Accounting for Corruption: The Effect of Tax Evasion and Inflation on Growth∗ Max Gillman Cardiff University Business School Michal Kejak CERGE-EI PRELIMINARY VERSION Abstract The paper studies the relation between taxes and growth when there is evasion or avoidance of key taxes, on labor and capital income, on goods purchases, and on money holdings. The paper models tax evasion using a decentralized corruption service sector, takes a banking approach, and assumes a production function based on financial intermediary microfoundations for laundering undeclared income and sales revenue. This loosens the linkage between tax rate levels and the size of the shadow economy, as is consistent with correlation facts, while still embodying the well-accepted notion of marginal substitution towards the shadow economy as tax rates increase. The results are that taxes decrease growth, evasion decreases the negative effect of taxes on growth, and the growth rate falls at a decreasing rate as individual tax rates increase. This presents a fiscal principle of the effect of flat taxes on growth with evasion, based on a rising demand price sensitivity to higher tax rates. JEL Classification: E13, E31, H26, O42 Keywords: Tax evasion, corruption, financial services, endogenous growth, and inflation. Preliminary Draft; Incomplete ∗ We thank Szilard Benk for research assistance, Dario Cziraky, Bye Jeong, Patrick Minford, and Slava Vinogradov for comments, and the seminars at CERGE-EI, Prague, WIIW, Vienna, Koc University, Cardiff Business School, and the 2nd CDMA Conference at the University of St Andrews, and the Macro and Financial Economics/Econometrics Conference at Brunel University. Research support of the World Bank GDN fund at WIIW is kindly acknowledged. 0 1 Introduction Tax evasion through avoidance of the inflation tax can cause the growth rate to decrease as the inflation rate rises, and to decrease at a decreasing rate [Gillman and Kejak (2005a,b)]. Evidence tends to support such a nonlinear profile, showing a more negative marginal growth effect the lower is the inflation rate.1 As the tax rate rises and the shadow price of consumption rises, the consumer becomes increasingly sensitive to money use, and so increasingly uses credit as a means of tax avoidance to substitute away from the taxed good. Set within endogenous growth, the tax avoidance via credit causes the negative growth effect of the tax to be less. In monetary theoretic terms, as the inflation rate rises, the money demand becomes increasingly interest elasticity, as in Cagan’s model, and credit is increasingly used to avoid inflation, instead of using leisure; this implies that velocity rises at a faster rate, and the growth rate falls at a decreasing rate. Tax avoidance is conceptually similar to tax evasion. While using credit to avoid Bailey’s (1956) inflation tax is legal, all taxes tend to be avoided or evaded. This follows from Gary Becker’s (1968) study of how legislation generally is complied with, and in particular, the notion that the marginal cost of evading the law is set equal to the marginal benefit of the evasion. For tax laws, the marginal benefit is the tax rate itself. In the case of inflation, the marginal benefit of avoidance is the nominal interest rate, and the marginal cost is that of using alternative means of exchange. The paper applies the law avoidance approach more generally to fiscal policy, while assuming zero enforcement of the tax laws. It shows that the monetary concepts of tax avoidance in a growth context apply to major fiscal taxes of our economic system. In particular we include, along with the inflation tax avoidance, tax evasion of flat taxes on labor income, capital income 1 Less controversial than sometimes reported, there appears to be only a dispute over what happens below a "threshold" inflation rate, which is found to be at low inflation rates, such as 1% for industrialized countries (Ghosh and Phillips). Insignificant, positive, effects of inflation are found below the threshold when not using instrumental variables. With instrumental variables, Gillman Harris and Matyas (2004) for example show that the negative nonlinear profile holds for all positive inflation rates for both developed and less developed samples. 1 and goods purchases. Tax evasion is produced in a competitive fashion in order to lower the effective tax rates. The outcome is that tax avoidance or evasion causes increasingly lessor negative growth effects as the tax rates rise. More broadly it is an example of the consequences of increases in legal restrictions causing increasingly elastic substitution away from the restricted activity. More specifically, evasion is based in the financial intermediation sector and the paper’s approach is to follow the funds.2 We first show that the model accounts for certain stylized facts of corruption, and then establish the nonlinear growth profile of the taxes. The next section sets out the facts, followed by a model consistent with these. Here, the production functions for avoidance and evasion are based on the Clark (1984)-Hancock (1985) microeconomics of banking in which financial capital is a third factor in the CRS production function of bank service output, and which can be viewed as a general equilibrium formulation of the approach of Benk and Green (2004). Propositions are set out and illustrated with the simulations, in subsequent sections, followed by the conclusions on our stylized banking story. 2 Taxes, Corruption, the Shadow Economy Tax evasion is a part of the underground, shadow, economy; and evasion takes place through non-law abiding, or what we call here corrupt, behavior.3 Cash seems to be used more in the underground economy, and this sector is estimated to be of significant size.4 There has also been found a re2 This is part of the research agenda proposed by Lucas’s Nobel address (1996) to find significant long run effects of monetary factors such as inflation, combined with the study of flat taxes in Rebelo and Stokey (1996), and Easterly’s (2001) emphasis on the need to include the non-market sector to explain the economy in a policy relevant way. 3 Corruption can be defined narrowly in terms of public officials taking kickback, as in Schneider and - (2006); they then propose that corruption can act as a substitute to expanding the size of the shadow economy. Our definition of corruption is more broad, of illegal activity by anyone in the economy; but we then focus only on tax evasion within this broad definition, and evasion and the size of the shadow economy end up moving together, more as complements. 4 ? reports that the shadow output equals 39% of the actual magnitude of reported GDP in developing countries, 23% in transition countries and 14% in OECD countries; and the labor force, as a percent of the official labor force, is estimated to be about 50% 2 lation between tax levels and the size of the shadow sector, as in ? for a case of Canadian tax rate changes, and ?, in which an increase in the tax rate induces the agent to reallocate resources towards the untaxed non-market sector and away from the market sector. However, standard international correlation evidence, perhaps counterintuitively, is not consistent with a positive correlation between personal or corporate tax rates, and the shadow economy size, as the next section shows. 2.1 Correlation Evidence Sweden’s ratings from the Transparency International Corruption Perception Index (TICPI) indicate it as one of the most transparent country, with a small shadow economy, even though it has some of the highest tax rates. Russia with its 13% income tax, one of the lowest personal tax rates, typically appears in the ratings as one of the least transparent with a large shadow economy. While possibly outliers, the figures below illustrate that Fact 1: Tax rates are not positively correlated with the size of the shadow economy. Figures 1 and 2 show this for the effective personal income tax rate, in the OECD, and in the larger sample that includes Latin America, Asian and transition countries as well as the OECD, and in Figures 3 and 4 for the corporate tax rate, in the OECD and in the broader sample.5 in developing and transition countries and 17% in OECD countries. See also ? ?, and ?. 5 The tax data are from The World Competitiveness Yearbook 2003, IMD, International Institute for Management Development; the TICPI is from Transparency International,; and the shadow economy size data are from ?. 3 Figure 2. Full Sample: Personal Tax Rates and Shadow Economy Size Figure 1. OECD: Shadow Size and Personal Tax Rates 60 35 y = -0.3104x + 28.085 R2 = 0.0947 y = -0.0019x + 19.175 R2 = 5E-06 50 Shadow economy size Shadow economy size 30 25 20 15 40 30 20 10 10 5 0 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 0 40 10 20 30 40 50 60 Tax Rate, Effective Personal Income (% GDP per capita)(2001) Tax Rate, Effective Personal Income (% GDP per capita)(2001) Figure 3: OECD Corporate Tax Rates and Shadow Economy Size 35 y = -0.0742x + 21.513 R2 = 0.0054 Figure 4: Full Sample: Corporate Tax Rates and Shadow Economy Size 60 30 y = -0.0213x + 23.222 R2 = 0.0002 25 Shadow economy size Shadow economy size 50 20 15 10 5 40 30 20 10 0 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 Tax Rate, Average Corporate (2002) 10 20 30 40 50 60 Tax Rate, Average Corporate (2002) Rather than a positive correlation between the tax rate and the shadow economy size, Figures 5 and 6 show that the correlation fact that does emerge is that: Fact 2: The corruption perception increases as the shadow economy size increases. The most widely used corruption index, the TICPI is typically interpreted as being inversely related with the degree of corruption that is thought to exist. Then Figures 5 and 6 show for the OECD and the broader sample that as transparency falls, and corruption rises, the size of the shadow economy increases. 4 Figure 5. OECD: Corruption and Shadow Size 12 Figure 6: Full Sample Corruption and Shadow Economy Size 12 y = -0.161x + 9.6522 R2 = 0.4736 Transparency International Corruption Perceptions Index (2001) Transparency International Corruption Perceptions Index (2001) y = -0.2193x + 11.151 R2 = 0.5565 10 8 6 4 2 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 35 0 10 20 Shadow Economy size 30 40 50 60 Shadow Economy size Facts 1 and 2, the lack of a positive relation between tax rates and the shadow economy size, in Figures 1-4, and the positive correlation betwen corruption and shadow economy size, in Figures 5 and 6, together suggest that: Tax rates, corruption and shadow economy size do not all move together. This warrants considering that corruption activity may be a separate entity that is linked closely to the shadow economy, but not necessarily correlated to tax rates. Paradoxically, while tax rates are not correlated with the shadow economy size, it emerges in Figures 7 and 8 that: Fact 3: Tax revenues as a percent of GDP are negative correlated with the shadow economy size. Fact 4: Tax revenues rise as transparency increases. Figure 8: Full Sample Transparency and Revenues Figure 7. Full Sample Shadow Economy Size and Revenues 12 60 Transparency International Corruption Perceptions Index y = -0.2781x + 31.39 R2 = 0.1006 Shadow Economy size 50 40 30 20 10 y = 0.1015x + 2.8447 R2 = 0.2396 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 0 60 10 20 30 40 50 Tax Revenues, Collected (% of GDP) (2001) Tax Revenues, Collected (% of GDP) (2001) 5 60 2.2 An Approach Consistent with Correlation Facts Allowing for Fact 1, a lack of correlation between tax rates and the shadow economy size, while maintaining the basic principle of using the shadow economy to evade taxes, the model here posits a competitive equilibrium supply of corruption services that enable tax evasion. As corruption services are supplied, the size of the shadow economy increases, consistent with Fact 2. But an inefficient corruption sector can still produce little tax evasion even in the face of high taxes, allowing for a possible lack of correlation between tax rates and the size of the shadow sector, as in Fact 1. However, for any given possible level of corruption efficiency, an increase in tax rates causes an increase in the size of the shadow sector, resulting in lower tax revenues the larger is the size of the shadow economy, as in Fact 3. Given the positive link between corruption services and the shadow economy size, as in Fact 2, tax revenue is negatively correlated with corruption service supply, consistent with Fact 4. Tax evasion is produced in a competitive decentralized corruption services sector. The consumer pays a competitive market price for the service, and as representative agent, owns shares in the corruption sector and receives its dividend profits (kickbacks). A preference for corruption does not enter the model. Instead, sales of goods, and receipts of income, may or may not be reported to the government tax authority, but there is just one type of consumption good and one production sector for these goods. The extensiveness of corruption depends solely on the efficacity in producing the corruption service, which is tax evasion, as determined by the parameters of the corruption service production functions. There are three such functions, one for each type of tax evasion, that of evading the (VAT) sales tax, evading (personal) income taxes, and evading (corporate) capital taxes. Tax evasion allows the goods receipts or income to enter the market economy as normal funds through what we think of as a bank-related "laundering" service. This interpretation guides the banking-related specification of this sector’s production functions. The model includes ? endogenous growth within the monetary setting, 6 an extension of ?. The financial intermediary sector, which supplies the exchange credit that enables avoidance of the inflation tax, is also made explicit here, similar to ?. Since credit use typically leaves a "paper trail" that can be incriminating and is often avoided in the shadow economy [ ?, ?], it is assumed that credit is available for avoiding the inflation tax in the market sector by not in the shadow sector.6 Taxes decrease growth because they lower the return to physical and human capital. But tax evasion, like inflation tax avoidance, makes smaller the tax-induced decrease in the growth rate. 3 The endogenous growth monetary economy The economy is populated with infinitely-lived identical households with preferences over consumption, ct , and leisure, xt , streams given by u (ct , xt ) = ln ct + α ln xt (1) where α > 0 is a relative weight of leisure with respect to consumption in the households preferences. Here, there is just one consumption good produced in the economy, although some goods sales are reported, denoted by crt , and some are unreported, denoted by cut . And we assume that the reported and unreported goods are perfect substitutes: the consumer does not feel bad in any way about not reporting goods, so that7 ct = crt + cut . The household’s real assets, denoted by at , are physical capital kt and financial capital, which consists of real money mt and bonds bt . Real money is defined as the nominal money stock Mt divided by the nominal goods price Pt ; mt ≡ Mt /Pt ; similarly, bt ≡ Bt /Pt : at = kt + mt + bt . 6 (2) In contrast, Koreshkova (2006) uses credit equally in both sectors; we add the complication of greater cash use in the shadow sector to make the model more realistic. 7 In a related economy such as ?, the market consumption good is denoted at time t by cmt , and the non-market good by cnt , produced by different technologies, with the aggregate consumption good, denoted by ct , defined by ct = [νcεmt + (1 − ν) cεnt ]1/ε ,where ν and ε are utility function parameters. 