Northwestern University - Department of Economics Annual 2014-15 Schedule Department of Statistics 210 Introductory Statistics for the Social Sciences Department of Economics 101 First-Year Seminar 201 Introduction to Macroeconomics 202 Introduction to Microeconomics 250 281 307 308 309 Business and Government Introduction to Applied Econometrics Economics of Medical Care Money and Banking Public Finance Fall Winter Spring Habermalz Lewis Lewis Habermalz Hornsten Ogawa Walker Gordon Walker Ogawa Gordon Matsuyama Berger Lorenzoni Ogawa Schulz Witte Habermalz Notowidigdo Walker Lockwood Hornsten / Braeutigam Guo Witte Walker Limbrock Schulz Lewis Hornsten Lewis Primiceri 310-1 Intermediate Microeconomics I Schulz 310-2 311 316 318 Guo Gordon Eichenbaum Intermediate Microeconomics II Intermediate Macroeconomics Advanced Macroeconomics History of Economic Thought Economic History of the United States Before 323-1 1865 Economic History of the United States Since 323-2 1865 324 Western Economic History 325 Economic Growth and Development 326 Economics of Developing Countries 329 Experimental Economics 330 Behavioral Economics 331 Economics of Risk and Uncertainty 335 Political Economics 337 Economics of State and Local Governments 339 Labor Economics 342 Economics of Gender 349 Industrial Economics 350 Monopoly, Competition and Public Policy 355 Transportation Economics and Public Policy 359 Economics of Nonprofit Organizations Ogawa Kiesling Pavan Ely Christiano Kiesling Chabot Chabot Mokyr Matsuyama Beaman Ogawa Schulz Ogawa Schulz Siniscalchi Strulovici Chang Lewis Lieb Hendel Hornsten Savage Lewis Hornsten Weisbrod 360-1 360-2 361 362 370 380-1 380-2 381 383 398 401 410 Corporate Finance Investments International Trade International Finance Environmental and Natural Resource Economics Game Theory Game Theory (380-1 is not a prerequisite) Econometrics Applied Econometrics (new course) Senior Seminar Mathematical Methods (September 2 - 19) Microeconomics Davis 411 Macroeconomics (-1) Christiano 414 415 416 420-1 420-2 425 440 450 Economics of Information Advanced Microeconomics Advanced Macroeconomics American Economic History European Economic History Theory of Economic Development Economics of the Labor Market Industrial Organization and Prices (-1) Wolinsky 460 International Economics (-1) Matsuyama 480 Introduction to Econometrics (-1) Manski (-2) Horowitz 481 482 483 501 Econometrics Time-Series Methods Cross-Section Methods Graduate Seminar (-1) Horowitz (-2) Canay Primiceri Witte Wolinsky Olszewski (-1) Dekel (-1) Christiano Ferrie (-1) Rogerson Canay / Manski Pavan Ueda Ueda Walker Witte Kamate Allen Walker Witte Siegel (-1) Habermalz Horowitz (-1) Hornsten Siegel (-2) Torgovitsky (-2) Siniscalchi (-2) Eichenbaum / Lorenzoni (-2) Siegel (-3) Ely (-2) Hornsten (-3) Doepke (-3) Pavan (-1) Strulovici (-2) Berger Mokyr (-2) Beaman (-1) Notowidigdo (-2) Porter (-2) Eichenbaum / Lorenzoni (-3) Kinnan (-3) Nevo (-3) Allen (-3) Manski / Torgovitsky Pavan Summer 2015 Schedule Course 201 202 281 308 310-1 310-2 311 330 Title Introduction to Macroeconomics Introduction to Microeconomics Introduction to Applied Econometrics Money and Banking Intermediate Microeconomics I Intermediate Microeconomics II Intermediate Macroeconomics Behavioral Economics Day Time Weeks MWF 3:00-4:50 6 MWF 11:00-12:50 6 MTW 9:00-10:50 6 MTW 1:00-2:50pm 6 TTh 3:00-4:50 8 MWF 3:00-4:50 6 MWF 11:00-12:50 6 TTh 6:30-8:20pm 8 EV = class held on the Evanston campus CH = class held on the Chicago campus 6 week classes meet in period between June 22 to July 31 8 week classes meet in period between June 22 to August 14 Campus EV EV EV EV EV EV EV EV Location Instructor UNV 101 Mark Witte UNV 101 Scott Ogawa UNV 121 Richard Walker UNV 101 Richard Walker Jacobs 3245 Eric Schulz Jacobs 3245 Scott Ogawa Jacobs 3245 Mark Witte Jacobs 3245 Eric Schulz