FACULTY OF ENGINEERING, BUILT ENVIRONMENT AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL AND AERONAUTICAL ENGINEERING 2015 STUDY GUIDE THERMODYNAMICS MTX221 Revised by: Dr. J.Dirker and Dr. L. Martins Date of last revision: 6 July 2015 Copyright reserved Hierdie studiehandleiding is ook in Afrikaans beskikbaar. This study guide is also available in Afrikaans. 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS ORGANISATIONAL COMPONENT Page 1. PURPOSE OF THE STUDY GUIDE ......................................................................... 3 2. GENERAL PREMISE AND EDUCATIONAL APPROACH ........................................ 3 3. LECTURERS, VENUES AND CONSULTING HOURS ............................................. 4 4. WHAT TO EXPECT FROM THE LECTURERS ........................................................ 4 5. WHAT IS EXPECTED FROM YOU AS STUDENT ................................................... 5 6. STUDY MATERIAL AND PURCHASES .................................................................. 5 7. PRINTING ERRORS IN THE TEXTBOOK................................................................ 6 8. LEARNING ACTIVITIES ........................................................................................... 6 9. HANDING IN OF ASSIGNMENTS AND PRACTICAL REPORTS ............................ 7 10. RULES OF ASSESSMENT ..................................................................................... 7 11. GENERAL ............................................................................................................... 8 STUDY COMPONENT 12. MODULE OBJECTIVES, ARTICULATION AND LEARNING OUTCOMES ............ 8 13. MODULE STRUCTURE .......................................................................................... 9 14. FORMULA PAGE AND TABLE BOOKLET ............................................................. 10 15.1 STUDY THEME 1: Introduction to thermodynamics ............................................ 11 15.2 STUDY THEME 2: Definitions and basic concepts .............................................. 11 15.3 STUDY THEME 3: Properties of pure substances ............................................... 12 15.4 STUDY THEME 4: Work and Heat ....................................................................... 13 15.5 STUDY THEME 5: The first law of thermodynamics ............................................ 14 15.6 STUDY THEME 6: The second law of thermodynamics ...................................... 15 15.7 STUDY THEME 7: Entropy .................................................................................. 16 15.8 STUDY THEME 8: Power cycles ......................................................................... 17 2 ORGANISATIONAL COMPONENT This study guide is a crucial part of the general study guide of the Department. In the study guide of the Department, information is given on the mission and vision of the department, general administration and regulations (professionalism and integrity, course related information and formal communication, workshop use and safety, plagiarism, class representative duties, sick test and sick exam guidelines, vacation work, appeal process and adjustment of marks, university regulations, frequently asked questions), ECSA outcomes and ECSA exit level outcomes, ECSA knowledge area, CDIO, new curriculum and assessment of cognitive levels. It is expected that you are familiar with the content of the Departmental Study Guide. It is available in English and Afrikaans on the Department’s website (www.me.up.ac.za) or: English: http://www.up.ac.za/media/shared/120/Noticeboard/Study%20Guides/departmentalstudyguide_eng_2015.zp40263.pdf Afrikaans http://www.up.ac.za/media/shared/120/Noticeboard/Study%20Guides/departementele_studiegids_afr_2015.zp40261.pdf Take note of the specific instructions in the above study guide on: Safety Plagiarism What to do if you were sick (very important)? Appeal process on the adjustment of marks 1. PURPOSE OF THE STUDY GUIDE This study guide should not be seen simply as a document that is supplied to you on commencement of lectures at the beginning of a semester. It is in fact an extremely important document that you should use like a road map throughout the semester in order to complete this course successfully. The document consists of two parts. In the first part, introductory and organizational information is given, for example who the lecturer is, what to expect from the lecturer and what is expected from you. The second part contains very important study component information. 