7 Along with the households there exist many identical firms owned by households which produce goods output, yt , using a CRS technology in capital, sGt kt , and effective labor, lGt ht , yt = AG (lGt ht )β (sGt kt )1−β . (3) The economy considers a financial intermediation sector which is composed of a set of many identical banks which allow households to open an account and receive credit for their transactions. Besides these ‘non-corrupt’ banks the households have an access to a tax-evading banking sector which is corrupted and which allows the households to launder their incomes and revenues and evade taxes. Particularly we assume that there are three sectors, each for different money laundering, providing corruption services to evade paying taxes on labor income, capital income, and sales revenue, respectively. All the banks produce their services by using a CRS technology in effective labor and deposits as in ? and ? κit = Ai (lit ht )ωi (dit )1−ωi (4) where κit is the amount of services produced in a bank of type i by the use of labor, lit , and deposits, dit , when the technology is given by Ai and ω i . There are four types of the banks: one non-corupt bank, Q, and corrupt banks for labor, l, capital, c, and sales services, c, so i ∈ {Q, l, k, c} Each households is engaged in the production and accumulation of human capital using the following technology ḣt = AH (lHt ht )ε (sHt kt )1−ε − δ h ht . (5) Further we will assume that each sector of the economy is represented by a representative agent in a particular sector, so we have a representative household, a representative firm, and four representative banks. To simplify the economy’s setup and make it structurally tractable we implement the Lucas methodology (see e.g. Lucas (1990)) and assume one representative gigantic household which consists of a shopper, a seller/shop-owner, five workers, one manager and four bankers. 8 In the rest of the section we will proceed in the following way. We first set up the problem of the representative household and derive the first-order conditions. Then we set up the problems of the goods producer and the four banks and derive the related first-order conditions. Finally, we define the general equilibrium for the whole economy. 3.1 The Representative Household Problem The households begins with cash, Mt , government bonds holding, Bt , and the amount of physical capital, kt . It is endowed with one unit of time which it allocates to working, lt , to study, lHt ,and to leisure, xt , so lt + lHt + xt = 1. (6) The working time, lt , is allocated to the two ‘legal’ sectors: goods production, lGt , and credit production, lQt , and three corruption service sectors: labor income tax evasion, llt , capital income tax evasion, lkt , and goods revenue tax evasion, lct , so (7) lt = lGt + lQt + lct + lkt + llt . Workers evade labor taxes. They pay taxes only from the reported income derived from the reported work in the goods production, lmt , the rest gets unreported, lnt , and from the work in the non-corrupt bank, lQt , so lrt = lmt + lQt , (8) lGt = lmt + lnt (9) where lrt stands for the total reported working time. The total unreported working time, lut = lt − lrt , is lut = lnt + lct + lkt + llt . (10) In order to avoid capital taxes, the household underreport its use of physical capital in the goods production sGt = srt + sut 9 (11) where srt is the reported use of capital and sut is the unreported use of the capital. Since the physical capital is used only in the goods and human capital productions, (12) sGt + sHt = 1. Now we will trace the sequence of behavior of the household through a period8 . First, the family starts the period with the wealth, at , in the form of portfolio, (kt , mt , bt ) , and receives money transfers from the government. • the household trades on the asset market to determine how much money and bonds to hold; it also decides on the deposits in the non-corrupt financial intermediary, which will be used to buy the reported consumption goods via an ATM, Mrt , and a credit account, Pt qt . So in real terms (13) dQt = mrt + qt ; the rest of money, Mt − Mrt , will be kept in the household pocket to buy the unreported consumption goods; then the family separates and the individual members of the family travel to the respective markets; the shoper will take with him the family’s ATM and credit cards and the pocket money in order to make purchases; • the manager and all the bankers travel to labor and capital markets to rent labor and capital services; workers travel to labor markets; • the manager organizes the goods production, gives the goods to the shop-owner and delegates him to sell the goods to the shopper; • the shopper pays the reported goods purchases using the ATM and credit cards, and the unreported goods purchases using the cash in his pocket; the shop-owner sells the reported good at real price 1 + τ c in 8 In the continuous time framework there is no such thing as a period defined like in discrete time models. However, we can still consider an infinitesimal piece of time, dt, being decomposed into a sequence of the household activities. While timing in continuous time models with no uncertainty has no meaning we still consider it useful for a better explanation of the flow of funds and goods in the economy where income can circulate several times within a period. 10 the front part of the shop, and the unreported good at real price 1 + pct in the back-yard of the shop. So there are two exchange constraints imposed mrt + qt ≥ (1 + τ c ) crt , (14) mt − mrt ≥ (1 + pct ) cut (15) where mrt denotes the amount of cash withdrawals used in buying the ‘legal’ goods; • the shop-owner deposits sales revenues of unreported and reported consumption to the consumption tax evading bank; the corrupt bank launders the receipts by setting up two accounts for the shop-owner, one that is reported and one that is hidden; the banker sends the consumption tax to the authorities and takes the fee payment on laundering the unreported goods sales demanded by the shop-owner demands, dct = crt + cut ; (16) • after being part of sales laundered and part of sales taxed the manager receives the net payment for the sales from shop-owner and pays his workers and the capital services in the goods sector; • the household sends its capital income9 to the corrupt bank specialized on the capital income laundering; dkt = rt (sut + srt ) kt ; (17) • after being the part of capital income related to the unreported capital laundered, the household withdraw its capital income from the corrupt bank, pays tax payments to the government on the reported income and the fee to the corrupt bank on the unreported income; 9 For the sake of keeping the model simple taxes are paid by workers instead of by the firms as it is common in actual economies according to the principle pay-as-you-earn introduced in most developed economies after the World War II. Moreover, it is irrelevant who actually pays the taxes, whether producer or worker, in a general equilibrium model. 11 • the household will collect the labor incomes of its workers working in the goods sector and four banking sectors and sends it to the labor tax evading bank (18) dlt = wt (lut + lrt ) ht ; • after being the part of labor income related to the unreported labor laundered, the household withdraw its labor income from the corrupt bank, pays tax payments to the government on the reported income and the fee to the corrupt bank on the unreported income; • after receiving the fee payments on the credit, and corruption services the bankers pay their profits/returns on the deposits to their owner, household. Because of the dispersion of the households and stores, the government is unable to determine how much each household spends, how much income it earns, and how many receipts each store takes in. It can only accurately follow how much credit each household gets at the non-corrupt bank, and of course what is reported to it by the households. Therefore, it is assumed that, out of prudence, the amount that the household deposits into the non-corrupt bank is equal to the amount of sales receipts reported by its store, or crt . This way the household reports crt as its role as shop-owner, and this coincides with the households transaction deposits from the non-corrupt bank; should the government check, while also determining that all households are alike with the same average reported consumption, there would be no obvious inconsistency. The flow of funds, goods and reported information is depicted in Fig. 1. Let introduce the notation where the vector of state variables, st , and the vector of decision variables, ut , are defined as st ≡ (at , kt , ht , bt , mt ) and ut ≡ (mrt , crt , cut , xt , lrt , lut , srt , sut , qt , dQt , dlt , dkt , dct ) , respectively. Now we are ready to set up the problem of the representative household which maximizes its lifetime welfare V (s0 ) = 12 GOODS PRODUCER Corrupt BANK L Wages Rents Sales Receipts Cash Corrupt BANK K Cash Credit Cash HOUSEHOLDS Reports Fraction of Income Reports Fraction of Income Non-Corrupt BANK Deposits Goods Expenditures Sales Deposits in Producer's Account Sales Corrupt BANK C Receipts RETAIL STORES Reports Fraction of Sales GOVERNMENT TAX AUTHORITY Figure 1: Flow Chart of the Economy max {ut } subject to Z ∞ [ln (crt + cut ) + α ln xt ] e−ρt dt (19) 0 • the household budget constraint ȧt = (1 − τ l ) wt lrt ht + (1 − plt ) wt lut ht + rlt dlt + (1 − τ k ) rt srt kt + (1 − pkt ) rt sut kt + rkt dkt − (1 + τ c ) crt − (1 + pct )cut + rct dct + vt −pQt qt + rQt dQt − δ K kt − π t mt + bt (Rt − π t ) (20) with the definition of financial wealth at = kt + mt + bt , (21) • the human capital accumulation (5), • the two cash-in-advance constraints (exchange) constraints10 (14)-(15), • the bank deposits: in the non-corrupt bank (13) and in the corrupt banks (16)-(18). 10 Both constraints will be binding in the equilibrium. 13 3.2 The First Order Conditions In order to derive the first order conditions we first build up the Hamiltonian, H (ut ; st ; χt ) , related to the household problem where χt is the vector of shadow prices, χt = (λt , μt , ξ 1t , ξ 2t , ηt , ζ ct , ζ kt , ζ lt ) . So H (ut ; st ; χt ) = = (ln ct + α ln xt ) e−ρt ⎫ ⎧ ⎪ ⎪ (1 − τ ) w l h + (1 − p ) w l h + r d ⎪ ⎪ l t rt t lt t ut t lt lt ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎬ ⎨ + (1 − τ ) r s k + (1 − p ) r s k + r d ⎪ k t rt t kt t ut t kt kt +λt ⎪ ⎪ − (1 + τ c ) crt − (1 + pct )cut + rct dct + vt ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎭ ⎩ −p q + r d − δ k − π m + b (R − π ) ⎪ Qt t Qt K t t t t t t Qt © ª +μt AH [(1 − lrt − lut − xt ) ht ]ε [(1 − srt − sut ) kt ]1−ε − δ h ht +ξ 1t {mrt + qt − (1 + τ c ) crt } +ξ 2t {mt − mrt − (1 + pct ) cut } +η t {mrt + qt − dQt } +ζ ct {(crt + cut ) − dct } +ζ kt {rt (sut + srt ) kt − dkt } +ζ lt {wt (lut + lrt ) ht − dlt } . (22) Taking the first order conditions with respect to the state variables kt , ht , bt , mt we get the conditions λ̇ = ρλ − λ [(1 − τ k ) rsr + (1 − pk ) rsu − δ k ] (23) −μMP KH (1 − sr − su ) + ζ k r (sr + su ) (24) μ̇ = ρμ − λ [(1 − τ l ) wlr + (1 − pl ) wlu ] −μ [MP HH (1 − lr − lu − x) − δ h ] + ζ l w (lr + lu ) (25) (26) λ̇ = ρλ − λ (R − π) (27) λ̇ = ρλ − (ξ 2 − λπ) (28) 14 and with respect to the decision variables mrt , crt , cut , xt , lrt , lut , srt , sut , qt , dQt , dlt , dkt , dct we get the conditions η + ξ1 − ξ2 1 e−ρt − λ (1 + τ c ) − ξ 1 (1 + τ c ) + ζ c cr + cu 1 e−ρt − λ (1 + pc ) − ξ 2 (1 + pc ) + ζ c cr + cu 1 −ρt e − μMP HH h x λ (1 − τ l ) wh − μMP HH h + ζ l wh = 0 (29) = 0 (30) = 0 (31) = 0 (32) = 0 (33) λ (1 − pl ) wh − μMP HH h + ζ l wh = 0 (34) λ (1 − τ k ) rk − μMP KH k + ζ k rk = 0 (35) λ (1 − pk ) rk − μMP KH k + ζ k rk = 0 (36) −λpQ + ξ 1 + η = 0 (37) λrQ − η = 0 (38) λrc − ζ c = 0 (39) λrk − ζ k = 0 (40) λrl − ζ l = 0 (41) ³ ´1−ε ³ ´ε and MP HK = (1 − ε) AH slHHhk are the where MP HH = εAH slHHhk marginal product of human and physical capital in the production of human capital, respectively. First, the existence of an interior competitive equilibrium implies the conditions for the equilibrium prices of tax evasion/avoidance services. These are derived in the following Proposition. Proposition 1 The competitive equilibrium11 prices of corruption services for capital and labor tax evasion and of credit services are equal to the re11 There exist other competitive equilibria in which e.g. some corruption sectors are not used. However, as we limit our attention here only to a competitive equilibrium representing interior solution, i.e. corruption equilibrium with respect to all the agents’ problems we are not interested in these other ones. 15 spective tax rates, plt = τ l , (42) pkt = τ k , (43) pQt = R. (44) The price of corruption services for consumption tax evasion satisfies the following condition ¶ µ rQt − 1. (45) pct = (1 + τ c ) 1 − 1 + pQt Proof. The first expression follows directly from the household’s firstorder conditions given by (33) and (34) where we see that the interior equilibrium exists12 only when pl = τ l . Similarly, equations (35)-(36) imply that pk = τ k . According to equation (30) the (discounted) marginal utility of reported consumption is equal to the unit cost of consuming reported consumption. It is composed of three terms: the purchasing cost on the reported goods market, (1 +³τ c ) λ, the cost ´ of using the exchange means, credit and ATM card, (1 + τ c ) ξ 1 cqr + ξ 1 mcrr = (1 + τ c ) ξ 1 and the unit reward on putting the sales revenues into the corrupt bank, ζ c . Similarly, according to (31) the marginal (discounted) utility of unreported consumption is equal to the unit of consuming unreported consumption, which is composed of the purchasing cost, (1 + pc ) λ, which already includes the fee for laundering, pc ,the cost of using r = (1 + pc ) ξ 2 the pocket cash as the only means of exchange, (1 + pc ) ξ 2 m−m cu and the unit reward on putting the sales revenues into the corrupt bank, ζ c . Due to the perfect substitutability between the reported and unreported consumption, the cost of consuming one unit of the reported and unreported consumption must be equal13 , i.e. (1 + τ c ) (λ + ξ 1 ) − ζ c = (1 + pc ) (λ + ξ 2 ) − ζ c . 12 (46) If pl > τ l then nobody would be willing to work in the legal sectors and the equilibrium will not exist. Similarly, when pl < τ l nobody would use the corruption services. 13 It is again a condition for the interior equilibrium where both reported and unreported consumption are consumed. 16 Referring to equation (29), we get ξ 2 = ξ 1 + η, where the benefits of using the pocket cash in exchange transactions are equal to the benefits of using deposited cash. In accordance with (38) and (37) expressed in units of consumption, ξλ1 = pQ − rQ , the benefits of credit via exchange services, ξλ1 , (which is equal to the benefits of ATM exchange services) are equal to its cost, pQ (the fee paid for a unit of credit), net of the return on deposits, rQ . On the other hand, the pocket cash provides benefits, ξλ2 = pQ . Using this and the condition (46), under which both goods, reported and unreported, will be consumed in equilibrium, we get the expression for the consumption corruption fee, pc , given in (45). If we further plug the results for ξ 1 and ξ 2 into (28) we obtain the condition for the return on money ¸ ∙ ¸ ∙ ξ1 ξ2 −π−ρ =λ + rQ − π − ρ = λ [pQ − π − ρ] . (47) −λ̇ = λ λ λ It confirms that in equilibrium all the means of exchange give the same returns. Further, the formulas (27) and (47) imply that in equilibrium the total net real return on bonds and money should be equal, i.e. R − π = pQ − π. (48) So the cost of real credit is equal to the nominal interest rate on bonds, pQ = R, which can viewed as the inflation ”tax” since the first-best Friedman optimum claims R = 0. Note that the price of the consumption ‘laundering’ services, pc , is not constant and equal to the ‘evading’ tax rate like in the other evasion sectors but never larger than the related tax rate τ c . In order to keep the total cost of consuming illegal goods, which can be bought only by the use of pocket cash, equal to that of the legal goods which is lower due to the rent on the deposit (and thus implying that the household will consume both goods), the price of laundering must always be lower than the cosumption tax rate. The price pc is equal to τ c only if the nominal interest rate is zero, since in such a situation there is no credit production and no rents paid on the bank account. Neglecting the higher order effects the price of laundering services is lower 17 by the (nominal) return on the cash-card account, pc ≈ τ c − rQ . Since the return, rQ , increases with the interest rate the services price decreases with R. It also implies that for the price of ’consumption’ services to be nonnegative, pc > 0, the wedge between the return on the pocket cash and that on the card cash, rQ , must be approximately smaller than the consumption tax rate, τ c . Otherwise, the consumption of illegal goods is too costly and it is better to have all the money in the bank (either in the form of ATM or credit account) and comply fully with consumption tax payments14 . Using (41) with (33) and (40) with (35) the relative price of human capital in the units of physical capital can be expressed as either the ratio of the marginal products of human capital in the human capital and physical capital sectors or the ratio of the marginal products of physical capital in these two sectors MP HH MP HK μ = = . (49) λ (1 − τ l + rl ) w (1 − τ k + rk ) r Interestingly, there is an additional uncommon term in the returns to human and physical capitals in the goods sector. It is the return on the labor and capital income deposited in the corrupt banks, i.e. rl and rk , respectively, which we can call “the rates of tax evasion” in the respective tax. We can also define “the effective labor and capital tax rates”, τ̃ l and τ̃ k , as τ̃ l = τ l −rl and τ̃ k = τ k − rk , respectively. Taking (40) for ζ k and substituting it together with (49) and (43) from Proposition 1 into (23) we get −λ̇ = λ [(1 − τ k + rk ) r − δ k − ρ] . (50) So the total net return on physical capital is equal to the after-tax return on capital, (1 − τ̃ k ) r, where the relevant tax rate is the effective tax rate, τ̃ k , rather than the official rate, τ k , minus the rate of physical capital depreciation. Using (48)-(47) from the proof to Proposition 1 and (50) the net return on physical capital should be equal to the real return on bonds and ATM 14 So for every nominal interest rate R there exists a threshold consumption tax rate, τ c (R), below which there is no consumption tax evasion and ac = 1. The precise formula for the threshold tax rate will be derived later - see Proposition 2. 