Activity Description: Students discover a definition for the terms

B.4C: Viruses
Cell Structure and Function
Activity Description:
Students discover a definition for the terms lysogenic cycle and lytic cycle.
1 Student Worksheet including individual T-Chart (per student)
1 Copy of the T-Chart (per group of four students)
1 Set of Trait Cards (per group)
1 Envelope (per group)
1 Pencil (per student)
Prepare materials for the students in advance. Print the set of Trait Cards for each group.
Cut out the cards and place them in an envelope. Print out a Graphic Organizer for each
1.  Give each group of students an envelope of Trait Cards and a T-chart.
2. Students remove Trait Cards. Teacher reads a Yes Trait Card. The students locate the
Trait Card and place it under the Yes side of the T-chart.
Teachers use the Yes/No key. Read 1 Trait Card from the Yes column.
3. Teacher reads another “Yes” Trait Card. Students place it on the Yes side of the T-chart.
Check each group’s Graphic Organizer before they record the information on the Student
Ask students what attributes both Trait Cards share.
Record student responses on the board.
B.4C: Viruses
Cell Structure and Function
Procedure Continued:
Teacher reads a No Trait Card. Students place it on the No side of the T-chart.
6.  Ask students if the attributes for the “Yes” column still apply.
Some attributes may need to be removed if the attribute is also part of the scenario in the
No column.
7.  Ask students to choose another Yes Trait Card.
Choose only one group share their choice of the Yes Trait Card. If they correctly chose a
Yes card, have all groups place it in the Yes” column. Revisit the attributes to see if any
need to be removed or added. If the students have an attribute wrong, tell the class it
belongs in the No column and revisit the attributes.
Continue to repeat step 7 until all of the scenarios have been placed in the
correct column.
After the scenarios have been placed under the correct columns, return to the attributes to
determine what each of Yes scenario has in common.
9.  Have the students determine which term is shown by all of the Yes Trait Cards.
The correct answer is lysogenic cycle.
Examine the Yes attributes and develop a definition for lysogenic cycle.
11.  Have the students determine which term is shown by the No Trait Cards.
The correct answer is lytic cycle.
Develop a definition for lytic cycle.
B.4C: Viruses
Cell Structure and Function
T-Chart Teacher Notes: Answer Key to T-Chart
The HIV virus can stay
dormant in the body for
The common cold virus causes
a person to have a sore throat,
a stuffy nose, and a low-grade
Having chickenpox as a child
increases the chance of having
shingles later in life
The HIV viruses causes a person
to get AIDS
Viral DNA integrates with
host DNA
Virus takes control of a cell
A prophage forms in the host cell
A cell dies
B.4C: Viruses
Cell Structure and Function
Student Worksheet: Answer Key
1.  What attribute(s) can be used to describe the Trait Cards in the Yes column?
Student answers will vary.
2. Which scientific term is used to describe by all of the factors in the Yes column?
Lysogenic cycle
3.  How does the No column differ from the Yes column? Which scientific term is
used to describe by all of the factors in the No column?
The items in the No column all have to do with someone getting sick from a virus;
lytic cycle.
4.  Which lysogenic cycle traits are used in the Trait Cards?
Dormancy or long incubation periods for a viral infection, viral DNA integration, and
the production of a prophage.
5.  Which lytic cycle traits are used in the Trait Cards?
Getting sick from a virus, virus taking control of a cell, and cell death
B.4C: Viruses
Cell Structure and Function
Attachment: Trait Cards
A cell dies
Virus takes control of a cell
Viral DNA integrates with
host DNA
A prophage forms in the host
The common cold virus
causes a person to have a
sore throat, a stuffy nose,
and a low-grade fever
Having chickenpox as a
child increases the chance
of having shingles
later in life
The HIV virus can stay
dormant in the body for
The HIV viruses causes a
person to get AIDS
B.4C: Viruses
Cell Structure and Function
Attachment: T-Chart
B.4C: Viruses
Cell Structure and Function
Student Worksheet
1.  What attribute(s) can be used to describe the Trait Cards in the “Yes” column?
2. Which scientific term is used to describe by all of the factors in the Yes column?
3.  How does the No column differ from the Yes column? Which scientific term is
used to describe by all of the factors in the No column?
4. Which lysogenic cycle traits are used in the Trait Cards?
Which lytic cycle traits are used in the Trait Cards?