2. GENERAL PREMISE AND EDUCATIONAL APPROACH The general objective with this module is to emphasize understanding rather than memorising, in order to visualize engineering solutions and to stimulate creative thinking in the field of engineering thermodynamics. A problem-driven approach to learning is followed. Student-centred and co-operative learning and teaching methods are applied during lectures, tutorial classes and practical sessions, in order to develop the above-mentioned skills optimally, as well as to stimulate the development of communication skills, interpersonal skills and group dynamics. Thermodynamics is a critical component of not only mechanical engineering but also of various other disciplines. In the study of this module skills are developed that will enable the learner to understand and apply the basics and principles of thermodynamics. These fundamentals will be used to solve a vast majority of engineering problems such as power and cooling cycles and problems concerned with the conservation of energy. 3 3. LECTURERS, VENUES AND CONSULTING HOURS Name Office Telephone number and/or email address Tel: 012 420 2465 (office) jaco.dirker@up.ac.za Lecturer (Afrikaans Medium) and Module Coordinator Dr. Jaco Dirker ENG III 6-92 Lecturer (English Medium) Dr. Lauber Martins ENG III 6-82 Tel: 012 420 4373 (office) lauber.martins@up.ac.za Teaching Assistants Abolarin, Sogo Cramer, Louis Jooste, Francois Joubert, Johannes Joubert, Martin Joubert, Michael Kohlmeyer, Berno Nyoka, Wandile Odido, Daniel Otterman, Tanja Pallent, Matthew Poulain, Pierre Van den Heuvel, Robyn ENG III 6-99 ENG III, CDIO Lab ENG III, CDIO Lab ENG III, CDIO Lab ENG III, CDIO Lab ENG III, CDIO Lab ENG III, CDIO Lab ENG III, CDIO Lab ENG III, CDIO Lab ENG III 6-71 ENG III, CDIO Lab ENG III 6-65 ENG III 6-71 sogoabolarin@gmail.com louis_cramer@yahoo.co.uk francois@verticalhorison.co.za jcj.sqr@gmail.com martin.joubert@axxess.co.za michaeljoubert@rocketmail.com berno.kohlmeyer@gmail.com wandilenyoka@yahoo.com odido@hotmail.com tanjao@mweb.co.za matthew.pallent@gmail.com pierrepoulain37@gmail.com robzvdh@gmail.com Lecture venues Please refer to the module time table for lecture halls and times. Consulting hours Please refer to the times on each lecturer’s office door. Preliminary consultation times will be announced after the commencement of the semester. These consulting times are only valid during lecturing weeks. It will be appreciate if you could keep to these consultation times. Other appointments should please be made via email. When you request an appointment with a lecturer via email, please supply us with 3 possible times. 4. WHAT TO EXPECT FROM THE LECTURERS The lecturers undertake to: share with you their knowledge and experience and, in doing so, prepare you for practice; attempt to establish a passion for the subject within you and aid your academic development; hand out test results as soon as possible; be well-prepared for formal lectures; do everything in their ability to explain the work to you as well as possible and to make it as understandable as possible; treat you in a professional manner; be fair and courteous towards you at all times; never humiliate you for asking a question during lectures (even if you and/or your class-mates should regard it as a 'stupid' question); do everything in their power to help you pass the course. 4 5. WHAT IS EXPECTED FROM YOU AS STUDENT The following is expected from you: 6. show loyalty and integrity; be diligent and enthusiastic in your work; behave in a disciplined manner in class; discuss any problems you may experience with regard to the subject with the lecturers as soon as possible (please refer to the consultation times section) ask questions freely during lectures; act professionally. STUDY MATERIAL AND PURCHASES Prescribed textbook: The prescribed book will be used extensively in the second and third year of particularly the mechanical engineering programme and it is essential that each student obtains a copy: Borgnakke, Sonntag, 2013. Fundamentals of thermodynamics. SI version, 8th edition. Wiley: New York. ISBN: 978-1-118-32177-5 Thermodynamic tables: Each student should download the official thermodynamics table-set from Click-UP, print it our (double sided) and ring bind it. THE USE OF TABLET-COMPUTERS FOR CONSULTING THE TABLES IS NOT RECOMMENDED. By using the hardcopy format, you can familiarise yourself with the test- and exam conditions. Class test material: For class tests each student should supply his/her own single-sheet A4 writing paper. 7. PRINTING ERRORS IN THE TEXTBOOK No information received yet. 8. LEARNING ACTIVITIES The learning activities consist of contact time/lecture time, learning time, tutor classes, and assignment(s). 