Habitats: Animals and Their Adaptations

and their
First Grade
University of Mississippi
National Science Foundation
NSF North Mississippi GK-8
Animals and their Habitats
Adapted from a NSF North Mississippi GK-12 Project
Table of Contents
Biome Background Information
Adaptation Background Information
ACTIVITY: Where does your Animal Cracker belong?
ACTIVITY: Animal World “BINGO”
ACTIVITY: Natural Selection
ACTIVITY: Are you my Friend?
ACTIVITY: Design your own Animal
ACTIVITY: My Book of Evergreen Trees
ACTIVITY: Leaves of the Temperate Deciduous Forest
Biome and Landform Pictures
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Biome Background Information
Biomes are the world's major communities and ecosystems that cover a
broad geographic range. Major vegetation type is often what characterizes
a biome (i.e. grassland, deciduous forest, etc.). Because climate often
determines what type of vegetation can grow in a certain area, we can see
that climate has a direct effect in creating and maintaining biomes. The two
most important aspects of biome climate are temperature and rainfall.
What are the major biomes?
Depending on whom you are talking to, there are anywhere between five and
twelve different types of biomes. The seven major biomes include tundra,
taiga, temperate deciduous forest, grassland, desert, tropical rain forest
and aquatic.
The tundra is found around the North Pole. It is very cold, even in the
summer. The average winter temperature is –30oF, while in the summer the
average temperature is between 37oF and 54oF. It has very little rainfall,
less than 10 inches per year (on average). In addition to low temperature
and rainfall, the tundra has a very short growing season (about 50 - 60
days). During the growing season, plants and microorganisms have an
opportunity to grow due to poor soil drainage. Outside of this limited
growing season, plants generally lie dormant in the snow. Because many
tundra animals are migratory, there are great oscillations in the animal
population throughout the year.
Another condition found in the arctic tundra, is the presence of permafrost.
Permafrost is a layer of earth, about a meter from the soil surface, which
never thaws.
Taiga (also called Boreal forest or Coniferous forest)
As we move south from the tundra we encounter the next biome, the taiga.
The taiga, or boreal forest, is the largest terrestrial biome. It covers
almost 6800 miles in the Northern Hemisphere, spanning across Europe, Asia
and North America. The word taiga is Russian for marshy pine forest. Like
the tundra, the taiga is characterized by cold temperatures and a short
growing season. Winter temperatures range from –65o F to 30oF. The
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summer, however, tends to be a little longer, wetter and more humid.
Summer temperatures range from 20oF to 70oF with a growing season of 130
days. Most of the precipitation occurs during the summer in the form of
rainfall. The total precipitation for the year is usually between 12 and 33
inches. There are marshes, swamps and lakes found throughout the taiga.
Temperate Deciduous Forest
This biome can be found in the mid and eastern United States. It also
covers the middle of Europe and a little bit of Asia. As a matter of fact, we
live in the temperate deciduous forest biome. This biome gets significant
rainfall throughout the year, about 30-60 inches per year. Its average
annual temperature is 50o F. The growing season can last anywhere from 140
to 200 days with four to six frost free months. We are fortunate to see all
four seasons in this biome; spring, summer, fall and winter. The deciduous
forest has very fertile soil. As a result, much of what was forest has been
turned into towns and farmland.
This biome is found in North America, South America, Africa, Europe, and
Asia. The primary vegetations include grasses, flowers and herbs. There are
not many trees found in the grasslands due to the thin, dry soil. In North
America, the term ‘prairie’ is used to describe the grasslands. In South
America they call the grasslands ‘pampas’. The grasslands in Europe and Asia
are called ‘steppes’ while in Africa they are called ‘savannas’. There are two
types of grasslands, tall-grass and short-grass. The tall-grass type is found
in very moist, humid areas and the short-grass type is found in dryer areas
where there are hotter summers and colder winters. Grasslands can be
found in a variety of latitudes.
Tropical Rainforest
The tropical rainforest is found near the earth’s equator. Tropical
rainforests can be found in Central America, South America, Africa, India,
Indonesia and Australia. They can receive up to 260 inches of rain each
year. High temperatures and high humidity contribute to the water cycle
and keep this biome wet. Due to the thick tree canopy, much of the rain
that falls on a rainforest never reaches the ground. The average
temperature of the rainforest is 77oF and never drops below 64oF.
Rainforests are so hot because they are near the equator, the area that
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always gets the most sunlight. Rainforests are very unique and special. Over
50% of all known species on earth live in this biome. While there are 280
species in one hectare in a tropical rainforest, there are only 5-30 species in
one hectare in a temperate deciduous forest. Additionally, tropical
rainforests produce 40% of earth’s oxygen. Unfortunately though, they are
being cut down and now only cover 6% of the Earth’s terrestrial surface.
This section will focus on hot and dry deserts. It is important to note that
there are semi-arid deserts and cold deserts around the world also. The
main character that defines a desert (hot or cold) is the very low amount of
rainfall. Deserts have less than 10 inches of rainfall per year and in some
years none! They cover approximately one fifth of the earth’s terrestrial
surface. Only 20% of all deserts are covered with sand. Pebbles cover
another 50% and the remaining 30% are either bedrock or desert soils.
Deserts have low productivity and soil with low organic content. Deserts can
be found in the Americas (North, Central and South), Asia, Europe, Africa
and Australia.
Hot and dry desert temperature ranges from 50oF at the night to 100+oF
during the day. These deserts usually get about five inches of rain per year.
Rainfall is sporadic and several inches may fall at one time. It is a myth that
deserts are barren landscapes. In reality, deserts have quite a bit of
diversity in both flora and fauna.
The aquatic biome is usually divided into two sections: marine and fresh
water. It covers about 75% of the earth’s surface, making it the largest
biome. All of the other biomes depend on this biome to some degree.
Certainly, all life on earth depends on water. This biome has a wide range of
diversity with regard to both sea animals and plant life.
Freshwater region---Less than 1% salt concentration characterizes the
freshwater region. This region includes lakes, ponds, rivers, and streams.
Ponds are often seasonal bodies of water, drying up after the rainy season.
Lakes on the other hand can exist for hundreds of years. Streams and
rivers are found all over the world. They start at headwaters (like a spring,
lake or melting snow) and move in one direction to the mouth. They often
empty into the ocean or connect with another water channel. From the
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beginning to the end, stream and rivers support different species depending
on the water conditions.
Marine region---The marine region includes oceans and coral reefs. The
ocean ecosystem is the largest of all ecosystems. Oceans dominate the
Earth’s surface and provide the rainwater we experience on land. The
primary source of the earth’s oxygen is marine algae. Additionally, marine
algae consume large amounts of carbon dioxide found in the atmosphere.
