3 WordStudySpiral Vocabulary Number Prefixes mono-, uni-, bi-, tri- Lesson Objectives Day 1 Students will: • Understand Greek and Latin number prefixes • Read and write Greek and Latin number prefixes • Articulate vowel sound changes in prefixes monorail monorail biceps biceps monotone three three mono- mono- unicycle unicycle bi- can contain bi- canthe contain long the i sound, long as i sound, in biceps, as in biceps, or the schwa or the sound, schwaassound, in binoculars. as in binoculars. uni- uni- bi- tri- can contain tri- canthe contain long the i sound, long as i sound, in triangle, as in triangle, or the short or the i sound, short as i sound, in trilogy. as in trilogy. tri- Materials: • BLM 2: Category Cards biceps • BLMs 3–4: Word Cards bilingual • BLM 6: Take-Home Activity binary • Teacher Category Cards—one, two, threebisect • Teacher Word Card—biceps monolingual bilateral 3 3 3 monologue uniform 3 3 monopoly • Sort words with Greek and Latin prefixes by meaning monorail union • Choose the correct words to complete sentences • Differentiate words based on Greek and Latin number prefixes 3 3 3 monopolize Word Study & Vocabulary 3: Unit 24: Number prefixes mono-, uni-, bi-, tri- 5 Word Cards (BLM 4) Word Cards (BLM 4) 1. Tony memorized 1. Tonya memorized __________________ a __________________ for the school for playthe auditions. school play auditions. 2. The song 2. was The not song pleasant wastonot hear pleasant because to hear it wasbecause __________________. it was __________________. 2. April had 2. to __________________ April had to __________________ the recipe to make the recipe sure there to make wassure enough therefood was enough food 3. Mario wanted 3. Mario to ridewanted a __________________ to ride a __________________ that had one wheel. that had one wheel. monarch triceratops binocular monarch monotone universal binocular 4. bicycle unicyclebiplane bicycle monotone 5. 3. biplane trilogy biweeklytrillion trilogy trillion • Identify words with Greek and Latin number prefixes • Write and spell words with Greek and Latin number prefixes Name ___________________________________ monolingual 6. monolingual 7. unilateral 7. unilateral triangle triangle 8. bimonthly8. bimonthly universe universe 9. monopolize 9. monopolize 10. biplane 10. biplane bilingual unitary trident trident uniform ©2010 Benchmark Education ©2010Company, Benchmark LLCEducation Company, LLC Classroom Activity (BLM 7) Date ____________________________________ Name ___________________________________ Date ____________________________________ flown from a pole. They have many uses, most prominently in representing use of flags; many other entities sport them. Cities, states, companies, New Words These countries followed the example of the oldest national flag currently in 1. use, that of Denmark. Denmark’s flag features a large white cross on a red background. Sweden’s, for example, is a yellow cross on a blue background. universe 2. Only one country has a flag that is monochrome, a single color: Libya’s is a 3. uniform green. biped of Switzerland and Vatican City, are square. The only exception is the flag of 6. monorail 6. monorail Kosovo, have flags whose images include the shape of the country itself. 7. triangle 7. triangle 8. unity unity 9. monochrome 9. monochromebicentennial bicentennial biceps biceps Often in the United States, several flags are flown together in groups. monotonous monotonous bifocals Our national flag is always given precedence and is flown or carried above bifocals tricolor Sentence Nepal, which is a double pennant, which looks like two stacked triangles. all others. The same holds true for the display of most other national flags. tricolor Reading Passage (BLM 9) Word Study & VocabularyWord 3: Unit Study 24:&Number Vocabulary prefixes 3: Unit mono-, 24: Number uni-, bi-, prefixes tri- mono-, uni-, bi-, tri- Take-Home Activity (BLM 8) First Try Second Try (if needed) Correct Spelling 1. 1. 2. 2. 2. 3. 3. 3. 4. 4. 4. 5. 5. 5. 6. 6. 6. 7. 7. 7. 8. 8. 8. 9. 9. 9. Word Study & Vocabulary 3: Unit 24: Number prefixes mono-, uni-, bi-, tri- ©2010 Benchmark Education Company, LLC Reading Passage (BLM 9) Additional Materials: • Word Study Notebooks • Pocket Chart Date ____________________________________ Spelling Peer Check 1. Spelling Dictation (BLM 10) Word Study & Vocabulary 3: Unit 24: Number prefixes mono-, uni-, bi-, tri- ©2010 Benchmark Education ©2010Company, Benchmark LLCEducation Company, LLC to help identify themselves or unify their followers. Flags are often tricolor, like that of the United States, which is red, white, New Words and blue. Some are bicolor, like that of most of the countries in Scandinavia. These countries followed the example of the oldest national flag currently in 1. use, that of Denmark. Denmark’s flag features a large white cross on a red background. Sweden’s, for example, is a yellow cross on a blue background. 