CSE News Who’s New in CSE Ahmet Ahmet Turkiye Klinikleri Turkocadi Caddesy No:30 Balgat Ankara 06520 Turkey 0090 532 254-7203 aakgul@hotmail.com Deborah Airo Institute of Global Health 50 Beale St, Suite 1200 San Francisco CA 94105 (415) 359-6102 dairo@psg.ucsf.edu Jennifer Alexander Kansas State University 309 Umberger Hall Manhattan KS 66506-3402 (785) 532-7129 (785) 532-2293 fax jennalex@ksu.edu Mark Anderson-Wilk Soil and Water Conservation Society 945 SW Ankeny Rd Ankeny IA 50023 (515) 289-2331 (515) 289-1227 fax mark.anderson-wilk@swcs.org Kenneth April American Society for Microbiology 1752 N St NW Washington DC 20036-2904 (202) 942-9232 (202) 942-9342 fax kapril@asmusa.org Ross Aron Pacific Communications/ Allergan, Inc 575 Anton Blvd, Suite 900 Costa Mesa CA 92626 (714) 427-1934 (714) 427-3629 fax Ross_Aron@pacific-com.com Robert Avakian Oklahoma State University Okmulgee PO Box 2532 1801 E Fourth St Okmulgee OK 74447 (918) 523-6365 ravakian@sbcglobal.net Karen Barry Circulation / Brigham and Women’s Hospital 560 Harrison Ave, Suite 502 Boston MA 02118 (617) 542-5100 (617) 542-6539 fax kbarry@circulationjournal.org Mary Anne Baynes American Journal Experts 517 Northcreek Dr Durham NC 27707 (919) 321-8687 (919) 287-2439 fax maryanne@journalexperts.com Karen Becker Manta Scientific Solutions 404 South Second Ave Highland Park NJ 08904 Michael Berkwits 190 N Independence Mall Philadelphia PA 19106 (215) 351-2624 (215) 351-2619 fax mberkwits@acponline.org Peter Binfield PLoS ONE 185 Berry St, Suite 3100 San Francisco CA 94170 (415) 568-3446 (415) 546-4090 fax pbinfield@plos.org Lindsey Buscher Allen Press 810 E 10th St Lawrence KS 66044 (785) 843-1234 ext 237 (785) 843-1853 fax lbuscher@allenpress.com Jean Cain MedLogix Communications jeancain@gmail.com Laura Campbell American Journal Experts 517 Northcreek Dr Durham NC 27707 (919) 321-8687 (919) 287-2439 fax laura@journalexperts.com Heidi J Chial Stanford University School of Medicine Elisabeth Cummings UT M D Anderson Cancer Center 1100 Holcombe Blvd Suite 9022 Houston TX 77031 (713) 792-3169 (713) 794-1370 fax eacummin@mdanderson.org Wilson Da Silva Luna Media Pty Ltd PO Box 302, Strawberry Hills Sydney 2012 Australia 61 2 9310 8500 61 2 9698 4899 fax wilson.dasilva@lunamedia.com. au Barbara DeVinney 1267 Snapdragon Ln Christiansburg VA 240736943 Brenna Coffey Elsevier 525 B Street, Suite 1900 San Diego CA 92102 (619) 699-6750 b.coffey@elsevier.com Madelyn Dillion US Forest Service 4125 DaVinci Dr Longmont CO 80503 David Collins 146 Grouser Rd Somerset NJ 08873 (866) 844-7760 stearman@pobox.com Diane Dunham Drexler Journal of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology 545 Mainstream Dr, Suite 110 Nashville TN 37228-1201 (615) 324-2371 (615) 523-3233 fax ddrexler@acnp.org Gregory C Cuca Galderma R&D 500 Montauk Dr Westfield NJ 07090 (690) 860-8264 greg1@cuca500.com Thomas G DiRenzo Sally Driscoll American Urological Association 1000 Corporate Blvd Linthicum MD 21129 (410) 689-3922 (410) 689-3906 fax sdriscoll@auanet.org Science Editor • November – December 2008 • Vol 31 • No 6 • 207 CSE News Who’s New continued Peggy Eastmond American College