8.1 Contact time and learning hours Number of lectures per week: 4 Number of tutor classes per week: 1 session (3 hours) This module carries a weight of 16 credits, indicating that on average a student should spend some 160 hours to master the required skills (including preparation time for tests and examinations). This means that you will need to continuously spend 11 to 12 hours a week on this module. The average contact time is approximately 5 to 7 hours per week, meaning that another 4 to 7 hours per week of self-study time should be devoted 5 to the module. If the students feel that they need additional tutor classes to understand the principles they are encouraged to contact the lecturer. 8.2 Contact Sessions Lectures are presented in a style of co-operative and student-centred learning. A brief clarification and explanation of the subject matter and concepts are given during the lectures. Example problems will be worked out in detail in class. Students are advised to participate actively in discussions and to ask questions. All the relevant study material is adequately referenced and is available in the textbook and the study guide. Please also refer to Click-UP for a schedule of the sessions and lecture slides which are normally made available prior to each lecture. 8.3 Assignments One individual assignment will be supplied to you. (No group work). Marks will be assigned and used to determine the semester marks. 8.4 Tutorial Sessions and Class Tests Recommended problems will be supplied to you on Click-UP for each study theme. The final answers will be supplied on Click-UP also, but not the full memorandum. It is expected of you to attempt these problems before the tutorial session starts. Problems can be discussed with the lecturer or teaching assistant or class members in the tutorial venue. During normal conditions, where permitted, a class test will be written at the end of the weekly tutorial session. The class test will be on the work done with you during the preceding lectures. Class test scopes will be made known to you. Please refer to the session schedules posted on Click-UP. Memoranda of the class test will be published on Click-UP, and where possible, will be discussed with you in the following tutorial session. It is expected of you to prepare for these class test and tutorial classes. Small surprise class test could also be written during some lecture sessions to test the content of that particular lecture or the lecture prior. These class tests can be used to improve your tutorial class test average and is meant to reward those that attend class regularly. 8.5 Laboratory Practicals Three practicals are accommodated in this module: Practical A: Saturation pressure and temperature Practical B: Temperature measurement and calibration Practical C: Pressure measurement and calibration It is required from each student to attend one practical. The following process will be followed during organising of the practical schedules: 1. The practical (A, B, or C) which you have to attend will be allocated to you. 2. Book your practical on the booking schedules (probably on Click-UP) according to the available times when the practical will be presented. Each student may only book one time-slot. 3. Meet the teaching assistant at the laboratory according to your booking. 6 4. After completion of the practical each student is to individually complete and submit a practical report. The relevant teaching assistant (that led your practical session) will make an arrangement in this regard. Practical and safety arrangement regarding the practicals: Practicals are presented in the wind tunnel laboratory on the basement level of the heavy machines laboratory building (behind engineering building II). Students are required to wear closed shoes when they enter the laboratory (NO sandals) Clothing should be tucked in to reduce the risk of becoming entangled on equipment in the laboratory. Follow instructions given by the teaching assistant. Unauthorised handling or adjusting of any piece of equipment or set-up in the laboratory is prohibited. 9. HANDING IN OF ASSIGNMENTS AND PRACTICAL REPORTS All assignments should be submitted before or on the deadline. Ten percent will be deducted for each day (or part thereof, starting with one minute) you submit late. Thus, if your mark is 73% for an assignment, and you submit two days late, you will receive 53%. 