Year 1776 Author Camões Translator Mickle 1791 1798 1798 1800 1801 Cervantes Quevedo Cervantes Domingo Quita Various An officer John Stevens, Roger L’Estrange Anon. Benjamin Thompson Thomas Rodd 1803 Camões Southey 1803 1803 Camões Anon. 1803 1803 1804 1804 1805 1805 Anon. Anon. Tomás de Iriarte Cervantes Calderón Moratín Lord Viscount Strangford Anthony Munday (translated in 15951618). Abridged by Robert Southey Southey William Stewart Rose J. Belfour Miss Highly Fanny Holcroft Fanny Holcroft 1805 Calderón Fanny Holcroft 1805 Lope Félix de Vega Carpio Anon. (Thomas Holcroft?) 1805 1807 Garcilaso de la Vega Calderón, Solís y Rivadeneyra 1807 1808 1808 Francisco de Moraes Nicolau Luíz da Silva Anon. R. Walpole Lord Holland (Henry Richard Vassal Fox) Roberty Southey John Adamson Southey 1810 Camões J. Adamson Text th The Lusiad, Oxford. . Future editions: 1807, 1809, 1809 (9 edition in 1809) Galatea. A Pastoral Romance. Dublin. The Works of Don Francisco de Quevedo Galatea. A Pastoral Romance. Boston. Ignez de Castro - a tragedy in 3 acts Ancient Ballads from the Civil Wars of Granada and the Twelve Peers of France. London. Five poems by Camões, in Annual Review and History of Literature Poems, from the Portuguese of Luis de Camões, London The Ancient, Famous and Honourable History of Amadis de Gaule Amadís de Gaula (abridged) Amadis of Gaul. A Poem in Three Books. London. Fabules on Subjects Connected with Literature Galatea. London From Bad to Worse. London. The Theatrical Recorder 2(8) The Baron, a Comedy in Two Acts, Translated from the Spanish of Inarco Celenio. (London). In The Theatrical Recorder 2(11) Fortune Mends, and From Bad to Worse (London). In The Theatrical Recorder 2(8) The Father Outwitted, “from a (French?) version”. The Theatrical Recorder 2(7) (London) Isabel... with Other Poems. London. Three Comedies Translated from the Spanish Palmerin of England Dona Ignez de Castro SEE ENTRY FOR 1800 Chronicle of the Cid (from various sources). London. Editions in Lowell 1846, New York 1883, London 1894 Sonnets from 1812 1812 1813 Damián López de Tortajada Mateo Alemán Jovellanos Thomas Rodd Anon. Anon. 1813 1816 1816 1818 1818 Cervantes Vicente Martínez Espinel Cervantes Camões Cervantes W. M. Craig Major Algernon Langton Anon. Felicia Hemans Mary Smirke 1820 Cervantes Anon. 1821 1821 Cervantes Mateo Alemán Anon. J. H. Brady 1822 1822 1823 Blanco White Cervantes Blanco White Maria Sarah Moore G. and W. B. Wittaker 1823 Various John Gibson Lockhart 1823 1823 1824 Quevedo Garcilaso de la Vega Góngora, Camoes, et al. William Elliot Jeremiah Holmes Wiffen John Bowring 1824 Calderón Shelley (in part) 1825 1826 1828 1830 1832 Agustín Moreto y Cabaña Camões Almeida Garrett Cervantes Various G. Hyde Thomas More Musgrave J. Adamson Anon. Thomas Roscoe, John Henry Brady, John Stevens (he did El Buscón in 1707) The Flower of Ballads of the Twelve Peers of France Pleasant Adventures of Guzman of Alfarache (1812, 1817) The Triumph of the Inquisition and Bread and Bulls. Toulon. Published anonymously but attributed to Jovellanos. Galatea. London. The History of the Life of the Squire Marcos de Obregón Sancho or the Proverbialist. (from Quijote). London. Translation from Camoens and Other Poets Don Quixote de la Mancha. A revised translation based on those of Motteux, Jarvis and Smollett. London. 15 editions through to 1877.But Jarvis and Smollett were still selling in this period. The Spirit of Cervantes, or Don Quixote Abridged. Three editions to 1913. The Adventures of Don Quixote (abridged). New York. The Life and Adventures of Guzman d’Alfarache. London (1821, 1823, 1881) Letters from Spain The Exemplary Novels. London. A Dictionary of Spanish Proverbs, Translated into English. London. Ancient Spanish Ballads, historical and romantic. Edinburgh. 