A Safe Space: Social issues Street names Street names used for drugs and alcohol and related behaviour change frequently and depend on the geographical location, culture and social factors of the local area. A list of some street names are listed below, purely to illustrate the numerous and varied names given to drugs and alcohol. ACAPULCO GOLD - a very potent strain of marijuana from Acapulco, Mexico. ACID - LSD ACID HEAD - user of LSD, "Acid Freak" AIRHEAD - under the influence of marijuana ALCOHOL - booze, juice, sauce ALLEY JUICE - very cheap wine, "Grapes" AMPHETAMINES - speed, crystal, crank, meth, black beauties, bennies, uppers, dexies, 357 magnums ANGEL DUST - Phencyclidine or PCP ARTILLERY - equipment for shooting drugs 's - B Heroin BACK-UP - permitting blood to back up into a syringe to ensure the needle is in a vein BAD TRIP - unpleasant LSD experience BAG - packet of drugs, usually a standard amount for sale BAG MAN - person who transports money BALLOON - small amount of contained narcotics BANG - to inject narcotics BARBS - Barbiturates; "downers, "reds" BASE - Crack Cocaine BEAN - capsules for drugs BEAT - to cheat someone BENNIES - Benzedrine; "peaches" BENZOS - Tranquillisers BIG C - Cocaine BIG CHIEF - Mescaline BIG MAN - supplier of drugs BINDLE - a small packet of drug powder BLACK BEAUTIES - Amphetamines BLACK HOLLIES - Amphetamines BLACK-OUT - amnesia for events occurring while heavily intoxicated with alcohol, other sedative/hypnotic drugs BLACK RUSSIAN - Hashish 1 Street names © The Guide Association 2013 www.girlguiding.org.uk BLASTED - high on drugs BLAZE - Marijuana BLOTTER - LSD BLOW - smoke Marijuana; sniff Cocaine BLUE DEVILS - Amobarbital BLUES - Valium BLUNTS - a cigar slit open and filled with marijuana BOMBED OUT - very much intoxicated by narcotics BOMBITA - mixture of Cocaine & Heroin BONG - a cylindrical water pipe for smoking narcotics, especially Marijuana BOOST - to steal BOOZE - alcohol (beer, wine, liquor) BREAD - money BRICK - a kilogram (2.2 pounds) of tightly compacted Marijuana or Hashish BRING DOWN - come off a drug BROKER - go-between for a drug deal BROWN - Heroin BROWNIES - Ecstasy BUDS - Marijuana BUMMER - bad experience with drugs BUNDLE - multiple bags of a drug BURN - cheated bv a pusher BURNOUT - heavy user of drugs BUSTED - arrested on a drug-related charge BUTTONS - peyote or mushrooms BUY - purchase drugs BUZZED - mildly intoxicated C - Cocaine CACTUS - Mescaline or Peyote CANDY - Barbiturates or Cocaine CANDYMAN - drug supplier CAPS - drug capsule CARTWHEELS - Amphetamines CHARGED UP - under the influence of drugs CHASING THE DRAGON - a particular way of inhaling Heroin CHEESE a starter form of Heroin containing Tylenol PM and up to 8 percent heroin CHARLIE - Cocaine CHEER - LSD CHINA WHITE - a very pure white Heroin CHIPPING - occasional use of drugs CHIPPY - person who uses drugs infrequently CHRISTINA - Crystal Meth CHRONIC - Marijuana CLEAN - drug free; not having drugs in one's possession COASTING - being high on drugs COCAINE - crack, coke, booth, blow, railers, snow, ringer, divits, toot, cola, rocks, blast, white dust, ivory flakes, nose candy, mobbeles COKE - Cocaine COKE BROKE - financially incapacitated from supporting Cocaine habit COLD TURKEY - sudden withdrawal from drugs COLOMBO - Marijuana grown in Columbia COME DOWN - the ending of a drug experience CONNECT - to purchase drugs CONNECTION - supplier of drugs COOKER - usually a spoon or