Optimization of the Productivity Index and the Fracture Geometry of a Stimulated Well With Fracture Face and Choke Skins Diego J. Romero, SPE,* and Peter P. Valkó, SPE, Texas A&M U., and Michael J. Economides, SPE, U. of Houston Summary For a given reservoir of known permeability and dimensions, the proppant mass injected to the pay determines a unique proppant number. Unique to each proppant number, there exists an optimum dimensionless fracture conductivity that exclusively determines the optimum fracture dimensions.1 Impairments affecting flow perpendicular to the fracture surface are accounted for as fracture-face-skin effect. On the other hand, flow impairment caused by a reduction of the fracture conductivity near the wellbore is called choked fracture skin. Both effects have a large influence on the productivity of a fractured well. In this work, the performance of a fractured well is calculated with a direct boundary element method. This method provides the dimensionless productivity index, and the model allows for the presence of each of the two different skin effects. The fracture face skin was found to have a significant detrimental effect on the dimensionless productivity index, even changing the character of its dependence on the dimensionless fracture conductivity. The effect of the choke skin also was found to be potentially detrimental but less complex to account for because it can be represented as an apparent reduction in the proppant number. Introduction The post-treatment performance of hydraulically fractured wells has been a recurring theme in petroleum literature, covering the spectrum of understanding the physics of flow to the optimization of design. Optimization itself has taken different comprehensive economic hues, from just reducing execution costs to maximizing production or injection rates. Irrespective of the ultimate criterion, the magnitude of reservoir permeability has been central to fracture morphology. For a given reservoir of known permeability and dimensions, the proppant mass injected into the pay determines a unique proppant number. Unique to each proppant number there exists an optimum dimensionless fracture conductivity1 that exclusively determines the optimum fracture dimensions. However, damaged hydraulic fracture performance deviates substantially from that of undamaged fractures. This work is intended to calculate and optimize the performance of hydraulically fractured wells that are burdened by two types of flow impediments—fractureface damage and damage at the connection between the fracture and the well, referred to as a choke. Fracture-face damage can be actual damage to the reservoir permeability from fracturing fluid and polymer leakoff, or it can be caused by the reduction in relative permeability because of a phase change. Choked fracture is mainly caused by proppant flowback or overdisplacement. *Currently with El Paso Production. Copyright © 2003 Society of Petroleum Engineers This paper (SPE 81908) was revised for publication from paper SPE 73758, first presented at the 2002 SPE International Symposium and Exhibition on Formation Damage Control, Lafayette, Louisiana, 20−21 February. Original manuscript received for review 15 May 2002. Revised manuscript received 9 October 2002. Paper peer approved 31 October 2002. February 2003 SPE Production & Facilities This work follows a considerable body of literature, postulating that the increase in the fractured well productivity (compared to the unfractured state) depends on both reservoir and fracture characteristics. In 1960, McGuire and Sikora2 studied the effect of vertical fractures on well productivity and showed how the productivity depends on the fracture penetration and conductivity. Prats et al.3 and Cinco-Ley and Samaniego4−6 are credited with the introduction of dimensionless groups of variables to describe the performance of a fractured well. The concept of dimensionless fracture conductivity has since been used as the dominant indicator of relative improvement in fluid flow that is provided by the fracture compared to the alternative (i.e., no fracture). Early in fractured well performance research, certain works assumed an infinite-conductivity fracture. Prats et al.3 