Biological Oceanography - SBCC Biological Sciences Department

Bio 124: Biological Oceanography
Santa Barbara City College
Fall 2014
Professor: Dr. Michelle Paddack
Introduction to Biological Oceanography Labs The laboratory room, EBS 210 is where most of the labs will meet. We are so lucky, however, because the unique location of SBCC adjacent to the Santa Barbara Harbor and beaches provides a natural laboratory that we will take full advantage of during the semester. Most labs will therefore involve some type of field activity, involving a walk to the harbor or beach to gather specimens and/or data. Given that you will be walking to the waterfront for almost every lab, it is important to wear comfortable walking shoes that may get sandy or wet. The waterfront can also be cooler & breezier than on campus, and we will go into the field even when it is light rain or mist, so a light jacket or raincoat may be helpful. Sun protection (sunscreen, a hat, sunglasses) are highly recommended. For the Boat Trip lab we will meet and end in the lab, but will walk down to the harbor for our trip on the Stardust. This is a safe, steady boat and we will stay close to shore for our activities. Dress in shoes that can get wet and be sure to bring a jacket as it is windier offshore. If you are prone to sea‐sickness, be sure to take medications prior to the lab. The Rocky Intertidal lab will begin and end in the field. Instructions for where and when to meet and any transportation needed are included in the manual and will be organized the week before the scheduled field trip. Laboratory safety rules are important for this class. • In lab, it is critical that you clean up after yourself and care for the equipment you are using. Microscopes and equipment used in the ocean require particular attention and maintenance – follow instructions. • If any equipment is not working, please let us know right away. • Wash your hands after lab. • Since most of our field trips are to the waterfront it is important that we cross intersections at designated crosswalks with pedestrian lights. • When the class is in the harbor, it is important to respect the boat owners by keeping our voices low and not sitting on the boats or taking up too much space on the docks. Remember to allow room for boat‐owners to push carts through. • The laboratory exercises for this class are exceptionally fun because we get to use the real marine environment but do keep in mind that the ocean can be dangerous so it is each individual student’s responsibility to keep themselves safe and comfortable during our field outings in order to get the maximum amount of knowledge from these uniquely designed laboratory exercises. • Never turn your back to the ocean while on beaches or rocky shores. • Dress appropriately, pay attention to instructions, and always watch the waves. Biological Oceanography Rubric (criteria for grading) for Weekly Lab Exercises Maximum Score = 10 points Criteria #1 Neatness 2 points Criteria #2 Preparation & Participation 3 points Criteria #3 Completeness 3 points Criteria #4 Clean Up 2 points Exemplary: Showed outstanding understanding. (A)
All pages readable and in correct order. (2)
Read lab prior to class. Took part in each activity; Interacted well with labmates. (3)
Every activity completed and every question answered correctly. (3)
Lab area completely clean and ready for the next set of students. (2)
Satisfactory: Met basic expectations. Unsatisfactory: Did not meet expectations. (B/C)
Most pages readable and in correct order. Most pages not readable and/or pages out of order. (1)
Partly prepared for lab. Participated in most (but not all) activities. (2)
Not all activities completed or questions answered correctly. (0)
Unprepared for lab: did not read lab prior, forgot to bring lab instructions, was late. Did not participate in activities or interact well with labmates. (1)
Less than three quarters of the activities completed and/or less than three quarters of the questions answered. (2)
Lab area clean but Lab area left dirty – everything is not set equipment must be back up for the next cleaned and set up by set of students. instructor. (1)
Bio 124 Laboratory Manual 2014
Table of Contents
Introduction to Lab
Grading Rubric for Weekly Laboratory Exercises
Laboratory Exercises:
Lab 1: Water Sampling
Lab 2: Water & Organisms/Settlement Plate Set-up
Lab 3: Pigments
Lab 4: Currents
Lab 5: Boat Trip
Lab 6: Plankton Productivity
Lab 7: Rocky Intertidal
Lab 8: Infauna/Decomposers set-up
Lab 9: Decomposers
Lab 10: Ocean Acidification
Lab 11: Settlement Plates
Lab 12 : Term Projects
Lab 13: Adaptations
Lab 14 : Review for Lab Practical
Review sheet for Lab Final Practical Exam
Online Review: Tools of the Oceanographer
Risk Management
Santa Barbara Community College District
Waiver of Liability, Assumption of Risk & Indemnity Agreement
Waiver: In consideration of being permitted to participate in any way in
Hereinafter called “The Activity”, I, for myself, my heirs, personal representative or assigns, do
hereby release, waive, discharge, and covenant not to sue the Santa Barbara Community
College District, its officers, employees and agents from liability from any and all claims
including the negligence of the Santa Barbara Community College District, its officer,
employees and agents, resulting in personal injury, accidents, or illnesses (including death) and
property loss arising from, but not limited to, participation in the Activity.
Assumption of Risks: Participation in the Activity carries with it certain inherent risks that cannot
be eliminated regardless of the care taken to avoid injuries. The specific risks vary from one
activity to another, but the risks range from 1) minor injuries such as scratches, bruises, and
sprains 2) major injuries such as eye injury or loss of sight, joint or back injuries, heart attacks,
and concussions 3) catastrophic injuries including paralysis and death.
I have read the previous paragraphs and I know, understand, and appreciate these and
other risks that are inherent in The Activity. I hereby assert that my participation is
voluntary and that I knowingly assume all such risks.
Indemnification and Hold Harmless: I also agree the INDEMNIFY AND HOLD the Santa
Barbara Community College District HARMLESS from any and all claims, actions, suits,
procedures, costs, expenses, damages and liabilities, including attorney’s fees brought as a result
of my involvement in The Activity and to reimburse them for any such expense incurred.
Severability: The undersigned further expressly agrees that the foregoing waiver and assumption
of risks agreement is intended to be as broad as inclusive as is permitted by the law of the State
of California and that if any portion thereof is held invalid, it is agreed that the balance shall,
notwithstanding, continue in full force and effect.
Acknowledgment of Understanding: I have read this waiver of liability, assumption of risk, and
indemnity agreement, fully understand its terms, and understand that I am giving up substantial
rights, including my right to sue. I acknowledge that I am signing the agreement freely and
voluntarily, and intend by my signature to be a complete and unconditional release of all liability
to the greatest extent allowed by law.
________________________________ _______________________________ ___________ __________
Signature of Participant
Print Name of Participant
______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________
Signature of Parent/Guardian if Minor
Print Name of Parent/Guardian
Age if Minor
Bio 124 Fall 2014 (Dr. Paddack)
Lab 1: Water Sampling
Page 1 of 6
Name: __________________________________________________________
Lab Partners: __________________________________________________
Welcome to Biological Oceanography Lab!
During labs, you will get a chance to explore first-hand our local marine environment and work
together conduct measurements and experiments that biological oceanographers around the world
use to study the interactions between oceans and marine life.
Active participation is key to being successful in this class. Lab is the time for YOU to explore,
question, experiment, and discuss.
I will provide some introductory material and pointers along the way, but the real learning can only
happen by DOING. Have fun and keep asking questions!
WATER SAMPLING (Oxygen, pH, Visibility, Color)
1. Learn how to use scientific equipment to measure marine water characteristics in the field.
2. Observe how ocean water varies in temperature, oxygen concentration, pH, visibility both
spatially and temporally and understand why this variation occurs.
Equipment to be used:
1. Depth sounder
2. Transect tape
3. Bucket thermometer
4. Oxygen chemical test kit
Dissolved oxygen probe
pH test strips
pH chemical test kit
Van Dorn water sampler
9. pH meter
10. Secchi disk
11. Forel/Ule water color scale
12. Salinometer
Today we will set up an oceanographic ‘station’ on the docks of the Santa Barbara Marina.
We will be concentrating on a fundamental set of measurements of seawater used by
oceanographers worldwide to gain insight into oceanographic processes. We will measure
temperature, dissolved oxygen concentration, pH (acid/base scale), salinity, visibility, and color at
the surface and near the bottom. These measurements are used by oceanographers to identify
water masses so that we can determine things such as i) the origins and movement of water
masses, ii) the kind of organisms that can live in this water, and iii) the impact of environmental and
anthropogenic events such as storms and oil spills.
Lab Activities: Be sure that 2 people hold the line on all gear so that no samplers are lost.
The class will be divided into 6 teams. Each will have a blue bucket containing all of the tools for
chemical sampling of the water column. Each team will also have an additional bucket.
¾ If your team has a RED bucket, begin your data collection with the SUBSURFACE
sampling (directions, p. 3). When done with surface sampling, trade your red bucket with a
grey bucket from another team and proceed with visibility/water color measurements (p 4).
Then conduct all of the same measurements you did for subsurface with surface water.
¾ If your team has a GREY bucket, begin your data collection with visibility/water color (p.4).
Once you have finished that, work on your SURFACE measurements (directions, p 2). Then
trade your grey bucket for a RED one from another team so that you can do the same
measurements for SUBSURFACE water (directions on p 3).
All teams will put their surface & subsurface data in the following table (top of page 2). Instructions
for each type of measurement are provided on the following pages of this lab (p 2-4). We will be
working in groups but each student must complete his/her own lab handout and understand the
equipment, procedures, and analysis.
Bio 124 Fall 2014 (Dr. Paddack)
Lab 1: Water Sampling
Page 2 of 6
Date ________Marina # ________Weather conditions ___________________________________
Depth where subsurface sample was taken (= lead line/sounder reading) _______m
First experiment for my group is (circle one): II. Subsurface Water / III. Visibility and Color
(Note C
from pH
from pH
or F)
from DO
test kit
test kit
I. Surface
Water Sample
II. Subsurface
Water Sample
A. Temperature
1. Rinse your surface water sample bottle with seawater a few times and then fill it from just
below the surface of the water.
2. Immediately insert the bulb end of the thermometer so that it is fully immersed. Wait a few
3. Record the temperature in the table above as degrees °C or °F.
B. Oxygen from chemical test kit
1. Designate one student to read the instructions and one to mix the chemicals.
2. The student who is handling chemicals MUST wear goggles!
3. Go through each item in the instructions (inside of box lid) carefully.
4. Record the oxygen concentration in the chart on page 1 as ppm (parts per million).
5. When done, you can throw used solutions into the ocean.
C. Oxygen from dissolved oxygen probe
Follow the instructions provided by the instructor for the DO probe and record your
D. pH from test strips
1. Set one of the pH test strips in the water you used to take your surface water
2. Leave this for at least 5 minutes to get the full color change.
3. Compare the color of your strip with the color comparator on the box of strips.
4. Record your result in the table above.
5. Put the used pH test strip in your plastic carrier (it is trash).
E. pH from chemical test kit
1. Read the directions to the pH test kit printed on the color comparator.
2. Proceed as directed.
3. Record your result in the table above.
4. Throw used solutions into the ocean.
F. pH from pH meter
1. Use the red pH meter as directed with the instructions in the zip-lock bag.
2. Record your result in the table above.
3. Hold the probe vertical, tip down and rinse just the tip of the probe with DI water.
G. Salinity from salinometer
Place a drop of seawater from your sample in the salinometer provided by the instructor.
Bio 124 Fall 2014 (Dr. Paddack)
Lab 1: Water Sampling
Page 3 of 6
A. Depth
1. Lower the sounder (= lead line) until it hits bottom (the line will go slack).
2. Take the slack out of the line.
3. Note the depth of the line at the water surface, bring up the sounder and measure
the length of the line from the noted depth.
4. Record the bottom depth (in meters) in the table on the top of page 2.
B. Water Sampler
1. Obtain a Van Dorn subsurface water sampler and learn how to use it (ask the
instructor if you don't remember from the demonstration). These are very expensive and we
can't afford to lose any (always be sure two people are holding the line at all times).
2. Lower your sampler to about a half meter off the bottom (use your measurement
of depth to judge this and record in the chart as meters) holding on to the
3. Let go of the messenger to "trip" your water sampler.
4. Bring up your subsurface water sampler.
C. Temperature
1. Immediately let some water out into the surface water sample bottle and insert
your thermometer being sure the bulb is covered with water. Try to keep the water
out of the sun as it heats up quickly.
2. Record the temperature in the table on the top of page 2 as degrees °C or °F
D. Oxygen from chemical test kit
1. Designate one student to read the instructions and one to mix the chemicals.
2. The student who is handling chemicals MUST wear goggles!
3. Go through each item in the instructions (inside of box lid) carefully.
4. Record the oxygen concentration in the chart on page 1 as ppm (parts per million).
5. When done, you can throw used solutions into the ocean.
E. Oxygen from dissolved oxygen probe
Follow the instructions provided by the instructor for the DO probe and record.
F. pH from test strips
1. Set one of the pH test strips in the water you used to take your surface water
2. Leave this for at least 5 minutes to get the full color change.
3. Compare the color of your strip with the color chart on the box of strips.
4. Record your result in the table on the top of page 2.
5. Put the used pH test strip in your plastic carrier (it is trash).
G. pH from chemical test kit
1. Read the directions to the pH test kit printed on the color comparator.
2. Proceed as directed.
3. Record your result in the table on the top of page 2 as a number.
4. Throw used solutions into the ocean.
H. pH from pH meter
1. Use the red pH meter as directed with the instructions in the zip-lock bag.
2. Record your result in the table on the top of page 2.
I. Salinity from salinometer
Place a drop of seawater from your sample in the salinometer provided by the instructor.
Bio 124 Fall 2014 (Dr. Paddack)
Lab 1: Water Sampling
Page 4 of 6
A. Visibility
1. Lower the secchi disk to the point where you no longer see it.
2. Grab the line where the water’s surface was and keep your hand there.
3. Bring up the secchi disk. Using the meter tape, measure the line length from your
hand to the top of the disk.
4. Record this below (in meters). If you can still see it when it rests on the bottom
record the measurement & note that it is at the bottom (visibility exceeds depth).
¾ Visibility reading using Secchi Disk ____________________
B. Color
1. Holding the Forel/Ule color comparators at arm’s length, estimate the color of the
water as you see it and get the closest hue to it in your Forel/Ule scale. (Forel is the
blue shades numbered from I to XI and Ule is the green shades numbered from XII
to XXII). Generally the Forel/Ule scale comparator appears much darker than the
water but it is the color (hue) you are matching, not the intensity.
2. Record the Forel/Ule number (as a roman numeral) that most closely corresponds
with the water color.
3. Some oceanographers prefer to put the secchi disk in the water, a meter deep, and
use this as a background for color measurement. The Santa Barbara Harbor is not a
good place to do this as the secchi disk appears too white.
¾ Color of water ____________________
Forel/Ule Scale Number____________
A. Oxygen - Oxygen dissolved in seawater is greatest in the upper mixed layer of ocean water (the
colder the water, the more oxygen it will hold at saturation but cold water can have no dissolved
oxygen as well). Oxygen is consumed by organisms at all depths but is replenished in seawater in
the upper layer where contact with the air at the surface dissolves some oxygen and where plants
photosynthesize and give off oxygen. Oxygen is necessary for most life forms and changes in the
dissolved oxygen (DO) in seawater affect the diversity and density of marine life.
1. Explain in detail possible sources of error that could enter into your measurements of
oxygen using each of the 2 techniques:
DO Probe:
Winkler Titration:
2. What pattern did you find regarding dissolved oxygen in the surface and subsurface water
Bio 124 Fall 2014 (Dr. Paddack)
Lab 1: Water Sampling
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3. Explain in detail what processes could cause a greater amount of oxygen in surface water
than subsurface water.
4. Explain in detail what processes could cause the opposite result of greater amount of
oxygen in subsurface water compared to surface water.
B. pH - pH is a measure of the hydrogen ion concentration. Values of the pH scale range from 1
(very acidic) to 14 (very alkaline) with a value of 7 in the middle indicating neutral (distilled water is
neutral at 7.0). Most marine organisms can tolerate only slight pH fluctuations near the neutral pH
range (7). Seawater has a natural "buffering" system that keeps the pH between about 7.5 and 8.5.
This buffering system results from the interaction of water and dissolved carbon dioxide.
1. Were all of your pH measurements within normal seawater range (7.5 to 8.5)? What could
account for a pH measurement that was either below or above the normal seawater range?
C. Visibility and Color - The visibility and color of seawater can give many clues to the productivity
of an area. As plankton levels increase, the visibility decreases and the color changes from blue to
green. As the level of suspended sediments in the water increases, the light penetration decreases
and so does the amount of phytoplankton. Most open ocean waters are in the blue color range and
coastal (more productive due to upwelling with more phytoplankton) waters appear greenish due to
this phytoplankton. Brownish colors result from suspended sediments.
1. Describe what could cause ocean color to be within each of the following range of colors:
2. Describe in detail if and how visibility could impact some other parameters such as oxygen
& pH levels.
D. Temperature
1. Was there a distinct thermocline today (surface water two or more degrees warmer than
Bio 124 Fall 2014 (Dr. Paddack)
Lab 1: Water Sampling
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2. Why do you think there was or was not a thermocline?
3. How might a thermocline impact the organisms living in the ocean?
E. Overview
1. Do you think these simple measures of temperature, visibility, etc. can tell you much about
oceanographic processes? Why or why not?
2. Are there any other measures you think you would need to also know in addition to the ones
taken in order to better understand what is occurring in the water here? Explain.
Clean Up
1. You may throw all water from titrations into the ocean. Place used pH test strips in your
2. Return your clipboard to the clipboard drawer.
3. Throw the used pH test strips into the waste basket.
4. Tidy up the plastic carriers with the test kits, thermometers, etc. and leave your table as you
found it (we will rinse everything with fresh water after lab).
5. Alert the instructor to any broken equipment or low levels of chemicals – place those items
on instructor desk.
6. Throw away all personal trash.
7. Tuck your chair back under the lab bench.
8. Be sure to take all personal belongings.
9. Turn in your lab.
10. Check in with instructor before leaving.
Bio124 Fall 2014 (Dr. Paddack) Lab 2: Water & Organisms; Settlement Plate Set‐Up Page 1 of 14 SETTLEMENT PLATE SET-UP
1. Set out settlement plates in the harbor for the purpose of obtaining a sample of harbor
organisms that settle on hard surfaces
2. Understand the process of larval dispersal and settlement.
Equipment to be used:
1. Settlement plates
Introduction to settlement experiment:
Our settlement plate experiment will involve placing hard surfaces (glass slides) into the
ocean and leaving them there for several weeks. We will have a lab toward the end of the
semester in which we retrieve the settlement plates and observe the organisms that settled on
them. Today we will begin lab by walking to the Santa Barbara Harbor where each group will
place their settlement plate holder in an appropriate place (I will give you directions about the
best places to hang your plate holder so it will not be in anyone’s way and will not be removed
before we return to retrieve it).
Lab Exercises:
Name of lab partners:
Description of settlement plates put into Santa Barbara Harbor:
Date placed in Harbor:
Marina Number:
Slip Number closest to location:
When you are get this lab back, place this sheet in your binder with Lab 11: Settlement Plates
Bio124 Fall 2014 (Dr. Paddack) Lab 2: Water & Organisms; Settlement Plate Set‐Up Page 2 of 14 Bio124 Fall 2014 (Dr. Paddack) Lab 2: Water & Organisms; Settlement Plate Set‐Up Page 3 of 14 Student: _______________________________________
Lab Partners: ________________________________________
Last week we took basic oceanographic measurements to describe the physical
parameters of the sea. Oceanographers conduct many of these same measures each
time they conduct a study because the values vary on both short and long timescales.
Organisms living in the ocean experience a very different world than we do on land, and
face both challenges and benefits from living in the ocean. Today we will use the steps
of the scientific method to explore some of these issues in more detail and conduct
experiments to see how organisms respond.
Upon completion of this lab, you will be able to:
1) Conduct & scientifically record oceanographic observations.
2) Propose a testable hypothesis.
3) Successfully use the following oceanographic equipment to take key
measurements of seawater.
4) Understand how and why temperature, density, salinity, and pressure vary in the
1) Your power of observation
2) Standard Thermometer, Bucket Thermometer, Reversing Thermometer
3) Hydrometer (plastic type used in the aquarium trade), Hydrometer Set
4) Salinity Chemical Test Kit (Knudsen Titration), Salinometer
I. The Scientific Method
The scientific method is the way scientists learn and study the world around them. It can
be used to study anything from a drop of water to the entire Universe. The key to
conducting science is to provide a system so that we can answer questions objectively
(without bias).
¾ Create a flow chart of steps of the scientific method
Bio124 Fall 2014 (Dr. Paddack) Lab 2: Water & Organisms; Settlement Plate Set‐Up Page 4 of 14 1. Observation
The first step to any science is making an observation. Early oceanographers
spent a great deal of time exploring the world’s ocean and describing in detail the
organisms and patterns they saw. We are going to walk outside and take some
time doing just that.
¾ When we get to the shore, carefully and quietly look closely at the world around
where you are right now. Look carefully at the dock pilings or dock edges and
observe it closely for a full 5 minutes. Write down your observations. Be as
detailed as possible.
2. Formulate a Question (Hypothesis)
As you made your observations, many questions probably came to mind.
¾ Write down a question or two that you have after conducting your observations.
Bio124 Fall 2014 (Dr. Paddack) Lab 2: Water & Organisms; Settlement Plate Set‐Up Page 5 of 14 The curiosity you feel on figuring out what the answer might be and figuring out a way to
find out the answer means you are a natural scientist!