This alone, illustrates that the ocean ecosystem contributes enormously to
the existence of life on earth. The ocean is divided into four zones:
intertidal, pelagic, benthic and abyssal. The intertidal zone is where the
ocean meets the land. The pelagic zone is further from the shoreline, where
the warm intertidal water meets the cooler ocean currents. The benthic
zone is the next lower layer and gets cooler as it goes deeper. The very
lowest layer is the abyssal zone. Here it is very cold, highly oxygenated,
high in pressure and low in nutrients. Coral Reefs are found in various places
in the oceans around the world. There is more diversity in both plants and
animals in this area than in any other part of the ocean.
Adaptation Background Information
What is an adaptation?
An adaptation can be a short-term response (ecological time scale) or a longterm response (evolutionary time scale) to an environmental condition or
change in condition. An example of a short-term response is the
physiological adjustments that mammals use in order to maintain a constant
body temperature. A long-term response can be found in the specialized
process of photosynthesis found in many desert plants. This unique process
allows the plant to close their stomata during the day in order to minimize
water loss.
Tundra animals
Cold----In order for an animal to survive in the tundra they have to be able
to withstand the extreme cold for the majority of the year. Many of the
animals have compact bodies and shortened extremities (tails, ears, bills,
wings and limbs). This is an adaptation that allows the animal to conserve
heat and minimize heat loss. For example, foxes found in other biomes are
known for their large ears. Not the arctic fox, however, it has short, close
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ears to keep heat from escaping. Some tundra animals have a layer of fat or
blubber to insulate their bodies and keep them warm. Other animals have
dense layers of fur or feathers to stay warm. Small animals often burrow in
the snow to escape harsh winds. Believe it or not, the snow acts as an
insulator, trapping heat coming up from the ground!
Camouflage---In order to hide from predators, the fur on many animals
turns white during the winter. This allows them to blend in with the snowy
background. This also allows predators to blend in the background when
hunting their prey.
Stability and Mobility---Large, wide feet are also found on many tundra
animals, particularly those that travel over long distances like caribou. This
adaptation helps keep the animal from sinking in the snow.
Offspring---Tundra animals usually have their babies in the warmest months
when there is a plethora of food and nice weather. The young grow up
quickly so that they are prepared for the quick approaching winter months.
Food---Since much of the year is cold and unproductive (little vegetation),
some animals have adapted to a scarce food supply by leaving the tundra and
going south to the taiga (or beyond) where they will find a better supply of
food. Some animals hibernate during the harshest months and live off of
the fat that accumulated during the warmer months. During hibernation
most of the animal's physiological processes (like breathing and heart rate)
slow down so that they expend very little energy.
An example of a tundra animal
Polar Bear (Ursus maritimus)---Polar bears are well adapted to the cold
tundra. Contrary to popular belief, polar bears are not white. Their fur is
actually translucent but appears white. Their black skin helps absorb solar
radiation and keep the bear warm. Polar bears shake like a dog after they
swim and their guard hairs help shed water so that the bear doesn’t get
chilled after a swim. There is also a dense layer of underfur that keeps the
polar bear warm. They have a thick layer of fat (blubber) that further
insulates them. Polar bears are so well insulated that they have to be
careful not to overheat. Their feet have bumps and cavities that keep the
bear from slipping on the ice. One of the most amazing adaptations of the
polar bear is their ability to slow down their metabolism (not quite to the
extent of hibernating) when food becomes scarce. They can do this at any
time of the year until food becomes available again. This is quite different
than how black and brown bears hibernate. Black and brown bears hibernate
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every year from late fall until springtime. If they lose their food source in
spring or summer they are not able to slow their metabolism to compensate,
they will starve.
Taiga animals
Many of the adaptations we saw in the tundra animals also apply to the taiga
Cold---Animals that live in the boreal forest must have thick, dense fur or
feathers to keep them warm. Many of the animals found in this biome are
large. Larger animals stay warmer with less energy expended due to their
low surface area to body size ratio. In the taiga, the first snowfall of the
season occurs before the ground becomes cold and freezes. The snow is a
good insulator, keeping the earth warm and providing a perfect place for the
small animals to burrow.
Camouflage---Some animals change color for the snowy season. But many
animals stay the same color year-round. Moose, for example, stay brown
whether it's summer or winter.
Food---Even though food is more abundant year-round in the taiga than in
the tundra, many animals either migrate to warmer climates or hibernate to
some extent.
Examples of Taiga animals
Moose (Alces alces)---Moose are the largest members of the deer family.
“Moose” is a North American Algonquian Indian word meaning ‘twig eater’.
Europeans use the word ‘elk’ to refer to the animal that North Americans
call moose. This can be confusing because North Americans use the word
‘elk’ to describe a completely different animal. Moose have poor eyesight but
their sense of smell and hearing is excellent. One way that moose have
adapted to the cold climate of the taiga is by having their calves in the
spring or summer. Moose are most active during dawn and dusk foraging for
food. They prefer aquatic plants that are available in spring and summer.
Moose are strong swimmers and have been known to dive up to 15 feet to
obtain food. The taiga is overrun with insects during spring and summer.
Moose deal with biting flies and mosquitoes by rolling around in mud and
coating their fur. They adapt to the seasonal temperature change by
shedding in the spring and growing dense fur in the winter. While they are
usually found in riparian areas in the spring and summer, they retreat to the
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forest to find food for the winter. A very obvious physical characteristic of
moose is their long legs. These long legs carry moose into places other
animals are unable to go. They are able to go into deep swamps and travel
through deep snow.
Animals of the temperate deciduous forest
Camouflage—Most of the animals found in this biome are able to blend in
with the forest due to their coloring. Their coats and feathers are often
browns, grays, and blacks. Often, there is a mix of these colors on one
animal, thus making it easy to lose sight of them in the dappled shade of the
Food---Since it can be difficult to find food in the winter, especially in the
northern regions, some animals go into a minimal form of hibernation. They
are able to expend energy on warm days and conserve energy on cold days.
Many of these forest animals eat leaves, nuts and berries. They have
adapted their diets according to what their environment has to offer.
Animals such as squirrels, chipmunks and blue jays store their food for
winter consumption.
An example of a deciduous forest animal
White-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus)--- The white-tailed deer is
ubiquitous in deciduous forests. Their fur is grayish in the winter and turns
reddish in the summer. They are most active before dawn and after dusk.
White-tailed deer are agile and fast, running up to 30mph. They also swim
well. Well adapted to their biome, they eat just about any type of forest
vegetation, including nuts, buds, grass, leaves and twigs. They are usually
solitary but will form herds during particularly cold winters in order to stay
warm. Females keep their fawns in dense vegetation while they are out
foraging. The fawns stay well hidden by lying flat with their neck stretched
out. They stay very still while their mother is away. They don’t even urinate
or defecate until the female comes back. The mother will ingest the fawn’s
excretion so predators will not be alerted to the fawn’s presence.