showed that in the case of an infinite-conductivity fracture and relatively large drainage area, the effective wellbore radius is equal to one-half the fracture half-length. In an infinite-conductivity fracture, the pressure drop is negligible with respect to that in the formation. This situation is achieved when the dimensionless fracture conductivity is greater than 300. Gringarten and Ramey7 first introduced the mathematical solution for this kind of fracture in an infinite acting reservoir, and it has been used since in well test applications for wells intersecting large natural fractures. Sawyer et al.8 presented a numerical simulation for the production of wells intercepted by a finite-conductivity fracture. They showed that the assumption of infinite fracture conductivity could lead to serious errors when calculating the fractured well performance. In 1978, Cinco-Ley et al.5 demonstrated that the infinitefracture-conductivity assumption is quite erroneous when the pressure drop along the fracture is considerable, which would be the case if the dimensionless fracture conductivity were lower than 300. The focus of much of this work was addressing well-testing techniques.5 However, as early as 1962, Prats et al.3 showed that an infinite-conductivity fracture, even if achievable, was not the one at which maximum well production would occur if the volume of proppant is correctly accounted for as a constraint. The productivity index of a fractured well, however, is often less than the one predicted, even when employing correct finiteconductivity fracture models. This is mostly caused by an extra pressure drop around and/or within the fracture that can be attributed to damage to the formation immediately surrounding the fracture face or additional flow impediments in the fracture. Cinco-Ley and Samaniego6 proposed a pressure transient solution that considered the fracture face skin. They assumed that the flow from the formation toward the fracture was linear, passing through two porous media in series. One medium is the undamaged formation, and the other is the damaged zone around the fracture. In the same work, they also studied the effects of flow impairments inside the fracture near the wellbore for what they termed the choke fracture skin. Another effect that causes an additional pressure drop is the non-Darcy flow within the fracture. Wattenbarger and Ramey9 and Holditch and Morse10 investigated how the fracture conductivity is affected by the non-Darcy flow and found that the extra pressure drop is proportional to the product of a turbulence factor and velocity square. Methods to correct the dimensionless fracture conductivity, used in fracture design and well-test analysis, also have 57 been developed by Guppy et al.11 and Gidley.12 The latter work showed that fractured wells affected by non-Darcy flow within the fracture exhibit an apparent (reduced) fracture conductivity that is flow-rate dependent. We note that the concepts of proppant number and optimum dimensionless fracture conductivity remain valid even for the case of non-Darcy flow if the appropriate reduced proppant pack permeability is substituted into the definitions of proppant number and fracture conductivity. Because the reduction factor in equivalent permeability is flow-rate dependent, some iteration cycles might be needed during the optimization process. In a much later work, Wang et al.13 demonstrated the production impairment of fractures in gas-condensate reservoirs caused by the formation of liquid condensate in the vicinity of the fracture face. They considered this effect, caused by relative permeability phenomena, as a type of fracture-face damage similar to the one described for real damage by Cinco-Ley and Samaniego.6 With both analytical and numerical simulators, Azari et al.14 demonstrated the choking effect caused by low fracture conductivity near the wellbore. Such a situation can arise if, for example, the proppant is overdisplaced at the end of a treatment by the flush or if the proppant settles significantly during fracture closure. Until now, however, no rigorous method has been proposed to directly calculate the pseudosteady-state performance of such a nonideal fractured well without solving the