10. RULES OF ASSESSMENT Also see the examination regulations in the yearbooks of the Faculty of Engineering, the Built Environment and Information Technology (Part 1: Engineering or Part 2: Built Environment and Information Technology). Examination entrance: In addition to the general University regulation and the assessment schedule, your attention is placed on the fact that in order to receive examination entrance for this module you are required to: Attend the laboratory practical Obtain a mark of at least 50% for the practical report. Pass requirements: In order to pass the module a student must obtain a final mark of at least 50%. Calculation of the final mark: The final mark is calculated as follows: Semester mark: 50% Examination mark: 50% (The duration of the final examination is three hours.) Calculation of the semester mark. The semester mark is compiled as follows: Semester tests: 60% Class tests: 20% Assignments: 10% Laboratory Practicals: 10% Semester tests. Two tests of 90 minutes each will be written during the scheduled test weeks of the School of Engineering. Dates, times and venues will be announced as soon as the timetables become available. 7 Absence from tests/exams Refer to the study guide of the Department of Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering. 11. GENERAL Copying of work All work i.e. assignments and tests must be the student’s own. This aspect applies especially to assignments. Under no circumstance is a student allowed to copy the work of somebody else. Students who make themselves guilty of academic dishonesty will be dealt with according to the applicable disciplinary procedure, and may in the worst cases result in expulsion. Regulations, behaviour, grievances and academic dishonesty All students are required to adhere to the policies and rules of the University of Pretoria and the Faculty of Engineering, the Built Environment and Information Technology in terms of conduct in class, grievance procedures, and academic dishonesty and/or any other related issue not stipulated. Calculator specifications Only silent pocket calculators operating with batteries are allowed (no “Laptops”, “Palms”, “Tablets” etc.). No text may be programmed into the calculator. Official notices Official notices will be announced in class and will be put up on Click-UP. This also includes any possible changes/amendments as provided in this study guide. STUDY COMPONENT 12. MODULE OBJECTIVES, ARTICULATION AND LEARNING OUTCOMES 12.1 General objectives As already mentioned in the general objectives the purpose of this course is to emphasize understanding rather than memorising, in order to stimulate creative thinking and the development of communication skills between engineers of different disciplines. In this regard the purpose of this course is to familiarise the student with the basic principles of classical thermodynamics and to illustrate the application thereof to a number of practical engineering problems. The student should, after he /she has completed this course, be able to solve thermodynamic problems by him-/herself. Thermodynamics is a science that concerns itself with heat (thermos) and work (dynamics) and is based on the conservation laws of mass, energy and momentum (to an extent) and the law of increasing entropy. These laws are written in an applicable format to solve the specific problem at hand. The applicability of thermodynamics is immense and includes chemical installations, agricultural processes, cooling cycles, heat pumps, gas turbines, power cycles and cosmology. 12.2 Prerequisite learning Students are expected to have a basic knowledge of physics and mathematics. 8 13. MODULE STRUCTURE Study theme and Study units 1. Introduction to thermodynamics 1.1 The definition of thermodynamics 1.2 Practical applications 2. Definitions and basic concepts 2.1 Basic concepts 2.2 Temperature scales 2.3 Problems 3. Properties of pure substances 3.1 Thermodynamic surfaces 3.2 Gases 3.3 Problems 4. Work and heat 4.1 Work 4.2 Heat 4.3 Problems 5. The first law of thermodynamics 5.1 Cycle 5.2 Process 5.3 Energy 5.4 Specific heat capacities 5.5 Control volumes 5.6 Problems 6. The classical second law of thermodynamics 6.1 Heat engines, coolers and heat pumps 6.2 Clausius and Kelvin-Planck 6.3 The Carnot cycle 6.4 Problems 7. Entropy 7.1 Cycle 7.2 Process 7.3 Entropy 7.4 Control volumes 7.5 Problems 8. Power cycles 8.1 Rankine cycle 8.2 Air-standard Carnot cycle 8.3 Air-standard Otto cycle 8.4 Air-standard diesel cycle 8.5 Stirling and Ericson cycles 8.6 Brayton cycle 8.7 Air-standard cycle for jet propulsion 8.8 Problems Laboratory Practical Tests and Examinations Mode of instruction Introductory lecture on thermodynamics, Self-study Lectures, tutor classes, problems, self-study Lectures, tutor classes, problems, self-study Lectures, tutor classes and problems, self-study Lectures, tutor classes problems self-study Learning hours1 1 Contact sessions - estimated 1 3 2 2 3 5 2 5 5 4 2 5 5 12 5 10 8 5 7 6 17 Lectures, tutor classes, problems, self-study 4 2 4 3 6 Lectures, tutor classes, problems, self-study 11 5 8 4 16 Lectures, tutor classes, problems, self-study 11 4 7 6 15 Laboratory session self-study report Class tests Semester tests Examination 1 1 4 4 3 (2x1.5) 3 164 1 Total 74 1 Note: The notional hours include the contact time, as well as the estimated time allowed for self study, preparation for assignments, test and exams. 