Alumni Updates Anthony (Art) Arton is running for the Missouri House of Representatives (121st District). Michael Carey is working on Secretary of State Robin Carnahan's re-election. John J. Carter is a professor of History and Political Science at Central Methodist University. Phillip Castleberry is Senior Associate Director of Development, Arts & Sciences for the Washington University in St. Louis Nathan Dampf is on Missouri Speaker of the House Rod Jetton's staff. Sue Dodson is an Associate Circuit Court Judge for Johnson County. Casey Exendine is Representative Will Kraus' legislative assistant in Jefferson City Alex Goring graduated from Washburn, was admitted to the bar, and now works for the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Immigration Litigation. Josh Fizer received his J.D. from Washington University. Richard Holtmeyer is an assistant attorney general for the state of Missouri in the financial services division. Allison Jaslow just returned from Iraq where she served as an officer in the U.S. Army. Jessica Johnson is an Academic Advisor here are UCM for the Arts, Humanities, and Social Science college. Ryan Johnson manages Annual Fund Drives for UCM’s Alumni Office. Chris Moreno is a campaign manager for the Jay Nixon campaign. Heidi Osner works for Missouri Senator Bill Stouffer. Tim Rich is pursuing a Ph. D at Indiana University. Kevin Stamps is working on the Jay Nixon campaign. Many alumns are attending Law School Cassie Carpenter is attending law school at Washburn. Ivan Cason is a law student at St. Louis University Aaron Conn will be attending Creighton Law School in the fall. Rebecca Dyer is a law student at UMKC. Ethan Gibson is a law student at the University of Houston. Rebecca (Craig) Fizer is a law student at UMKC. Rebecca Henderson is a law student at Michigan State University. Amy Moore will be starting her second year of law school at the University of Missouri. Kathryn New will be attending law school at UMKC. Nick Taulbee is a law student at Iowa University. Ernie Ueligger with be attending MU Law School in the fall. Survey We would like to hear from you! Please send information about your recent graduate school and/or career developments to Julia Kerr at or log on to and fill out our survey confidentially. Family News We have two new members of the Political Science Department. Dr. Staab, his wife, Renee, and their daughter Ashley welcomed Nicholas and Oliver Staab into the world on Earth Day, April 22, 2008! POLS UPDATE Department of Political Science Newsletter July 2008 From the Main Office Greetings! Can you believe another year has flown by? We hope our alumni and friends are well and have had a good year. The Political Science Department had an exciting year. U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia was on campus in March. He gave the Julius J. Oppenheimer Lecture on the evening of March 4th and spoke in my Public Law and the Judicial Process course on March 5th. Justice Scalia’s Oppenheimer Lecture on “Constitutional Interpretation” was well attended (1,400) and a number of media outlets (including CBS’s “60 Minutes”) picked up the event. This year’s lineup of speakers for Politics and Social Justice Week was outstanding: Tatyana Karaman, Abdul Bakar, Alvin Sykes, Ioannis Stivachtis, and David Pearce. Alvin Sykes gave the keynote address. A self -made civil rights activist from Kansas City, Sykes spoke about his work on the Steve Harvey and Emmett Till cases, as well as the Emmett Till Unsolved Civil Rights Act. Our student organizations competed well this year and earned a number of awards. The Mock Trial team placed fourth in regional competition, earning them a bid (fifth in a row!) to the nationals, where two students (Zach Harvey and K. Adam Sommer) earned Best Attorney Awards. Finally, whenever prospective students or parents ask me about our program, I always begin with high praise for our faculty. This year Political Science faculty won three of the four awards granted by the College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences (CAHSS). Dr. Gregory Streich won the CAHSS Excellence in Teaching Award, Dr. Shari Bax won the CAHSS Meritorious Service Award, and Dr. Henry Wambuii won the CAHSS New Faculty Achievement Award. We’d love to hear from our alumni, so please drop by or send us an e-mail ( As noted on the last page, we have established a survey for our alumni, which can be found on our webpage ( For the annual report each year, I am asked to provide statistics on what our alumni are doing. We could use your help in accurately documenting this information. From your responses, we will establish an alumni database with contact information, so we can send out periodic notices about special events (e.g., Lecture Series Speakers and Politics and Social Justice Week). We’d also like to profile one of our alumni in subsequent newsletters and present an “Outstanding Alumni” award each year. So PLEASE complete the survey!