Meeting Agenda

Zoning Board of Appeals
Department of Planning & Community Development
City Hall - Roosevelt Square
Mount Vernon, New York 10550-2060
(914) 699-7230 • FAX (914) 699-1435
Ernest D. Davis.
Irwin S. Davison, Esq.
February 8, 2012
A regular meeting of the Zoning Board of Appeals will be held Tuesday, February 21, 2012
at 7:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers, Second Floor, City Hall, Mount Vernon, New York
at which time and place the Board shall consider the following:
1.1 Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting held on Wednesday, November 15, 2011.
1.2 Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting held on Wednesday, December 27, 2011.
3.1 Calendar No. 1655-Z 116- 122 West First Street -10 South Ninth Avenue (Section No.
165.69, Block 3052, Lots 6, 7, 8, 9 & 10) located within the NB (neighborhood business)
zoning district.
Application of Greater Centennial CDC by architect Sabir Engineering, LLC is requesting an
extension of time from the Zoning Board to rehabilitate four 4-story buildings for mixed use
purposes. The original approval was granted January 20, 2009 which expired on January 20,
2011. The applicant now seeks a two year extension of time from January 20, 2011 to expire
on January 20, 2013.
SEQRA Determination: TYPE II - This action does not require any further SEQRA
4.1 Calendar No. 1550-Z 130 Mount Vernon Avenue (Section No. 164.68, Block 1063, Lot 1)
located within the CB (commercial business) zoning district
Application of Rella Fogliano by architect Michael DePasquale is requesting the following
City of Mount Vernon
Zoning Board Agenda
Meeting Date
February 21, 2012
Building Height: A maximum building height of 2 stories is allowed. The applicant was
previously approved for 8 stories and the applicant is currently proposing a building
height of 11 stories. - This is a deviation from the dimensional regulations of the
Zoning Code.
Impervious Coverage: A maximum impervious coverage of 80% is allowed. The
applicant was previously approved for 96% and the applicant is now proposing 100%.
This is a deviation from the dimensional regulations of the Zoning Code.
Increase of intensity (density): Residential units are not allowed in CB zone: The
applicant was previously approved for 61 dwelling units and the applicant is proposing
81 dwelling units on the site. - This is a deviation from the dimensional regulations of
the Zoning Code.
Off-street parking: One Hundred and ninety two (192) off-street parking spaces are
required and the applicant was previously approved for a variance of 76 off-street
parking spaces. The applicant is currently requesting a variance for 114 off-street
parking spaces. - This is a deviation from the parking regulations of the Zoning Code.
Two-way driveway: A maximum of 20’ feet is required for the driveway width. The
applicant is proposing 4’feet. - This is a deviation from the dimensional regulations of
the Zoning Code.
The applicant is requesting variances to construct an eleven (11) story mixed use building
SEQRA Determination: This action is a coordinated review and classified as an “Unlisted
Action”. Therefore, the Zoning Board has sent a notice to declare itself “lead agency” and
must allow thirty (30) days to receive any responses prior to rendering any decisions.
5.1 Calendar No. 1694-Z 100 Lorraine Terrace (Section No. 165.59, Block 2095, Lot 23)
located in the R1-7 zoning district.
Application of Bayview Real Estate Consultants, Inc. by architect Edward J. D’Amore is
requesting the following variances:
Use Variance: Single family homes are permitted. The applicant is proposing to
construct a multi-family dwelling. – This is a deviation from the use regulations of the
Zoning code.
Floor Area Ratio (FAR): A maximum FAR of 0.35 is allowed and the applicant is
proposing a FAR of 1.24 – This is a deviation from the dimensional regulations of the
Zoning Code.
City of Mount Vernon
Zoning Board Agenda
Meeting Date
February 21, 2012
Building Height: A maximum building height of 35’ feet is allowed and the applicant is
proposing a building height of 52.2’ feet – This is a deviation from the dimensional
regulations of the Zoning Code.
Building Coverage: A maximum building coverage of 25% is allowed and the applicant
is proposing a building coverage of 58% - This is a deviation from the dimensional
regulations of the Zoning Code.
Impervious Surface Coverage: A maximum impervious coverage of 45% is allowed
and the applicant is proposing an impervious coverage of 59% - This is a deviation
from the dimensional regulations of the Zoning Code.
Front Yard Setback: A minimum front yard setback of 25’ feet is required and the
applicant is proposing a front yard setback of 9’ ft.11”inches – This is a deviation from
the dimensional regulations of the Zoning Code.
Side Yard Setback (One): A minimum side yard setback of 7’feet is required and the
applicant is proposing 6’ feet – This is a deviation from the dimensional regulations of
the Zoning Code.
Off-Street Parking: Thirty-six (36) off-street parking spaces are required and the
applicant is proposing 26 off-street parking spaces. Therefore, a variance for 10
tandem parking spaces is requested – This is a deviation from the parking regulations
of the Zoning Code.
The Applicant is requesting variances to construct a 4-story multi-family dwelling composed
of 18 units and an accessory off-street parking.
SEQRA Determination: This action is a coordinated review and classified as an “Unlisted
Action”. Therefore, the Zoning Board is required to send a notice to declare itself “lead
agency” and must allow thirty (30) days to receive any responses prior to rendering any
5.2 Calendar No. 1695-Z 36 Harding Parkway (Section No. 165.23, Block 2233, Lot 6)
located in the R1-4.5 zoning district.
Application of Dorothy Powell-Skeritt by architect Kevin Kieler is requesting the following area
Side Yard Setback: A 5’feet side yard setback is required and the applicant is
proposing 3 ft. 11” inches – This is a deviation from dimensional regulations of the
Zoning Code.
Off-Street Parking: Two (2) parking spaces are required one (1) of which must be
enclosed parking space, currently there are two (2) parking spaces, one (1) enclosed.
The applicant is proposing one (1) parking space not enclosed - This is a deviation
from Section §267-37B of the Zoning Code.
City of Mount Vernon
Zoning Board Agenda
Meeting Date
February 21, 2012
Applicant is requesting variances to construct a prefabricated sunroom above an existing
one-story rear addition on a single-family dwelling.
SEQRA Determination: TYPE II - This action does not require any further SEQRA assessment.
Note: Work Sessions will be open to the public but closed to public participation subject to
the Open Meetings Law, [§ 105 of the New York State Public Officers Law, Article 7].
Note: Items listed on the agenda are subject to change and amendments and/or additions
may be placed on the agenda.
The next regular meeting of the Zoning Board of Appeals is scheduled to be held on
Tuesday, March 20, 2012.
Patricia Fleming
Zoning Board Secretary
cc: Mayor Ernest D. Davis
Nichelle Johnson, Chief of Staff
City Clerk
Charlene Indelicato, Commissioner
Building Department