Prairie animals
Climate extremes---Prairie animals live with extreme climate changes. They
must be able to stay warm during the cold winters and cool in the hot
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summers. Many prairie animals get dense coats of fur or feathers during
the cold months and shed the excess during the warm months. They also
migrate to areas with more favorable conditions during the extreme months.
There are many burrowing animals in the prairie that are able to stay warm
in the winter and cool in the summer by going underground. Prairies have a
very definite wet, summer season and a very definite dry, winter season.
The wet season gets a lot of rain, while drought-like conditions prevail during
the dry season. Some animals have physiological adaptations that help them
deal with limited water (see Desert Biome). Other prairie animals travel to
areas with water.
An example of a prairie animal
American Bison (Bison bison)---The American bison once roamed the prairies
and plains of North America numbering about 30 million. They formed the
biggest mass of large mammals to ever live on earth. By 1890, their numbers
were reduced to just 750 due to over hunting and habitat loss. Today there
are only about 50 thousand bison, and they only live in National Parks and
Reserves. Bison are quite large with brown wooly fur. This fur gets very
dense in the winter and comes out in large patches in the spring. Their
eyesight is poor but they have excellent senses of hearing and smell. They
herd as individual families or in packs of up to 50 when migrating. The
female (cow) is the leader of the herd. Male bison (bulls) can run up to 30
mph. Bison eat grasses and succulent herbs. They will eat snow if all the
available water is frozen. Technically, they are not really buffalo.
Savanna animals
Drought---Many savanna animals must migrate to find food during the
drought season. These animals are adapted to this by having long legs or
wings in order to make the long migration each year.
Heat---Some animals burrow into the ground, not to stay warm but to stay
cool and avoid the heat. Burrows are also used as a safe place to raise young.
Because some animals cool off by panting or losing heat though extremities
like ears, we see lots of animals with big ears (like an elephant).
An example of a savanna animal
Plains Zebra (Equus burchelli boehmi)---The zebra, a type of horse, has some
interesting characteristics that make it well suited for the African savanna.
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The recognizable black and white stripes serve several purposes. Their
stripes are similar to our fingerprints, no two are alike. Right after baby
zebras are born the mother will stand in the baby’s line of vision so it can
only see her. This imprints the baby so that it knows its mother by her
stripes. The stripes are also useful in confusing predators when a chase
ensues. They can run up to 40mph, faster than their two major predators,
lions and hyenas. Zebras travel in herds, with males to the outside and
females and babies towards the center. Many animals travel in herds as a
means to protect themselves from predators. Their hearing is excellent and
they can rotate their ears to pinpoint sound so well that they don’t need to
move their bodies in the process. A wide field of vision is important to have
in a savanna, especially when keeping an eye out for predators. Zebras have
eyes set back in their head and therefore their only blind spot is directly
behind them. When the dry season comes, zebras are able to survive
because they can eat dried grass.
Tropical rainforest animals
Dense forests---The tropical rainforest is densely populated with trees.
Many of the animals of the forest have adapted to living most of their lives
in trees. These tree dwellers have highly evolved limbs, feet, tails and
Communication---Because there are so many different species living in the
rainforest, each species has evolved specialized and often loud vocalizations.
Food---Fruit is the most abundant food source in the rainforest. Many of
the animals in the rainforest have diets that rely heavily on fruit.
Camouflage---Many animals in the rainforest blend in very well with their
surroundings. There are even some that change colors to specifically match
the plant on which they live.
An example of a tropical rainforest animal
Chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes)---Chimps are tree dwellers but spend much of
their time foraging for food on the ground. This eliminates competition with
monkeys that forage in the trees. Chimpanzees mainly eat fruit but will eat
a variety of things including: nuts, buds, blossoms, honey, bark; and,
occasionally small game animals. When chimps forage, they move around a lot
and rarely stay in one place for very long. This is good for the ecosystem.
It allows for that part of the forest to recover before the chimps return.
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Chimp communities can have up to 100 members. Their nests are in trees, up
to 29 feet off of the ground. They have been known to use tools to extract
insects from nests or to break open nuts. Chimpanzees are endangered and
may only number 35,000. Their numbers continue to decline due to habitat
destruction and hunting.
Desert animals
Heat---Many desert animals migrate leaving the desert during the months of
extreme heat and return during the winter months. Most desert animals are
only active during the coolest parts of the day (dawn and dusk) and/or at
night. This way they avoid high temperatures and are able to forage
efficiently. Burrowing is another strategy desert animals use to avoid the
extreme heat. Some rodents will even plug their burrow entrance to keep
out the heat. One animal, the Desert Toad, has a unique way of dealing with
the heat. They stay in the bottom of dried up ponds, deep inside the ground,
until the rains come and refill the pond. They come out to refuel, mate and
lay eggs, only to go back into the ground until the next summer rain. There
are some long legged lizards that remain active all day. They have the ability
to run very fast over hot areas to cooler areas (shade). In addition to
avoiding heat, desert animals are able to dissipate heat. Long extremities,
like legs and ears, release heat from the animal’s body. Jackrabbits have
very long ears that dissipate heat, while its tundra cousin, the snowshoe
hare, has very short ears that conserve heat. Some vultures and African
storks have an odd way of keeping cool. They urinate on their own legs,
which cools them by evaporation. The cooled blood then circulates
throughout the rest of the body, thereby cooling the bird. This process is
called urohydrosis. Many of these birds also soar in higher, cooler layers of
Scarce Water---Many reptiles, like snakes, are able to retain water by
excreting uric acid as opposed to urea. Uric acid is an insoluble white
compound that contains very little water. Urea is the substance that most
mammals excrete and it contains a lot of water. Desert animals often obtain
water through desert plants, like cacti. The desert rodents that plug their
burrow entrances are able to recycle the moisture from their breath.
Additionally, many of these rodents have developed highly specialized
methods of keeping water in their bodies. Their kidneys have extra tubules
that remove water from their urine and put it back into the blood. Their
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nasal passages also catch the water that would normally escape through
exhalation and return it to the body. Kangaroo rats can do many of the
above mentioned strategies. They are also capable of making their own
water from the digestion of dry seeds. They don’t even drink water when it
is offered to them in captivity.
An example of a desert animal
Desert Tortoise (Gopherus agassizii)---The desert tortoise can live up to
100 years of age. They are herbivores and typically eat herbs and grasses.
They live in the Mojave and Sonoran Deserts which are located in the
southwest United Sates and into Mexico. Desert tortoises are highly
adapted to desert living. They can live in areas where the ground
temperatures reach up to 140oF. Their front limbs are adapted for digging
and they escape the extreme heat by staying in a burrow. They spend most
(95%) of their lives in their burrow. They are most active in the spring and
lie dormant in the winter. In order for a Desert Tortoise to burrow they
have to find suitable soil. Their burrows can be almost as small as the
tortoise or can be several feet wide. They may have an extensive network
of burrows within their home range (territory). These burrows are often
shared or reused by other tortoises. Desert Tortoises will dig catch basins
for rainwater. They can often be found waiting next to a basin when rain is
imminent. Their primary source of water comes from the herbs and grasses
that they eat. They also have the ability to draw upon water that has
already reached the bladder. Adult tortoises may be able to go for a year or
more without water. These tortoises are considered a threatened species.