model for all previous times (that is, in transient regime). The purpose of this work is to investigate the effect of the flow impairments on the productivity index. In the following sections, a solution methodology is suggested to determine the inflow into a fully penetrating vertical fracture that is intersected by a vertical well located in the center of a square drainage area and is subject to the individual or combined effects of fracture face skin and choked fracture skin. With the solution methodology, pseudosteady-state productivity indices are calculated. In the presentation of results, we rely heavily on the previously introduced proppant-number concept. The approach’s usefulness is illustrated in conjunction with fracture design optimization and fractured-well performance analysis. A Direct Boundary Element Method To Calculate the Fractured Well Productivity Index Influence Function. Ozkan15 suggested that the pseudosteadystate drawdown at any point in a reservoir (x,y) caused by a well located at (xw,yw) can be given in terms of an influence function, a. p−p= ␣1Bq a关xD, yD, xwD, ywD, xeD, yeD兴. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (1) 2kh Because the dimensionless productivity index, JD, is defined by J= q p − pwf = Vertical Fracture Performance. If a fully penetrating vertical fracture intersects the wellbore, the well performance depends on the following penetration ratio. Ix = 2xf , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (5) xe where xf⳱the fracture half-length and xe ⳱ the reservoir drainage extent (side length of a square), and the dimensionless fracture conductivity is defined by CfD = kfw , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (6) kxf where kf ⳱ the proppant pack permeability, w⳱the propped fracture width, and k ⳱ the reservoir permeability. In Ref. 1, the two expressions (Eqs. 5 and 6) are combined through the proppant number Nprop = 4kf wxf , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (7) kxe2 which, after multiplying and dividing by the reservoir thickness, h, leads to Nprop = 2kfV2w,prop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (8) kVr In Eq. 8, V2w,prop ⳱ the volume of the two-wing propped fracture inside the pay, and Vr⳱the drained volume (pore plus matrix). Eq. 8 is quite important because it shows that the proppant number is a constant quantity for a given mass of proppant injected into a given drainage volume.1 Direct Boundary Element Method. Romero18 solved the problem of calculating the pseudosteady-state dimensionless productivity index of a vertically fractured well with flow impairment. The fracture is modeled as nw line sources located at wi (i: 1…nw) with corresponding (nonuniform) production rates (q1,…qnw). Eq. 4 is applied at nw observation points in the fracture (at oi, located between wi−1 and wi). The pressure (drawdown) difference between two observation points (o1 and o2) can be obtained from the corresponding applications of Eq. 4, with ⌬p1−2 = 2kh J , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (2) ␣1B D ␣1B 兵q 关a共o1, w1兲 − a共o2, w1兲兴 + … 2kh 1 + qnw 关a共o1, wnw兲 − a共o2, wnw兲兴其 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (9) Darcy’s law for the flow in the fracture results in the influence function can be used to calculate the dimensionless productivity index of a single vertical well as follows. JD = 1 , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (3) a共xwD + rwD, ywD, xwD, ywD, xeD, yeD兲 + s where rw⳱the wellbore radius and s⳱the skin factor. A novel application of Eq. 1 has been the generalization to multiwell environment by Valko et al.16 and simultaneously by Umnuayponwiwat and Ozkan.17 ␣1B p−p= 2kh i D D wD,i, ywD,i, xeD, yeD兲, . . . . . . . . . . (4) i=1 where nw⳱the number of wells (line sources). For a square drainage area considered in this work, yeD⳱xeD and the influence function depend only on the location of the source (denoted by wi in subsequent equations) and the observation point (denoted by oj). 