3. Experimentation
When scientists see something they don’t understand they eagerly look for ways to
discover answers to their questions. You may do this either by conducting controlled
experiments or by conducting specific observations. The trick is that you have to be
able to offer some evidence that supports your conclusions and that other scientists can
conduct the same tests to compare their results with ours.
¾ Write down how you might go about answering your hypothesis. Try to think of a
series of observations or an experiment that YOU could do to test the possible
outcomes, a way that doesn’t simply rely on the observations and conclusions of
Congratulations – you have just used the first steps of the scientific method!
In order to test your questions, careful measurements need to be conducted and results
analyzed in order to come up with conclusions.
In the lab today, you will have the opportunity to try some of the most common tools and
measures used in biological oceanography and put them together to conduct
experiments. We are going to focus on two major challenges of living in the marine
world, temperature and salinity.
II. Temperature
A. Ocean & temperature overview
The original metric measure of temperature is the Celsius system, which is based upon
a scale of 100 where 0°C was set to the freezing point of freshwater (=____°F) and
100°C is the boiling point of freshwater (=____°F).
The conversion formulas are listed below.
Fahrenheit to Celsius:
Celsius to Fahrenheit:
Bio124 Fall 2014 (Dr. Paddack) Lab 2: Water & Organisms; Settlement Plate Set‐Up Page 6 of 14 The temperature of the ocean varies from ____oC/ ____oF (at some places near the
poles) to ___oC/____oF (at some places in the tropics), although there is rarely more
than a 5 - 10 oC variation in temperature at any specific place on Earth yearly.
Most marine organisms cannot regulate their body temperature (they are known
as ectothermic or cold-blooded) and are adapted to a rather narrow temperature
range. Thus, temperature is a very important biological concern and it is one reason
certain organisms are limited to specific places on earth. When exposed to lower
temperatures than average most organisms slow down and become sluggish; when
exposed to increased temperatures their metabolism increases rapidly. Prolonged
exposure to temperatures hotter or colder than they are used to can cause stress that
may become lethal if they can not move out of the area.
Water has a high heat capacity, meaning that it can absorb a lot of heat before it
changes temperature. Therefore, even endothermic (warm-blooded) organisms
therefore rapidly lose body heat in water that is even a little bit cooler than their body
Temperature is also important in water movements as warmer water is lighter
(less dense) so generally rests on top of colder water (which is heavier, or more dense),
if the water masses are similar in other respects.
¾ If hotter water is less dense, would you expect the deep sea to be a cold or a
warm place?
B. Temperature Measurement Instruments
Temperature is measured by a thermometer in degrees [either Centigrade (Celsius) or
Fahrenheit]. Before the advent of digital thermometers and electronic transmission of
information, oceanographers had to figure out ways to accurately record temperatures
at different depths in the ocean.
¾ You are an oceanographer on a research vessel. You are asked to measure the
surface temperature of the water, so you lower a bucket, fill it with surface water,
and bring it to the deck of the ship. It is a beautiful, sunny day and suddenly a
pod of dolphins swims along the ship. You stop to take some photographs and
watch them for awhile as they play nearby. You then take your bucket
thermometer reading. Is this reading likely to be accurate? Why or why not?
C. Effects of temperature on marine life
1. Brine Shrimp Experiment
a. Put about 1/2 inch of seawater in the smallest fingerbowl and put in one brine
shrimp (Artemia) or fish. Let acclimate 2-3 minutes.
Bio124 Fall 2014 (Dr. Paddack) Lab 2: Water & Organisms; Settlement Plate Set‐Up Page 7 of 14 b. Take the temperature of the water by holding the bulb of the thermometer
under the water for 1 minute. Record the temperature in the chart below, noting
whether you are using °F or °C.
c. Watch the Artemia for a few minutes and try counting the "beats"
(waves traveling from head to tail) of its legs (if you have a fish, count the number
of times it opens its gill cover).
d. Have your partner time you for 10 seconds while you count the beats and
record in the chart. Do this 2 more times and then switch roles and have your partner
count beats for 3 more ten-second trials while you time.
e. Put crushed ice in the larger fingerbowl making a depression in the middle.
f. Put the brine shrimp fingerbowl on ice - wait 10 minutes.
g. Record the new temperature and the brine shrimps’ "beats" in a total of 6
intervals as you did in part d. Record in the table below.
h. Put shrimp in ‘used shrimp’ bowl and pour ice & water into the sink.
or °C
Trial 1:
Sum of x2=
Sum /(n-1) =
√ =SD=
Trial 2:
Sum of x2=
Sum /(n-1) =
√ =SD=
Bio124 Fall 2014 (Dr. Paddack) Lab 2: Water & Organisms; Settlement Plate Set‐Up Page 8 of 14 i. Calculate the ‘mean’ (average) of each of the 2 trials (add all 6 for each & divide by #
of samples). Record to 1 decimal place in the table above.
j. The amount of variation in a dataset is of great importance to scientists as it tells us
how much individual measures differ from the mean. Calculate the standard
deviation (the amount of range around the mean) the following way recording the
values in the above table:
1. Subtract the mean from each measured value (Mi – mean)
2. Square this value (x2)
3. Add all of these squared values (sum =)
4. Divide this number by the # of measures minus 1 (sum/(n-1)). This is the
variance of the set of measurements
5. Take the square root of this value (√). This is the standard deviation
(SD), which is easier to understand, because it is now in the same units as
the mean. Standard deviation is the variation both above and below your
mean value.
¾ Make a graph of the data you collected. Label the x-axis (horizontal) grids
equally spaced with 1-6 indicating the times of each measurement. Label the yaxis (vertical) with the # beats per 10 seconds. Use a different color pen or
pencil for the two different trials (ambient water & iced water) and be sure to
make a ‘legend’ to tell you which is which.
¾ What effect did temperature have on your brine shrimp (Artemia) or fish?
Bio124 Fall 2014 (Dr. Paddack) Lab 2: Water & Organisms; Settlement Plate Set‐Up Page 9 of 14 ¾ Add the standard deviation to your points as vertical lines that extend above and
below each point. Do the two lines appear to be significantly different from each
other, or do they overlap within their range of variation (does the affect you
observed appear to be a strong one)?
¾ Why do you think that the Artemia or fish reacted in this way?
¾ What do you think would happen if you raised the temperature back to what it
was in the beginning and left the shrimp or fish for some time?
¾ What impact would such an influence of temperature have on ectothermic marine
organisms during different seasons or in different areas?
Bio124 Fall 2014 (Dr. Paddack) Lab 2: Water & Organisms; Settlement Plate Set‐Up Page 10 of 14 III. Salinity
The salinity of seawater can vary from 30‰ (‰ is parts per thousand) (near the
poles) to 41‰ (at some places in the tropics). However, most seawater has a salinity of
35‰ and remains fairly constant.
Most marine organisms are adapted to living in the water with a fairly stable
salinity and cannot regulate their internal saltiness (unlike us). If fresh water is
encountered, many organisms therefore can no longer control the amount of water
entering their cells and their cells fill with water and explode (lyse). On the other hand, if
super salty water is encountered, their cells lose water to such an extent that the cells
dehydrate and collapse (plasmolyze).
Salt increases the density (mass per unit volume) of water causing saltier water
to be heavier than less salty water. This causes saltier water masses to sink below less
salty water masses of the same temperature and pressure.
The salt of seawater is composed of many different substances (e.g., sodium,
potassium, etc.). This makes measuring total salinity very difficult. The three most
common methods introduced here each measure a different aspect of salinity.
Salinity is measured in parts per thousand (written o/oo) by several methods
including a hydrometer, chemical titration, and salinometer.
A. Salinity Measurement Instruments - familiarize yourself with the following three
methods of measuring salinity by doing the exercises below.
1. Hydrometer – a method used to measure salinity that uses density (specific
gravity) of the seawater. As more salt is dissolved in water the density
increases. Several hydrometer types are commonly used but not all take into
account the changes in density produced by temperature. You will use two
hydrometer methods - an inexpensive plastic hydrometer sold for use in the
aquarium trade and an expensive glass hydrometer set used by scientists.
a. Aquarium Hydrometer - designed for ocean aquariums 68 - 85° Fahrenheit.
i. Fill the plastic hydrometer by submerging it in the bucket of seawater at
your table. Lift filled hydrometer straight up & let water drain into the bucket.
iii. Set the hydrometer on the towel and record both the specific gravity and
salinity readings here as indicated by the pointer. If there are bubbles on
the pointer gently tap the hydrometer or refill.
Density (specific gravity):
________grams per cubic centimeter (g/cm3)
parts per thousand (o/oo) Temperature_________
Now, with the same water, place the hydrometer in the ice bucket for 5
minutes. Re-do the measurements and record here:
Density (specific gravity):
________grams per cubic centimeter (g/cm3)
parts per thousand (o/oo) Temperature_________
When you are finished please pour the water back into the bucket.
Bio124 Fall 2014 (Dr. Paddack) Lab 2: Water & Organisms; Settlement Plate Set‐Up Page 11 of 14 b. Hydrometer Set – (glass cylinder, glass hydrometer, thermometer, TSD graph) measures salinity indirectly by measuring the density & taking temperature into
i. Fill the glass cylinder to about 3 inches from the top with seawater.
ii. Carefully immerse the protected thermometer (do not drop it).
iii. Carefully immerse the hydrometer, weighted end first, until it floats freely (do
not drop it).
iv. Read the density (specific gravity as mass per unit volume, or g/cm3) by
reading the top of the meniscus (the top of the water that climbs the neck of
the hydrometer). Seawater densities will generally be between 1.000 and
1.050. (The 1.0 part is written at the top of your hydrometer and the next two
decimal places, hundredths and thousandths, are along the neck.) For
example, a typical reading would be 27 1/2 which is a density of 1.0275
v. Record your density reading here:
vi. Record the temperature here:
ºC , ______ºF
vii. With these the two readings (temperature and density) you can use a TSD
(temperature, salinity, density) graph. By knowing two of the variables, the third one
(salinity in this case) can be determined.
viii. Determine the salinity of your sample using the following TSD graph and
your recorded values from part e. and f.
Bio124 Fall 2014 (Dr. Paddack) Lab 2: Water & Organisms; Settlement Plate Set‐Up Page 12 of 14 When you are finished, carefully dry off the hydrometer and place back in its box.
Other methods used to measure salinity include:
2. Chemical Titration (Knudsen Titration)
Measures salinity by measuring the chlorine (one of the salt components) and
calculating the total salinity by its proportion.
Salinometer - measures total salinity by changes in electrical conductivity (more
salt makes a better conductor).
Refractometer: measures the change of direction of light as it passes from air
to water. The more salt in the water, the slower the light moves. This method
is not very precise. You can see this by placing a pencil in water, it looks bent
at the part that is at the water’s surface.
The refractometer will be located on the instructor’s desk for you to bring a
sample of the water from your bucket and test it by placing a drop of water in the well.
Record your results here:
Salinity Questions
1. Did you observe a difference in the salinity measured using the aquarium
hydrometer at the two different temperatures?
Was this a true difference in salinity?
Explain why the measurement differed.
2. Do you think that any of the above methods would be more or less accurate than
others? Why?
3. Why does the TSD graph method provide more accurate results than the aquarium
Bio124 Fall 2014 (Dr. Paddack) Lab 2: Water & Organisms; Settlement Plate Set‐Up Page 13 of 14 B. Effects of salinity on marine life
1. Cells of marine plants and fresh water
a. Blades of kelp have been placed in fresh water and in seawater for the past
hour. Water can pass through the cell membranes but salt cannot. If the
salinity of the cells differs than that of the surrounding fluid, water will either
flow in or out of the cell in an attempt by the cell to equalize the salinity
internally & externally. This is the process of osmosis.
Observations & Questions
1. Compare the texture and look of the kelp blades in the fresh water vs. the salt
water baths and describe what you see.
2. What is happening to the kelp when placed in fresh water?
3. Given the impact of freshwater on this kelp, what areas of the ocean would you
least likely expect to find it?
IV. Pressure
The pressure of seawater in the ocean varies from 1.03 kg/cm2 at the surface to
1,000 kg/cm2 in the deep ocean trenches and is totally a function of depth. For every
10 meters, the pressure rises by one “atmosphere” (the weight of the atmosphere on
you when you are at sea level: 14.7 lb/in2 or 1.03 kg/cm2).
Organisms living at great depths must contend with these crushing pressures (we
will discuss this and other challenges in detail when we learn about the deep sea).
As with the two previous measurements (temperature and salinity), density is
affected by pressure. Increased pressure increases the density of seawater but
pressure has the least effect on density.
Hold the pressure demonstration jar over the sink and fill with water.
While continuing to hold it over the sink, observe how the water flows out of each
of the 3 holes (which are all of equal size). What do you observe?
Provide a possible explanation for your observation – what is causing the
phenomena you observed?
Bio124 Fall 2014 (Dr. Paddack) Lab 2: Water & Organisms; Settlement Plate Set‐Up Page 14 of 14 V. Density
Density is defined as mass per unit volume. Seawater is a relatively dense medium.
It is affected by temperature, salinity and pressure (in that order with pressure having
little effect except in the deep sea).
¾ Fill in this table indicating whether water density will increase or decrease:
Density of water
Temperature increase
Salinity increase
Pressure increase
Two water masses of the same density may have radically different temperatures
and salinities. (You may even find cold water on top of warm water or more saline
water on top of less saline water - both examples being the opposite to what you'd
expect due to the interaction of the three variables that affect density.)
Water masses that are more dense will always sink below less dense water masses
no matter what their temperature, salinity, or pressure. Some ocean currents are
actually due to density differences in the masses of ocean water. This type of
circulation is called “thermohaline” circulation.
1. Temperature - As temperature increases, water becomes less dense (and will
not buoy things up as well). I will demonstrate this by using a specially weighted
copper ball.
Describe where in the cylinder the ball floats in the water column of the
cold water.
Describe where in the cylinder the ball floats in the water column of the hot
Does the level where the ball floats differ between the two? Explain why.
4. Salinity & density: When you swim in the ocean, you float more easily than
you do when swimming in freshwater. Why do you think this happens?
Clean Up:
1. Rinse all used glassware in freshwater return it to where you got it.
2. Return your clipboard to the clipboard drawer.
3. Remember to turn in your lab (all pages) or have them checked before you
Bio 124 Fall 2014 (Dr. Paddack) Lab 3: Pigments of Marine Algae Page 1 of 4
Name ________________________________________
Lab Partners ___________________________________
1. Learn what differentiates the 3 major phyla of marine algae.
2. Extract pigments from algae and observe the different types in each alga.
3. Understand why this variation occurs.
Equipment to be used:
1. Chromatography chamber
2. Thin Layer Chromatography Plates (TLC)
The organisms that are primary producers (photosynthesizers) in the ocean are different
from those on land. True plants occur in on land, but in the ocean, algae (phytoplankton &
seaweeds) dominate. Algae are classified into 3 different major groups (Phyla) based upon
morphology & their pigments: Phylum Chlorophyta = green algae; Phylum Rhodophyta = red
algae; Phylum Phaeophyta = brown algae. All algae and plants contain the green pigment
chlorophyll, that begins the photosynthetic reaction, but different groups of plants and algae may
also have accessory pigments that help them to absorb different wavelengths of light more
available to them in their particular habitat. These accessory pigments can mask the green color of
The pigments of algae are classified into three major groups – chlorophylls (appear green),
carotenoids (appear yellow or orange), and phycobilins (appear red). Chlorophyll itself occurs as
several molecular forms - chlorophyll a, b, c, and d. It is only chlorophyll a that is common in all
photosynthetic plants. The other chlorophylls act as accessory pigments. The carotenoids occur
as carotene or xanthophyll. One type of carotene (beta carotene) may be found in green, red and
brown algae as an accessory pigment. The xanthophyll called fucoxanthin is found only in the
brown algae. Both chlorophylls and carotenoids are soluble in alcohol and will be the focus of our
study today. The phycobilins (reddish pigments) are water soluble and will not show up in these
tests today. Each species of algae has its own number and type of accessory pigments, but it may
be hard to tell red and brown algae apart because both may appear dark red or brown.
Although chlorophyll a is the major photosynthetic pigment it is the accessory pigments (the
other chlorophylls, carotenoids and phycobilins) that are able to use wavelengths of light not used
by chlorophyll a (and pass this on to chlorophyll a as energy). The wavelengths of light most used
in photosynthesis are filtered out in the top few meters of seawater which limits the depth to which
an algal species can grow. By having accessory pigments many species of algae (especially the
red algae and brown algae) can live at depths deeper than the top few meters but where there is
still sufficient light for photosynthesis (if it can be captured by these accessory pigments and the
energy passed on to chlorophyll a). Chlorophyll a always starts photosynthesis and it must first be
energized enough to do this.
Today, we will look at the pigments soluble in alcohol (chlorophylls, carotenoids) found in
specimens from the three algal groups (green, red, and brown). We will use a method called Thin
Layer Chromatography (TLC). Each pair of students will run one chromatogram containing
pigments from green, red and brown algae.
Bio 124 Fall 2014 (Dr. Paddack) Lab 3: Pigments of Marine Algae Page 2 of 4
Lab Exercises:
1. Obtain a piece of red, green, and brown algae each about the size of a quarter. Rinse in sea
water by putting some sea water in one side of your plastic carrier. Blot dry with paper towels (do
not rinse in fresh water, and dry it as best as you can).
2. Mash up each one separately with a mortar and pestle - add a little ethanol to help extract the
pigments. The mush should be a yellow green color. (Wash mortar and pestle and dry well
between algal types.) Have about 1 teaspoon of liquid in the mortar with as much color as possible.
3. With a grease pencil, label three centrifuge tubes with your initials, then mark one GR (for green),
one RD (for red), and one BR (for brown).
4. Pour off the fluid from the mashed up algae (from #2 above) into the test tube labeled in #3.
5. Bring all three of the test tubes to the instructor. The instructor will balance the centrifuge and run
it for about 2 minutes.
6. Label the three small containers with the grease pencil GR, RD, and BR (or place a labeled piece
of paper under each). Pour the contents of the test tubes into the small container with the same
label (the centrifuging leaves behind any cellular fragments).
7. Obtain a TLC plate (one per every 2 students). Lightly pencil your initials on the top right corner
being very careful not to touch the front side of the plate. Lightly pencil in the abbreviations GR,
RD, and BR near the top of the plate as shown in the diagram. You can touch the top of the TLC
plate but don’t touch the middle or bottom or you will get your oils on the plate and mess up your
8. Using a clean capillary tube for each type of algae 'spot' the chromatography plate 1 cm up from
the bottom of the plate. Put the extract from the green algae under the GR, red algae under the
RD, and brown algae under the BR. Spot it so that your spot is about ¼ to ½ inch across in
diameter. Let it dry and spot it again until it is dark (about 20 times). Be careful not to scratch the
coating of the TLC plate. Let dry 5 min. Draw in (with colored pencils) what your TLC plate looks
like now in the diagram called Beginning Plate.
9. Run in pure acetone only until the acetone has just passed the spot. Remove from the acetone
and let dry approximately 5 min. Always keep the lids on the chromatography chambers - don't
breathe the fumes.
10. Run in 30% acetone in petroleum ether until there is a good separation. As the solvent
(acetone or acetone/ether) wicks up the plate it will carry the pigments – some floating more than
others. Pretty soon (3-4 minutes) each pigment will be a separate line.
11. Draw your results in below in the diagram called Ending Plate with colored pencils so it looks
like your finished plate. Record the identification of each pigment if you can.
Bio 124 Fall 2014 (Dr. Paddack) Lab 3: Pigments of Marine Algae Page 3 of 4
Key to identification: yellow, orange = carotenoid
gray = chlorophyll (degradation)
green = chlorophyll
Beginning Plate
Ending Plate
Algal Group
(green and
Total number of
(all chlorophylls +
all accessories)
Green Algae
Red Algae
Brown Algae
1. Was there any type of pigment found in all types of algae? Which type?
Number of
pigments (total
pigments -1
Bio 124 Fall 2014 (Dr. Paddack) Lab 3: Pigments of Marine Algae Page 4 of 4
2. If there was no chlorophyll pigment in a sample what could account for this. [Remember that one
chlorophyll is necessary for photosynthesis.]
3. Explain the role of accessory pigments in marine algae.
4. Of the algae you examined, which would you expect to be able to photosynthesize best in deeper
waters? Why?
5. Which group of algae is known to live the deepest?
Before you leave lab be sure you know what the following pieces of oceanographic equipment
look like, and what they are used to sample or measure. If they sample something then know
what you do with the sample. If they measure then know what an average measurement is (or
how it varies):
Chromatography Chamber
Thin Layer Chromatography Plates
Clean Up:
1. Throw away used capillary tubes in Glass/Sharps Disposal container.
2. Put centrifuge tubes in soapy solution.
3. Wash and dry other materials you used (except centrifuge tubes) and return to your tray.
4. Wipe your plastic carrier with a paper towel so that all sand and algae goes into the trashcan.
5. Rinse your plastic carrier.
6. TLC plates can be thrown away (the colors will degrade in a week or so).
Bio 124 Fall 2014 (Dr. Paddack) Lab 4: Currents, Waves, Profile Page 1 of 8 Name: ________________________________________________________
Lab Partners: _____________________________________________________________
1. Learn how to use scientific equipment and observations to take measurements of ocean
currents and wave characteristics.
