The CHEMISTRY MAJOR at BOISE STATE UNIVERSITY ADVISING HANDOUT Revised 10/09 Reflects requirements consistent with those of the registrar's office for the 2009-10 academic year* TABLE OF CONTENTS Welcome to BSU and the Chemistry Department ……………………………………………………….2 Chemistry Major Choices of Emphasis ……………………………………………………………………….3 Chemistry Department Faculty ……………………………………………………………………………4 Chemistry Core Classes Checklist …………………………………………………………………………5 Chemistry Core Classes Flowchart …………………………………………………………………………6 Requirements for the Chemistry Major, Professional Emphasis ………………………………………………………7 Chemistry Major, ACS Biochemistry Emphasis …………………………………………………8 Chemistry Major, Biochemistry Emphasis ...................................................………………..9 Chemistry Major, General Emphasis …………………………………………………………10 Chemistry Major, Forensics Emphasis …………………………………………………11 Chemistry Major, Geochemistry Emphasis ……………………………………………………12 Chemistry Major, Pre-Med Emphasis ………………………………………………………13 Chemistry Major, Business Emphasis ……………………………………………………14-15 Chemistry Major, Secondary Education Emphasis …….…………………………………….16-17 Welcome to BSU and the Chemistry Department! While an advisor's signature is not required for registration, the department strongly encourages each major to seek early and regular advising. Meeting with your advisor once each semester provides an opportunity for your advisor to Review scheduling, prerequisites and changes to the curriculum, so that all requirements can be completed in a timely manner (Advisors often offer helpful strategies for getting into classes which are closed and can act as your advocate). Discuss your developing career plans Get to know you, so he or she can serve as a reference if you need one later for job or graduate school applications. Faculty who serve as advisors are noted on page 4. To be connected with an advisor, we encourage you to contact Jenny Weaver, Manager, Student Support (the department advising coordinator) (SN 154E, 426-4491, This packet is designed to help you get started and stay on track.* * Statement of requirements for the chemistry major and its emphases A flow chart of lower division courses to help you anticipate the prerequisites for each course Suggested schedules for completion of each program of study Every effort has been made to ensure this document is error free. However, the requirements on record in the BSU catalog and in the registrar's office are the final arbiter of graduation requirements. E = ENGL M = MATH C = CHEM PH = PHYS Page 2 CHEMISTRY DEPARTMENT CHOICES OF EMPHASIS The chemistry department offers a variety of emphasis choices for students to choose the one that suits his or her interests and career goals. The professional emphasis is certified by the American Chemical Society and offers a comprehensive preparation in all sub disciplines of chemistry. The biochemistry emphasis prepares students for careers and further study at the interface of chemistry and biology. One of the biochemistry options is certified by the American Chemical Society. The forensics emphasis combines a set of foundational chemistry classes with courses in other areas to prepare students for work in the specialized field of forensics. The geochemistry emphasis combines a set of foundational chemistry classes with courses in other areas to prepare students for work in the specialized field of geochemistry. The pre-med emphasis provides a foundation in chemistry while requiring the completion of standard courses required for application to medical school. The business emphasis combines a set of foundational chemistry classes with courses in other areas to prepare students for work in business, particularly businesses with a science/chemistry related focus. The secondary education emphasis prepares and certifies students to teach the