Examples of terms of reference for NOHA internships

Examples of terms of reference for NOHA internships
1. Assis-ng Hum. Affairs Officer of the Stand‐By Partnership Programme in revision and renewal of MOUs with the ten Stand‐By Partner Organisa-ons; 2. Par-cipa-ng in prepara-on and design of the annual SBPP Bulle-n; 3. Generate sta-s-cs on SBPP and ERR; 4. Research, analyse, and present informa-on/reports/notes for SBPP, ERR, ERT; 5. Assist the Emergency Response Roster (ERR) focal point; 6. Assist in the organising of training, workshops, virtual library for the Emergency Response Training; 7. Support and maintenance of the electronic Deployment Management Tool.
1. Logis-c indicators: compiling informa-on to analyse indicators, data‐entry, wri-ng draX reports on indicators. 2. Support stock management: upda-ng stock lists, synchronising logis-c informa-on from the missions with the accoun-ng report, upda-ng the assets module. 3. Logis-cs Kit Version 3: implementa-on of phase 3. 4. Suppor-ng logis-cs projects: new stock management tool, vehicle fleet analysis, e‐mail account management, logis-cs module implementa-on.
a) Rela-ng to possible donors; b) Developing a rehabilita-on program proposal of Typhoon Ketsana survivors in Metro Manila; c) Coming up with a video documentary of the emergency response‐ Typhoon Ketsana.
Analysis, research and documenta-on of field level interven-ons for children, projects and interven-ons that promote social inclusion of otherwise marginalised or disadvantaged groups, combina-on of desk research and field work at the district or village level.
Assess op-ons and plan an NRC shelter project in Liberia with the exis-ng legal assistance programme. To present a paper outlining: 1) Opportuni-es and risks for communi-es and NRC of conflict‐aware programming 2) Op-ons and requirements for different levels of engagement and impact 3) Resources for planning and implementa-on
Assessing Future Policy Surveys, filtering useable informa-on, making recommenda-ons for the development of future policies and requirements for the Netherlands Defence organiza-on. Improving an internet‐forum that is being used by Defence personnel to share informa-on and lessons learned.
Assist in iden-fying, documen-ng, and sharing the opera-onal processes and results of the early childhood dvelopment program.
Assist in strengthening of sustainablity of exis-ng local ngo by capacity building in psychosocial care for children. Inves-gate possibili-es for future ac-vi-es for the local ngo. Assist the porgramme manager with her daily work. Assist in the evalua-on of the psychosocial project.
Assist in the development of rela-onships with donors and key stakeholders. Represent AHA in mee-ngs and other fora, especially the African Union. Provide assistance with the development of policies, procedures, and project proposals.
Assist in web site‐related content on humanitarian emergencies and related issues, assist in updates to emergency sec-ons of ReliefWeb by pos-ng related documents and performing internet research for this purpose, assist with other project work as necessary.
Assist the La-n America and Caribbean Team in the Capacity Building and Field Opera-ons Branch
Assist with the implementa-on of UNCHR's strategy in the Central Field Office. Accompany the humanitarian work with a gender perspec-ve developed by UNCHR. Assist with the development of programs developed by the Central Field Office. Assist with the elaboa-on and prepara-on of policy and research papers.
Assistance to contract management of ECHO projects implemented by UN agencies and NGOs. This task includes the follow‐up of intermediate and final reports of ECHO partners and the collabora-on to the evalua-on of the reports. Agendance in Unit mee-ngs and internal ECHO working groups. Follow‐up of the humanitarian situa-on of the countries under the responsibility of the Unit.
Assisteren hoofd Poli-eke Afdeling, hulp en voorlich-ng geven aan Nederlandse instellingen die interesse hebben in het uitvoeren van sociale, culturele of mensenrechtenac-viteiten in Argen-nië, assisteren bij projectcyclus voor kleine projecten.
assis-ng the DP/DRR advisor in: a. DRR/CCA program in Indonesia, Ethiopia and Colombia, with regard to i. Documenta-on of lessons learned and good prac-ces, ii. Prepara-on of end evalua-on, iii. Prepara-on of global workshop in Ethiopia; b. Ini-a-ng DRR/CCA program in seven countries including baseline survey; c. Providing technical assistance to other DRR/CCA ac-vi-es of NLRC.
Assis-ng with the compara-ve and/or applied legal research related to the implementa-on of the Jus-ce and Peace Law, providing technical assistance and analysis, conduc-ng a small, independent research project.
Carrying out a pilot study to assess the incidence of child migra-on for domes-c labour to the Mumbai metropolis area from the villages in the CASP Plan project area.
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Examples of terms of reference for NOHA internships
Carrying out needs and vulnerability assessments. Designing innova-ve programmes and projects that are likely to address the root causes of poverty and depriva-on among selected communi-es. Establish partnerships between the local Red Cross branch, the communi-es and ngo's.
