Syllabus Human Biology: BIOL 101 Page: 1 Human Biology Biology 101G (3 credits) Biology Department, New Mexico State University, Fall 2009 Instructors Dr. Kathryn Hanley Office: Foster 479 Phone: 646-4583 Email: Ms. Christine Dahlin Office: Foster 204 (Advising Center) Phone: 646-4863 Email: Lectures MWF 11:30-12:20 Hardman 216 Office Hours Dr. Hanley: Monday 1:00-2:30 or by appointment; Foster 479 Ms. Dahlin: Wednesday 2:00-3:00 or by appointment; Foster 204 Text The required text is What is Life: A Guide to Biology by Jay Phelan. It is available from the NMSU bookstore. Readings from the book will be supplemented with readings from the scientific literature and from websites, which will be made available on the class website through Blackboard. I strongly encourage you to complete the reading assigned to each class prior to that class. Messages We will contact you through Blackboard Mail on the Blackboard BIOL 101G site, and you may contact us using Blackboard Mail as well. This mail is completely contained within the Blackboard site, so please check there for replies to your messages (i.e. messages will not get sent to your nmsu or other e-mail accounts). Also please be careful NOT to use the “Reply All” function, as you will bombard you classmates with messages intended only for the instructors. Official university communication to you will often come through your NMSU e-mail box. Please access it regularly, or forward it to your current address; your success in college may depend on your ability to respond quickly. Webpage The BIOL101G web page is available in Blackboard at You will need an NMSU Global LoginID and Password to access Blackboard. If you do not already have an NMSU Global LoginID and password, you can obtain one online at Obtain your ID and password IMMEDIATELY. Course information, supplementary readings, lecture notes, and exam keys will be posted on this site. Log in to Blackboard and locate the page for BIOL 101G. Posted lecture notes will contain a framework of the lecture only; downloading the notes is not a substitute for attending lecture. Syllabus Supplies Human Biology: BIOL 101 Page: 2 5 NMSU test score sheets (available at the campus bookstore) and a No. 2 pencil are required for the exams. You will be asked to show a photo ID when you hand in your test score sheet at each exam. Please purchase the full-page size blue and white test score sheet with 184 question lines (92 on each side) and which is labeled “New Mexico State University Test Score Sheet” on the top. An eInstruction Radio Frequency (RF) Student Response Pad (white “clicker”, available at the campus bookstore) is REQUIRED. You will need to REGISTER your clicker for this section of Biol 101G with eInstruction online (see instructions at the end of this syllabus). PLEASE NOTE: the clicker that you need is the radio frequency (RF) clicker. Class Key The class key for clicker registration (see below) is K52101A422 Overview This 3-credit lecture course is designed for students who do not plan on continuing in the sciences or the pre-nursing program. The aim is to introduce the central principles of modern biology as well as the philosophy and principles of science in general. By the end of this course you will be in a position to understand current events in biology of relevance to all people and taxpayers including such newsworthy items as genetic fingerprinting, stem cells, cancer, biodiversity and human impacts on the environment. Students are not expected to have any science background prior to taking this course. For general education credit (the “G” in Biol 101G) you must take the laboratory section (Biol 101L) as well as the lecture section. I do not check that you are enrolled in both, and the two courses are evaluated and graded separately. If you have any questions, please check with me or with an academic advisor. This course, in combination with Biol 101L, is designed to satisfy the Basic Natural Sciences Component of NMSU’s general education program. Please note that this course will NOT serve as a prerequisite for more advanced biology-related courses, either in the Biology Department itself, or in most other departments. Biology 111G and 211G serve this role. Please make sure that you are in the right course! This course also addresses the State of New Mexico General Education Common Core Competencies in Area III: Laboratory Sciences. As mandated by the State, these are as follows. • Describe the process of scientific inquiry • Solve problems scientifically • Communicate scientific information • Apply quantitative analysis to scientific problems • Apply scientific thinking to real world problems Syllabus Human Biology: BIOL 101 Page: 