2013 Annual Report Of the Kochville Township Planning Commission Kochville Township, Saginaw, Michigan Planning Commission Joel Kiss, Chairperson Don Jackson, Vice Chair Rhonda Ferrell, Secretary Ron Robishaw Tony Leuenberger Russ Herlache Joanne Cammin Sarah Traxler, AICP, Director of Community Development Tony Dier, Planning Assistant, Deputy Zoning Administrator Bruce Palmer, Zoning & Codes Administrator Prepared January 7, 2014 Message from the Chair…. On behalf of the Kochville Township Planning Commission, I am pleased to present the Commission’s annual report for fiscal year 2013, as required by Public Act 33 of 2008, the Michigan Planning Enabling Act and Public Act 110 of 2006, The Michigan Zoning Enabling Act. The purpose of the annual report is to disseminate information of the operations of the Planning Commission and department staff, which has occurred over the past year, to the Township Board and the citizens of the Township. On that premise, this report provides a snap shot of development, and other information for the Township Board and the community, to keep them apprised of economic activity and other improvements that further the overall goals of the Township. Kochville Township has experienced a continued increase in new development and business activity in 2013 and it is ongoing to this date. New businesses have located in Kochville and the resulting improvements and quality of development is propelling the township forward and creating an attractive environment for even more substantial development. The DDA’s Cardinal Square beautification efforts have stood out and have enhanced the entire commercial district which is shared with Saginaw Charter Township. Some outstanding commercial developments have added substantial appeal to the visual esthetics of our Township including the unique façade of Cabela’s Outpost; Panera Bread; Cardinal View on Pierce Rd; and the new Quality 10 GDX Theater complex which is nearing completion. There are also several other projects which are currently in progress or in the design and approval stages which and will be moving forward in the months ahead. Each member of the Planning Commission is a member of this community; they are dedicated to their task and are focused on bringing quality development to our township with the end goal of enhancing the quality of life for all. Joel Kiss Chair 2 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CABELA’S OUTPOST – Cardinal Square got an attractive new business with the location of Cabela’s latest new “outpost” in 2013, which, although had received approval and began development of the new store in August of 2012, held its grand opening on February 14th, 2013. The building sports a very attractive and unique façade which stands out from other storefronts in the area. The $4,000,000 development added 125 new jobs in our township and is sure to result in a positive spinoff of associated economic activity from visitors now shopping in the Kochville and Saginaw Township area. Cabela’s retails sporting goods, hunting supplies and equipment, among many other products and is a welcome development in Kochville Township. WILDFIRE CREDIT UNION COMPLEX A large addition was constructed in 2013 on the Wildfire Credit Union complex on Bay Rd. The project added 27,900 square feet to the structure and is their corporate headquarters for the credit union. The 3-story addition was a $7,900,000 development and was completed in the fall of 2013. It provided a very attractive clean new look for the building and added a new drive-thru and associated site improvements with additional parking. A new 2,160 square foot cold storage building is also being built this year at the rear of the property adding another $86,000.00 in commercial development to the property. CARDINAL VIEW COMPLEX The new Cardinal View strip mall is completed and is now leasing space. The project was envisioned as a catalyst for new development along Pierce Rd., taking advantage of its prominent location to attract and provide services to the student population who live on campus at Saginaw Valley State University as well as for the residents of Kochville Township. The small strip mall offers food and other services. It provides easy access and is within short walking distance of the living quarters on campus. The new development is 15,500 square feet and is a $1,275,000 project. 