1_ Academic essays

Writing Essays
What is an essay?
An essay is a short piece of writing that discusses, describes or analyzes one topic. It can discuss a
subject directly or indirectly, seriously or humorously. It can describe personal opinions, or just
report information.
Essay Structure
Look at the following 2 diagram and in pairs or groups try to answer these questions:
1. What do you understand from both diagrams below?
2. What are the main parts of the essay?
3. What does each essay part should contain?
4. List some similarities and differences between these 2 diagrams.
Basic Essay Structure
General statements on broad topic
(approx 10% of word count)
(Definitions of important terms)
Statement of the central argument Listing
of main points to be covered
Topic sentence
Paragraph ⇒
(Concluding sentence)
Topic sentence
Paragraph ⇒
(Concluding sentence)
(approx 80% of word count)
Topic sentence
(Concluding sentence)
Paragraph ⇒
Restatement of the central argument
Summary of main points covered
(approx 10% of word count)
Final statements
Steps in essay writing
Step of prewriting include doing three sub-steps:
A) Choosing a specific topic : If a topic is not assigned for you, choose a specific topic
for your essay. For example, the topics Palestine, national unity, unemployment,
marriage, children and Islam are all too general, if your objective is to write a
specific analysis. You must narrow it to something like:
a. Causes of unemployment among Palestinian bursing graduates
b. Effects of watching violence films on young children
c. Advantages and disadvantages of early marriage
B) Writing a thesis statement (supported with 3 related points): The thesis statement
should have 2 parts: one topic and 3 specific and related points:
The main goals of Primary education in Palestine include
expanding knowledge, developing learning and thinking skills and
promoting universal values.
Unemployment in Palestine causes several social/ psychological problems.
C) Preparing a tentative outline
The purpose of an outline or diagram is to put your ideas about the topic on paper, in a
moderately organized format. The structure you create here may change before the essay
is complete, so don't agonize over this. Writing a tentative outline helps you to organize
your ideas logically and clearly.
Read the following essay, try to find main supporting points included in each
paragraph and complete the essay outlines below. Compare your outline with your
Academic Writing
June 2014
Dr. Nazmi Al-Masri
The Islamic University
Malaria – a new threat?
The first great breakthrough in the treatment of malaria
was the discovery by Sir Ronald Ross, during the period
1895-98, that the disease was transmitted by the female
Anopheles mosquito. Then Giovanni Grassi worked out
the life cycle of the human malaria parasite. With the
connection between malaria and the mosquito clearly
established, steps could be taken to fight the disease.
One method was to attack the breeding places of the
mosquito. It was known that mosquitoes lay their eggs
in water. So, in malaria infected areas work was started
on draining marshes and stagnant pools, and trying to
ensure generally that there were no areas of water where
mosquitoes could breed. Where areas of still water
could not be drained, they were sometimes covered with
oil or detergent, which made them unusable by the
One of the most interesting methods of preventing
mosquitoes from multiplying is to introduce a different
variety of mosquito into the area: when two varieties
mate, the females are infertile. This kind of ‘biological
engineering’ has had some limited success in the field,
but it is not always possible to reproduce laboratory
conditions in real life. Since there are over 2,600
different kinds of mosquitoes, the research problems are
Academic Writing
June 2014
Dr. Nazmi Al-Masri
The Islamic University
The most obvious and easiest method of prevention is to
use wire screens and mosquito netting to prevent people
being bitten. But this may not always be possible in
poor areas, and does not help when people are moving
about. Then people have to cover up and/or use some
kind of protective cream or spray.
A more flexible method is to take preventative drugs
such as quinine. This drug was at one time extremely
widely used, but during the Second World War most of
the supply areas were under siege so alternative methods
had to be found in the West. These new drugs proved to
be more effective in many ways, and the use of quinine
tailed away. Recently, however, there have been
indications that certain varieties of malaria germs are
becoming more resistant to modern drugs, and quinine
is coming into use once more.
At one time it seemed that insecticides, especially DDT,
might wipe out malaria completely. One of the most
successful DDT campaigns was carried out in India. In
1952 at the beginning of the campaign, seventy-five
million Indians a year suffered from malaria. By 1965,
the spraying of DDT had reduced this to a hundred
However, as with the malaria germ and preventative
drugs, there is evidence that mosquitoes are developing
Academic Writing
June 2014
Dr. Nazmi Al-Masri
The Islamic University
resistance to DDT. One of the reasons for this has been
the initial success of the operation. People became
careless. Also, owing to increases in the price of fuel,
poorer countries found it impossible to maintain the
eradication programme. The situation now is that
malaria is staging a comeback, and there are new breeds
of mosquito which are resistant to DDT.
Writing Styles: Essay types1
There are many different kinds of essays. The following are some of the most common
1- The compare/contrast essay:
discusses the similarities and differences between two things, people, concepts,
places, etc. The essay could be an unbiased discussion, or an attempt to convince the
reader of the benefits of one thing, person, or concept. The essay could discuss both
similarities and differences, or it could just focus on one or the other. A comparison
essay usually discusses the similarities between two things, while the contrast essay
discusses the differences.
Examples: A compare/contrast essay may discuss . . .
the likenesses and differences between two places, like New York City and Los
the similarities and differences between two religions, like Christianity and
two people, like my brother and myself.
Based on English Works! (2011) - Gallaudet University, Washington, D.C.
