WESTDALE SECONDARY SCHOOL FINAL EVALUATION SCHEDULE—JANUARY 2016 Monday JANUARY 18 Tuesday JANUARY 19 Wednesday JANUARY 20 Thursday JANUARY 21 Friday JANUARY 22 QUIET WEEK QUIET WEEK QUIET WEEK QUIET WEEK Monday JANUARY 25 Tuesday JANUARY 26 Wednesday JANUARY 27 Thursday JANUARY 28 Friday JANUARY 29 QUIET WEEK PERIOD 1 EXAM 10:00 am-12:00 pm PERIOD 2 EXAM 10:00 am-12:00 pm PERIOD 3 EXAM 10:00 am-12:00 pm PERIOD 4 EXAM 10:00 am-12:00 pm Monday FEBRUARY 1 Tuesday FEBRUARY 2 Wednesday FEBRUARY 3 Thursday FEBRUARY 4 Friday FEBRUARY 5 Exam Make Up Credit Rescue PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITY DAY PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITY DAY 1st Day of Semester 2 EXAMINATION ROUTINES January 2016 1. Students are responsible to check the examination schedule to ensure that the student has the correct date, time and location for their subject evaluations. Please discuss the schedule with your parent/guardian to avoid conflicts with family schedules. In the event of an unavoidable family conflict, parents should contact the appropriate vice principal to discuss the problem. A student who misses an evaluation for any reason, other than a documented medical or bereavement absence, may be assigned a mark of zero. 2. Students are responsible for arriving at the examination location on time. No additional time will be provided for students arriving late. 3. Students are responsible for arriving with the supplies (pen, ruler, calculator, etc.) necessary to write the examination. 4. Students are not allowed to communicate with other students during an examination or use unauthorized materials. Noncompliance may result in a loss of examination marks. 5. Cell Phones/Electronic Devices/Other Exam Procedures – all cell phones/devices should be switched off and be kept out of sight during exams. Please review your Student Agenda for instructions on missed evaluations and other exam procedures. 6. Students must check with their teacher to determine the duration of their final evaluation. All classes will have a significant and meaningful evaluation on their scheduled exam day. Students must remain in their exam for 75 minutes. When students are dismissed from their exam, they are to leave the building or report to the library to study. In order to be fair to other students who are writing their exams, students are to collect their belongings as quickly and quietly as possible after being dismissed from their exam and leave the building. Teachers will be on duty and encouraging students to quickly and quietly leave all exam areas. GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR EXAMS!