Poetry Vocabulary

List includes Poetry Toolbox from Poet-in-Residence and Poetry Terms
from Focus Lessons. Poetry vocabulary test will be Thursday, April 29.
A word bank will be provided.
Poetry Vocabulary
* line - a row of words across the page in a poem
* stanza - group of lines
* rhythm - “beat,” like in a song
* rhyme - to have the same final sound in a word
* tone or mood - the way the poem makes you feel
* speaker - narrator of a poem
* point of view - who is telling the story
* personification - human characteristics are given to
animals or objects
* alliteration - repetition of beginning consonant sound
* repetition - a sound, word, or phrase is repeated
* narrative - type of poem that tells a story
* lyric - type of poem that expresses feeling and is often
rhythmic, like the words to a song
* cinquain - type of poem that is five lines long and
follows a syllable or word pattern
* ode - a praise poem or poem of celebration which is type
of lyric poem
* imagery - pictures drawn with words
* hyperbole – exaggeration to make a point
* simile – a comparison of two unlike things using the
words like or as
Ex. He smells like a goat.
* metaphor – a comparison of two unlike things that does
not use the words like or as; states something is
something that it is not
Ex. He is a goat.
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