18 cash: (1 − τ k + rk ) r − δ k = R − π. (51) Using (41) for ζ l and substituting it together with (49) and (42) from Proposition 1 into (25) we get −μ̇ = μ [MP HH (1 − x) − δ h − ρ] . (52) Formulas (48) and (51)15 confirm the standard result of the general equilibrium that there are the same returns on all kinds of savings: on physical capital investment, on bonds, on the cash used for reported and unreported consumption purchases - so there is no arbitrage. By using (30) and (32) and further (33), (39), and (42) we get an expression for the marginal rate of substitution between the reported consumption and leisure (1 + τ c ) (1 + R − rQ ) − rc x = (53) MRScr ,x = αc (1 − τ l + rl ) wh which is equal to the ratio of the price of one unit of consumption to the price of one unit of leisure. The unit price of the reported consumption equals to the sum of the production price of consumption, of the share of goods bought by cash at the price of cash minus the rent on the cash-account and of the share of the goods bought by credit at the price of credit minus the rent hon the credit-account, both surcharged by the consumption tax, i.e. i (1 + τ c ) 1 + cqr (pQ − rQ ) + mcrr (R − rQ ) minus the return on the deposit in the corrupt bank, ‘kickbacks’ rate, rc , as it has been discussed above. The unit price of leisure is equal to the opportunity cost of working time which is the after-tax effective wage rate plus the rate of return on labor income deposited in the corrupt bank, (1 − τ l + rl ) wh. If we define “the effective inflation and consumption tax rates”, R̃ and τ̃ c , as R̃ = R − rQ and τ̃ c = τ c − rc , respectively, then formula (53) can be expressed as MRScr ,x = 1 + τ̃ c + (1 + τ c ) R̃ . (1 − τ̃ l ) wh 15 (54) Condition (51) can be written as the Fisher equation for interest rates Rt = (1 − τ k + rkt ) rt − δ K + πt . 19 It means that the relevant tax rate for buying one unit of reported consumption is the effective consumption tax rate, τ̃ c , rather than the official rate, τ c , - see the first term in the numerator; and the relevant inflation tax is the effective inflation tax, R̃, rather than the official inflation tax rate, R, - see the second term in the numerator. Note that the base for the inflation tax is 1 + τ c . Since the unit price of the unreported consumption equals to the unit price of the reported consumption, the marginal rates of substitution are also the same MRScu ,x = MRScr ,x . Now we can proceed to the problem of the representative firm producing goods. 3.3 Goods Producer Problem The output of goods is produced by a representative firm using a CRS technology in capital and effective labor according to (3). The firm, taking the prices of capital and labor services, rt , and wt , respectively, as given, maximizes its profit by choosing effective labor and capital inputs max {lGt ht ,sGt kt } ΠGt = AG (lGt ht )β (sGt kt )1−β − wt lGt ht − rt sGt kt . (55) The firm producing the market good and the non-market good face no government taxes nor corruption service fees because these are assumed to fall on the household. From the first-order conditions of the firms profit maximization problems, we obtain 3.4 wt = βAG (sGt k t )1−β (lGt ht )β−1 , (56) rt = (1 − β) AG (sGt k t )−β (lGt ht )β . (57) Non-corrupt Intermediary Problem The non-corrupt intermediary supplies exchange credit since it does not help in tax evasion and is not concerned with records that can compromise its 20 clients. It supplies a credit card at price, pQt , to the household and makes available a certain amount of credit, κQt . Using the technology in (4) the non-corrupt bank maximizes its profit ΠQt by choosing the effective labor and the amount of deposits, i.e. max ΠQt = pQt κQt − wt lQt ht − rQt dQt , {lQt ht ,dQt } (58) κQt = AQ (lQt ht )ωQ (dQt )1−ωQ . (59) subject to The profit of the bank, ΠQt , is defined as the total revenue, pQt κQt , the credit fee times the amount of demanded services, minus the labor cost, wt lQt ht , and the rental payment on the deposit, rQt dQt . The resulting equilibrium demand for the credit bank labor and deposit are µ ¶ dQt 1−ωQ , (60) wt = pQt ωQ AQ lQt ht à !ωQ lQt ht . (61) rQt = pQt (1 − ωQ ) AQ dQt Using the cash-in-advance constraint (14) and the condition for the deposit in the non-corrupt bank from (13) we find that (62) dQt = mrt + qt = (1 + τ c ) crt . Assuming that the household acts in the sense of a Beckerian (1965) household that combines the credit service with the expenditures in order to get the amount of credit, qt , equal to the supply of credit services, κQt , so qt = κQt . Using it together with (44) in Proposition 1 obtained earlier, we get the following formula for the share of credit transactions in the economy 1 − aQt qt ≡ = AQ (1 + τ c ) crt µ ωQ AQ Rt wt ωQ ¶ 1−ω Q where aQt is the share of cash transaction in the legal sales revenues. 21 (63) 3.5 Tax Evading Banks Production Problem Using the technology in (4) and taking the prices of labor, deposits, and corruption services as given, the tax evading bank in sector i ∈ {c, l, k} maximizes its profit max Πit = pit κit − wt lit ht − rit dit {lit ht ,dit } (64) subject to κit = Ai (lit ht )ωi (dit )1−ωi . (65) Profit Πit is defined as the total revenue, the fee times the amount of produced services, minus the labor cost and the rental payment on the deposit. As you see from the expression above the homogenous effective labor input, lit ht , is awarded by the effective wage rate, wt , identical across all sectors, the return on the deposits, rit , differs among the sectors. The resulting equilibrium demands for corruption labor and deposit are µ ¶1−ωi dit , (66) wt = pit ω i Ai lit ht µ ¶ω lit ht i rit = pit (1 − ω i ) Ai . (67) dit Similarly to the credit sector, we can derive the expression for the corruption output-deposit ratio as: µ ¶ ωi ωi Ai pit 1−ωi κit = Ai (68) dit wt where fees, pit , for i ∈ {l, k, c} are given by (42), (43), and (45), respectively, in Proposition 1. According to Becker (1965) we assume that the representative household combines undeclared revenue and income in a one-to-one Leontieff-isoquant fashion with the quantity of demanded corruption services that launders the income or revenue: κlt = wt lut ht , (69) κkt = rt sut kt , (70) κct = cut . (71) 22 Putting (69)-(71) into (68) and using (42)-(43) from Proposition 1 we can determine the shares of corruption activities in the respective sectors 1 − alt 1 − akt 1 − act ¶ ωl ω l Al τ l 1−ωl wt µ ¶ ωk ωk Ak τ k 1−ωk sut ≡ = Ak srt + sut wt µ ¶ ωc ω c Ac pct 1−ωc cut ≡ = Ac crt + cut wt lut ≡ = Al lrt + lut µ (72) (73) (74) where pct is given by (45) and alt , akt , and act are the relative sizes of noncorrupted sectors: the share of reported labor and capital income, and the shares of legal sales revenues, respectively. 3.6 Government The agent faces proportional taxes on labor, capital and goods in the market sector, τ l , τ k , and τ c , and receives from the government a nominal lump sum transfer denoted by Vt . The government receives tax revenues only on reported sales and incomes, prints money and issues nominal bonds, denoted by Bt , and pays nominal interest on them of Rt . The government budget constraint is given by τ l wt Pt lrt ht + τ k rt Pt srt kt + τ c Pt crt + Ṁt + Ḃt − Bt Rt = Vt . (75) It is assumed that the money supply grows at a constant rate of σ, Ṁt = σMt . (76) Consistently with the existence of the balanced growth path in equilibrium, the nominal bonds supply has to grow at the same rate Ḃt = σBt . (77) In real terms, dividing equation (76) by Pt implies that the government’s real money is the supply growth rate net of the inflation-based depreciation of Ṗt /Pt ≡ π t 23 ṁt = (σ − π t )mt . (78) Defining Bt /Pt ≡ bt , then (Ḃt − Bt Rt )/Pt = ḃt − bt (Rt − π t ), and the government constraint in real terms is vt = τ l wt lrt ht + τ k rt srt kt + τ c crt + ṁt + πmt + ḃt − bt (Rt − π t ). 3.7 (79) Social Resource Constraint Substituting into the household’s income constraint in equation (20), for the government lump sum transfer Vt , the prices of labor and capital services, wt , and rt , the fees on services, pQt , plt , pkt , and pct , and the returns on deposits in the financial intermediary and the corruption services, rQt , rlt , rkt , and rct , the social resource constraint is yt = crt + cut + it = ct + it . (80) Based on the full specification of the behavior of all gents in the economy we are now ready to summarize the whole in the following definition of general equilibrium. 3.8 Definition of Equilibrium A competitive equilibrium for this economy consists of a set of allocations {at , kt , ht , bt , mt , mrt , lrt , lut , srt , sut , crt , cut , qt , dQt , dlt , dkt , dct }, a set of prices {Pt , wt , rt , Rt , pQt , pct , pkt , plt , rQt , rct , rkt , rlt }, the government’s fiscal {τ c , τ k , τ l , vt , σ B } and monetary {σ M } policies, where σ B = Ḃt /Bt and σ M = Ṁt /Mt , with σ B = σ M = σ, and initial conditions {a0 , k0 , h0 , b0 , m0 } such that 1. given the price level, Pt , prices of labor, wt , and capital services, rt , the return on bond, Rt , the banking fees, pQt , pct , pkt , plt , and the returns to deposits, rQt , rct , rkt , rlt , the household achieve the maximal lifetime welfare V (a0 , h0 ) in (19) subject to its budget constraint for the change in real wealth (20), to the human capital investment constraint (5), to the exchange technology constraints (14)-(15), and to conditions for the deposits in the non-corrupt bank (13), and the corrupt banks (16)-(18); 24 2. given the prices of labor, wt , and capital, rt , the goods producing firm maximizes its profit ΠGt in (58); 3. given the price of labor, wt , the return to deposit, rQt , and the fee for credit services, pQt , the credit bank maximizes its profit ΠQt in (58); 4. given the price of labor, wt , the returns on deposits, rct , rkt , rlt , and the fees for corruption services, pct , pkt , plt , the corrupt banks maximize their profits Πct , Πkt , Πlt in (64), respectively; 5. the government budget (79) is always satisfied; 6. and all markets clear at the given prices. 4 Balanced-Growth Path Equilibrium In order to express the main properties of the competitive equilibrium along the balanced growth path we set up the following Proposition. Proposition 2 Along the balanced growth path the return to human capital is equal to the return to physical capital, µ ∗ ∗ ¶1−ε s k (1 − x∗ ) − δ H = (1 − τ̃ ∗k ) r∗ − δ K , (81) εAH ∗H ∗t lH ht the real variables kt∗ , h∗t , c∗t , c∗rt , c∗ut , qt∗ , d∗it , m∗t , and b∗t , where i ∈ {Q, k, l, c} grow at the rate g ∗ g∗ = (1 − τ̃ ∗k )r∗ − δK − ρ, (82) the inflation rate is equal to π∗ = σ − g∗ (83) and the nominal variables Mt∗ , and Bt∗ grow at rate σ, and τ̃ ∗k = τ k −rk∗ is the constant effective capital tax rate. The shares of capital s∗m , s∗n , s∗H , of labor ∗ ∗ , ln∗ , lQ , lc∗ , lk∗ , ll∗ , x∗ , and the prices of effective labor, w∗ , and capital, r∗ , lm 25 ∗ stay constant. The rental prices rQ , rk∗ , rl∗ and the nominal interest rate, R∗ , are also constant and equal to ¡ ¢ ∗ = (1 − ωQ ) R∗ 1 − a∗Q rQ rl∗ = (1 − ωl ) τ l (1 − a∗l ) rk∗ = (1 − ωk ) τ k (1 − a∗k ) R∗ = σ + ρ (84) (85) (86) (87) with the shares of real credit, 1 − a∗Q , of unreported labor, 1 − a∗l , and capital income, 1−a∗k , given by (63), and (72)-(73), respectively. When τ c > τ c (R∗ ) , r∗ where τ c (R∗ ) = 1+R∗Q−r∗ with τ c (0) = 0 and τ c 0 (R∗ ) > 0, the rental price rc∗ Q and the corruption fee p∗c are equal to rc∗ = (1 − ωc ) p∗c (1 − a∗c ) ∗ rQ ∗ pc = τ c − (1 + τ c ) ; 1 + R∗ (88) (89) with unreported sales revenues, 1 − a∗c , given by (74); when τ c 6 τ c (R∗ ) , the consumption corruption services are not supplied, i.e. a∗c = 1 and thus rc∗ = p∗c = 0; if R∗ = 0 then p∗c = τ c > 0 and rc∗ = (1 − ω c ) τ c (1 − a∗c ) . The leisure on BGP is given by 1 + (1 + τ c ) R̃∗ + τ̃ ∗c c∗t x =α (1 − τ̃ ∗l ) w∗ h∗t ∗ (90) where we used the effective tax rates at BGP defined as τ̃ ∗l = τ l − rl∗ , τ̃ ∗c = ∗ . τ c − rc∗ , and R̃∗ = R − rQ Proof. It follows from equation (49) that the growth rates of shadow prices of physical and human capitals are the same along BGP, à ∗! µ ¶ μ̇∗t λ̇t = . λ∗t μ∗t 26 Equations (50) and (52) directly imply that the returns on physical capital and on human capital are the same along BGP µ ∗ ∗ ¶1−ε s k (1 − x∗ ) − δ H = (1 − τ̃ ∗k ) r∗ − δ K . εAH ∗H ∗t lH ht Taking logs of (30), it and imposing BGP conditions gives ´ ³ ∗ differentiating ∗ us − (ċ∗t /c∗t ) − ρ = λ̇t /λt . So using (50) we get ∗ g ≡ µ ċ∗t c∗t ¶ = (1 − τ̃ ∗k ) r∗ − δ K − ρ. The existence of BGP implies from the cash-in-advance constraints (14)-(15) that the real money and credit should grow at the same rate as consumption, so µ ∗¶ à ∗! à ∗! Ṗt Ṁt ṁt − = g∗ = ∗ ∗ mt Mt Pt∗ ³ ∗ ´ and π ∗ = σ − g∗ . Using this and formula for (27) at BGP gives − λ̇t /λ∗t = ∗ , rc∗ , g∗ + ρ = R∗ − π ∗ = R∗ − (σ − g ∗ ) , so R∗ = σ + ρ. The formulas for rQ rk∗ , rl∗ follow directly from the profit maximization conditions (61) and (67), the production functions in (59) and (65), the bank services fees derived in τc = Proposition 1, and (72)-(74). From (45) we see that p∗c = 0 if f (τ c ) ≡ 1+τ c ´ ³ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ rQ (R ) r (R ) Q /∂R∗ > 0, . Since f 0 (τ c ) > 0, f (0) = 0 and f (1) = 1/2 and ∂ 1+R ∗ 1+R∗ ³ r∗ (R∗ ) ´ Q ∗ rQ (0) = 0, and 1+R < 1/2, there is always unique 1 > τ c (R∗ ) > 0 ∗ ∗ R =1 r∗ (R∗ ) Q ∗ which satisfies f [τ c (R∗ )] = 1+R ∗ for R ∈ (0, 1]. It is straightforward to get the expression for leisure (90) using the formula for the marginal rate of substitution between consumption and leisure (53). Expressions (84)-(86) and (88) in Proposition 2 show that the returns on the bank deposits, or the “tax evasion rates”, increase when the relative demand for them increases: i.e. the return on deposit in the credit bank increases with the relative size of credit in the total of legal sales transactions; similarly, the return on deposits in the corrupt bank raises with the relative size of the respective shadow economy. 