CURRICULUM VITAE (1/13) Dana L. Richter, Ph.D. School of Forest Resources and Environmental Science Michigan Technological University Houghton, Michigan 49931 tel. (906) 487-2149 fax (906) 487-2915 e-mail: DLRICHTE@MTU.EDU Degrees: 1989. Ph.D., Forest Biology (Soil Microbiology/Mycology), Department of Biological Sciences and School of Forestry, MTU, Houghton, MI 1983. M.A., Biology (Botany, Microbiology), St. Cloud State Univ., St. Cloud, MN 1978. B.A., Biology, St. Cloud State Univ., St. Cloud, MN 1975. B.A., Liberal Arts, St. Cloud State Univ., St. Cloud, MN Professional Experience 2/93 to present: Research Scientist II and Adjunct Associate Professor, Wood Protection Group, (former Institute of Wood Research). Mycologist and Forest Pathologist; tree disease, wood decay, mold and fungicide testing. Courses taught: Forest Pathology (3 cr), Diseases and Insects of Forests (5 cr), Fungal Ecology and Forest Diseases (FW4700, 3 cr) 10/90 to 1/93: Assistant Research Scientist, Institute of Wood Research MTU. Lab mycology research: fungus isolation and identification, wood decay and preservation, bioremediation research 7/91 to 8/91: Visiting Scientist, Estonian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Ecology and Marine Research, Univ. of Tartu, Estonia. Field work and collaboration on root fungi of forest understory plants under impact of pollution. 12/89 to 5/90: Assistant Research Scientist, School of Forestry and Wood Products, MTU. Field mycology research: forest pathology, litter decomposition, data analysis. 6/83 to 11/89: Graduate Research Assistant (Ph.D. studies), School of Forestry, MTU. Field and lab research in Forest soil microbiology, mycorrhizae, silviculture; assisted teaching Forest Pathology. 9/80 to 5/83: Graduate Teaching Assistant (M.A.), Department of Biology, St. Cloud State Univ., St. Cloud, Minnesota. Field and lab research in botany and mycorrhizae; assisted teaching General Biology, Human Biology, Botany, Mycology, and related courses. Professional Affiliations Mycological Society of America North American Mycological Association Sigma Xi, Scientific Research Society Society of American Foresters Michigan Botanical Club Michigan Entomological Society Publications: Richter, D.L. 2013. A Hair and a Fungus: Showing Kids the Size of a Microbe. American Biology Teacher, How To Do It. (In Press, May Issue 2013). Bal, T.L., Richter, D.L., Storer, A.J. and Jurgensen, M.F. 2013. The relationship of the sapstreak fungus, Ceratocystis virescens, to sugar maple dieback and decay in Northern Michigan. American J. Plant Sciences. doi:10.4326/ajps2012, 4:436-443. X. Ding, M.B. Meneses, S.M. Albukhari, D.L. Richter, L. M. Matuana, and P. A. Heiden. 2013. Comparing Leaching of Different Copper Oxide Nanoparticles and Ammoniacal Copper Salt from Wood Macromolecular Materials and Engineering. Vol. 298, Issue 3: Richter, D.L. 2012. The sugar maple sapstreak fungus (Ceratocystis virescens (Davidson) Moreau, Ascomycota) in the Huron Mountains, Marquette Co. Michigan. The Michigan Botanist. Vol. 51:73-81. Richter, D.L., A.M. Berns, and C.F. Frederick. 2012. Resistance of Canada Yew (Taxus canadensis) Branch Wood to Two Wood Decay Fungi. Canadian Field-Naturalist 126(2):160-163. Potvin, L.R., Richter, D.L., Jurgensen, M.F., and Dumroese, R.K. 2012. Association of Pinus banksiana Lamb. and Populus tremuloides Michx. seedling fine roots by Sistotrema brinkmannii (Bres.) J. Erikss. (Basidiomycotina). Mycorrhiza 22 (8):631-638. Salma, U., Chen, N., Richter, D.L., Filson, P.B., Dawson-Andoh, B., Matuana, L., and Heiden, P. 2010. Amphiphilic Core-Shell Nanoparticles to Reduce Biocide Leaching from Treated Wood. Part 1. Leaching and Biological Efficacy. Macromolecular Materials and Engineering, 295:442-450. Robinson, S.C., P.E. Laks, and D.L. Richter. 