58 2␣1B 关q 共x − x 兲 + . . . + qnw 共xo2 − xo1兲兴 . . . . . . (10) kf hw 2 o2 o1 Because Eqs. 9 and 10 describe the pressure drop between the same two points, their right sides are equal. If the following dimensionless variables are defined (along with the definition of the dimensionless fracture conductivity in Eq. 6), qD = nw 兺 q a共x , y , x ⌬pf,1−2 = qB , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (11) 2 k h共p − pw兲 xD = x Ⲑ x*, e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (12) and Ix = xf Ⲑ x*, e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (13) then we obtain the following equation in dimensionless form: February 2003 SPE Production & Facilities 冋 qD1 关a共o1, w1兲 − a共o2, w1兲兴 +qD2 a共o1, w2兲 − a共o2, w2兲 册 冋 4 共x − x 兲 + … + qDnw a共o1, wnw兲 CfDIx Do2 Do1 4 − a共o2, wnw兲 − 共x − x 兲 = 0. . . . . . . (14) CfDIx Do2 Do1 − 册 Eq. 14 describes the pressure drop between observation points 1 and 2. We can write nw−1 similar equations between o1 and reexamine observation points. (Note that in Eqs. 12 and 13, xe*=xe/2 because of the symmetry of the problem.) The notation for Eq. 14 is shown in Fig. 1. As suggested in Ref. 18, the nw−th equation should be the direct application of Eq. 4 at the wellbore with ⌬pD⳱1. Once the system is solved, the dimensionless productivity index is calculated from the following. nw JD = 4 兺q Di. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (15) i=1 (Note that a factor of four is needed in Eq. 15 because the obtained individual production rates add up to one-quarter of the total production from the well.) In the calculations, a maximum nw⳱512 line sources were used, and the influence function was calculated according to the method detailed in Ref. 16. Results for Fractured Well Without Skin. In this section, results from the model are shown first for an undamaged fracture. Be− cause the proppant number, Nprop, directly reflects the amount of proppant injected to the pay, it is used as the parameter on all figures. Two figures are presented here for an undamaged fracture. Fig. 2 is for an Nprop of less than 0.1, while Fig. 3 is for an Nprop of greater than 0.1. In both figures, the dimensionless productivity index, JD, is plotted vs. the dimensionless fracture conductivity, CfD, at constant values of Nprop. The limiting penetration ratio (see Eq. 13) equal to 1 is also plotted on the figures with a dashed line. Note that the maximum possible value for JD is 6/, which corresponds to fully linear flow. As seen in Figs. 2 and 3, there is an optimal dimensionless fracture conductivity for a given proppant number, Nprop, that represents the optimum relation between the two functions of the fracture—its ability to collect fluid from the reservoir and to conduct the fluid into the well. For low and moderate proppant numbers (Nprop⳱<0.1), this relation occurs at a dimensionless fracture conductivity that is equal to 1.6. We note that in formations of medium and high permeability, realistic proppant numbers are always in the low to moderate range (i.e., less than 0.1). Note from Fig. 3 that when the propped volume increases or when the permeability contrast is very large, the optimal dimensionless productivity index occurs at larger dimensionless fracture conductivity values. Also note that for values of Nprop equal to 10 or more, the maximum dimensionless productivity index is achieved when the reservoir is penetrated from “wall to wall” (i.e., when the penetration ratio, Ix, equals 1). It is questionable, however, that such large proppant numbers can be realized in practice. In any case, the optimum fracture geometry is given by: xf = 冉 冉 kfV2w,prop Ⲑ 2 CfD,optkh and w = 冊 1Ⲑ2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (16) CfD,optkV2w,prop Ⲑ 2 kfh 冊 1Ⲑ2 , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (17) where CfD,opt can be directly read from Figs. 2 or 3.19 The optimization of hydraulic fracture geometry presented previously does not include the effect of a damage zone around the fracture face and/or within the fracture. Because both effects have a large influence on the productivity of a fractured well, they should be considered during the optimization process. Fracture-Face Skin Effect Fracture-face damage implies permeability reduction normal to the fracture face and includes flow impairments caused by several factors. A filter cake may be formed on the inside fracture face that is difficult to eliminate, even with proper breaking practices. There is always a zone around