—and best wishes for 2008-09 and have a restful and pleasant summer. Faculty Awards and Achievements Department of Political Science Wood 005 Warrensburg, MO 64093-5059 8 Bax, Shari: Received the CAHSS Meritorious Service Award; presented paper at the 2007 American Democracy Project National Meeting and will present another at the 2008 meeting; is revising an article submitted in 2007; another article will be submitted in 2008; serving on the Carnegie Community Engagement Grant Writing Committee; invited speaker for the 21st Century Leadership Academy; regularly gives interviews to media on state and national politics; member of the Middle East Search Committee; University Academic Standards Committee; academic/curriculum consultant for MBS/MGS; coordinator for the American Democracy Project; State Government Internship Coordinator; mentor for McNair Program and honor students; faculty advisor for the Political Science Students Association, the College Democrats, Breakers, Alpha Sigma Alpha, and the Sue Shear Institute for Women in Public Life fellowship program Non-Profit Organization U.S. POSTAGE PAID Warrensburg, MO 64093 Permit No. 102 Budd, Darlene: Promoted to Aconferences in Chicago, IL and associate Professor; as faculty advisor for the UCM Model United Nations Club, traveled with the club to St. Louis, MO; presented a paper on Chinese investment in Mexico at the International Conference of Asian Studies in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (August, 2007); co-authored the peer-reviewed article, “`The Roma: A European Minority?’ The EU Accession Process and the Roma Minority in New, Soon-to-Be, and Hopeful Member States” in Comparative European Politics 6:1 (2008); served as panel discussant at the “Terrorism and Justice” Conference at UCM (February, 2007), guest speaker during National Geography Awareness Week where she discussed the remilitarization of Japan; serves on the Women and Gender Studies Steering Committee, the College Curriculum Committee, and the Achievement Awards Committee. Kalaitzidis, Akis: Presented paper at the Southwest Political Science Association Meeting; will present a paper at the International Conference on Politics and International Affairs (23-26 June 2008) in Athens, Greece; co-authored a peer reviewed article titled “Adding the Domestic Determinants to Greek Foreign Policy” for the Journal of Political and Military Sociology; co-authored a book titled Immigration: A Documentary and Reference Guide (Greenwood Publishing Group, June 2008); published a book chapter titled “The Race to the Bottom: Tax Reform and Economic Development in the European Union,” in The State of European Integration (Ashgate Publishing, 2007); is under contract to publish Europe’s Greece: A Giant in the Making (Palgrave-McMillan, Spring 2009); he served on the Steering Committee for the International Studies Major; member of the department’s Middle East Search Committee; and advisor for the College Libertarians, the Model UN, and the Student Alliance for Peace. Staab, James: Introduced and moderated United States Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia’s Oppenheimer Series Lecture on March 4, 2008; KTGB interview about his book on Justice Scalia and the Justice’s visit to campus, which aired on February 29, 2008; panelist on roundtable at the Western Political Science Association Meeting entitled “Justice Scalia and Conservatism on the Supreme Court”; presented paper titled “The War on Terror’s Impact on Habeas Corpus: The Constitutionality of the Military Commissions Act of 2006” at the “Terrorism and Justice” Conference (UCM) on February 18, 2008; authored two op-ed pieces-“Much at Stake in Coming Election for Democrats” (February 8, 2008) and “On the U.S. Supreme Court, A Fault Line Between the Conservatives” (July 17, 2007)—for the Kansas City Star; invited Alvin Sykes, a civil rights activist, to campus for a university-wide address; co-invited David Cole, Georgetown Law professor, to campus to speak at “Terrorism and Justice” Conference on February 18, 2008; served on Chairs Council, Academic Council, and the Steering Committee for Justice Scalia’s visit; was an invited speaker at the Warrensburg Kiwanis Club (April 1, 2008); serves as the co-advisor to the Pre-Law Student Association and assistant coach for the Mock Trial Team. Streich, Gregory: Promoted to Full Professor; received CAHSS Excellence in Teaching Award; received a sabbatical leave in spring 2008; published “Deliberative Social Capital and the Politics of Transition,” in Trust and Transitions: Civil Societies in a Changing World, eds. Joseph D. Lewandowski and Milan Znoj (Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Press, forthcoming 2008); co-authored “Democratizing Social Capital: In Pursuit of Liberal Egalitarianism,” with Joseph D. Lewandowski, Journal