2. Make observations that allow you to distinguish high energy from low energy coastal areas.
3. Understand how and why coastal transport currents (e.g., longshore currents) occur and
how they affect our shores via transport of sand, water, and flotsam.
Equipment to be used:
1) Surface floats
2) Current dye
3) compass 4) transect tape 5) GPS 6) Surveying set
7) Sieves & graduated cylinders
Lab Activities:
Today we will spend the lab period at Leadbetter Beach studying the currents, waves and
beach profile. You will work in teams of 4-6 people. Each team will conduct a survey at each of 3
stations (Currents, Waves, Beach Profile), rotating between stations.
Tidal Height: _________ at time:
General Weather notes:
Data Tables (Instructions are on following pages)
Type of Study
Direction of travel
(compass bearing)
A. Surface
Float #1
I. Currents
Float #2
Float #3
II. Waves
III. Beach Profile
1. Compass direction wind is coming from
2. Wind speed
1. Compass direction waves coming from
2. Wave frequency (number per minute)
3. Wave period (seconds)
4. Wave classification
5. Wave height (meters)
6. Wave amplitude (meters)
7. Wavelength (meters)
8. Depth of water motion due to swell (m)
9. Depth where waves are breaking (m)
10. Type of waves
(spillers, plungers, or both)
11. Elevation using GPS
12. Latitude using GPS
13. Longitude using GPS
Height above sea level of berm crest
(after finishing graph on page 5) (in feet)
Type of beach (high or low energy)
Time and distance
(meters per minute)
Bio 124 Fall 2014 (Dr. Paddack) Lab 4: Currents, Waves, Profile Page 2 of 8 Station I. Currents: Use surface floats & dye to identify the speed & direction of coastal currents.
Currents are caused by many factors that may act singly or together. The major ocean
currents are caused by the rotation of the earth, winds, water masses in motion encountering a
land mass, and the Coriolis force. These currents form clockwise gyres in the northern
hemisphere and counterclockwise gyres in the southern hemisphere. Local current patterns are
generally affected somewhat by the major ocean currents but are much more complex (and may
even run in the opposite direction to the prevailing current). These local currents may result
from bottom topography, temperature-salinity-density differences between water masses, wind,
and/or the direction from which the waves come. Longshore currents result in the narrow band
of breaking waves if the waves result from a swell coming from upcoast or downcoast. These
longshore currents move tremendous amounts of loose material along coastlines each year
(mostly sand).
Current Study Exercises
A. Surface Floats
1. Have one person throw a surface float just beyond the surf zone (breaking waves) while
another team member records the time and holds the transect tape at the place where the
float was thrown in.
2. Measure how far the float travels in 1 minute by having one team member hold the tape at
the point of entry and the other member pulling out the tape along the coast to the point
onshore of the float at the end of 1 minute. Leave the float alone for the full 1 minute even
if it washes ashore.
3. Record direction traveled (compass direction & orientation to shore) and distance in meters
per minute in the data table on page 1.
4. Recover the float at the end of 1 minute and repeat. If the float is too far offshore to
recover it, just begin your next observation from that point where it is. But do try to retrieve
the float if you can.
5. Add up the three distances and divide by 3 (this is the average distance in one minute –
record this in the data table.
Station II. Waves: learn to identify & measure wave characteristics
Introduction: Waves are caused primarily by winds. Storms at sea produce most of the waves
reaching our shore. They travel from the storm area as "wave trains" in all directions. The
wavelength is the distance between equal points on a wave (e.g., crest to crest). Water is
displaced very little as a wave moves - the water molecules move in circular (or oval) orbits to a
depth of one half the wavelength only. Waves are considered deep water waves as long as the
water depth is greater than half their wavelength. As waves move into shallower water, they
drag, or 'feel the bottom', when the depth is less than half their wavelength causing them to slow
down, their height to increase and their wavelength to shorten as the crests pile up. At a height
of 1/7 the original wavelength, the wave is unstable and it will break. This is also where the wave
height is at a ratio to the water depth of 3:4.
¾ Draw a wave diagram here:
Bio 124 Fall 2014 (Dr. Paddack) Lab 4: Currents, Waves, Profile Page 3 of 8 Wave Study Exercise
1. Determine the direction of the waves by pointing the compass at the waves (direction from
which you see them coming) and spinning the dial to align with North. Record bearing in table on
page 1.
2. Determine the wave frequency (number of waves passing a point for a given time) for one
. Average
minute. Do this three times and record here:
(add all three and divide by 3) and record in the data table.
3. Determine the wave period (time for waves to pass a point) by dividing 60 seconds by the
wave frequency (#waves/min). Record your answer as the wave period in seconds in the table
on page 1.
4. Determine the wave classification by using the information below:
less than .1 sec
.1-1 sec
1 - 30 sec
30 sec- 5 min
5 min - 12 hr
12 hr - 24 hr
Capillary wave
Ultragravity wave
Gravity (wind) wave
Infragravity wave
Long-period wave
Tidal (tsunami) wave
5. Determine the approximate wave height by estimating the height of the wave from trough to
crest just before they break. Record in the table on page 1.
6. Determine the wave amplitude by dividing the wave height by 2, record in the table.
7. Determine the wavelength of the wave, by multiplying the wave height (just before breaking)
by 7 (waves become unstable when their height is 1/7 their original wavelength, and break) and
record in the table on page 1.
8. Determine the depth of water motion due to swell by dividing the wavelength by 2. Water
moves under waves (swell) only to a depth of one half the wavelength as these waves travel
over deep water (deeper than half the wavelength). Record in the table on page 1.
9. Determine the water depth where the wave begins to break by multiplying the wave height by
4/3 = one and a third (waves break when the wave height to water depth ratio is 3/4 or H/D =
3/4). Record in the table on page 1.
10. Decide what type of waves are common today (a spiller where it foams down the face or a
plunger where the foam lands in the trough and there is usually a ‘tube of air’). Record in the
table on page 1.
11-13. Use the GPS unit to read the elevation, latitude and longitude. Record in the table on
page 1.
Bio 124 Fall 2014 (Dr. Paddack) Lab 4: Currents, Waves, Profile Page 4 of 8 Station III. Beach Profile: measure beach profile and substrate type.
Introduction: The profile of a beach can give a lot of information as to the type of wave activity
that has been going on. A steep beach face (usually accompanied by relatively large sand grains)
indicates a High Energy Beach classification (big waves) whereas a gently sloping beach face
(usually accompanied by relatively small sand grains) indicates a Low Energy beach classification
(small waves). This information can later be correlated with the type of animals living there.
¾ Draw a diagram of the areas of a beach below. Label the berm, berm crest, foreshore,
backshore, swash zone, surf zone, and dune.
A. Beach Profile Exercise
1. Locate the berm. Have one person hold the 0 end of the transect tape at the berm. Have a
partner take the transect reel and walk straight away from shore for 6 m.
2. Set up the tripod at this point (with the transect tape centered in the middle of the tripod
legs). Set the sighting level on the tripod and level it.
3. Pull the transect line directly seaward to the edge of the waves, placing a flag each 2 m.
Reel up the tape and put in bucket.
2. Have one team member look through the sighting while another holds the stadia rod at each
2 meter mark moving from the tripod to the water line (not in the water, just to the wet
sand). Record measurements below:
Transect location
In meters
Sighting level reading
of stadia rods
__________ (berm crest)
Bio 124 Fall 2014 (Dr. Paddack) Lab 4: Currents, Waves, Profile Page 5 of 8 22
3. The average water line is going to be our estimate of the height of the tide level at that
particular time. Circle this on your data (the last transect reading).
4. Graph your profile on the graph paper on the following page. Use the top axis as 0 and
coming down the correct number of stadia rod units (in feet) for each station. The length of
the graph on the next page is divided into as many units as your number of stations (transect
locations every 2 meters) (x-axis) and labeled with the location in meters along your transect
line (2, 4, 6, etc.) starting left to right at the top. The width of your graph (y-axis) has been
divided into feet. Join all points to form the beach profile.
5. Draw a heavy line to indicate the water line and label it with the tide height. You can then use
this to determine the approximate height above sea level of other beach features (this line is
the level of the ocean at this time = the tide height).
6. Write the locations of the following beach features on your graph:
backshore. foreshore. berm crest
7. Determine how high above sea level your berm crest is (see step 5). Record in
the table on page 1.
Bio 124 Fall 2014 (Dr. Paddack) Lab 4: Currents, Waves, Profile Page 6 of 8 B. Substrate Grain Size Analysis
1. Use the sieve to sort 500 mL of dry sand into size categories. Use the graduated cylinders
to measure the volume of each grain size. Record below:
Volume of initial sample:
Sieve Volume
Mid-Beach Proportion
(mid(sieve size
volume/initial volume
x 100)
Volume (point)
Point Proportion (sieve
size volume/initial
volume x 100)
2. What do these differences tell you about wave action along this beach?
Classify the beach as you see it today as a High Energy Beach or a Low Energy Beach based
on the sand grain size and slope. Record in the table on page 1.
1. Fill out the following table to compare how the two areas of the beach differ in terms of each
of the parameters measured by the different groups
Wave direction
Wave height
Berm height
Current direction
Current speed
% coarsest sand
2. Explain what could cause each of the parameters to differ:
Wave direction
Wave height
Berm height
Current direction/speed
% coarsest sand
Bio 124 Fall 2014 (Dr. Paddack) Lab 4: Currents, Waves, Profile Page 7 of 8 3. Describe the current that you observed in terms of its orientation to shore and relative
direction along the coast.
4. In this part of the world, the longshore current is most often downcoast. Why do you think it
goes in this direction?
5. Beaches can vary greatly in terms of the grain size of the sand or rocks. If you were on a
beach that had very fine sand, would you expect the waves to be strong? Why or why not?
6. Big Sur (the coast to our north) has many beaches composed of boulders and gravel rather
than sand. What does this indicate about the wave action along this coastline?
Bio 124 Fall 2014 (Dr. Paddack) Lab 4: Currents, Waves, Profile Page 8 of 8 Review:
Before you leave lab be sure you know what the following pieces of oceanographic equipment
look like and what they are used to sample or measure. If they sample something then know
what you do with the sample. If they measure then know what an average measurement is or
how it varies:
Float Bottle
Current Dye
GPS unit
Surveying Equipment (tripod, sighting level, transect line, stadia rod)
Drift Cards
Bio 124 Fall 2014 (Dr. Paddack) Lab 5: Trawl Page 1 of 6 Name: ________________________________________________________
Lab partners: ________________________________________________________________
1. Learn how to use scientific equipment to take samples of water and marine organisms from
aboard a boat.
2. Observe the diversity of benthic organisms in the nearshore soft-bottom substrate.
3. Compare in shore to offshore plankton.
Equipment to be used:
1. Compass
2. GPS
3. Otter Trawl
4. Bottom sampler
Oceanographers frequently use ships as a platform for data collection. There are many
different activities that occur aboard oceanographic vessels, often using increasingly high-tech
equipment and interfacing with computers and remote sensors (satellites). Some traditional
equipment, however, still provides some of the best samples. Trawling is a common type of
sampling procedure used to catch benthic marine organisms in the ocean larger than a few inches.
It is used by commercial fishermen as well as scientists. There are many types of trawls - each
designed for a specific purpose. The Otter Trawl (nothing to do with sea otters) is designed to catch
the organisms resting on or just above soft bottoms (sand or mud). A midwater trawl is designed to
catch organisms in the water column - it can be adjusted to open and close at particular depths so
that it "fishes" only at those depths.
For our lab we will use a small version of the Otter Trawl see below; only 20 feet across the
mouth; commercial varieties can be > 100 ft wide). The mouth of the net is held open by "doors", or
otter boards, one on each side of the net that pull apart as the boat moves forward. The net is like a
giant sock with the bottom of the opening held down by a chain (or lead line) and the top of the
opening held up by floats. The net tapers to the end where it is tied off. This end is called the cod
end and is where the organisms pile up. When retrieving the net, the cod end can be untied and the
organisms dumped out easily. Each of the doors is attached at just the right angle to plane toward
the bottom and apart by chain and a bridle. The bridle from the right and left door come together at
a swivel (to avoid twisting) that attaches to a long cable from the hydraulic winch on the boat.
We will use the otter trawl to sample the organisms from the Santa Barbara Channel that live
on, or just above, the soft bottom.
Bio 124 Fall 2014 (Dr. Paddack) Lab 5: Trawl Page 2 of 6 Instructions for boat trip
For this lab we will leave our lab at SBCC promptly at the time your lab usually begins and
walk to the harbor. The boat is located west of the harbor, past the boat launching ramp, at Sea
Landing (directly seaward from Bath Street). We must leave promptly, so if you are late, you may
miss the boat.
Be sure to wear appropriate clothing for a boat – remember that it can be colder & breezier
offshore, so a windbreaker is recommended. If you wear a hat, be sure you have one that is not
easily blown off. Be ready to help with the trawl net, possibly get wet feet, help sort and count the
organisms and possibly get a little dirty. You should leave your car where you normally park as it
costs money to park in the harbor parking lot and most of the street parking is 90 minutes only.
Please use the restroom before you board (boat toilets are notoriously tricky).
Trawl trips will be non smoking cruises. If you are worried about being seasick please
consult your doctor or pharmacist. In general the ocean is very calm in the early fall and our trip is
less than two hours in the open ocean.
The United States Federal Government has strict laws regarding any illegal
substances aboard boats. This is called "Zero Tolerance" and results in the confiscation of
the boat if any amount of an illegal substance is found aboard even if it is on a passenger.
This has some very important consequences for boat operators who carry passengers - all
passengers must be apprised of this regulation to protect boat owners. Be sure that you do
not have any controlled substance with you for any reason.
Oceanographic Cruise Exercises
Exercise 1: Oceanographic Observations
While we travel out to the trawl location, carefully observe and note the following (focus your time
carefully observing, you may write brief notes and fill them out in detail when we get back to land).
1. Physical characteristics of the ocean (size of waves, color of water, current patterns, etc):
2. Marine organisms visible (e.g., sea birds, marine mammals, large plankton, fishes, etc.) and
behaviors observed:
Bio 124 Fall 2014 (Dr. Paddack) Lab 5: Trawl Page 3 of 6 3. We will take many of the same measurements we did from the docks during your previous
labs (particularly the 1st lab and the currents lab). We will use the van Doorn to collect water
from surface and at depth.
Students will be assigned to conduct each of the following measures. Be sure to record each
in the table below.
Remember that measurements need to be taken immediately upon collection of the water
Depth where subsurface sample was taken _______m
Wind speed: _______________
Wind direction: _______________
Surface current speed: _______________ Current surface direction: _______________
Swell height (estimate): _________________ compass direction swell is coming from____________
Swell frequency (seconds between successive wave crests): _________________
(DO probe)
(pH meter)
Salinity (ppt)
Water color
(Forel Ule)
Surface water
Bottom Water
Exercise 2: Offshore Plankton Tow
1. Draw and/or describe two different plankton from the offshore plankton tow sample.
Bio 124 Fall 2014 (Dr. Paddack) Lab 5: Trawl Page 4 of 6 Exercise 3: Otter trawl
1. Observe the deployment of the otter trawl. Note the following data points:
Time of day trawl deployed: _____________ Time retrieved:__________ Total time: ________
In groups of 2-3 students, visit the captain at the helm, observe the equipment he is using to
navigate and record the following information from that:
Depth of the bottom for trawl: _________ Location of trawl:___________________________
Latitude:___________________ Longitude: _________________________
We will describe and count organisms obtained in the trawl when the boat returns to shore.
Record as much detail as possible about the each of the organisms in the space below:
Drawing or description
Bio 124 Fall 2014 (Dr. Paddack) Organism
Lab 5: Trawl Drawing or description
Page 5 of 6 Abundance
Bio 124 Fall 2014 (Dr. Paddack) Lab 5: Trawl Page 6 of 6 Review Questions:
1. What type of organisms were most abundant in the trawl?
2. Which were most rare?
3. What characteristics of the most abundant organism do you observe that you think make it so
successful in this habitat?
4. Was the diversity of organisms in the trawl high or low (in your opinion). Why do you think it was
or was not?
5. To you, what was the most unusual specimen or unexpected finding?
Before you leave lab be sure you know what the following pieces of oceanographic equipment
look like, and what they are used to sample or measure. If they sample something then know
what you do with the sample. If they measure then know what an average measurement is (or
how it varies):
Otter Trawl (and its parts as diagrammed on page 1)
Plankton Net
GPS, Depth Sounder
Bio 124 Fall 2014 (Dr. Paddack) Lab 6: Plankton Productivity Page 1 of 6 Name: ___________________________________________
Lab Partners: ___________________________________________________________________
1. Learn how to use scientific equipment to obtain plankton samples.
2. Distinguish phytoplankton from zooplankton.
3. Identify seasonal cycles of planktonic productivity and understand why they occur.
Equipment to be used:
1. Standard plankton net
2. Secchi disc & transect tape
3. Sedgewick-Rafter Plankton Counter
4. Compound microscope
Planktonic organisms are organisms that cannot swim against a current. They are the
'drifters' of the marine environment, at the mercy of the current they are in. Most plankton are small
and microscopic (they are 'drifters' simply because of their size), but some are quite large (some
jellyfish are up to 10 m long!). There are 2 groups of plankton: phytoplankton and zooplankton.
Phytoplankton are the photosynthesizers of the sea – creating the base of most food webs
in the marine ecosystem just as plants do on land. These floating primary producers occur in all
oceans near the surface (where there is enough light for photosynthesis) where nutrients (nitrogen,
phosphorous, and potassium) are available. The only other major primary producers in the ocean
are the seaweeds that are almost entirely restricted to the shoreline where they can attach in the
lighted surface waters. Therefore, it is the phytoplankton that is the base of most of the food webs
in the open ocean, but their abundance varies in space and time in relation to location, season,
nutrient cycles, etc. A measure of the amount of phytoplankton is often used as a measure of
productivity in oceanography and is a key indicator of the status of marine systems.
The animal plankton is called zooplankton and form the next steps in the food web. Many
of these zooplankton are herbivores, feeding on phytoplankton only (therefore the second step of
the food web and called primary consumers). Others are carnivorous (therefore the third, or higher,
step of the food web and called secondary consumers) and feed on the herbivorous zooplankton or
other carnivorous zooplankters. There are also omnivorous zooplankters that eat both
phytoplankton and zooplankton. The most common herbivorous zooplankter is a copepod.
Phytoplankton and zooplankton numbers vary throughout the year (even day to day). Here,
in the temperate zone, their most common seasonal abundance is according to the following table.
During spring and fall blooms diatoms and copepods may be found by the millions per cubic meter
of water whereas during winter they generally are found by the hundreds per cubic meter of water.
¾ Fill in the following table, noting relative levels (i.e., high or low)
Light levels
Nutrient levels
Bio 124 Fall 2014 (Dr. Paddack) Lab 6: Plankton Productivity Page 2 of 6 Use the space below to recreate the graph I present in class. Be sure to carefully distinguish
between the phytoplankton and zooplankton levels and the seasons of the year. This graph
describes a general temperate area (and is different from either a polar area or a tropical area).
Label the following on your graph:
a) Beginning of fall bloom
b) Middle of the fall bloom
c) end of fall bloom
d) beginning of winter levels
e) mid-season between beginning & standard winter levels
f) standard winter levels
Today we will take plankton samples from the harbor with standard plankton nets. We will calculate
the amount of water sampled and count the plankters in a subsample of our plankton sample. From
this we will calculate the number of plankters in the volume of water that we sampled. This will give
us an idea of the amount of plankton in the water today as well as the relative numbers of common
phytoplankters and zooplankters.
1. Divide into teams (each side of the table will be a team) & be sure you have all the sampling
equipment required for your team.
2. Proceed to the harbor with the instructor and take your sample.
Date __________________ Marina #: _________ circle dock location: offshore / inshore
Type of net used by your team ______________________________
a. Number of tows _______
b. Length of tow ________ meters
c. Volume of net mouth = .05 square meters
d. Amount of water sampled ________ cubic meters
(Multiply a X b X c to get this)
3. Take a Secchi disc reading. Record the visibility in feet or meters: __________
Bio 124 Fall 2014 (Dr. Paddack) Lab 6: Plankton Productivity Page 3 of 6 Back at the lab:
4. Measure your sample in the large graduated cylinder and record here: ________ ml
5. Split your sample into two small beakers, using the Folsom Plankton Splitter, so that every
two people have a subsample.
6. Fill an eye dropper from your subsample (aim for the ‘scum’ at the bottom of your beaker)
and put it on a Sedgewick Rafter Plankton Counting Chamber – filling to the top of the brass
square (each chamber holds 1 ml.)
7. Add a drop or two of Protoslo/Detain and carefully put on the cover glass. To avoid air
bubbles, try to place the cover glass directly down, or slide from the side, pushing away
excess water.
8. Get a compound microscope for every two students. Look over your sample and become
familiar with the common phytoplankters and zooplankters. The instructor will give a group
lesson for microscope use and plankton identification. Use only the shortest (4x) and next
shortest (10x; green band) objective lenses.