bottle cap used to heat drugs for injection COP - to obtain drugs 2 Street names © The Guide Association 2013 www.girlguiding.org.uk COP-OUT - to evade an issue CRACK - Cocaine prepared for smoking CRASH - to sleep off the effects of drugs CRYSTALS - Methamphetamine CUT - to adulterate drugs CUT OUT - to leave from someplace DAGGA - South African word for Marijuana DARKS - Heroin DEALER - someone who sells illegal drugs DECK - a packet of drugs DEXIES - Dexadrine, or"dex" DIME BAG - $10 worth of a narcotic DOLLIES - Methadone DOLPHINS - Ecstasy DOPE - a general term for drugs of abuse DOTS - LSD DOWNERS - Tranquillisers DRIED OUT - having gone through a withdrawal programme for drugs or alcohol DROP - to take a drugs orally; a place where money or drugs are left DROP - LSD DRUGGIE - a narcotic user or addict DRUNK PILLS - Valium DUST - narcotics in powder form DUSTING - sprinkling a narcotic powder on another drug such as PCP on Marijuana DYNAMITE - high quality, potent drugs E's - Ecstasy EASY SCORE - obtaining drugs without difficulty EGGS - Tranquillisers EIGHTH - one-eighth of a pound of drugs ELEPHANT - PCP EXPERIENCE - trip on LSD FACTORY - place where illicit drugs are prepared for sale FIX - an injection of drugs FLAKE -Cocaine FLASH - LSD FLASHBACK - recurrence of previous hallucinations FLEA POWDER - poor quality drugs FLIP OUT - become psychotic or irrational FLYING - under the influence of drugs FOOTBALL - Amphetarnine FREAK OUT - a bad trip; an unexpected reaction to a drug FREEBASE - smoking Cocaine from a special water pipe FREEZE - to renege on a drug transaction FRONT - to put money out before receiving the merchandise FUZZ - the police GANJA - the Jamaican word for Marijuana GEAR - Heroin GET OFF - feel a drug's effects GET ON - use drugs for the first time GLASS - Crystal Meth GLUEY - a glue sniffer GOLD or GOLD SEEL - Marijuana, also called Acapulco GOODS - drugs GOOFBALLS - Barbiturates GRAM - a metric measure of weight 3 Street names © The Guide Association 2013 www.girlguiding.org.uk GRASS - Marijuana GREEN - Marijuana GUN - equipment for injecting drugs H - Heroin HAPPY DUST - Cocaine HARD STUFF - narcotics HASH - Marijuana HAWK - LSD HAY - Marijuana HEAD - someone who uses drugs frequently HEAD SHOP - store specialising in the sale of drug paraphernalia HEARTS - Dexadrine HEAVEN - Cocaine HEAVENLY BLUE - morning glory seeds; a hallucinogen HEAVY BURNER - a person who smokes a lot of dope, a burnout HEELED - having plenty of money HERB - Marijuana HEROIN - china white, fix, horse, smack, whack, mother pearl, H. junk HIGH - to be intoxicated on drugs HIP-HOP - refers to a culture that includes rap music, art, dance, fashion, attitude HIT- a single dose of drugs HOG - PCP HOLDING - in possession of drugs HOME GROWN - locally grown Marijuana; local weed; ditch weed HOOKED - addicted HOPPED UP - under the influence of drugs HORSE - Heroin HOT - wanted by authorities HOT SHOT - fatal injection of drugs HUFFER - glue sniffer HUFFING - inhaling solvents from a bag HUSTLE - attempt to obtain drug customers HYPE - narcotic addict ICE - Crystal Meth ICE CREAM HABIT - occasional drug use IN - connected with drug suppliers ISOMERIZER - used to increase potency of THC in Marijuana JAG - extended period of using a drug JELLIES – Tranquillisers JIVE - Marijuana JOINT - a Marijuana cigarette JOY POPPING - occasional use of drugs JUICE - Alcohol JUNK - Heroin, so named because it's never pure when sold on the