of Social Philosophy 38:4 (2007); authored four encyclopedia essays; two articles under review and two book manuscripts in preparation; presented two papers at conferences and served as a panel chair; founding member of the Association of Political Theory; serves on the Steering Committee for Africana Studies; faculty advisor for Pi Sigma Alpha and the Mace and Torch; advisor for Academic Probation and Re-admission Students Wambuii, Henry: Published one book (The Politics of HIV/AIDS and Implications for Democracy in Kenya (Edwin Mellen Press, 2006)) and is working on second book project examining poverty alleviation in SubSaharan Africa; recipient of the CAHSS New Faculty Achievement Award and a Scholarly/Creative Activity Award in the amount of $10,500; authored five forthcoming encyclopedia entries; chaired the department’s Middle East Search Committee; served on Dean’s Committee to examine future structuring of Geography, Women’s Studies, and Religious Studies; member of the International Affairs Committee and the Academic Standards Committee; faculty advisor for the Model UN program and Pi Sigma Alpha; serves on Steering Committee for Africana Studies; coordinator of the department’s newsletter. 2 Model United Nations During the 2007-2008 academic year, the University of Central Missouri Model United Nations club participated in two regional competitions. Over 60 universities and colleges represented over 90 countries at each conference. Students attending one or both conferences included: Ben Asplund, Christopher Brockway, Mike Brunelli, Angela Cook, Daniel Altis, Jonathan Hilton, Elshan Ibrahimov, Babak Mammadov, Caroline Wanja Muriithi, Taylor Olson, Ashley Peterson, Samantha Rush, Raghvendra Singh, Kelly Wenell, Anthony White, and Brooke Wise. The delegation at the American Model United Nations conference in Chicago represented the country of Azerbaijan, the home country of Elsahn Ibrahimov and Babbak Mammadov! Raghvendra Singh was selected to serve on the media and broadcast committee at this year’s conference. At the Midwest Model United Nations conference in St. Louis, the club represented the country of Lebanon. Chris Brockway served as the country’s representative on the Security Council during the conference “crisis session.” The club is open to all UCM students interested in the functions and activities of the United Nations who have the desire to work with fellow students to research and debate international issues in a simulated United Nations forum. Watch for upcoming events and meetings this fall! The Mock Trial Team Each year the team is presented with a hypothetical criminal or civil case for which they develop a legal strategy and compete in regional and national competitions. This year’s team competed in the Biliken Barrister Invitational in St. Louis, MO, the Blue Jay Open Mock Trial Tournament in Omaha, NE, the Loras Mock Trial Tournament in Dubuque, IA, and the UMKC Mock Trial Tournament in Kansas City, MO. The team also competed in regional competition at the University of Missouri, and placed fourth out sixteen teams, earning them a spot at the silver national competition at Northwestern University. This is the fifth year in a row the team has qualified for the national tournament! The members of the 2007-2008 team were Adam Sommer (captain), Darren Doherty, Zach Harvey, Ernie Ueligger, Angela Dudley, Nathan Davis, Josh Wiseman, Justin Hauser, Shannon Dawson, Cassie Dorrough and Daniel Dysart. Doug Harris, a local attorney, is the coach of the team. Darren Doherty won a Best Attorney Award at the Creighton Tournament, Zach Harvey a Best Attorney Award at the regional competition, Zach Harvey and K. Adam Sommer won Best Attorney Awards at the national competition. Fundraising Request In order to continue to offer student programs such as the Mock Trial Team and the Model United Nations Club, the department relies in part on alumni donations to the UCM Foundation. We urge you to make a monetary donation! Please specify “Political Science Department” when making your donation. Funds donated will help pay for registration fees, travel, and lodging for students involved in these organizations as well as various scholarships to students. 