Branding Guidelines 2014 Table of Contents LOGO Logo Variations Usage 003 ELEMENTS Color Typography Imagery 010 Logo OUR NAMESAKE Chaparral was named after the fleet-footed Chaparral bird. Commonly known as the roadrunner, the Chaparral is one of the few avian species capable of living in unforgiving desert climates. With a combination of speed, agility and highly developed survival instincts, the Chaparral is particularly equipped to thrive in the wild. Like our namesake, Chaparral has thrived in the competitive and unforgiving oil and gas industry, while constantly exploring new opportunities for growth. The Chaparral never stands still, and neither do we. Logo CORPORATE LOGOS Our logo is our signature and is the first visual contact a person has with Chaparral. Words and images come together to create a recognizable face for our brand. As our corporate trademark, the Chaparral logo is our signature and distinguishes us from all of the other companies. It is the single most valuable symbol of the company. Consistent use of our logo is an essential part of our larger business strategy and key to legally protecting our trademark. The Chaparral logo should appear consistently and prominently at least once on all external products and materials that are directly tied to our business. Our logo standards are carefully assembled to assist you when applying the Chaparral logo. Intended to cover a range of primarily print applications, these identity standards will be most successful when they are carefully reviewed and precisely applied. These standards offer the nuts and bolts of how our logo is to be displayed graphically, as well as provide a sense of the intent behind the instructions. Our aim is for you to gain a basic understanding and appreciation of these principles. Taking the time to review these standards, and then using them properly and consistently, effectively communicates our logo. If you have any questions about logo usage or company communications, you should contact Brandi Wessel, Manager – Corporate Communications, at 405-426-6657 or brandi.wessel@ ICON: BI R D WOR DM A R K: C H A PA R R AL ENERGY 4 Logo COLORS Chaparral’s core colors, brick and ash, create the strongest, most powerful visual representation of our brand. These colors should never be altered or substituted without approval from the Corporate Communications team. Every attempt should be made to use the preferred full-color version of the Chaparral logo below. BRICK CMYK PMS 505 RGB 122.36.38 ASH CMYK PMS 424 RGB 109.110.113 5 Logo ALTERNATE VERSIONS Because we recognize that the full-color version is not always optimal or appropriate due to cost considerations or reproduction limitations, we have created acceptable positive and reverse, two- and one-color versions of our logo. 6 Logo CLEAR SPACE Clear space is the area surrounding the signature that must always be free of any text or graphic elements. It ensures that the logo distinctively stands alone in any environment. It is measured by the height of the bird in our wordmark as shown below. The minimum clear space must always be equal to the size of the bird on all sides of the logo. Whenever possible, the amount of clear space should be at least slightly greater. MINIMUM SIZE A minimum size has been established for the Chaparral logo. This is the smallest size at which the signature may be reproduced on any application. The signature should never appear smaller than one inch wide. When reproducing the Chaparral logo, remember that legibility should always be the top priority. 1. 5” 7 Logo BACKGROUND USAGE When placing the logo within an application, optimal legibility should always be your first priority. Wherever possible, use the two-color preferred logo. When background activity or contrast prohibits use of the preferred logo, choose a logo version from the family of logos that will maintain brand integrity. CORRECT INCORRECT 8 Logo INCORRECT USAGE Consistent and proper use of all logo components is essential to maintain the integrity of the Chaparral logo. Avoid any alterations to the logo components, including changes to color, size or placement that are not specifically defined as correct use variations. The examples below show incorrect uses and alterations of our logo. 9 Elements ELEMENTS The Chaparral bird located within the “C” of the Chaparral name is an illustrated version of our company’s namesake. Commonly known as a roadrunner, the bird’s speed, agility and adaptability are the very characteristics that have allowed Chaparral to thrive in the ever-changing oil and gas industry. Never satisfied with standing still, we, just like the Chaparral, are constantly evolving and exploring new opportunities for growth. Our logo is a specific combination of the specially drawn logotype and includes Chaparral Energy and the “bird.” Each component is a critical piece of the logo and must stay in the proper relationship to each other. Our logo should be treated as a unique and whole piece of artwork. Removing or altering any component dilutes the integrity of the logo and diminishes the strength of the brand communication. Under no circumstances are these elements to be altered beyond the variations defined in these standards, this includes using the “bird” as a standalone branding element. 