next generation of scientists at the high school level. Page 3 Chemistry Faculty and Staff Dept Chemistry Faculty Advisor specialty Baker, Wally Laboratory Material Supervisor Bammel, Brad Bioanalytical Chemistry Brown, Eric Inorganic Chemistry Charlier, Henry Biochemistry Cornell, Ken Biochemistry Davis, Morgan Laboratory Lecturer Force, Dee Ann Special Lecturer Hammond, Karen Special Lecturer Harryman, Donna Administrative Assistant I Kator, Greg Accountant Lee, Jeunghoon Organic Chemistry LeMaster, Carole Special Lecturer LeMaster, Cliff Physical Chemistry McDougal, Lynette Special Lecturer McDougal, Owen Organic Chemistry Ruettgers, Sean Computer Lab Manager Russell, Dale Analytical Chemistry Schimpf, Martin Analytical Chemistry Shadle, Susan Inorganic Chemistry Siepert, Chris Lab Lecturer Vogler, Laura Laboratory Manager Warner, Don Organic Chemistry Weaver, Jenny Advising Coordinator, Manager, Student Support Office # office phone SN 346 426-2709 SN 326 426-3476 SN 314 426-1186 SN 311 426-3474 SN 320 426-5429 SN 422 426-3003 SN-322 426-3851 SN 321 426-1368 SN 339 426-3000 SN 330 426-5483 SN 324 426-3473 SN 310 426-2393 SN 339A 426-4491 SN 309 426-4305 SN 323 426-3964 SN 333 426-1079 SN 316 426-3975 E 601 426-1414 ILC 315 426-3153 SN422 426-3003 SN 312 426-3028 SN 315 426-3028 SN 154E 426-4491 e-mail Page 4 Checklist of Chemistry Major Core Classes Chemistry students in each emphasis must complete these courses Course # Course Name General Core Requirements E101 English Composition E102 English Composition Area I Core Course in one field Area I Core Course in a second field Area I Core Course in a third field Area I Core Course in any field Area II Core Course in one field Area II Core Course in a second field Area II Core Course in a third field Area II Core Course in any field Sub-total Physics and Mathematics MATH 170 Calculus I MATH 175 Calculus II MATH 275 Multivariable & Vector Calculus PHYS 211/211L Physics I and Laboratory PHYS 212/212L Physics II and Laboratory Sub-total Chemistry Courses CHEM 111 CHEM 111L CHEM 112 CHEM 112L CHEM 211 Credits Pre-requisites Co-requisites 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 30 4 4 4 MATH 144 or 147* MATH 170 MATH 175 5 5 MATH 170 PHYS 211 MATH 175 MATH 175 MATH 143 or 147* MATH 143 or 147* CHEM 111/111L CHEM 111/111L CHEM 112/112L MATH 144 or 147 CHEM 211 CHEM 112/112L CHEM 111L CHEM 111 CHEM 112L CHEM 112 22 General Chemistry I General Chemistry I Lab** General Chemistry II General Chemistry II Lab Analytical Chemistry I 3 1 3 1 3 CHEM 212 CHEM 307 CHEM 308 CHEM 309 CHEM 310 CHEM 321 Analytical Lab I Organic Chemistry I Organic Lab I Organic Chemistry II Organic Lab II Physical Chemistry I 2 3 2 3 2 3 CHEM 322 CHEM 323 Sub-total Physical Chemistry II Advanced Lab I 3 2 31 CHEM 307 and 308 CHEM 308 CHEM 307, MATH 275 PHYS 212/212L CHEM 321 CHEM 212, 310 18 are upper division CHEM 211 CHEM 308 CHEM 307 CHEM 310 CHEM 309 CHEM 321 Total credits for Chemistry Major Core = 83 * A satisfactory Math Placement Test (COMPASS) score can also be used to enroll in this course. ** One year of high school chemistry or CHEM 099 is recommended before taking CHEM 111. The COMPASS math placement exam is administered in the College of Applied Technology Assessment Center: TS-115. Call 426-2762 for Center hours. Page 5 Flowchart for Core Chem Courses M143 OR M147 OR appropriate math placement exam score AND 1 yr of HS chemistry or 1 semester college chemistry (C-099) M144 or 147 or appropriate placement exam score C111/C111L M143 and M144 OR M147 C112/C112L M170 C307 C308 (lab) C309 C310 (lab) C321 C321 (lab) C322 C323 (lab) C211 C212 (lab) PH211 PH211L PH212 PH212L M175 M275 C440 Courses outlines in solid lines are requirements for the chemistry major. Arrows show prerequisites and give the order in which courses should be taken. Page 6 