3 EVALUATION AND GRADING Evaluation In-class Exams: There will be 4 in-class exams, each worth 45 points. Final Exam: There will be a final exam (Dec 9, 10:30-12:30), worth 45 points. The final exam is MANDATORY and COMPREHENSIVE. Homeworks: There will be 3 assignments for a total of 25 possible points. Class Participation: 25 possible points can be earned based on in-class participation using your clicker. Participation points will begin to be earned starting on Sep 9 (this gives you until this date to purchase and register your clicker). The way that clicker points are earned is described below. Students who answer clicker questions correctly will also be entered into raffles, with the chance to win gift certificates to local businesses. Extra Credit: 3 in-class, extra credit exercises worth 5 points each will be offered over the course of the semester. The points for all three exercises will be added to your total score. These will not be announced in advance and no make-ups will be offered (with the exception of official university business, see below). Grading There are 230 possible graded points for the course, excluding the 15 extra credit points (see above). They are broken down as follows: • 135 points will be based on your three best in-class exams • 45 points will be based on your final exam • 25 points will be based on your three homeworks • 25 points will be based on class participation (clicker points) Grade Scale Your grade will be based on the number of points that you earn, according to the scale below: Grade A B C D F Exams Points ≥ 207 184-206.9 161-183.9 138-160.9 ≤ 137.9 Remember to bring a test score sheet, a No. 2 pencil and photo ID to every exam. Your ID, exam and score sheet will be checked and you will be asked to initial your attendance at the exam beside your name on a class roster when you hand in your answer sheet. Syllabus Human Biology: BIOL 101 Page: 4 Students arriving to the exam room after the first exam has been completed and turned in will not be allowed to take the exam. Exams are individual effortsplease keep your eyes on your own work, and keep your exam and answers covered as much as possible as you work (please note that the student code of conduct considers “cheating or knowingly assisting another student in committing an act of cheating” [Section III.B.1] to be one form of academic misconduct). All cell phones, beepers and other electronic devices must be turned off and placed in a closed bag or under your seat during exams. You will not need (or be allowed to consult) any books or calculators during the exams, and you are asked to leave your notes and books closed and under your chair during the exam. All caps must be removed during the exams. You will be asked to leave as much space between one another as possible during the exams, and you are reminded to review the Student Code of Conduct ( In particular, please consult section III. B and III. C of the Student Code of Conduct. Please also see the section on Academic Honesty below. Students who are found to be cheating on an exam will receive a minimum of an automatic zero for that exam (as a first offence) and the Instructor reserves the right to consider more severe penalties, especially for repeat incidences. Such penalties include automatic failure (i.e. an automatic grade of F) of the course, and referral to the course Dean and Student Judicial Affairs. Please do not risk your GPA and your academic career over an exam in this course, it is not worth it!!! Missed In-Class Exams You are STRONGLY encouraged to study for and take all four in-class exams. If you take all four in-class exams, then your lowest score will be dropped and your three highest scores will count towards the 135 possible points from in-class exams If you miss an in-class exam for ANY reason (with the exception of official university business, see below) then you will earn a zero (0) for the missed exam. THERE ARE NO MAKE-UP IN-CLASS EXAMS. The zero that you earn for the missed exam will presumably represent your lowest in-class exam score, and will be dropped (i.e. it will not be one of the three best in-class exam scores contributing to the 135 possible points earned on in-class exams, and your remaining three in-class exam scores will be used to calculate the points earned on in-class exams). If you miss ANOTHER in-class exam for ANY reason (with the exception of official university business, see below) then you will earn a second zero (0) for the second missed exam (please keep in mind that there are NO MAKE-UP IN-CLASS EXAMS). Please note that it will be very difficult to succeed in this class with two missed in-class exams (i.e. two zeros on in-class exams), as