3 Cardinal View – 2903 Pierce Rd. QUALITY 10 GDX THEATERS – 3250 KABOBEL DR. One of the more outstanding projects in Kochville Township is nearing completion. The Grand Rapids-based Goodrich Quality Theaters corporation is planning a grand opening of its new Quality 10 GDX theater complex sometime in January or early February of 2014. The theater is unique to the Saginaw area and will feature three “state of the art” GDX (giant digital experience) auditoriums, one with 400 seats and a 70-foot-wide screen that's nearly four stories tall and provide its audience with a unique viewing and entertainment experience with not only the large screen but an added touch with motion-effects seats. Goodrich claims the screen is the largest north of Flint. The other two Giant Digital Experience auditoriums at the Kochville complex are to have 56-foot-wide screens. All 10 of the new theater's auditoriums are to feature wall-to-wall screens, stadium seating and high-back seating with increased leg room, according to a Goodrich news release. The development will replace the existing theaters, which will be torn down to make room for additional parking and site landscaping improvements. The 48,347 square foot complex is a $12,000,000 investment in Kochville Township and welcome addition to Cardinal Square. 4 Panera Bread – 2710 Tittabawassee Panera Bread opened its doors in the late fall of 2013, located on the property of the prior Goodyear Tire Company on the corner of Fashion Square Boulevard and Tittabawassee. The structure is almost 4,500 square feet and added $1,100,000.00 in commercial development in Kochville Township. Panera Bread operates 1,736 bakery-cafes locations in 45 states and provides a variety of healthy menu items. The building sports an attractive façade and provides a visual enhancement to the Cardinal Square Tittabawassee corridor. Up and coming developments… 2424 Tittabawassee – Taco Bell. A new Taco Bell restaurant is in the planning stages and construction will begin sometime in the spring of 2014. The existing building at 2424 Tittabawassee is slated for demolition and the new store, as pictured below, will replace it. The new 2,635 square foot restaurant will provide seating for 66 people. Site improvements will add the traditional Cardinal Square elements and new landscaping, including a new parking lot and drive-thru. 4300 Tittabawassee – Reimold Printing is currently under construction and will be opening its door sometime in 2014. It is located to the rear of Andersen Eye Center off Cardinal Park Dr. Reimold printing has served the Great Lakes Bay Region since 1972. They are a full service commercial printing company. Services include digital and offset printing, direct mail, variable data printing, imprinted promotional items, and more. 5 3311 Temple Court – Infrastructure improvements have been approved and have started for the new Tri-City Hindu Temple complex that will be built on the site. Plans are currently in the review and approval process although the developer was authorized to start infrastructure improvements to have the site ready for the build sometime in 2014. The project will consist of 2 phases with the 1st phase construction totaling 7,209 square feet and a second phase adding an additional 4,340 square feet for a total of 11,549 square feet when completed. Many commercial projects have taken place in Kochville over the course of the year resulting in a total of $11,761,319 in development. While much of this activity was in brand new projects, many were improvements and enhancements to existing businesses. This is positive for Kochville Township as it shows that there is strong investment activity and existing businesses are improving and not relocating elsewhere. While activity is down from 2012, when major expansion and development projects broke ground, activity could be looked at over the 2 year time period as many projects were approved and started but construction activity occurred well into 2013 to completion or near completion. In this regard a total of $32,356,651.00 in commercial activity occurred in Kochville Township during the last 2 year period. BUILDING ACTIVITY REPORT SUMMARY - 2013 Values based on Computed Cost COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT – Month to Month January 156,000.00 February 75,000.00 March 68,750.00 April 750,000.00 May 8,608,224.00 June 1,196,500.00 July 211,680.00 August 142,265.00 September 10,000.00 October 12,000.00 November 90,900.00 December 440,000.00 Total Commercial – $11,761,319.00 RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT – Month to Month January 0.00 February 0.00 March 0.00 April 0.00 May 4,500.00 June 0.00 July 0.00 August 9,000.00 September 98,000.00 October 7,500.00 November 0.00 December 20,500.00 Total Residential – $139,500.00 TOTAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITY: $11,900,819.00 6 Two Year Comparisons – Commercial development in Kochville Township was down from 2012, but, as stated previously, many