced Westward (from The West:
Empire Upon the Trails 1806-1848):
3. Hand out Indian Removal Timeline and read through with students. The
notes below are optional lecture notes to supplement the timeline.
Two basic ideas among whites about how to deal with the Indian
“problem:” Civilization or Removal
o Civilization means that the Native Americans would become
farmers; would convert to Christianity; would own individual
Indian Removal
portions of land, rather than share; would learn to read and
write English; would ultimately become Americans.
o Removal was based on the idea that that civilization was
never going to succeed and the only thing to do was to find
some place in the West to settle Native Americans.
• George Washington and his administration pushed for civilization,
thinking that they could solve the “Indian problem” by civilizing the tribes
and assimilating them into the states. But by the 1820s, racial categories
had evolved and it seemed more and more clear that whites would never
accept Native Americans as equals, and would never respect their right
to their land.
• There were Five Civilized Tribes in the Southeatern U.S.: Creeks,
Chikasaw, Seminole, Choctaw and Cherokee.
• The Cherokee were the most “civilized” in the sense that they had a
newspaper and many had converted to Christianity; they adopted a
Constitution; they had farms and owned slaves.
• By 1810, many Native Americans began to migrate west voluntarily, but
most refused.
• Jackson was elected in 1828 and favored Indian Removal and Congress
passed the Indian Removal Act in 1830. Jackson supported the state of
Georgia’s decision to take over Cherokee land. In 1831, the Cherokee
brought their case to the Supreme Court and won. But Jackson ignored
the ruling.
• In 1833, a small group of Cherokee agreed to sign a removal agreement:
the Treaty of New Echota. The leaders of this group were not the
recognized leaders of the Cherokee Nation, and over 15,000
Cherokees—led by Chief John Ross—signed a petition in protest.
Congress ignored their demands and ratified the treaty in 1836.
• The Cherokee were given two years to migrate voluntarily. By 1838 only
2,000 had migrated; 16,000 remained on their land. The U.S. government
sent in 7,000 troops, who forced the Cherokees out at bayonet point.
4. Hand out Jackson Document and have students answer Guiding Questions
in pairs.
5. Review student answers.
Indian Removal
6. Hand out Boudinot Document and have students answer Guiding
Questions in pairs.
7. Review student answers.
8. Discussion:
• Why did Jackson or Boudinot think Indian Removal was in the best
interest of the Cherokee?
• Do you believe them? What parts sound sincere/ believable?
• Why might some people at that time have believed that Indian
Removal was a reasonable policy?
• How have our attitudes changed/ stayed the same since the 1830s?
Andrew Jackson, State of the Union. December 6, 1830.
Elias Boudinot, Letter to John Ross, 1837. In Cherokee Editor: The Writings of Elias
Boudinot. Ed., Theda Purdue, (Georgia: Univeristy of Georgia Press, 1983), pp. 224225.
© Copyright 2009, Avishag Reisman and Bradley Fogo.
Indian Removal
Cherokee Indian Removal Timeline
1785 First treaty between Cherokee and United States, established peaceful
1796 George Washington initiated “civilization” program among Cherokees.
1802 Georgia ceded some of its western land to the United States; the U.S.
government, in exchange, promised to purchase for Georgia all of the
Indian lands remaining within the state. However, the Federal
Goverment could only buy land through treaty.
1808- First major Cherokee migration to land west of the Mississippi.
1820s Cherokees became the most “civilized” of the five “Civilized Tribes”
(Creeks, Chikasaw, Seminole, Choctaw and Cherokee).
The Cherokee had a newspaper and many had converted to
Christianity; they adopted a Constitution; they had farms and owned
1828 Andrew Jackson elected President and declares his support for removal.
1828 Georgia extended its state power over Cherokee Nation and nullified
(makes illegal) Cherokee law.
1832 Cherokee won their case in Worcester v. Georgia. U.S. Supreme Court
upheld Cherokee sovereignty in Georgia.
Andrew Jackson ignored the ruling.
1836 Treaty of New Echota signed; provided for removal of Cherokees to land
west of the Mississippi.
Chief John Ross led 15,000 in protesting the treaty.
Only 2,000 Cherokee agreed to migrate voluntarily.
1838 U.S. government sent in 7,000 troops, who forced the Cherokees out at
bayonet point. 4,000 Cherokee people died of cold, hunger, and
disease on their way to the western lands.
1839 Execution of Major Ridge, John Ridge, and Elias Boudinot for their role
in the Treaty of New Echota.
Indian Removal
Document A: Andrew Jackson (Modified)
It gives me great pleasure to announce to Congress that the
Government’s benevolent policy of Indian removal has almost been
We have wept over the fate of the natives of this country, as one by
one many tribes have disappeared from the earth. However, we
must accept this the way we accept when an older generation dies
and makes room for the younger.
We would not want to see this continent restored to the condition in
which our forefathers found it. What good man would prefer a
country covered with forests and occupied by a few thousand
savages to our great Republic, studded with cities, towns, and
prosperous farms, decorated with art and industry, occupied by
more than 12,000,000 happy people, and filled with all the
blessings of liberty, civilization, and religion?
The United States will pay to send the natives to a land where they
may live longer and possibly survive as a people.
Can it be cruel when this Government offers to purchase the
Indian’s land, give him new and extensive territory, pay the
expense of his removal, and support him for the first year in his
new home? How many thousands of our own people would gladly
embrace the opportunity of moving West under such conditions!
The policy of the Government towards the red man is generous.
The Indian is unwilling to follow the laws of the States and mingle
with the population. To save him from utter annihilation, the
Government kindly offers him a new home, and proposes to pay
the whole expense of his removal and settlement.
Source: Andrew Jackson, State of the Union speech. December 30, 1830.
Indian Removal
Document B: Letter by Elias Boudinot (Modified)
Look at our people! They are wretched! Look, my dear sir, around
you, and see the progress that vice and immorality have already
made! See the misery!
If the darker picture which I have described here is a true one, can
we see a brighter possibility ahead? In another country, and under
other circumstances, there is a better prospect. Removal, then, is
the only remedy, the only practical remedy. Our people may finally
rise from their very ashes, to become prosperous and happy, and a
credit to our race. I would say to my countrymen, fly from your life
here that is destroying our nation.
What is your (John Ross) plan of relief? It is dark and gloomy
beyond description. You want the Cherokee to live according the
laws of Georgia, no matter how unfair they are? Instead of fix the
evil, you would tie our people down in the chains of slavery. The
final destiny of our race, under such circumstances is too revolting
to think of. Take my word, it is the sure end of our race if you
succeed in preventing the removal of your people. There will come
a time when there will be few of us left as reminders of this brave
and noble race. May God protect us from such a destiny.
Source: The letter above was written in 1837 by Elias Boudinot, a Cherokee
who supported Indian Removal (and who signed the Treaty of New Echota
that gave away Cherokee land). The letter is to Chief John Ross, leader of the
Cherokees who opposed Indian Removal.
Indian Removal
Guiding Questions
Document A: Jackson
1. (Sourcing) What do you already know about President Jackson’s feelings about
Indian Removal? What do you predict he will say in this speech?
2. (Contextualization) Why does Jackson think the United States was better in 1830
than in 1609?
3. (Contextualization) Why does Jackson think that the Cherokee will be better off in
Indian Territory?
4. (Close reading) Why does Jackson think his policy is kind and generous?
Document B: Boudinot
1. (Sourcing) Who is Elias Boudinot? What do you predict he will say about Indian
2. (Contextualization) What was life like for the Cherokee in Georgia, according to
3. (Contextualization) What does Boudinot hope will happen if the Cherokees move
Indian Removal