Degree Plan Worksheet Liberal Arts: Chemistry Focus (AA) 2015-2016 One Stop Student Services - - 208.562.3000 P.O. Box 3010 - Nampa, ID 83653 - The course sequence below is considered an ideal and recommended route for completion of an AA in Liberal Arts with a Chemistry focus at CWI. The electives are recommended because they are thought to best support the study of Liberal Arts with a Chemistry focus, but they are not required or mandated. Be sure to work with an advisor throughout your pursuit of all degrees at CWI. Course Course Title Credits Semester Offered CWID 101 Connecting with Ideas 3 Fa, Sp, Su GEM 2 Oral Communication course 2 Fa, Sp, Su GEM 11 Written Communication course 3 Fa, Sp, Su GEM 5* Recommend PHIL 202** - Ethics 3 Fa, Sp, Su MATH 170 (GEM 3) CHEM 111 (GEM 4) GEM 6* Calculus 1 5 Fa, Sp, Su Principles of Chemistry 1 5 Fa, Sp 3 CHEM 112 Recommend HIST 111 - U.S. History 1 or HIST 112 - U.S. History 2 Principles of Chemistry 2 5 Fa, Sp, Su Sp Fa, Sp GEM 1 Written Communication course 3 Fa, Sp, Su MATH 175 Calculus 2 4 Sp GEM 5* 3 Varies CHEM 298 Recommend Literature course (see catalog for a list of Literature courses that fulfill the GEM 5 requirement) Organic Chemistry 1 4 Fa CHEM 253 Quantitative Analysis 5 Varies PHYS 211 Physics Scientists and Engineers 1 5 Fa CHEM 299 Organic Chemistry 2 5 Sp PHYS 212 Physics Scientists and Engineers 2 5 Sp GEM 6* 3 HLTH 155**2 Recommend ANTH 101 - Physical Anthropology or ANTH 102 - Cultural Anthropology Health and Wellness 3 Fa Sp Varies GEM 4 Scientific Ways of Knowing course (different discipline) 3-4 Varies GLOBAL PERSPECTIVES Any Global Perspectives course 3 Varies Minimum Credit Hours Needed 75 X Degree Plan Worksheet Liberal Arts: Chemistry Focus (AA) 2015-2016 One Stop Student Services - - 208.562.3000 P.O. Box 3010 - Nampa, ID 83653 - Additional Advising Comments for Liberal Arts with a Chemistry Focus Majors Recommended Electives (see the catalog for other options): * The courses in the progression grid with an asterisk (*) are recommended by the Physical Science department to help provide a balanced education at CWI and fulfill general education requirements. There are other courses that may be taken to satisfy the general education requirements at CWI and it is recommended that you refer to the catalog of courses if you would prefer to take a different course than those suggested. Please be sure to check the courses required for your final degree at the four-year institution you plan to attend after finishing at CWI. It is absolutely imperative that you know which classes are required to obtain a bachelor’s degree at that institution. If you plan to attend the University of Idaho, you can visit their website ( to determine how the various courses taken at CWI will transfer. Our chemistry courses in this degree progression grid all transfer to their institution. If you plan to attend Boise State University (BSU), you can visit their website ( to determine just how the various courses you take will transfer. Chem 253 will transfer as a chemistry general elective. The others on the list transfer well. The Organic Chemistry courses offered at BSU are 300-level courses, so it is recommended that you discuss how they transfer with an advisor at BSU. Footnotes: 1 It is possible to get vertical credit for ENGL 101 if the student successfully passes ENGL 102 and pays for the credits for ENGL 101. Fill out the vertical credit form (found here: and return to a One Stop Student Services location. 