projects were ongoing and carried over into 2013. This comparison accurately shows development activity based on the date a project was permitted, not necessarily when construction began. Overall, the change in economic development activity is down by $8,694,513.00 or 42% from 2012. Kochville is still experiencing rapid commercial growth which is shared, in part, with Saginaw Township, as Saginaw County’s main commercial hub. Activity is on the rise and the Township is well-suited for additional growth with plenty of available land for development. On the Residential side, 2012 showed $718,222.00 in construction activity, while dropping off significantly in 2013, with $139,500.00 in construction. New home construction is fairly anemic but residential improvements are occurring, although on a smaller scale. 7 The following numbers show actual permits issued during 2013 and asssociated Township fees charged on those permits. 2013-Permits # Permits Issued Permit Fees Commercial 20 $53,710.50 Residential 6 $1,054.00 Utility Permits 13 $276,994.00 Temp. Signs 76 $2,000.00 Mechanical Permits 36 $10,488.66 Electrical Permits 53 $8,971.56 Totals: 204 $353,218.72 THE PLANNING COMMISSION The Planning Commission is one the Township’s most active official bodies. It is charged with considering, recommending and approving just about all commercial activity that occurs in Kochville Township. The Planning Commission is assisted by McKenna Associates for site plan reviews, where substantial development may be proposed. They also recommend revisions when necessary to meet the Township’s zoning ordinance and any overlay district requirements that may be in place. In addition, Township staff may assist in additional review and administrative approvals where they may be allowed. The following represents a snapshot of some of the activity that came before the commission in 2013. January 14th Elections, received report on the new cold storage DPW building, comments on PC Training. February 11th Text Amendment – water and Sanitary Sewer connection requirement for commercial development, CIP recommendation to Township Board as presented by committee. March 11th Site Plan review – Goodrich Quality Theatres, rescinded text amendments that were passed in February due to confusing text. April 8th Referred appeal from Panera Bread to ZBA, reviewed revised text on commercial sewer connections. April 29th (Special Meeting) Panera bread plan review. May 13th Discussion on Fast Finance site plan issues and upcoming training dates. June 10th Fast finance site plan waived in favor of administrative review and approval by the zoning administrator. Discussion on Hamilton RV, Phase 2 of Cardinal View and special by Hooters for outdoor entertainment. July 8th Discussion on a request from Hamilton Electric, zoning text amendments in overlay districts, public hearing set, and presentation by Steve King creating a University District with mixed use. Discussion on Hookah Lounge regarding late night parties. 8 July 29th (Special Meeting) Public hearing on text amendments and approval including Outdoor sales, Standards for Overlay Districts and connections to public utilities. August 12th Discussion reference the request by Hamilton Electric and Conditional rezoning options. Discussion on Dubay’s Body Shop proposed site improvements. September 9th Public Hearing and discussion to rezone reference a proposal to construct a new printing business behind Andersen Eye. Updates on Hamilton Electric and Conditional Rezoning. Proposal to amend B-1 zoning to include print shops and related uses and discussion to remove the 3000 sq. ft. limitation. September 30th Special meeting and Public Hearing. Approval to recommend text amendment to B-1 District, uses by right, recommendation to Board to issue Special Use Permit to Hamilton RV. October 14th Further review and recommendation on site plan revisions for Hamilton RV. Reconsideration of changes and recommendation back to the Board for a special use permit for Hamilton RV. October 28th Special Meeting and Public Hearing on Hamilton RV. Considered and approved request for rezoning of a split zoned parcel belonging to Wildfire Credit Union. Hamilton Electric site plan referred to Zoning Board of Appeals. November 11th Public Hearing – Conditional rezoning. Recommended approval to Board. Discussion ref. a 144 unit apartment complex adjacent to Krossroad’s park. December 9th Site Plan review and approval of the new Taco Bell Restaurant at 2424 Tittabawassee Rd., Site Plan review and approval (with revisions) of the TriCity Hindu Temple on Temple Court. Planning Commission Attendance Representative Meetings Attended Chair – Joel Kiss Vice Chair – Don Jackson Secretary – Rhonda Ferrell 15 of 16 15 of 16 15 of 16 (Twp. Board Representative) Ron Robishaw Tony Leuenberger Russ Herlache Joanne Cammin 12 of 16 16 of 16 14 of 16 15 of 16 Ron Robishaw also serves as Zoning Board of Appeals Chair. 