9 14. FORMULA PAGE AND TABLE BOOKLET The formula page given below and a table booklet will be supplied in each semester test and in the examination. You should use it when you solve problems in order to familiarize yourself with examination conditions. You are also required to print and bind your own table booklet. The table booklet content can be downloaded from Click-UP. f x fg Pv ZRT H U PV W PdV PV n const. u Cv T v h Cp T p W QH TdS dU PdV QL / H W TdS dH VdP E U mV 2 mgZ 2 dm m e m i 0 dt Q W mV12 mV22 mgZ 1 U 2 mgZ 2 1W2 1 Q2 U 1 2 2 Vi2 Ve2 dE gZ i ) me (he gZ e ) W Q mi (hi dt 2 2 Q T 0 dS δQ = + δS gen dt T Q c .v . dS c .v . = ∑m i si - ∑m e s e + ∑ + S gen dt T T2 P2 T1 P1 k 1 k T2 V1 T1 V2 10 k 1 P2 V1 P1 V2 k 15.1 STUDY THEME 1: Introduction to thermodynamics Study units 8th Edition: Refer to the Click-UP slides Outcomes At the end of this study theme a student should be able to: reproduce the definition of thermodynamics describe how each of the following systems work: o simple steam power-cycle o fuel cell o vapour-compression cooling cycle o thermo-electrical cooler o air separation plant o gas turbine o rocket engine; state and predict where thermodynamics is applied in practice identify the importance of thermodynamics based on the examples above. Criteria of assessment At the end of this study theme, a student should be able to: compare different examples of thermodynamic systems with each other explain and motivate why thermodynamics is important in engineering give a qualitative description of thermodynamic systems without being able to do quantitative problem solving. 15.2 STUDY THEME 2: Definitions and basic concepts Study units 8th Edition: Chapter 1, §1.1 - §1.11 Self-study activities 8th Edition: Chapter 1, §1.12 Recommended problems Refer to Click-UP Outcomes At the end of this study theme a student should be able to: identify and describe the difference between a control mass and control volume state the difference between a microscopic and a macroscopic approach identify which one of the above-mentioned approaches is taught in this course define the terms phase, state and property of a substance define the terms intensive and extensive properties define, understand and apply the terms thermodynamic equilibrium and quasiequilibrium state explain what is meant by a process explain what is meant by a cycle know and formulate the definitions of the SI units for specific volume, absolute and gauge pressure explain the operation of the manometer and solve similar engineering problems 11 formulate the zeroth law of thermodynamics know the origin of the absolute temperature scale Criteria of assessment At the end of this study theme, a student should: be familiar with the “tools” that will be used in following study themes (The tools are concepts like specific volume, phase change, absolute pressure, and meter pressure. Problems in following study themes will use these concepts frequently to solve practical problems.) be able to quantitatively and with a realistic accuracy formulate and solve thermodynamic properties i.e. specific volume, absolute pressure, meter pressure, temperature, etc. be able to apply with judgement the zeroth law of thermodynamics where practical problems must be solved, especially in the following study themes. 15.3 STUDY THEME 3: Properties of pure substances Study units 8th Edition: Chapter 2, §2.1 - §2.9 Self-study activities 8th Edition: Chapter 2, §2.10 - §2.12 Recommended problems Refer to Click-UP Outcomes At the end of this study theme a student should be able to: define the terms ‘pure substance’ and ‘simply compressible substance’ understand and explain the concept of phase change under constant pressure understand and explain the principle of a vapour curve draw the T-v and P-v diagram for a pure substance and explain the diagram define the term compressed (undercooled) liquid, saturated liquid, saturated vapour and superheated vapour define the concept of dryness factor (quality) calculate liquid and vapour fractions by applying the dryness factor (quality) explain what is meant by critical point and the triple phase point of a pure substance explain the terms melting, evaporation, sublimation and show the concepts on a T-v and P-v diagram understand explain the term thermodynamic surfaces know when the properties of a pure substance is independent, and be able to establish