one of your three best in-class exam scores will be a zero (and will count towards the 135 Syllabus Human Biology: BIOL 101 Page: 5 possible points from in-class exams). Also note that it is very difficult to anticipate every possible situation that may arise, so please contact me immediately if an exceptional situation arises. Official University Business and Missed Exams: Students who must miss class to participate in an official University function are asked to bring the documentation to Dr. Hanley at least two weeks in advance and make the necessary arrangements to take any exams EARLY (i.e. before your departure). Failure to schedule an alternative (early) exam time prior to your departure will result in your earning a ZERO for the missed exam. Similarly, waiting until the last moment to try and schedule an alternate exam time with less than 72 hours notice will be considered equivalent to failing to schedule an alternative exam time (and will result in a ZERO for that exam). Failure to notify Dr. Hanley IN ADVANCE of missed attendance due to official university business will negate the possibility to make up extra credit points. Final Exam You MUST take the final exam as scheduled (i.e. the final exam is not an optional exam, and the points earned on the final exam will contribute to your total course points-the final exam cannot be “dropped”). If an emergency results in your missing the final exam, you must contact Dr. Hanley with written documentation immediately (for example physician documentation of serious illness), and Dr. Hanley must be able to verify the information. If you are making passing progress (i.e. an overall grade of C (≥ 70%) or better in the course) prior to the emergency, then you will be assigned an Incomplete (I). You will have to sign an I Grade Information Form stating that you will take a make-up final with Dr. Hanley in order to complete the course, and that failure to complete the make-up final within one year will result in the assignment of a replacement grade (i.e. to replace the I) based on the zero for the missed final. If you are not making passing progress (i.e. do not have an overall grade of C or better in the course) then you are not eligible for an Incomplete and will receive a zero for the missed final, and this score will be used to calculate your final course grade. Complete information regarding I grades can be found in the Undergraduate Catalogue (in the Regulations section). Please note that the final exam date and time was set last semester by the university (before registration for the current semester), and that travel plans, for example to return home, vacation or start seasonal employment do NOT constitute unanticipated or unavoidable emergencies. Please schedule (or re-schedule) any travel plans so that you are here to take the final as scheduled by the university. Syllabus Human Biology: BIOL 101 Page: 6 Assignments Specific instructions for the 3 homeworks will be handed out later in the class, however some universal instructions apply. All homeworks must be TYPED or they will automatically receive a grade of 0 points. Hard copies must be submitted on the designated day and must be SIGNED with your name in ink; electronic submissions will not be accepted. Each homework must be your own work; see Academic Honesty below for further explanation. Late penalties will be applied for any assignments handed in after 12:20 on the due date (e.g. after the end of the class period). 2 points will be deducted for any assignments handed between 12:20 am and 5:00 pm on the due date. 4 points will be deducted for any assignments handed in on the following business day, 6 points for any assignments handed in on the next (2nd) business day after the due date and so on. “Handed in” means literally in my hands; if you leave an assignment in my box at midnight it is not in my hands until I come to work the next day. Participation/Clicker Points As noted above, you can earn up to 25 points for class participation by using your clicker to answer in-class questions. Please refer to the Academic Honesty section below for further information regarding class participation points. Briefly, any student(s) who allow(s) other student(s) to earn participation points without actually being in class to earn them themselves will be penalized by (at a minimum) a loss of all 25 participation points, as will the students who allowed their clicker to be used by another students on their behalf. The Instructor reserves the right to consider more severe penalties, as outlined in the Exam Policies section. There will be MANY in-class clicker questions during the semester. For each question that you answer correctly, you