Chemistry Major, ACS Certified Professional Emphasis Course # Chemistry Courses Chemistry core CHEM 324 CHEM 412 CHEM 401 CHEM 411 CHEM 431 CHEM 440 or 422* CHEM 495 CHEM 495 CHEM 498 Electives TOTAL Course Name Degree requirements checklist Credits (see page 5) Advanced Lab II Advanced Lab III Advanced Inorganic Chemistry Analytical Chemistry II Biochemistry I Spec-ID or Adv. Topics Senior Research Senior Research Senior Seminar 83 2 2 3 3 3 3 1 1 2 25 128 Pre-requisites Co-requisites CHEM 323 CHEM 322 CHEM 324, 401, 411 CHEM 322 CHEM 212, 322 CHEM 301 or 309 CHEM 309, 321 CHEM 309 CHEM 322 CHEM 309 CHEM 322 CHEM 495, Sr. Standing 3 of these credits must be upper division * 3 credits of CHEM 422 must be completed; separate CHEM 422 courses may be taken more than once for credit. Suggested Schedule for Completion in Four Years The following is a suggested schedule and is only one of several ways to combine the degree requirements. See your advisor in the Chemistry Department to craft a specific plan for you. Fall Semester Year 1 Course credits Spring Semester Year 1 Course credits C111/C111 L E101 M170 College Chemistry Lab English Composition Calculus I Elective or Core Course total credits 4 3 4 6 17 C112/C112 L E102 M175 College Chemistry/Lab English Composition Calculus II Elective or Core Course total credits 4 3 4 5 16 Fall Semester Year 2 Course credits Spring Semester Year 2 Course credits C307/C308 C211/C212 PH211/211L Organic Chemistry/Lab Analytical Chemistry II Physics/Lab 5 5 5 C309/C310 Math 275 PH212/212L total credits 15 Organic Chemistry/Lab Multi Variable/ Vector Calc Physics/Lab Elective or Core Course total credits 5 4 5 3 17 Fall Semester Year 3 Course credits Spring Semester Year 3 Course credits C321 C323 C431 Physical Chemistry Adv. Chemistry Lab. I Biochemistry I Elective or Core Course total credits 3 2 3 9 17 C322 C324 C495 Physical Chemistry Adv. Chemistry Lab II Senior Research Elective or Core Course total credits 3 2 1 9 15 Fall Semester Year 4 Course credits Spring Semester Year 4 Course credits C401 C411 C495 Advanced Inorg. Chem. Analytical Chemistry II Senior Research Elective or Core Course total credits 3 3 1 9 16 C412 C498 C440 or C422 Adv. Chemistry Lab. III Senior Seminar Spec ID or Adv. Topics Elective or Core Course total credits 2 2 3 8 15 Page 7 Chemistry Major, ACS certified Biochemistry Emphasis Course # Biology Courses BIOL 191 BIOL 301 BIOL 343 Chemistry Courses Chemistry core CHEM 401 CHEM 431 CHEM 433 CHEM 324 CHEM 411 CHEM 432 CHEM 495 CHEM 495 CHEM 498 Electives Course Name Credits General Biology I + Lab Cell Biology Genetics 4 3 3 (see page 5) Advanced Inorganic Chemistry Biochemistry I Biochemistry II Advanced Lab II Analytical Chemistry II Biochemistry Lab Senior Research Senior Research Senior Seminar 83 3 3 3 2 3 2 1 1 2 15 128 Degree requirements checklist Pre-requisites Co-requisites MATH 108 BIOL 191 & CHEM 307 BIOL 301 CHEM 322 CHEM 301 & 309 CHEM 431 CHEM 323 CHEM 212, 322 CHEM 431 CHEM 309 CHEM 309 CHEM 495, Sr. Standing CHEM 322 CHEM 322 CHEM 322 * 3 credits of CHEM 422 must be completed; separate CHEM 422 courses may be taken more than once for credit. Suggested Schedule for Completion in Four Years The following is a suggested schedule for completion of the Chemistry Major, Professional Emphasis and is only one of several ways to combine the degree requirements. See your advisor in the Chemistry Department to craft a specific plan for you. Fall Semester Year 1 Course Credits Spring Semester Year 1 Course credits C111/C111 L E101 M170 College Chemistry/Lab English Composition Calculus I Elective or Core Course total credits 4 3 4 6 17 C112/C112 L E102 M175 B191 College Chemistry/Lab English Composition Calculus II Biology/Lab total credits 4 3 4 4 15 Fall Semester Year 2 Course Credits Spring Semester Year 2 Course credits