27 From the formulas for the effective tax rates we see that the shadow economy acts as a way to evade taxes and this lessons the distortions of the taxes on the margins. To understand better this mechanism let start with the effective interest rate, effective inflation tax By the use of (84) and (60) it can be expressed as ¡ ¢ ∗ (91) R̃∗ = a∗Q R∗ − ω Q R∗ 1 − a∗Q = a∗Q R∗ + w∗ ˜lQ ³ l∗ h∗ ´ ³ l∗ h∗ ´ Q t ∗ ˜ as the labor in the credit sector where we defined lQ ≡ Qd∗ t = (1+τ ∗ c )crt Q per unit of the reported sales revenues. Formula (91) clearly states that the effective inflation rate is equal to the relative tax base times the tax rate, ∗ , since a∗Q R∗ , plus the unit labor cost of producing the credit services, w∗˜lQ ∗ these costs diminish the return on deposits, rQ . Similarly, using the definitions ³ ∗ ∗ ´ ³ ∗ ∗ ´ ˜l∗ ≡ ll ∗ht∗ and ˜l∗ ≡ lk∗ht ∗ and formulas (85)-(86) and (66) for i = l, k l k wl ht rsG kt we get τ̃ ∗l = a∗l τ l + w∗ ˜ll∗ τ̃ ∗ = a∗ τ k + w∗ ˜l∗ . k k k (92) (93) The formulas say that the effective tax rate is equal to the sum of the share of the reported sector times the particular tax rate and of the unit labor cost in the related tax-avoiding sector. The situation for the consumption tax is more complicated due to the fact that the price of the consumption-tax-avoiding services, p∗c , depends both on the cosumption tax rate, τ c , and the nominal interest rate, R∗ . Let us consider first that there is no inflation tax, i.e. R∗ = 0. In such case the fee p∗c is simply equal to the tax rate on consumption, p∗c = τ c , an according to (88) and (66) for i = c we get the formula similar to the other effective tax rates ³ ∗ ´ ∗ τ̃ ∗c = a∗c τ c + w∗ ˜lc∗ (94) and ˜lc∗ ≡ lcch∗t . t The situation is getting a little more complicated when we assume nonzero inflation tax, i.e. R∗ > 0. According to the results from Proposition 2 28 there is always a range of tax rates, τ c < τ c (R∗ ) , at which there is no use of consumption corruption services. The reason is that the consumption tax evasion means that the transactions are performed in cash, however, the cash is exposed to the inflation tax. So if the inflation tax rate is relatively high with respect to consumption tax than it is better for agents to be exposed to the lower tax only. Using this result we get a more general formula for the effective consumption tax rate ( τ c , for R∗ > (τ c )−1 (τ c ) ∗ (95) τ̃ c = τ c − (1 − a∗c ) p∗c + w∗ ˜lc∗ , for R∗ < (τ c )−1 (τ c ) where 0 < p∗c 6 τ c . Unless we explicitly mention otherwise we will assume further in the text only the case when the consumption tax evasion is going on, i.e. when the inflation tax rate is relatively small with respect to the consumption tax rate, R∗ < (τ c )−1 (τ c ) , so there is no substitution from consumption to inflation tax. 5 Human Capital Only Case To proceed further in our analysis we will set up a simplified economy with no physical capital as the case which enables us to solve the model analytically and to prove main propositions while keeping in live the major mechanisms going on in the general economy. The derivation of the human-capital-only model can be found in the appendix. Here we present only its solution. The first result reveals that the model is always on its balanced-growth, stationary16 , path17 , and that the gross return to human capital, rh = AH (1−x), depending on the amount of leisure and the human capital sector’s productivity, is the major determinant of the growth rate: g = rh − δ H − ρ = AH (1 − x) − δ H − ρ. 16 (96) The stationarity implies that all model extensive variables always grow at the same constant growth rate. All other model variables, like the shares, keep always constant values. 17 The model with only human capital can be seen as an ‘AH’ model in the perspective to the so called ‘AK’ models with only physical capital and stationary dynamics. 29 This dependence on leisure is standard in the? model of economic growth when leisure is also included in the utility function. The monetary, public finance, and shadow economy settings affect this basic relation only indirectly through the effect of inflation, taxes, and corruption fees on the amount of leisure that is used; in particular, inflation tends to increase leisure and reduce growth, as focused on in Gillman and Kejak (2005)18 . A closed form solution results here by solving for leisure analytically, and then the rest of the variables in the economy. Then comparative statics on leisure, and hence growth, can be established. It is possible to see the effects of taxes on the size of the shadow sector, and on the economic growth rate [put more here Explain what we do in this chapter]. With no physical capital, consumption equals output, the goods production function is linear, and the real wage is the constant value of the production function shift parameter, w = AG : c = y = wlG h. (97) It says that the total labor income, wlG h, is equal to the total output, y, and the total consumption, c.19 The analytic solution for the equilibrium quantities derived in Appendix A.1 provide us with the following results for total labor time, l, l= ρ . AH (98) Thus the rest of time is used either for leisure or invested in human capital, i.e. x + lH = 1 − AρH . The total labor time, l, is allocated among the working time in the goods production, lG , the credit production, lQ , and two corrupted banks, ll and lc , i.e. (99) lG + lQ + lc + ll = l. According to (145) in Appendix A.1 the time used up in the production of labor income corruption services, ll , can be expressed as a fraction of total 18 In comparison to this paper we use there an endogenous growth model with inflation tax only. 19 Let us note the ratio of a variable z to human capital as ẑ ≡ z/h, so ĉ = ŷ = wlG . 30 labor time, ll = w˜ll l, with ˜ll defined20 in the preceding section as the amount of labor to produce labor income corruption services per unit of the total labor income. It follows from (99) that the amount of the productive time spent on production of consumption goods, lG , is lG = 1 − w˜ll 1+ lQ lG + lc lG l. (100) Using ˜lQ , ˜lc , and ac defined in the preceding section as the unit credit and consumption corruption services labor21 and the share of reported sales revenues, respectively, we can express (100) the goods production time as lG = 1 − w˜ll l. 1 + (1 + τ c ) w˜lQ ac + w˜lc (101) Thus the formula (101) says that the productive time ratio, lG , and thus the amount of consumption, c/h, decreases with more time used in the tax evasion and the inflation avoidance sectors. Clearly, when there is no tax evasion/avoidance the amount of production time is used only for the production of consumption goods, so lG = l. The formula (101) captures the fact that the presence of taxes decreases the productive time due to the increased labor used in the process of avoidance/evasion. To get the closed-form solution for the AH model we use first the formula for leisure given in (90) 1 + (1 + τ c ) R̃ + τ̃ c lG . (102) 1 − τ̃ l Then putting together (102), (101), and (98) we get the closed-form solution for leisure x=α x= 1 + (1 + τ c ) R̃ + τ̃ c 1 − w˜ll αρ . 1 − τ̃ l 1 + (1 + τ c ) w˜lQ ac + w˜lc AH (103) Via (96) there is a close negative link between leisure and growth. Further results will be analysed in the following section. 20 21 Note that ˜ll = Ωl given by (141) in Appendix A.1. Note that ˜lQ = ΩQ and ˜lc = Ωc where ΩQ and Ωc are given in (138)-(140), respectively. 31 5.1 Balanced Growth Tax Effects A general result will be derived in this section: evasion leads to a higher growth rate in a distorted economy22 . However, it also leads to lower output. First, it can be established that an increase in the government tax rate causes a decrease in the growth rate. Second, evasion activity, either through illegal corruption or through legal credit activity, enables indirectly, via the decreased amount of leisure, the growth rate to decrease at a smaller rate than without the evasion. This is not to say that evasion is overall good. There are negative level effects of the evasion activity: real resources are used up in evasion that cause less of both goods and leisure consumption. However, the return to human capital and physical capital is increased by the fact that the effective taxes are decreased by the tax evasion/avoidance activity. The goods tax τ c , labor tax τ l , and inflation tax, R, each causes increased leisure that decreases the ”capacity utilization rate” of human capital, which is 1 − x, and so decreases the marginal product of human capital and the growth rate; but the tax evasion and credit activity decrease the effective tax and increase the return to human capital. First, a propositon and corollaries show the replication of the stylized facts. Then the subsequent propositions establish the growth results. 5.1.1 Tax Effects and Stylized Facts Proposition 3 An increase in the tax rate causes an increase in the relative size of the shadow economy from the respective corruption services activity. An increase in the inflation tax causes an increase in the inflation tax 22 As we already explained in the preceding sections the positive effect of corruption on growth is the implication of a special setup of our economy. There are several caveats we have to have in mind before we move to general conclusions. First, in our economy we assume the corruption which allows to evade distortive taxation - all other types of corruption which may have no benefits to the society are not considered. Second, despite that there are definitely other roles of government which can be beneficial to welfare (which may justify the government’s use of distortive taxes and perhaps outweight it) no positive role for government is assumed in this paper. Third, the positive effect of corruption on the growth rate of the economy is not necessarily welfare improving as there are resource wasted by corruption. The polar setup used in our economy allows us to isolate the pure interplay between taxation and its evasion and thus to distill a mechanism which would be present but blurred in much more realistic economy setups. 32 avoidance services, first, by using more credit in exchange transactions and, secondly, by shrinking the consumption shadow economy. Proof. The first part of Proposition 3 follows directly from equations (72), (74) and (89) [or (137) in Appendix A.1] which imply that ∂ (1 − al ) /∂τ l > 0, and ∂ (1 − ac ) /∂τ c > 0, and ∂pc /∂τ c = 1 − (1 − ωQ ) (1 − aQ ) R/(1 + R) > 0. For the proof of the second part of the proposition we use formula (63) we get the effect of inflation tax on the relative use of credit ∂ (1 − aQ ) /∂R > 0. And there is additionally an effect on the size of consumption corruption services ∂ (1 − ac ) /∂R < 0 as ∂pc /∂R < 0. Corollary 4 The size of the consumption corruption sector shrinks ceteris paribus with higher inflation rates. Since all unreported transactions are performed only in cash and since higher inflation rates mean higher costs of holding cash, which are reflected in higher price of corruption services pc , i.e. ∂ac /∂R = −∂ (1 − ac ) /∂pc and ∂pc /∂R > 0. The results of Proposition 3 supports common visdom that higher tax rates lead to a larger shadow economy. Proposition 5 An increase in corruption sector productivity induces a higher relative quantity supplied of corruption services, and more unreported income and sales receipts. An increase in credit sector productivity induces the higher relative use of credit services and less of cash, first, by using more credit in exchange transactions and, second, by shrinking the consumption shadow economy. Proof. The first part of Proposition 5 follows directly from equations (72), (74) and (89) [or (137) in Appendix A.1] which imply that ∂ (1 − al ) /∂Al > 0, and ∂ (1 − ac ) /∂Ac > 0. For the proof of the second part of the proposition we use formula (63) we get the effect of inflation tax on the relative use of credit ∂ (1 − aQ ) /∂AQ > 0. And there is an additionally effect on the size of consumption corruption services ∂ (1 − ac ) /∂AQ < 0 since ∂pc /∂AQ = − (1 + τ c ) (1 − ωQ ) ∂ (1 − al ) /∂AQ < 0. 33 Corollary 6 The size of the consumption shadow sector shrinks with higher credit production productivity, other things equal, since all unreported transactions are performed only in cash and higher productivity makes higher relative costs of holding cash. Corollary 7 In the light of the fact that in this paper we relate the higher transparency index with the lower productivity of corruption services, the results of Proposition 5 conform with the stylized Fact 2, which states that the transparency is negatively related to the size of shadow economy. Conjecture 8 Taking into account the results of Proposition 3 and 5, especially that an increase in the tax rate ceteris paribus increases the size of shadow economy and that a decrease in the corruption productivity ceteris paribus decreases the size of shadow economy, a simultaneous action of these two changes can cause no change in the amount of unreported income or sales receipts. Such a situation is consistent with the stylized Fact 1. Conjecture 8 illustrates how a high tax, low corruption-productivity country can have the same size of a shadow economy as a low tax, high corruptionproductivity country. And it shows how lower tax rates with more enforcement, in the sense that the corruption-productivity parameter falls, can still yield higher tax revenues. The effect of tax rates, and of corruption services productivity, on the tax revenues relative to total output for the human capital case is the content of the following proposition: Proposition 9 An increase in the government tax rates on labor, capital or goods causes an increase in government tax revenue, relative to output (Facts 2 and 3). Proof. See proof in Appendix A.2. Proposition 10 A decrease in corruption sector productivity induces more government tax receipts (Fact 4). Proof. See proof in Appendix A.2. 34 5.1.2 Growth Effects In this section we focus on the growth effects of taxes and their non-linear nature. We will be using formulas (96) and (103) for the growth rate, g, and for leisure, x, respectively. Let us first introduce a proposition which identifies the two main channels via which taxes influence leisure and thus the growth rate in our human capital economy. These lie in the heart of the nonlinearity of the growthtax relationships. For that purpose let us introduce the following notation: Φ1 (R, τ c ) ≡ 1+(1 + τ c ) w˜lQ (R) ac (R, τ c )+w˜lc (R, τ c ) , Φ2 (τ l ) ≡ 1−w˜ll (τ l ) , Ψ1 (R, τ c ) ≡ 1 + (1 + τ c ) R̃ + τ̃ c and Ψ2 (τ l ) ≡ 1 − τ̃ l then leisure and the growth rate are given by x (R, τ c , τ l ) = Φ1 (R, τ c ) Ψ2 (τ l ) αρ , Φ2 (τ l ) Ψ1 (R, τ c ) AH (104) and g (R, τ c , τ l ) = AH [1 − x (R, τ c , τ l )] − δ H − ρ, (105) respectively. Proposition 11 below says that the marginal rate of substitution - see (102) - increases with taxes; and that consumption, ĉ, or working time, lG , decreases with taxes - see (101). The nonlinear nature of the tax-growth relationship is implied by the nonlinearity of the substitution and income effects and the interplay between them. The substitution effect is positive and concave and the income effect is negative and concave. The key mechanism behind the weakening positive substitution effect is a nonlinear relationship between the tax rate and its effective tax rate. Let us start with the case of labor income tax. The effective tax rate is according to (92) τ̃ l = al τ l + w˜ll , and its derivative with respect to the official tax rate is thus ∂al ∂ ˜ll ∂τ̃ l = τ l + al · 1 + w ∂τ l ∂τ l ∂τ l ˜ ∂al ∂ ll where ∂τ < 0 and ∂τ > 023 . There are three effects of the official tax rate on l l the effective tax rate: one direct and two indirect ones. The first term in the 23 Remember that ˜ll = Ωl given in (141). 35 expression above captures the indirect effect of declining relative tax base, al . The second term is the positive direct effect and the third one is the indirect effect of increasing use of labor in the tax-avoiding activity. In the proof 2 l > 0 and ∂∂ττ̃2l < 0. The key mechanism to Proposition 11 we show that ∂τ̃ ∂τ l l behind the strengthening negative income effect is the nonlinear relationship between tax rate and the labor cost of producing tax-evading services. The labor cost is given by w˜ll . Clearly, as it is derived in the proof to Proposition 2˜ ∂ l̃l > 0 and w ∂∂τl2l > 0. The composition of the substitution and income 11 w ∂τ l l effects is responsible for the resulting non-linear tax-growth relationship as it is in Proposition 11. A similar situation appears for the inflation tax where the effective tax rate is according to (91) R̃ = aQ R + w˜lQ , and its derivative with respect to the official tax rate is ∂ R̃ ∂ ˜lQ ∂aQ = R + aQ · 1 + w ∂R ∂R ∂R ∂a ∂ l̃ where ∂RQ < 0 and ∂RQ > 024 . There are again the three effects of the official 2 R̃ > 0 and ∂∂RR̃2 < 0. tax rate on the effective tax rate. It was also proved that ∂∂R The key mechanism behind the strengthening negative income effect is the nonlinear relationship between the tax rate and the labor cost of producing tax-evading services. The labor cost is given by w˜lQ . Clearly, as it is derived in ∂˜ l ∂2˜ l the proof to Proposition 11 w ∂RQ > 0 and w ∂RQ2 > 0. The actual unit labor costs for tax-evasion and avoiding services influenced by R, when τ c > 0, are a little more complicated (1 + τ c ) w˜lQ (R) ac (R) + w˜lc (R). However, the major tendency is not influenced this fact (see the proof). The composition of the substitution and income effects is responsible for the resulting non-linear tax-growth relationship as it is in Proposition 11. In the case of consumption tax when R = 0 the effective tax rate is given by the same formula (94) as for other taxes. However, the effective tax rate is more complicated when R > 0 as it has to capture the effect of declining the tax-evasion fee with increasing R and there are two regimes according to equation (95): under the first regime when τ c 6 τ c (R) (see Proposition 24 l̃Q = ΩQ given in (139). 