will earn one “daily point”. For each question that you answer incorrectly, you will earn 0.5 “daily points”. There are no points available for unanswered questions. Thus, the majority of the daily points that you earn are purely for participation, rather than accuracy. However, the more questions that you answer correctly, the more daily points that you can earn. Your final number of clicker points (out of 25 possible) will be based on the proportion of daily points you earn, based on the total number of questions asked during the semester. For example, if 120 questions are asked during the semester, and you answer 100 correctly and 10 incorrectly (and fail to answer 10), you will earn 21.9 of the possible 25 clicker points [(100x1) + (10 x0.5)]/120] x25 = 21.9. You are encouraged to attend all lectures and answer the questions to the best of your ability. Not only will you maximize your clicker points, but as many of the clicker questions may reappear (at least in a closely related form) on in-class exams, you will get practice with exam material. Syllabus Human Biology: BIOL 101 Page: 7 Remember that correctly answering clicker questions makes you eligible for valuable prizes! Important Points About the “Clickers” You are responsible for having and REGISTERING a clicker for this class (registration instructions, including the class key, are posted separately in Blackboard and will be handed out in class). The class key number is listed earlier in this syllabus as well. You are responsible for knowing your “clicker number” in this class (this can be obtained by noting your “Pad ID” when you register, from the e-mail you will receive from eInstruction after you register, and by logging back into your eInstruction account information) You are responsible for making sure that your clicker is working (by looking for your number to turn blue as you click in your answer, by logging back into your eInstruction account to check your results [which are uploaded each week] or by checking with me) If you experience problems using your clicker, it is your responsibility to contact eInstruction IMMEDIATELY ( or toll free 1.888.333.7532). If the problem is not resolved within two days, please let me know so that I can also contact eInstruction. With the exception of Official University Business, there will be NO CLICKER MAKEUPS (so please remember to bring your clicker to class everyday). This is consistent with the University policy regarding attendance, which states that “Students are expected to attend regularly all classes for which they are registered”. However, I will allow up to one week’s of clicker points to be effectively “dropped” (i.e. missing up to one week will not affect your total possible clicker points). Clicker points are earned by bringing and using your OWN clicker in each class meeting. Having another student use your clicker while you are absent is a form of cheating, and both/all students involved will automatically lose all possible clicker points for the class; more severe penalties may also be considered. Syllabus Human Biology: BIOL 101 Page: 8 ACADEMIC HONESTY Academic Honesty All students are required to maintain the highest standards of academic honesty and conduct- these are the same high standards that will be expected of you in your future academic and professional careers. The student code of conduct outlines many of these expectations, and may be found at ( Cheating and academic misconduct in any form will NOT be tolerated (see the penalties described in the Exam Policies section above and noted at the end of this section). The student code of conduct outlines various forms of academic misconduct in section III.B . Cheating includes, but is not limited to possession and/or use of unauthorized materials during exams; copying the work of another (e.g. another student, instructor or other reference source); using the words or ideas of another (e.g. another student, instructor or other reference source), especially without proper acknowledgement and citation (but keep in mind that citing a source DOES NOT allow you to use their words and/or organization and/or structure if these are copied directly or substantially copied); providing another student the opportunity to copy your work on exams or assignment, looking at the work of another student during exams and quizzes and providing another student the opportunity to earn participation points when they are not in class to earn them themselves (in which case both/all students involved will be considered to have engaged in academic dishonesty, and both/all will, at a minimum, lose all 25 participation points). An additional note about plagiarism: Be aware of