2 Two HACT activities courses may be taken instead of HLTH 155 - Health and Wellness, but HLTH 155 is strongly recommended in order to meet the Ethical Reasoning requirement. **This course fulfills the Ethical Reasoning requirement for an Associate degree from CWI. PLEASE NOTE: This degree plan is to help students plan coursework with a focus on chemistry. Upon graduation, your degree will be in Liberal Arts and will NOT have a chemistry focus officially denoted on your transcript and/or degree. • To ensure efficient degree planning, students who intend to transfer to a four-year institution should review the lower-division degree requirements of the institution they plan to attend. • Semester Offered Key: For more information about the Liberal Arts program, please visit: Fa = Fall Sp = Spring Su = Summer Varies = No set offering schedule GENERAL-EDUCATION COURSES CREDITS CONNECTING WITH IDEAS CWID 101 3 CREDITS REQUIRED FOR AA OR AS Connecting with Ideas 3 ETHICAL REASONING COURSES 3 CREDITS REQUIRED FOR AA OR AS (COURSES WILL ALSO FULFILL CATEGORY IN WAYS OF KNOWING OR GLOBAL PERSPECTIVES) AGRI 120 GENERAL-EDUCATION COURSES ALLIED HEALTH ALLH 220 Concepts of Biology Concepts of Biology Lab 4 BIOL 105 & BIOL 105L Human Structure & Function Human Structure & Function Lab 4 BIOL 120 & BIOL 120L Environmental Science Environmental Science Lab 4 BIOL 201 & BIOL 201L Biology 1 Biology 1 Lab 4 BIOL 221 & BIOL 221L Intro Microbiology Intro Microbiology Lab 4 BIOL 120 Environmental Science 4 EDUC 201 Foundations of Education 3 HLTH 155 Health and Wellness 3 HLTH 280 Global Health 3 PHIL 101 Introduction to Philosophy 3 BIOL 227 & BIOL 227L 3 CHEMISTRY Ethics GLOBAL PERSPECTIVES COURSES 3-6 CREDITS REQUIRED FOR AA OR AS 3 BIOL 100 & BIOL 100L 3 Human Anat & Phys 1 Human Anat & Phys 1 Lab 4 CHEM 100 & CHEM 100L Chemistry in Everyday Life Chemistry in Everyday Life Lab 4 Intro to Chemistry Intro to Chemistry Lab 4 Global Food Perspectives - Farm to Plate 3 CHEM 101 & CHEM 101L ARTS 104 African, Oceanic, and Pre-Columbian Art 3 CHEM 102 & CHEM 102L Essentials of Organic & Biochemistry Essentials of Organic & Biochemistry Lab 5 BIOL 106 Making Sense of Micro biotic-me 3 Environmental Science 4 Principles of Chemistry 1 Principles of Chemistry 1 Lab 5 BIOL 120 CHEM 111 & CHEM 111L EDUC 203 Education Around the World 3 GEOG 102 Cultural Geography 3 GEOG 200 World Regional Geography 3 HLTH 280 Global Health 3 Topics in International Film and Literature 3 GEOL 101 & GEOL 101L Physical Geology Physical Geology Lab 4 HUMA 121 Survey of World Music 3 GEOL 102 & GEOL 102L Historical Geology Historical Geology Lab 4 MUSI 109 PHIL 111 Survey of World Religions 3 GEOL 104 & GEOL 104L Natural Disasters and Environmental Geology Natural Disasters and Environmental Geology Lab 4 AGRI 120 GEM 1 WRITTEN COMMUNICATION COURSES 6 CREDITS REQUIRED