2. Only one country has a flag that is monochrome, a single color: Libya’s is a 3. uniform green. Students will: Flags are often tricolor, like that of the United States, which is red, white, Directions: Work with a partner. Follow the directions from your teacher to use this BLM to write your spelling words. 3. colleges, sports teams, military units, ships, and more use flags as symbols to help identify themselves or unify their followers. National flags are almost always rectangular in shape. Two flags, those 2. the unity of a country. Of course, countries don’t have a monopoly on the check to make sure underlines are marked to overprint (Window: Attributes) 3. colleges, sports teams, military units, ships, and more use flags as symbols Some countries and territories, such as Cyprus, Christmas Island, and 1. 2. the unity of a country. Of course, countries don’t have a monopoly on the use of flags; many other entities sport them. Cities, states, companies, Parent Directions: Parent Have Directions: your child Have look atyour the child pairs look of words at theand pairs circle of words the word andwith circlethe theprefix wordthat with the prefix that means “one.” means “one.” 8. 1. flown from a pole. They have many uses, most prominently in representing triplicate triumvirate uniform universe uniform Name ___________________________________ Review Words Flags are pieces of material in distinctive shapes and patterns, often Date ____________________________________ Review Words and blue. Some are bicolor, like that of most of the countries in Scandinavia. triplicate monopoly bisecttriplebipedbisect Spelling Dictation • BLM 9: Reading Passage • BLM 10: Spelling Dictation • BLM 11: Spelling Peer Check tripod unify Take-Home Activity Take-Home (BLM 8)Activity (BLM 8) Word Study & VocabularyWord 3: Unit Study 24:&Number Vocabulary prefixes 3: Unit mono-, 24: Number uni-, bi-, prefixes tri- mono-, uni-, bi-, tri- Date ____________________________________ Flags Flags are pieces of material in distinctive shapes and patterns, often In geometry, 5. the In geometry, teacher asked the teacher the classasked to __________________ the class to __________________ their drawingstheir to drawings to 10. unification10. unification Classroom Activity Classroom (BLM 7)Activity (BLM 7) Flags Name ___________________________________ create two equal create parts. two equal parts. bilingual uniform Name ___________________________________ ©2010 Benchmark Education ©2010Company, Benchmark LLCEducation Company, LLC Take-Home Activity (BLM 6) The soccer 4. team Theformed soccer ateam __________________ formed a __________________ with three team with leaders. three team leaders. triple 6. monologue tripod triplebisect unify triple monopoly tripod triumvirate 5. binary triathlonunitary binary Directions: Look Directions: at the pairsLook of words. at theCircle pairs the of words. word with Circlethe theprefix wordthat withmeans the prefix “one.that ” means “one.” Materials: monotone monologue tripod 4. and biking. triathlon ____________________________________________________________________ 4. ____________________________________________________________________ Word Study & VocabularyWord 3: Unit Study 24:&Number Vocabulary prefixes 3: Unit mono-, 24: Number uni-, bi-, prefixes tri- mono-, uni-, bi-, tri- neighborhoodneighborhood who sold them. who sold them. Lee competed 5. Lee in the competed __________________ in the __________________ because he enjoyed because swimming, he enjoyed running, swimming, running, and biking. ____________________________________________________________________ 3. ____________________________________________________________________ 4. Mia had a3.cookie Mia __________________ had a cookie __________________ because she was because the only she person was theinonly her person in her The movie4.theater The movie showed theater each showed movie ofeach the science movie offiction the science __________________. fiction __________________. biweekly ____________________________________________________________________ 2. ____________________________________________________________________ 3. for everyone. for everyone. universal bisect unicycle ____________________________________________________________________ 1. ____________________________________________________________________ 2. Spelling Dictation The dinosaur 1. that The had dinosaur threethat horns hadis three calledhorns __________________. is called __________________. monotone uniform 1. ChooseChoose the Word the Word Parent Directions: Parent Have Directions: your child Have read the yoursentences child readand thechoose sentences the and wordchoose that makes the word sense that in makes the sense in the sentence. sentence. 