plagiarism. Not only must you credit your source(s) for any ideas that are not your own, but you MUST paraphrase in YOUR OWN WORDS. Changing the occasional word in a sentence does not constitute expression of the idea in your own words (i.e. if you submit an assignment in which you have merely changed a few words from a source, &/or have retained the structure and organization of your source, then you have submitted a plagiarized assignment, even if you have cited that source). Again, two key points are (i) to cite your sources (for ideas) and (ii) to paraphrase or summarize in your own words. This is particularly important in the sciences, as we do not rely on “quotations”. If you are unsure of anything in this regard, please come and talk to me about any concerns. You may also find some of the following websites helpful, and I encourage you to consult them for guidelines and examples dealing with this issue: (a definition of plagiarism from the NMSU Library website). Note that this definition addresses both Syllabus Human Biology: BIOL 101 Page: 9 intentional and unintentional acts of plagiarism. Neither are acceptable. Any act of plagiarism will result in a MINIMUM of a zero for ALL class assignments (i.e. a loss of all 25 possible assignment points), and more severe penalties (including automatic failure of the course) may be considered. Attendance Formal attendance will not be taken during lectures. However, it is strongly recommended that you attend and participate in all lectures, as this is your opportunity to both earn class participation points and to get the most out of the class. Note also the University expectation regarding attendance, found in the current Undergraduate Catalog: “Students are expected to attend regularly all classes for which they are registered”. You are responsible for all the material (including announcements of schedule or other syllabus changes) presented in lecture. If you do miss a lecture, please be sure to obtain lecture notes from another student, review the reading assignment and then, once you have completed this review process, contact me if you have any remaining questions. I will not make my lecture notes available outside of the regularly scheduled lecture. Dropping the Course Your instructor will not automatically drop students for poor performance or attendance. It is your responsibility to do so (by completing the necessary paperwork) prior to the OCT 14 deadline to drop with a “W”. Syllabus Human Biology: BIOL 101 Page: 10 CONSIDERATION AND ACCOMODATION Consideration Please be considerate of your classmates and the general environment while in the lecture room. This includes turning off (or using a silent mode) cell phones and pagers. Dogs (with the exception of aid dogs), bikes and roller blades are not allowed in the lecture room, for safety considerations. Please keep in mind that conversations with classmates (even whispered ones) can interfere with the ability of others to hear and follow the lecture. If you have a question during the lecture, please feel free to ask me (and chances are that many of your fellow classmates will also appreciate the clarification). If you know you need to leave early, please try to select a seat near an exit. Students whose behavior has a negative impact on the ability of their classmates to learn will receive two in-class warnings, after which the instructor will drop them from the class. Disabilities and Accommodations If you have (or believe you have) a disability and would benefit from classroom accommodation(s), please contact the Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD) Office located in Corbett Center, Room 244 [Phone: 646-6840; TTY: 646-1918]. If you have a condition that may affect your ability to exit safely from the premises in an emergency or that may cause an emergency during class, you are encouraged to discuss any concerns with the Instructor. STUDENT RESPONSIBILITIES 1. Register with SSD and obtain documents early in the semester 2. Deliver the completed accommodation and testing form(s) to the instructor(s) within the first two weeks of beginning of classes (or within one week of the date services are to commence). 