whether given properties are sufficient to describe a substance state fully solve thermodynamic problems by using the steam tables apply and know the state equation for an ideal gas in order to calculate its properties explain the difference between a universal and a specific gas constant and be able to use it with the state equation identify and formulate the units of the universal and specific gas constants 12 explain and identify under which circumstances a gas can be treated as an ideal gas solve problems using the compressibility factor for a specific gas at a specific condition Criteria of assessment At the end of this study theme, a student should: be familiar with the “tools” that will be used in the following study themes. (The tools are concepts i.e. phase change, compressibility, thermodynamic tables, thermodynamic surfaces, dryness factor, etc. Problems in all of the following themes will make use of these tools and concepts. Therefore, these concepts need to be calculated with a realistic accuracy.) be able to solve problems quantitatively by determining the thermodynamic properties of systems be able to determine the thermodynamic properties of problems where phase changes occur. 15.4 STUDY THEME 4: Work and heat Study units 8th Edition: Chapter 3, §3.3 - §3.6 Self-study activities 8th Edition: Chapter 3, §3.14 Recommended problems Refer to Click-UP Outcomes At the end of this study theme a student should be able to: formulate the definition of work explain the definition of work as well as the mathematical formulation of it state the sign convention for work done on or by a system and formulate the SI units for work calculate a mathematical formulation for work done on system boundaries explain why work is described as a path function as opposed to a point function explain what is meant by a polytropic process and be able to perform the integration to obtain work done during such a process formulate the definition of heat explain why heat is described as a transitional phenomena state the sign convention for the heat transfer process and formulate the SI units for heat explain what is meant by an adiabatic process and identify such processes explain and motivate whether heat is a path function or not identify and describe the similarities between heat and work Criteria of assessment At the end of this study theme, a student should: be familiar with the “tools” that will be used in the following study themes. (The tools are the concept: work, heat and adiabatic. Problems in all of the following 13 themes will make use of these tools and concepts. Therefore, these concepts need to be calculated with a realistic accuracy and by taking into consideration the sign convention that needs to be used.) be able to understand and compare the exchangeability between work and heat and to solve problems with it be able to solve any practical problem with a realistic accuracy by determining work and/or heat be able to solve any practical problem by determining the thermodynamic properties if the work and/or heat input/output is known. 15.5 STUDY THEME 5: The first law of thermodynamics Study units 8th Edition: Chapter 3, §3.1- §3.2, §3.7 - §3.13 8th Edition: Chapter 4, §4.1 - §4.6 Self-study activities 8th Edition: Chapter 3, §3.14 8th Edition: Chapter 4, §4.7 Recommended problems Refer to Click-UP Outcomes At the end of this study theme a student should be able to: explain and formulate the first law of thermodynamics explain the concept of cyclic integral explain and formulate the first law of thermodynamics for a cycle explain and formulate the first law of thermodynamics for a process indicate how the energy of a system is defined and motivate whether it is a point or path function identify the three components constituting the energy of a system identify and explain whether energy is an intensive or extensive property solve engineering problems using the dryness factor (quality) and tables for internal energy define the term enthalpy explain whether enthalpy is an intensive or extensive property solve engineering problems using the dryness factor (quality) and table for enthalpy identify and formulate the SI units for enthalpy and internal energy explain and reproduce the definition of specific heat capacities apply the specific heat capacities to problems relating to ideal gases identify and know the relations between heat capacities and the gas constant for ideal gases apply the specific heat capacities to problems relating to liquid and solids derive the first law of thermodynamics as a rate equation write down the continuity equation ((mas balance) for a control volume and simplify it know and be able to reproduce the assumptions