7 The Annual Spring Awards Reception News from the Classroom Every spring, the Department of Political Science holds a banquet reception to recognize outstanding students and their achievements. The awards banquet was held at Heroes Restaurant on April 23rd. This is always a popular and exciting event for the department. The keynote speaker was Maurice Brooks, Chair of the Young Professionals for International Cooperation of Kansas City, a program sponsored by the United Nations Association. Mr. Brooks has been an adjunct faculty member in the department teaching a course on International Law and Human Rights. We inducted twelve individuals into Pi Sigma Alpha. Among other awardees, we recognized the recipients of the Robert A. and Edith M. Young Scholarship, the Walt Hicklin Government and Public Service Scholarship, and the Helen Louise Campbell Richards Memorial Scholarship. Family members of the inductees and awardees were invited. We had approximately 50 people in attendance. The requirements for a major in Political Science have changed! We have reduced the number of required courses and devised four areas of concentration, which offers students more flexibility and the ability to specialize within a particular area of Political Science. Consistent with a change in university policy, we also do not require our majors to declare a minor. Check out our new program. Scholarship/Award Recipients K. Adam Sommer Nicholas McDaniels Nicholas McDaniels Elizabeth Rand Darren Doherty K. Adam Sommer Caitlyn Adams Chris Brockway Amber Cabrera Adam Sommer Aaron Conn Sean Conway Darren Doherty Jonathan Hermann Jonathon Hilton Ryan Kilkenny Nicholas McDaniels Charles Rone, Jr. Christopher Ruggles Jaque’ Ryland Kila Saxton Martin Woodward Scholarship/Awards Robert A. & Edith M. Young Scholarship The Walt Hicklin Government & Public Service Scholarship Helen Louis Campbell Richards Memorial Scholarship Outstanding Senior in Political Science Leadership Awards Pi Sigma Alpha Inductees MAJOR REQUIREMENTS ................................. 33 POLS 1500 Introduction to Politics ........................ 3 POLS 1510 American Government ........................ 3 POLS 2540 Survey of Political Theory .................. 3 POLS 3560 Research Methods in Pol. Sci.............. 3 Electives in political science* ............................... 12 Electives from one of the following areas .............. 9 AREA 1 American Politics POLS 2511 State Government ....................................... 3 POLS 2550 Political Parties & Interest Groups ............. 3 POLS 2580 Public Law & Judicial Process ................... 3 POLS 3550 Public Opinion & Mass Media ................... 3 POLS 4511 Public Policy ............................................... 3 POLS 4552 Legislative Politics...................................... 3 POLS 4555 The American Presidency ........................... 3 POLS 4570 Public Administration ................................. 3 POLS 4571 Municipal Administration ........................... 3 POLS 4590 Special Projects in Political Science ........ 1-6 POLS 4591 Internship in Political Science ................. 1-6 POLS 4592 Problems in National, State or Local Government ....................................................... 1-3 AREA 2 Public Law and Theory POLS 2580 Public Law & Judicial Process ....................3 POLS 3541 Contemporary Political Theory ...................3 POLS 3551 Race & Ethnic Politics in U.S .....................3 POLS 4530 International Law.........................................3 POLS 4580 American Constitutional Law......................3 POLS 4581 Civil Rights & Liberties ..............................3 POLS 4582 Trial Advocacy ............................................3 POLS 4583 First Amendment .........................................3 POLS 4590 Special Projects in Political Science ........ 1-6 POLS 4591 Internship in Political Science ................. 1-6 AREA 3 Comparative Politics POLS 2520 Comparative Gov. & Politics ...................... 3 POLS 3520 Asian Gov. & Politics ................................. 3 POLS 3521 Latin American Gov. & Politics ................. 3 POLS 3522 Modern East Asia ....................................... 3 POLS 3523 Modern Sub-Saharan Africa ....................... 3 POLS 3553 Women & Politics....................................... 3 POLS 4511 Public Policy ............................................... 3 POLS 4520 Prin. of International Development ............ 3 POLS 4521 Culture & Politics of the Middle East ......... 3 POLS 4550 The European Union ................................... 3 POLS 4590 Special Projects in Political Science ........ 1-6 POLS 4591 Internship in Political Science ................. 1-6 AREA 4 International Relations POLS 1244 Workshop in Political Science ................. 1-3 POLS 2530 International Relations.................................3 POLS 3530 International Organizations .........................3 POLS 3541 Contemporary Political Theory ...................3 POLS 4520 Prin. of International Development .............3 POLS 4530 International Law.........................................3 POLS 4531 American Foreign Policy .............................3 POLS 4532 International Relations of East Asia ............3 POLS 4590 Special Projects in Political Science ........ 1-6 POLS 4591 Internship in Political Science ................. 1-6 Although Political Science continues to offer its own minor, a minor is not required for Political Science majors. MINOR REQUIREMENTS .......................................................... 