Collec-on and analysis of data on project ac-vi-es, wri-ng of financial and narra-ve reports, par-cipa-on in programme ac-vi-es.
Compiling thema-c and geographic (background) dossiers and keeping those up to date; wri-ng reports, agending mee-ngs, assis-ng in preparatory ac-vi-es for mee-ngs, assis-ng during human rights mee-ngs in Brussels. Focus on migra-on, asylum, human trafficking and humanitarian issues.
Composi-on of an internal Safety and Security Manual for PHO humanitarian missions, introduc-on of the manual to organisa-on's associates and training over its congents.
Conduct caseload analyses for major RSD caseloads, like Sri Lanka, Somalia and Iraq, update country of origin papers, prepare analyses of specified legal issues, etcetera.
Conduct desk research into the social aspects of biomass produc-on in Indonesia and Malaysia.
Coordina-on of ac-ons and ac-vi-es for youth between 18 and 28 around the UN Climate Conference in Copenhagen in December (prac-cal and logis-cal organisa-on and coordina-on of volunteers, includes trip to Copenhagen and access to the conference and side‐conferences); Developing a volunteer strategy for 2010 (mapping of current situa-on, organising brainstorm session with volunteers, board and other stakeholders and developing a strategy and framework for the future); Wri-ng a report on the role of the Netherlands in the development of a strategy for mi-ga-on and adapta-on of developing countries with regard to climate change, through background research and interviews with key persons in Copenhagen.
Coordina-on with ngo partners, local and governmental authori-es, prepara-on of materials, draXing proposals, monitoring current projects.
Co‐wri-ng tender for DDR consultancy in several countries including for the Amnesty Commission of Uganda; review inputs to Interna-onal Alerts briefing note; Assis-ng in material and curricula development for DDR‐UNDP staff training in North and South Sudan; Assis-ng with program design; back end support.
Designing Disaster Preparedness Con-ngency Plans; conduc-ng vulnerability and needs assessments; designing of Disaster Risk Reduc-on interven-ons; monitoring disaster relief programmes; disaster impact assessment; par-cipa-ng in the disaster awareness campaigns; capacity building in effec-ve disaster management among the vulnerable communi-es.
DraX a substan-ve paper on a par-cular issue affec-ng the Pacific island developing countries and territories, assist in the prepara-on of a report to measure progress in the implementa-on of the Mauri-us Strategy.
Elabora-on of strategies for the promo-on of voluntary tes-ng centres, implementa-on of various ac-vi-es of preven-on of HIV/AIDS, monitoring of these programmes, repor-ng on the evolu-on of the epidemic.
Ensure psychosocial counselling interven-ons are availabe systema-cally, evaluate and priori-ze cases with special reference to security and vulnerability, conduct intervies with refugees and prepare interven-on recommenda-ons for discussions with team members in UNHCR.
In charge of selng up a feeding programme for vulnerable clients of the community programme agached to the clinic. Making lists and interviewing par-cipants, packing and distribu-ng food, monitoring impact of food on par-cipants. Furthermore training of community workers.
In charge of wri-ng and producing a newsleger every month. Work includes crea-ng themes, conduc-ng interviews, wri-ng ar-cles, edi-ng, transla-ng, desing, layout and phtotos. Responsibility to manage volunteers, look for possible donors and maintain the organiza-on's social media accounts.
Involvement in programmes rela-ng to educ-on and development, mobilisa-on and communica-ons, and partners in ngo's. Development and implementa-on of project ac-vi-es, development of documenta-on, ins-tu-onalisa-on of good prac-ces.
Opera-onal, organisa-onal and policy‐oriented tasks; assis-ng with conceptual and policy ques-ons concerning the integrated approach (Diplomacy, Development & Defense), the stability fund for Peace, Security and Development Coopera-on, gender issues, conflict analysis. Opstellen van beoordelingsmemoranda aan de hand van projectvoorstellen van ngo's en vn‐organisa-es. Beoordelen van rapportages van dezelfde organisa-es.
Par-cipate in prepara-on of specific contribu-ons required for ECHO magers, review ECHO A2 site within ECHO intranet and internet, assist desk officer with project follow‐up.
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Examples of terms of reference for NOHA internships
Performing internet‐based research on specific countries and emergencies in order toupdate and extent the coverage of ReliefWeb. Undertaking the conversion of exis-ng electronic publica-ons, and crea-ng documents in the ReliefWeb database. Analysing informa-on gaps in the site coverage.
Personal assignment regarding frozen conflicts in the area. Answering ques-ons from Parliament. Wri-ng ar-cles and fact‐checking.