FOR AA OR AS 3 CREDITS REQUIRED FOR AAS ENGL 101 English Composition 1 3 ENGL 102 English Composition 2 3 GEM 2 ORAL COMMUNICATION COURSES COMM 101 2 CREDITS REQUIRED FOR AA OR AS 3 CREDITS REQUIRED FOR AAS Fundamentals of Oral Communication GEOGRAPHY GEOG 100 & GEOG 100L Physical Geography Physical Geography Lab 4 PHYS 100 & PHYS 100L Survey of Physics Survey of Physics Lab 4 PHYS 101 & PHYS 101L Survey of Astronomy Survey of Astronomy Lab 4 PHYS 111 & PHYS 111L General Physics 1 General Physics 1 Lab 4 GEM 5 HUMANISTIC & ARTISTIC WAYS OF KNOWING COURSES 6 CREDITS REQUIRED FOR AA OR AS (2 COURSES FROM 2 DISCIPLINES) ARTS 102 Art History 2 3 MATH 123 Math in Modern Society 3 ENGLISH MATH 130 Finite Math 4 ENGL 175 Introduction to Literature 3 MATH 143 College Algebra 3 ENGL 215 Survey of World Mythology 3 MATH 147 Precalculus 5 ENGL 257 Western World Lit 1 3 MATH 153 Elementary Statistics 3 ENGL 258 Western World Lit 2 3 MATH 160 Brief Calculus 4 ENGL 267 Survey of English Lit 1 3 MATH 170 Calculus 1 5 ENGL 268 Survey of English Lit 2 3 ENGL 277 Survey of American Lit 1 3 ENGL 278 Survey of American Lit 2 3 AGRI 109 & AGRI 109L Princ. of Animal Science Princ. of Animal Science Lab 4 Elementary French 1 4 FREN 102 Elementary French 2 4 SIGL 101 American Sign Language 1 4 SIGL 102 American Sign Language 2 4 SIGL 201 American Sign Language 3 4 SIGL 202 American Sign Language 4 4 SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish 1 4 SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish 2 4 SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish 1 4 SPAN 202 Intermediate Spanish 2 4 MUSI 100 Music Appreciation 3 MUSI 108 Survey of Jazz & Pop Music 3 PHIL 101 Introduction to Philosophy 3 PHIL 202 Ethics 3 Theatre Appreciation 3 MUSIC PHILOSOPHY THEATRE GEM 6 6 CREDITS REQUIRED FOR AA OR AS (2 COURSES FROM 2 DISCIPLINES) 3 CREDITS REQUIRED FOR AAS ANTHROPOLOGY ANTH 101 Physical Anthropology 3 ANTH 102 Cultural Anthropology 3 Intro to Law & Justice 3 Principles of Macroeconomics 3 Foundations of Education 3 GEOG 102 Cultural Geography 3 GEOG 200 World Regional Geography 3 HIST 111 U.S. History 1 3 HIST 112 U.S. History 2 3 ECONOMICS ECON 201 3 CREDITS REQUIRED FOR AA, AS, OR AAS AGRICULTURE FREN 101 LANGUAGES CRIJ 103 PHYSICS/PHYSICAL SCIENCE 3 7 CREDITS REQUIRED FOR AA OR AS (2 COURSES FROM 2 DOMAINS/1 LAB) 3 CRIMINAL JUSTICE Art History 1 SCIENTIFIC WAYS OF KNOWING COURSES 3 Introduction to Humanities 2 GEOLOGY ARTS 101 GEM 4 Introduction to Humanities 1 HUMA 102 SOCIAL & BEHAVIORAL WAYS OF KNOWING COURSES ART GEM 3 CREDITS HUMA 101 THEA 101 3 MATHEMATICAL WAYS OF KNOWING COURSES GENERAL-EDUCATION COURSES HUMANITIES Fundamentals of Nutrition BIOLOGY Global Food Perspectives - Farm to Plate PHIL 202 CREDITS HISTORY HIST 101 Western Civilization 1 3 HIST 102 Western Civilization 2 3 EDUCATION EDUC 201 GEOGRAPHY HISTORY HEALTH, RECREATION, AND FITNESS HLTH 155 Health and Wellness 3 Survey of World Religions 3 PHILOSOPHY PHIL 111 POLITICAL SCIENCE POLS 101 American National Govt 3 POLS 102 Intro to Political Science 3 General Psychology 3 SOCY 101 Introduction to Sociology 3 SOCY 102 Social Problems 3 PSYCHOLOGY PSYC 101 SOCIOLOGY