36 2) there is no consumption tax evasion, i.e. τ̃ c = τ c . When the consumption tax rate is sufficiently large with respect to R, i.e. τ c > τ c (R) , then there is the consumption tax evasion in place and τ̃ c = τ c − (1 − ac ) pc + w˜lc . Its derivative with respect to the official tax rate is thus # "µ ¶ ∂τ̃ c ∂ ˜lc ∂pc ∂ (1 − ac ) =1− pc + 1 − ac + w ∂τ c ∂pc ∂pc ∂τ c ∂ l̃c ∂pc c where ∂a < 0 and ∂p , > 025 . This time there are four effects of the official ∂pc c ∂τ c tax rate on the effective tax rate: there is a positive direct effect, the first term, then there are three former effects of on pc which affect the effective 2 ∂pc c . It will be again proved that ∂τ̃ > 0 and ∂∂ττ̃2c < 0. The key tax rate via ∂τ ∂τ c c c mechanism behind the strengthening negative income effect is the nonlinear relationship between tax rate and the labor cost of producing tax-evading services. The labor cost is given by w˜lc . Clearly, as it is derived in the proof 2˜ ∂ l̃c > 0 and w ∂∂τl2c > 0. The actual unit labor costs for taxto Proposition 11 w ∂τ c c evasion and avoiding services influenced by τ c , when R > 0, are a little more complicated (1 + τ c ) w˜lQ ac (τ c )+w˜lc (τ c ), however, the major tendency is not influenced (see the proof). The composition of the substitution and income effects is responsible for the resulting non-linear tax-growth relationship as it is in Proposition 11. Proposition 11 Any tax rate ∆ ∈ {R, τ c , τ l } influences leisure given by (104) via a positive substitution effect, where the households substitute away from consumption to leisure, and via a negative income effect, where the level of consumption is decreased via increased labor use in the tax avoiding sectors and thus leading to a lower amount of available productive labor. The positive substitution efect is captured by change effect on the first fraction µ ¶ a tax rate ¶ µ αρ Ψ2 (τ l ) AH Ψ1 (R,τ c ) ∂ Φ1 (R,τ c ) Φ2 (τ l ) ∂ Φ1 (R,τ c ) Φ2 (τ l ) , with > 0. The negative income of (104), ∂∆ ∂∆ efect is captured by ¶a tax rate change¶ effect on the second fraction of (104), µ µ αρ Φ1 (R,τ c ) AH Φ2 (τ l ) 25 ∂ Ψ2 (τ l ) Ψ1 (R,τ c ) ∂∆ ∂ , with Ψ2 (τ l ) Ψ1 (R,τ c ) ∂∆ < 0. For each tax rate ∆ ∈ {R, τ c , τ l } l̃c = Ωc given in (140). 37 © ª ¯ ∈ R̄, τ̄ c , τ̄ l such that there exists a tax rate ∆ ´ ´⎤ ³ ³ ⎡ Φ1 (R,τ c ) Ψ2 (τ l ) ∂ ∂ Φ2 (τ l ) Ψ1 (R,τ c ) ∂x (R, τ c , τ l ) αρ ⎣ Ψ2 (τ l ) Φ1 (R, τ c ) ⎦ > 0, = + ∂∆ AH Ψ1 (R, τ c ) ∂∆ Φ2 (τ l ) ∂∆ ¯ i.e. the substitution effect is the dominating factor in interfor ∆ ∈ [0, ∆), ¯ 26 . Formula (96) implies that the same forces with opposite signs val [0, ∆) influence the growth rate. Proof. See proof in Appendix A.2. Corollary 12 Since the income effect of any tax rate is exclusively caused by the avoiding activity, the income effect is non-existent in the economies where tax avoidance sectors are not present. And thus the tax rates monotonnically, and almost27 linearly, decrease the growth rate in such economies. Corollary 13 Proposition 11 provides us with the key results of our paper. First, there is a negative relationship between growth and the tax rates. If there is the tax avoidance present in the economy than the relationship is getting nonlinear. According to what has been said in Corollaries above it is the presence of the tax evasion sectors in an economy that plays the key role in how fiscal and monetary government policies affect the economy’s growth rate. Further in the paper we will only consider the ranges of tax rates in which the substitution effect dominates the income effect. This will be analysed in the following Proposition. Let us first distinguish five different regimes under which an economy can operate: 1. an economy without distortions − noted as O; 26 Accordingly with the former literature, see e.g. Chari, Kehoe, and Manuelli (1997), we consider as empirically relevant - and thus interesting for our analysis - the interval where taxes have negative effect on growth, i.e. the interval in which the substitution effect dominates the income effect. 27 The slight deviation from the strict linearity is caused by the changing weights of substitution and income effects which may depend on tax rates. 38 when there are no government policies, i.e. R = τ c = τ l = 0; leisure is simply αρ ; xO = AH and three more regimes when the government distortive fiscal and monetary policies are present: 2. an economy without banking and tax evasion - noted as D, xD = 1 + (1 + τ c ) R + τ c αρ ; 1 − τl AH (106) 3. an economy with banking and no tax evasion - noted as B, xB = 1 αρ 1 + (1 + τ c ) R̃ + τ c ; 1 − τl 1 + (1 + τ c ) w˜lQ AH (107) 4. an economy with banking and tax evasion in labor and capital income when τ c 6 τ c (R) - noted it as E, xE = 1 − w˜ll αρ 1 + (1 + τ c ) R̃ + τ c . 1 − τ̃ l 1 + (1 + τ c ) w˜lQ AH (108) 5. an economy with banking and tax evasion in all sectors when τ c > τ c (R) - noted it as F, xF = 1 − w˜ll αρ 1 + (1 + τ c ) R̃ + τ̃ c . 1 − τ̃ l 1 + (1 + τ c ) w˜lQ ac + w˜lc AH (109) Proposition 14 The economies under different regimes but with the same mix of monetary and fiscal policies can be ordered according to their growth rates in the following way gO > gF > gE > gB > gD (110) where gI is the growth rate of the economy which operates under the regime I ∈ {D, B, E, F } , gO is the growth rate of the economy with no distortions. 39 Proof. The following two facts holds: (1) effective tax rates, in the presence of tax avoidance, are strictly lower than their nominal counterparts - according to Proposition 2 e.g. τ̃ c = τ c − rc < τ c ; and (2) the labor cost of evasion activities lowers the available amount of labor for production according to (101) e.g. the presence of w˜lc lowers lG . Having this in mind it is trivial to show that for the given tax mix (τ c , τ l , τ k , R) the adding more evasion activities lowers leasure and increases the growth rate, so it proves Proposition. Proposition 14 says that the fastest, optimal, growth rate can be achieved when there are no government distortive policies and so there is no reason for tax avoidance - the economy in regime O. Interestingly, the worst growth performance has the economy when there is no scope to avoid taxes and inflation - the economy in regime D - and the second best outcome happens when all the tax avoidance mechanisms are at work - the economy F . If the consumption tax evasion is not at work the growth rate is lower - the economy E. The situation when only inflation-avoiding banking sector is present in economy - regime B - is the second worst. Next Proposition demonstrates first that there is a complete symmetry among the tax rates with respect to their effect when distorting the optimum. Secondly, the severity of the initial tax effects on the growth rate can be ordered according to the regime under which the economy operates. Proposition 15 An increase in any of the tax rates or the inflation rate ∆ ∈ {R, τ c , τ l } causes the growth rate to decrease at the rate µ ∂g ∂∆ ¶I = −αρ < 0 when evaluated at the optimum where R = τ c = τ l = 0 where I ∈ {D, B, E} . The decreases of the growth rates implied by an increase in a tax rate can be 40 ordered according to the regimes under which the economy operates ¶D ¶B ¶E µ µ µ ∂g ∂g ∂g < < < 0; ∂τ c τ c =0 ∂τ c τ c =0 ∂τ c τ c =0 ¶D ¶B ¶E µ µ µ ∂g ∂g ∂g < = < 0; ∂τ l τ l =0 ∂τ l τ l =0 ∂τ l τ l =0 ¶D ¶B ¶E µ µ µ ∂g ∂g ∂g < < <0 ∂R R=0 ∂R R=0 ∂R R=0 when τ c 6 τ c (R) and regimes; and ¶D µ ∂g ∂τ c τ c =τ c (R) ¶D µ ∂g ∂τ l τ l =0 µ ¶D ∂g ∂R R=0 there is no consumption corruption in any of the ¶F ∂g < < < 0; ∂τ c τ c =τ c (R) τ c =τ c (R) ¶B ¶F µ µ ∂g ∂g < < < 0; ∂τ l τ l =0 ∂τ l τ l =0 µ µ ¶B ¶F ∂g ∂g < < <0 ∂R R=0 ∂R R=0 µ ∂g ∂τ c ¶B µ when τ c > τ c (R) and there is consumption corruption in regime F .. ∂x ∂x ∂x |R=τ c =τ l =0 = AαρH > 0; ∂τ |R=τ c =τ l =0 = AαρH > 0; ∂R |R=τ c =τ l =0 = Proof. ∂τ c l αρ ∂g > 0. Since g = AH (1 − x) − δ H − ρ, ∂x < 0. It follows that, at the optiAH mum of no taxes and no evasion/avoidance activity, the growth rate falls at the same rate with an increase in either τ c , τ l , or R. The derivation of the growth effects ordering under different regimes using the formulas (106)-(109) ³ ´B ³ ´D ∂x 1+R αρ ∂x = > = is straightforward. For example, ∂τ 1−τ l AH ∂τ c c τ c =τ c (R) τ c =τ c (R) ³ ´F 1−w˜ ll αρ αρ 1+R̃ 1 ∂x 1+R̃ > = 1−τ̃ . The reason ˜ 1−τ l 1+(1+τ c (R))w˜ ∂τ c lQ AH 1+(1+τ (R))w lQ +wl̃c AH l c τ c =τ c (R) ³ ´E ³ ´B ∂g ∂g = ∂τ is caused by the fact that unfor the equality between ∂τ l l τ l =0 τ l =0 der the condition τ l = 0 both regimes have the same tax avoidance/evasion structure - only banking to avoid the inflation tax as there is no consumption corruption activity in regime E. Consistently with the declining dominance of the substitution effect (see Proposition 11) as the tax rate increases in the presence of tax avoiding activities in the economy, the negative tax effect is strongest initially and 41 getting to be less strong as the tax rate increases. This and the relation to tax elasticities will be demonstrated in the next subsection. 5.1.3 Tax Elasticities and Growth Effects To get further insight into the behavior of the model we will analyze in this section how the tax elasticity of the taxed quantity per unit of human capital is related to the growth effect of tax. We mainly show that the negative effect of taxes on growth is getting weaker as the tax rate increases due to the increasing tax elasticity. We start with the inflation tax. We show in Proposition 19 below that the obtained results are the generalization of the results obtained in Gillman and Kejak (2005). However, before getting there we derive the interest rate elasticity of money demand and its relation to the elasticity of the substitution between money and credit services in the following proposition. Proposition 16 The interest elasticity of money demand (per human capital), ηm̂ R , is the sum of the interest elasticity of consumption (per human m̂/ĉ capital), ηĉR , and the interest elasticity of the inverse velocity, ηR , m̂/ĉ ĉ η m̂ R = ηR + ηR where 1 ηĉR = −ηΨ R m̂/ĉ ηR ã = ηRQ = aQ ac aQ (1 − aQ ) ac ac η − ηR ãQ R ãQ a ω 1−a m ω c 1−ac pc with ãQ ≡ (1+τ = 1−(1−aQ )ac , and ηRQ = − 1−ωQQ aQQ , η aRc = − 1−ω ηR c )c c ac being the interest elasticities of the share of cash-card transactions, and of ´the ³ ˜ ∂ l 1 c + = (1 + τ c ) w ∂RQ ac + w˜lQ ∂a share of legal consumption, respectively; ∂Ψ ∂R ∂R ˜ ∂ lc w ∂R > 0 and ηpRc < 0 is the interest elasticity of the consumption fee. The money demand elasticity can also be decomposed as ĉ ηm̂ R = η R + (1 − ãQ ) ε 42 where ε is the elasticity of substitution between money and credit services, and ¶ µ 1 aQ ac aQ ac ηR − ηR . ε= 1 − aQ ãQ As the interest rate R increases the elasticities of the share of cash transactions, ãQ , and of the consumption (per human capital) increase in absolute value, ĉ, i.e. ¯ ¯ ¯ ĉ ¯ ¯ ∂ηãQ ¯ ¯ ∂η ¯ ¯ R ¯ ¯ ¯ > 0 and ¯¯ R ¯¯ > 0 ¯ ∂R ¯ ∂R so do the interest elasticity of money demand and of substitution between money and credit services ¯ m̂ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ∂η R ¯ ¯ ∂ε ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ∂R ¯ > 0 and ¯ ∂R ¯ > 0. Proof. See proof in Appendix A.2. Since m̂ ≡ m , ĉ ≡ (1+τh c )c , and h a (1+τ )c c )cu u +mr = m = (1+p + Q(1+τ cc)c r = (1 − ac ) + aQ ac = 1 − (1 − aQ )ac ≡ (1+τ c )c (1+τ c )c m̂ ĉ ã Ψ2 (τ l ) Q Ψ1 ĉ ĉ ãQ . Then ηm̂ R = η R + η R . Since ĉ = (1 + τ c ) Ψ1 (R,τ c ) l, η R = −η R . Since (1−aQ )ac ac ã a ∂ãQ ∂a a a a c c = − ∂a + ∂a a + ∂RQ ac , ηRQ = ãQQ c ηRQ − ηR where ηRQ = ∂R ∂R ∂R Q ãQ ω − 1−ωQQ 1−aQ aQ ∂pc ∂R ωc 1−ac pc < 0, ηaRc = − 1−ω ηR > 0 with ηpRc = c ac ∂pc R ∂R pc < 0 and28 1+ω R Q = − (1 + τ c ) (1 − aQ ) (1+R) 2 < 0. To derive the elasticity of substitution , let us define first the moneybetween money and credit services, ε = ∂∂lnlnMC R ã 1−a +a a ã c Q c 1 r = 1−a = 1−ãQQ . Then ε = 1−ã η RQ credit ratio, MC ≡ 1−amu +m Q (1+τ )c a ( Q) c r ( Q) c aQ ã ĉ and thus³ ηm̂ = η + (1 − ã ) ε. As η ηaRc > 0, ηRQ <´0. Further Q R R ´ R < 0 and ³ ∂ ã ∂ãQ ∂aQ ∂a ã ca c 1−a a + ∂a ãQ −aQ ac ∂RQ aQ ac aQ ∂ηaQ − ∂RQ ac + ∂a Q ) ãQ −(1−aQ )ac ∂R ∂ηRQ ∂R c ∂R Q ∂R ( R = η + − ηaRc − R ∂R ã2Q ã2Q ∂R ã2Q h ∂ac a pc i c c ac (1−aQ ) ∂η a ∂η RQ ∂ηa pc ωc 1−ac ∂η R ∂R R R , < 0, = η − > 0 for low R ∂R ∂R ∂R 1−ωc a2 R ac ∂R ã2 c Q ∂η pRc pc → 0 and → −∞. Since the numerator in the when η ∂R ´ ³ R ∂aQ ∂ã ∂ac c is − ∂R ac + ∂R (1 − aQ ) ãQ − (1 − aQ ) ac ∂RQ = (1 − aQ ) ∂a ∂R 0 and the numerator in the first term c aQ ∂a + ac (1 − ac ) ∂R ative and 28 ã ∂ηRQ ∂R ∂aQ ∂R ³ ∂aQ a ∂R c + ∂ac a ∂R Q ´ third term ∂a − ac ∂RQ > ãQ − aQ ac ∂ãQ ∂R = < 0 for low values ¯ ãof¯ R, all four terms are neg¯ ∂ε ¯ ¯ ∂η Q ¯ R ¯ ¯ ¯ > 0. > 0 and thus < 0 which means that ¯¯ ∂R ∂R ¯ As we mentioned earlier we assume here the economy in regime F when there is present consumption corruption activity, i.e. the situation when τ c > τ c (R). 43 ³ 2 ´ 2 ∂ l̃ ∂˜ l ∂ 2 ac c ˜ = (1 + τ c ) w ∂RQ2 ac + 2w ∂RQ ∂a a + w l + w ∂∂Rl̃2c . Since Q ∂R2 ∂R c ωc ωc ¡ ωc Ac ¢ 1−ω ∂ 2 ac ωc c p 1−ωc = A c c 2 ∂R 1−ωc w According to Proposition above the share of money in total transactions, ãQ , can be decomposed into the pocket cash uses in the illegal consumption purchases, 1−ac , and the share of money (in the form of the cash card), aQ ac , where aQ is the share of cash transactions in the legal consumption purchases only, so ãQ = 1 − ac + aQ ac . The share of legal consumption purchases, ac , increases with R via its negative effect on the consumption fee, pc . It means that the use of pocket cash decreases with R. Since the use of the cash in legal consumption purchases depends on the size of the legal purchases, there are two effects of increasing R. The first, standard effect, is that the second part of money demand decreases as there is growing demand for alternative means of exchange, aQ decreases. The second effect, is driven by the fact £ ¤ ã a that ac increases with R. Nevertheless, as η RQ = ãaQc aQ η RQ − (1 − aQ ) ηaRc the interest elasticity ãQ is always negative. Further, ∂ 2 Ψ1 ∂R2 Corollary 17 In a distorted economy without any tax evasion activity aQ = ¡ ¢D ³ m̂/ĉ ´D ac = 1, so ãQ = 1, and ηĉR = η R = ε = 0. Thus money demand (per human capital) is inelastic with respect to the interest rate. Corollary 18 In a distorted economy with the inflation avoidance and no a m̂/ĉ tax evasion activity29 ac = 1 so ãQ = aQ < 1, and ηR = ηRQ , money demand aQ aQ ω Q 1−aQ ĉ ĉ elasticity is equal to ηm̂ R = η R +η R = η R +(1 − aQ ) ε where η R = − 1−ωQ aQ a 1 and ε = ηRQ 1−a . Q Proposition 19 There exists R̄ > 030 , such that any increase in the interest rate for R ∈ (0, R̄) causes a decrease in the growth rate, g, according to ½ ¾ ¡ ηĉR ∂g 1 − w˜ll aQ ¢ ĉ (1 + τ c ) aQ 1 + ηR + η R + Γ1 = −αρ + Γ2 < 0 (111) ∂R Ψ1 Ψ3 R 29 It is when the economy is in regime E when there is no consumption corruption activity, i.e. the situation when τ c 6 τ c (R). 30 See Proposition 11. 