12 reeditions through to the 1870s The Visions The Works of…. London. Ancient Poetry and Romances of Spain. Selected and translated. London Scenes from the Mágico Prodigioso, in Posthumous Poems (London) Love’s Victory (London & Edinburgh) The Lusiad, London Adosinda Stories and Chapters from Don Quixote, versified The Spanish Novelists (Lazarillo Guzmán de Alfarache, El Buscón.), London. Reprinted 1880 1833 1842 1842 1845 1845 1846 1846 1847 1847 Manrique Calderón Camões Lope de Rueda Anon. Cervantes José Zorrilla João Ribeiro Anon. Longfellow John Oxenford John Adamson G. H. Lewis G. Dennis Walter K. Kelly Samuel Eliot George Lee A lady 1848 1848 1849 1850 1851 1852 J.H. (D.F. McCarthy?) Lady Jane Wilde (Oscar's mum) Longfellow Richard F. Harvey Robert Rockliff James Kennedy 1853 1853 Calderón Camões Arnaldos Cervantes Tomás de Iriarte Valdés, Quintana, Martínez de la Rosa, Espronceda, Zorrilla, et al. Calderón Calderón 1853 1854 1854 1855 1855 1855 1856 1856 1861 Camões Cervantes Camões Various Tomás de Iriarte Cervantes Calderón Cervantes Silveira D. F. McCarthy Edward FitzGerald (this too was the orient) Edward Quillinan Louisa Dorothea Stanley Sir T. L. Mitchell Henry Longfellow G. H. Deveraux Anon. R. C. Trench Louise Dorothea Stanley Marcus Dalhunty 1861 1861 1863 Espronceda (Fernan Caballero)?? Calderón Rivara Lady Wallace D.F. McCarthy ?? Coplas, etc. Boston. Life’s a Dream. In The Monthly Magazine Lusitania Illustrata Part 1 (inc Camoes Rhythmas The Olives, in The Spanish Drama (London) The Cid: A short chronicle The Exemplary Novels. London Translations from the Spanish Poet Jose Zorrilla. Boston History of Ceylon (via French trans) Moral and Entertaining Novels (Novelas españolas). Including three by Alonso de Catillo Solórzano (1584-1648) Three plays (Justina) Ignez de Castro The Secret of the Sea Don Quixote de la Mancha (no reeditions) Literary Fables. London. Modern Poets and Poetry of Spain. London. Dramas of Calderón (London) Six Dramas of Calderón (freely translated). London The Lusiad (in blank verse), London The Wanderings of Persiles and Sigismunda. London. The Lusiad The Poets and Poetry of Europe Literary Fables The Adventures of Don Quixote Life’s a Dream, The Great Theater of the World. London Persiles and Segismunda A Compendium of the new system of weights and measures [...] adopted for the use of schools in England Castle and the cottage in Spain. London. Three plays in Love the Greatest Enchantment, etc. (London) The Archbishop of Goa and the Congregation de Propaganda Fide: by a Portuguese 1864 Böhl de Faber, Cecilia (Fernán Caballero) Calderón J. L. Starr The Sea-Gull or the Lost Beauty. New York. Edward FitzGerald J. T. Betts A. Bethell Augusta Bethell 1867 1867 Juan de Valdés Espronceda Böhl de Faber, Cecilia (Fernán Caballero) Calderón Cervantes The Mighty Magician. Such Stuff as Dreams are Made of. London. Hundred and Ten Considerations. London The Seagull The Sea Gull 1867 1868 1869 1870 1870 1870 1870 Cervantes Juan Manuel Lope Félix de Vega Carpio Calderón Cervantes Cervantes Cervantes Gordon Willoughby James Gyll James York F.W. Cosens Denis Florence McCarthy Anon. C. L. Matéaux Gordon Willoughby James Gyll 1871 1872 1872 1872 Ed Henry Longfellow Ulick Ralph Burke Sir Marvelous Crackjoke John Hookham Frere 1873 1874 1874 1876 1876 1877 Camões Cervantes Cervantes Various (El Cid, Gonzalo de Berceo, Jorge de Montemayor, Lope Féliz de Vega Carpio) Calderón Francisco de Rojas Zorrilla