2010. Stimulating Spalting in Sugar Maple Using Sub-lethal Doses of Copper. Holz als Roh- und Werkstoff 69 (4):527-532. Richter, D.L., Kangas, L.C., Smith, J.K., and Laks, P.E. 2010. Comparison of effectiveness of wood decay fungi maintained by annual subculture on agar and stored in sterile water for 18 years. Canadian Journal of Microbiology 56:268-271. Robinson, S.C., D.L. Richter and P.E. Laks. 2009. Effects of Substrate on Laboratory Spalting of Sugar Maple. Holzforschung 63:491-495. Richter, D.L. 2008. Revival of saprotrophic and mycorrhizal basidiomycete cultures after twenty years in cold storage in sterile water. Canadian Journal of Microbiology 54:595-599. Richter, D.L. and B.L. Morse. 2008. The western giant puffball (Calvatia booniana A.H. Smith) in Northern Michigan. The Michigan Botanist 47:49-56. Richter, D.L., S.C. Robinson, M.P., Beardslee and M.L. Habarth. 2008. Differential sensitivity of fungi to lithium chloride in culture media. Mycological Research 112:717-724. Richter, D.L. and L.C. Kangas. 2007. Fungus collections from the Huron Mountains in the University of Michigan Herbarium Fungus Collection. Report to the Huron Mountain Wildlife Foundation. In: All Taxa Biodiversity Inventory at Robinson, S.C., P.E. Laks, D.L. Richter and J.B. Pickens. 2007. Evaluating loss of machinability in spalted sugar maple. Forest Products Journal 57 (4): 33-37. Robinson, S.C., D.L. Richter and P.E. Laks. 2007. Colonization of sugar maple by spalting fungi. Forest Products Journal 57 (4): 27-32. Brodeur-Campbell, S.E., J.A. Vucetich, D.L. Richter, T.A. Waite, J.N. Rosemier, and C-J. Tsai. 2006. Insect herbivory on low-lignin transgenic aspen. Environ. Entomology 35(6):1696-1701. Richter, D.L. and M.P. Beardslee. 2005. List of fungi of the Huron Mountains. In: Woods, K.D. (Compiler). (2007). An all-taxa biodiversity inventory of the Huron Mountain Club. Occasional Publications of the Huron Mountain Wildlife Foundation, No. 5. Version: August 2007. P.E. Laks, K. Vehring, S. Verhey, and D.L. Richter. 2005. Effect of manufacturing variables on mold susceptibility of wood-plastic composites. Eighth International Conference on Woodfiber-Plastic Composites. Forest Products Society, Madison, WI. pp. 265-270. Richter, D.L. 2004. Rare and unusual fungi (Basidiomycota) of the Huron Mountains, Marquette Co., MI. The Michigan Botanist 43 (2):65-80. Richter, D.L., P.E. Laks, K.M. Larsen and A.L. Stephens. 2004. Comparison of isolates and strains within the brown rot fungus genus Gloeophyllum using the soil block decay method. Forest Products Journal 55 (1):72-75. Richter, D.L. and M.P. Beardsee. 2004. Probing the infinitesimal: the number of spores in a giant puffball. Mushroom, the Journal of Wild Mushrooming, Vol 22 (3): 6-7. Richter, D.L., J.I. Warner and A.L. Stephens. 2003. A comparison of mycorrhizal and saprotrophic fungus tolerance to creosote in vitro. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 51:195-202. Martinez, I., J.B. Pickens, D.L. Richter, and B.D. Orr. 2003. Eutypella canker clustering and volume loss in the Western Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Northern J. Appl. Forestry. 20 (4):186-187. Laks, P.E., D.L. Richter, and G.M. Larkin. 2002. Fungal susceptibility of interior commercial building panels. For. Prod. J. 52 (5):41-44. Bagley, S.T. and D.L. Richter. 