44 where i h Γ1 = τ c + (1 + τ c ) w˜lQ − pc (1 − ac ) > 0 " # ∂a ∂ ˜lQ ∂ [(1 − ac )pc ] c Γ2 = (1 + τ c ) w (1 − ac ) − w˜lQ − >0 ∂R ∂R ∂R where the consumption fee, pc , is given by (89), ˜lQ , ˜lc and ˜ll are the unit amounts of labor used in the credit, consumption and labor income services, respectively, and Ψ1 and Ψ3 are defined in Proposition 11. Further, the de, diminishes in absolute value with the increasing nominal intercrease, ∂g(R) ∂R 2 g(R) > 0 for R ∈ (0, R̄). est rate, i.e. ∂ ∂R 2 Proof. See proof in Appendix A.2. Note that in the economy with tax evasions according to Proposition 16 the sum of the consumption and the cash-card-transactions-share interest a elasticities, ηĉR , and ηRQ , does not compose the money interest elasticity since (1−aQ )ac ac ãQ ãQ aQ ac aQ ĉ ηm̂ ηR . R = η R + η R and η R = ãQ η R − ãQ c in the bracketed part of formula Note that the terms (1 + τ c ) aQ + ∂τ̃ ∂R ∂g for ∂R in (111) captures fully the substitution effect of the nominal interest ¡ a ¢ rate. The remaining terms of the formula, (1 + τ c ) aQ η ĉR + η RQ , compose the income effect. Corollary 20 In case of no tax evasion activities, i.e. the economy is in regime B, there is a negative growth effect for R ∈ (0, R̄) where R̄ > 0 given by ¶B µ n ¡ ¢ τ c ĉ o 1 ∂g m̂ h i (1 + τ c ) aQ 1 + η R + ηR < 0. = −αρ ∂R R 1 + (1 + τ c ) w˜lQ (1 − τ l ) The above Corollary says that as the nominal interest rate increases, the money demand is getting more elastic, so the negative link between growth and the nominal interest rate (inflation) becomes marginally weaker. This is the exact result, when τ c = 0, obtained and documented by empirical evidence in Gillman and Kejak (2005). Additionally, according to Proposition 19 above 1 + η m̂ R is the interest rate elasticity of the inflation tax revenue. Now we continue with the labor income tax. 45 Proposition 21 There exists τ̄ l > 031 , such that any increase in the interest rate for τ l ∈ (0, τ̄ l ) causes a decrease in the growth rate, g, according to ( ) ³ ´¡ ˜ll ¢ Ψ2 ∂ ∂g 1 − w˜ll 1 + ηaτ ll + τ l w <0 (112) = −αρ al ∂τ l Ψ1 Ψ23 ∂τ l where ˜ll are the unit amounts of labor used in labor income services, η aτ ll = ωl 1−al < 0 is the interest elasticity of the share of reported labor income, − 1−ω l al ∂ l̃l ∂τ l > 0, and Ψ1 , Ψ2 and Ψ3 are defined in Proposition 11. Further, the l) , diminishes in absolute value with the increasing labor income decrease, ∂g(τ ∂τ l ∂ 2 g(τ l ) tax rate, i.e. ∂τ 2 > 0 for τ l ∈ (0, τ̄ l ). l Proof. See proof in Appendix A.2. The next case is that of consumption tax. Proposition 22 There exists τ̄ c > 032 , such that any increase in the interest rate for τ c ∈ (0, τ̄ c ) causes a decrease in the growth rate, g, according to ⎧ h i ⎫ ¡ ¢ ∂ l̃c 1−ac ∂pc ⎨ ˜ R̃ + 1 − (1 − a ) 1 + η + w Ψ − ⎬ c ∂g 1 − wll 2 ∂τ c h ³ ´pc i∂τ c <0 = −αρ 2 ˜ ⎭ ∂τ c Ψ1 Ψ3 ⎩ −Ψ1 ac 1 + ηaτ c 1+τ c w˜lQ + w ∂ lc c τc ∂τ c (113) where ˜ll , ˜lc are the unit amounts of labor used in labor income and consumption tax-evasion services, η aτ cc < 0 is the tax elasticity of the share of reported c > 0 is the fee elasticity of the share of unreported consumption sales, η1−a pc ∂ l̃c consumption sales, ∂τ c > 0, and Ψ1 , Ψ2 and Ψ3 are defined in Proposition 11. c) , diminishes in absolute value with the increasing Further, the decrease, ∂g(τ ∂τ c ∂ 2 g(τ c ) consumption tax rate, i.e. ∂τ 2 > 0 for τ c ∈ (0, τ̄ c ). c Proof. See proof in Appendix A.2. Corollary 23 In case of no inflation there is a negative growth effect for τ c ∈ (0, τ̄ c ) where τ̄ c > 0 given by 31 32 ¢ ∂g 1 − w˜ll ¡ = −αρ ac 1 + ηaτ cc + ηĉτ c < 0. ∂τ c Ψ1 Ψ3 See Proposition 11. See Proposition 11. 46 Additionally, term 1 + η aτ cc + η ĉτ c is equal to the consumption tax rate Tc where Tc = τ c ac ĉ. elasticity of the consumption tax revenue, η Tτ cc ≡ ∂∂ ln ln τ c Proposition 24 An increase in the corruption service productivity causes an increase in the growth rate, near to the optimum. Proof. See proof in Appendix A.2. The corollary means that the bigger is the size of the shadow economy, or the credit sector, the smaller will be the use of leisure, and the higher will be the growth rate. Proposition 25 An increase in the inflation rate lowers the growth rate, and does so by more the higher is the corruption activity. Proof. See proof in Appendix A.2. The propositions show that having the ability to avoid a tax on goods, labor, or money, enables the consumer to feel the burden of the tax to a lessor extent. Thus there is less substitution towards leisure, and the growth rate does not fall as much, since these taxes work through the capacity utilization rate on human capital, which equals the amount of time spent productively, or 1 − xt . So the growth rate falls at a substantially decreasing rate as the tax goes up. Now if there are already other taxes imposed, and one of these taxes is increased, the most of the substitution is towards corruption activity to avoid the tax, and not much towards more leisure. While if no other taxes exist, and one of these taxes is increased, then the substitution towards leisure is at first rather strong, and towards corruption weak. But the price-elasticity rises as the tax increases, so that instead of moving from goods to leisure so much, the move is towards corruption more, still consuming the goods, with less increased leisure. 6 Full Economy Simulation Parameter values for the simulation have been set at standard values, as in the following Table. for the standard parameters were chosen: the share 47 of capital in the goods and human capital sectors, β = α = 0.36, physical and human capital depreciation rates, δ K = δ H = 0.05, the discount rate, ρ = 0.04 and the risk aversion parameter θ = 1. Given a growth rate of the economy of g = 0.02, the weight of leisure in utility function φ = 2.5 and productivity parameter in human capital sector AH = 0.236 yields a leisure of x = 0.68 (in Parente et al. 2000 is x = 0.48 in Jones et al. 1993 = 0.7); here the money growth rate is σ = 0.11, the inflation rate is π = 0.09, and the net nominal interest rate is R = 0.15. For the credit sector technology, the degree of diminishing returns is set at γ = 0.2 as based on the estimated value of this parameter in the interval (0.2, 0.3) that is found for the US and Australia in the money demand estimation of Gillman and Otto (2003). The credit productivity parameter is put at AQ = 0.76 to yield a share of cash in transaction equal to a = 0.7 (as in Gillman, Kejak, 2005 and as is similar to Dotsey and Ireland, 1996). The labor shares in the corruption sectors for capital, labor and consumption are set at ω k = ω l = ω c = 0.3 and the productivity parameters are assumed to be Ak = Al = Ac = 1. The productivity parameters in the goods sector is AG = 1.5. The tax rates are set to τ k = τ l = τ c = 0.15. 6.1 The Size of Shadow economy Let us define the size of shadow economy as the ratio of the unreported activity to the reported one wlu h + su rk + cu yu = y y where unreported activity is composed of unreported labor income, unreported capital income and unreported consumption. The reported activity composes of the goods output, y. 6.1.1 The Effect of Tax Rate Changes In Fig.4 we can see that the size of shadow economy defined above increases with the increase of tax rates. The reason for positive effects of taxes on 48 a) shadow economy size b) shadow economy size 0.25 0.4 τ only K 0.2 all taxes 0.3 inflation only all taxes yU/y yU/y 0.15 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.05 0 0 0.5 1 Money Growth Rate 0 1.5 0 c) shadow economy size 0.3 d) shadow economy size 0.4 τ only τ only C L all taxes all taxes 0.3 yU/y 0.3 yU/y 0.2 τ K 0.4 0.2 0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.1 0 0.2 τ 0.4 0.6 L 0 0 0.2 τ 0.4 0.6 C Figure 2: The effect of taxes on the size of shadow economy the shadow economy size is straightforward. There is no unreported income when inflation tax on is the only tax in the economy. Otherwise in the comparison of the single tax case and the all taxes case the unreported income shifts up as the existence of more taxes means higher size of the shadow economy. The shape of the relationship between the money growth rate and the size of shadow economy is U-shaped. 6.1.2 The Effect of Sectoral Productivity Changes Fig.5 captures the effect of decreased productivity parameters on the size of the shadow economy. The decrease of efficiency in the capital, labor and consumption corruption services leads to the lower size of the shadow economy. The lower efficiency of banking sector leads to the higher shadow economy size. 49 a) shadow economy size b) shadow economy size 0.22 0.3 benchmark decreased A D benchmark decreased A 0.25 0.215 K y /y y /y 0.2 U U 0.21 0.15 0.205 0.1 0.2 0 0.5 1 monetary growth 0.05 1.5 0 0.1 0.2 τ 0.3 K c) shadow economy size d) shadow economy size 0.3 0.35 benchmark decreased A 0.28 benchmark decreased A L 0.3 C 0.26 0.25 U y /y U y /y 0.24 0.22 0.2 0.2 0.18 0.15 0.16 0 0.2 τ 0.4 0.6 L 0.1 0 0.2 τ 0.4 0.6 C Figure 3: The effect of the decreased efficiency on the size of shadow economy 50 a) tax revenue-output ratio b) tax revenue-output ratio 0.2 all tax revenues/reported output all tax revenues/reported output 0.8 inflation only all taxes 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0 0.5 1 Money Growth Rate τ only K 0.15 all taxes 0.1 0.05 0 1.5 0 c) tax revenue-output ratio τ only L all taxes 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 0.2 τ 0.4 τ 0.2 0.3 K d) tax revenue-output ratio 0.4 all tax revenues/reported output all tax revenues/reported output 0.5 0.1 C 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0.6 τ only all taxes 0 L 0.2 τ 0.4 0.6 C Figure 4: The effect of taxes on the tax revenues 6.2 6.2.1 Government Revenue The Effect of Tax Rate Changes Define government revenue as the sum of taxes and seignorage, and normalize by total output τ k sm rk + τ l (lm + lQ )wh + τ c cm + Rm . y The tax revenue ratio is increasing in the tax rates until it reaches a point behind which the revenues start to decline (as it can be seen in case of capital taxes in Panel b). 6.2.2 The Effect of Sectoral Productivity Changes The effect of sector productivities on the tax revenue is shown in Fig.7. The decrease in the efficiency of the credit sector leads to higher relative 51 a) tax revenue-output ratio b) tax revenue-output ratio 0.22 all tax revenues/reported output all tax revenues/reported output 0.8 0.6 0.4 benchmark decreased A 0.2 0 0 D 0.5 1 Money Growth Rate 0.19 0.18 0.17 0 c) tax revenue-output ratio τ 0.2 0.3 K 0.5 all tax revenues/reported output all tax revenues/reported output 0.1 d) tax revenue-output ratio 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 benchmark decreased A 0.1 0 K 0.2 0.16 1.5 benchmark decreased A 0.21 0 0.2 τ 0.4 L benchmark decreased A 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.6 L C 0.4 0 0.2 τ 0.4 0.6 C Figure 5: The effect of decreased efficiency on the tax revenues tax revenues. The lower efficiency of corruption services leads to higher tax revenues. 6.3 6.3.1 The Growth Effects From Tax Rate Changes First consider the case when there is tax evasion or avoidance, versus the model in which there is zero tax evasion or avoidance. This latter case can be derived by setting the productivity parameters in the corruption services and credit production equal to zero. The simulations are presented in the following figure. It shows the almost linear (negative) relation between the growth rate and the tax rate for the case of no evasion/avoidance. While with evasion/avoidance, the tax-growth profile is rather nonlinear, with the growth rate decreasing at a significantly decreasing rate as the tax rises. 52 a) inflation tax only b) capital tax only 0.08 0.065 no tax avoid infl tax evas no tax avoid cap tax avoid 0.06 growth rate growth rate 0.06 0.04 0.02 0 0.055 0.05 0.045 -0.02 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 monetary growth rate 0.04 1 0 c) labor tax only 0.2 0.3 d) consumption tax only 0.08 no tax avoid labor tax avoid 0.06 no tax avoid cons tax avoid 0.06 growth rate growth rate τ K 0.08 0.04 0.02 0.04 0.02 0 -0.02 0.1 0 0.1 0.2 τ 0.3 0 0.4 L 0 0.2 τ 0.4 0.6 C Figure 6: Comparison of Tax-Growth Relationship in cases when there is only one tax and either no tax avoidance or only one avoidance channel 53 a) inflation tax only b) capital tax only 0.06 0.06 0.058 growth rate growth rate 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.056 0.054 0.02 0.01 0 0.5 1 monetary growth rate 0.052 1.5 0 0.1 0.2 τ 0.3 K c) labor tax only d) consumption tax only 0.06 0.06 0.055 growth rate growth rate 0.04 0.02 0.05 0.045 0.04 0 0.035 -0.02 0 0.2 τ 0.4 0.03 0.6 L 0 0.2 τ 0.4 0.6 C Figure 7: The inflation/tax-growth relationships In the figures below we demonstrate the relationship between growth and the tax rates on the balanced growth paths. Fig.1 shows the situation when only one tax is in place: Panel a), b), c), and d) depict the growth effects of the monetary growth rate, the capital tax rate, the labor tax rates, and the consumption tax rates, respectively. All these relationships exhibit the negative growth effects. The negative relationships are diminishing for all taxes but the tax on labor, which is almost linear. In Fig.2 we make a comparison of the case with one tax only with that when all taxes are in place (e.g. in Panel a) other taxes are set at τ k = τ l = τ c = 0.15). All the panels show that the presence of all taxes makes the growth rate lower. There is almost no effect on the slope of the labor tax-growth relationship when there exist other taxes (Panel c). In all other cases (Panels a), b), and d) the slopes of the tax-growth relationship are getting steeper when there are more taxes than a single one. [This result is 54 a) inflation-growth relationship b) capital tax-growth relationship 0.08 0.08 infl only all taxes 0.06 growth rate growth rate 0.06 0.04 0.02 τK only 0.04 all taxes 0.02 0 -0.02 0 0.5 1 monetary growth rate 0 1.5 0 0.1 0.2 τ c) labor tax-growth relationship d) consumption tax-growth relationship 0.08 0.08 τ only τ only all taxes all taxes L C 0.06 growth rate growth rate 0.06 0.04 0.02 0.04 0.02 0 -0.02 0.3 K 0 0.2 τ 0.4 0 0.6 0 L 0.2 τ 0.4 0.6 C Figure 8: Comparison of Tax-Growth Relationship in cases with only one tax and with all taxes present at odds with our prediction!] 6.3.2 From Sectoral Productivity Changes In Fig.3 the effects of productivity parameters on the inflation-growth effect are depicted. We can see that the decreased efficiency of producing credit, capital, labor and consumption corruption services leads to a steeper taxgrowth relationship as the tax avoidance instrument is getting more costly. 