Plan, develop & execute different projects (e.g. Linkis, private ini-a-ves). Monitor & evaluate projects. Cooperate with (local) governments. Write ar-cles (media) and texts for webpages & newsleger. Maintain contact with media and other organisa-ons.
Prepare narra-ve program reports on schedule according to project formats, assist with conceptualizing, designing, wri-ng and edi-ng donor proposals, assist field offices to propare quarterly progress reports for the Ministry of Interior, etcetera.
Preparing explana-ons, statements and responses ot the ques-ons presented by the Court. Reviewing common prac-ces in foreign law systems in applying provisionsof European Conven-on of Human Rights.
Preparing programme for child trafficking campaign, implemen-ng programme.
Preparing programme for human rights reduc-on of sexual health and HIV/AIDS campaign in Yogyakarta Province, implemen-ng programmes, monitoring and evalua-on.
Project administra-on and controlling of new project applica-ons, assis-ng the supervisor in Romania project administra-on, assis-ng the programme manager of projects in Serbia, deves-ng and establishing awareness raising material for schools about the work of Caritas Foreign Aid and developmental work in general.
Refugee protec-on, research, policy analysis.
Repor-ng on the ac-vi-es of the Interna-onal Criminal Court
Research about a.o. psychosocial well‐being in rela-on to dependency and food security in Ethiopia; interviewing organisa-ons in the Netherlands and Ethiopia; field visits; wri-ng academic ar-cle.
Research and wri-ng related to Hunger Project issues. The interns will be assigned a variety of research tasks which will be used for Hunger Project materials and publica-ons
Researching condi-ons affec-ng the lives of Pales-nian refugees in Lebanon, so as to contribute to the desing and implementa-on of feasible interven-ons that contribute to the improvement of their health and welfare.
Review all relevant informa-on and documents related to UNODC's work, par-cipate in organising mee-ngs, seminar and donor countries official visits, involvement in selected fieldwork and programme/project ac-vi-es
Social and Behaviour Change: literature review, review of current work and lessons learned in CW, research gaps, developing principles. M&E: developing field manual with M&E indicators for Health. Par-cipate in seminars, presenta-ons and mee-ngs at HQ.
Support in the iden-fica-on of needs and formula-on of proposals for Development Coopera-on to be submiged to the European Commission; research for the proposals; monitoring EC Coopera-on Policy; support technical monitoring of projects; support implementa-on of projects (logis-cs and financial control); support the development of technical and financial reports; maintenance of a database for coopera-on and development educa-on.
Support programme staff in conduc-ng research on issues pertaining to ethnic minori-es and indigenous peoples in Southeast Asia; mapping of na-onal mechanisms, legisla-on, policies and programmes on ethnic minori-es and indigenous peoples in the seven countries covered by the programme; Human rights monitoring and wri-ng ar-cles related to burning issues of the day, commentaries on ethnic minority and indigenous peoples issues; Prepare quarterly report on human rights minori-es in SEA based on daily human rights monitoring; Suppor-ng programme staff on administra-ve and other broader programme ini-a-ves.
Support Sudan team in program coordina-on, report wri-ng and communica-on. Work with Oxfam staff and partners to develop humanitarian communica-on skills. Liaise with UN OCHA on issues related to camp coora-on and capacity building of na-onal NGOs
Suppor-ng the organisa-on in developing policies on ac-vi-es rela-ng to disaster management, suppor-ng the research ac-vi-es of the organisa-on, collec-ng data from relevant organisa-ons, carrying out of surveys and assessments.
Suppor-ng with opera-onal aspects of the Integrated Risk Management for the Reduc-on of Natural Disasters Risks Project Ometepe Island (community strengthening, ins-tu-onal strengthening, early warning system, advocacy DRR, public awareness campaigns, mi-ga-on community works), as well as suppor-ng internally the update of the ins-tu-onal emergency response plan within CARE.
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Examples of terms of reference for NOHA internships
Training of social workers, caregivers of persons with disabili-es and other stakeholders; research on the contemporary needs of the disadvantaged and vulnerable ones; par-cipa-on in the organisa-on's project design.
Unit A2 Eastern, Western, Southern Africa and the Indian Ocean: assessment of funding requests (emergency, ad hoc, DIPECHO); analysis of reports; monitoring health issues (ANOPHELES); monitoring DRR/preparedness in Southern Africa/Indian Ocean; use of FPA/FAFA; WASH & Health Cluster in Zimbabwe.
WITS survey forms, soup kitschen data capturing/recording of sta-s-cs, registra-on food voucher, welcoming programme, general office assistance.
Working on projects to analyse Japan‐Malaysian rela-ons as well as Japan‐ASEAN rela-ons, in par-cular under the angel of the reference to IHL in the Charter, the Human Rights mechanism that is being set up andt he policies for humanitarian assistance.
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