1. uniform tri- Take-Home Activity Take-Home (BLM 6)Activity (BLM 6) ©2010 Benchmark Education ©2010Company, Benchmark LLCEducation Company, LLC Directions: Read Directions: the sentences Readand thechoose sentences the and wordchoose that makes the word sense that in makes the sentence. sense in the sentence. triceratops Students will: 5 Name ___________________________________ Name ___________________________________ Date ____________________________________ Date ____________________________________ ChooseChoose the Word the Word • BLM 7: Classroom Activity • BLM 8: Take-Home Activity • Teacher Category Cards • Teacher Word Cards—same as BLM 5 5 Word Cards (BLM 5) Name ___________________________________ Name ___________________________________ Date ____________________________________ Date ____________________________________ Materials: uni- tri- Parent Directions: Parent Have Directions: your child Have choose your fourchild words choose from four the word wordsbank, from one the word from each bank,category, one from each category, and write a sentence and write for each a sentence word. for each word. 5 university university 5 Word Study & VocabularyWord 3: Unit Study 24:&Number Vocabulary prefixes 3: Unit mono-, 24: Number uni-, bi-, prefixes tri- mono-, uni-, bi-, tri- ©2010 Benchmark Education Company, LLC uni- 5 5 Word Cards (BLM Word 5) Cards (BLM 5) Word Study & Vocabulary 3: Unit 24: Number prefixes mono-, uni-, bi-, tri- ©2010 Benchmark Education Company, LLC 5 5 triathlon triathlon 4 bi- unityunity 5 5 universe 4 Word Cards (BLM 3) 5 4 mono- bi- 5 monochrome monochrome universal universal unicycle 4 mono- 5 5 monarch monarch 4 monolith 5 5 unilateral biennial biennial triathlon monochromemonochrome unity bifocals bifocals 5 unifiunifi cation cation 5 5 unicorn 4 unify 3 5 SortingSorting NumberNumber PrefixesPrefixes Word Bank Word Bank trillion trillion bicentennialbicentennial unilateral monarch monarch monolith monolith triathlon unification unification tricolor tricolorunity bimonthly bimonthly unilateral unilateral 4 monocle 5 ©2010 Benchmark Education Company, LLC Parent Directions: Parent Have Directions: your child Have read each your word child read and write each itword in the and appropriate write it in web, the appropriate depending web, on depending on the prefix. the prefix. 5 tripod tripod 5 4 Word Study & Vocabulary 3: Unit 24: Number prefixes mono-, uni-, bi-, tri- Name ___________________________________ Name ___________________________________ Date ____________________________________ Date ____________________________________ 5 5 billion billion 4 triumvirate 4 5 5 triplicate 4 biweekly 5 trillion trillion bifocals bifocals 4 biplane 3 trilogy 5 5 triple 4 triceratops 3 4 biped 3 5 biennial biennial ©2010 Benchmark Education Company, LLC Word Cards (BLM 3) bicentennial bicentennial tricolor tricolor 4 trigonometry 4 triangle Category Cards (BLM 2) universe 4 Word Cards (BLM 4) Word Study & Vocabulary 3: Unit 24: Number prefixes mono-, uni-, bi-, tri- ©2010 Benchmark Education ©2010Company, Benchmark LLCEducation Company, LLC 4 monopolize 3 Word Cards (BLM 3) Word Study & VocabularyWord 3: Unit Study 24:&Number Vocabulary prefixes 3: Unit mono-, 24: Number uni-, bi-, prefixes tri- mono-, uni-, bi-, tri- trident 4 binoculars 3 3 ©2010 Benchmark Education ©2010Company, Benchmark LLCEducation Company, LLC Anchor Chart (BLM 1) triad 3 Category Cards (BLM Category 2) Cards (BLM 2) Word Study & VocabularyWord 3: Unit Study 24:&Number Vocabulary prefixes 3: Unit mono-, 24: Number uni-, bi-, prefixes tri- mono-, uni-, bi-, tri- monotone 3 Students will: Anchor Chart (BLM Anchor 1) Chart (BLM 1) unicycle 4 union 3 4 monolith 3 monorail unicorn 4 unify 3 4 monocle 3 monopoly tri- triumvirate 4 uniform 3 4 biweekly 3 monologue triplicate 4 trilogy 3 4 biplane 3 monolingual bi- triple 4 