2002. Biodegradation by brown rot fungi. Chapter 16. In: The Mycota X, A Comprehensive Treatise on Fungi as Experimental Systems and Applied Research, Industrial Applications. K. Esser and J.W. Bennett (eds). Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, pp 327-341. Verhey, S., P. E. Laks, and D.L. Richter. 2001. Laboratory decay resistance of wood fiber thermoplastic composites. For. Prod. J. 51 (9): 44-49. Richter, D.L. and P. E. Laks. 2001. Fungus wood decay laboratory. Micol. Aplic. Int. 13 (1):41-44. Laks, P.E., D.L. Richter and G.M. Larkin. 2000. Biological deterioration of wood-base composite panels. Wood Design Focus 11 (4):7-11. D.L. Richter. 1998. White pine blister rust in the forests of the Huron Mountain Club, Marquette Co., MI. The Michigan Botanist 37:91-98. Zhou, M., T.L. Sharik, M.F. Jurgensen, D.L. Richter, M.R. Gale and T.D. Drummer. 1998. Regeneration of northern red oak in relation to ectomycorrhizae in oak and pine stands after overstory and understory manipulations. Northern J. Appl. For. 15(4): Jurgensen, M.F., D.L. Richter, M.M. Davis, M.R. McKevlin and M.H. Craft. 1997. Mycorrhizal relationships of bottomland hardwoods in the Southern United States. Wetlands Ecology and Management 4:223-233. Richter, D.L. 1997. Rare and interesting plants of the Michigan Audubon wildlife sanctuaries of Keweenaw County. Michigan Birds and Natural History 4:79-87. Zhou, M., T.L. Sharik, M.F. Jurgensen, and D.L. Richter. 1997. Ectomycorrhizal colonization of Quercus rubra seedlings in response to vegetation removals in oak and pine stands. Forest Ecology and Management 93: 91-99. Bills, S.N., D.L. Richter and G.K. Podila. 1995. Genetic transformation of the ectomycorrhizal fungus Paxillus involutus by particle bombardment. Mycological Research 99:557-561. Bruhn, J.N., J.N. Pickens, D.L. Richter and J.D. Mihail. 1995. Effects of litter bagging and bulking on northern Michigan hardwoods and associated clearcuts. Paedobiologia 39:264-276. Richter, D.L. and J.N. Bruhn. 1993. Mycorrhizal fungus colonization of Pinus resinosa Ait. transplanted on northern hardwood clearcuts. Soil Biol. & Biochem. 25:355-369. Laks, P.E., C.G. Park and D.L. Richter. 1993. Anti-sapstain efficacy of borates against Aureobasidium pullulans. For. Prod. J. 43:33-34. Richter, D.L. 1992. Six species of Scleroderma (Gasteromycetes, Sclerodermatales) described from pure cultures. Mycotaxon 38:461-471. Richter, D.L. and J.N. Bruhn. 1989. Pinus resinosa ectomycorrhizae: Seven host-fungus combinations synthesized in pure culture. Symbiosis 7:211-228. Richter, D.L. and J.N. Bruhn. 1989. Revival of saprotrophic and mycorrhizal basidiomycete cultures from cold storage in sterile water. Can. J. Microbiol. 35:1055-1060. Richter, D.L., T.R. Zuellig, S.T. Bagley, and J.N. Bruhn. 1989. Effects of red pine (Pinus resinosa Ait.) mycorrhizaplane-associated actinomycetes on in vitro growth of ectomycorrhizal fungi. Plant and Soil 115:109-116. Richter, D.L. and J.N. Bruhn. 1989. Field survival of containerized red and jack pine seedlings inoculated with mycelia slurries of ectomycorrhizal fungi. New Forests 3:247-285. Richter, D.L. and J.N. Bruhn. 1989. Scleroderma citrinum (Gasteromycetes, Sclerodermatales) and Larix decidua form ectomycorrhizae in pure culture. Nova Hedwigia 50 (3-4):335-360. Richter, D.L. 1989. Northern fruiting of Pisolithus tinctorius (Gasteromycetes, Sclerodermatales). Mycotaxon 35 (2):47-480. Richter, D.L. and J.N. Bruhn. 1986. Pure culture synthesis of Pinus resinosa ectomycorrhiza with Scleroderma aurantium. Mycologia 78 (1):139-142.