They are protected federally and under California State law. They are slow
to reproduce. This combined with loss of habitat and careless off-road
vehicle drivers are causing the populations to dwindle to dangerously low
Aquatic animals
Aside from the salt concentration adaptation, freshwater and marine animals
have similar adaptations. As mentioned before, water conditions can vary
and thus can only support organisms specific to those conditions. Light and
temperature are the two most critical factors that determine which animals
live where. A third factor, pressure, is relevant in the deep ocean. As in
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terrestrial biomes, different animals need different amounts of light and
temperatures to survive.
Oxygen from H2O---Aquatic animals have evolved the ability to extract
oxygen from the surrounding water. Some use gills to remove oxygen, like
fish, while others are able to absorb oxygen through mucus membranes or
skin. Remember though, there are aquatic mammals who must get their
oxygen from the air. These animals have adapted to their environment by
being able to hold their breath for extended periods of time.
Food---Finding and obtaining food in the water can be as unique as the
creatures that live there. Many predators actively seek prey by using sight,
sound and smell much like land predators. Some aquatic animals are slow or
are even sessile. These animals get their food from plants and animals that
‘come to them’ through proximity or currents.
Mobility---The morphology of aquatic animals is a result of millions of years
of evolution. Fins, air bladders, tail shape, tentacles and smooth scales are
examples of adaptations that help aquatic animals get around faster and
more efficiently. The shark is an excellent example of a perfectly adapted
sea animal. Fossils have shown that the morphology of the shark has not
changed for millions of years. These creatures are streamlined for speed
and built for strength. Their only predator is man. Evolution has designed
the perfect creature at the top of the aquatic food chain. Man has taken
advantage of what nature has created. In the 2000 Summer Olympics, the
Australian Swim Team wore various styles of swimwear made to resemble
sharkskin. It was believed that the ‘sharkskin suits’ would reduce drag and
increase speed.
High Pressure---As previously mentioned, the ocean’s abyssal zone is highly
pressurized. With specially designed submarines and underwater
cameras/collecting apparatuses man has been able to venture into this
previously unexplored territory. The animals that live the abyssal zone have
bodies that can withstand the immense pressure. When live fish are
collected from this zone, they are not able to survive for very long in
‘normal’ pressure tanks in research labs. There is still so much that we do
not know about this part of the ocean, but as underwater machines become
more advanced and sophisticated, we will be able to learn about a very
mysterious part of our planet.
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An example of a freshwater animal
Platypus (Ornithorhynchus anatinus)---The platypus is found only in
Australia. It lives in burrows on the banks of lakes, rivers, or streams.
There are only three species of monotremes (egg-laying mammals) on earth,
and the platypus is one. Some scientists think of them as living fossils
because of their egg laying ability and lizard-like build that have been
retained from the mammal’s lizard ancestors. Their legs extend out from
their body and then down to the ground. These lizard-like legs makes them
strong swimmers and diggers but very slow on land. They are built for life in
the water. Their bodies are streamlined for efficient swimming. They have
webbed feet and a broad tail. Their tail serves several purposes: acts as a
rudder, aids in diving, and stores 50% of its reserve body fat. The forepaws
have webbing down to the claws for swimming. The webbing folds back when
on land so that the platypus can walk. The hindpaws do not have such
extensive webbing; they are used for steering and treading water. Their
characteristic bill is not hard like a duck’s but is soft and pliable. It is
covered with skin and can get injured if it encounters glass or sharp objects
underwater. The platypus has two layers of fur, a dense waterproof
outercoat and a wooly insulating innercoat. The platypus may be the only
poisonous mammal on earth. There is a spur on its hind leg that secretes
poison. The spur is used for protection from its enemies. The platypus
dives under water for 20-40 seconds at a time with a 10 second rest at the
surface between dives. It makes 80 dives per hour. While under water, it
closes its ears, eyes and nose and searches for food with its electrosensitive bill. The food is stored in cheek pouches and it eats at the water
surface. It does not have teeth so it crushes its food with its bill.
An example of an ocean animal
Sea Nettle (Chrysaora quinquecirrha)--- The sea nettle is a type of jellyfish.
Jellyfish have been in the Earth’s oceans for at least 650 million years, even
longer than sharks. They generally inhabit the intertidal zone but are also
found in the abyssal zone. They are not really fish but actually fall under
the classification of invertebrate. They are relatives of the sea anemones
and corals. They do not have hearts or brains or even eyes, but they do have
the beginnings of a nervous system. They have sensors or nerve cells that
tell them where they are going, how to move, and how to react to food and
danger. As an inhabitant of the open seas, their transparent bodies keep
them safe from predators. Generally, they are carried by ocean currents
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but they can control their vertical movement through a pumping action.
Their tentacles have little harpoons that paralyze their prey. They obtain
oxygen by absorbing it through their skin. The jellyfish is mostly made up of
water (95%). Their boneless, soft bodies allow them to live in the highly
pressurized parts of the ocean. Even though they are kind of scary to
humans on the beach, jellyfish are used in medicines for some cancers and
heart disease.
Prepared by:
Amy Gowe
University of Mississippi
September 2002
NSF North Mississippi GK-8
I Spy…
Intended for Grade:
This activity introduces students to the seven major
habitats of the world and the landscapes and organisms of each habitat.
The student will be able to distinguish between the
different habitats found on Earth and correlate organisms with
environmental features particular to a habitat.
Mississippi Frameworks addressed:
Science Framework 2c: Compare plants and animals in Mississippi with
those found in the jungle, desert and arctic regions.
Science Framework 5a: Identify features of the Earth surface such
as mountains, lakes, oceans, and rivers.
National Standards addressed:
Content Standard C: Life Science
Content Standard D: Earth and Space Science
Biome Cards
Biome/Landform Pictures
I Spy image and story cards
I Spy cover cards
See the information bookmarked, Biome Background Information.
NSF North Mississippi GK-8
1. Begin this activity by asking students to describe things about where
they live:
a. The weather – how hot or cold does it get?
b. The landscape – what landforms are present? Mountains, lakes,
hills, rivers, oceans?
c. Does everywhere on Earth have the same kind of weather and
2. Using Biome/Landform Pictures or Biome Cards, introduce the
concept of biomes.
3. Have students describe the pictures and compare and contrast the
different biomes with their own climate and surroundings.