9. Using the 4x lens, count what you see in 10 different squares of your chamber under the
microscope (split up this task by having one person count 5 squares while the other records
the data and then switch tasks). It is easiest to count with the shortest lens. Record below:
Number of plankters in each of 10 squares of counting chamber:
Total of 10 squares: Phytoplankton: ___________
Zooplankton: ____________
10. Multiply the estimated number of phytoplankton and zooplankton by 40 (this will give you an
estimate of how many were in the entire counting chamber - you counted 10 squares and
there are about 400 squares in each chamber, 10 X 40 = 400 which was 1 ml of your
sample). Record here.
Number of plankters in 1 ml of sample (400 squares, or entire chamber)
Phyto: ___________ Zoo: ____________
11. Multiply the numbers that you calculated for phytoplankton and zooplankton in 1 ml (# 10) by
the size of your original sample in ml (# 4) before splitting. This will give you how many plankters
you collected from the water that you sampled. Record here.
Plankters in entire sample before splitting
Phyto: ___________ Zoo: ____________
12. Divide the numbers of plankters in your entire sample by how many cubic meters of water you
sampled (calculated above in # 2). This will give you an estimate of how many phytoplankters and
zooplankters that are in each cubic meter of water today in the place that we sampled. Record here
(no decimals please, round off).
Plankters per cubic meter of water in the harbor today
Phyto: ___________ Zoo: ____________
Bio 124 Fall 2014 (Dr. Paddack) Lab 6: Plankton Productivity Page 4 of 6 Questions:
1. Draw or describe one phytoplankton in your sample. Note the color(s), if any.
2. Draw one zooplankton from your sample. Note the color(s), shape, and behavior (such as
movement patterns).
3. Fill out this chart using the class data:
Phytoplankton abundance
Zooplankton abundance
Inner station
Inner station
Inner station
station 1
station 2
station 3
Bio 124 Fall 2014 (Dr. Paddack) Lab 6: Plankton Productivity Page 5 of 6 4. Is there a difference in plankton abundance among the stations? If so, describe what you
5. What factors do you think would cause the abundance to vary/not vary on this spatial scale
(one marina)?
6. Do you think the plankton abundance would be different if we sampled outside of the
harbor? Why/why not?
For the following questions, use only your data (calculated on page 3) to answer the questions (but
remember that oceanographers would repeat this 20-50 times and average the results before
making conclusions).
7. Does your data indicate we are in a plankton bloom or no bloom? [Note that if either
phytoplankton or zooplankton is over 1,000 it may considered a bloom.].
8. Examine the relative abundance of phytoplankton vs. zooplankton that you obtained (#10).
Using the graph on page 2, what phase would you consider the plankton in the harbor today
to be?
9. Several reasons could account for the ratio of phytoplankton to zooplankton. Some would
have a positive effect on the plankton (bloom inducing) and some would have a negative
effect. Since we did not measure light, nutrients or grazing we can’t be sure how these
factors affected our population of plankton, but write down how and why each of the
following could have affected your plankton data today:
a. Light and its effect on phytoplankton.
Varies due to:
Light affects phytoplankton by:
Bio 124 Fall 2014 (Dr. Paddack) Lab 6: Plankton Productivity Page 6 of 6 b. Nutrients and their effect on phytoplankton.
Varies due to:
Nutrients affect phytoplankton by:
c. Abundance of phytoplankton – impact on zooplankton.
Before you leave lab be sure you know what the following pieces of oceanographic equipment
look like, what they are used to sample or measure, and how oceanographers use this
information. If they measure then know what an average measurement is (or how it varies):
Standard Plankton Net
Sedgewick Rafter Plankton Counting Chamber
Compound Microscope
Deck Plankton Collector
Clean Up
1. Leave your group’s plankton net in the bucket – it will be rinsed by the lab tech.
2. Rinse and dry the Sedgewick Rafter plankton counting chamber and cover glass (be careful with
the cover glass). Return the counting chamber to the plastic box where you found it. Each of
these costs over $25 so please be careful with them. Broken cover glasses should be thrown
away in the proper glass recycling container rather than the wastebasket. Save the long cover
3. Rinse and dry (as best you can) all materials you used and return them to your tray. Pour
leftover plankton samples into the container on the instructor desk (for feeding the aquarium).
4. Put away your microscope carefully by following these instructions and checking off each item:
Be sure you have not left a slide on the stage.
Turn the light dimmer switch to the lowest level.
Turn the light off.
Rotate the optics so that the 4x (red ring, shortest optic) is set to go.
Drop the tray to its lowest level & tuck it in fully.
Wipe the tray with distilled water and dry.
Wrap the cord around the cord holder on the back of the microscope.
Carefully carry the microscope with 2 hands and place it back in the cabinet.
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DIRECTIONS FOR CARPINTERIA REEF TIDEPOOLING FIELD TRIP Travel Time: Allow 25 min. from Santa Barbara to where we will meet on the beach. Tidepooling labs begin and end in the "field" with time provided to get to and from in time for class. It will take you 20 minutes to drive to the meeting area from campus. Please leave campus by 2:30 pm so that we can meet at the site promptly at 2:50. We will finish by 5:00pm so that you have time to get back to campus for any evening classes. In case of rain, check your PIPELINE email no earlier than 1 hour before departure time. If weather is too inclement to go to the tidepool, we will meet in the lab for an alternate activity. DRESS ACCORDINGLY. BE PREPARED TO GET WET TO YOUR KNEES. WE MAY ENCOUNTER SOME TAR. IT MAY BE COLD. RESTROOMS ARE FAR AWAY. PLEASE WEAR SHOES. DIRECTIONS FROM SBCC: • Take Highway 101 South to Casitas Pass Road (after the Linden Ave exit). • Turn RIGHT from the exit (toward the ocean). Casitas Pass Road will dead end into Carpinteria Ave. • Turn LEFT onto Carpinteria Ave. • Take the first RIGHT onto Arbol Verde • As you turn onto Arbol Verde make another immediate right turn onto Concho Loma. • Concho Loma makes a triangle with Calle Ocho and Calle Arena. • Park near the corner of Calle Ocho and Calle Arena and walk on the path over the railroad tracks. There are steps to the beach. We will meet on cliff at the top of the steps. Santa Barbara
Linden Ave.
Exit 86B
Los Angeles
Highway 101
Casitas Pass Road
Exit 86A
Carpinteria Avenue
Concho Loma
Arbol Verde
Calle Arena
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NAME: __________________________________________ LAB PARTNERS: _______________________________________________________________ INTRODUCTION TO ROCKY INTERTIDAL ECOSYSTEMS: PHYSICAL & BIOLOGICAL ZONATION Objectives: 1. Identify the 4 intertidal zones of California rocky shores by common indicator species in each. 2. List the most significant physical factors affecting rocky shore ecosystems. 3. Recognize adaptations of intertidal organisms to desiccation and wave action in rocky shores. Materials: 1. Your power of observation 3. Magnifying glasses 2. Clipboards, ID cards Introduction to Carpinteria Carpinteria Reef is a remnant of the former shoreline and has resisted the ravages of time to a greater extent than the surrounding area. A series of vertical layers of Monterey shale lie almost perpendicular to the plane of the earth and parallel to the shoreline. Sand and loose rock oscillating in the ocean surge has ground away the less resistant rock, leaving the low‐lying ledges you see before you. Bordering the reef a few stacks, remnants of former ledges, rise above the sea, their tops festooned with protective mats of algae. The reef is often isolated from the beach by a tidal channel filled with loose rocks of varying sizes. During medium and high tides the reef is largely covered with water, isolating it from the intrusion of mankind. For thousands of years tars from deep in the earth oozed up onto the shoreline and gathered into deep morasses of sticky, black asphaltum which acted as traps for a myriad of animals endemic to this shoreline in time long past. The tars had commercial value to the white men settling the coast during the late eighteen hundreds and the asphaltum was dug from the earth and sold over the United States as paving material. A priceless heritage of thousands of bones and skulls of animals that lived in the region and had become trapped in the tars over a period of thousands of years was lost to us and to the science of paleontology. Streets and sidewalks in Santa Barbara, San Francisco, and New Orleans received this mixture of asphaltum and broken bones. However, all was not lost for in later years the pits left by the mining served as a dump until they became filled and lost their usefulness. Perhaps this will be an archaeological treasure tens of thousands of years in the future. As we walk along the beach toward the reef, the shoreline reveals oozing masses of solidified asphaltum pressing against the sands of the beach, and small rivulets of oils still drip, taffy‐like, down the face of the sea cliffs. A state beach park now occupies the site of the former asphaltum mine. Thousands of campers from all over California visit this park every year. At low tide cycles, dozens of visitors stomp over the reef, viewing mussels, crabs, and starfish in the tidepools and rocks. Thus much of what we see here will not be as prolific as it would be in a more remote site. On the reef we will look for the marine animals and plants able to survive the human intrusion. Of course, many, in fact thousands, are still there to give us an idea of the arrangement of intertidal organisms in relationship to tidal cycles. Remember, the extent of their ability to withstand immersion for varying lengths of time is important to the distribution of those plants and animals found in the higher tide zones, and, conversely, those living in the lower tidal zones must be able to withstand occasional exposure to the drying effects of sunlight and air. In our examination of the reef life, we will concentrate on the distribution of the more obvious Bio 124: BIOLOGICAL OCEANOGRAPHY (Dr. Paddack)
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species of intertidal organisms and try to relate their life habits to their morphology and their place in the ecosystem. There is a law protecting all marine animals in the intertidal zone except those mentioned on the fishing license. Only animals used for food (crabs, octopus) or bait (some worms) can be collected by persons with a fishing license. All others (starfish, etc.) are protected unless one has a scientific collecting permit. LABORATORY EXCERCISES A rocky shore is an ideal living laboratory to become familiar with the marine environment. It can be easily studied without any sophisticated gear or without actually getting wet (usually!). The intertidal, or littoral zone, is that narrow belt along the shoreline that is located between the highest high and lowest low tides. The many organisms that often live on the rocky intertidal are adapted to exposure to air, or emersion, as well as other types of stresses. The intertidal is subdivided broadly into 4 vertical zones based on the amount of time the zone is submerged. From the introduction I provide, list the 4 zones and the amount of time they are exposed to air & name one indicator species for each zone Height Tides that leave it Indicator species Zone Name relative to sea exposed & level % of each day exposed The intertidal zones are differentiated by the species that dominate each particular zone and are controlled by: PHYSICAL factors (set the UPPER limit of each zone). List the 3 most important physical factors 1. 2. 3. List the most important BIOLOGICAL factors (set the LOWER limit of each zone): 1. 2. Bio 124: BIOLOGICAL OCEANOGRAPHY (Dr. Paddack)
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Zone divisions, however, are not always ‘clean’ ‐ species dominance patterns can change abruptly in response to physical and/or biological factors. No single model of zonation gives perfectly consistent results everywhere. For example, tide pools provide permanently submerged areas in higher tidal zones; overhangs provide shaded areas of lower temperature; protected crevices provide permanently moist areas. Such sub‐habitats within a zone can contain quite different organisms from those typical for the zone. I. PHYSIAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE ROCKY INTERTIDAL Observe the physical characteristics of the site: be especially aware of tidal height, direction, wave action, and what you are walking on (for your safety!) 1. Record the tide & weather information: Predicted low tide (in relation to MLLW): _______ ft Time of the low tide: __________ MLLW=Mean Lower Low Water is the average low water mark for the ocean. General weather conditions: sunlight: rain: wind: ocean conditions (wave action, spraying of waves on tide pools): Why is it important to record the general weather conditions? Give some possible differences in what you have observed if the weather conditions were different from today’s weather. 2. Is there a lot of habitat available for organisms that need to attach to something solid (vs. mobile habitat, such as sand)? 3. Draw or describe the geology of the site ‐ Is this site a flat shelf, boulder field, cliffs… 4. What do you notice about the rocks? Are they slippery/rough/dark‐colored, etc? Do they have many cracks? 5. What areas of this intertidal system do you think would be the best places for organisms to live? 6. Does this site have any features that might create extra challenges for organisms living here? Bio 124: BIOLOGICAL OCEANOGRAPHY (Dr. Paddack)
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II. VERTICAL DISTRIBUTION OF THE ROCKY SHORE COMMUNITY 1. Look at the intertidal from a distance. Sketch or describe the zonation that you observe, noting how many zones are visible and how they vary. 2. Explore each of the 4 intertidal zones and try to find as many different organisms as you can within each zone. Look first for the indicator species. For each organism you observe, identify it (if possible) and sketch or describe it in as much detail as possible. Then, focus on particular adaptations it has to this rocky intertidal environment by describing one feature and noting how you think it allows this organism to do well in this environment. Note that if you are observing the area after peak low tide, you may have only a limited view of the low intertidal. Intertidal Species name & Sketch/description Specific Adaptations zone Lower Bio 124: BIOLOGICAL OCEANOGRAPHY (Dr. Paddack)
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Intertidal zone Middle intertidal Species name & Sketch/description Specific Adaptations p. 8 of 12
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Intertidal zone Upper intertidal Species name & Sketch/description Specific Adaptations p. 9 of 12
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Intertidal zone Splash zone Species name & Sketch/description Specific Adaptations p. 10 of 12
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• Spend time wandering around the whole intertidal. Look specifically on the vertical areas and
overhangs close to the ocean.
• Describe each of the different colors you observe and record the total number of sea stars
within each category.
Number of stars
QUESTIONS (read over these to be sure you have made enough observations to answer them, but you will want to work on them after the field trip so that you can spend as much time as possible exploring) 1. Describe how species diversity of species differed within each zone. Provide some reasons why you think each zone had particulary high or low species diversity and species abundance. 2. Describe the patterns in density (numbers of individual organisms per unit area, regardless of species) that you observed differ among the 4 zones. Explain why you think each zone has a high or low density. Bio 124: BIOLOGICAL OCEANOGRAPHY (Dr. Paddack)
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3. Select one organism that you saw only in one zone and describe WHY you think that it does not occur in any of the other zones. Be as specific as possible, noting its body structure, considering possible predators, how it got there, etc. 4. Describe the morphological (body shape/structure) adaptations of organisms observed to wave action and exposure to air (emersion). Clean up 1. Return your clipboard, ID card, and magnifying glasses to Michelle’s car. Wipe off excess sand. 2. Be sure to work on your lab to be checked over next week. Bio 124 Fall 2014 (Dr. Paddack) Lab 8: Soft Sediment Infauna Page 1 of 6 Name: ________________________________________________________
Lab Partners: _____________________________________________________________
1. Learn how to sample soft-sediment infauna in muddy & sandy systems.
2. Observe patterns in the distribution of infaunal organisms and understand why these
patterns occur.
Equipment to be used:
1. Modified Peterson Grab
2. Wash bucket, sieve
3. Dissecting microscope
4. Isopropyl Alcohol
5. Rose Bengal stain
6. Ekman Grab
The majority of the sea floor is soft sediment (mud, silt, sand). Soft sediments allow the
possibility of organisms to burrow, where they can hide from predators and safely gather food.
Today we will examine infaunal organisms (animals that live within sediments). Many of these
organisms are quite small, so we will need to collect them in the field and take them to the lab to
observe them under microscopes. To collect these samples, you will use a small version of a
Peterson Grab – be sure to check out the one in the lab that is used on oceanographic vessels.
Lab Activities:
Today we will divide the class into groups. Each group will take a different bottom sample
as assigned. We will process our samples and then put the information on the board to be
shared by all groups. Follow these steps while taking your sample:
1. Use your modified Petersen grab as directed - taking samples until you fill the 1.275 L sample
container to the top. If you are on the beach, be sure you are in the swash zone & to move drift
algae off sand surface before using the grab.
2. Dump all material from the sample container into the wash bucket and immerse the bottom of
the bucket in the water or gently pour water over it from the other bucket. Gently rinse it up and
down to sieve out sediment less than ½ mm (the screen on the bottom of the wash bucket is ½
mm mesh and the heavy mesh outside this is to protect it) and make it easier to see the animals
instead of all the sediment. Do not dunk the top of the bucket under the water.
3. When it is all rinsed free of small sediment, slosh the bucket and try to collect your entire
sample in the corner of the bucket below the pouring spout.
4. Open the jar and hold it while someone else tilts the bucket to pour the sample into the jar. To
get out the entire sample, use the squirt bottle full of alcohol to rinse it all into the jar. Try to use
as little alcohol as you can so you don't dilute your sample too much. The alcohol will kill all the
living organisms so that some won't eat others while you return to lab.
5. Add enough rose Bengal stain (an organic dye made with 1,000 g rose Bengal powder
dissolved in 1 liter of distilled water) to turn your sample bright pink (about 50ml rose Bengal
solution to each cup of sample). This will stain the skin of all organisms that were living with a
pink color that not only makes them easy to pick out later, but will enable you to tell many of the
living things from the dead things in your sample. Seal the sample jar.
6. Note the color of your sample (before sieving) and whether or not it had a particular smell.
Bio 124 Fall 2014 (Dr. Paddack) Lab 8: Soft Sediment Infauna Page 2 of 6 PREPARATION OF DECOMPOSER EXPERIMENT
1. Obtain samples of decomposers from soft-bottom sediments.
2. Set up culture of decomposers for experiment on effect of temperature on growth rates.
Equipment to be used:
1. Modified Peterson Grab
2. Thermometer
3. Sterile test tubes
4. Sterile swabs
5. Petri dishes with agar
Introduction to decomposer experiment:
Marine decomposers normally occur together in a diverse abundance of species. Before
you can recognize and identify these organisms, it is necessary to isolate them from each other
and from the sediment in which they live. Part of this isolation procedure is purely mechanical.
The organisms are suspended in water, then diluted and spread out. They are then placed on
plates of growth media that contain agar (a gelatin-like material made from red algae) and a
mixture of nutrients known to be effective for growing decomposers. After a few days, each
individual bacterial or fungal cell, if it is capable of growing on the medium provided, will multiply
and produce a colony containing millions of cells, all of one type. Use the following procedure to
set up three agar plates that will be incubated in each of 3 different temperatures:
1. Incubated at 5ºC (temperature of deep ocean water)
2. Incubated at 15ºC (normal temperature of local nearshore water)
3. Incubated at 37ºC (temperature of tropical nearshore water)
Next week we will look at the results of the incubation.
Field Exercises:
Obtain a sample of mud by a bottom sampler and record the following:
Location of sampling: _________________________________________
Depth sample retrieved from: ___________ Type of sediment: _____________________
Notes: _____________________________
1. Place about a teaspoon of fresh bottom sediment (mud) using a spatula into a test tube
containing sterilized seawater. Put on the cap, and shake.
2. Set the test tube upright in tray - DO NOT RESHAKE – sediment needs to settle to bottom.
4. Collect/clean up all field gear before returning to lab.
In-lab Exercises for Decomposer Lab Prep:
1. Back in the lab, each group should obtain 3 Petri plates filled with agar and nutrients. Using a
grease pencil, label each bottom plate with initials of each member of your group. Then, label
one ‘5ºC,’ one ‘15ºC’ and one ‘37ºC.’
2. Dip a cotton swab into the water in your tube (the decomposers are suspended in the water) be careful not to dip the cotton swab into the sediment. Gently rest the wet cotton swab on the
agar and pull to make an “S”-shaped streak – leaving water on the surface of the agar - be
careful not to gouge the agar. Repeat for next 2 plates, use a new sterile cotton swab for
3. Put each plate into a zip lock baggie (to keep it from drying out) and put it upside down in the
container (if it is right side up the condensation may drip from the top and obscure your results).
Bio 124 Fall 2014 (Dr. Paddack) Lab 8: Soft Sediment Infauna Page 3 of 6 In-lab Exercises for Infauna Lab:
Back in the lab follow these instructions for working up your Infauna field sample:
1. Place your mud sample in the rack and let sit for at least ½ hour.
2. Set up a dissecting scope & light at your seat in the lab (1 per student).
3. Pour your sample into the large finger bowl.
4. Use your small glass dish and take a spoonful of the sample at a time (easier to find
organisms if you have smaller sample each time)
5. Examine your part of the sample under the dissecting microscope, pushing sorted
sediment to the side or to another bowl. Turn the plate on the bottom of the dissecting
microscope over to see if a white or a black background is best for viewing your sample.
6. Count each type of organism you find, then place them in vials.
7. Put used sediment in another bowl.
Record the location of your collection here: ________________________________________
4. Your Totals: Begin sorting your sample by starting at one side and pushing the sediment and
dead material aside with a probe and picking out all stained organisms. Put all like organisms in
a sorting vial together (i.e., all clams in one vial, etc.). Two students can use the sets of sorting
vials at a time. Add alcohol to about 1/4 inch in the vials. Keep a tally of each organism you
yourself pick up here:
Worms _____________________
Ostracods ____________
Snails _____________________ Clams _______________
Amphipods ________________
Ghost shrimp __________
Mole crabs _________________Other ________________
4. Group Totals: When you are done with your part of the sample get the totals from all
members of your group, add them up and record the totals for your group here:
Worms _____________________
Ostracods ____________
Snails _____________________ Clams _______________
Amphipods ________________
Ghost shrimp __________
Mole crabs _________________Other ________________
5. Class Totals: Have one person put the totals for your group up on the overhead tally sheet
and then copy down all the entire class’s data here:
Mud (Docks)
Sandy Shore
Team 4 Team 5 Team 6 MEAN
Station: Team 1 Team 2 Team 3 MEAN
# worms
# snails
# ostracods
# shrimp
# mole crabs
Bio 124 Fall 2014 (Dr. Paddack) Lab 8: Soft Sediment Infauna Page 4 of 6 Infauna Lab Questions
1. When you look at the data from the 3 areas within each habitat (docks and beach), do you see
a lot of variation in the numbers and types of organisms among the 3 stations? What factors
might cause species and abundance to vary greatly within a habitat?