C307/C308 C211/C212 PH211/211L Organic Chemistry/Lab Analytical Chemistry/ Lab Physics 5 5 5 C309/C310 PH212/212L Math 275 total credits 15 Organic Chemistry/Lab Physics Multi Variable/ Vector Calc Elective or Core Course total credits 5 5 4 3 17 Fall Semester Year 3 Course Credits Spring Semester Year 3 Course credits C321 C431 C323 Physical Chemistry Biochemistry I Adv. Chemistry Lab. I Elective or Core Course 3 3 2 9 C322 C433 C324 B301 C495 total credits 17 Physical Chemistry Biochemistry II Adv. Chemistry Lab II Cell Biology Senior Research Elective or Core Course total credits 3 3 2 3 1 4 16 Fall Semester Year 4 Course Credits Spring Semester Year 4 Course credits C495 B343 C401 C411 Senior Research Genetics Adv. Inorganic Chemistry Analytical Chemistry II Elective or Core Course total credits 1 3 3 3 6 16 C432 C498 Biochemistry Lab Senior Seminar Elective or Core Course 2 2 11 total credits 15 Page 8 Chemistry Major, Biochemistry Emphasis Course # Biology Courses BIOL 191 BIOL 301 BIOL 343 Chemistry Courses Chemistry core CHEM 431 CHEM 433 CHEM 324 CHEM 432 CHEM 440 or C422* CHEM 495 CHEM 495 CHEM 498 Electives TOTAL Course Name Degree requirements checklist Credits General Biology I + Lab Cell Biology Genetics 4 3 3 (see page 5) Biochemistry I Biochemistry II Advanced Lab II Biochemistry Lab Spec-ID or Adv. Topics Senior Research Senior Research Senior Seminar 83 3 3 2 2 3 1 1 2 18 128 Pre-requisites Co-requisites MATH 108 BIOL 191 & CHEM 307 BIOL 301 CHEM 301 & 309 CHEM 431 CHEM 323 CHEM 431 CHEM 309, 321 CHEM 309 CHEM 309 CHEM 495, Sr. Standing CHEM 322 CHEM 322 CHEM 322 * 3 credits of CHEM 422 must be completed; separate CHEM 422 courses may be taken more than once for credit. Suggested Schedule for Completion in Four Years The following is a suggested schedule for completion of the Chemistry Major, Professional Emphasis and is only one of several ways to combine the degree requirements. See your advisor in the Chemistry Department to craft a specific plan for you. Fall Semester Year 1 Course Credits Spring Semester Year 1 Course credits C111/C111 L E101 M170 College Chemistry/Lab English Composition Calculus I Elective or Core Course total credits 4 3 4 6 17 C112/C112 L E102 M175 B191 College Chemistry/Lab English Composition Calculus II Biology/Lab total credits 4 3 4 4 15 Fall Semester Year 2 Course Credits Spring Semester Year 2 Course credits C307/C308 C211/C212 PH211/211L Organic Chemistry/Lab Analytical Chemistry/ Lab Physics 5 5 5 C309/C310 PH212/212L Math 275 total credits 15 Organic Chemistry/Lab Physics Multi Variable/ Vector Calc Elective or Core Course total credits 5 5 4 3 17 Fall Semester Year 3 Course Credits Spring Semester Year 3 Course credits C321 C431 C323 Physical Chemistry Biochemistry I Adv. Chemistry Lab. I Elective or Core Course 3 3 2 8 C322 C433 C324 B301 C495 total credits 16 Physical Chemistry Biochemistry II Adv. Chemistry Lab II Cell Biology Senior Research Elective or Core Course total credits 3 3 2 3 1 4 16 Fall Semester Year 4 Course Credits Spring Semester Year 4 Course credits C495 B343 Senior Research Genetics Elective or Core Course 1 3 12 C432 C498 C440 or C422 total credits 16 Biochemistry Lab Senior Seminar Spec ID or Adv. Topics Elective or Core Course total credits 2 2 3 9 16 Page 9 Chemistry Major, General Emphasis Course # Chemistry Courses Chemistry core CHEM 324 CHEM 412 CHEM 401 CHEM 411 CHEM 440 or C422* CHEM 495 CHEM 495 CHEM 498 Electives TOTAL Degree requirements checklist Course Name Credits (see page 5) Advanced Lab II Advanced Lab III Advanced Inorganic Chemistry Analytical Chemistry II Spec-ID or Adv. Topics 83 2 2 3 3 3 Senior Research Senior Research Senior Seminar 1 1 2 28 128 Pre-requisites Co-requisites CHEM 323 CHEM 324, 401, 411 CHEM 322 CHEM 212, 322 CHEM 309, 321 CHEM 322 CHEM 309 CHEM 322 CHEM 309 CHEM 