7 Discussion Without using a taste for corruption, the extent of corruption is explained as based on relative prices: the demand price for services, being the government tax rate, and the supply marginal cost of producing such services. Explaining 55 a) changes in A b) changes in A D 0.03 benchmark decreased A benchmark decreased A D growth rate 0.02 growth rate K 0.03 0.01 0 K 0.025 0.02 -0.01 -0.02 0 0.5 1 monetary growth c) changes in A 0.015 1.5 τ 0.2 0.3 K C 0.03 benchmark decreased A 0.03 benchmark decreased A 0.025 L 0.02 growth rate growth rate 0.1 d) changes in A L 0.04 0.01 0 -0.01 -0.02 0 C 0.02 0.015 0.01 0.005 0 0.2 τ 0.4 0 0.6 L 0 0.2 τ 0.4 0.6 C Figure 9: The Tax-Growth Effect and the decrease in sectors’ efficiency 56 differences in corruption levels through the efficacity of corruption production, rather than through tastes for corruption, appears to be a plausible approach. Consider countries in Africa, the Middle East, and Central Asia for example, where tribal connections are very strong. Here corruption can be easier to produce if a given tribe is able to keep the information about the corruption activity within its tribe, which may also be represented in the local and national government. This may allow economic activity that more easily avoids government taxes because the many people involved act as an extended family to some extent. This story, of keeping it within the family, is also often told for the Western corruption providers, such as the mafia. The existence of an extended family structure that guards information on illegal activity, can make lower the cost of producing such activity. In contrast, open, civil, societies in which family units give their allegiance to the government, interact readily in the public realm, and decentralize their education, leisure, and work efforts by demanding and supplying labor and capital outside of the family or tribal group, makes for a more complex process in hiding illegal activity: the information on such activity is not well-guarded and, by definition of an open society, easier to access by the general public. This makes corruption activity more costly to produce. For example, in the relatively open Scandinavian societies, such corruption is not very feasible. In ex-communist countries, which thrived on closed societies for more than half a century, corruption is more feasible because of longstanding institutional experience in such activity. The cost of corruption is not so high, as information on such activity is easier to hide than in more open societies. Russian and Eastern European countries after the government changes in 1989-1990 would be said to have had a certain efficiency in producing corruption, that presumably is gradually decreasing as open societies spread, and human capital accumulates. Human capital productivity increases indicate an interesting policy implication. A greater efficacity of human capital production leads to less corruption activity, a very strong result in the model. It suggests that perhaps instead of trying to suppress corruption activity per se, it may be more efficacious to spend on human capital investment so that corruption gradually 57 fades away. Other policy implications left for future research include the optimal rate of inflation is such an economy, as part of a Ramsey problem. The inflation tax is the only tax that falls effectively on the non-market sector. Therefore the ability to tax the otherwise non-taxed sector suggests that the optimal inflation rate will not reside at the second-best Ramsey-Friedman optimum of R = 0, which holds in related endogenous growth monetary economies with labor, capital and goods taxes (?). Rather the optimum would likely be at some positive level, although this may still be quite low. 8 Conclusion Given the model’s ability explain certain correlation facts, it is put to work in explaining the effect of tax evasion on economic growth. The principles that guide the effect of avoiding inflation also determine the effect of tax evasion. The equilibrium price of the corruption service equals the corresponding government tax rate: demand is perfectly elastic at the fixed tax rate. A rise in the legal tax rate raises the price of the tax evasion. Following from the Beckerian law-avoidance margin, there is movement up the upward sloping marginal cost curve for corruption services; more evasion is supplied, causing less labor or capital income, or goods revenues, to be reported. The degree of the increase in shadow activity depends upon the productivity of the corruption production function. Fact 1, concerning a lack of correlation, is explained by emboding the degree of transparency of the country’s economy within productivity parameter for producing corruption: if everyone sees the corruption activity, then it is very difficult to engage in it and the productivity parameter is small. Transparent but high tax Sweden, has inefficient corruption production and so relatively little corruption; Russia is efficient with high corruption productivity and so produces much tax evasion even at low tax rates. As a tax rate increases, corruption activity and the shadow sector more together, as in Fact 2, but high tax rates and small 58 shadow sectors can coexist when the corruption is hard to produce.33 An important qualification is that corruption here means only tax evasion. But note that all government regulations might be viewed as implicit taxes on output, inputs, or finance. And typically, corruption avoids such myriad regulations as well as direct taxation. While all tax revenues are returned lump sum to the consumer in the model, with regulations the implicit tax revenue is wasted. Therefore the paper can be thought of as capturing stylistically some of the broader elements of corruption beyond taxation, with the change that a portion of government revenues would be a deadweight loss. First the paper identifies some stylized facts as based on correlation evidence. Then it presents a model that can explain these facts. Having this preliminary basis established, the paper then explores how taxes affect the growth rate given the existence of evasive activity such as corruption and exchange credit. A general principle of public finance within endogenous growth emerges, an extension of the results in ?. The growth rate falls as the tax rate increases, and the corruption (evasion) makes this fall occur at a significantly decreasing rate. The reason is the same for each of the 4 taxes in our model: the demand for the good (which is being taxed) is relatively inelastic at a low tax rate and becomes more shadow-price elastic as the tax rises and evasion occurs. This is for each tax when there are no other of the 4 taxes but the one. For when other taxes are positive, the principle is the same but modified: The growth rate will decrease at a decreasing rate, but the presence of the other taxes will make the demand already more elastic. So as a particular tax rises, given the other taxes, the growth rate falls at a decreasing rate, but it may be a smaller fall in the growth rate, as the tax rises from zero, because other taxes already make the demand shadow-price elastic. There is a turn-around point of the growth rate rising, only once the elasticity becomes one, as occurs with the inflation tax in Gillman and Kejak. And, it is never in the interest of a government, to be in the region with an elasticity greater than one (in magnitude) since it means that tax 33 It is assumed that the corruption service provides the means to have unreported income, with a type of certainty-equivalence that abstracts from the probabilities of getting caught and the optimal penalty literature, for example as in ?. 59 revenues decrease as the tax rises! The rate of growth, along the balanced-growth path, depends on the marginal products of human and physical capital, which are equal in equilibrium. The marginal product of human capital is a product of the constant marginal product of the effective labor in the human capital investment function and of the variable capacity utilization rate, which is the employment rate of one minus the leisure time. For the labor tax, goods value-added tax, and the inflation tax, the channel of the growth effect is strictly through the human capital capacity usage. The marginal product of physical capital is simple the standard real interest rate; the capacity utilization rate is assumed to be one. For the capital tax, the growth channel is different as a result, going through the marginal product term and not the capacity utilization rate. Instead the capital tax affects the marginal product of capital by lowering it directly. Again, however, is the similar result that the growth rate falls, and falls by less when there is corruption that allows equilibrium evasion. The model developed to generate these results and the principle is based on an explanation of corruption activity that does not rely on preferences. With the representative agent getting the profits of corruption activity as a dividend "kickback", proportional to its ownership in the corruption enterprice, the after-evasion tax rate is a simple function of the tax rate, the degree of diminishing returns to the production factor, and the degree of evasion activity that occurs. This form occurs identically for each of the four taxes: goods, labor, capital, and inflation. These results make the inflation tax effects exactly parallel to other tax effects, when there is avoidance/evasion of the taxes through a market structure with a micro-based production function. Here the paper has applied the banking microeconomics of production to the corruption sector. Corruption then is treated as a type of financial enterprise that produces financial services, these being illegal ones. Viewed from the model, Sweden, for example, is more transparent, has less corruption, but suffers more in terms of its growth rate from given levels of each of the four taxes studied. It may have a better level effect on its consumption ratios along the balanced growth path, say as normalized by human capital, because it wastes less resources in corruption activity, but its 60 growth rate is relatively lower in a ceteris parabus way. In terms of utility, its hard to say analytically. These features fit casual observation of the Swedish economy: rich, low growth, maybe better off, maybe not. And in doing so this resolves the paradox the paper started with: no obvious correlation between tax rates and the size of the shadow economy or the degree of corruption. High tax rates may coincide with low productivity of corruption, and little tax evasion, or with high productivity of corruption, and high tax evasion. On this basis, of fitting this seemingly pradoxical stylized fact as well as the other more straightforward ones, such as positive correlation of corruption activity and shadow economy, lies the paper’s results on the growth effects of corruption. Lowering taxes has an increasingly bigger effect on growth. That is an implication of the analysis. This suggests that gains in efficiency in the provision of government services are worth it. The growth rate effect is increasingly large as the tax rates go down. This can be important, for example, if tax rates and government expenditure relative to GDP were to decrease secularly; then the growth rate might trend upwards at a marginally increasing rate because of the decreasing tax rates. While the limits to growth are clear here for given levels of tax rates, the paper suggests that trending over time towards a more efficient government that requires less taxes as a percent of income allows for a bigger growth increase for each knotch up towards such improved government efficiency. For the US, the recent trend downwards in federal spending as a percent of GDP, and the rising growth rate, are reasons why explanations such as in the paper may be useful. Tax rates may matter for growth, and matter increasingly so if they trend downwards. Other applications are why some cities grow quickly and others less so, and why countries within the EU grow at different rates. Tax harmonization would cause convergence if tax evasion were equal in all countries, but is growth harmonization desired? The concept gives a more generalized interpretation to the meaning of the famous Baumol (1952) model: inflation is avoided up to the point where the marginal cost of avoiding money use through banking is equal to the 61 nominal interest rate.34 This Baumol margin is sometimes considered an additional margin that is not important in monetary economies. But adding this tax avoidance aspect is non-trivial: it alone has been shown within a general equilibrium to give rise simultaneously to the Baumol (1952) firstorder condition, the Cagan-type nature of the money demand function, and to the nonlinear inflation-growth profile within endogenous growth [Gillman and Kejak (2005)]. These are all part of the same effect of avoiding the inflation tax and, further, a part of the Beckerian law-avoidance margin. The resulting nonlinear tax-growth profile, while empirically supported for the inflation tax and having some intuitive appeal, remains to be investigated empirically for non-inflation taxes. For inflation, the empirics identifying the nonlinear profile were ahead of the theory; here we put forth the theory ahead of any empirics, as a hypothesis for future testing. Another qualification is that the analysis is a positive one about growth rate effects, with normative questions left for future research on the optimal structure of taxes in this environment; for example a second-best Friedman optimum will not in general hold here, even though it does hold in a similar economy but without tax evasion.35 A A.1 Appendix The Derivation of the Human-Capital-Only Model We first build up the Hamiltonian H (at , ht , bt , mt ; mrt , crt , cut , xt , lrt , lut , qt , dQt , dlt , dct ) = 34 The Baumol (1952) first-order equation is that the nominal interest rate R equals the average cost of banking, or the number of withdrawals from the bank (velocity in Baumol’s model) times the cost per withdrawal. The cost per withdrawal is constant and so the average cost of banking equals the marginal cost of banking, which is set equal to the average-marginal cost of using money, R. This condition is then used to solve for the money demand, the well-known square-root formula. 35 See Gillman and Yerokhin (2005) for the Friedman optimum as second-best when there is no tax evasion, and Koreshkova (2006) for the Friedman optimum as second-best not holding when there is tax evasion. 62 = (ln ct + α ln xt ) e−ρt ⎧ ⎪ (1 − τ l ) wt lrt ht − (1 + τ c ) crt + vt ⎨ +λt + (1 − plt ) wt lut ht + rlt dlt − (1 + pct )cut + rct dct ⎪ ⎩ −pQt qt + rQt dQt − π t mt + bt (Rt − π t ) +μt {AH (1 − lrt − lut − xt ) ht − δh ht } ⎫ ⎪ ⎬ ⎪ ⎭ +ξ 1t {mrt + qt − (1 + τ c ) crt } +ξ 2t {mt − mrt − (1 + pct ) cut } +ηt {mrt + qt − dQt } +ζ ct {(crt + cut ) − dct } +ζ lt {wt (lut + lrt ) ht − dlt } . The first order conditions with respect to ht , bt , mt ; mrt , crt , cut , xt , lrt , lut , qt , dQt , dlt , dkt , dct are μ̇ = ρμ − λ [(1 − τ l ) wlr + (1 − pl ) wlu ] − μ [AH (1 − lr − lu − x) − δ h ] + ζ l w (lr + (114) lu ) λ̇ = ρλ − λ (R − π) (115) λ̇ = ρλ + λπ − ξ 2 − η (116) η + ξ1 − ξ2 = 0 (117) = 0 (118) = 0 (119) = 0 (120) = 0 (121) λ (1 − pl ) wh − μAH h + ζ l wh = 0 (122) −λpQ + ξ 1 + η = 0 (123) λrQ − η = 0 (124) λrc − ζ c = 0 (125) λrl − ζ l = 0 (126) 1 e−ρt − λ (1 + τ c ) − ξ 1 (1 + τ c ) + ζ c cr + cu 1 e−ρt − λ (1 + pc ) − ξ 2 (1 + pc ) + ζ c cr + cu 1 −ρt e − μAH h x λ (1 − τ l ) wh − μAH h + ζ l wh 63 where w = AG is the wage rate. From (121) and (122) we see that the equilibrium exists36 only when pl = τ l . Since from (117) ξ 2 = ξ 1 +η equations (118)-(119) imply that ¶ µ rQ − 1. pc = (1 + τ c ) 1 − 1 + pQ Using (126) with (121) we get μ AH . = λ (1 − τ l ) AG + rl (127) Using (126) for ζ l and substituting it together with (127) into (114) we get −μ̇ = μ [AH (1 − x) − δ h − ρ] . (128) According to (115) we get standard result −λ̇ = λ [R − π − ρ] (129) According to (124) and (123), ξ 1 = λ (pQ − rQ ) , which means that the benefits of cash via exchange services, ξ 1 , are equal to the opportunity cost of money net of the return on deposited money. Notice that the opportunity cost of money is equal to the cost of credit, pQ , the fee paid for a unit credit. Using (116) with the obtained result for ξ 1 we get −λ̇ = λ [pQ − π − ρ] . (130) The formulas (129) and (130) imply that in equilibrium the total net returns on bonds and money should be equal, i.e. R − π = pQ − π. So the cost of real credit is equal to the nominal interest rate on bonds, pQ = R. By using (30) and (32) we get the expression for the marginal rate of substitution between the reported consumption and leisure MRScr ,x = x (1 + τ c ) (1 + R − rQ ) − rc = αc (1 − τ l + rl ) AG h 36 (131) If pl > τ l then nobody would be willing to work in the legal sectors and the equilibrium will not exist. Similarly, when pl < τ l nobody would use the corruption services. 64 is equal to the ratio of the price of one unit of consumption to the price of one unit of leisure. Since there exists only BGP equilibrium in the model with only human capital, according to (50) the total return to human capital is equal to the return on real bonds and real cash: AH (1 − x) − δ H = R − π where again R = σ + ρ and further g = AH (1 − x) − δ H − ρ. (132) c = y = AG (lm + ln )h. (133) Let us define first the shares of legal sectors: the cash transaction share, aQ , and the reported consumption and income labor shares, ac , and al : m aQ ≡ , (1 + τ c ) cr cr ac ≡ , cr + cu wlr al ≡ . w (lr + lu ) Then it follows from (61)-(62) and (67)-(68) that the returns on deposits are rQ = (1 − ωQ ) R (1 − aQ ) (134) rc = (1 − ωc ) pc (1 − ac ) (135) rl = (1 − ωl ) τ l (1 − al ) (136) where the price of consumption corruption services is pc = τ c − (1 + τ c ) (1 − ω Q ) (1 − aQ ) R . 