the fracture that is invaded by some portion of the polymer contained in the fracturing fluid. The filtrate component of the fracturing fluid penetrating the formation causes some permeability impairment in a larger zone. Cinco-Ley and Samaniego6 described the fracture-face-skin effect, sff, in terms of damage penetration and damaged permeability. sff = 冉 冊 ws k − 1 , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (18) 2xf ks where the variables are shown in Fig. 4. Fig. 1—Variables of the direct boundary element method for the productivity index calculation. February 2003 SPE Production & Facilities 59 Fig. 2—Fractured well performance for low and medium proppant numbers. The previous skin factor can be used to calculate an approximate dimensionless productivity index according to JD,A = 1 , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (19) 1 +s JD|s=0 ff where JD|s=0 ⳱ the dimensionless productivity index of the fractured well with zero fracture face skin. Eq. 18 is valid only for the case of uniform influx and damage along the fracture face. For rigorous calculations, we need to incorporate a skin factor distribution. sff共x兲 = 2xf 冋冉 冊 册 k − 1 ws ks , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (20) @x and the pressure drop caused by the varying fracture face skin will become ⌬psff = ␣B xf q̃共x兲sff共x兲, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (21) kh where q̃ (x)⳱the influx normal to the fracture face per unit area. To take the distributed skin into account, Eq. 14 should be adjusted to include the additional pressure drop given by Eq. 21. Fig. 3—Fractured well performance for high proppant numbers. 60 February 2003 SPE Production & Facilities Fig. 4—Fracture face damage variables. qD1关a共o1, w1兲 − a共o2, w1兲 + 共4nw兲sff,w1兴 4 + qD2 a共o1, w2兲 − a共o2, w2兲 − 共x − x 兲 CfDIx Do2 Do1 冋 冋 册 + … + qDnw a共o1, wnw兲 − a 共o2,wnw兲 − 册 4 共x − x 兲 = 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (22) CfDIx Do2 Do1 In other words, the diagonal elements of the coefficient matrix should be increased by the appropriate (local) skin factor. There are three interesting cases for varying fracture face skin factor—when the skin decreases linearly toward the tip, when it increases linearly, and when it is constant. The first case may reflect damage caused by fracturing fluid leakoff, whereas the second may reflect uneven fluid cleanup following the fracture treatment. The mean value of the skin is used as a first approximation to evaluate the effect of damage on well performance. 1 sff = xf xf 兰 s 共x兲dx. ff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (23) 0 Comparing the three cases is of particular interest when the mean value of the skin factor calculated from Eq. 23 is the same. In our calculations, Case A corresponds to a linearly decreasing fracture face skin from the well toward the fracture tip. Similarly, Case B corresponds to a linearly increasing fracture face skin. Finally, we assume a constant fracture face skin along the fracture in Case C. In all three cases, however, the mean value of the skin is kept equal to unity. The solid lines in Fig. 5 denote the zero-skin calculations. The first corresponds to the base case (i.e., Nprop⳱0.1 with no fractureface skin effect). For comparison purposes, the no-skin curve for Nprop⳱0.01 is also included. It can be seen from Fig. 5 that the fracture face skin has a large influence on the dimensionless productivity index. In addition, the damage distribution along the fracture greatly affects the performance. In Case A, which is the most likely to happen, a significant reduction in the productivity index is observed. It is also noted that for Case A, the location of the optimum CfD with respect to the zero-skin location (i.e., 1.6) is to the left but is to the right for Case B. The optimum width and length can still be calculated from Eqs. 16 and 17, but the resulting dimensions will be different than those obtained from CfD⳱1.6. The largest reduction in performance happens in Case C (when the damage is uniformly distributed along the fracture). For instance, if the skin factor is one unit, its overall effect is equivalent to an order of magnitude reduction in the proppant number. That is, a uniformly distributed