2. Are there any particular organisms that characterize muddy bottoms and sandy shores (are
particularly abundant in one zone and not the other)? What characteristics of these organisms
make them better adapted to their area?
3. What physical characteristics or features would be good for sand infauna, but not mud
infauna? Why?
4. What characteristics of organisms make them better adapted to areas that receive a lot of
wave action?
5. List anthropogenic challenges (human impacts) that organisms in each of the two ecosystems
might face. Are there any organism characteristics that would make them more or less
vulnerable to these impacts?
Bio 124 Fall 2014 (Dr. Paddack) Lab 8: Soft Sediment Infauna Page 5 of 6 6. If we wanted to know what type of epifauna (organisms sitting or moving on the surface of the
sediment) occurs in each soft bottom area, would the Peterson grab be a good tool to use?
Why or why not? What tool might be better?
7. Work with a partner to come up with a question about soft-sediment organisms.
8. Design an experiment or observational study about that would allow you to answer this
Bio 124 Fall 2014 (Dr. Paddack) Lab 8: Soft Sediment Infauna Page 6 of 6 Clean Up
1. Pour all the waste material from your small bowls in the trash can. Be careful not to get any
sand or mud in the sinks.
2. Pour all material from your vials into the containers on the front table (use alcohol to squirt
them out as needed).
3. Wash and dry all glassware and return it to where you got it.
4. Rinse your bottom sampler, wash bucket, and/or coffee cans with fresh water and leave by a
sink to drain.
5. Using distilled water and Kim wipes, carefully wipe all mud & seawater off your dissecting
6. Have instructor check scope, then put away microscopes and leave a tidy lab space.
Before you leave lab be sure you know what the following pieces of oceanographic equipment
look like, and what they are used to sample or measure. If they sample something then know
what you do with the sample.
Modified Petersen Grab
Dissecting Microscope
Agar Plates
Ekman Grab, Petersen Grab
Bottom Corer
Bio 124 Fall 2014 (Dr. Paddack) Lab 9: Marine Decomposers Page 1 of 5
Name: _____________________________________ Compound Scope #: ____________
Lab Partners: _________________________________________________________
1. Learn to differentiate cultured bacterial from fungal colonies.
2. Understand the impact of temperature on growth rates of decomposers.
3. Understand the role of decomposers in the marine ecosystem and how they vary spatially.
Equipment to be used:
1. Petri plates
2. Sterile loop
3. Compound microscope
In any ecosystem, whether terrestrial, fresh water, or marine, the importance of the
availability of nutrients to the plants is well established. Water-soluble nitrates and phosphates are
often leached from the soil, and plant growth becomes visibly limited. Anyone who has ever noticed
the effects of adding fertilizer to house and garden plants is well aware of the important role nutrients
play in plant growth.
In the same fashion, marine plants are dependent on the availability of nutrients for optimum
growth. Once incorporated into plant tissues, they become available for use by a variety of
herbivores and eventually carnivores but are no longer immediately available for other plants to use.
The release into the environment of the nutrients locked in the tissues of dead plants and
animals and the waste products of living organisms is the role assumed by a variety of organisms
called decomposers. In the marine environment these decomposers are usually bacteria and
microscopic forms of fungi.
The variety and abundance of marine decomposers in coastal environments can best be
appreciated by isolating and identifying a few of them. Decomposers are quite abundant in the open
ocean, but the sampling procedures for obtaining pelagic bacteria or fungi are somewhat complex so
they are not included here. A small sample of bay mud or beach sand collected during field studies
and placed in sterile containers will provide an abundance of decomposers for examination and
identification. After they are isolated on the proper growth medium, they will require about one week
to grow. Another laboratory period is then necessary for examination and identification of the
isolated types.
Since we are working with bacteria in lab today it is important that there be no eating during
the lab period and that you remember to wash your hands before leaving.
Experimental Results: Petri Dish Observations (from culture experiment set up last week)
1. Set up a dissecting scope & light for each group.
2. Conduct the observations noted on the following table.
Bio 124 Fall 2014 (Dr. Paddack) Lab 9: Marine Decomposers Page 2 of 5
For this part of the lab you should not remove the cover of the petri plate.
5°C (deep sea &
15°C (temperate)
37°C (tropics)
Sketch outlines of
Fungi are fuzzy and
appear out-of-focus
along the edges.
Bacteria have distinct
Number of different
species (use color
and texture to
Relative amount of
growth (most, least,
Petri dish observation questions:
1. Describe your results in detail and discuss why you think that each of the results occurred.
2. What is the implication of these results for marine organisms living in tropical vs. deep
sea/polar areas?
Bio 124 Fall 2014 (Dr. Paddack) Lab 9: Marine Decomposers Page 3 of 5
II. Live bacterial identification
1. Put away your dissecting scope & set up a compound microscope (each student).
For this part of the lab you will need to remove the cover of the petri plate when directed.
Use sterile techniques and common sense when handling these bacteria as the possibility
exists that some pathogenic (disease producing) forms may be present.
To determine the cellular arrangement of bacteria (singular, groups) and whether the
bacteria are motile (+) or not (-) as well as to determine the form (cocci, bacilli, spirilla) it is
necessary to examine the live culture in a watery preparation.
The best way to observe the living bacteria is by means of a hanging drop slide. This
technique assures you that the organisms will not dry out before you have the opportunity to observe
them under the microscope. Motility, if present, will be quite apparent as motile organisms swim
actively through the drop. This active motility must be distinguished from Brownian movement,
which is motion caused by the collision of molecules of water and dissolved ions with the bacteria.
Brownian movement will make the bacteria appear to vibrate.
Preparation of Hanging Drop Slides
(use the plate with the greatest number of bacterial types and least amount of fungus)
The instructor will demonstrate these procedures before you begin this part.
1. Prepare a clean single concavity depression slide for one of your bacteria colonies (do not try to
do this with fungi - the fungal filaments will not transfer).
2. With an applicator stick put two lines of Vaseline on either side of the depression.
3. Draw a circle in the center of a new coverslip with a black grease pencil.
4. Using an eyedropper place a small drop of sterile seawater in the middle of the ring drawn on the
5. With an inoculating needle transfer a minute portion of the colony to be inspected (this is the time
to remove the cover of the petri plate) into the sterile seawater on the coverslip and stir. Be careful
not to get too many bacteria or you will not be able to see very well. STERILIZE YOUR LOOP
A FLAME UNTIL IT IS RED HOT AND THEN LET IT COOL. Please use your alcohol burners on
the center divider for safety. 6. Replace the cover on the petri plate.
7. Invert the depression slide and center the depression over the drop of water and bacteria.
“Quickly” turn the slide over so that the drop of water and bacteria are 'hanging' over the depression.
Bacterial forms
Most of the bacterial forms we will see today are types of Eubacteria. There are 3 different forms:
1. Cocci form - rounded bacteria
2. Bacilli form - rod shaped bacteria
3. Spirilla form - larger bacteria that are almost spiral in shape
Bio 124 Fall 2014 (Dr. Paddack) Lab 9: Marine Decomposers Page 4 of 5
Bacterial species are identified using a variety of characteristics. Some of these include color of the
entire colony, motility, cell arrangement, and form. Only color of the entire colony can be seen with
the naked eye. The other characteristics require a microscope.
Examination of Hanging Drop Slide
Place the hanging drop slide on the stage of your microscope and observe the grease pencil
mark under low power. After focusing on the grease pencil mark to get the proper focal length,
adjust the slide so that you observe the edge of the hanging drop. It may be necessary to reduce
the light entering the stage by closing down the iris diaphragm located under the stage. Bright light
will not allow you to see these organisms clearly because they are very small and transparent.
Always start on lowest power (shortest lens = 4X). Once the edge of a drop is in focus with low
power, then rotate to the 10X lens, focus (using the fine focus only = small knob), then rotate to the
higher power (40X), again using only the fine focus. Do not ever use the 100X lens (red ring,
longest lens), this is for oil emersion only.
Record your observations in the following table once you have a hanging drop slide that you can get
into focus and see the bacteria. If your first hanging drop slide seems like nothing is in the water
make another one but use a different type (different color) of bacteria this time. Continue to make
hanging drop slides from all of your different types of bacteria until you get a good one. The
instructor will help you with focusing.
of plate
color of
(singular, or groups)
(cocci, bacilli, or spirilla)
1. Write down what you learned about bacteria from doing this lab.
2. What is the importance of bacteria?
Bio 124 Fall 2014 (Dr. Paddack) Lab 9: Marine Decomposers Page 5 of 5
Clean up:
will be put in an autoclave (sterilizing oven) before it is washed or discarded!!
1. Be sure to clean up and wash your hands before you leave.
2. Put all petri plates and baggies in proper container in front (Biohazard disposal bag).
3. Put all microscopic slides and cover slips in proper container in front (bleach water).
4. Put away your compound microscope carefully by following these instructions and checking off
each item:
o Be sure you have not left a slide on the stage.
o Turn the light dimmer switch to the lowest level.
o Turn the light off.
o Rotate the optics so that the 4x (red ring, shortest optic) is set to go.
o Drop the tray to its lowest level & tuck it in fully.
o Wipe the tray with distilled water and dry.
o Wrap the cord around the cord holder on the back of the microscope.
o Carefully carry the microscope with 2 hands and place it back in a cabinet at the front of
the room.
Before you leave lab be sure you know what the following pieces of oceanographic equipment
look like, and what they are used to sample or measure. If they sample something then know
what you do with the sample. If they measure then know what an average measurement is (or
how it varies):
Petri Plates, Agar
Sterile Technique (alcohol burner, inoculating needle, autoclave disposal bag)
Compound Microscope
Bio 124 Fall 2014 (Dr. Paddack) Lab 10: Ocean Acidification Page 1 of 16 Name_____________________________________ Lab Partners _________________________________________ OCEAN ACIDIFICATION Adapted from the Ocean Acidification Lab developed by the CMORE Science Center. Objectives: 1. Experimentally observe the relationship between atmospheric CO2 and ocean pH. 2. Understand the cause of ocean acidification and the potential impacts. Equipment to be used: 4. BioChamber 1. pH probe 2. CO2 probe 5. Sample bottles 3. LabQuest data collector Lab Exercises: This lab will consist of several parts: 1. An introduction to ocean acidification. Take notes! 2. Conduct an experiment to see how lowered pH affects calcareous objects & organisms. 3. Experimentally determine rate of increase of CO2 and affect on water pH. 4. Observe some marine organisms that are vulnerable to ocean acidification. 5. Read & answer critical questions on the Scientific American article, ‘Dangers of Ocean Acidification’ (article emailed to you via pipeline. Worksheet DUE IN LAB NEXT WEEK, as part of your lab quiz) In Section 2 (yeast experiments) we will be using equipment worth $750, so please follow directions and be very careful with this equipment! Part 1: Ocean Acidification Introduction Notes: Bio 124 Fall 2014 (Dr. Paddack) Lab 10: Ocean Acidification Page 2 of 16 Part 2: Experimental observation of impact on low pH on calcareous organisms. In this brief experiment, you will observe how acidic water impacts calcium carbonate structures. Part A: 1. At your lab bench, with 1‐2 partners, place a small amount (1 tsp) of calcium carbonate sand (white) in one bowl, and a small amount of basalt (black) sand in another. 2. Place 20‐30 drops of vinegar on each sand pile. 3. Note your observations of the reactions. What difference do you observe between the two different types of sand? Why is this occurring? Part B: I will place one sea urchin test (shell) & spine in seawater and one in vinegar (low pH). Note that vinegar is much more acidic than the ocean, so the reaction you will observe is taking place much faster than it would in the ocean. At the start of the experiment, measure the pH of the seawater and the vinegar with the pH meter provided. Rinse it after each reading! Observe the two tests at half hour intervals, noting whether you observe any changes in them at each interval. Time Observations: urchin test in seawater Observations: urchin test in vinegar interval pH _____________ pH _____________ Start time: Start +30 min. + 1 hr + 1.5 hr Record your observations of the sea urchin tests that have been sitting in acidic water for more than 2 hrs: Bio 124 Fall 2014 (Dr. Paddack) Lab 10: Ocean Acidification Page 3 of 16 Part 3: CO2 and pH experiment In this experiment, you will be activating yeast, which creates carbon dioxide (CO2). Your team will split up into 2 groups – one will be measuring the production of CO2 by the yeast over time, and the other will measure the impact of increased ‘atmospheric’ CO2 on the pH of water. Look at your tray to determine which group you are in (do you have a pH probe or a CO2 probe?), then follow the directions for the corresponding group below. STUDENT INSTRUCTIONS (pH group) In this experiment, you will be activating yeast, which creates carbon dioxide (CO2). The CO2 gas will be bubbled into a sample of water, where you will measure how the pH of the water changes over time. The other members of your group will be doing the same experiment, but they will measure the change in CO2 concentration over time in an air sample. At the end of the experiment, you will exchange data with the other members of your group. Set up the LabQuest 1. The equipment you will use in this experiment is very expensive. Each set‐up costs approximately $750, so make sure to treat the equipment with care. A LabQuest (photo below), a funnel, and a timer will be shared with all members of your group, including those measuring CO2. 2. For your half of the experiment, gather: 1 packet of yeast, 3 packets of sugar, and the following items: pH probe 1 round 500 ml bottle 1 square 125 ml bottle 1 piece of rubber tubing connected with a straight connector at one end to a large, white stopper 3. Fill the square 125ml bottle to the red line with room temperature water. To remove the pH probe from its storage container, UNSCREW THE LID FIRST and then gently pull the sensor out of the top. Be careful not to spill the storage solution. Insert the sensor into the square bottle as in the photo to the right. The tip (blue end) of the probe should be submerged in the water. The rest of the probe should remain dry! It is NOT waterproof! Bio 124 Fall 2014 (Dr. Paddack) Lab 10: Ocean Acidification Page 4 of 16 4. Connect the pH probe to the port labeled CH1 on the back of the LabQuest. 5. When the CO2 group is ready, turn on the LabQuest by pressing the silver button in the upper left corner. A box should appear on the screen labeled CH 1: pH. The sensor will need to equilibrate before beginning the experiment. GENTLY swirl the probe in the water for 3 minutes; during this time the pH should rise. After 3 minutes, stop swirling. Watch the readings on the LabQuest, and wait for the pH reading to settle. The pH reading should be stable for approximately 1 minute before beginning the experiment. It is very important that the sensor equilibrate, so be patient! The sensor should give a pH of approximately 7 (+/‐1; The pH of pure water is 7, but tap water often contains harmless, dissolved minerals that affect its pH). Activate the Yeast 6. You will start your experiment at the same time as the CO2 group. When both groups have their equipment set up, fill your round 500 ml bottle up to the white line with water that is hot to the touch. 7. Place the thermometer in the flask & observe the temperature. 8. Add tap water and wait until the temperature is between 120 ‐130° F /49‐54° Be sure it is not hotter than this or much cooler than this or the yeast WILL NOT ACTIVATE! 9. At the same time as the CO2 group, use the funnel to add 3 packets of sugar to the hot water, and then add 1 packet of yeast. Stir by swirling the bottle for 5 seconds (This is the only time you need to stir the solution. Do not overmix!), then QUICKLY insert the white, rubber stopper into the top of the bottle. Make sure this stopper is sealed. Place the attached rubber tubing into the room‐
temperature water with your pH sensor. 10. Your set‐up should look like the picture to the right. Data Collection 11. Start your timer (which runs for 3 minutes) and record your initial pH reading in the table on your STUDENT WORKSHEET. (The CO2 group should be recording measurements at the same time as you.) The yeast solution should begin to foam as in the picture below. In a few minutes, the gas being produced by the yeast should travel through the rubber tubing, producing bubbles in the water where pH is being measured. If you do not observe bubbles after the yeast solution has started to foam, you probably have a leak in your bottle or tubing. Check your rubber stopper seal. 12. Follow the instructions on your STUDENT WORKSHEET for collecting your data. You will be making observations and recording the pH every 3 minutes. 13. When the foam reaches the red line on the bottle (or after approximately 20 minutes), stop the experiment by removing the stopper from your bottle and unplugging your probe from the LabQuest. Do not let the foam pass the red line. Bio 124 Fall 2014 (Dr. Paddack) Lab 10: Ocean Acidification Page 5 of 16 When the foam reaches the red line, stop the experiment. Don’t let the foam rise above the red line, as shown here! 14. Make sure the CO2 group is done, and then turn off the LabQuest by pressing the silver button in the upper left corner. Rinse and dry the round 500ml bottle that had the yeast in it, the funnel, and the 125 ml bottle that had the water in it. DO NOT rinse the pH probe! To store the pH probe, make sure the cap of the storage bottle is unscrewed before inserting the probe through the cap, then tighten the cap back onto the storage bottle. The tip of the sensor should be immersed in the storage solution, but should not touch the bottom of the container. Throw away your empty yeast and sugar packets. 15. Return all supplies to your teacher for inspection. Double check that all items are included by completing the ZIPLOC CONTENTS CHECKLIST. Please tell your teacher if there are any missing, broken, or damaged items so that they can be replaced. Bio 124 Fall 2014 (Dr. Paddack)
Lab 10: Ocean Acidification
STUDENT INSTRUCTIONS (CO2 group) In this experiment, you will be activating yeast, which creates carbon dioxide (CO2). The carbon dioxide will be directed into a chamber of air so that you can measure how much CO2 is generated over time. The other members of your group will be doing the same experiment, but they will measure how the CO2 generated affects the pH of water over time. At the end of the experiment, you will exchange data with the other members of your group. Set up the LabQuest 1. The equipment you will use in this experiment is very expensive. Each set‐up costs approximately $750, so make sure to treat the equipment with care. A LabQuest (photo below), a funnel, and a timer will be shared with all members of your group, including those measuring pH. 2. For your half of the experiment, gather: 1 packet of yeast, 3 packets of sugar and the following items: CO2 probe 1 round 500 ml bottle 1 BioChamber 1 Piece of Rubber tubing connected with straight connectors to a small, black stopper at one end and a large, white stopper at the other. 3. Connect the CO2 probe to the port labeled CH2 on the back of the LabQuest. 4. Make sure the CO2 probe is set to high (switch is at the top of the probe). Place the CO2 probe horizontally in the BioChamber. The bottle will be on its side, and the probe will enter the bottle through the bottle top, as in the photo at right. The CO2 probe cannot get wet. Make sure it stays dry! Bio 124 Fall 2014 (Dr. Paddack)
Lab 10: Ocean Acidification
5. Collect your piece of rubber tubing with the stoppers at both ends. Place the small black stopper in the hole in the side of the BioChamber, as in the photo at right. Make sure this stopper is sealed. 6. When the pH group is ready, turn on the LabQuest by pressing the silver button in the upper left corner. A box should appear on the screen labeled CH 2: CO2. Let the sensor equilibrate for a few minutes. The sensor should give a CO2 concentration somewhere between 300‐600 ppm (higher if the ventilation in your classroom is poor). Activate the Yeast 7. You will start your experiment at the same time as the pH group. When both groups have their equipment set up, fill your round 500 ml bottle up to the white line with water that is hot to the touch. 8. Place the thermometer in the flask & observe the temperature. 9. Add tap water and wait until the temperature is between 120 ‐130° F /49‐
54° Be sure it is not hotter than this or much cooler than this or the yeast WILL NOT ACTIVATE! 10. Use the funnel to add 3 packets of sugar to the hot water, and then add 1 packet of yeast. Stir gently by swirling the bottle for approximately 5 seconds (This is the only time you need to stir the solution. Do not overmix!), then QUICKLY insert the white rubber stopper into the top of the bottle. Make sure this stopper is sealed. 11. Your set‐up should look like the picture to the right. Data Collection 12. Start your timer (which runs for 3 minutes) and record your initial CO2 reading in the table on your STUDENT WORKSHEET (The pH group should be recording measurements at the same time as you.). The yeast solution should begin to foam as in the picture below. The gas produced by the yeast will travel through the rubber tubing into the chamber where you are measuring CO2 concentration. 13. Follow the instructions on your STUDENT WORKSHEET for collecting your data. You will be making observations and recording the CO2 concentration every 3 minutes. 14. When the foam reaches the red line on the bottle (or after approximately 20 minutes), stop the experiment by removing both stoppers from your bottles and unplugging your probe from the LabQuest. Do not let the foam pass the red line. When the foam reaches the red Don’t let the foam rise above the line, stop the experiment! red line, as shown here! 12. Make sure the pH group is done, and then turn off the LabQuest by pressing the silver button in the upper left corner. Rinse and dry the round 500ml bottle that had the yeast in it and the funnel. DO NOT rinse the CO2 sensor or BioChamber! Place the CO2 sensor in its box. Throw away your empty yeast and sugar packets. Bio 124 Fall 2014 (Dr. Paddack)
Lab 10: Ocean Acidification
Part 3: CO2 and pH experiment data sheet 1. Make a prediction! After the yeast is activated, what will happen to the pH and CO2 levels over time? Record your hypothesis here: 2. Record the readings from your sensor in the following table. Record a reading every 3 minutes. The value may jump around on the LabQuest, so watch it for 5 seconds, and record the highest value it gives you. You will be recording pH OR CO2 concentration. After the experiment, get the data for the other measurement from the other members of your group. Record any observations for each time period. NOTE that you should STOP the experiment when foam reaches the top of the bottle, so you may not necessarily conduct the experiment for the entire 24 minutes. Time pH CO2 (ppm) (minutes)
0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 Before proceeding to the questions, dismantle your experimental set‐up & clean‐up lab area. 1. Disconnect yeast bottle. Pour yeast solution in sink, rinse 500 mL container & put on drying rack over sink. 2. Dis‐assemble equipment – properly turn off LabQuest (press silver button), unplug probes. 3. Be sure to put pH probes back into buffer solution. Bring any faulty equipment to instructor. 4. Wipe off all equipment and return to boxes/trays. 5. Throw away used yeast & sugar packets. 6. Wipe down table. Part 3: CO2 and pH experiment questions 1. What gas is the yeast producing? 2. Create a graph of the change in pH and CO2 concentration over time using the grid below. To put both on this graph, you need to create a separate y‐axis for each due to their different scales. Put CO2 on the left side and pH on the right. The following graph has 25 units on the y‐axis & 24 on the x‐axis. Time (in minutes) will be on the x‐axis. Figure out the best spacing of units for each axis by looking at the range of values and dividing by the appropriate number. Label your axes, and include units. Bio 124 Fall 2014 (Dr. Paddack)
Lab 10: Ocean Acidification
3. Interpret your graph. How did CO2 and pH change over time? 4. What is the relationship between CO2 and pH? Explain. Bio 124 Fall 2014 (Dr. Paddack)
Lab 10: Ocean Acidification