street JUNKIE - an opiate addict KEY- kilogram KICK - to stop using drugs KlCKBACK - relapse back into drug usage KIDDIE DOPE - usually prescription drugs KIF - North African word for Marijuana KILLER - strong drug KILLER WEED - strong Marijuana, or marijuana sprinkled with PCP KILO - 2.2 Ibs., also "KEY" KIT - equipment used to inject drugs L - LSD LAUGHING GAS - Nitrous Oxide (inhalant) 4 Street names © The Guide Association 2013 www.girlguiding.org.uk LEMONADE - poor-quality drugs LETTUCE - money LEAPERS - Amphetamines LID - one ounce or less of Marijuana LIGHTENING - LSD LINCTUS - Methadone LINE - a dose of Cocaine arranged in a line on a smooth surface LIQUID ACID - LSD LOAD - a large quantity of drugs LOADED - high on drugs or alcohol LOCKER ROOM - Butyl Nitrate (inhalant) LSD - acid, microdots, purple haze, blotters, fry, blaze, tab, dose, gel, pyramid, trips LUCY - LSD LUDES - Methaqualone; Quaaludes, Valium MAINLINE - inject a drug directly into a vein, to "shoot up" MAINLINER - a person who injects directly into the vein MAN - police MANICURE - remove seeds from marijuana MARCHING POWDER - Cocaine MARIJUANA - buds, bhang, dope, goof butt, grass, hash, hay, hemp, herb, jive, pot, rope, stinkweed, stuff, tea, weed, wacky tobaccky, whack, MARY JANE - Marijuana MARIJUANA CIGARETTE - bone, doobie, joint, J, reefer, spiff MATCHBOX - measurement for a small amount of Marijuana MAZZIES - Tranquillisers MESCALINE - mess, crystal MEET - buyer and seller get together MERCHANDISE - drugs METH - Methadone MICRODOT - a tablet containing LSD MITSUBISHI'S - Ecstasy MIXTURE - Methadone MISS EMMA - Morphine MOGGIES - Tranquillisers MONKEY - drug dependency; a kilogram of a narcotic MULE - a carrier of drugs MUNCHIES - the hunger that follows after using Marijuana MUSHROOMS - magic mushrooms, shrooms, mushies NAILED - arrested NARC - narcotic agent NEEDLE FREAK - a person who prefers to take drugs with a needle NICKEL BAG - a $5 bag of drugs NORML - National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws; lobbies for lenient drug laws NORRIES - Tranquillisers NUGGET - Marijuana O.D. - overdosed on drugs ON - under the influence of a drug ON A TRIP - under the influence of drugs ON ICE - in jail ON THE NOD - under the influence of narcotics or depressants OUT OF IT - under the influence of drugs O.Z. - one ounce P's - Crystal Meth PAKALOLO - Hawaiian term for Marijuana PANAMA GOLD, RED - potent Marijuana grown in Panama PANIC - drugs not available 5 Street names © The Guide Association 2013 www.girlguiding.org.uk PAPER MUSHROOMS - LSD PAPERS - rolling papers, used to make marijuana or tobacco cigarettes PARAPHERNALIA - accessories used to take drugs PCP - (Phencyclidine) angel dust, kools sherms, high, wet daddies, dust, juice PEACE PILLS - PCP PEBBLES - Crack Cocaine PEPSI HABIT - occasional use of drugs PERCY - Cocaine PEANUTS - Barbiturates PEYOTE - hallucinogenic cactus, buttons PICKUP - purchase drugs PIECE - usually one ounce of drugs PILLS - Ecstasy PINKS - Second (Barbiturate) PLANT - a hiding place for drugs POPPERS - Amyl Nitrate capsules (inhalant) POT - Marijuana POT HEAD - Marijuana user POWER HITTER - a device (often plastic) used to deliver a blast of Marijuana smoke to the lungs QUACK - doctor RAINBOWS - LSD RAP - to talk with someone; or charged with a crime RED DEVILS - Seconal (Barbiturate) REEFER - Marijuana RIG - the paraphernalia for injecting drugs RIDING THE WAVE - under the influence of drugs