fracture face skin equal to 1 is roughly equivalent to placing only 10% of the original proppant volume and avoiding any damage. Choked-Fracture-Skin Effect Choked-fracture skin effect refers to the presence of a damaged zone of the fracture that is near the well and has a conductivity reduction. The conductivity reduction can be caused by an overdisplacement of proppant at the end of a fracture treatment job, by Fig. 5—The effect of fracture-face skin distribution on well productivity. Case A shows decreasing damage toward the tip; Case B, increasing damage toward the tip; and Case C, constant damage along the fracture. For all three cases, Nprop = 0.1 and the average skin=1. The line labeled Eq. 19 denotes the approximate calculation with only the average value of skin, in this case sff =1. February 2003 SPE Production & Facilities 61 settling of the proppant during fracture closure or by fines migration and accumulation at the wellbore during production. A choked fracture with a significant flow impediment at the vicinity of the wellbore is shown in Fig. 6, in which w⳱the unaltered fracture width, kf⳱the unaltered fracture permeability, and wck⳱the altered fracture width in the near-well region of the fracture. Equivalent flow impediment can be caused by a reduced permeability (kf,ck) zone in the fracture, even if the width is unaltered. The extra pressure drop in the fracture is ⌬psck = ␣1Bq s , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (24) 2kh ck where sck is given by 冋 册 冋 册 xck w − 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (25) sck = xf wck or sck = xck kf − 1 , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (26) xf kf,ck depending on whether the damage is expressed as a reduced width (wck) or a reduced permeability (kf,ck). Because the damage is located inside the fracture, it will only affect the pressure drop caused by flow through the fracture. Therefore, Eq. 14 should be replaced by 冋 qD1 关a共o1, w1兲 − a共o2, w1兲兴 + qD2 a共o1, w2兲 − a共o2, w2兲 − 4 共x − x 兲 − 4sck CfDIx Do2 Do1 冋 册 + … + qDnw a共o1, wnw兲 − a共o2, wnw兲 − 册 4 共x − x 兲 − 4sck = 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . (27) CfDIx Do2 Do1 To analyze the effect of the choked fracture skin on the fracturedwell performance, two different values for choke skin (sck ⳱ 0.5 and 1) were studied. As in the previous parametric studies, the proppant number was equal to 0.1. Fig. 7 illustrates the results. The solid line represents Nprop⳱0.1 without skin (base case). For comparison purposes, the Nprop⳱0.01 line is also shown (as another solid line) without skin. It can be observed from Fig. 7 that the choke skin reduces the productivity index of the well in a rather straightforward manner. For a proppant number of 0.1 and choke skin of 1, the dimensionless productivity index is equivalent to a fracture without damage but with a reduced proppant number of approximately 0.01. However, the location of the optimum dimensionless fracture conductivity (1.6 for the given proppant number) is not altered by the presence of the choke-fracture skin. We notice that the approximate formula (Eq. 19) works satisfactorily for choke skin. If we compare the effect of fracture face skin and that of choke skin, we see that the latter is less complex. The plausible explanation is that the choke skin causes an additional pressure drop right at the vicinity of the wellbore without changing the shape of the influx distribution along the lateral direction, x. On the other hand, the fracture face skin causes a relative redistribution of the influx of produced fluids along the lateral direction, and nonuniform damage amplifies this effect. Application Example Place 240,000 lbm of proppant (pack porosity⳱0.35, specific gravity⳱2.65, and equivalent permeability⳱60,000 md) into a 65-ft-thick formation of 1.5-md effective permeability. Assume that 50% of the proppant goes to pay because of some height growth of the fracture to the adjacent shales. The drainage radius, re, is 2,100 ft; the well radius, rw, is 0.328 ft; and the skin factor before fracturing, spre, is 5. Problem. Determine the maximum possible “folds of increase” and the optimum propped length and width. Solution: The volume of proppant reaching the pay is 50% of the 240,000-lbm proppant volume: V2w,prop⳱1,116 ft3. The proppant number is Nprop = 2 ⳯ 共60 ⳯ 103 md ⳯ 1,116 ft兲 . . . . . . . . . . . . (28) 关1.5 md ⳯ 共2,1002 ft2兲 ⳯ ⳯ 65 ft兴 The maximum achievable dimensionless productivity index (see Fig. 2) is JD,max p = 0.466. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (29) According to the definition of folds of increase in the productivity index (with respect to the originally damaged well), it can be obtained as Jpost = Jpre JD,max 0.466 = 6.1. . . . . . (30) = 1 1 0.474re 0.472 ⳯ 2,100 +5 + spre ln ln rw 0.328 As seen in Fig. 2, the optimum is realized with CfD⳱1.6, and, hence, the optimum fracture dimensions are xf = 冋 and w = 0.5共1,116 ft3兲 共60,000 md兲 1.6 ⳯ 共65 ft兲共1.5 md兲 册 1Ⲑ2 = 463 ft, . . . . . . . . . . . (31) 0.5共1,116 ft3兲 = 0.0185 ft = 0.222 in. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (32) 共65 ft兲共463 ft兲 Problem. Determine the actual folds of increase if 10,000 lbm of proppant has inadvertently been flowed back. Assume the proppant comes from the part of the fracture that is in the pay near the wellbore where a two-grain width (0.06 in.) is stabilized during the fracture-healing process. Solution: As indicated previously, according to our assumptions, optimum fracture geometry is created, but the proppant flowback then produces a choke with the following widthreduction ratio. w 0.222 = 3.7. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (33) = wck 0.06 The length ratio corresponding to our assumptions is Fig. 6—Notation for choked fracture. 62 February 2003 SPE Production & Facilities Fig. 7—The effect of choke skin on fractured well performance. 0.222 xck 10,000 = = 0.114. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (34) xf 120,000 共0.222 − 0.06兲 From Eq. 25, the choke skin is calculated as sck = 冉 冊 xck w − 1 = ⳯ 0.114 ⳯ 共3.70 − 1兲 = 0.97 . . . (35) xf wck From Fig. 7, we see that for a proppant number of approximately 0.1, the choke skin, sck,⳱1, reducing the JD,max from 0.466 to 0.32. Another way to obtain the same result is to use a form similar to Eq. 19. JD,ck = 1 1 = 0.32. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (36) = 1 1 + 0.97 + sck JD|s=0 0.466 Hence, we can predict that the actual folds of increase decrease from 6.1 to 4.8 because of proppant flowback. Conclusions The performance of a fractured well is primarily determined by the proppant number (i.e., by the volume contrast of proppant placed into the pay and by the permeability contrast of proppant pack to formation). For every proppant number, there is a unique maximum productivity index that is realized only at the optimum dimensionless fracture conductivity. In turn, the optimum dimensionless fracture conductivity determines the unique width and length to provide optimum performance. In previous works,1 we obtained the productivity index with the direct boundary element method. In this work, the direct boundary element method was extended to calculate the effect of fracture face skin with various damage distributions and choked fracture skin. It was found that nonuniform fracture face skin significantly decreases the productivity of the fractured well and also shifts the location of the optimum dimensionless fracture conductivity. Therefore, not only the maximum achievable productivity index but also the optimum fracture geometry will differ from the zeroskin case. A uniform damage distribution has the most detrimental effect on productivity but leaves the location of the optimum dimensionless fracture conductivity intact. The effect of choked fracture skin is less complex to account for: it is essentially equivalent to an apparent reduction of the proppant number and does not affect the optimum fracture geometry. February 2003 SPE Production & Facilities As illustrated by the example calculations, using the dimensionless productivity index and proppant number facilitates understanding fractured-well performance and makes the analysis transparent. Nomenclature a ⳱ influence function B ⳱ formation volume factor, resbbl/STB CfD ⳱ dimensionless fracture conductivity h ⳱ pay thickness, ft Ix ⳱ dimensionless penetration ratio J ⳱ productivity index, STB/D/psi JD ⳱ dimensionless productivity index k ⳱ formation permeability, md