4. Ask the students what kind of changes you would have to make if you
were to move to that biome. For example, would you need lots of
sunscreen or lots of sweaters if you moved to the tundra?
5. Use this discussion to introduce the concept of adaptation.
6. Show pictures of the I Spy animals and discuss their adaptation to
their surroundings.
7. Form groups of 2-3 students.
8. Shuffle the 21 image picture cards.
9. Lay the cards with the image side down in 3 rows of 7 cards.
10. Shuffle the cards with the I Spy story. There are 7 story cards.
11. Ask the first player pick and read their I Spy story card.
12. Ask them to turn over 3 cards to find the images described in the
story card.
a. If all 3 cards match, then remove the cards from the game.
They can take another turn by picking another I Spy story card
and turning over 3 image cards.
b. Otherwise, have the next student read their story card and
attempt to find the 3 images from that card.
13. Have the students go in order until all the cards have been removed
from the game. The student with the most I Spy cards collected wins
the game.
NSF North Mississippi GK-8
14. After the game is over, compare and contrast the animals from the
different biomes. Discuss the adaptations that help the animal
survive in that biome. Could it survive in others?
The students can be evaluated by their ability to match the
description of the habitat with the proper, associated images.
Extended Activities:
Have students research other organisms or physical features
they might find in one or more of the seven habitats. Conversely, the
instructor can find pictures of various organisms. Students can be
provided blank cards with only the cover design on them. On the flip
side, they can draw or paste the organisms or features they
discovered. Assist students in creating story cards that match with
their image cards, and allow them to play the game with their own
Prepared by:
Leigh Truong
University of Mississippi
September 2002
Adapted by:
Heath E. Capello and
Ashley Phillips
University of Mississippi
June 2004
NSF North Mississippi GK-8
Where does your Animal Cracker
Intended for Grade:
Science and Math
This activity uses animal crackers to help students learn
which animals belong in which biome.
The student will be able to identify appropriate biomes for
particular animals based on external features and explain their results using
a histogram.
Mississippi Frameworks addressed:
Science Framework 2a: Classify plants and animals according to
external features (scales, feathers, fur, etc.).
Science Framework 2b: Identify plants and animals indigenous to
Science Framework 2c: Compare plants and animals in Mississippi with
those found in the jungle, desert and arctic regions.
Science Framework 5a: Identify features of the Earth surface such
as mountains, lakes, oceans, and rivers.
Math Framework 4a: Collect data, model, and construct graphs using
real objects.
Math Framework 4b: Gather data, construct, and interpret bar and
pictorial graphs.
National Standards addressed:
Content Standard C: Life Science
Content Standard D: Earth and Space Science
Math Standard: Data Analysis and Probability
NSF North Mississippi GK-8
One box of animal crackers per student or pair of students
Pictures of animal cracker animals
Biome cards
In Nabisco’s Barnum’s Animal Crackers, there are eighteen possible
animals in the box. The following list provides the animal and a possible
biome suggestion for that animal:
1. Lion, grassland
2. Tiger, grassland
3. Brown Bear, temperate deciduous forest
4. Elephant, grassland
5. Koala, temperate deciduous forest
6. Hyena, grassland
7. Gorilla, tropical rain forest
8. Bison, grassland
9. Polar Bear, aquatic
10. Camel, desert
11. Cougar, grassland
12. Giraffe, grassland
13. Hippo, grassland
14. Kangaroo, grassland
15. Monkey, tropical rain forest
16. Rhino, grassland
17. Seal, aquatic
18. Sheep, grassland
For more information on adaptations, see the information bookmarked,
Adaptation Background Information.
Introduce the lesson by reminding students about biomes and
NSF North Mississippi GK-8
Provide one box of animal crackers to each student or pair of
Issue one copy of the biome cards and actual animal pictures
to each group.
Have the students remove one cracker at a time.
Repeat steps 3 and 4 until the box is empty.
Students should discuss the major external features of the
animal and place the cracker in the appropriate biome.
[Adaptations that could be pointed out might include
observations of color and appendages.]
Each group should then create a graph explaining their results.
The vertical line (y-axis) should be labeled Number of Animals
while the horizontal line (x-axis) should be labeled Biomes.
Choose several graphs from the various groups and have the
students interpret them. Did each box have the same animals?
Have students identify which animals live in Mississippi.
While students are sorting the crackers, it would be beneficial for
the teacher to go to each group and pick up one cracker. Ask the students
to explain why they chose to place that particular cracker in the selected
habitat. At the end of the activity, the bar graphs (histograms) should be
collected and checked for plausibility and neatness.
Extended Activities:
Either on the same day or a different one, have each student
bring in a favorite stuffed or toy animal(s). Again, pass out the biome
cards and have the students attempt to locate the best suitable
biome for their animal. Ask each student why they placed that
particular animal in the biome.
Certain biomes will have more animals than others. Ask the
students to come up with suggestions for new animal crackers that
NSF North Mississippi GK-8
would even out the biome distribution. Have them draw their new
Pictures are courtesy of Yahoo Images: www.yahoo.com
Prepared by:
Leigh Truong
University of Mississippi
September 2002
Adapted by:
Heath E. Capello and
Ashley Phillips
University of Mississippi
July 2004
NSF North Mississippi GK-8
Brown Bear
NSF North Mississippi GK-8
NSF North Mississippi GK-8
NSF North Mississippi GK-8
NSF North Mississippi GK-8
Polar Bear
NSF North Mississippi GK-8
NSF North Mississippi GK-8
Animal World BINGO
Intended for Grade:
This activity introduces students to the major groups of
The student will be able to identify animal groups and
categorize animals into their groups.
Mississippi Framework addressed:
Science Framework 2a: Classify plants and animals according to
external features (scales, feathers, fur, etc.).
National Standard addressed:
Content Standard C: Life Science
BINGO boards
BINGO cards
Card backs
Bingo markers, such as pieces of paper, poker chips, or even edible
treats like Cheerios, Mini Oreos, or Mini Ritz Crackers with
Peanut Butter, etc.
Classification is an important activity in which many scientists engage.
Animals can be loosely categorized into seven basic groups. These
categories are mammals, birds, reptiles, invertebrates, insects, fishes, and
amphibians. These groups are not always exact, but they roughly describe
the major characteristics of the majority of animals. Mammals are usually
NSF North Mississippi GK-8
hairy, produce milk for their young, warm-blooded (endothermic), and born
alive (i.e. not hatched). Birds possess feathers, light yet strong bones, are
warm-blooded, and have no teeth. All reptiles have scales. Most reptiles are
cold-blooded (endothermic) and lay eggs. Most fish have scales, gills, and
fins and live the majority of their lives in water. Invertebrates are all
animals without a backbone. Insects are a large group within the
invertebrate group. In fact, there are more insects than all other animals
combined. Insects have a body separated into three sections, the head,
thorax, and abdomen. Most insects possess wings and antennae. Amphibians
spend part of their life cycle in water and another part on land; therefore,
most amphibians are found close to water. Amphibians usually lay eggs
without a shell.