322 CHEM 495, Sr. Standing 6 of these credits must be upper division * 3 credits of CHEM 422 must be completed; separate CHEM 422 courses may be taken more than once for credit. Suggested Schedule for Completion in Four Years The following is a suggested schedule and is only one of several ways to combine the degree requirements. See your advisor in the Chemistry Department to craft a specific plan for you. Fall Semester Year 1 Course credits Spring Semester Year 1 Course credits C111/C111 L E101 M170 College Chemistry/Lab English Composition Calculus I Elective or Core Course total credits 4 3 4 6 17 C112/C112 L E102 M175 College Chemistry/Lab English Composition Calculus II Elective or Core Course total credits 4 3 4 4 15 Fall Semester Year 2 Course credits Spring Semester Year 2 Course credits C307/C308 C211/C212 PH211/211L Organic Chemistry/Lab Analytical Chemistry/ Lab Physics 5 5 5 C309/C310 PH212/212L Math 275 total credits 15 Organic Chemistry/Lab Physics Multi Variable/ Vector Calc Elective or Core Course total credits 5 5 4 1 15 Fall Semester Year 3 Course credits Spring Semester Year 3 Course credits C321 C323 Physical Chemistry Adv. Chemistry Lab. I Elective or Core Course 3 2 12 C322 C324 C495 total credits 17 Physical Chemistry Adv. Chemistry Lab II Senior Research Elective or Core Course total credits 3 2 1 11 17 Fall Semester Year 4 Course credits Spring Semester Year 4 Course credits C401 C411 C495 Advanced Inorg. Chem. Analytical Chemistry II Senior Research Elective or Core Course total credits 3 3 1 9 16 C412 C440 or C422 C498 Adv. Chemistry Lab. III Spec ID or Adv. Topics Senior Seminar Elective or Core Course total credits 2 3 2 9 16 Page 10 Chemistry Major, Forensics Emphasis Degree requirements checklist Course # Course Name Biology and Criminal Justice Courses BIOL 191 General Biology I + Lab BIOL 301 Cell Biology BIOL 343 Genetics BIOL 347 Forensic Biology CJ 103 Intro to Law and Justice CJ 375 Law of Criminal Evidence Chemistry Courses Chemistry core (see page 5) CHEM 431 Biochemistry I CHEM 433 Biochemistry II CHEM 324 Advanced Lab II CHEM 432 Biochemistry Lab CHEM 440 or C422* Spec-ID or Adv. Topics CHEM 495 Senior Research CHEM 495 Senior Research CHEM 498 Senior Seminar Electives TOTAL Credits 4 3 3 3 3 3 83 (80) 3 3 2 2 3 1 1 2 9 (12) 128 Pre-requisites Co-requisites MATH 108 BIOL 191 & CHEM 307 BIOL 301 (Can be an Area II credit) CJ 103 CHEM 301 & 309 CHEM 431 CHEM 323 CHEM 322 CHEM 431 CHEM 309, 321 CHEM 309 CHEM 322 CHEM 309 CHEM 322 CHEM 495, Sr. Standing (13 credits needed if CJ 103 used for Area II) * 3 credits of CHEM 422 must be completed; separate CHEM 422 courses may be taken more than once for credit. Suggested Schedule for Completion in Four Years The following is a suggested schedule and is only one of several ways to combine the degree requirements. See your advisor in the Chemistry Department to craft a specific plan for you. Fall Semester Year 1 C111/C111 L E101 M170 Course Credits College Chemistry/Lab English Composition Calculus I Elective or Core Course total credits 4 3 4 5 16 Fall Semester Year 2 C307/C308 C211/C212 PH211/211L CJ 103 Course Credits Organic Chemistry/Lab Analytical Chemistry I/Lab Physics Intro to Law and Justice total credits 5 5 5 3 18 Course Credits Physical Chemistry Biochemistry I Adv. Chemistry Lab. I Forensic Biology Elective or Core Course 3 3 2 3 6 total credits 17 Course Credits Senior Research Genetics Law of Criminal Evidence Elective or Core Course total credits 1 3 3 9 16 Fall Semester Year 3 C321 C431 C323 B347 Fall Semester Year 4 C495 B343 CJ 375 Spring Semester Year 1 C112/C112 L E102 M175 B191 Spring Semester Year 2 C309/C310 Math 275 PH212/212L Spring Semester Year 3 C322 C433 C324 B301 C495 Spring Semester Year 4 C432 C498 C440 or C422 Page 11 Course credits College Chemistry/Lab English Composition