of Chest Physicians 3300 Dundee Rd Northbrook IL 60062 (847) 498-8371 peastmond@chestnet.org Jennifer Eberhart Radiological Society of North America 820 Jorie Blvd Hinsdale IL 60523 (630) 571-7843 jeberhart@rsna.org Kim Evans 531 S Holly Springs Rd Woodstock GA 30188 (770) 591-3520 kmewriter@comcast.net Aaron Fennell ASBMR Publications 6011 Fayetteville Rd Suite 202 Durham NC 27713 (919) 620-0681 (919) 620-8465 fax aaron@jbmr.org Reginald Fennell Miami University 107A Phillips Hall Department of KNH Oxford OH 45056 (513) 529-3226 (513) 529-5006 fax fennelr@muohio.edu Cameron Fletcher National Academy of Sciences 500 5th St NW, Keck 681 Washington DC 20001 (202) 334-2592 cfletcher@nas.edu Kenneth B Fox Journal of Neurosurgery 1224 W Main St, Suite 450 Charlottesville VA 22903 (434) 982-1204 kfox@thejns.org John H Gatiss 293 Cross Wind Loop Westerville OH 43081 Angelique Geehan UT M D Anderson Cancer Center 1100 Holcombe Blvd Unit 234 Houston TX 77030 (713) 792-7251 (713) 794-1370 fax ageehan@mdanderson.org Rebecca Gerber 5312 Bloomington Ave S Minneapolis MN 55417 Laureano Giraldez American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery F6 Forest Hill, Garden Hills Guaynabo PR 00966 (787) 241-8769 laureano_giraldez@hotmail.com Dianne Glymph Journal of Global Drug Policy 2600 9th St N, Suite 200 Saint Petersburg FL 33704 (727) 828-0211 (727) 828-0212 fax info@globaldrugpolicy.ore Laurence Greene University of Colorado at Boulder UCB 354, Dept of Integrative Physiology Boulder CO 80309 (303) 492-5395 laurencegreene@bellsouth.net Silke S Haidekker 870 Riverbend Pkwy Athens GA 30605 (573) 447-0653 Silke@Haidekker.org Heather Hammermeister Dudek 4840 Seda Drive San Diego CA 92124 (760) 479-4255 hlhammer@aol.com Hilary Heuer 773 17th Ave San Francisco CA 94121 (415) 265-7117 (415) 502-4848 fax hilary.heuer@gmail.com Patricia Hildenbrand 810 East 10th St Lawrence KS 66044 (785) 843-1234 ext 136 phildenbrand@allenpress.com Jessica Hobeck American Cancer Society 250 Williams St, Suite 600 Atlanta GA 30303 (404) 417-5929 (404) 551-5650 fax hobackjb@gmail.com Nancy House 833 Old Ferrell Rd Knightdale NC 27545 Hui Hu NIEHS 111 TW Alexander Dr Research Triangle Park NC 27709 (919) 541-4898 (919) 541-0273 fax Hu@niehs.nih.gov 208 • Science Editor • November – December 2008 • Vol 31 • No 6 Elizabeth Huyck University of Chicago Press 1427 E 60th St Chicago IL 60637 (773) 753-8021 ehuyck@uchicago.edu Ana Ivanis University of Zagreb Salata 3 Zagreb 10000 Croatia 385 145 90261 385 145 90222 fax aivanis@mef.hr Sarah Jennings Drug Use Optimization, BC Ministry of Health 303-960 Quayside Dr New Westminster BC V3M 6G2 Canada (604) 660-1245 sarah.jennings@gov.bc.ca Althea Jones American Veterinary Medical Association 1931 North Meacham Rd Schaumburg IL 60173 (847) 285-6766 (847) 925-9329 fax ajones@avma.org Etta C Kavanagh Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 500 5th St NW, NAS 340 Washington DC 20001 (202) 334-1386 (202) 334-2739 fax ekavanagh@nas.org Serdjo Kos University of Rijeks, Faculty of Maritime Studies Studentska 2 Rijeka 51000 Croatia 385 51 338 411 385 51 336 755 fax skos@pfri.hr CSE News Who’s New