3. Retrieve the signed form(s) from faculty and return to SSD within five (5) days of receipt from faculty and at least one week before any scheduled exam; and, 4. Contact the SSD Office if the services/accommodations requested are not being provided, not meeting your needs, or if additional accommodations are needed. Do not wait until you receive a failing grade. Retroactive accommodations cannot be considered. Syllabus Accommodations: Human Biology: BIOL 101 Page: 11 SSD Office, 646-6840 (Corbett Center, Rm. 244) Michael Armendariz All medical information will be treated confidentially. Discrimination: Feel free to call Jerry Nevarez, Director of Institutional Equity, at 575-646-3635 with any questions you may have about NMSU’s Non-Discrimination Policy and complaints of discrimination, including sexual harassment. Syllabus Human Biology: BIOL 101 Page: 12 STUDENT SUCCESS Study Strategy This course covers a great deal of material. You are responsible for the lecture material as well as the reading assignments. It is not always possible for your instructor to cover every topic in great depth, thus you will need to use the reference materials to develop your OWN thorough understanding of the course material. Use the lectures as a guide for your reading, and use the reference materials to help you understand the material that we cover together in lecture. It is highly recommended that you review your lecture notes as soon after each lecture as possible. Use this time to supplement your lecture notes with additional helpful information from the reference material. To be sure that you understand the material, complete the additional review questions posted on the course website. You will best test your understanding by trying to do these questions as if they were actual exam questions (i.e. by doing them with your notes and books closed). Form study groups (help each other learn). Draw you own diagrams or flow charts, make your own tables etc. Come to office hours to ask any questions and clarify any information. I am happy to help! Grading Errors It is your responsibility to check your scores as they are posted on the course website. If you have a question about a particular score, notify me in writing within one week of its posting so that any questions can be promptly resolved. After one week, there is no guarantee that any action can be taken. Syllabus Human Biology: BIOL 101 Page: 13 CLASS SCHEDULE MONDAY WEDNESDAY Aug 24 The Scientific Method.I Aug 26 The Scientific Method.II Phelan 1.1 - 1.12 Phelan 1.13 - streeBio Aug 31 DNA: the Blueprint of Life Sep 2 Mendelian Inheritance Sep 4 DNA Forensics Phelan Ch. 5.1 – 5.9 Phelan Ch. 7 Phelan 5.17, 6.15 Sep 7 Sep 9 Personal Genome Sequencing: Potential and Pitfalls Labor Day: No Class FRIDAY Aug 21 Introduction to the Course Aug 28 The Scientific Method III Clicker Practice: Bring Clickers! Sep 11 Cells: The building blocks of life Phelan 3.1 – 3.17 Sep 14 Clicker Points Start Sep 16 Chromosomes and Cell Division Sep 18 Recombinant DNA, Stem Cells & Cloning EXAM I Phelan 6.4 – 6.8; 6.10 –6.13 Phelan Ch. 5.10, 5.11, 5.12, 5.19 Sep 23 Human Reproduction&Teratogens Sep 25 Cancer Phelan Ch. 6.17 – streetBio Phelan 6.9 Homework I assigned Sep 28 Nutrition Sep 30 The Obesity Epidemic Homework I due Oct 2 Immune Systems. I Phelan 2.8 - 2.18 “XXXL” by E. Kolbert† Oct 5 Immune Systems. II Pathogens, Vaccines and Allergy Oct 7 IN CLASS EXAM II Oct 12 Evolution II. Evidence and Mechanisms Oct 14 Evolution and Behavior Phelan 9.1-9.8 Phelan Ch. 8.12-8.21 Last Day to Drop with a “W” Sep 21 Stem Cells and Cloning: Ethical Issues Homework II assigned NIH. 2003. Understanding the Immune System* Oct 9 Intro to Evolution and Darwin Phelan Ch. 8.2-8.11 Oct 16 Evolution of Intelligence “Look, no hands” & “Wasps have a good memory for a face”* Homework II due Syllabus Human Biology: BIOL 101 Page: 14 Oct 19 Evolution: Male-Female Strategies and Sexual Selection Oct 21 Evolution of Communication and Dancing Birds Oct 23 Animal-Human Interactions Phelan 9.10-9.15 Oct 26 Origin and Diversity of Life I Phelan 9.16-9.17 Oct 28 Origin and Diversity of Life II Phelan 10.1-10.2, 10.14-10.17 Nov 2 Animal Diversification II (Invertebrates and others) Phelan 10.3-10.13 Nov 4 In Class Exam III Phelan 11.12-11.17 Nov 9 Microbes I (Bacteria) Nov 11 Microbes II (Viruses) Phelan 12.1-12.8, 12.13 Nov 13 Population Ecology I Phelan 13.1-13.13 Phelan 13.15-13.18 Phelan 14.1-14.9 Homework III assigned Oct 30 Animal Diversification I (Vertebrates) Phelan 11.1-11.11 Nov 6 Plant and Fungus Diversification Nov 16 Population Ecology II Nov 18 Ecosystems Last Day to Withdraw from the University Nov 20 Conservation and Biodiversity I Phelan 14.10-14.15 Phelan 15.1-15.14 Phelan 16.1-16.6 Homework III due Nov 25 Thanksgiving Break Nov 27 Thanksgiving Break Nov 30 Conservation and Biodiversity II (Humans and the environment) Dec 2 IN CLASS EXAM IV Dec 4 Review: Bring Your Questions Dec 7 Exam Week Dec 9 Exam Week Dec 11 Exam Week Nov 23 Thanksgiving Break FINAL EXAM 10:30-12:30 Hardman 216 * Required readings available on Blackboard † Link available on Blackboard or type directly:; Note that the cartoons are certainly not part of the assigned reading.