Calculus II Biology/Lab total credits 4 3 4 4 15 Course credits Organic Chemistry/Lab Multivariable/Vector Calc Physics 5 4 5 total credits 14 Course credits Physical Chemistry Biochemistry II Adv. Chemistry Lab II Cell Biology Senior Research Elective or Core Course total credits 3 3 2 3 1 4 16 Course credits Biochemistry Lab Senior Seminar Spec ID or Adv. Topics Elective or Core Course total credits 2 2 3 9 16 Chemistry Major, Geochemistry Emphasis Course # Geology Courses GEOS 100 GEOS 200 Course Name GEOS 300 GEOS 425 GEOS Chemistry Courses Chemistry core CHEM 401 CHEM 324 CHEM 411 CHEM 495 CHEM 495 CHEM 498 Electives TOTAL Degree requirements checklist Credits Fundamentals of Geology Evolution of Western North America Earth Materials Geochemistry Two additional upper division 3 3 4 3 6 (see page 5) Advanced Inorganic Chemistry Advanced Lab II Analytical Chemistry II Senior Research Senior Research Senior Seminar 83 3 2 3 1 1 2 14 128 Pre-requisites Co-requisites GEOS 100 GEOL 200 GEOL 221 and CHEM 112 CHEM 322 CHEM 323 CHEM 322 CHEM 212, 322 CHEM 309 CHEM 322 CHEM 309 CHEM 322 CHEM 495, Sr. Standing 2 of these credits must be upper division Suggested Schedule for Completion in Four Years The following is a suggested schedule for completion of the Chemistry Major, Professional Emphasis and is only one of several ways to combine the degree requirements. See your advisor in the Chemistry Department to craft a specific plan for you. Fall Semester Year 1 Course Credits Spring Semester Year 1 Course credits C111/C111 L E101 M170 College Chemistry/Lab English Composition Calculus I Elective or Core Course 4 3 4 3 C112/C112 L E102 M175 G100 total credits 14 College Chemistry/Lab English Composition Calculus II Fundamentals of Geology Elective or Core Course total credits 4 3 4 3 3 17 Fall Semester Year 2 Course Credits Spring Semester Year 2 Course credits C307/C308 C211/C212 GeoS 200 PH211/211L Organic Chemistry/Lab Analytical Chemistry/Lab Evolution W. North America Physics total credits 5 5 3 5 18 C309/C310 Math 275 PH212/212L Organic Chemistry/Lab Multivariable/ Vector Calc. Physics Elective or Core Course total credits 5 4 5 3 17 Fall Semester Year 3 Course Credits Spring Semester Year 3 Course credits C321 C323 G300 Physical Chemistry Adv. Chemistry Lab. I Earth Materials Elective or Core Course 3 2 4 8 C322 C324 G425 C495 total credits 17 Physical Chemistry Adv. Chemistry Lab II Geochemistry Senior Research Elective or Core Course total credits 3 2 3 1 6 15 Fall Semester Year 4 Course Credits Spring Semester Year 4 Course credits C495 Gxxx C401 C411 Senior Research upper div geology Adv. Inorganic Chemistry Analytical Chemistry II Elective or Core Course 1 3 3 3 6 C498 Gxxx Senior Seminar Upper Div Geology Elective or Core Course 2 3 9 Page 12 total credits 16 total credits Page 13 14 Chemistry Major, Pre-Medical Emphasis Degree requirements checklist Glenda Hill 426-3832 Course # Biology Courses BIOL 191 BIOL 192 BIOL 301 BIOL 343 Chemistry Courses Chemistry core CHEM 431 CHEM 433 CHEM 324 CHEM 432 CHEM 440 or C422* CHEM 495 CHEM 495 CHEM 498 Electives TOTAL Course Name Credits General Biology I + Lab General Biology II + Lab Cell Biology Genetics 4 4 3 3 (see page 5) Biochemistry I Biochemistry II Advanced Lab II Biochemistry Lab Spec-ID or Adv. Topics Senior Research Senior Research Senior Seminar 83 3 3 2 2 3 1 1 2 14 128 Pre-requisites Co-requisites MATH 108 BIOL 191 BIOL 191 & CHEM 307 BIOL 301 CHEM 301 & 309 CHEM 431 CHEM 323 CHEM 431 CHEM 309, 321 CHEM 309 CHEM 309 CHEM 495, Sr. Standing CHEM 322 CHEM 322 CHEM 322 * 3 credits of CHEM 422 must be completed; separate CHEM 422 courses may be taken more than once for credit. Suggested Schedule for Completion in Four Years The following is a suggested schedule for completion of the Chemistry Major, Professional Emphasis and