9 THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS The Zoning Board of Appeals has 3 members and no alternate members. The ZBA meets a minimum of 1 scheduled meeting each year and afterwards, only as needed. The ZBA handled several appeals requests during 2013 and held 3 meetings, as follows. April 29th Election of Officers, Variance request, Panera bread, 2710 Tittabawassee Rd. for drive access onto Tittabawassee Rd. Motion carried. October 24th Request for change in use (non-conforming) to less non-conforming by building a cold storage barn on the property at Hamilton Electric, 3175 Pierce Rd. Motion carried. Dec. 12th Request for non-conforming land division by Gregory Lange at 4235 Kochville Rd. Motion Carried. ZBA Attendance Representative Meetings Attended Chair – Ron Robishaw Board Representative – Ed Thon Secretary – Beverly Yanca 3 of 3 3 of 3 2 of 3 ZONING ADMINISTRATOR COMMENT Over time, the State of Michigan Legislative body, as an ongoing process, adopts new laws and makes revisions in existing laws that effect how a Township may enforce its zoning or regulate the use of land. While the Zoning Enabling Act set a standard for communities to follow when adopting zoning ordinance changes and carrying on the duties as allowed in the act, many times zoning has lagged behind. Additionally, other State statutes, where the State law regulates, and local zoning and local ordinance conflicts or contradicts, zoning and/or the ordinance becomes unenforceable, until revisions are made. This is the case Kochville’s zoning and some general ordinances. The Planning Commission and Township Board will need to address these issues to bring our ordinances in-line with state law. It is the job of the zoning administrator and assisting planning staff to bring these issues to light and present these to the Planning Commission and Board and make recommendations for revisions when required when in the best interest of the Township. In the months ahead several recommendations will be forthcoming to that end. The Zoning Board of Appeals has no alternate members to serve which could pose a problem in appeals where a 2 member panel is split on a decision. It is imperative that the Board should look at and actively seek alternates in case of absences that could delay and add extra costs should an appeal have to be cancelled and rescheduled. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT – PLANNING STAFF COMMENT In the past year, the Township has identified a few key planning-related issues that it wishes to address. The most notable being the Future Land Use map and its relation to the Master Plan. While Kochville’s Master Plan is still fairly new, having just recently been adopted in 2011, administration and the Commission has found it necessary to revisit the document and revise portions of it. Working with McKenna Associates, our planning consultant, the Township will update the Master Plan in accordance with the Michigan Planning Enabling Act. In particular, there will be a focus on two special planning areas; the area around Krossroads Park and the “University District” area located adjacent to Saginaw Valley State University. This will tie in with the proposed update of the Future Land Use map, which is intended to correct erroneous future zoning designations and instances of split zoning. Kochville Township will also work with McKenna to update the Zoning Plan and develop a complete Streets Plan, both of which are required by the MPEA. 10 PRESS RELEASE: UM-Dearborn’s iLabs’ eCities research recognizes Kochville Township for developing a positive entrepreneurial climate Kochville Township, Michigan, November 14, 2013 – Kochville Township has been recognized for its work to foster entrepreneurial growth and economic development in the annual eCities study conducted by researchers at iLabs, University of Michigan-Dearborn’s Center for Innovation Research. Kochville Township was honored as a five star community along with 51 other communities across the state listed as four- or five-star communities. “We are a major commercial draw for the region. Tittabawassee Road, along the township’s southern border, serves as one of Saginaw County’s major business arteries, carrying over 41,000 vehicles per day. Estimates find that customers may travel up to 100 miles and come from as far north as Houghton Lake to shop in our community”. Respectfully Submitted, Bruce Palmer Zoning & Codes Administrator 11