21 POLS 1500 Introduction to Politics ................................................ 3 POLS 1510 American Government ................................................ 3 POLS 2450 Survey of Political Theory ........................................... 3 One course from each of the above areas.................................... 12 *It is required that students take one class from each of the three tracks not chosen for their area of concentration. 6 3 Politics and Social Justice Week Very special speaker visited UCM On March 4-5, 2008, Antonin Scalia, Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, came to UCM. He gave a university-wide lecture titled “Constitutional Interpretation” in Hendricks Hall on the evening of March 4th. The next day, Justice Scalia attended a breakfast with various leaders of student organizations and the Mock Trial team, and he spoke in Dr. Jim Staab’s Public Law and the Judicial Process course. Justice Antonin Scalia with UCM Students and Faculty Begun in 2000 by students in the Political Science Student Association (PSSA), Politics and Social Justice Week (PSJW) focuses on a particular theme each year and brings to campus prominent speakers. This year’s program (held April 7-11, 2008) was based on the theme “Rules, Rights, and Wrongs.” Speakers included civil rights activist, Alvin Sykes, responsible for persuading the Justice Department to re-investigate the 1955 slaying of 14 year-old Emmett Till. He is also at least partially responsible for the Justice Department’s decision to review as many as 100 old murder cases in 14 states. Dr. Tatyana Karaman, Assistant Professor at Samford University and a former procurator and police detective in the Russian Federation, spoke on the current state of the Russian Federation’s legal system. Dr. Ioannis Stivachtis, Director of the International Studies Program at Virginia Tech University, spoke about European-Turkish relations and Turkey’s bid for membership in the European Union. Dr. Clenora Hudson-Weems talked about her research and work on the Emmett Till case. The Mock Trial Team and Model United Nations Club provided students with information and simulations from recent conference experiences. Alvin Sykes Dr. Tatyana Karaman Dr. Ioannis Stivachtis Dr. Clenora Hudson-Weems *This year’s PSSA officers were Rebecca Lurten, President; Caitlyn Adams, Vice President of Public Relations; and Aaron Conn, Vice President of Budget & Finance. Martin Luther King Jr. Freedom Scholarship Dinner State Government Internship and Missouri Boys and Girls State Several faculty members and students from the department attended the university’s annual Martin Luther King Jr. Freedom Scholarship Dinner. Legendary Los Angeles Lakers basketball star Earvin “Magic” Johnson attended a reception and spoke at the event. The department continues to sponsor, under the direction of Dr. Bax, a State Government Internship Program. Each spring full-time and part-time interns are placed with individual state legislators, legislative committees, administrative agencies, judges/attorneys, and other state-elected officials. This year’s interns included David Bock, Kathryn New, Elizabeth Rand, Reggie Stockman, Emma Scott, Nichole Walsh, and Emily Wright. We are also actively pursuing internship opportunities in Washington D.C. The department provided partial funding for housing costs associated with Danielle Farr’s summer internship with Greenpeace. Dr. Bax is also the Academic/Curriculum Consultant for the Missouri Boys State and Girls State programs. These programs focus on leadership in state and local government and bring some 800 – 1000 rising high school senior boys and girls to campus each summer. The revenue earned from these programs helps to fund student scholarships, the department’s speaker series, travel for Mock Trial and Model UN members, and adjunct faculty salaries. Amber Cabrera, Political Science Major Darlene Budd, Political Science Faculty Sue Shear Leadership Institute For Women in Public Life Dr. Jim Staab, Political Science Department Chair 4 Sue Shear Fellows attend the 21st Century Leadership Academy at the University of Missouri -- St. Louis for one week in May. Thirty-six college women from across the state representing nine public college and universities are selected. During the week these students meet with a variety of women leaders in local, state, and national politics, and learn about public policy. This year’s participants included LaTonya Brooks, Amber Cabrera, and Kila Saxton-- all political science majors. Caitlyn Adams, 2007 Sue Shear Fellow, was selected as an intern for the 2008 Academy. Dr. Bax served as Central’s representative and co-presented with Dr. Farida Jalalzai, Women’s Studies Professor at the University of Missouri--St. Louis, on “Anticipating Madam President: The Historic Nature of the 2008 Presidential Election” at this year’s workshop. 5