1+R (137) Let introduce further the following definitions ΩG ≡ A−1 G ¶ 1 µ ω Q AQ R 1−ωQ ΩQ ≡ AG ¶ 1 µ ω c Ac pc 1−ωc Ωc ≡ AG ¶ 1 µ ω l Al τ l 1−ωl . Ωl ≡ AG 65 (138) (139) (140) (141) From the equilibrium of goods market solution we get ³c´ . lm + ln = ΩG h (142) From (44) and (60) the equilibrium labor in the credit is ³c ´ r , (143) h and similarly from (42), (45), and (66) and and the labor used in the corruption sectors are ³c´ , (144) lc = Ωc h ll = AG Ωl l. (145) lQ = (1 + τ c ) ΩQ Using (142) and (145) and the fact that lk = 0, and substituting for l into (7) we can solve for first for l l= where we define Ωc/h ≡ Ω−1 c/h ³c´ h (146) 1 − AG Ωl ΩG + (1 + τ c ) ΩQ ac + Ωc and then we can solve for ll ll = ³c´ AG Ωl . [ΩG + (1 + τ c ) ΩQ ac + Ωc ] 1 − AG Ωl h (147) Formulas (131) and (134)-(136) imply ³c´ h where we defined Ωxc as Ωxc ≡ = Ω−1 xc x α 1 + (1 + τ c ) R̃ + τ̃ c . AG 1 − τ̃ l (148) (149) Using the equality between the growth rates given by equation (132) and the human capital accumulation equation g = AH (1 − l − x) − δH 66 we get the formula for total labor l= ρ . AH Using (148) and (146) we can get the formula for leisure x = Ωx ρ AH (150) where Ωx ≡ Ωxc Ωc/h . (151) Substituting for rQ , rc , and rl in (134)-(136) into (151) we obtain Ωx = α A.2 1 − AG Ωl 1 + (1 + τ c ) R̃ + τ̃ c . 1 − τ̃ l 1 + (1 + τ c ) AG ΩQ ac + AG Ωc (152) Proofs of Propositions Proof to Proposition 9. The relative tax revenues are given as t= l τ l lr wh + τ c cr + Rm = τ l wal +τ c ac +R(1+τ c )aQ ac ≡ tl +tc +tR . (153) y ĉ The effect of τ l where Further, ∂tc ∂τ l ∂tl ∂tc ∂tR ∂t = + + ∂τ l ∂τ l ∂τ l ∂τ l l 1 + (1 + τ c ) w˜lQ ac + w˜lc tl = τ l wal = τ l al . ĉ 1 − w˜ll = 0, ∂tR ∂τ l = 0, and ¢ ∂tl wl ¡ = al 1 + ηaτ ll − η ĉτ l ∂τ l ĉ where η aτ ll < 0 and η ĉτ l < 0. There are three effects of τ l on the relative government tax revenues: (1) positive direct effect; (2) negative effect due to the increase in unreported labor income and thus the decrease in reported labor income; and (3) positive effect due to the lower output, so ĉl increases. 67 ∂tl Total effect is positive for small τ l since ∂τ (τ l → 0) = wl (τ l → 0) = 1. We ĉ l can compute µ ¶ ¢ ∂ 2 tl wl ∂al al ¡ al ĉ 1 + η = − − η τl + τl ∂τ 2l ĉ ∂τ l ĉ ! à µ ¶2 wl ∂al τ l ∂al ∂ 2 al − + τl 2 + ĉ ∂τ l al ∂τ l ∂τ l ! à µ ¶2 wl 1 ∂ĉ τ l ∂ĉ τ l ∂ 2 ĉ . −al − + ĉ ĉ ∂τ l ĉ2 ∂τ l ĉ ∂τ 2l If ∂ 2 tl ∂τ 2l < 0 then there clearly exists a τ̄ l such that ∂ 2 tl 2 τ l →0 ∂τ l for τ l < τ̄ l . In line with this fact is that lim we proved below: ∂tl ∂τ l (τ̄ l ) = 0 and ∂tl ∂τ l (τ l ) > 0 is initially equal to −∞ as ¸ ∙ ¢ ∂al ¡ ¢ ∂ 2 tl wl ∂al ¡ ∂ 2 al al ĉ al lim = lim 1 + ητ l − ητ l + 1 + ητ l + τ l 2 = τ l →0 ∂τ 2 τ l →0 ĉ ∂τ l ∂τ l ∂τ l l ¶ µ 2 wl ∂ al ∂al 2 = lim + τl 2 = τ l →0 ĉ ∂τ l ∂τ i ωl µ ¶ 1−ω 2ωl −1 l wl ωl 1 ω l Al 1−ω τl l = −∞. = − lim Al τ l →0 ĉ w 1 − ωl 1 − ωl The result holds under the general condition which we assume to hold in our economy, ω l < 1/2, i.e. the labor share in the tax evasion/avoidance activities is smaller that 50%. The effect of τ c is given by ∂t ∂tl ∂tc ∂tR = + + ∂τ c ∂τ c ∂τ c ∂τ c ∂tl where ∂τ = 0, and there are nonzero effects of the consumption tax rate c ∂tc and also on the relative both on the relative consumption tax revenue ∂τ c ∂tR inflation tax revenue ∂τ c . First, the effect on the consumption tax revenues is straightforwardly given by ¡ ¢ ∂tc = ac 1 + η aτ cc > 0 ∂τ c where ηaτ cc < 0. The formula gives the standard public finance result two effects of τ c on the relative government consumption tax tax revenues: (1) a 68 direct positive effect, and (2) an indirect negative effect due to the increase in unreported sales revenues. The standard result of the Laffer curve says that when the tax elasticity increases in absolute value above the point where the elasticity equals minus one, i.e. ηaτ cc = −1, the tax revenue starts to decline with increasing tax rate. Since all unreported consumption transactions are performed only by the use of cash an increase in the size of consumption shadow economy leads to higher inflation tax revenues: µ ¶ 1 + τ c ac ∂tR >0 = RaQ ac 1 + η ∂τ c τ c τc where ηaτ cc < 0. There are two effects of τ c on the relative inflation tax revenues: (1) positive direct effect; (2) negative effect due to the increase in unreported consumption sales revenues. Initially for small τ c for small τ c ∂tc total effect is positive since ∂τ (τ c → 0) = 1. Putting the second order efc fects due to the inflation tax revenues (at least for low inflation rates) we can further analyze the effect on the consumption tax revenues. We can compute ∂ 2 ac ∂ 2 tc ∂ac = 2 + τ c ∂τ 2c ∂τ c ∂τ 2c 2 ∂tc ∂tc If ∂∂τt2c < 0 then there clearly exists a τ̄ c such that ∂τ (τ̄ c ) = 0 and ∂τ (τ c ) > 0 c c c 2 for τ c < τ̄ c . In line with this fact is that lim ∂∂τt2c is initially equal to −∞ as τ c →0 c we proved below: ∂ 2 tc = τ c →0 ∂τ 2 c lim ∂ 2 ac ∂ac + τc 2 = τ c →0 ∂τ c ∂τ c ¶ ωc µ 2ωc −1 1 ω c Ac 1−ωc ωc = − lim Ac τ c1−ωc = −∞ τ c →0 w 1 − ωc 1 − ωc lim 2 for ωc < 1/2. Finally, we analyze the effect of the inflation tax rate, R, on total government tax revenues ∂tl ∂tc ∂tR ∂t = + + ∂R ∂R ∂R ∂R ∂tl = 0, and due to the interaction between the consumption tax where ∂R evasion and inflation tax avoidance activities there are nonzero effects of the ∂tc and also inflation tax rate both on the relative consumption tax revenue ∂τ c 69 R on the relative inflation tax revenue ∂t . Firstly, since the inflation tax is also ∂τ c the tax on the unreported consumption transactions there is a positive effect on the consumption tax revenues: ∂ac ∂tc = τc >0 ∂R ∂R c c where ∂a > 0 since ∂a < 0 and ∂R ∂pc tax revenues is given by ∂pc ∂R < 0. Secondly, the effect on the inflation ∙ ¸ ¡ ∂tR ∂ac aQ ¢ = (1 + τ c ) aQ 1 + η R ac + R ∂R ∂R a c > 0 and η RQ < 0. So there are three effects: two standard effects where ∂a ∂R (1) a direct positive effect and (2) a indirect negative effect due to the decline in the relative money demand; and one nonstandard positive effect due to the decrease of the consumption shadow sector. The total effect is positive R (R → 0) = 1. We can compute for small R since ∂t ∂R ¶¾ ¶ µ 2 ½ µ ∂ac ∂ 2 aQ ∂ 2 tR ∂aQ ∂ac ∂ aQ ∂aQ . ac + aQ +R +R = (1 + τ c ) 2 ac + aQ ∂R2 ∂R ∂R ∂R ∂R ∂R2 ∂R2 ¡ ¢ 2 R R If ∂∂RtR2 < 0 then there clearly exists a R̄ such that ∂t (R) > 0 R̄ = 0 and ∂t ∂R ∂R 2 ∂ tR for R < R̄. In line with this fact is that lim ∂R2 is initially equal to −∞ as R→0 we proved below: ∂ 2 tR ∂ 2 aQ ∂aQ + R = lim 2 = R→0 ∂R2 R→0 ∂R ∂R2 µ ¶ ωQ 2ω Q −1 1 ωQ AQ 1−ωQ ω Q = − lim AQ R 1−ωQ = −∞ R→0 w 1 − ωQ 1 − ωQ lim for ωQ < 1/2. Proof to Proposition 10. The relative tax revenue is according to (153) 1 + (1 + τ c ) w˜lQ ac + w˜lc tl = τ l al 1 − w˜ll The effect of productivity Al on the relative tax revenue given in (153) above is ∂tl ∂t = ∂Al ∂Al 70 where ∂tl τ l al wl = ∂Al Al ĉ à ηaAll w˜ll ˜ ll + ηA ˜ 1 − wll l ! where ηaτ ll < 0 and ηl̃Al l > 0. There are two effects of Al on the relative government tax revenues: negative effect due to the increase in unreported labor income and thus the decrease in reported labor income; and positive effect due to the higher labor input, ˜ll , into the production of evasion, and thus output decline, wlG , and relative tax revenue increase. Since h ³ ´ i ∂tl 1 tl = Ωωl l − 1 − w˜ll + ωl τ l al ∂Al al 1 − w˜ll 1 − ω l ∂tl ∂tl Total effect is zero ∂τ (τ l = 0) when τ l = 0 and negative ∂τ < 0 for small l l τ l. The effect of productivity Ac on the relative tax revenue given in (153) above is ∂t ∂tc ∂tR = + . ∂Ac ∂Ac ∂Ac There are nonzero effects of the productivity of consumer corruption services ∂tc and also on the relative both on the relative consumption tax revenue ∂A c ∂tR . First, the effect on the consumption tax revenues inflation tax revenue ∂A c is straightforwardly given by ac ac ∂tc = η <0 ∂Ac Ac Ac where η aAcc < 0. The increased productivity leads to the increase in unreported sales revenues. Second, the effect on the relative inflation tax revenue. ∂tR ac = R (1 + τ c ) ηaAcc < 0 ∂τ c Ac goes again through the increase in unreported sales revenues which decreases the relative tax revenue. Finally, we analyze the effect of the productivity, AQ , on total government tax revenues ∂t ∂tc ∂tR = + ∂AQ ∂AQ ∂AQ 71 There are nonzero effects of the productivity of consumer corruption services ∂tc and also on the relative both on the relative consumption tax revenue ∂A Q ∂tR inflation tax revenue ∂AQ . First, the effect on the consumption tax revenues is positive given by ∂ac ∂pc ∂tc = τc >0 ∂AQ ∂pc ∂AQ ∂pc ∂pc c where ∂A < 0 since ∂a < 0 and ∂A < 0. The productivity of the banking ∂pc Q Q sector forces the corruption fee and the production of corruption to decrease, so the tax revenue increases. Secondly, the effect on the inflation tax revenues is ambiguous and given by ¸ ∙ ∂aQ ∂ac ∂tR = R (1 + τ c ) ac + aQ ∂AQ ∂AQ ∂AQ ∂a where ∂AQQ < 0. So there are two effects: a negative effect due to the decline in the relative money demand; and a positive effect due to the decrease of the consumption shadow sector. When τ c < τ c (R) there is no consumption corruption and ∂t ∂tR ac aQ aQ = = R (1 + τ c ) η < 0. ∂AQ ∂AQ AQ AQ For relatively small τ c > τ c (R) the effect of the decreased relative money demand still dominates the increase in the reported sales and the total effect is negative ∙ ¸³ ´ ac aQ τ c ac ∂t a = ηAQ + R (1 + τ c ) ηAQQ + η aAcQ < 0. ∂AQ AQ aQ Proof to Proposition 11. In the text before Proposition 11 we used the general results that the effective tax is increasing and concave with rel = ∂τ∂ l (τ l − rl ) = spect to the nominal rate. This is for the labor tax: ∂τ̃ ∂τ l ∙ ¸ ω ³ ´ l 1 2 ω l Al τ l 1−ωl 1−ωl ω l 1−al ∂ τ = al > 0 and ∂∂ττ̃2l = − 1−ω − A τ < 0; for the l l l ∂τ l AG l τl l inflation tax: ∂ R̃ ∂R = ∂ ∂R (R − rQ ) = aQ > 0 and the consumption tax, when τ c > τ c (R), 72 ∂τ̃ c ∂τ c = ∂ ∂τ c ∂ 2 R̃ ∂R2 ω = − 1−ωQQ (τ c − rc ) = 1−aQ R ∙ ∂ ∂τ c < 0. For ¸ ³ ´ ωc 1 ωc Ac pc 1−ωc 1−ωc τ c − Ac = pc AG 1−(1 − ac ) ∂pc ∂τ c > 0 and 1 > ∂pc ∂τ c = ³ ´2 rQ ∂pc ∂ 2 τ̃ c ω c 1−ac 1− 1+R > 0; so ∂τ 2 = − 1−ωc τ c ∂τ < c c ∂τ̃ c ∂ 2 τ̃ c = 1, ∂τ 2 = 0. Another general results ∂τ c c 0. When τ c 6 τ c (R), τ̃ c = τ c and was the fact that the unit labor costs are increasing and convex in the nomi2˜ ll l̃l ∂ l̃l ωl 1 ˜ = 1−ω > 0 and ∂∂τl2l = (1−ω > 0; nal rate. It says for the labor tax: ∂τ )2 τ 2 l l τl for the inflation tax: l l ∂˜ lQ ∂R = 1 l̃Q 1−ω Q R > 0 and ∂ 2 l̃Q ∂R2 ωQ l l̃Q R2 > 0. For 2 (1−ωQ ) 2 1 l̃c ∂pc = 1−ω > 0 and ∂∂τl̃2c = c pc ∂τ c ˜ = ∂ lc the consumption tax, when τ c > τ c (R), ∂τ c c ³ ´2 ˜ ∂pc ωc lc ˜ > 0. When τ c 6 τ c (R), lc = 0. ∂τ c (1−ωc )2 p2c These results form the base for getting positive concave substitution effects and negative concave income µ effects ¶ of the tax rates on leisure. In case of Φ1 (R,τ c ) ³ ´ ∂ Φ2 (τ l ) Φ1 (R,τ c ) ∂Φ2 (τ l ) Φ1 (R,τ c ) ∂τ̃ l − > = − = − labor tax: substitution effect ∂τ l ∂τ l ∂τ l Φ22 (τ l ) Φ22 (τ l ) µ ¶ ∙ ¸ Φ (R,τ ) ³ ´2 h i ∂ 2 Φ1 τ c Φ1 (R,τ c ) Φ1 (R,τ c ) 2( l) ∂τ̃ l ∂ 2 τ̃ l 2al ω l 1−al 2 = − 0 and = − + − Φ2 (τ l ) ∂τ l Φ2 (τ l ) 1−ω l τ l ∂τ 2 Φ2 (τ l ) ∂τ 2 Φ2 (τ l ) 2 l 2 l when τ l → 0, τ̃ l → 0 and where Φ2 (τ l ) = µ 1 − τ̃ l ¶. We can see that µ ¶ ∂ al → 1, so lim Φ1 (R,τ c ) Φ2 (τ l ) ∂2 = 1 and lim ∂τ l τ l →0 τ l →0 Φ1 (R,τ c ) Φ2 (τ l ) ∂τ 2l = −∞. Thus there al- ways exists a non-zero interval for τ l on µ which¶ the substitution effect is ∂ positive and concave. Income effect ∂2 µ Ψ2 (τ l ) Ψ1 (R,τ c ) ∂τ 2l ¶ Ψ2 (τ l ) Ψ1 (R,τ c ) ∂τ l ˜ ∂ ll w = − Ψ1 (R,τ < 0 and c ) ∂τ l ∂ 2 l̃l w ˜ = − Ψ1 (R,τ 2 < 0, where Ψ2 (τ l ) = 1 − w ll , is negative and c ) ∂τ l concave. In case of other taxes the derivations are slightly more complicated. The µ ¶ ∂ Φ1 (R,τ c ) Φ2 (τ l ) = case of inflation tax when R > (τ c ) (τ c ): substitution effect ∂R ∂Φ1 (R,τ c ) ∂Φ1 (R,τ c ) 1 ∂ R̃ ; Φ1 (R, τ c ) = 1+(1 + τ c ) R̃+τ c , ∂R = (1 + τ c ) ∂R > 0 and Φ2 (τ l ) ∂R −1 ∂ 2 Φ1 (R,τ c ) ∂R2 ∂ 2 µ Ψ2 (τ l ) Ψ1 (R,τ c ) ¶ ∂ l̃ 2 (τ l ) = (1 + τ c ) ∂∂RR̃2 < 0; income effect = − ΨΨ2 (R,τ (1 + τ c ) w ∂RQ < ∂R ) c 1 µ ¶ ¸ ∙ Ψ (τ ) ³ ´2 ∂ 2 Ψ 2(R,τl ) c 1 lQ ∂ l̃Q ∂2˜ Ψ2 (τ l ) 2 = − Ψ2 (R,τ c ) (1 + τ c ) w Ψ1 (R,τ c ) ∂R − ∂R2 , where Ψ1 (R, τ c ) = 0 and ∂R2 1 can see that when τ c = 0, and¶ R → 0, then R̃ → 0 and 1 + (1 + τ c ) w˜lQ . We ¶ µ µ ∂ Ψ2 (τ l ) Ψ1 (R,τ c ) ∂2 Φ1 (R,τ c ) Φ2 (τ l ) ∂τ 2l = 0 and lim = −∞. Thus there alaQ → 1, so lim ∂R R→0 R→0 ways exists a non-zero interval for R on which the income effect is nonpositive and concave. The case of inflation tax when R < (τ c )−1 (τ c ) is more com73 plicated due to the presence of the consumption corruption services. So we only prove that the substitution and income effects are positive and negative, respectively using the fact that as R further increases the effects will be concave already been analysed in the former case. Substitution effect µ as it has ¶ Φ1 (R,τ c ) Φ2 (τ l ) ∂ - (1 + τ c ) ∂ R̃ ∂R ∂Φ1 (R,τ c ) 1 ; Φ1 (R, τ c ) = 1 + Φ2 (τ l ) ∂R ∂τ̃ c R̃ c > 0 since ∂∂R = aQ and ∂τ̃ ∂R ∂R = ∂R + (1 + τ c ) R̃ + τ̃ c , = − (1 − ac ) ∂Φ1 (R,τ c ) ∂R = ∂pc > 0 with ∂Rµ ¶ Ψ (τ ) ∂ Ψ 2(R,τl ) ¤ c (1−aQ ) £ 1 R = 1 − (1 − ω Q ) 1+R < 0; income effect 1+R ∂R ´ h ³ ˜ ∂ lQ ∂Ψ1 (R,τ c ) ∂ac 2 (τ l ) ∂Ψ1 (R,τ c ) ˜ ˜ ˜ − ΨΨ2 (R,τ ; Ψ (R, τ ) = 1+(1 + τ ) w l a +w l , = w (1 + τ ) a + l 1 c c Q c c c Q ∂R + ∂R ∂R ∂R c c) ∂pc ∂R = − (1 + τ c ) 1 ∂˜ lQ ∂R ω c 1−ac ∂pc l̃c 1 l̃c ∂pc c = − 1−ω and ∂∂R = 1−ω where ∂p = − (1 + τ c ) ∂R ∂R c pc ic pc ∂R h (R,τ c ) c 0. At R = 0, aQ = 1 and ∂p = 0, ∂Ψ1∂R = 0; when R is close to ∂R with > 0, ∂ac ∂R R=0 c should still be very close to 0 and the first effect will dominate, so 0µ∂p ∂R ¶ Ψ2 (τ l ) ´ i h ³ ∂ Ψ (R,τ ) c 1 ∂ l̃Q Ψ2 (τ l ) ∂ac ∂ l̃c ˜ + < 0. Thus the in= − w (1 + τ ) a + l 2 c Q ∂R ∂R ∂R c ∂R Ψ1 (R,τ c ) come effect should be negative. The case of consumption tax when τ c > τ c (R): substitution effect µ ¶ ∂ Φ1 (R,τ c ) Φ2 (τ l ) ∂τ c c R̃ + ∂τ̃ > ∂τ c ¶ µ Ψ2 (τ l ) ∂ Ψ (R,τ ) = 0 ∂Φ1 (R,τ c ) 1 ; Φ2 (τ l ) ∂τ c ∂τ̃ c since ∂τ c > 0; Φ1 (R, τ c ) = 1 + (1 + τ c ) R̃ + τ̃ c , further ∂ 2 Φ1 (R,τ c ) ∂τ 2c = ∂ 2 τ̃ c ∂τ 2c ∂Φ1 (R,τ c ) ∂τ c = < 0; income effect - c 2 (τ l ) ∂Ψ1 (R,τ c ) = − ΨΨ2 (R,τ , Ψ1 (R, τ c ) = 1 + (1 + τ c ) w˜lQ ac + w˜lc , and ∂τ c ∂τ c c) 1 ∂Ψ1 (R,τ c ) ∂ac ∂ l̃c ∂ac ωc 1−ac ∂pc = w˜lQ ac + (1 + τ c ) w˜lQ ∂τ + w ∂τ with ∂τ = − 1−ω < 0, ∂τ c c c c c pc ∂τ c rQ ∂pc ∂ l̃c 1 l̃c ∂pc = 1−ωc pc ∂τ c > 0, and ∂τ c = 1 − 1+R > 0; when τ c → τ c (R) then ∂τ c ∂ac ∂˜ lc → 0, lim ∂τ = +∞ and positive efpc → 0 and ac → 1, so ∂τ c τ →τ (R) c 1 c fects dominate (R,τ c ) lim ∂Ψ1∂τ c τ c →τ c (R) c = +∞ and thus there are always τ c > ∂ µ Ψ2 (τ l ) Ψ1 (R,τ c ) ¶ τ c (R) such that the income effect is negative < 0. Further, ∂τ c µ ¶ ∙ ¸ Ψ τ ( ) 2 l ³ ´2 ∂ 2 Ψ (R,τ ) 2 2 c 1 Ψ2 (τ l ) ∂Ψ1 (R,τ c ) 2 1 (R,τ c ) 1 (R,τ c ) where ∂ Ψ∂τ = − ∂ Ψ∂τ = 2 2 2 ∂τ 2c ∂τ c Ψ1 (R,τ c ) Ψ1 (R,τ c ) c c ³ ´2 ∂pc ∂ac ∂ 2 ac ∂2˜ ∂ 2 ac ωc 1−2ω c 1−ac lc ˜ + (1 + τ ) w l + w with = > 0 and 2w˜lQ ∂τ c Q ∂τ 2 ∂τ 2c ∂τ 2c 1−ω c 1−ω c p2c ∂τ c c c ³ ´ 2 2 ∂pc ∂ 2 l̃c 1 ω c l̃c = 1−ω > 0 using ∂∂τp2c = 0. We can see that if τ c → τ c (R) 2 ∂τ 2 ∂τ c c 1−ω c p c c c 74 1−aQ 1+ω Q R 1+R 1+R < ∂ l̃c ∂R i then pc → 0, and since lc ∂2˜ lim 2 τ c →τ c (R) ∂τ c > lim τ c →τ c (R) ³ ∂˜ lc ∂τ c ´2 ∂2 , lim τ c →τ c (R) µ Ψ2 (τ l ) Ψ1 (R,τ c ) ∂τ 2c ¶ = −∞. This implies that there are always τ c > τ c (R) such that the income effect is concave. The last case is when τ c 6 τ c (R) ,however, then there are no corruption services and the substitution µ ¶ and income effects are linear in τ c , i.e. ∂Ψ1 (R,τ c ) = ∂τ c µ Ψ2 (τ l ) Ψ1 (R,τ c ) ∂ ∂Φ1 (R,τ c ) ∂τ c ∂ = R̃ + 1 > 0 and w˜lQ > 0, Φ1 (R,τ c ) Φ2 (τ l ) ∂τ c ¶ h + ∂ µ Ψ2 (τ l ) Ψ1 (R,τ c ) ¶ Φ1 (R,τ c ) Φ2 (τ l ) ∂τ c ∂2 < 0 and ∂τ c µ ¶ Ψ (τ ) ∂ Ψ 2(R,τl ) c 1 Φ1 (R,τ c ) Φ2 (τ l ) ∂τ c R̃+1 1+R̃ wl̃Q 1+wl̃Q i µ ∂ 2 Φ1 (R,τ c ) ∂τ 2c ¶ > 0 and Ψ2 (τ l ) Ψ1 (R,τ c ) ∂τ 2c = 0, and also = 0. The total effect is h i wl̃Q R̃+1 2 (τ l ) Φ1 (R,τ c ) , = ΨΨ1 (R,τ − Φ1 (R,τ c ) Ψ1 (R,τ c ) c ) Φ2 (τ l ) dx > 0 and total effect is dτ − > 0 and close to if τ c = 0 then c linear one due to slightly changing weighting terms in the formula. So we proved that with the exception of τ c 6 τ c (R) , there always exist positive, concave substitution effect and negative concave income effect for each tax. Since the substitution effect diminishes from its maximum value at the zero rate of particular tax and the income effect increases from its zero value at the zero rate of particular tax, there for each tax rate ∆ ∈ {R, τ c , τ l } ª © ¯ the ¯ ∈ R̄, τ̄ c , τ̄ l such that for ∆ ∈ [0, ∆) there always exists a tax rate ∆ substitution effect is the dominating factor. ∂x ∂x Proof to Proposition 24. [ ∂A < 0; ∂A < 0, for R = 0, small τ c c l ∂x and τ l , and AG < 1; ∂AQ < 0 for τ c = τ l = 0. With these derivatives, the growth rate g increases when the productivity parameters increase, under the conditions given. 75