10 Elements COMPLIMENTARY COLOR USAGE At times it may be appropriate or necessary to use additional colors within specific messaging items or presentations. These colors should complement Chaparral’s brick and ash and not overpower or distract from the company’s brand. BRICK CMYK PMS 505 RGB 122.36.38 ASH CMYK PMS 424 RGB 109.110.113 GOLD CMYK PMS 7549 RGB 255.183.0 SAGE CMYK PMS 5773 RGB 139.144.100 WATER CMYK PMS 2995 RGB 0.168.225 ALTERNATE COLOR Cardinal red is mainly to be used as a highlight in combination with Chaparral brick. It is to be used sparingly. CARDINAL CMYK PMS 485 RGB 226.35.26 11 Elements COLOR USAGE The colors can also be used in various transparency levels as demonstrated below. 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% BRICK 75% 50% GOLD 75% 50% SAGE 75% 50% WATER 75% 75% ASH 25% 25% 50% 25% 50% 25% CARDINAL 75% 25% 50% 25% 12 Elements TYPOGRAPHY The preferred corporate font family is Adobe Garamond Pro and Times. If these families of fonts are unavailable, they can be replaced by substitute fonts that have the same or similar visual appearance. The approved primary and alternate corporate typefaces are shown below. Try to create contrast in the document by using a sans-serif font for headlines and a serif font or lighter weight font for the body text. For Microsoft PowerPoint or PC-only applications, it is acceptable to substitute Helvetica Neue for Adobe Garamond Pro. PR I M A RY BR A ND FON T PR I M A RY DIGITA L FON T A D OBE G A R A MON D PRO T I M E S R E GU L A R A B C DE F G H I J K L M NOP QR S T U V W X Y Z a b c de f g h ijk l m nop qr s t uv w x y z 0123 456789 A D O B E G A R A M O N D PRO B O L D A B C DE F G H I J K L M N O P QR S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h ijk l m nop qr s t u v w x y z 012 3 45 6789 A D O B E G A R A MO N D P R O I TA L IC A BC DE FGH I J K L M NOP QRST U V W X Y Z ab c defg h ijk l m nop qr st uv w xyz 0123456789 T I M E S BOL D A BCDE FGH I J K LM NOP QR ST U V W X YZ ab cdefg h ijk l m nopqr st uv w x yz 01 2 3 4 5 678 9 T IM E S I TA L I C A B C DE F G H I J K L M N O P Q R ST U V W X Y Z a b cd e f ghijk l m n opqr st u v w x y z 012 3 456789 A B CDE FG H IJK L M NOPQR S T U V W X Y Z a b c d efgh ij k l m n op q rs t u v wx yz 012345678 9 SECONDARY BRAND FONT ALTERNATE BRAND/DIGITAL FONT PALAT I NO R EGU LA R A RI A L R EG U L A R PA L AT I NO BOLD A R I A L BO LD PA L AT I NO I TA L IC A R I A L ITA L I C ABC DEFGH I J K LM NOPQR ST U V W X YZ abcdefg h ijk l m nopqr st uv w x yz 0123 456789 A BC D EFG H IJ K LM N O P Q RST U V W X Y Z ab c defghijk lmno p qr stuv w x y z 0123 4 5 678 9 ABC DE FGH I J K L M NOPQR ST U V W X Y Z abcde fg h ijk l m nopqr st uv w x y z 0 1 2 3 4 5 67 8 9 A BCD E FG H I J K LM N O PQ RST U V W X Y Z abcdefghijklmnopqrstuv w xyz 0123 4 5 678 9 A B CDEFGH I J K L M NOPQR ST U V W X YZ abcd e fghijk lmno pqrst uv wx yz 012 3 4 5678 9 A B C D EFG H IJ K L M N O P Q RST U V W X Y Z ab c defg hi j k l mno p qr s tuv w x y z 0123 4 5 678 9 13 Elements IMAGERY The images that accompany our logo and branding materials are vital to accurately communicating our brand and company messages. Images should be pertinent to the topic and our business, and should be as realistic as reasonably possible. 14 Elements Overly-staged, Photoshopped or enhanced images are not appropriate. Likewise, landscapes unrelated to the topic or areas where we operate, objects from other industries and dramatically unrealistic imagery are not acceptable. 15 Best Use EMAIL SIGNATURES All employees should use the approved company signature template below when sending communications from their Chaparral email account. Signatures should not include multiple colored or large-size fonts, quotations, clip art or any image other than the Chaparral logo. Your signature should only include your name, title, email, phone number(s) and the company web address. You may, however, choose to include or not include the company logo as shown below. JOHN SMITH SUPERVISOR Office: 405-478-8770 16 Contact CONTACT If you have any questions concerning these guidelines or items related to branding, please contact Brandi Wessel, Manager – Corporate Communications, at 405-426-6657 or 17