East Los Angeles Service Area WEEKLY BULLETIN November 16, 2015 Volume 4, Issue 11 http://eastlaservicearea.org/ CALENDAR Thanksgiving Week November 23-27 NO SCHOOL HOLIDAY CANNED FOOD DRIVE (All Campuses) Details in main offices THIS WEEK IN HISTORY: Lincoln Delivers the Gettysburg Address On November 19, 1863, at the dedication of a military cemetery at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, during the American Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln delivers one of the most memorable speeches in American history. In just 272 words, Lincoln brilliantly and movingly reminded a war-weary public why the Union had to fight, and win, the Civil War. Thanksgiving Day is a national holiday celebrated primarily in Canada and the United States as a day of giving thanks for the blessing of the harvest and of the preceding year. It is celebrated on the second Monday of October in Canada and on the fourth Thursday of November in the United States. Several other places around the world observe similar celebrations. Thanksgiving has its historical roots in religious and cultural traditions and has long been celebrated in a secular manner as well. Reminders STUDENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS: SIS Office: (323) 224-5986 HEALTH CAREERS ORIENTATIONS November 13-20 Contact Ms.Granados for detailed schedule of times. POWERLINE ORIENTATION December 3, 2015 5:15-7:30 pm. Participants must have received an email from ELASC Please remember to check registration forms for accuracy and completeness. When enrolling high school students counselors and instructors should confirm the Grade level, home High School, and Small Learning Community (SLC) if applicable. Events & Info THANKSGIVING WEEK—NO SCHOOL There will be no school Thanksgiving week, November 2327, and school offices will also be closed. Classes will resume on Monday, November 31. We wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving! HOLIDAY FOOD DRIVE— ELASA classrooms and offices are collecting can goods for needy families. Donations are being collected in the main offices and in classrooms. Student council representatives are assisting with the collection and distribution. INSTRUCTORS: Please remember to log your class count each day in addition to your SIS computerized submissions. Class counts are logged on the clipboards near the sign in sheets in the main offices. Notes from Ms. Rodriguez JOB POSTINGS: Thank you to all who participated in the AEGB symposium Saturday November 7. Staff interested in applying for open teaching opportunities may view current postings in the main offices of our four campuses. To view postings online you can go to lausd.net http://achieve.lausd.net/ Page/7603 Happy November Birthday to…. Julie Singer/11 Isabel Marquez/24 Mamie Costello/25 Submit items for the Weekly Bulletin to dominic.shambra@lausd.net Page 2 V o l u me 4 , I s s u e 1 1 Student Corner Scholarship Fundraising: CHOCOLATE SALE .. $1.00 ea. Photos ! ELSA Team Participates in PLC Training Purchases can be made at the counseling offices of our 4 main campuses. The Los Angeles Unified School District seeks views on the school calendar. In late November, parents, guardians and District employees will be contacted for their preference in taking the survey: either online or over the telephone. Survey opinions will inform Los Angeles Board of Education members when voting to approve the calendar. Their decision will cover the next three years. Learn more... ELASA ESL team members participate in (PLC) Professional Learning Community Training at ELASC. As parents of LAUSD students you are encouraged along with the your instructors to participate in the survey. http://achieve.lausd.net/schoolcalendars Homeboy Industries Partners visit PV Class ELASA Reading Classroom Technology CASAS payment points at work. WIOA Technology team member Jonathon Wong uses WIOA tablets for vocabulary lessons in his reading class at the ELASC. Mr. Wong has been technology trained and will be a presenter at future professional development trainings using technology in the classroom. The new Director of Employment Services for Homeboy Industries: Audrey Holmes and former ELASC PV student and Director of External affairs Jose Osuna visit the PV program to discuss job placement . Jose Osuna, Audrey Holmes, Ed Ruiz , Larry Calderon UTLA: Contact Laura Vasquez UTLA Chapter Chair District Policy You Should Know 2015-2016 Winter Recess and District Shutdown Days with any questions or concerns related to UTLA issues. MEM-6608.0 November 13, 2015 The purpose of this memorandum is to provide information to all schools and offices regarding the 2015-2016 winter recess and District shutdown days. Bulletin 6608.0 is attached to the email.