1. Pass out one BINGO game boards to each student.
There are only 10
distinct BINGO boards. Ideally, the game should be played with only
10 students. Alternatively, new boards could be made from the
existing templates or multiple students could be winners.
2. Give each student 16 BINGO markers.
3. Shuffle the deck of flash cards containing the animal images and the
name of the animal. Allow students no longer than 5-10 seconds to
view each card before displaying the next card.
4. Ask students to place a marker on the animal image on their card that
matches the image on the flash card.
5. When an entire row, column or diagonal is filled with markers, the
first student to yell out “BINGO” wins.
The students are evaluated by their ability to play the game
successfully. After someone wins, the instructor can walk around the room
to look at other players’ cards. During their perusal, the teacher can ensure
the students are correctly identifying ad matching the animal images. The
student or instructor can review each animal in the winning row, reiterating
which group each animal belongs to.
NSF North Mississippi GK-8
Extended Activities:
An extension of this game is to show flash cards with just the name
of the group. Ask students to place a snack on the animal image that belongs
to that group. Alternatively, show flash cards with habitats or homes and
ask them to match it to the animal image on their game board.
Campbell, N.A. 1993. Biology. 3rd edition. The Benjamin/Cummings Publishing
Company, Inc. Redwood City:California. p. 6.
Prepared by:
Leigh Truong
University of Mississippi
May 2002
Adapted by:
Heath E. Capello
University of Mississippi
July 2004
NSF North Mississippi GK-8
Natural Selection
Intended for Grade:
Science and Math
This hands-on activity introduces the concept of natural
selection and the evolution of traits.
The student will be able to describe why traits may change
over time and interpret graphical data.
Mississippi Frameworks addressed:
Science Framework 2a: Classify plants and animals according to
external features (scales, feathers, fur, etc.).
Math Framework 4a: Collect data, model, and construct graphs using
real objects.
Math Framework 4b: Gather data, construct, and interpret bar and
pictorial graphs.
National Standards addressed:
Content Standard C: Life Science
Math Standard: Data Analysis and Probability
100 Colored Toothpicks (4 different colors)
Large Piece of Colored Fabric (same color as one of the toothpicks) or
a Grassy Area
NSF North Mississippi GK-8
Natural selection is the process by which traits (adaptations) can
evolve. More commonly, the term natural selection is known by the phrase
“survival of the fittest.” What the phrase means is that populations have
the potential to grow exponentially but the resources available to that
population are limited. As a result, individuals must struggle for those
resources. Within a group of individuals, there is a lot of variation in their
traits. If we were to look at body color of fishes, we might observe 6
different colors (red, green, orange, blue, yellow, and brown). These six
fishes live in an environment with lots of color and the fishes blend in well
(camouflaged from predators). If, the environment begins to change and
becomes a fairly drab area, those fishes with bright colors might be more
susceptible to being eaten because they can no longer hide from predators
effectively. Therefore, more of the brown fishes survive and produce more
brown fish. Over time (many, many, many years), the environment stays drab
and dull and brown coloration becomes an adaptation to living in that
environment. The environmental conditions (drab) acted as a selection
pressure on a trait (coloration).
Environments are always changing, so the selective pressures on
individuals change. Since there is no end goal (i.e. an ideal product), there is
no way to prepare for future changes that may occur in that environment.
Thus, organisms must always be capable of change. The adaptive traits have
to have some component of heritability (i.e. offspring look like their
parents), otherwise individuals would start anew with each generation.
1. Mark off a large grassy area or lay out a colored piece of fabric on
the floor (feeding ground).
2. Scatter the 100 toothpicks (worms) over this area.
3. Line up students around the feeding area with their backs to the
feeding ground.
4. Explain to the students that they are the birds getting ready to eat
some worms, which are toothpicks. When feed time commences, they
NSF North Mississippi GK-8
must pick up the first worm they notice. [Do not talk about natural
selection yet.]
5. Allow one student at a time into the feeding area.
6. Give this student (bird) a clothespin (beak).
7. Tell students that, using their clothespin as a beak, they must pick up
the first toothpick they see.
8. Give each student a total of 15 seconds to pick up the first toothpick
they see with their clothespin and return to the teacher holding the
envelope (nest). Note: The student (bird) can only pick up one
toothpick (worm) per feeding visit and must return the worm to their
envelop (nest) before feeding again.
9. Once all students have had a chance to feed, have them count the
number of each colored worm.
10. Make a class graph with the y-axis being the total number of worms
and the x-axis as worm color.
11. Ask students to consider the following questions.
a. What color worm was eaten the most? Why do you think this
color was eaten the most?
b. What color worm was eaten the least? Why do you think this
color was eaten the least?
c. What would happen if the background color changes? Would
this change which color worm was eaten the most?
12. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the various colors of
the worms. [Birds eat the most visible worm so it is to the worm’s
advantage to blend in with their environment.]
13. Introduce and apply the term natural selection.
Instructors can evaluate the students’ ability to follow directions and
complete the feeding activity properly. The students may also be assessed
by their ability to interpret the graphical data and predict what would
happen in the future.
NSF North Mississippi GK-8
Extended Activities:
After the initial activity has been completed, revisit the topic
of natural selection again after a few days. Play the bird feeding
game again. Instead of making one large class graph, provide students
with the data and ask them to make their own graph. Encourage the
students to use rulers to draw straight lines and crayons to color
their graphs to match the toothpicks. Collect the graphs and evaluate
the students’ ability to formulate and interpret graphs as well as their
recall of the natural selection topic.
Prepared by:
Leigh Truong
University of Mississippi
October 2002
NSF North Mississippi GK-8
Are you my Friend?
Intended for Grade:
Science and Math
This activity is designed to show students how the fish of
the abyss attempt to find their own species through the use of
The student will be able to create and identify patterns in
order to distinguish abyssal fish by their bioluminescent character.
Mississippi Frameworks addressed:
Science Framework 2a: Classify plants and animals according to
external features (scales, feathers, fur, etc.).
Science Framework 5a: Identify features of the Earth surface such
as mountains, lakes, oceans, and rivers.
Math Framework 1a: Represent and explain patterns using various
Math Framework 1b: Identify, describe, and extend patterns.
National Standards addressed:
Content Standard C: Life Science
Content Standard D: Earth and Space Science
Math Standard: Number and Operations
Math Standard: Algebra
Abyss PowerPoint
Several drawings of abyssal fish photocopied onto colored paper (a
color that does not glow under black light)
Multicolored fluorescent dots
At least one good black light
NSF North Mississippi GK-8
The abyssal zone is located in the lower depths of the ocean
(approximately 2000 meters deep), where there is essentially no light
penetration. Abyssal organisms are adapted for living under high pressures
in cold, dark conditions.
