Knee Kinematics

Knee Kinematics
and Kinetics
• Kinematics is the study of movement
without reference to forces
• Kinetics is the study of movement with
reference to forces
The Knee:
The largest and most complex joint structure
• Transmit Loads
• Participate in motion
• Aids conservation of momentum
• Provides a force couple for body activities
Anatomy of the knee
• 3 Bones
– Tibia, Femur, Patella
• 3 Compartments
– Medial, Lateral, Patellofemoral
• 4 Ligaments
• 2 Menisci
• Articular Cartilage
The Knee Joint
Peculiar Anatomy
• Menisci
– Fibro-cartilage support
• Internal ligaments
– Carry loads during motion
Two menisci
• Outer - lateral meniscus
Circular shaped , smaller ,more mobile
Attached to the ACL
Attached to the femur via the ligament of Wrisberg
• Inner - medial meniscus
“C” shaped
wider posterior than lateral
attached to the MCL
attached to the joint capsule
Menisci Functions
• Deepen the articulation
– Increase area of contact
• Shock absorption
– X10 BW
• a skier lands from a jump
• Increase stability
– Cups the femoral condyle
• Nutrition of cartilage
– Sweeping synovial fluid across joint
Range of Motion
• Need to define planes
in which the particular
motion is taking place
The knee moves in six
different directions of
motions (6DOF)
– Sagittal plane (0-1400)
Tibia-femoral motion
in the sagittal plane
Climbing stairs
Descending stairs
Sitting down
Tying a shoe
Knee Flexion
Tibio-femoral motion
in the Transverse plane
• Influenced by knee position in sagittal plane
– Ex. If knee is in full extension rotation is
restricted by interlocking of condyes with tibia
• Rotation increases as the knee is flexed
– maximum 900 flexion
• External 450
• Internal 300
• Beyond 900
– decreases, due to soft tissue restriction
Tibia-femoral motion
in the frontal plane
• Abduction and Adduction is also affected
by the amount of knee flexion
– Ex. Full extension precludes motion
• Increased passive abduction and
adduction occurs with knee flexion < 300
Locating an ICR
• Successive films taken 100 intervals of flexion (A,B)
• Tibia is parallel to the x-ray to prevent rotation
• Marking two identifiable points on femur, and join these
points and draw perpendicular bisector (B)
The intersection point of the perpendicular bisectors is
the instant center of rotation.
Joint Contact Points in Flexion
• Two contact points
– @ femur & tibia
¾ Medial
• Translates slightly
anterior on tibia
¾ Lateral
• Translates considerably
posterior on tibia
Surface Joint Motion
Types of motion at knee joint
• Rolling Motion
– Initiates flexion
• Gliding Motion
– Occurs at end of flexion
Rolling Motion
Gliding Motion
Instantaneous Center of Rotation
• "If one rigid body rotates about another rigid
body, its motion at any instant can be described
by a point or axis of rotation called the
instantaneous center of rotation.“
For normal knees
– Pathway of ICR is semicircular
– Located on the femoral condyles
ICR (cont’d)
Joint Contact Forces
• Ideally…
we would have
equal distribution
of forces w/o any
varus or valgus
Figure from Burstein and Wright,
Joint Contact Forces in the knee
Joint Contact Forces in the knee
• During varus stress
– To balance the stress
• LCL tension rises
• Knee shifts 5° varus
• Increased stress on medial condyle
– Repeated cycles of varus / valgus loading
• Varus / valgus deformity
• Cartilage wear
Patello-femoral Joint
Patellar Kinematics
• Patella directly contacts femoral condyles
in flexion
• Patella acts as the fulcrum
• It is said to be “lateral side dominant”
– Greater surface area of contact on the lateral
side as opposed to the medial
Patellar Kinematics
--Figure from Fulkerson, Disorders … 1997 3rd ed.
Compressive Forces of Patella
Figure from Fulkerson
Patellar Kinematics
• There are predictable areas of contact
between patella and femoral condyles that
change with degree of flexion:
--figure from Fulkerson 1997
Patellar Kinematics 2
Forces acting on the Patella:
• Laterally- lateral retinaculum, vastus
lateralis m., iliotibial tract
• Medially- medial retinaculum and vastus
medialis m.
• Superior- Quadriceps via quadriceps
• Inferior- Patellar tendon
Patellar Kinematics 3
Figure from Fulkerson, 1997
Patellar Kinematics 4
• Sum of forces acting in the four directions
– Determine movement pattern of the knee joint
• Additional forces considered are:
– Friction forces, compressive forces, torques,
translational forces and internal stabilizing
forces from soft tissues
Patellar Kinematics 5
Q-angle :
• Angle formed at the knee joint
– By connecting a line from the anterior superior
iliac crest to the center of the patella
– And a second line from the center of the
patella to the center of the patellar tendon
insertion into the tibial tubercle
Q-Angle (cont’d)
Q-angle of 12 to 15 degrees is considered normal;
while patients with patellar subluxation may
have a Q-angle as high as 30 degrees
Henry J.H., Goletz T.H., and Williamson B. “Lateral Retinacular
Release in Patellofemoral
Subluxation.” Am J of Sports Med. Vol. 14
No.2 1986 pp121129.
Patellar malalignment
• Generally associated with tightness of
– Lateral retinaculum
– Hamstrings
– Iliotibial band
– Quadriceps
– Hip rotators
– Achilles tendon
Knee Kinematics
The "Screw-Home” mechanism
• Rotation between the tibia and femur
– Occurs automatically between full extension
0o and 20o of knee flexion
• SHM is considered a key element to knee
stability for standing upright
“Screw-Home” mechanism
• Tibia
– Internal rotation during the swing phase
– External rotation during the stance phase
• External rotation
– Occurs during the terminal degrees of knee extension
• Difference in radius of curvature of the medial and smaller
lateral condyle
– Results in tightening of both cruciate ligaments
• Locks the knee
• Tibia is in the position of maximal stability with respect to the
Ligament Attachments in the knee
“Screw-Home” mechanism 2
• During Knee extension
– Tibia rolls anteriorly,
PCL elongates
– PCL's pull on tibia
causes it to glide
anteriorly on femur
Axial View of the
Knee of Right Leg
“Screw-Home” mechanism 3
• During the last 200 of
knee extension
– Anterior tibial glide
persists on the tibia's
medial condyle
• Because its articular
surface is longer in that
dimension than the lateral
“Screw-Home” mechanism 4
• Prolonged anterior glide
on the medial side
– Produces external tibia
– The "screw-home"
“Screw-Home” mechanism 5
• When the knee begins to
flex from a position of full
– Tibia rolls posterior,
elongating ACL
– ACL's pull on tibia causes
it to glide posterior
– Glide begins first on the
longer medial condyle
“Screw-Home” mechanism 6
• Between 00 extension
and 200 flexion
– Posterior glide on the
medial side produces
• Relative tibial internal
A reversal of the screwhome mechanism
Internal Tibial
New flexion and extension axis theory
• A fixed flexion and extension axis
theory [based on 3-D observation of
• Replacing the classic concept of the
variable flexion and extension theory
[based on observation in the sagittal
Flexion-Extension Kinematics
• ”it has recently been shown that the F-E axis of
the knee is FIXED within the femur and that the
articular surfaces of the condyles are circular in
(Hollister et al. 1994, Hollerbach and Hollister,
Flexion-Extension Kinematics
Kinematics in Osteoarthrosis