is only one of several ways to combine the degree requirements. See your advisor in the Chemistry Department to craft a specific plan for you. Fall Semester Year 1 C111/C111 L E101 M170 B191 Fall Semester Year 2 C307/C308 C211/C212 PH211/211L Fall Semester Year 3 C321 C431 C323 Fall Semester Year 4 C495 B343 Course Credits College Chemistry/Lab English Composition Calculus I Biology/Lab Elective or Core Course total credits 4 3 4 4 1 16 Course Credits Organic Chemistry/Lab Analytical Chemistry/ Lab Physics 5 5 5 total credits 15 Course Credits Physical Chemistry Biochemistry I Adv. Chemistry Lab. I Elective or Core Course 3 3 2 7 total credits 15 Course Credits Senior Research Genetics Elective or Core Course 1 3 12 Spring Semester Year 1 C112/C112 L E102 M175 B192 Course credits College Chemistry/Lab English Composition Calculus II Biology/Lab Elective or Core Course total credits 4 3 4 4 3 18 Spring Semester Year 2 C309/C310 PH212/212L Math 275 Course credits Organic Chemistry/Lab Physics Multi Variable/ Vector Calc Elective or Core Course total credits 5 5 4 3 17 Spring Semester Year 3 C322 C433 C324 B301 C495 Course credits Physical Chemistry Biochemistry II Adv. Chemistry Lab II Cell Biology Senior Research Elective or Core Course total credits 3 3 2 3 1 3 15 Course credits Biochemistry Lab Senior Seminar Spec ID or Adv. Topics Elective or Core Course 2 2 3 9 Spring Semester Year 4 C432 C498 C440 or C422 Page 14 total credits 16 total credits Chemistry Major, Business Emphasis Course # Course Name Accounting / Economics / Business ACCT 205 Intro to Financial Accounting ACCT 206 Intro to Managerial Accounting ECON 201 Principles of Macroeconomics ECON 202 Principles of Microeconomics BUSSTAT 207 Statistical Techniques or (or MATH 254) (Applied Statistics) GENBUS 202 Legal Environment of Business ECON/ACCT 12 add'l upper division credits Chemistry Courses Chemistry core (see page 5) CHEM 324 Advanced Lab II CHEM 495* Senior Research CHEM 495* Senior Research CHEM 498 Senior Seminar Electives TOTAL 16 Degree requirements checklist Credits 3 3 3 3 3 (3) 3 12 83 (77) 2 1 1 2 9 (15) Pre-requisites Co-requisites ACCT 205 (Can be an Area II credit) (Can be an Area II credit) MATH 143 At least sophomore standing Courses must span 2 disciplines CHEM 323 CHEM 322 CHEM 309 CHEM 322 CHEM 309 CHEM 322 CHEM 495, Sr. Standing 5 of these credits must be upper div. (16 credits needed if ECON 201 & 202 used for Area II) 128 *With prior departmental approval, the student may satisfy their core CHEM 495 research requirement with an appropriate business internship. See next page for suggested schedule. Page 15 Chemistry Major, Business Emphasis Suggested Schedule for Completion in Four Years The following is a suggested schedule and is only one of several ways to combine the degree requirements. See your advisor in the Chemistry Department to craft a specific plan for you. Fall Semester Year 1 Course Credits Spring Semester Year 1 Course credits C111/C111 L E101 M170 E201 College Chemistry/Lab English Composition Calculus I Principles of Macroeconomics Elective or Core course total credits 4 3 4 3 C112/C112 L E102 M175 ECON202 College Chemistry/Lab English Composition Calculus II Elective or Core course 4 3 4 3 1 total credits 15 Fall Semester Year 2 Course Credits Spring Semester Year 2 Course credits C307/C308 C211/C212 PH211/211L Organic Chemistry/Lab Analytical Chemistry/ Lab Physics 5 5 5 C309/C310 PH212/212L Math 275 Upper Division total credits 17 Organic Chemistry/Lab Physics Multi Variable/ Vector Calc Econ or Acct. total credits 5 5 4 3 17 Fall Semester Year 3 Course Credits Spring Semester Year 3 Course credits C321 C431 C323 Physical Chemistry Biochemistry I Adv. Chemistry Lab. I Upper Div Econ or Acct Elective or Core Course 3 3 2 3 4 C322 C433 C324 B301 C495 total credits 15 Physical