One of the major adaptations to living in darkness is the
bioluminescent ability possessed by many creatures of the abyss. What is
bioluminescence? Have you ever seen fireflies sparking on a summer evening?
Then, you have witnessed bioluminescence - light emitted by living organisms.
The light that they emit results from a biochemical reaction to oxygen.
The abyss is too deep for the sun’s rays to reach, so most of the
creatures that live at that depth use some form of light generation. These
lights may help them find food or attract a mate.
1. Show the Abyss PowerPoint
2. Divide the students into pairs.
3. Pass out the fish drawings to the class, making sure to give partners
the same fish.
4. Pass out a set of colored dots to each set of partners, making sure
that they have even numbers of each color dot.
5. Have the students place the same colored dots in exactly the same
location on both of their fish drawings. Each set of partners should
have fishes identical to each others, but, as a group, their pattern
should be unique when compared to all other patterns in the class.
6. Take up the fish drawings.
7. Have students close their eyes and position the students randomly in
a circle with their backs facing in (so that even if they open their
eyes they can not see the other students in the class).
8. Scramble the fish drawings and redistribute to the children (so that
they do not know who has the fish that matches theirs), and they may
or may not have the fish created by their group.
NSF North Mississippi GK-8
9. Turn off the lights in the room and turn on the black light. (Note: the
windows must be covered or the room must be completely dark for
this to work).
10. With the black light, the students can see only the glowing dots.
Have them match the pattern and colors of the dots. This gives them
an idea of how the abyssal fish have to rely on glowing lights, not
physical looks, to find animals of their own species.
The student’s are primarily evaluated by whether or not they can find
the correct partner once the lights go out. The creation of a unique pattern
and the replication of it on the partner fish require creativity and
communication both of which will be evident by their final product.
Extended Activities:
Another way to combine light and patterns with a more human
slant is with Morse code. Using a flashlight, students can flash their
names and other short words to peers. Equip one member of a small
group with a flashlight and a Morse code sheet. Have the other group
members have a pencil, a data sheet, and a decoding sheet. The
individual with a flashlight can send a brief message to their team for
them to try and decode.
J.L Scott Marine Education Center
Prepared by:
Ashley Phillips
University of Mississippi
October 2002
NSF North Mississippi GK-8
NSF North Mississippi GK-8
NSF North Mississippi GK-8
NSF North Mississippi GK-8
NSF North Mississippi GK-8
NSF North Mississippi GK-8
Design your own Animal
Intended for Grade:
This activity has students create imaginary animals that
exhibit necessary adaptations a specific habitat.
The student will be able to describe the major physical
features of a habitat and design an animal adapted to that environment.
Mississippi Frameworks addressed:
Science Framework 2a: Classify plants and animals according to
external features (scales, feathers, fur, etc.).
Science Framework 5a: Identify features of the Earth surface such
as mountains, lakes, oceans, and rivers.
National Standards addressed:
Content Standard C: Life Science
Content Standard D: Earth and Space Science
Different Shaped Balloons
Masking Tape
One Cup Flour [Plaster of Paris can be substituted]
2/3 Cup Water
Large Bowl
White Glue
Acrylic Paint and Brushes
Other Decorative Material (glitter, wiggle eyes, colored paper, etc.)
Biome Cards
NSF North Mississippi GK-8
See the information bookmarked, Adaptation Background Information.
1. Remind students of the biomes and some of the characteristics of
2. Provide a biome card to each student.
3. Create biome informational centers using the biome cards and other
pictures where students can go and learn more about their biome.
Have students research the characteristics of their habitat/biome.
For example, they should know such information as rainfall,
temperature, and other physical features of their biome.
4. Ask students to think of some features of their animal that would
help it to survive in that habitat. They should consider such things as
body covering, coloration, size, appendages (ears, limbs, tail, etc.),
movement, and what foods the animal eats. Some of this information
may also be included in the biome centers.
5. Using the attached worksheet, have the students draw their animal.
6. Allow students to choose the balloon that is the right size and shape
of their designed animal.
7. Now apply the limbs (if it has limbs) to the base balloon using tightly
rolled and taped up newspaper. Attach the limbs to the balloon
carefully with masking tape creating two legs per roll of newspaper.
Use crumpled up pieces of newsprint for the head, ears, tail, etc. and
attach to balloon. Do not attempt to pull the tape off as that would
most likely cause the balloon to pop.
8. Tear the remaining newspaper into foot long strips.
9. Mix the flour and water together until they are free of lumps.
Adjust the flour or water if the mixture is too thin or too thick,
With one strip at a time, dip the newsprint into the mixture. Wipe
off any excess. Apply the strip to the balloon base.
NSF North Mississippi GK-8
11. Overlap the strips until 3 to 5 layers of newsprint have been applied
to your balloon. Be sure to alternate the direction of the applied
12. Let the balloon/paper animal dry for several days.
13. Have students decorate their animal by applying the eyes, teeth,
body covering, color, markings, etc. Coloring and painting are also
14. Once all animals have been made, ask students to explain the
features of their animal to the class and why those features help it to
survive in their habitat.
15. If time permits, have the class make each habitat and place their
newly designed animal in that habitat.
Instructors should check what characteristics the students developed
for each biome. Using these ideas as a guide, ask students how their animal
is adapted to life in this biome. Creative adaptations and clear explanations
are the best assessment tool for this exercise.
Extended Activities:
Instead of using the balloon and paper, teachers may prefer
that the students use clay. Begin the lesson in a similar way by
providing an overview of the biomes. Allow students time to create
their animal blueprint on paper, and then provide clay to make their
three-dimensional model.
NSF North Mississippi GK-8
Prepared by:
Leigh Truong
University of Mississippi
October 2002
Adapted by:
Heath E. Capello and
Ashley Phillips
University of Mississippi
July 2004
NSF North Mississippi GK-8
Design your own Animal
Directions: After receiving your biome card, think about what an
animal would need to survive there. Use the answers to the following
questions, to help you design your animal. After each question, draw
that part.
Does your animal have feet? What do they look like?
What does the head look like? Think about eyes, ears, teeth, and nose.
What kind of body does your animal have? Can you think of another animal
that has a similar shape?
NSF North Mississippi GK-8
Now that you know the parts of your animal, draw the entire creature here.
NSF North Mississippi GK-8
My Book of Evergreen Trees
Intended for Grade:
This activity introduces the biology of evergreen trees and
discusses adaptations of plants living in the taiga.
The student will be able to describe the major
characteristics of an evergreen tree as they relate to the plant’s survival in
the taiga.
Mississippi Frameworks addressed:
Science Framework 1a: Examine the function of plant parts.
Science Framework 2a: Classify plants and animals according to
external features (scales, feathers, fur, etc.).
