Evolution Unit Test Review Sheet

SBI3U Test Review Sheet: Evolution Unit Test Date: __________________________________________ Note: If you are absent for the test, a parent/guardian must phone me at 416-­‐393-­‐
8122 ext. 20095 on the morning of the test to explain the absence. Format: Short answer, multiple choice and calculations Materials Required: Pencil, erase and pen TOPICS ON TEST A good set of notes (with homework completed) and handouts is your best studying tool. The use of the textbook is also encouraged. q Identify the elements of a theory (from PowerPoint) q Effects of neutral, beneficial and harmful mutations on evolution q Briefly describe the contributions of the following people: Georges Buffon, Charles Lyell, Georges Cuvier, Jean Lamarck, Thomas Malthus, Charles Darwin, Alfred Russell Wallace Key Terms: acquired traits, catastrophism, uniformitarianism, palaeontology, natural selection q Compare Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection with that proposed by Lamarck (inheritance of acquired traits) q Briefly describe the lines of evidence from areas of biology that support and are explained by the theory of biological evolution: paleontology, embryology, comparative anatomy (analogous and homologous structures), comparative biochemistry, artificial selection and the geographical distribution of species. Key Terms: analogous structures, homologous structures, vestigial structures, transitional fossils (and examples) q Article on Ardi: What are her general physical characteristics, the environment she lived in and why is Ardi’s finding significant. q State and explain the theory of natural selection. Key Terms: selective advantage, selective pressures, fitness q Describe the mechanisms that can lead to genetic variation in a population, for example, mutations, natural selection, genetic drift, gene flow, non-­‐random mating q Understand the various patterns of natural selection and sexual selection Key Terms: directional, stabilizing and disruptive selection q State the Hardy-­‐Weinberg principle and explain its significance in terms of the development of evolutionary theory (Understand the conditions for the Hardy-­‐Weinberg equilibrium to be met) q Random Change Lab q Speciation: Reproductive Isolating Mechanisms (see package “Selection and Speciation”) q Divergent and Convergent Evolution Review Questions Chapter 7 Pg. 318-­‐323 #1-­‐3, 5-­‐7, 9-­‐11, 15, 17, 18, 32, 34-­‐37, 39, 45, 46, 48, 53, 56, 57-­‐59 Chapter 8 Pg. 372-­‐375 #1,2, 7, 17, 27, 28, 32, 33, 35, 36, 38, 39, 53 Unit 3 Self-­‐Quiz: pg. 380-­‐381 #1-­‐11, 13, 14, 15, 23, 26, 27 Review: pg. 382 #1-­‐3, 5, 6, 8-­‐15, 32, 33 Answers to be posted on the class website (www.sciencemania.net) in the SBI3U resources section 