kf ⳱ proppant pack permeability, md nw ⳱ number of line sources (“wells”) Nprop ⳱ proppant number o ⳱ observation p ⳱ pressure, psi p ⳱ average pressure of drainage, psi pw ⳱ wellbore flowing pressure, psi q ⳱ flow rate, STB/D rw ⳱ wellbore radius, ft s ⳱ skin factor V2w,prop ⳱ propped volume in pay (2 wings) Vr ⳱ drained volume, ft3 w ⳱ fracture width, ft wck ⳱ choked width in one wing, ft. ws ⳱ fracture face skin zone extent, ft x ⳱ coordinate, ft xck ⳱ choke length in one wing, ft xe ⳱ side length of drainage area, ft x*e ⳱ half-side length of drainage area, xe/2, ft xf ⳱ fracture half length, ft xw ⳱ coordinate of well, ft y ⳱ coordinate, ft ye ⳱ side length of drainage area, ft yw ⳱ coordinate of well, ft ␣1 ⳱ conversion factor (for field units 887.22) ⌬p ⳱ drawdown, psi ⳱ viscosity, cp 63 Subscripts A ⳱ approximate ck ⳱ choked fracture D ⳱ dimensionless variable e ⳱ drainage f ⳱ fracture ff ⳱ fracture face i ⳱ index of source max ⳱ maximum o ⳱ observation opt ⳱ optimum post ⳱ post-treatment pre ⳱ pretreatment s ⳱ skin x ⳱ x direction y ⳱ y direction w ⳱ well References 1. 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Wang, X. et al.: “Production Impairment and Purpose-Built Design of Hydraulic Fractures in Gas-Condensate Reservoirs,” paper SPE 64749 presented at the 2000 SPE International Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, Beijing, 7−10 November. 64 14. Azari, M. et al.: “Performance Prediction for Finite-Conductivity Vertical Fractures,” paper SPE 22659 presented at the 1991 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Dallas, 6−9 October. 15. Ozkan, E.: “Performance of Horizontal Wells,” PhD dissertation, U. of Tulsa, Tulsa (1988). 16. Valko, P.P., Doublet L.E., and Blasingame, T.A.: “Development and Application of the Multiwell Productivity Index (MPI),” SPEJ (March 2000) 21. 17. Umnuayponwiwat, S. and Ozkan, E.: “Evaluation of Inflow Performance of Multiple Horizontal Wells in Closed Systems,” J. of Energy Resources Technology (2000) 122, 8. 18. Romero, D.J.: “Direct Boundary Method to Calculate PseudosteadyState Productivity Index of a Fractured Well with Fracture Face Skin and Choked Skin,” Masters thesis, Texas A&M U., College Station, Texas (2001). 19. Spreadsheet, FracPI, http://pumpjack.tamu.edu/∼valko. SI Metric bbl × cp × ft × in. × md × psi × Conversion 1.58987 1.0* 3.048* 2.54* 9.869223 6.894757 Factors E−01 ⳱ E–03 ⳱ E–01 ⳱ E+00 ⳱ E–04 ⳱ E+00 ⳱ m3 Pa⭈s m cm m2 kPa *Conversion factor is exact. Diego J. Romero is currently employed by El Paso Production Co. in Houston. Romero holds a BS degree in petroleum engineering from Foundation U. of America, Santafé de Bogotá, Colombia, and an MS degree in petroleum engineering from Texas A&M U. Peter P. Valkó is an associate professor at the Harold Vance Dept. of Petroleum Engineering at Texas A&M U. He previously taught in Austria and Hungary and also worked with the Hungarian oil company MOL. Valko holds BS and PhD degrees in chemical engineering and an MS degree in technical mathematics from Veszprem U. (Hungary) and from the Inst. of Catalysis, Novosibirsk (Russia). Valkó is currently serving on the SPE Journal Editorial Review Board and has served on the SPE Forum Steering Committee. Michael J. Economides is a professor of chemical engineering at the U. of Houston. Previously, he was the Noble Professor of Petroleum Engineering at Texas A&M U. and served as a Chief Scientist of the Global Petroleum Research Inst. Before joining Texas A&M U., he was the Director of the Inst. of Drilling and Production at the Leoben Mining U., Austria. From 1984 to 1989, he worked with Schlumberger companies. Economides holds BS, MS, and PhD degrees from Kansas State and Stanford U. He has been awarded the following honors: Doctor Honoris Causa, Petroleum and Gas U., Ploeisti, Romania; Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, inducted as Foreign Member; Society of Petroleum Engineers, 1997 Production Engineering Award; Doctor Honoris Causa and Honorary Professor, The Gubkin Russian State Academy of Oil and Gas, Moscow; Distinguished Member, Society of Petroleum Engineers; and the Outstanding Faculty Award (U. of Alaska, School of Mineral Industry). February 2003 SPE Production & Facilities