RIPPED OFF- robbed ROACH - the stub of a Marijuana cigarette ROACH CLIP - any tweezers-like device used to hold a Marijuana cigarette stub that is too short to hold in the- fingers ROCKS - Crack Cocaine ROLEXES - Ecstasy ROOFIES - Tranquillisers RUGBY BALLS - Tranquillisers RUSH - an intense surge of pleasure; Butyl Nitrate inhalant SAUCE – alcohol SCAT - Heroin SCHOOL BOY - Codeine SCORE - to locate and purchase a quantity of drugs SCRIPT WRITER - a Doctor willing to write a prescription for faked symptoms SENSI -Marijuana SET UP - to arrange to have a person arrested for drugs; combination of uppers and downers (Barbiturates and.Amphetamines) SHOOTING GALLERY - place where addicts inject drugs SHOOT UP - to inject intravenously SHOTGUN - a way of smoking Marijuana, by blowing smoke back through the joint into another's mouth SINSEMILLA OR SINS - a potent type of Marijuana without seeds grown in Northern California SKAG - Heroin SKIN POPPING - to inject a drug under the skin SKUNK - Marijuana SMACK- Heroin SMILIES - LSD SMOKE - Marijuana SNAPPERS - Amyl Nitrate capsules (inhalant) SNORT - to inhale Cocaine through the nostrils 6 Street names © The Guide Association 2013 www.girlguiding.org.uk SNOW - Cocaine SNOW BIRD - dependent on Cocaine SOLID - Marijuana SPACE CADET - habitual user of Marijuana SPACED OUT - under the influence of drugs SPACED - unresponsive to surroundings SPEED - Amphetamines SPEEDBALL - a mixture of Cocaine and Heroin; "Bombita" SPEED FREAK - person who repeatedly takes Amphetamines, usually intravenously SPIKE - needle used to inject drugs SPOONS - paraphernalia associated with Cocaine, often worn as jewelry STAR DUST - Cocaine STARS - LSD STASH - a place where drugs are hidden STEP ON - to dilute drugs STICK - a Marijuana cigarette STIMULANTS - pep pills STONED - under the influence of drugs STONES - Crack Cocaine STRAIGHT - not using drugs STRUNG OUT - heavily addicted to drugs STUFF- drugs SUPERMAN - LSD blotter with Superman imprint TAB - LSD TASTE - a small sample of drugs TEA - Marijuana THAI STICKS - Marijuana laced with Opium TINA - Crystal Meth TOBACCO - butt, chew, weed, cig, TOKE - inhaling Marijuana or Hashish smoke TOLLEY - or toluene; a cheap, extremely harmful paint solvent (inhalant) TOOT - to sniff Cocaine TOOTER - small, hollow tube (straw-like) to sniff Cocaine TO PARTY - refers to having a good time using alcohol and other drugs TRACKS - a row of needle marks on the skin TRAP - a hiding place for drugs TRIP - under the influence of drugs TRIPPER - LSD TRIPS - LSD TURF - a location where drugs are sold TURKEY - a substitute sold as a specific drug TURNED ON - introduced to drugs, or under the influence of drugs TWEEZES -a wild variety of psilocybin mushrooms (hallucinogen) UNCLE - Federal Agents UPPERS - Stimulants, Amphetamines VALLIES - Tranquillisers VALIUM - ludes, drunk pills, v's blues WACKY TOBACCKY -Marijuana WASH - Crack Cocaine WASTED - intoxicated, strung out WEED - Marijuana WHITE - Cocaine WHITE LIGHTENING - LSD WINDOW - LSD WIRED - addicted to Amphetamines or Heroin WORKS - equipment for injecting drugs XTC - Ecstasy 7 Street names © The Guide Association 2013 www.girlguiding.org.uk YABA - Crystal Meth YELLOW JACKETS - Nembutal, Barbiturate YEN - a strong craving ZIGZAG - a brand of rolling papers used to make Marijuana cigarettes ZOMBIE - heavy user of drugs ZONKED - extremely high on drugs 8 Street names © The Guide Association 2013 www.girlguiding.org.uk