5. The following graphs show changes in the levels of atmospheric and oceanic carbon dioxide over the past 20 years, as well as a corresponding change in ocean pH. The x‐axis measures time in years, from October 1988 until December 2007. The y‐axis of the top graph measures CO2 concentration. On this graph, CO2 concentration in both the atmosphere (red line – upper large circles) and ocean (blue line‐closed black dots) are shown. The y‐axis of the bottom graph measures pH of the ocean. Use the graphs to answer the following questions. a. How much carbon dioxide was in the atmosphere in 1988? ________ 2007? __________ b. How much carbon dioxide was in the ocean in 1988? _________ 2007? ___________ c. What was the pH of the ocean in 1988? _________ 2007? ___________ Data from the Hawaii Ocean Time Series (HOT) and the Mauna Loa Observatory. 6. How do the data in these graphs compare to the data you collected? 7. According to these data and the data you collected, how do you think increasing atmospheric CO2 will affect marine organisms? Please clean up all of your experiment before proceeding on to the next section Bio 124 Fall 2014 (Dr. Paddack)
Lab 10: Ocean Acidification
Part 4: Vulnerable marine organisms: Calcifiers This section of the lab will introduce you to a diverse array of marine organisms that are vulnerable to ocean acidification impacts. There are stations set up on the side lab benches. You do not necessarily have to do them in order, but everyone should proceed in the same direction. Station 1: Echinoderms: Sea urchins Sea urchins are marine invertebrates that are common on both rocky reefs (e.g., kelp beds) and coral reefs, so occur in both temperate and tropical waters. All of their organs are protected by a ‘test’ (a somewhat spherical shell made up of interlocking plates), and are protected by spines (venomous in some species!). Because of the test and spines, urchins are protected from most predators. The only ones that can eat them are ones either with specially adapted teeth (triggerfish, wrasses) or who can use tools (sea otters) to avoid being poked by the spines and break open the test. 1. Describe the sea urchin, describing the features that you think are important in defense against predators. 2. Draw a sea urchin test– taking careful note of the patterns in the test – how it is constructed. 3. In what specific ways do you think acidification might impact urchins. Think about both their biological and physical environment. 4. If available, observe the other relatives of sea urchins on display. Which do you think will also be vulnerable to ocean acidification and why? Bio 124 Fall 2014 (Dr. Paddack)
Lab 10: Ocean Acidification
Station 2: Sea urchin larvae (pluteus) 5. Look through the compound scope at the sea urchin larvae. Draw it, noting the magnification provided by the scope. 6. Some experiments are being conducted at UCSB on local sea urchin larvae to examine the impacts of both ocean acidification and ocean warming. They have found that when local sea urchin larvae are put in acidic seawater, their spines become short and ‘stumpy’. What effects do you think this will have on the urchins i) as larvae (plankton) and ii) when they try to settle on the reef? Station 3: Crustaceans (Crabs, Lobsters, Shrimp) 7. Crustaceans also occur in both temperate and tropical waters. Besides providing protection from predators, their shelled claws are important for gathering food and for territorial defense. Their shells are only partly calcareous, but without the CaCO3 their shells would be quite soft. Compare the thickness of this shell with the one from an area where calcification is difficult (due to low temperatures). Describe: 8. What impacts do you predict for crab with softened shells? Station 4: Bivalves (mussels, clams) 9. Describe how the shapes and thickness of the shells of the bivalves differ, noting where they are from. Bio 124 Fall 2014 (Dr. Paddack)
Lab 10: Ocean Acidification
10. Mussels live in the intertidal. Given what you have learned about the challenges of this environment, what are 2 potential impacts on mussels if their shells were weaker? Station 5: Foraminiferans 11. Observe the foraminiferans using the compound scope. Draw one. 12. Foraminiferans are one of many marine plankton that rely on shells. Some plankton are predicted to be particularly vulnerable to acidification. Knowing that plankton are the base of the food chain in the ocean, but are rarely observable, what impacts do you think we would observe if plankton numbers decreased? Station 6: Corals 13. Corals build reefs by secreting calcium carbonate, creating interconnected homes for the individual soft‐
bodied polyps. Notice the pores in the coral – each of these houses an individual coral polyp – draw or describe the structure of this pore (called a corallite). 14. Corals build reefs, which in turn provide food and shelter for thousands of other organisms. Coral reefs also protect coastlines by buffering the force of waves onto the shore. What do you think would happen if corals could no longer calcify? Bio 124 Fall 2014 (Dr. Paddack)
Lab 10: Ocean Acidification
Station 7: Calcareous algae 15. Some red algae are able to secrete calcium carbonate. These algae can either be encrusting/crustose or articulated. Draw upright calcareous algae, noting the texture and structure of it. 16. Crustose coralline algae are particularly important on coral reefs for two reasons. Firstly, they provide a clean ‘landing pad’ for coral larvae to settle on the reef. Secondly, they help to ‘cement’ the reef together, by colonizing areas where the coral polyps have died. This helps the dead coral rock to be more resistant to erosion from waves and eroding organisms. Observe the crustose coralline algae on the edges of the large coral specimen and note how it acts to cement the dead parts of the coral together. Imagine a coral larvae settling on a reef. As soon as it settles, it secretes its first carbonate home. What do you think would happen to the larvae if its ability to do this was compromised? Station 8: Sponges All sponges have internal skeletons, but these skeletons are different from a ‘typical’ one – instead of interconnected supports, their skeletons are spicules – small, hardened structures scattered throughout the sponge. 17. Examine the spicules under the scope – draw one. 18. What two different functions do the spicules serve? 19. Some sponges have spicules made of calcium carbonate while others have ones made of silica, or a mixture of the two types. How might acidification impact these different types of sponges differently? Which will be most impacted? Bio 124 Fall 2014 (Dr. Paddack)
Lab 10: Ocean Acidification
Name: ___________________ Lab Day: M Tu W Th Reading Questions from the Article “The Dangers of Ocean Acidification” (10 points)
1. Why was Mauna Loa chosen as a location to measure CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere? (1 pt) 2. Why are carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere increasing? (1 pt) 3. How does carbon dioxide cause the pH of the ocean to decrease? (1 pt) 4. What types of organisms are threatened by ocean acidification? Why? (2 pts) 5. Are cold water or warm water ecosystems more susceptible to ocean acidification? Why? (2 pt) 6. What is one type of experiment the author suggests that scientists could perform to gain a better understanding of the threat that ocean acidification poses to marine environments? (2 pts) 7. If the geologic record shows that CO2 levels have been higher in the past than they are today, why are current changes in CO2 levels such a concern? (1 pt) Bio 124 Fall 2014 (Dr. Paddack)
Lab 10: Ocean Acidification
Bio 124 Fall 2014 (Dr. Paddack) Lab 11: Settlement Plates Page 1 of 6
Name ______________________________________
Lab Partners ______________________________________________________________
1. Observe and identify common organisms that settle on hard surfaces in nearshore waters.
2. Observe how these communities vary spatially and understand why this occurs.
Equipment to be used:
1. Dissecting microscope
2. Settlement plates
Marine communities are limited by many things (light, water clarity, etc.). One of the most
important things however, is substrate. A sandy substrate will have a very different assemblage of
organisms than a solid rock substrate and both will be very different than no substrate (pelagic
community). Another issue for marine organisms is dispersal. The majority of marine organisms
disperse right after fertilization, by being planktonic larvae. These larvae may float in the water
column for several weeks or months before being ready to settle. When they are ready, they need
to quickly find the proper substrate, or else they will not survive.
Today we will look at the settlement that occurred on the plates you put out in the beginning
of the semester. By hanging your clean plates in the ocean, you created a hard surface for
organisms to settle – thus creating a benthic community in an area that was once only a pelagic one.
A sequence of organisms began inhabiting the new benthic habitat. First, the fast growing
organisms, such as filamentous algae (if there was enough light) and sessile diatoms (brown scum),
settled. As these competed for light and space they may have been out competed by slower
growing but larger and hardier organisms such as bryozoans, tunicates, barnacles, mussels, tube
worms, and anemones. Eventually, if left alone, they would end up becoming similar to the
surrounding solid substrate communities.
Lab Exercises:
1. Find the location of your plates. Before you retrieve them, take a close look at the pilings
and the sides of the dock near your plates. Draw or describe the community and types of
organisms you see:
Bio 124 Fall 2014 (Dr. Paddack) Lab 11: Settlement Plates Page 2 of 6
2. Retrieve your plates, being sure to put them in a bucket with some seawater. Provide the
following information:
Location _______________________________________________________
Date placed in water__________Date of retrieval________________ # days out: ___________
3. Back in the lab, open the plastic holder of the glass microscope slides. Each student
should get his/her own dissecting microscope and put a single slide into a fingerbowl.
Cover the slide with seawater (just enough to cover it) and examine it under a dissecting
Describe the overall look of your slide – does there appear to be a high diversity of
organisms or is it dominated by just one or a few?
4. In the following table, draw/describe each organism you find on your slide (both sides),
noting its abundance and any behaviors (is it moving? If so, in what way?) or unique
characteristics. Use the descriptions below to help identify organisms.
Descriptions of common fouling animals:
o Opaque white calcium carbonate (CaCO3) tubes (stuck to the slide):
• Small, white spiral tubes: spiral tube worm, Spirorbis.
• Straight or wavy tubes: sabellid worms.
• Segmented worms: polychaetes
ƒ May be in CaCO3 (above) tubes, sticking out beautiful filter feeding apparatus.
ƒ Elongate tubes made of cemented sand/sediment grains.
• Non-segmented worms: Nemerteans
• Flatworms
Soft blobs without any crusty covering (various colors, many clearish):
• Solitary, often transparent, with 2 siphons: tunicate (sea squirt), often Ciona – a single,
transparent blob with two openings, each with yellow at tips
• Small soft blobs in groups, sometimes arranged like a star or randomly scattered within a
soft matrix: Compound colonial tunicates, e.g., Botryllus
• Soft, not organized, often many small openings visible, commonly yellow/beige -sponge.
Crusty blobs:
• Feels crusty to touch – polyps in colony of boxes: encrusting bryozoa
ƒ Watersipora (red and black)
ƒ Membranipora (white)
• Tree-like colony, usually beige or purple, resembles algae but on close inspection has
polyps in individual boxes: Upright bryozoa, often Bugula
Crustaceans (crabs, shrimp, etc.)
• Flea-like crustacean that makes a mud tube: Mud tube amphipod
• Long, thin shrimp-like, holds on with back legs & waves around: Skeleton shrimp,
• Look like tiny lobsters: Mud shrimp
Bio 124 Fall 2014 (Dr. Paddack) Lab 11: Settlement Plates Type of organism
(provide name, if possible)
Sketch/Description (note any behavior/movement
Page 3 of 6
Count or
% cover
Bio 124 Fall 2014 (Dr. Paddack) Lab 11: Settlement Plates Page 4 of 6
5. In what ways did your slide community differ from the community on the docks & pilings
(which organisms occurred in both, which in only 1 habitat)?
6. If you put the slides out for another few months, do you think the community would change?
Why or why not?
7. Designate each person in your group with an observer # from 1-6. Fill out the data for your
slide in the appropriate column of the table below. Calculate the average for each row.
Observer #
Spirorbis (#)
Sabellid worms (#)
Solitary tunicates (#)
Colonial tunicates
(% cover)
Encrusting Bryozoans
(% cover)
Upright bryozoans (#)
Mud tube amphipod (#)
Skeleton shrimp (#)
mud shrimp (#)
anemones (#)
scale worms (#)
sea slugs (#)
Polychaete worms
Bio 124 Fall 2014 (Dr. Paddack) Lab 11: Settlement Plates Page 5 of 6
8. Enter your group average data onto the table on the blackboard and fill out the following
table with all of the class data.
team 1
team 2
team 3
Team 1
Team 2
Team 3
# Spirorbis
# Sabellid
# Solitary
% Compound
% Encrusting
# Upright
# Mud tube
# Skeleton
# mud shrimp
# anemones
# scale worms
# sea slugs
# sponges
# crabs
# worms
9. Was there any difference between plates put out near to land vs. those that were put further
out on the docks? If so, why do you think they differed?
Bio 124 Fall 2014 (Dr. Paddack) Lab 11: Settlement Plates Page 6 of 6
10. Which type of organism was the most abundant on the slides? What characteristics of them
do you think make them so successful?
11. When we placed the settling plates out into the harbor, you were asked to write down your
predictions of what you thought you would find on these plates. Those predictions should be
written down on the prep sheet for this lab. Describe how your predictions differed from your
12. What aspects of oceanography that we have learned so far do you think are important in
influencing the types and abundance of organisms on these plates?
13. Of all of the organisms you observed today, which did you find the most interesting? Why?
14. Provide a question you have about this organism or a concept regarding settlement.
Clean up
1. Put your glass slide with the live critters in the bowl on the front desk.
2. Be sure to put your razor blade in the ‘used razor blade’ container on the front desk.
3. Put used succession plates/holders/string/rubber bands in bucket in front of classroom.
4. Water can be poured down the sinks but wipe out any mud with a paper towel.
5. Rinse and dry all glassware and buckets and return to where you found them.
Bio 124 Fall 2014 Lab 12: Term Projects Page 1 of 18 Bio 124 Term Project Presentations Objectives: 1. Conduct an in‐depth investigation of a topic of interest within biological oceanography, integrating information learned in class and from research. 2. Critically read, present, and explain findings from a peer‐reviewed scientific study on your topic. 3. Present this information to your peers in an effective and engaging way. Introduction • Your term project is a way for you to integrate information you have learned in class while focusing upon a specific aspect of biological oceanography that particularly interests you. • You will work either singly or with a partner and will present your information orally to your lab class toward the end of the semester. • It is equal in grade‐value to a midterm exam. • Preparing a talk/project takes time – you have the majority of the semester to work on your project. Start early! I. Format • Your project will be presented orally to your lab class. • You may use any format you choose (poster, blackboard, artistic representation, etc), as long as you convey information in an understandable and engaging way. Tips for using PowerPoint/visual aids are at the end of this document. • You will be expected to create a presentation that is 8 minutes long. If you are working with a partner, your presentation should be 15 minutes long (each person presenting for 6‐8 minutes). Your term project has been assigned as an oral presentation for two reasons: 1) Speaking in front of people is an important skill that you WILL use many times in your life – be it for job interviews and meetings, leadership activities, informal interviews, or community work. You already have had practice writing about your research in your periodical reports. This project will allow you to try a different method of sharing your new‐found knowledge and thoughts. 2) You will have spent a lot of time researching a very interesting topic – it will be fun to share what you learned with a group of people, rather than just me – and you will learn a lot from the presentations of your peers. It is your chance to own the subject and teach each other what you care about. II. Topic • Your project should focus on an aspect of biological oceanography that relates to our local ecosystem. You may include other areas by doing a comparison. • Aim to focus on processes rather than simply the biology of a certain organism. • A partial list of topic ideas is posted in the table below. You are also welcome to come up with your own ideas. The key is to find something you are interested in. • Think about areas of interest, share ideas with labmates – I encourage you to work in pairs. • Talk with me if you have a hard time coming up with ideas or want to propose something different. Bio 124 Fall 2014 •
Lab 12: Term Projects Page 2 of 18 Teams & project topics due in lab the week of Sept 22 (5 pts – no points if late): Submit a statement about the focus of your research – come up with a question you will address. Term Project Ideas (but you are not limited to what is on this list!) Broad Topic Specific Issues Marine Geology • Plate tectonics – discovery, research, evidence, issues • how marine life is impacted by seismic activity • Geological history of Santa Barbara and Channel Islands and impacts on marine life Oil Exploration • Local platforms as artificial reefs • 1969 oil spill in Santa Barbara – cause, impacts, repercussions • Oil spill impacts Ocean Acidification • Impacts on temperate (local) species (e.g., urchins) • how it is modeled/studied • Acidification of Oregon coast Biogeography • Biogeography of any organism around the Channel Islands or in N vs. S California (where they occur, why they occur there, what limits them) Plankton • Causes & impacts of patchiness • Marine snow: Discovery, importance, study of • The Deep Scattering Layer – discovery, importance, ecology • Mollusc (snail) diversity • Pteropods in the food web • Impacts of plastic pollution on plankton • Bioluminescence • Red tides, Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) – cycles, causes, impacts Open sea • Sargasso Sea – ecology, adaptations • Jellyfish invasions • Pteropods (‘dumbo snails’)– importance in food chain, studying • Gyres • Garbage Patches Kelp forests • Kelp harvesting • Ecology • Impacts of overfishing • Impacts of warming • Declines in Southern CA kelp beds Temperate • Temperate seagrass bed – biology, ecology, distribution, impacts Seagrass Beds • Importance for coastal ecosystems • Comparison with tropical systems • As recruitment/adult habitat for fish (e.g., pipefish, green rockfish) Rocky Intertidal • Rocky intertidal – species diversity; adaptations; genetics • Tide impacts • Geological impacts • Natural UV & heat protection Bio 124 Fall 2014 Deep sea organisms Lab 12: Term Projects •
Larval dispersal Larval life Marine migrations Waves/Tsunamis Upwelling •
aphic Events •
Fisheries •
Aquaculture Page 3 of 18 Deep sea canyon life in California (focus on a particular species, or a particular canyon such as the Monterey Bay Canyon or one of the many in the S. California Bight) Adaptations to deep sea environment by invertebrates or fish Hydrothermal vents – discovery, importance, study of Coelacanth (ancient fish, still alive!) Recent discoveries of new species Giant squid (Architeuthis) Range expansion of Humboldt squid Mesophytic or Cold water corals – biology, ecology, comparison with tropicals Connectivity of fish populations via larval dispersal How larval dispersal is studied with genetics How larval fish/corals find & settle on reefs Predation in the larval world Larval adaptations for survival Diurnal nightly plankton migration Migration patterns of organisms that pass through the Santa Barbara Channel (select one, such as: salmon, great white sharks, blue whales, grey whales, orcas, humpbacks, seabirds, leatherback turtle, bluefin tuna, birds...) Impacts of specific events (e.g., 1964 Alaskan tsunami) Internal waves –what they are, impact on marine life Upwelling: impacts on recruitment of fish or invertebrates Upwelling: impacts on fisheries Comparison of coastal & equatorial upwelling Variation of upwelling along California coast & impacts on organisms Hurricanes – formation, impacts, frequency El Nino/Southern Oscillation impacts on coastal areas Pacific Decadal Oscillation – impacts on salmon or beach size (Goleta beach issue); salmon population impacts Trophic cascades Fishing down the food web Impact of ENSO on fisheries Alaskan king crab fishery Shrimp fishing & farming Overexploited/endangered organisms Impact of a particular fishing gear (long‐line, gill nets, trawls, etc) Shark finning Whale fishing (history, impacts, politics) Fisheries management (Individual tradable quotas, reserves, etc) Impacts of overfishing on human societies Local industry (e.g., abalone farms, mussels) Tuna farming Bio 124 Fall 2014 Algae Sea birds Marine explorers/history Oceanographic tools/Marine technology Ocean technology/ resources Marine Pollution Marine Management & Conservation Artificial Reefs Lab 12: Term Projects •
Page 4 of 18 Role of accessory pigments Deep‐water algae Local kelp harvest (how, why, impacts) Connections between birds & marine realm (feeding, nutrient inputs) The voyage of the Beagle (Darwin’s) Pirates – impact on early trading, discoveries Deep sea explorers Discovery of the mid‐ocean ridge Jacque Cousteau – role in marine science The Aquanauts (first female team to live/work underwater) Alvin submersible ROVs (remotely operated vehicles) Early deep sea research (evolution of use of submarines: WASP, MANTIS, Trieste) Deep sea exploration Power from waves/tides Google Ocean Impact on marine mammals, sea birds, plankton Estrogenic compounds – impact on fish Plastic microbeads (source, fate, problems) Local harmful algal blooms – when, why, impacts California Marine Life Management Act Channel Islands marine reserve network Marine Protected Areas Efforts of individuals/organizations (Green Peace, The Nature Conservancy, WWF, Wildlife Conservation Society, Charles Moore) Artificial reefs controversy – arguments for and against Artificial reefs in temperate vs. tropical areas III. Sources • Cast a wide net initially – use multiple different sources. Research. Gather, read, and evaluate material which may relate to the topic. • Each student must use at least 1 peer‐reviewed article (if you work as a team, each person in the team is expected to discuss their own article). • You will use this article to provide an example of scientific research that has been conducted on your topic. From this article, you will obtain a graph, figure, or table that you will include in your presentation and explain to the class. • You must use at least 3 other verifiable sources (be careful that information you obtain from the web is from a trustable source – check facts!) • Keep an annotated bibliography of everything you read, even if you end up not including it. Each person will turn in their annotated bibliography on the day of their presentation. Information about annotated bibliographies is in section VII. Bio 124 Fall 2014 Lab 12: Term Projects Page 5 of 18 IV. Outline: due in lab the week of Oct 13 (10 pts) • This is a working outline – meaning that you do not have to present your project exactly as outlined, but provides you with a direction that you are working. By presenting this, you will have the opportunity to work on, or see me about any aspects you are having trouble with. • Outline the flow of your presentation ‐ Tell a story in a logical sequence. • Stick to the key concepts. Avoid description of specifics and unnecessary details. • Your outline should consist of the following: 1. Working title for your project (1 point) 2. Format of presentation (i.e., PowerPoint, song, etc) (1 point) 3. Statement of the topic and question. For ex., “This project will address the issue of the impact of the Japan tsunami on marine life in the Pacific. Our question is whether any organisms were impacted by radiation leaking from the power plant that was destroyed.” (2 points) 4. Basic flow of the project laid out in steps (similar to my lecture outlines). If working with a partner, note who will do each section (5 points) 5. Bibliography of sources checked and used (include at least 1 peer‐reviewed citation) (2 points) V. Creating your presentation (specific details about PowerPoint presentation preparation are at the end of this document) • Organize your points from the most to the least important. The less important points can be skipped if you run short of time. • Plan your presentation time wisely so it fits in the allotted time (5 minutes per person). Be careful about saying too much or too little. • Video clips may be used, but must be very short (15 seconds max). • Use/ describe at least 1 figure (a graph or map, hopefully from the article) in your talk. • If you would like to have notes for yourself while you present, be sure they are organized and legible for you to quickly refer to them. VI. Hints for Efficient Practice: Timing ‐ Practice Your Presentation! • Practice several times (at least 3‐5 times) • Practice standing up and in front of someone else at least 2 times, get their feedback and immediately integrate it. • To end on time, you must PRACTICE! Content • Make a list of key words/concepts for each slide or concept you want to convey • Read through the list before you begin. You can have it with you, but be sure it is easy for you to quickly find the information you need. • Don't attempt to memorize all of your text, but to get over nervousness, you may want to have your notes printed out & write out or memorize your opening statement/1st slide. • Your words will probably be different each time you practice, that’s fine! • Think about the ideas, and your words will follow naturally. Bio 124 Fall 2014 VII.