Roxas Zorrilla Moreto y Cavaña Cervantes Calderón 1877 1878 1878 Camões Cervantes Camões Ed Henry Longfellow William H. Stacpoole. J.J. Aubertin 1865 1865 1867 1867 Denis Florence McCarthy Emma Thompson Denis Florence McCarthy F. W. Cosens F.W. Cosens (translated in part by) Westland Marston Maltly and H. Paulton Edward FitzGerald Two one-act plays in The Mysteries of Corpus Christi (Dublin) Wit and Wisdom of Don Quixote. Proverbs, Poems, and Aphorisms. New York. Galatea Count Lucanor, Fifty Pleasant Stories. London. Castelvines y Monteses Three Dramas of Calderón (Dublin) The History of Don Quixote The Story of the Don, Rewritten for our Young Folks. London. The Voyage to Parnassus; Numancia, A Tragedy; The Commerce of Algiers (London) The Poets and Poems of Europe (inc Cam's Rhythmas) Sancho Panza’s Proverbs The Wonderful Adventures of Don Quixote de la Mancha Works of the Right Honourable John Hookham Frere. Calderón’s Dramas (London) Los vandos de Verona, Montescos y Capeletes. London. Los Bandos de Verona Donna Diana, adapted “from the German version”, London. Don Quixote de la Macha. Opera in three acts. The Mighty Magician (Bungay) Includes Such Stuff as Dreams are Made Of. Poems of Places (inc Cam's Rhythmas) Don Quixote. London (Little One’s Library) The Lusiads of Camões (bilingual edition). Reprinted 1884. 1879 1879 1879 Galdós Anon. Anon. N. Wetherhell 1880 1880 1880 1881 D. P. W. Richard Francis Burton R. Ffrench Duff J. H. Ingram 1883 1883 1883 Galdós Camões Camões Böhl de Faber, Cecilia (Fernán Caballero) Cervantes Camões Anon. Böhl de Faber, Cecilia (Caballero Fernán) Espronceda Cervantes Juan de Valdés Juan de Valdés Juan de Valdés Juan de Valdés El infante Fadrique Böhl de Faber, Cecilia (Caballero Fernán) Galdós Cervantes Mateo Alemán 1883 1883 1884 1884 1884 1885 1885 Camões Anon. Galdós Camões Camões Calderón Anon. James Edwin Hewitt G. Lewis Clara Bell Richard Francis Burton J.J. Aubertin Adolfo Pierra I. G. N. Keith-Falconer 1881 1881 1881 1882 1882 1882 1882 1882 1882 1882 1882 1883 John Ormsby Alexander J. Duffield J. J. Aubertin J. C. Nimmo The author of “Tasso’s Enchanted Ground”? Anon. John T. Betts John T. Betts John T. Betts John T. Betts Henry Charles Coote J. J. Kelly C. Bell James Young Gibson E. Lowdell Gloria Poema del Mio Cid (first full translation, in verse) The Poem of the Cid. A Translation from the Spanish with Introduction and Notes. London. Edition in New York 1915. Doña Perfecta The Lusiad 1880-81 The Lusiad in Spencerian verse, Lisbon Birds of Truth, and Other Fairy Tales. London, New York The Ingenious Knight Don Quixote de la Mancha. London Seventy Sonnets of Camões Lazarillo de Tormes National Pictures (Cuadros de costumbres). London. (849 in Pane) National Pictures The Adevntures of Don Quixote adapted for Young Readers Commentary upon Our Lord’s Sermon on the Mount. London Commentary upon the Gospel of St. Matthew. London Spiritual Milk, or Christian Instruction for Children. London XVII Opuscules. London Book of Women’s Wiles and Deceits. London. Silence in Life and Forgiveness in Death. London Marianela Journey to Parnassus The Amusing Adventures of Guzman d’Alfarache. London (Vizetelly). (1883, 1885) The First Canto of the Lusiad, Rio de Janeiro Ballads of the Cid. Low. Trafalgar. A Tale. New York The Lyricks The Lusiad of Camoens Nobility; or, the alcalde of Zalamea. Philadelphia Calilla y Dimnah. Cambridge. 