Monocots vs. Dicots

Monocots vs. Dicots Examples Monocots • 
Grasses Corn Rye Grains Wheat Rice Dicots • 
Beans Peanuts Peas Apples Broccoli Trees Shrubs Almost anything you grow in a garden Seeds Monocots Dicots •  ProtecDve seed coat •  ProtecDve seed coat •  One (mono) cotyledon •  Two (di) cotyledons   (Cot-­‐uh-­‐lee-­‐din) •  Seeds of dicots can be separated into two halves, like a peanut Roots Monocots Dicots •  Stringy roots •  Have one long, thick •  Spread and branch out root called a taproot underground •  Small secondary roots grow from the taproot Stems Stems contain tubes that carry food downward and water and minerals upward in the plant.
Monocots Dicots •  Tubes are scaLered •  Tubes are arranged in a throughout the stems ring around the center in no parDcular paLern of the plant stem Leaves Monocots •  Parallel veins Dicots •  Veins intersect inside the leaf, forming a branching paLern Flowers Monocots Dicots •  Flowers in mulDples of •  Flowers can be in three mulDples of two, four, or five 