Requisite Approval must be attached CITRUS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT CREDIT COURSE OUTLINE DEPARTMENT Social Sciences COURSE NUMBER HUM 111 TITLE Humanities through the Arts THIS COURSE IS CLASSIFIED AS: DEGREE APPLICABLE UNIT VALUE 3 LECTURE HOURS PER WEEK BASED ON 18 WEEK SEMESTER 3 ENTRANCE SKILLS, PREREQUISITES, OR CO-REQUISITES Strongly recommended: READ 099 if required by reading placement exam or if required by reading level. CATALOG COURSE DESCRIPTION An approach to the Humanities through the study of seven major arts. Each art is considered from the perspective of historical development, elements, meaning, form, and critical evaluation. Three hours lecture per week. CSU;UC CLASS SCHEDULE COURSE DESCRIPTION An approach to the Humanities through a critical integrative study of seven major arts for the purpose of synthesis and analysis. CSU;UC COURSE OBJECTIVES Upon successful completion of this course, the student should be able to: 1. examine and analyze the influences of political, cultural and scientific values through the arts 2. examine the elements and tools an artist uses to create a work of art 3. compare and integrate examination of the historical background essential to comprehending the values represented by the creative arts CITRUS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT HUM 111 Humanities through the Arts CREDIT COURSE OUTLINE Page 2 4. critique and analyze the different ways of “seeing” a work of art 5. examine the processes of criticism and evaluation 6. draw conclusions helpful in developing an approach of the arts REQUIRED TEXTS AND MATERIALS Humanities Through the Arts, Martin/Jacobus Video: Humanities Through the Arts, narration by Angelou The reading for this course is: PRIMARILY COLLEGE LEVEL REQUIRED ASSIGNMENTS OUTSIDE OF CLASS Over an 18 week presentation of the course three hours per week are required for each unit of credit. Two hours of independent work done out of class are required for each hour of lecture. Students will be required to complete the following types of assignments outside of the regular class time: Study Read required materials Write essays, research papers, lab reports, or journals Assigned reading in supplemental books and monographs DEGREE APPLICABLE COURSE: 2 hours of independent work done out of class per each hour of lecture or class work, or 3 hours lab, practicum, or the equivalent, per unit. COURSE CONTENT I. An Introduction to the Humanities A. A study of values as revealed in different art forms B. An examination of terms and criticism II. Film A. B. III. Drama An examination of film as a 20th Century art form An analysis of the elements of film making and the role of the director CITRUS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT HUM 111 Humanities through the Arts A. B. C. CREDIT COURSE OUTLINE Page 2 Survey of drama An examination of the genres and conventions of drama A critical and comparative approach to a number of plays and the potential of television IV. Music A. An analysis of the elements and structures of music B. A comparison of various music traditions and an analysis of Brahms, Beethoven, Bach, and Stravinsky V. Literature A. An examination of the origins of literature from petroglyphs to symbolism B. An analysis of the elements of poetry and literary structures VI. Painting A. An examination of the main elements of painting and how they reveal emotional values B. A comparison of representative and abstract painting in terms of their respective values VII. Sculpture A. An examination of sculpture from the Venus of Willendorf to contemporary light laser sculpture B. An analysis and comparison of monolithic and relief sculpture C. An analysis of the elements of sculpture VIII. Architecture A. An analytical and comparative approach to American architecture B. An examination of elements (function, form, space, and content) of architecture C. An analysis of gravity and sky-oriented architecture and the impact of technological innovations METHODS OF INSTRUCTION Lecture Lecture/Discussion Videos are essential and integral methods of instruction. They will be used in conjunction with lecture and discussion METHODS OF ASSESSMENT FOR DEGREE APPLICABLE COURSES: CITRUS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT HUM 111 Humanities through the Arts CREDIT COURSE OUTLINE Page 2 Students will be graded, at minimum, in at least one of the following categories. If "essay" is not checked, it must be explained why essays are an inappropriate basis for at least part of the grade in the course. ESSAY OR SUBSTANTIAL WRITING ASSIGNMENT Includes not only "blue book" examinations but any written assignment of sufficient length and complexity to require students to select and organize ideas as well as to explain them. A course grade may not be based solely on attendance. Adopted: June, 1996 Revised: December, 1997 Revised: September, 2004 CITRUS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT REQUISITE APPROVAL The Requisite Approval form must be completed for any course that carries a prerequisite, corequisite, or limitation on enrollment as indicated on the Course Approval form. Department: Social Sciences Course number: HUM 111 I. Title: Humanities through the Arts RECOMMENDED REQUISITE(S): Strongly recommended: READ 099 if required by reading placement exam or if required by reading level. II. TYPE OF REQUISITE AND THE APPROPRIATE LEVEL OF SCRUTINY. CIRCLE THE APPROPRIATE LETTER: H. ADVISORY. Advisories require content review, but do not require a finding that they are necessary for student success. They only require the recommendation of faculty in the department or discipline and of the Curriculum Committee that they significantly enhance student success in the course. III. CONTENT REVIEW. FACULTY SHOULD BASE CONTENT REVIEW ON THE SYLLABUS AND OUTLINE OF RECORD, TESTS, RELATED INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS, TESTS, AND GRADING CRITERIA. CHECK THE APPROPRIATE BOX TO INDICATE THAT THE CONTENT REVIEW HAS BEEN COMPLETED: ; For courses to be used as requisites or advisories, compare the knowledge and/or skills needed at entry with those taught in the requisite, concurrent, or advisory course. A. LIST THE SPECIFIC SKILLS, CONCEPTS AND INFORMATION REQUIRED FOR SUCCESS IN THE COURSE: 1. Ability to comprehend abstract concepts and a sequence of events. 2. Ability to condense in writing and paragraph form material for purposes of study. 3. Ability to construct topical and sequential sentences in the writing of CITRUS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT HUM 111 Humanities through the Arts REQUISITE APPROVAL Page 2 essays (all tests are essays). B. NOTE: 4. Critically examine material and express such criticism in a proper paragraph form and sequence. 5. Discern a thesis and evaluate it. LIST THE SPECIFIC SKILLS, CONCEPTS AND INFORMATION THE STUDENT WILL ATTAIN IN THE REQUISITE COURSE OR THAT WILL BE MEASURED WITH THE REQUISITE TEST: 1. Ability to organize concepts in a sequential manner. 2. Express ideas coherently and completely. 3. Convey a thematic unity in a topical and coherent pattern. 4. Formulate coherent, complete and topical sentences as necessary to express ideas and their relationships. Per District policy and procedures the completed and approved Requisite Approval form is considered to be part of the official course outline of record.