1885 1885 1885 Various Cervantes Cervantes S. G. C. Middlemore Anon. John Ormsby 1885 Cervantes James Young Gibson 1886 1886 1886 1887 Galdós Armando Palacio Valdés Alarcón Böhl de Faber, Cecilia (Caballero Fernán) Anon. Armando Palacio Valdés Enrique Pérez Escrich Galdós Calderón Eça de Queirós Emilia Pardo Bazán Pedro Antonio de Alarcón Clara Bell N. H. Dole Anon. Mrs. Pauli N. H. Dole Clara Bell Mary Serrano M. A. Springer Mary Serrano Mary Serrano Mary Serrano Mary Serrano Mary Serrano Roxana Daubney 1891 Armando Palacio Valdés Galdós Alarcón Emilia Pardo Bazán Emilia Pardo Bazán Emilia Pardo Bazán Emilia Pardo Bazán Juan Valera Juan Valera Júlio Dinis (pseudônimo de Joaquim Guilherme Gomes Coelho) Alarcón 1891 Bécquer M. Carnes 1887 1888 1888 1888 1888 1889 1890 1890 1890 1890 1891 1891 1891 1891 1891 1891 1891 1891 James Young Gibson N. H. Dole A. L. Godoy Clara Bell Norman MacColl Mary Serrano F. H. Gardiner F. J. A. Darr Mary Serrano Spanish Legendary Tales. London. Don Quixote Quijote (successful, very literal and archaising version). London. 11 editions through to 1936. Adapted in 1896 in Boston for use in schools, and for the blind. Numantia (combines Cervantes with expressions of the “penny dreadful”). London. Family of Leon Roch. New York Marquis of Peñalta (Marta y María). New York. The Three-Cornered Hat Air Built Castles (Cuentos). London. The Cid Ballads and other Poems. London. Maximina. New York. The Martyr of Golgotha The Court of Charles IV. New York Select plays of O Primo Basílio (Dragon’s Teeth).Boston Russia, its People and its Literature. Chicago. The Strange Friend of Tito Gil. (Novelas cortas y cuentos) New York Sister Saint Sulpice. New York. Gloria. New York The Friend of Death. A Fantastic Tale. New York A Christian Woman. New York The Swan of Vilamorta. New York Homesickness (Morriña). New York A wedding trip (Un vaije de novios). New York Doña Luz. New York Pepita Jiménez. New York Os Fidalgos da Casa Morisco Moors and Christians and other tales. New York (Diario de un testigo de África) Poems (Rimas). London 1892 1892 1892 1892 1892 1892 1892 1892 1892 1893 1893 1894 1894 1894 1894 1894 Alarcón Emilia Pardo Bazán Juan Valera Quevedo Armando Palacio Valdés Echegaray Alarcón Galdós Galdós Juan Valera Galdós Armando Palacio Valdés Antero de Quental Galdós Galdós Cervantes (et al.)?) F. J. A. Darr Mary Serrano Clara Bell John Stevens I. F. Hapgood J. Graham Mary Serrano Helen W. Lester M. Wharton Mary Serrano Mary Wharton R. Challice Edgar Prestage Mary Serrano Mary Wharton Susette M. Taylor 1895 1895 1895 1895 1895 1895 1895 1895 1896 Echegaray Echegaray Echegaray Echegaray Echegaray Echegaray Echegaray Galdós Various James Graham Lujan J. Stewart James Graham Lujan J. Stewart James Graham Hannah Lynch Hannah Lynch M. J. Serrano M. J. Serrano 1897 Anon. Archer M. Huntington 1900 1900 1900 Emilia Pardo Bazán Galdós Armando Palacio Valdés Mary Serrano M. C. Smith M. C. Smith Brunhilde; or, The Last of Norma The Angular Stone Don Braulio (Pasarse de listo). New York. Pablo de Segovia, the Spanish Sharper Faith Mariana Child of the ball (El niño de la bola) Marianela. Chicago. Doña Perfecta Comendador Mendoza. New York Marianela. London The Grandee Sonnets Dona Perfecta. New York (Pane 2116; see entry for 1895). Lady Perfect. London (Pane 2116; see entry for 1892) The Humour of Spain Selected (selections from Don Quixote). London The Son of Don Juan Boston The Son of Don Juan. Boston Mariana. Boston Mariana. Boston Son of Don Juan (Boston) Galeoto. London, Boston Folly or Saintliness Doña Perfecta. New York (see previous translation in 1892) Stories by Foreign Authors (New York, Scribners). Includes Alarcón Poema del Mio Cid (in verse). 1897 –1903. New York. The Hispanic Society of America Galiacian Girl’s Romance (La Gallega). New York Saragossa. Boston Joy of Captain Ribot