National Standard addressed:
Content Standard C: Life Science
My Book of Evergreen Trees
Evergreen trees are commonly found in the taiga. The following information
is a list of adaptations for taiga plants. For more details on the taiga, see
the Biome Background Information.
Heavy Snowfall---Not only do the coniferous trees found in the taiga
produce cones, they are also shaped like a cone. This cone shape is very
important during the heavy snowfalls that often occur in the taiga. Snow
and ice can build up on tree branches making those branches very heavy and
NSF North Mississippi GK-8
prone to breaking. Snow slides right off the cone shaped trees. Waxy
needles (leaves) also help keep snow from building up on the branches.
Cold and Strong Winds---Trees in the taiga grow very close together, often
leaving no room for under-story vegetation. These densely packed stands
serve two purposes, maintaining warmth and providing protection from
strong winds. The dark leaves (needles) found on the trees serve to absorb
solar heat and keep the tree warm in the winter. Most of the trees found in
the taiga are evergreens (as opposed to deciduous). Evergreens keep their
leaves year around so that as soon as the weather warms up, they can begin
photosynthesis immediately.
Saturated soil---In the summer when the snow melts, the ground may be
saturated with water in some areas. Soils do not drain well in the taiga
because some of the deeper layers of the earth remains frosty and the
water has no where to go. Hardwoods found in the taiga are able to live in
water logged soils if necessary.
Fire---Wildfires are common occurrences in the taiga. Many of the trees
have adapted by producing thick bark that can withstand a fire. A forest
fire will burn much of the forest canopy allowing sunlight to penetrate
through to the forest floor. The under-story then becomes a habitable
place for new plants. These new plants become a new food source for many
of the taiga animals.
Introduce evergreen biology and the taiga biome.
Read the book with the students and ask them to complete the
tasks as they occur.
Distribute My Book of Evergreen Trees.
Cut the pages down the dotted line and staple the pages in the
corner to create a book
The students are evaluated by their ability to listen carefully and
follow directions. At the end of the activity, each student should have a
complete book with appropriate answers provided.
NSF North Mississippi GK-8
Extended Activities:
Another possible introduction to this information is to read Evergreen
Trees by John F. Prevost.
Prepared by:
Leigh Truong and
Amy Gowe
University of Mississippi
September 2002
NSF North Mississippi GK-8
Leaves of the Temperate Deciduous
Intended for Grade:
This activity investigates the two types of leaves found in
the deciduous forest and their utility.
The student will be able to discriminate between the leaves
found in Mississippi and determine their function.
Mississippi Frameworks addressed:
Science Framework 1a: Examine the function of plant parts.
Science Framework 2a: Classify plants and animals according to
external features (scales, feathers, fur, etc.).
Science Framework 2b: Identify plants and animals indigenous to
Science Framework 5a: Identify features of the Earth surface such
as mountains, lakes, oceans, and rivers.
National Standards addressed:
Content Standard C: Life Science
Content Standard D: Earth and Space Science
Plastic Cups
Zip Lock Bags
Deciduous Leaves
Coniferous Leaves
NSF North Mississippi GK-8
Mississippi is located in the temperate deciduous forest where both
evergreen and deciduous trees may exist. Deciduous forests largely consist
of trees that lose their leaves in autumn and do not produce new ones until
spring. When a tree loses its leaves during the cold weather, it is in a
dormant state. A dormant tree is somewhat similar to a hibernating animal.
Without its leaves, a deciduous tree does not carry out photosynthesis and
its metabolic functions slow considerably. It lives off only what
carbohydrates it has stored. The broadleaved deciduous trees are able to
capture more sunlight than the evergreens but are also more susceptible to
water loss.
Evergreen trees, conifers, keep their leaves all year long. The dark
leaves (needles) found on the trees serve to absorb solar heat and keep the
tree warm in the winter. Evergreens keep their leaves year-round so that as
soon as the weather warms up they can jump right back into photosynthesis.
On a class field trip, collect different types of leaves.
Have each student collect one leaf or small group of leaves
that are still attached to a twig. Encourage students to
collect a wide variety of twigs.
Point out the difference between broadleaf plants and
coniferous plants.
Upon returning to the classroom, have each student place their
twig in a cup of water.
Seal a zip lock bag around the cup and the twig.
Ask students what they observe and what they think this
means. [Coniferous plants are better at conserving water.]
After some time, have students go back and observe their
leaves. [Water droplets should form inside the bags with
broadleaf plants, while the coniferous plants should have no
water droplets on their bags.]
NSF North Mississippi GK-8
Students can be assessed on their ability to distinguish between
deciduous and coniferous plants and their inferences about the importance
of leaf shape to water conservation.
Extended Activities:
Students may create their own leaf booklets by collecting leaves and
pressing them between sheets of newspaper or phone books. Once leaves
have dried, have students identify the leaves and then glue them on sheets
of paper to make their own leaf books.
Prepared by:
Leigh Truong and
Amy Gowe
University of Mississippi
October 2002
NSF North Mississippi GK-8
A savanna is an open, grassy,
essentially treeless plain.
NSF North Mississippi GK-8
A steppe is an extensive,
treeless grassland area. It is
considered drier than a
NSF North Mississippi GK-8
A pampa is a vast plain of
south-central South America.
NSF North Mississippi GK-8
A prairie is an extensive tract
of level to rolling grassland,
generally treeless.
NSF North Mississippi GK-8
Stony Desert
Not all deserts are made of
sand; some are made of stones
and gravel.
NSF North Mississippi GK-8
Sandy Desert
A desert is any region with
rainfall of 10 inches or less,
and with so few plants that
nobody can live there.
NSF North Mississippi GK-8
Freshwater has a low salt
concentration. Rivers and
streams are examples of
NSF North Mississippi GK-8
Oceans are an example of a
marine ecosystem. Oceans are
made of salty water.
NSF North Mississippi GK-8
Taiga is the Russian word for
forest and is the largest biome
in the world.
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Mississippi is located in a
temperate deciduous forest.
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Rain Forest
The tropical rainforest is
found near the earth’s
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Alpine Tundra
Alpine tundra occurs on
mountains throughout the world
at high altitude where trees
cannot grow.
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Arctic Tundra
Arctic tundra is located in the
northern hemisphere by the
North Pole.
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A water fall is formed when a
river flows over a ledge.
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Sand Dunes
Sand dunes are mounds of sand
that change shape when they
are blown by the wind. Sand
dunes are found in deserts.
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Coastlines, or beaches, can be
made of sand, pebbles and
rocks, or even cliffs.
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An island is a piece of land
completely surrounded by
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Mountains are very tall. They
are at least 1000 feet taller
than the surrounding area.
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Coral Reef
This picture shows an example
of a coral reef.
NSF North Mississippi GK-8
Prepared by:
Ashley Phillips
University of Mississippi
October 2002
NSF North Mississippi GK-8