Lab 12: Term Projects Page 6 of 18 Presenting On the day of your talk, provide me with a piece of paper TYPED with the following: 1) Title of your talk. Your name. 2) Your abstract (10% of the grade) A paragraph summarizing the main issues that you will discuss and your main questions & conclusions you found in your research. Your abstract should be a short (250‐300 words) summary of your seminar topic and the information you will present. Start with a brief statement introducing your topic, and indicating why your topic is of interest to marine biologists and, if applicable, other groups (citizens, politicians, etc.). Then summarize the key insights that you have uncovered in your literature research. For example a sentence might read: “One study demonstrated that coral reef fish larvae can hear the sounds of reefs and use that to find a place to settle.” The final statement(s) of your abstract should succinctly state the main conclusion(s) of your research. 3) An ANNOTATED bibliography (15% of the grade) Must be presented by EACH student (even if you work with a partner). An annotated bibliography is more than just a list of sources. In an annotated bibliography, each source citation is followed by a brief summary (as 3‐5 sentences, or a list of key points) of the article’s content and evaluation of the article’s value. This summary and evaluation is the “annotation”. The purpose of the annotation is to record your notes about the information on the content, relevance, and questions raised about/from the article cited. In addition, you should include a sentence that describes how this article was useful in your presentation preparation. That is, in what significant way did it guide or inform your research? Each citation should be in a standard format that includes authors’ names, publication year, article title, journal name, volume, issue (if applicable), pages, and website. Here is an example of an annotated reference Source: Sponaugle, S, KD Walter, K Grorud‐Colvert, MJ Paddack. 2012. Influence of marine reserves on reef fish recruitment in the upper Florida Keys. Coral Reefs. Published online 2 June 2012. • Examined whether fish recruitment differed inside marine reserves on coral reefs • They found that results were very different among several species • Several species had higher densities in reserves, which corresponded with lower densities of intermediate‐sized predators, and higher abundance of large predators • Marine reserves may therefore decrease predation threat to young fish • I did not understand why the damselfish were so variable –maybe it is because that species is harder for predators to eat because of the part of the reef they live on? For more information on annotated bibliographies, see Cornell’s very useful website: Bio 124 Fall 2014 Lab 12: Term Projects Page 7 of 18 Delivering Your Presentation: It is OK to be nervous – everyone is (even your teachers!). Just take a breath and remember ‐ people are interested in what you have to say. If you have practiced, you will feel much more comfortable. Enjoy it! Pre‐Talk Preparation • Dress appropriately for your audience. • Turn off your cell phone (everyone!!) Opening: • Jump right in and get to the point. • Use the opening to catch the interest and attention of the audience. • Briefly state the specific topic you will be discussing. • Briefly summarize your main research findings. Speaking • Talk at a natural, moderate rate of speech • Project your voice. • Speak clearly and distinctly. • Repeat critical information. • Pause briefly to give your audience time to digest the information on each new slide. • Don’t read the slides aloud. Your audience can read them far faster than you can talk. Body Language • Make eye contact with your audience periodically. • Use natural gestures. • Avoid turning your back to the audience for more than a brief moment • Try using your notes only as reference to keep you on track rather than reading to the audience. Demeanor: • Show some enthusiasm. Nobody wants to listen to a dull presentation. On the other hand, don’t overdo it and become distracting. How would you explain your ideas to a friend? • Involve your audience. Ask questions, make eye contact, and use humor. • Don’t get distracted by audience noises or movements or apparent lack of interest (some people look serious when they are thinking about what you say!) • You’ll forget a minor point or two. Everybody does. Don’t worry about it. • If you temporarily lose your train of thought, it is OK to stop for a moment and regroup. A pause in speech always seems longer to you than to the audience (and can also be a powerful way to regain their attention) Conclusion: • Concisely summarize your key concepts and the main ideas of your presentation. • End your talk with the summary statement or question you have prepared. What concept or key point do you want them to walk away with and remember? Questions • Relax. If you’ve done the research you can easily answer most questions. Bio 124 Fall 2014 Lab 12: Term Projects Page 8 of 18 •
If you can’t answer a question, be honest. If you feel comfortable, present what you think might be the answer, but let people know these are your thoughts and not necessarily correct. Here is the rubric which I will use to grade your presentation: (100 points) Criteria Specific criteria Maximum Points points earned Abstract (10) Abstract presented on‐time; well‐written 10 Bibliography (15) Content (35) Knowledge (20) Presentation (20) Timing (5) Total Score 4 acceptable, properly cited & annotated references, one a peer‐reviewed article Clear statement of topic – introduced in an engaging way Topic thoroughly covered (well organized, good detail) Included & explained findings of scientific research (e.g., graph/figure/table) Concise/clear conclusion (“take‐home message”) Exhibits understanding of material Visuals are legible, proof‐read, appropriate, and clearly explained Voice is audible and clear Makes contact with audience Completed in 8 minutes (15 for partner teams); timing well‐planned (sufficient time on each section) 15 5 10 15 5 20 10 5 5 100 Bio 124 Fall 2014 Lab 12: Term Projects Page 9 of 18 Tips for Presenting & using PowerPoint You are not required to use PowerPoint, but many of these comments apply to general presentation tips Preparing PowerPoint Slides: Presentation Design • Do not overload your slides with too much text or data. • FOCUS. In general, using a few powerful slides is the aim. • One slide per minute is a good rule‐of‐thumb. • Pictures tell a thousand words – use pictures or graphs to make a point rather than cluttering a slide with too many words. • You can type notes in PowerPoint under each slide & print these out to help you practice. • Proof read everything, including visuals and numbers. Visual elements • Use clear, simple visuals. Don’t confuse the audience. • Graphics should make a key concept clearer. Text • A font size of 28 to 34 with a bold font is recommended. Best to stick to 1 font throughout. • Use contrast: light on dark or dark on light. • Too much text makes the slide unreadable. Stick to a few key words. • If your audience is reading the slides they are not paying attention to you! If possible, make your point with graphics instead of text. Charts/Graphs • Charts need to be clearly labeled. Take time to step through them. • Tables can be both hard to see and to understand. Get creative with better ways to present them. Backgrounds • Be sure your background does not distract from the presentation. • Using the default white background is hard on the viewer’s eyes. You can easily add a design style or a color to the background. • Backgrounds that are light colored with dark text, or vice versa, look good. A dark background with white font reduces glare. Excitement • Sounds and transition effects can be annoying. Use sparingly. • Animation effects can be interesting, but too much is distracting. Use in moderation. Bio 124 Fall 2014 Lab 12: Term Projects Page 10 of 18 Student Presentation Peer Evaluations: Your name:_________________________________
1. Name of the student presenting:
2. What topic are they discussing?
3. Was the presentation clear, informative (do you understand what they are discussing and
why), and interesting?
4. If not, what could have made it more informative or interesting?
5. Write down one thing you learned from this presentation OR a question you have after having
heard this talk.
1. Name of the student presenting:
2. What topic are they discussing?
3. Was the presentation clear, informative (do you understand what they are discussing and
why), and interesting?
4. If not, what could have made it more informative or interesting?
5. Write down one thing you learned from this presentation OR a question you have after
having heard this talk.
1. Name of the student presenting:
2. What topic are they discussing?
3. Was the presentation clear, informative (do you understand what they are discussing and
why), and interesting?
4. If not, what could have made it more informative or interesting?
5. Write down one thing you learned from this presentation OR a question you have after
having heard this talk.
Bio 124 Fall 2014 Lab 12: Term Projects Page 11 of 18 1. Name of the student presenting:
2. What topic are they discussing?
3. Was the presentation clear, informative (do you understand what they are discussing and
why), and interesting?
4. If not, what could have made it more informative or interesting?
5. Write down one thing you learned from this presentation OR a question you have after
having heard this talk.
1. Name of the student presenting:
2. What topic are they discussing?
3. Was the presentation clear, informative (do you understand what they are discussing and
why), and interesting?
4. If not, what could have made it more informative or interesting?
5. Write down one thing you learned from this presentation OR a question you have after
having heard this talk.
1. Name of the student presenting:
2. What topic are they discussing?
3. Was the presentation clear, informative (do you understand what they are discussing and
why), and interesting?
4. If not, what could have made it more informative or interesting?
5. Write down one thing you learned from this presentation OR a question you have after
having heard this talk.
Bio 124 Fall 2014 Lab 12: Term Projects Page 12 of 18 Student Presentation Peer Evaluations: Your name:_________________________________
1. Name of the student presenting:
2. What topic are they discussing?
3. Was the presentation clear, informative (do you understand what they are discussing and
why), and interesting?
4. If not, what could have made it more informative or interesting?
5. Write down one thing you learned from this presentation OR a question you have after having
heard this talk.
1. Name of the student presenting:
2. What topic are they discussing?
3. Was the presentation clear, informative (do you understand what they are discussing and
why), and interesting?
4. If not, what could have made it more informative or interesting?
5. Write down one thing you learned from this presentation OR a question you have after
having heard this talk.
1. Name of the student presenting:
2. What topic are they discussing?
3. Was the presentation clear, informative (do you understand what they are discussing and
why), and interesting?
4. If not, what could have made it more informative or interesting?
5. Write down one thing you learned from this presentation OR a question you have after
having heard this talk.
1. Name of the student presenting:
Bio 124 Fall 2014 Lab 12: Term Projects Page 13 of 18 2. What topic are they discussing?
3. Was the presentation clear, informative (do you understand what they are discussing and
why), and interesting?
4. If not, what could have made it more informative or interesting?
5. Write down one thing you learned from this presentation OR a question you have after
having heard this talk.
1. Name of the student presenting:
2. What topic are they discussing?
3. Was the presentation clear, informative (do you understand what they are discussing and
why), and interesting?
4. If not, what could have made it more informative or interesting?
5. Write down one thing you learned from this presentation OR a question you have after
having heard this talk.
1. Name of the student presenting:
2. What topic are they discussing?
3. Was the presentation clear, informative (do you understand what they are discussing and
why), and interesting?
4. If not, what could have made it more informative or interesting?
5. Write down one thing you learned from this presentation OR a question you have after
having heard this talk.
Bio 124 Fall 2014 Lab 12: Term Projects Page 14 of 18 Student Presentation Peer Evaluations: Your name:__________________________________
1. Name of the student presenting:
2. What topic are they discussing?
3. Was the presentation clear, informative (do you understand what they are discussing and
why), and interesting?
4. If not, what could have made it more informative or interesting?
5. Write down one thing you learned from this presentation OR a question you have after having
heard this talk.
1. Name of the student presenting:
2. What topic are they discussing?
3. Was the presentation clear, informative (do you understand what they are discussing and
why), and interesting?
4. If not, what could have made it more informative or interesting?
5. Write down one thing you learned from this presentation OR a question you have after
having heard this talk.
1. Name of the student presenting:
2. What topic are they discussing?
3. Was the presentation clear, informative (do you understand what they are discussing and
why), and interesting?
4. If not, what could have made it more informative or interesting?
5. Write down one thing you learned from this presentation OR a question you have after
having heard this talk.
1. Name of the student presenting:
Bio 124 Fall 2014 Lab 12: Term Projects Page 15 of 18 2. What topic are they discussing?
3. Was the presentation clear, informative (do you understand what they are discussing and
why), and interesting?
4. If not, what could have made it more informative or interesting?
5. Write down one thing you learned from this presentation OR a question you have after
having heard this talk.
1. Name of the student presenting:
2. What topic are they discussing?
3. Was the presentation clear, informative (do you understand what they are discussing and
why), and interesting?
4. If not, what could have made it more informative or interesting?
5. Write down one thing you learned from this presentation OR a question you have after
having heard this talk.
1. Name of the student presenting:
2. What topic are they discussing?
3. Was the presentation clear, informative (do you understand what they are discussing and
why), and interesting?
4. If not, what could have made it more informative or interesting?
5. Write down one thing you learned from this presentation OR a question you have after
having heard this talk.
Bio 124 Fall 2014 Lab 12: Term Projects Page 16 of 18 Student Presentation Peer Evaluations: Your name:_________________________________
1. Name of the student presenting:
2. What topic are they discussing?
3. Was the presentation clear, informative (do you understand what they are discussing and
why), and interesting?
4. If not, what could have made it more informative or interesting?
5. Write down one thing you learned from this presentation OR a question you have after
having heard this talk.
1. Name of the student presenting:
2. What topic are they discussing?
3. Was the presentation clear, informative (do you understand what they are discussing
and why), and interesting?
4. If not, what could have made it more informative or interesting?
5. Write down one thing you learned from this presentation OR a question you have after
having heard this talk.
1. Name of the student presenting:
2. What topic are they discussing?
3. Was the presentation clear, informative (do you understand what they are discussing
and why), and interesting?
4. If not, what could have made it more informative or interesting?
5. Write down one thing you learned from this presentation OR a question you have after
having heard this talk.
Bio 124 Fall 2014 Lab 12: Term Projects Page 17 of 18 1. Name of the student presenting:
2. What topic are they discussing?
3. Was the presentation clear, informative (do you understand what they are discussing
and why), and interesting?
4. If not, what could have made it more informative or interesting?
5. Write down one thing you learned from this presentation OR a question you have
after having heard this talk.
1. Name of the student presenting:
2. What topic are they discussing?
3. Was the presentation clear, informative (do you understand what they are discussing
and why), and interesting?
4. If not, what could have made it more informative or interesting?
5. Write down one thing you learned from this presentation OR a question you have after
having heard this talk.
1. Name of the student presenting:
2. What topic are they discussing?
3. Was the presentation clear, informative (do you understand what they are discussing
and why), and interesting?
4. If not, what could have made it more informative or interesting?
5. Write down one thing you learned from this presentation OR a question you have after
having heard this talk.
Bio 124 Fall 2014 Self Evaluation
Lab 12: Term Projects Page 18 of 18 Name______________________________________________________
1. Briefly describe one part of either your presentation or your preparation for your presentation that
you think you performed particularly well.
2. Briefly describe a part of your given presentation that you feel you did not perform as well as you
could have (this could be in your oral delivery or the digital presentation) & how it could be
3. What would you do differently in preparation for or during a future presentation?
4. If you worked with a partner, describe how you divided up the work and if you think it was fairly
done. Is there anything about this teamwork that you would do differently in the future?
6. Do you think you learned more or less than doing a research paper? Explain.
7. Briefly describe one idea or concept that you learned from doing this presentation that you think
is really important about the subject you presented or about preparing a talk.
8. Briefly describe one idea that you learned from hearing other student’s presentations about the
skill of preparing a talk that you think is really important.
Bio 124 Fall 2014 (Dr. Paddack)
Lab 13: Marine Ecosystems & Adaptations
1. Distinguish unique characteristics of abiotic and biotic elements within marine ecosystems.
Equipment to be used:
1. Your power of observation!
Lab Exercises:
I. Ocean Sediments
A. Lithogenic (Terrogenous) = from rock material
1. Observe the following sediments and predict how the sediment size may influence the
types of infaunal organisms that can live in areas dominated by each, noting particular
challenges each sediment type presents.
Solid Rock
(Monterey Shale is the most common rock material in the coastal Santa Barbara area
making up most of the sea cliffs, and rocky intertidal areas)
The smaller pieces of sediment are taken away whenever there is strong water movement.
Thus, quiet water areas (harbors, sloughs) without any waves are usually mud and areas
with rough water have increasingly larger sediment depending on the wave action or
currents. Look at the sample of beach sand from a westerly facing beach near Morro Bay,
CA. (Hazard Canyon). By looking at the sand, what can you say about the average size &
intensity of the waves there?
How do you think it compares to our southerly facing Leadbetter Beach?
Bio 124 Fall 2014 (Dr. Paddack)
Lab 13: Marine Ecosystems & Adaptations
I.A. Ocean Sediments – Lithogenic (con’t)
3. Beaches may also come in various colors (black, green, purple, red) depending on the origin
of the sand. Examine the different sand samples – look at the samples both with your naked
eye and under the microscope. In the table below, describe how they vary in color, grain size
and texture. State what type of rock or animal you think each type originated from.
Do you see anything besides sand grains in any of the samples?
Sand origin
Texture/grain size
Possible origin
Nicholas Is.
B. Biogenic (Biogenous) Ocean Sediments - from shell parts of organisms mixed with sediments
1. Calcareous Ooze - from calcareous shells - at depths below 4,000 meters the calcium
dissolves. Many calcareous oozes are made up of large numbers of dead planktonic animals
called foraminifera that secrete calcium shells.
Examine the slide made of foraminifera shells from calcareous ooze. Sketch or describe one:
Examine the beach sand from Rarotonga Island in the South Pacific.
How does it compare to our local sand? (look closely under the microscope). Is it biogenic or
lithogenic? What do you think it is made of?
2. Siliceous Ooze - from diatom tests
Examine some diatomite from Lompoc. It was once siliceous ooze on the sea floor.
Plate tectonics has moved this area above sea level now where it is being mined. It is
called diatomaceous earth. Look at it under the microscope, describe the texture and note
key features (can you find a diatom?)
C. Authigenic (Hydrogenous) - precipitated from sea water.
Examine the manganese nodules found off Hawaii and describe:
Bio 124 Fall 2014 (Dr. Paddack)
Lab 13: Marine Ecosystems & Adaptations
II. The Tropics - nutrient limited all year for plants, therefore food limited for animals
The shallow water tropical areas of earth are veritable deserts as far as species go except for coral
reefs. The reason is because a year round thermocline locks nutrients out of surface waters.
Marine plants living in surface waters (to get enough light for photosynthesis) use up the available
nutrients. When they die (and animals die) they sink and decompose at the bottom releasing
nutrients into the cooler bottom water that does not mix with warmer surface water because of the
thermocline. Without plants, few animals exist in the tropical shallow water.
But, the reef building corals are an exception. Where they exist, an abundance of life is found in the
tropics. They get around the nutrient problem by having symbiotic zooxanthellae (plants) in their
tissues. The coral gives the zooxanthellae carbon dioxide and nutrients (fecal material) and the
zooxanthellae gives the coral oxygen and food (carbohydrates from photosynthesis).
