Dongping Du Accepts Faculty Position at Texas Tech as an Assistant Professor With a number of peer-reviewed signaling. Her dissertation research publications, awards, and an i-phone developed physical-statistical app to her credit, our 2015 PhD Dr. Shikhar Acharya is joining our IMSE Department as a Visiting models of cardiovascular systems Graduate, Dongping Du, had for investigating unknown offers from several universities, Instructor for the 2015-2016 academic year. He completed his mechanisms in spatiotemporal but chose Texas Tech to disease processes and improved begin her career in academia. the understanding of disease- doctorate in Systems Engineering from Missouri University of Sci- ence and Technology Dongping made numerous in 2014 and then taught at Missouri Westpresentations as a doctoral student ern State University prior to coming to USF. Dr. Acharya’s research under the tutelage of her advisor Dr. altered cardiac electrical dynamics. She recently won second place in the IIE Mobile App involved applying component analysis and Markov modeling Huihas Yang, and received awards such as the Competition for her Mobile and E-Network IBM Best Student Paper competition at the 32nd Annual Smart Health Care (MESH) technology work on which International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in she also had a feature article in the IEEE Journal of electromagnetic emissions. Medicine and Biology Society. Biomedical and Health Informatics. Dongping came to to detect malicious electronic devices using their unintended USF in Spring 2012 after completing both her bachelor Dongping’s research area is in the highly sought after and master of science in electrical engineering from intersection of industrial engineering and healthcare China University of Mining and Technology in Beijing. biology, and focuses on computational models of We wish her the very best in her pursuit to become an cardiovascular systems for investigating how altered outstanding professor and researcher. glycosylation impacts multi-scale cardiac electrical