continued Thiyagesan Krishnamoorthy Scientific Transactions in Environment and Technovation 1131 Main Rd Sundarakottai Mannar Andi Tisuvasus District Tamilnadu 614001 India 91 04367 255423 91 04367 255423 fax kehiyagesan1@rediffmail.com Marina Kukso ASBMR Publications 6011 Fayetteville Rd Suite 202 Durham NC 27713 (919) 620-0681 (919) 620-8465 fax marina@jbmr.org Cornelis Langevald Netherlands Association of Community Genetics PO Box 75971 Amsterdam 1070 AZ Netherlands 31 20 662 0150 31 20 673 5481 fax langeveld@ntvg.nl Jean M Lawrence Left Justified Literary Services 86-3180 E 58th Ave Vancouver BC V5S 3S8 Canada (604) 437-9804 (604) 437-9804 fax jeanlawrence@shaw.ca Bonnie LeRoy University of Minnesota 420 Delaware St SE MMC 485 Minneapolis MN 55455 (612) 624-7193 leroy001@umn.edu Sandra Lefebvre American Veterinary Medical Association 1931 North Meacham Rd Suite 100 Schaumburg IL 60173 (847) 925-8070 ext 6761 (847) 925-9329 fax slefebvre@avma.org Joyce A Merriman American Academy of Family Physicians 11400 Tomahawk Creek Parkway Leawood KS 66211-2672 (913) 906-6000 ext 5117 (913) 906-6010 fax jmerrima@aafp.org Frances Likis Journal of Midwifery & Women’s Health 4530 Everett Dr Nashville TN 37215 Nkuchia M’ikanatha Pennsylvania Department of Health 1439 Stonecutter Circle Hummelstown PA 17036 Angela Lorio i3Statprobe 2809 Villa Drive Marrero LA 70072 (504) 328-3348 (504) 328-4334 fax loriocom@cox.net Ilona J Miko Write Science Right 82 Dana St Providence RI 02906 Patricia B Malay Journal of Foot and Ankle Surgery 2314 Waverly St Philadelphia PA 19146-1124 (215) 546-6001 editorjfas@gmail.com Robert A Martin Scientiae LLC 80 Broad St, Suite 1702 New York NY 10004 (212) 500-4601 robert.martin@scientiae.com Andrea Melnikas HIT Lab 3960 Broadway, Room 410 New York NY 10032 (212) 543-0100 ajm2156@hitlab.org Carla Miller American College of Chest Physicians 3300 Dundee Rd Northbrook IL 60062 (847) 498-8338 cmiller@chestnet.org Alexis Morris Radiological Society of North America 820 Jorie Blvd Hinsdale IL 60523 (630) 571-7815 (630) 571-7837 fax amorris@rsna.org Julie Morrison HighWire Press 1454 Page Mill Rd Palo Alto CA 94301 (650) 724-4399 juliem@highwire.stanford.edu Heather Nevill PO Box 523 Anderson TX 77830 (979) 450-0877 hmnevill@yahoo.com Janet Novak Helix Editing 19 West Willow Grove Ave Philadelphia PA 19118 (215) 248-1595 novak@HelixEdit.com Dupeh Palmer Walter Reed Army Institute of Research 3213 Decatur Avenue Kensington MD 20895 (301) 319-9202 dupehpalmer@yahoo.com Nicholas John Pimlott Canadian Family Physican Women’s College Hospital 60 Grosvenor St Toronto ON M5S 1B6 Canada (416) 323-6065 (416) 323-6351 fax nick.pimlott@cfpc.ca Hilary Polk American Medical Writers Association Charlestown Navy Yard 120 Second Ave Boston MA 02129-4533 (671) 886-9330 ext 314 hpolk@healtheffects.org Jane Pratt The Obesity Society 8630 Fenton St, Suite 814 Silver Spring MD 20910 (301) 563-6526 (301) 563-6596 fax jpratt@naaso.org Linda Raab Linda Raab Communications 10342 Rhode Island Circle Minneapolis MN 55438 (952) 944-7038 (952) 943-9760 fax lraab@lindarabb.com Science Editor • November – December 2008 • Vol 31 • No 6 • 209