Chemistry Biochemistry II Adv. Chemistry Lab II Cell Biology Senior Research Upper div Econ or Acct total credits 3 3 2 3 1 3 15 Fall Semester Year 4 Course Credits Spring Semester Year 4 Course credits C495 B343 ACCT205 BUSTAT207 Senior Research Genetics Intro to Financial Accounting Statistical Techniques Upper div Econ or Acctg Elective or Core Course total credits 1 3 3 3 3 3 16 C432 C498 C440 or C422 ACCT206 GENEBUS202 Biochemistry Lab Senior Seminar Spec ID or Adv. Topics 2 2 3 3 3 3 16 3 17 Page 16 Principles of Microeconomics Intro to Managerial Accounting Legal Environment of Bus Elective or Core Course total credits Degree requirements checklist Chemistry Major, Secondary Education Emphasis* Richard McCloskey 426-3490 Course # Biology Courses BIOL 191 BIOL 192 Chemistry Courses Chemistry core CHEM 431 Education Courses EDTECH 202 ED-CIFS 301 ED-CIFS 302 ED-SPED 350 ED-CIFS 401 ED-LTCY 444 ED-CIFS 404 ED-CIFS 485 TOTAL Course Name Credits Pre-requisites Co-requisites** General Biology I + Lab General Biology II + Lab 4 4 MATH 108 BIOL 191 (see page 5) 83 Biochemistry I 3 (ED-CIFS 201 used as Area II Core) CHEM 301 & 309 Education Technology Teaching Experience Learning and Instructions Teaching Students with Exceptional Needs at the Secondary Level Professional Year Teaching Experience II Content Literacy for Secondary Students Teaching Secondary Science 3 1 4 3 *** *** *** BLOCK 1 BLOCK 1 BLOCK 1 Block 1 Block 1 Block 1 Block 2 BLOCK 2 BLOCK 2 BLOCK 2 BLOCK 3 Professional Year – Senior High Teaching Experience * 2 3 3 16 129 Because the total number of credits required for graduation with this emphasis is 129, there are no electives in this major. ** Courses listed together as a Block, must be taken as co-requisites. *** One must be admitted to the Secondary Education program in order to enroll in Block 1 courses. ED-CIFS 201 and ED-TECH 202 must be completed before application to the Secondary Education program. See next page for suggested schedule for completion. Page 17 Chemistry Major, Secondary Education Emphasis Suggested Schedule for Completion in Four Years The following is a suggested schedule and is only one of several ways to combine the degree requirements. See your advisor in the Chemistry Department to craft a specific plan for you. Fall Semester Year 1 C111/C111 L E101 M170 BIOL 191 Fall Semester Year 2 C307/C308 C211/C212 PH211/211L EDTECH202 Course credits College Chemistry/Lab English Composition Calculus I Biology I/Lab Total credits 4 3 4 4 15 Course credits Organic Chemistry/Lab Analytical Chemistry/Lab Physics/Lab Educational Technology Total credits 5 5 5 3 18 Spring Semester Year 1 C112/C112 L E102 M175 ED-CIFS 201 Spring Semester Year 2 C309/C310 M275 PH212/212L Course credits College Chemistry/Lab English Composition Calculus II Foundations of Education Total credits 4 3 4 3 14 Course credits Organic Chemistry/Lab Multivariable/Vector Calc. Physics/Lab Core Course Total credits 5 4 5 3 17 Apply for Admission to Secondary Education Fall Semester Year 3 C321 C323 C431 BIOL 192 Course credits Physical Chemistry Adv. Chemistry Lab I Biochemistry I Biology II/Lab 3 2 3 4 Core Courses Total credits 3 15 Spring Semester Year 3 C322 EDUC301 EDUC302 EDUC350 credits Physical Chemistry Teaching Experience Learning and Instruction 3 1 4 3 Teaching Students with Exceptional Needs Core Courses Total credits Take PRAXIS I exam in early fall of Yr3: results back in 6 weeks 6 17 Take PRAXIS II (chemistry content) exam after the Yr3 spring semester is complete Fall Semester Year 4 EDUC401 Ed-LTCY 444 Course credits Teaching Experience II 2 3 EDUC404 Teaching Secondary Science Core Course Total credits Content Literacy for Secondary Students Course Spring Semester Year 4 EDUC485 3 9 17 Page 18 Course credits Sr High School Student Teaching Experience 16 Total credits 16