triceratops 3 4 biped 3 bisect 4 trigonometry 4 triangle 3 trident 4 binoculars 3 binary trilogy bilateral 3 triad 3 universal universal • Sort words with Greek and Latin prefixes by meaning • Sort words by Greek and Latin prefixes Day 5 two 3 Students will: Day 4 two bilingual biceps triangle triangle trilogy monotonemonotone binocularsbinoculars • Anchor Poster Day 3 one mono- and monouni- = and “one” uni- = bi“one” = “two” bi- = “two” tri- = “three” tri- = “three” Materials: Day 2 one Number Number Prefixes Prefixes mono-, mono-, uni-, bi-, uni-, tri bi-, tri National flags are almost always rectangular in shape. Two flags, those of Switzerland and Vatican City, are square. The only exception is the flag of Sentence Nepal, which is a double pennant, which looks like two stacked triangles. Some countries and territories, such as Cyprus, Christmas Island, and • Correctly spell words with Greek and Latin number prefixes Kosovo, have flags whose images include the shape of the country itself. Often in the United States, several flags are flown together in groups. Our national flag is always given precedence and is flown or carried above all others. The same holds true for the display of most other national flags. Materials: Reading Passage (BLM 9) Spelling Dictation (BLM 10) Word Study & Vocabulary 3: Unit 24: Number prefixes mono-, uni-, bi-, tri- Spelling Peer Check (BLM 11) Word Study & Vocabulary 3: Unit 24: Number prefixes mono-, uni-, bi-, tri- ©2010 Benchmark Education Company, LLC Word Study & Vocabulary 3: Unit 24: Number prefixes mono-, uni-, bi-, tri- ©2010 Benchmark Education Company, LLC • Quick-Check Assessment ©2010 Benchmark Education Company, LLC Spelling Peer Check (BLM 11) Unit Spelling Dictation (BLM 10) 24 ® Kit 3_Unit 24_TG.indd 1 B e n c h m a r k E d u c a t i o n C o m p a n y 6/10/10 10:14:24 PM ©2010 Benchmark Education Company, LLC Day One Supporting ELs It is important to remember that languages such as Spanish, French, and Italian also have many words that are derived from Latin. Many of the same or similar Latin prefixes are used in English and Spanish. For example, Spanish also has the prefixes mono-, uni-, tri-, and bi-. Point out the Spanish cognates that have similar sounds and meanings in English: la monotonía/ monotony; el uniforme/uniform; el triciclo/tricycle; la bicicleta/bicycle. Helping students recognize the similarities of Latin prefixes will give students another tool for determining meaning of unfamiliar English words. Blending Practice If some students have difficulty reading the words, help them read the words syllable by syllable. For example, point to the word triangle on the chalkboard. Show how you divide the word into three syllables, tri/an/gle. Point out that the prefix tri- is the first syllable and then the next syllable break is between the consonants n and g. Read each syllable and then blend the syllables together: tri/an/gle: triangle. Continue to support students who need help with blending throughout the week, using the example words used in the lesson. Review Suffix -ion with Vowel Alternation and Spelling Change Focus Words: exclaim, assume, exclamation, assumption Write the words exclaim and assume on the chalkboard, as well as the endings -ation and -ption. Ask students to identify the vowel sounds in the accented syllable of each base word. Then have them identify the vowel sound change when -ion is added to form the noun. Finally, have them identify the spelling changes to each base word and which ending to attach to each to form the noun. Write exclamation and assumption on the chalkboard and read the words with students. Introduce Number Prefixes mono-, uni-, bi-, triModel Make a three-column chart on the chalkboard with the following heads: mono- and uni-, bi-, tri-. Explain that these are number prefixes meaning “one,” “two,” and “three.” Write the correct number word below each heading in the chart. Write the word uniform on the chalkboard and read it aloud. Say: I see a prefix in this word. It is uni-. Underline the prefix. Uni- means “one.” I know that people in the army wear a uniform. Everyone wears the same one. The prefix uni- helps me understand that the word uniform means to all dress in one way. I will write this word in the uni- column. Guide Write the words monolingual, bilingual, and triangle on the chalkboard and read them aloud. Say: What do you notice about these words? Yes, they all have number prefixes. Ask the class to identify the number prefix in each word. Underline