for a steady state process for a wide range of steady flow devices. understand and be able to explain the throttling process 14 be able to analyse the following devices by means of a control volume approach to first order accuracy by using the First Law (for heat transfer and work): turbines, compressors, heat exchangers, throttling devices, nozzles, diffusers, mixing chambers. know and be able to reproduce the assumptions for a uniform state process be able to derive the first law for a uniform state system be able to apply the First Law in a non-steady application for a control volume for the filling and emptying of tanks. Criteria of assessment At the end of this study theme, a student should be able to: solve problems quantitatively with reasonable accuracy from first and fundamental principles by making use of the first law of thermodynamics motivate which terms of the first law of thermodynamics, under what conditions can be ignored and which terms should be taken into consideration use engineering judgement on the approach that should/could be used to consider a problem critically, to select an appropriate control volume, to make the necessary assumptions, and to solve the problem with sufficient and realistic accuracy. 15.6 STUDY THEME 6: The classical second law of thermodynamics Study units 8th Edition: Chapter 5, §5.1 - §5.9 Self-study activities 8th Edition: Chapter 5, §5.10 Recommended problems Refer to Click-UP Outcomes At the end of this study theme a student should be able to: identify and explain the definition of a heat engine formulate the thermal efficiency of a heat engine identify and explain the definition of a chiller/heat pump formulate the equation for coefficient of performance of a chiller and heat pump explain what is meant by ‘thermal reservoir’ define the Clausius and Kelvin-Planck formulations of the second law of thermodynamics and show that these are equivalent. explain and define a reversible process identify which factors ensure reversibility know the relation between quasi-equilibrium and reversibility derive the processes in the Carnot cycle explain the effects of reversibility and irreversibility on the efficiency of heat engines and on the performance of chillers/heat pumps formulate the two proofs relating to the efficiency of a Carnot cycle Criteria of assessment At the end of this study theme, a student should be able to: 15 solve problems quantitatively with reasonable accuracy from first and fundamental principles by making use of the second law of thermodynamics motivate which terms of the second law of thermodynamics, under what conditions, can be ignored and which terms should be taken into consideration. use engineering judgement on the approach that should/could be used to consider a problem critically, to select an appropriate control volume, to make the necessary assumptions, and to solve the problem with sufficient and realistic accuracy. 15.7 STUDY THEME 7: Entropy Study units 8th Edition: Chapter 6, §6.1- §6.11 8th Edition: Chapter 7, §7.1- §7.6 Self-study activities 8th Edition: Chapter 6, §6.12 - §6.13 Recommended problems Refer to Click-UP Outcomes At the end of this study theme a student should be able to: know and reproduce the second law for a cycle (Clausius inequality) understand and be able to explain the second law for a cycle know and reproduce the second law for reversible and irreversible processes understand and be able to explain the second law for reversible and irreversible process know and be able to explain how the entropy for a system is defined, and know if it is a path or point function know and explain whether entropy is an intensive or extensive property be able to use the dryness factor (quality) and tables for entropy to solve problems know and be able to write down the SI units for entropy be able to draw and explain the temperature vs. entropy diagram for a Carnot cycle know and be able to reproduce the equations for the change in entropy as a function of change in internal energy, enthalpy, pressure and volume understand and be able to explain the concept of ‘lost work’ understand and be able to prove the principle of increasing entropy for a process of a system be able to calculate the change in entropy for solids, liquids and ideal gases understand and explain an isentropic process understand and derive from first principles the second law for a control volume know and be able to reproduce the assumptions for a steady state condition be able to derive the second law for a steady state condition know and be able to reproduce the assumptions for a uniform state process be able to derive the second law for a uniform state process understand and be able to