Academic Writing
June 2014
Dr. Nazmi Al-Masri
The Islamic University
2- The
essay explains why or how some event happened, and what resulted from the event.
For example,
- why a volcano erupts, and what happens afterwards;
- what happens after a loved one's death.
This essay is a study of the relationship between two or more events or experiences.
The essay could discuss both causes and effects, or it could simply address one or the
other. A cause essay usually discusses the reasons why something happened. An
effect essay discusses what happens after a specific event or circumstance.
The below example shows a cause essay, one that would explain how and why an
event happened. If this cause essay were about a volcanic eruption, it might go
something like:
"Pressure and heat built up beneath the earth's surface; the effect of this was an
enormous volcanic eruption."
Academic Writing
June 2014
Dr. Nazmi Al-Masri
The Islamic University
The next example shows an effect essay, one that would explain all the effects that
happened after a specific event, like a volcanic eruption. If this effect essay were about a
volcanic eruption again, it might go something like:
"The eruption caused many terrible things to happen; it destroyed homes, forests, and
polluted the
3- The process essay:
describes how something is done. It generally explains actions that should be
performed in a series. It can explain in detail how to accomplish a specific task, or it
can show how an individual came to a certain personal awareness. The essay could be
in the form of step-by-step instructions, or in story form, with the
instructions/explanations subtly given along the way.
how to properly re-pot a plant;
how an individual came to appreciate hard work.
Academic Writing
June 2014
Dr. Nazmi Al-Masri
The Islamic University
4- The argumentative essay: attempts to persuade the reader to the writer's point of view.
The writer can either be serious or funny, but always tries to convince the reader of the
validity of his or her opinion.
Why mothers should breastfeed their newborn babies?
Quickly read the following 2 essays about the controversial issue of abortion and try
to list all the ideas discussed in each essay in a diagram similar to the one discussed
at the beginning of this book.
Block-by-Block Pattern
The Abortion Issue: Compare and Contrast
(the thesis is
Explains the
Explains prochoice
Explains proAcademic Writing
June 2014
One of the most divisive issues in America is the controversy surrounding
abortion. Currently, abortion is legal in America, and many people believe
that it should remain legal. These people, pro-choice activists, believe that
it is the women's right to chose whether or not to give birth. However,
there are many groups who are lobbying Congress to pass laws that would
make abortion illegal. These people are called the pro-life activists.
Abortion is a choice that should be decided by each individual, argues the
pro-choice activist. Abortion is not murder since the fetus is not yet fully
human, therefore, it is not in defiance against God. Regardless of the
reason for the abortion, it should be the woman’s choice because it is her
body. While adoption is an option some women chose, many women do
not want to suffer the physical and emotional trauma of pregnancy and
labor only to give up a child. Therefore, laws should remain in effect that
protect a woman's right to chose.
Abortion is an abomination, argues the pro-life activist. It makes no sense
Dr. Nazmi Al-Masri
The Islamic University
for a woman to murder a human being not even born. The bible says,
"Thou shalt not kill," and it does not discriminate between different stages
of life. A fetus is the beginning of life. Therefore, abortion is murder, and
is in direct defiance of God's will. Regardless of the mother's life situation
(many women who abort are poor, young, or drug users), the value of a
human life cannot be measured. Therefore, laws should be passed to
outlaw abortion. After all, there are plenty of couples who are willing to
adopt an unwanted child.
If we take away the woman’s right to chose, will we begin limiting her
other rights also? Or, if we keep abortion legal, are we devaluing human
life? There is no easy answer to these questions. Both sides present
strong, logical arguments. Though it is a very personal decision, the fate of
abortion rights will have to be left for the Supreme Court to decide.
Point-by-Point Pattern
The Abortion Issue: Compare and Contrast
(the thesis is
Explains the
One of the most divisive issues in America is the controversy surrounding
abortion. Currently, abortion is legal in America, and many people
believe that it should remain legal. These people, pro-choice activists,
believe that it is the women's right to chose whether or not to give
birth. However, there are many groups who are lobbying Congress to
pass laws that would make abortion illegal. These people are called the
pro-life activists.
Supporters of both pro-life and pro-choice refer to religion as support for
their side of the argument. Pro-life supporters claim that abortion is
Point One:
murder, and is therefore against God's will. However, pro-choice
defenders argue that abortion is not murder since the fetus is not yet a
Pro-life and Profully formed human. Therefore, abortion would not be a defiance against
Another main point of the argument is over the woman's personal rights,
versus the rights of the unborn child. Pro-choice activists maintain that
Point Two:
regardless of the individual circumstances, women should have the right
to chose whether or not to abort. The pregnancy and labor will affect
Pro-life and Proonly the woman's body, therefore it should be the woman's decision. Prochoice
life supporters, on the other hand, believe that the unborn child has the
right to life, and that abortion unlawfully takes away that right.
Academic Writing
June 2014
Dr. Nazmi Al-Masri
The Islamic University
If we take away the woman’s right to chose, will we begin limiting her
other rights also? Or, if we keep abortion legal, are we devaluing human
life? There is no easy answer to these questions. Both sides present
strong, logical arguments. Though it is a very personal decision, the fate
of abortion rights will have to be left for the Supreme Court to decide.
(Source: Rory H. Osbrink (2001) English Works! at Gallaudet University, Washington
Academic Writing
June 2014
Dr. Nazmi Al-Masri
The Islamic University