BEGINNING FRENCH II – FRENCH 1020 UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY French First Year II –11883 FREN 1020 – section 001. 4 credits. 9:30 am-10:20 am MTWR Old Main 203 (lab 004 Main) SARAH GORDON, PH.D. Associate Professor of French, Associate Department Head Office: Old Main 341-B MTW 8:30-9:30 and by appt. Catalog description: Communicative competencies in the four language skills: speaking, listening, reading, and writing, with exposure to cultures and customs. Prerequisite: French 1010, placement test, or equivalent approved by instructor. Learning Objectives: Language learning is an enriching, never-ending process. Our goal is to increase proficiency levels in our French. Our objective is to improve communication skills expressing ourselves orally and in writing in French, in addition to learning factual knowledge, terminology, vocabulary, grammar, and cultural knowledge. Textbook: Vis-à-vis 5th edition. FREN 1020 covers second half of book with Quia/Centro. Online Workbook/Laboratory Manual, Quia/Centro code ISBN: 0077358473. OUR COURSE CODE IS: NJNE337. Lab: This course has a significant lab component, allowing students to work at their own pace either in the language lab 004 Old Main or on their own computer. Most but, not all, Thursdays, and some other dates, will be devoted to online lab and this personalized computer assisted language learning. This requires the purchased textbook Quia code. If you took 1020 last semester at USU your same code will work but it is a different instructor code so you will have to set it up again. Quia lab is due prior to 11:59pm the Monday following syllabus listing. See site for dates, grades, and assignments. We do not use Canvas. Late work with valid excuse and minus-10%/week. You get 4 tries and best score is recorded. If you do not have a microphone use the lab for voice assignments. COURSE CODE IS: NJNE337. Tutors: Free tutors are assigned to our course. You must meet with the tutor once for 20 minutes this semester minimum. You must sign the “French Tutors” sheet on the bulletin board in the lab and say what you did. You may review grammar topics, get help with online homework, or just practice French conversation. This is part of your homework grade. You may visit them as many times as you wish, drop-in or email for appointment. See also: is a free study tools site and you are required to create sets of flashcards with it, details TBA Grading: 30%: Homework on QUIA etc. (QUIA due each Monday, lab work completed on Thursdays during scheduled class time) with 4 tries. Plus other brief homework announced /distributed in class by prof. Plus 3 assignments (sets of 20 words+ each, created and practiced in two ways. Copy URL and email to prof.) 5%: 1 composition, of a personal anecdote 500-550 words 40%: 4 exams (cover 2 chapters each, 10% each) 10%: Final exam (includes chapter 16 and short composition) 15%: Participation (attendance and voluntary participation. Effort and improvement count!) Note: each 4+ unexcused absences drops your overall course grade. A 93-100 C+ 77-79 A- 90-92.9 C 74-76 B+ 98-89 C- 70-73 B 84-86 D+ 67-69 B- 80-83 D 64-66 F 63 or less Disabilities: Reasonable accommodation will be provided for all persons with disabilities; contact the instructor and Disability Resource Center (797-2444) during the first week of class. Plagiarism: includes knowingly "representing…the work of another person as one's own …without full and clear acknowledgment. It also includes the unacknowledged used of materials prepared by another person…” The penalties for plagiarism are severe. Tutors may help you with homework but nobody may write for you on written assignments or take-home final. You may use spell and grammar checkers and dictionaries (such as but may not use translation apps/sites/programs. 1 Monday/lundi Tuesday/mardi Wednesday/mercredi JANVIER 6 Intro Se présenter 7 8 review Ch.9 234-5 , 237 vocab de transport. Étudiiez VOCAB page 257! 13 Ch.9 238, 239-240 points cardinaux, indications, verbe conduire. +290 ch 11 En voiture/code de la route/les cartes 14 Ch.9 241-3 depuis/pendant MLK DAY USU NO CLASSES 27 Clips video Tour de France 15 21 Ch.9 adverbes, jeu de role/conduire Ch. 9 review 1 20 word set due Ch.9 pronoms affirmatifs/négatifs 249-51 23 QUIA AU LABO 28 252-6 16 22 Ch. 9 252-7 EXAMEN I: CH 9 9 Ch.9 En avion! jeu de rôle! Ch.9 adverbes 246-9 20 Thursday/jeudi 29 30 Ch.10 Étudiiez vocab de téchnologie etc. 260, 286-7! 2603, 283 OUI en classe, Petit Nicolas dessin animé et texte.264-5 dire lire écrire mettre FÉVRIER 3 4 5 6 Petit Nicolas written questions due Ch.10 Ch.10 QUIA AU LABO DUE bring 270 E. 1-3 to class! Pronoms d’objet direct 270-3 Ch.10: 266-70 L’IMPARFAIT IMPARFAIT 10 Ch.10 L’accord du participle passé, verbes –oir 276-80. 284 Edith Piaf. Clips ßVidéo 17 PRESIDENTS’ DAY USU NO CLASSES 24 Ch.11 Savoir vs. connaître 304-7, vocab. 317 11 12 13 Ch, 1 ch.11 QUIA AU LABO Petite Ville vs. Paris. Vidéos visite de Paris 292-3, 303 nombres ordinaux. Fable photocopie Rat de Ville Rat de Campagne Passé composé vs. l’imparfait 294-98. 345 Prévert poème 18 19 FILM PARIS JE FILM PARIS JE T’AIME (édité) TA T’AIME TA 20 QUIA AU LABO 25 26 27 review ch 10-11 EXAMEN 2: CH 10-11 QUIA AU LABO Pronoms objet indirect 299-301, y/en 307-311 2 Film questions DUE! MARS 3 Ch.12 320-24 arts et littérature 4 5 6 MUSEUM FIELD TRIP: meet at Eccles ch 12 QUIA AU LABO pronms 321-33 10 SPRING BR 11 SPRING BREAK 12 SPRING BREAK 13 SPRING BREAK 17 18 19 20 ch. 12 review, ch. 13 QUIA AU LABO vocab 349, adverbes 354-55 QUIA AU LABO Quizlet 2 – 1 20 word set due Verbes+infinitive 336-345 chez le médecin/parties du corps 24 25 26 ch.13 reflexifs/pronomiaux/activités du quotidian 357-63 ch. 13 ch. 13 verbes pronomiaux 366-70 review, lecture, vocab. 375 AVRIL 1 2 3 Au travail 378-80. Vocab 406-7 À la banque € $ 380383 QUIA AU LABO Ch. 14 Ouvrir, vocab 7 8 9 10 ch.14 ch. 14/15 pronoms relatifs/futur ch.15 QUIA AU LABO 31 EXAMEN 3: ch. 12-13 le futur simple 384-89 COMPOSITION DUE 14 ch.15 Conditionnel 418-19 chanson si j’étais président… 21 Ch.16 subjonctif Ch.16 l’environnement/vocab/donner des conseils/subjonctif Quizlet 3 – 1 20 word set due 27 QUIA AU LABO charades! 410-12 pronoms interrogatifs 413-17 loisirs courir, rire 15 16 17 ch.15 EXAMEN 4: ch 1415 QUIA AU LABO 23 24 424-35 22 Ch. 16 subjonctif review and take-home final sent out LAST CLASS EMAIL FINAL DUE to prof prior to 4/29 11:59pm 3