prove the principle of increasing entropy for a control volume 16 understand and be able to apply the isentropic efficiency for different types of control volumes Criteria of assessment At the end of this study theme, a student should be able to: solve problems quantitatively with reasonable accuracy from first and fundamental principles by making use of the second law of thermodynamics. motivate which terms of the second law of thermodynamics, under what conditions can be ignored and which terms should be taken into consideration. use engineering judgement on the approach that should/could be used to consider a problem critically, to select an appropriate control volume, to make the necessary assumptions, and to solve the problem with sufficient and realistic accuracy. 15.8 STUDY THEME 8: Power cycles Study units 8th Edition: Chapter 9, §9.1- §9.7 8th Edition: Chapter 10, §10.1- §10.5, §10.7- §10.9 Recommended problems Refer to Click-UP Outcomes At the end of this study theme, a student should be able to: Rankine cycle (a) know the processes that constitute the cycle and be able to write them down in the correct order (b) be able to draw the cycle schematically and be able to represent it on a T-s diagram (c) be able to calculate the thermal efficiency of the cycle (d) know and be able to explain the influence of the turbine exhaust pressure, boiler pressure and overheating on the efficiency of the cycle (e) be able to show the reheat cycle on a T-s diagram (f) know and be able to explain how the real cycle differs from the ideal Rankine cycle referring to the losses in the pipes, turbine, pump and condenser (g) do complete calculations for the cycle Air-standard Carnot cycle (a) know what is meant by an open cycle and be able to explain it (b) know and be able to reproduce the six assumptions made when an internal combustion engine (for example) is approximated by an air-standard cycle (c) know and be able to reproduce the definition of the mean effective pressure (d) know the processes that constitute the air standard Carnot cycle and be able to write them down in the correct order (e) draw the cycle schematically and be able to represent it on a T-s diagram (f) calculate the thermal efficiency of the cycle (g) know and be able to explain the definition of the isentropic pressure ratio and the isentropic compression ratio (h) understand the pros and cons of this cycle and be able to explain them 17 (i) do complete calculations for the cycle Air-standard Otto cycle (a) know the processes that constitute the cycle and be able to write them down in the correct order (b) represent the cycle on a P-v and T-s diagram (c) calculate the thermal efficiency of the cycle (d) understand and be able to explain the definition of the compression ratio (e) understand and be able to explain the differences between the real spark ignition engine and the Otto-cycle (f) do complete calculations for the cycle Air-standard diesel cycle (a) know the processes that constitute the cycle and be able to write them down in the correct order (b) represent the cycle on a P-v and T-s diagram (c) calculate the thermal efficiency of the cycle (d) compare the differences of the diesel and Otto cycles (e) understand and explain the difference between the real pressure ignition engine and the diesel cycle (f) do complete calculations for the cycle Stirling and Ericson cycle (a) represent the cycle on a P-v and T-s diagram (b) explain what is special about these cycles concerning their efficiencies Brayton cycle (a) draw the cycle schematically and represent it on a T-s and P-v diagram (b) calculate the thermal efficiency of the cycle (c) understand and explain the influence of irreversibility on the cycle (d) do complete calculations for the cycle Air-standard cycle for jet propulsion (a) explain the operation of the cycle (b) draw the cycle schematically and represent it on a T-s diagram (c) perform calculations regarding this cycle Criteria of assessment At the end of this study theme, a student should be able to: solve problems quantitatively with reasonable accuracy from first and fundamental principles by making use of the first and second laws of thermodynamics. motivate which terms of the first and second laws of thermodynamics, under what conditions can be ignored and which terms should be taken into consideration. use engineering judgement on the approach that should/could be used to critically consider a problem, to select an appropriate control volume, to make the necessary assumptions, and to solve the problem with sufficient and realistic accuracy. use different approaches to solve thermodynamic problems quantitatively with sufficient and realistic accuracy. 18