1. Look at the examples of reef building coral species from the Caribbean. These reef builders
leave behind their corallites (the ‘cups’ they build to hold each coral polyp). Sketch or
describe each of these stony corals. Measure & record the corallite size for each.
Staghorn Coral
Giant Star Coral
Flower Coral
Solitary disk Coral
Plate Coral
Bio 124 Fall 2014 (Dr. Paddack)
Lab 13: Marine Ecosystems & Adaptations
II. Tropics (con’t)
2. Many coral reefs have an 'algal ridge' on the windward side. This is a high area of the reef
(often above sea level) and is composed of large amounts of a type of red algae.
a. Examine the photograph and the red (pink colored) algae on this rock. What feature of it
makes it well adapted to areas of high wave energy?
b. Draw or describe the upright coralline algae. Which features allow it to be well-adapted?
3. Stony corals create the main habitat on coral reefs, but reefs also include soft corals and
octocorals. Compare the following soft corals, using sketches and/or descriptions. Note in
particular how they differ from the stony corals.
Caribbean Sea Fans
Hawaiian Black Coral (a sea fan, not a true coral - the branches are carved as jewelry, so
they have been over-harvested in many places)
4. Coral reefs have incredible diversity, as many organisms compete for limited resources of
space and food on reefs. Compare the following organisms, noting how they differ from
each other:
a. Tropical Snail Shells
Bio 124 Fall 2014 (Dr. Paddack)
Lab 13: Marine Ecosystems & Adaptations
b. Compare the Tridacna clam from a coral reef in the Indo-Pacific with the local clam. Describe
how they differ. How do you think shell structure is influenced by their environment?
c. This coral head specimen shows a small picture of the diversity found on coral
reefs. It was donated by Herb Drapkin from Goleta and are very unusual because there are so
many species together.
How many different species of marine organisms can you find? _________________________
What characteristics allow you to differentiate among coral species?
III. Poles - light limited 3/4 of the year for plants, therefore animals are food limited during that time
A. Seventeen species of krill are common in the world but are particularly abundant in
Antarctica and here in the Santa Barbara Channel. These planktonic animals are the major
food source for baleen whales and penguins. Examine the krill samples from Antarctica and
Santa Barbara – what differences or similarities do you observe?
What challenges and benefits do you think Antarctic krill have over our local ones?
B. The Alaskan King Crab is one of the largest of the fished crabs. The meat from the legs
of this crab is exported all over the world. The King Crab fishery is dangerous and very
profitable. Martin Carstens, a Biological Oceanography student here at SBCC in 1983
became a captain of a Russian King Crab vessel in the Bering Sea and sent this specimen
to SBCC for you to study.
Polar organisms tend to be larger than their counterparts in warmer waters. Provide a
hypothesis for why you think this is the case (think back to the results from your
Decomposer lab experiment).
Bio 124 Fall 2014 (Dr. Paddack)
Lab 13: Marine Ecosystems & Adaptations
C. Marine Mammals
Cold and ice are a major problem for many species at the poles. Certain species that are
poikilothermic have temperature tolerance ranges that allow them to live there (sponges,
starfish, and anemones). The poles are homes for many species of marine mammals also.
Some are there all year long while others are visitors. These mammals are homeothermic
and must maintain a constant internal body temperature above the surrounding water.
Insulation from the cold polar water is accomplished with fur or a fat layer (or both).
1. Whales (Cetaceans) have a super fat layer for insulation which we call blubber. This
preserved whale skin (gray) with the blubber (white) has only a small fraction of the
blubber layer. Blubber is important for warmth, but how might it create a challenge for
Whales also have porous bones that are filled with oil. Examine the whale bone and provide
a hypothesis as to why it is filled with oil whereas other mammal bones are not.
2. Pinnipeds (Seals & Sea Lions) & Carnivora (Polar bears & sea otters) insulate with varying
amounts of blubber and fur. Examine the different pelts from each animal and describe
how the skin & fur differ.
Harbor seal
Elephant seal
Sea lion
Polar Bear
Sea Otter
Elephant seals are some of the largest pinnipeds. They come ashore to mate and have their
babies during the winter in California (many near Hearst Castle in Central California). After this
Bio 124 Fall 2014 (Dr. Paddack)
Lab 13: Marine Ecosystems & Adaptations
they go to sea to feed but they return in summer for a ‘catastrophic molt.’ This means they shed
their fur and they stay out of the cold water until their new fur has regrown. Examine the pieces of
elephant seal molted fur that you sketched above and you will see that the entire layer of fur is
shed. They would get very cold if they returned to the ocean in California before their new coat
grew back.
The above marine mammals all have a baculum as do most land mammals. Primates (including
humans) do not have them, however. For these marine mammals, what do you think the advantage
of having a baculum would be?
IV. Deep-Sea - light limited for plants all year therefore food limited for animals
There are no plants in the deep-sea because there is not enough light. The animals that live there
are usually food limited and depend on a 'rain' of material (fecal pellets, dead organisms, marine
snow, etc.) from surface waters or on each other for food. These organisms are often bizarre with
various adaptations to a deep-sea existence. The deep-sea benthos is primarily infaunal worms
and sea cucumbers. The deep-sea nekton is primarily fish.
1. Sketch each one of these common deep-sea fish and draw a scale (size in inches) next to it.
Write down one characteristic about each that you think makes them well-adapted to the deep sea.
State why you think this is so.
Viper Fish
Hatchet Fish - note the orientation of light organs and eyes.
Myctophid Fish - members of the deep scattering layer (DSL) who migrate to the surface
each night.
Angler Fish
Bio 124 Fall 2014 (Dr. Paddack)
Lab 13: Marine Ecosystems & Adaptations
Why do you think deep sea fish are so small?
Which vertical zone of the ocean would you expect fish to have the largest eyes? Why?
Which would likely have the smallest eyes? Why?
V. Deep-Sea Hydrothermal Vents - a special exception on the deep-sea floor. Here, seawater is
warmed by magma in the earth's crust and minerals are leached from the new rock and dissolved in
this water. Bacteria near these hydrothermal vents chemosynthesize using the dissolved minerals.
These bacteria are the base of a food chain that exists at these vents containing bizarre and often
large animals (like the 6 foot tall tube worms).
1. Sketch or describe how these specimens differ from each other.
Vent Worm (Riftia)
Ridgeia vent worms
Shells from vent mussels (Phylum Mollusca, Genus Bathymodiolus)
Shells from vent clams (Phylum Mollusca)
2. Describe what happened to these Styrofoam cups when they were placed outside of a
submarine in deep waters. Why did this happen?
Bio 124 Fall 2014 (Dr. Paddack)
Lab 13: Marine Ecosystems & Adaptations
3. A piece of a black smoker from an ancient deep-sea hydrothermal vent was found about an
hour from here exposed by erosion beside a trail in the mountains. It had many mineral
deposits near the large sulfide mound. Note the photo taken in 1994 with Dr. Rachel
Hayman from UCSB and her Deep-sea Hydrothermal Vent class. Examine the sulphide
deposits taken from that black smoker. Describe the color:
Examine the mineral deposits taken from a black smoker. Record the different colors:
VI. Buoyancy
A. Rigid Gas Inclusions: Chambered Nautilus. Note the pores between each chamber –
how do you think this helps them?
The chambered Nautilus is one of the few remaining members of this group however
millions of years ago there were numerous species that ruled the oceans. Note the fossil nautiloid
and how it resembles the chambered Nautilus.
B. Non Rigid Gas Inclusions
1. Neuston. Describe in detail and/or sketch how each of these organisms floats.
a. Janthina
b. Physalia - Portuguese man-o-war
¾ In what situation(s) would this method of buoyancy be a liability to the organism?
2. Swim bladder - about half of the adult bony fish have a swim bladder that can be
inflated or deflated with gas to give them neutral buoyancy.
a. Sketch or describe the inflated swim bladder removed from a 4 foot fish:
Bio 124 Fall 2014 (Dr. Paddack)
Lab 13: Marine Ecosystems & Adaptations
b. Describe the effect of the capture of this fish from 200 feet in our otter trawl and
bringing it to the surface so fast that it could not change the gas in its swim bladder.
VII. Camouflage
A. Note the examples of counter-shading – describe it and state how it helps pelagic
organisms camouflage.
B. Note the examples of cryptic (blending into the environment) coloration. In what
instances would shape be better than color for being cryptic?
C. Note the examples of a deep-sea trawl made by the Monterey Bay Aquarium in their
research and development for a Deep-Sea exhibit that they had on display for a time. Why
do you think most deep-sea critters are black or red as opposed to other colors?
VIII. Locomotion
Look carefully at the body shape of fish vs. whales.
Sketch the tails of each, describing how they are oriented.
How do you think their swimming ability differs based upon tail orientation?
Bio 124 Fall 2014 (Dr. Paddack)
Lab 13: Marine Ecosystems & Adaptations
IX. Homology of Vertebrates
A. Forelimbs - The same bones are found in the forelimbs of most mammals, each group
has adaptations of these bones that make them better adapted to their way of life.
1. Here is a list of bones. Find them on each specimen.
Shoulder (wing) = Scapula
Upper Arm = Humerus
Lower Arm = Radius and Ulna
Wrist = Carpals
Hand = Metacarpals
Fingers = Phalanges
2. Select one of the above bones & locate it one each of the specimens provided. Sketch it for
each one, describing how it differs for each. State why you think this shape is helpful for survival.
Pinnipeds (seals, sea lions, walrus)
Sirenians (sea cows, manatees)
Cetaceans (whales, dolphins, porpoise)
Bio 124 Fall 2014 (Dr. Paddack)
Lab 13: Marine Ecosystems & Adaptations
B. Swimming - marine mammals are excellent swimmers, their bodies are often streamlined
to aid this. (Even to the point of whales lacking hind limbs.) Examine the posters of
pinnipeds and cetaceans.
1. Draw or describe how they differ in body shape:
2. Which group is more streamlined? What might this say about their feeding habits?
C. Breathing - Although marine mammals are great swimmers, they must still come to the
surface to breathe air. Examine the skulls of a sea lion, walrus, sea otter, polar bear,
porpoise and manatee - note the position of the nostrils. Sketch and indicate if nostrils are
forward on the face, or on top of the head.
Sea Lion
Sea Otter
Polar Bear
Bio 124 Fall 2014 (Dr. Paddack)
Lab 13: Marine Ecosystems & Adaptations
D. Teeth - Examine the teeth of these skulls - the pointed ones are for tearing flesh &
holding food and the flat ones (molars) are for chewing.
1. Examine the following types of teeth and write down what the following shapes might
allow the animal to feed upon:
a. Long canines
b. Overall pointy teeth
c. Wide molars vs. narrow molars
d. Serrated
e. Baleen
2. Compare the skulls and note the differences in teeth in the table below.
(prominent or not)
Tooth shape
(pointed or flat)
Molar width (wide
or narrow)
Sea lion
Sea Otter
Polar Bear
Crabeater seal
X. Marine Green Turtle (one of the 7 species of marine turtles). Turtles are one of the major
migraters in the ocean – travelling thousands of miles to remote tropical beaches to where the
females (who average about 3 feet across and may weigh just under 300 pounds) crawl up on the
beach to dig nests and lay eggs. What adaptations do you observe that help this animal to migrate
and to nest on beaches?
Bio 124 Fall 2014 (Dr. Paddack)
Lab 13: Marine Ecosystems & Adaptations
Bio 124: Fall 2014 (Dr. Paddack) Lab Practical Final Exam Review Page 1 of 2
The lab final will occur in lab during the last week of classes (Dec 1 – Dec 4, 2014) on the same
day & time as your lab (2:30 start time).
The final for the lab portion of your class is a ‘Lab Practical’, which means that you move through
different stations around the room (similar to the Adaptations lab) and answer questions based on
what is at each station. The exam is worth 100 points (10% of your total class grade) and will be
100 questions, fully multiple choice. **Bring a 100 question Scantron and a #2 pencil!
To study for this test, review each of your labs & quizzes. The online Tools lab is a useful study
There are 2 major components to this exam: there will be a strong emphasis on the equipment used
or observed in labs and their use, and there will also be a ‘concept’ question from each lab.
We will have a review lab the week before the lab final (for some, in the same lab as the
‘Adaptations’ lab). There will be samples of equipment and test questions set out in the room. I
strongly recommend going through these but also taking time to review each of your labs.
I. Equipment: will be 50-60% of the exam
An overview of all oceanographic tools used and discussed is on the class website and is an
excellent source of review for this section. There is a review sheet after this document to
help you organize our notes. Be sure to also look over each lab to remind yourself of the
hands on aspects of each piece of equipment used this semester.
You will be asked to identify the following regarding equipment from each lab:
1. Name of equipment by being shown the piece of equipment or a photo
2. What it samples or measures
3. If it samples, how you use it and why
4. If it measures, what is an average measurement for our area, or range if it varies. Be sure
to know whether/how values of things (such as dissolved gases) vary seasonally or by
depth & understand why they have these patterns.
II. Concepts. Below is a list of key concepts from each lab which you may be tested on.
Lab 1: Water Sampling
1. Know range of values of dissolved gases, pH, etc. in the oceans
2. Know whether/how these values vary seasonally & by depth
3. Understand why this variation occurs
Lab 2: Scientific Observations & Measurements
1. Understand how salinity and temperature can affect marine organisms.
Lab 3: Pigments
1. Understand the purpose of chlorophyll & accessory pigments in marine algae.
2. Be able to count & distinguish accessory pigments from chlorophyll on a TLC
Lab 4: Currents/Beach Profile
1. Be able to read a beach profile graph and locate major features of the beach.
2. Understand how to figure out how high above sea level the berm crest is.
3. Understand how and why beaches vary in their profile and sediment grain size.
4. Label the anatomy & measurements of ocean waves (wave crest, trough, wave length,
wave period)
Bio 124: Fall 2014 (Dr. Paddack) Lab Practical Final Exam Review Page 2 of 2
Lab 5: Boat Trip
1. Know which types of organisms are likely to be collected in a bottom trawl and
why they sample these organisms in particular (hint: based largely upon the type
of substrate trawls are used on).
Lab 6: Plankton/Productivity
1. Be able to identify what stage of the seasonal plankton cycle is occurring based upon
the number of phytoplankton vs. the number of zooplankton in a sample.
2. Distinguish major types of phytoplankton and zooplankton (e.g., diatoms,
dinoflagellates, copepods, Foraminiferans).
Lab 7: Rocky Intertidal
1. Be able to distinguish the 4 intertidal zones of California rocky shores based upon
height and indicator species.
Lab 8: Infauna
1. Know which types of organisms characterize sandy beach vs. muddy bottom
infaunal communities.
Lab 9: Decomposers
1. Understand why bacteria & fungus are an important part of the marine ecosystem.
2. Be able to visually distinguish bacteria from fungus.
Lab 10: Acidification
1. Understand why ocean acidification is occurring.
2. Be able to state which organisms are most vulnerable to acidification and why.
Lab 11: Settlement Plates
1. Know that larval dispersal is how most organisms disperse and find suitable
habitat to settle out on.
2. Identify traits of organisms that make them well-adapted to living on crowded,
poorly available hard-substrates in the ocean (e.g., dock pilings in muddy areas).
Lab 13: Adaptations
1. Know the main adaptations of organisms in the following areas: tropical seas,
polar seas, deep sea, mesopelagic, epipelagic. Be able to use this information to
determine the general area where an organism is likely from.
The big picture (5%)
After completing 12 labs and 2 online projects in Biological Oceanography, you have
been introduced to the common oceanographic equipment, major concepts, and types of
studies done by oceanographers across the globe.
This set of questions will present you with a ‘real life situation’ (e.g., oil spill, sewage
outflow into ocean, global warming) which threatens a marine ecosystem.
You will be asked to describe what oceanographic studies would be most useful to assess the
impact of the occurrence, and what equipment would be needed to conduct your study.
You will need to combine knowledge learned from lab with critical thinking.
Bio 124 Fall 2014 (Dr. Paddack) Tools of the Oceanographer: Online Review for Lab Practical Page 1 of 8
TOOLS OF THE OCEANOGRAPHER: Online Review for Lab Practical To access this lab, go to the class website at Studies in oceanography are no better than the equipment used, the sampling technique, and the technician him/herself. In order to gather data in the oceans, many specialized pieces of equipment have been designed and used by oceanographers. Some are very accurate and dependable and others are not. Some are very simple and some are quite complex. Many of the most common pieces of equipment are used by oceanographers all over the world. During your labs this semester you will be using most of these common pieces of equipment. This exercise is for you to view the SBCC equipment you will be using and get a comprehensive overview of oceanographic equipment. Then, each lab will focus on one or more pieces of equipment and you will use it in the field. Examine each piece of oceanographic equipment pictured in the Online Project Part 1 and read about it. Become familiar with its name and what it samples or measures. By the end of the course you will be very familiar with these standard pieces of oceanographic equipment, what they sample or measure, what the sample looks like or what an average measurement is, and what oceanographers do with the sample and/or data that is obtained. This is the crux of oceanography. Instructions 1. Open the class website at 2. View each piece of equipment and make notes (and sketches if you find it helps you remember) about what each piece of equipment is used to sample or measure (for example ... water, plankton, bottom sediments, midwater organisms are examples of what a piece of equipment might sample ... and ... temperature, salinity, pH, etc. are examples of measurements that might be taken by a piece of equipment). You may makes these notes on the following pages – or better yet, make flash cards with a picture of each piece of equipment on one side and what it samples on another. These will be extremely useful for studying for the lab practical. On‐line Lab Review: Tools of the Oceanographer I. Taking Samples of the Marine Environment A. Water Samplers 1. Van Dorn Bottle 2. Nansen Bottle 3. Niskin Bottle Bio 124 Fall 2014 (Dr. Paddack) Tools of the Oceanographer: Online Review for Lab Practical Page 2 of 8
4. JZ Bacteriological Bottle 5. Surface Sample Bottle B. Messengers Most of the water samplers can be sent to a particular depth and then "triggered" to take the water sample by a "messenger". This is also the case with several other types of samplers (bottom, organism). Sketch or describe a messenger here: C. Bottom Samplers (for the Benthos) 1. Ekman Grab 2. Petersen Grab 3. Modified Petersen Grab for soft bottoms Bio 124 Fall 2014 (Dr. Paddack) Tools of the Oceanographer: Online Review for Lab Practical Page 3 of 8
4. Wash Bucket (used for sediment samples collected by Ekman and Petersen samplers) 5. Bottom Corer D. Animal and Plant Samplers 1. Plankton a. Standard Plankton Net b. Deck Plankton Collector c. Folsom Plankton Splitter d. Sedgewick‐Rafter Plankton Counting Chamber 2. Settlement Plates Bio 124 Fall 2014 (Dr. Paddack) Tools of the Oceanographer: Online Review for Lab Practical Page 4 of 8
3. Transect tape 4. Quadrats 5. Biological Dredge 6. Beach Seine 7. Otter Trawl 8. Isaacs‐Kidd Midwater Trawl Bio 124 Fall 2014 (Dr. Paddack) Tools of the Oceanographer: Online Review for Lab Practical Page 5 of 8
II. Taking Measurements of the Marine Environment A. Temperature 1. Standard Thermometer 2. Bucket Thermometer 3. Reversing Thermometer (for use with Nansen Bottle) 4. Bathythermograph (B T) B. Salinity 1. Hydrometer (quick test type for aquariums) 2. Hydrometer Set (include all parts ‐ cylinder, thermometer, hydrometer, and TSD graph) 3. Chemical Test Kit (Knudsen Titration modification) 4. Salinometer Bio 124 Fall 2014 (Dr. Paddack) Tools of the Oceanographer: Online Review for Lab Practical Page 6 of 8
C. Oxygen 1. Chemical Test Kit (Winkler Titration) 2. Dissolved Oxygen Probe D. pH 1. pH test strips 2. Chemical Test Kit 3. pH meter E. Visibility and Color 1. Secchi Disk 2. Forel/Ule Scale (used in conjunction with the secchi disk) F. Other: There are chemical test kits for numerous dissolved substances. A few examples are out in lab and include tests for Carbon Dioxide, Nitrogen, Phosphates, Ammonia, Lead, Copper and Manganese. (No need to sketch these or write about them as their name explains what they measure.) G. Depth and Profile 1. Sounder (lead line) 2. Fathometer 3. Surveying Equipment: sighting level, tripod, stadia rod Bio 124 Fall 2014 (Dr. Paddack) Tools of the Oceanographer: Online Review for Lab Practical Page 7 of 8
G. Currents 1. Current meter 2. Dye 3. Drogues (two types – bottom currents measured with drogues with a weight on the end, and surface currents measured with drogues with a float on the end) 4. Drift Bottles 5. Drift Cards III. SEEING THINGS BETTER A. Microscopes are a wonderful tool for scientists to extend their knowledge to the microscopic world. We will be using the two most common types of microscopes in this course, the dissecting microscope and the compound microscope. ¾ Record the minimum and maximum magnification for each type of scope in the table below. Minimum magnification Maximum magnification Dissecting Microscope Compound Microscope ¾ Explain the difference between dissecting, compound, and electron microscopes in terms of their construction and their magnification. Bio 124 Fall 2014 (Dr. Paddack) Tools of the Oceanographer: Online Review for Lab Practical Page 8 of 8
B. Telescope C. Satellite D. GPS E. Compass 