the prefixes and have students tell you where to write each word in the chart. Circle the words bilingual and monolingual. Point out that the base word lingual means “language.” Ask students to come up with definitions for each word, given what they know about the meaning of each word part. Point out that understanding the meaning of word parts helps students determine the meaning of unfamiliar words. Apply ©2010 Benchmark Education Company, LLC. All rights reserved. Teachers may photocopy the reproducible pages for classroom use. No other part of the guide may be reproduced or transmitted in whole or in part in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Printed in Guangzhou, China. XXXX-XXXX-XXXX Have students brainstorm words they know or have seen that contain a number prefix. Then have pairs sort the words using the number prefixes as the categories for the sort. ISBN: 978-1-4509-0299-1 2 Word Study & Vocabulary 3: Unit 24: Number prefixes mono-, uni-, bi-, tri- Kit 3_Unit 24_TG.indd 2 ©2010 Benchmark Education Company, LLC 6/10/10 10:14:24 PM Spelling Words with Number Prefixes Unit Spelling Words: triangle, trilogy, biceps, binoculars, monorail, monotone, unicycle, university Display the anchor poster for students to use as a reference as they learn the spelling words. Write the words triangle and trilogy on the chalkboard. Point to each word and read it aloud. Underline the prefix tri-. Say: What do you notice about the vowel sound in these two words? Guide students to identify the long i vowel sound in triangle and the short i vowel sound in trilogy. Say: What do you notice about the spelling of the prefix in each word? Guide students to recognize that the spelling remains the same, regardless of the vowel sound. Repeat the procedure with the words biceps and binoculars, guiding students to hear the long i vowel sound in biceps and the schwa sound in binoculars. Assessment Tip Notice which students have difficulty sorting words based on their number prefixes. If students are having difficulty, have them underline each prefix, say the meaning of the prefix, and then sort the words. Home/School Connection Students can take home a list of the spelling words and practice reading, writing, and spelling the words with a family member. Write the remaining spelling words on the chalkboard and read them with the students. Ask students to use each spelling word in a sentence in their word study notebooks. Then have them make a list of the spelling words and have partners check each other’s spellings. ©2010 Benchmark Education Company, LLC Kit 3_Unit 24_TG.indd 3 Word Study & Vocabulary 3: Unit 24: Number prefixes mono-, uni-, bi-, tri- 3 6/10/10 10:14:25 PM Day Two Review Number Prefixes mono-, uni-, bi-, tri- Closed Sort one two three monolingual monologue monopoly monorail monotone uniform unify union biceps bilingual binary bisect triad triangle triceratops trilogy Write the word monologue on the chalkboard. Ask students to read the word aloud. Then ask a volunteer to identify the number prefix in the word. Underline mono-. Ask a volunteer to tell what the prefix means. Write one over the prefix. Say: I know that the prefix mono- means “one.” I’m not sure what logue means, but I know a similar word dialogue that has something to do with two people talking. Monologue must mean “one person talking.” Have students discuss how knowing the meanings of number prefixes can help them identify the meanings of unfamiliar words. Buddy Sort mono- uni- monocle monolith monopolize unicorn unicycle universe bi- tri- bilateral binoculars biped biplane biweekly trident trigonometry triple triplicate triumvirate Home/School Connection Give students BLM 6 to complete with a family member. Students can also take home the word cards and share their sorts with a family member. Closed Sort Teacher Word Card: biceps Teacher Category Cards: one, two, three Place the one, two, and three category cards next to each other in a pocket chart. Hold up the word card biceps. Cover up all of the letters except for the prefix bi-. Say: What does the prefix bi- mean? Guide students to identify that it means “two.” Where should we put the word biceps in the pocket chart? Have a volunteer place the card under the two category card. Provide each student with the category cards for numbers from BLM 2 and a set of the BLM 3 word cards and have them sort the words based on the meaning of the prefix in each word. Buddy Sort Supporting ELs Teacher Category Cards: mono-, uni-, bi-, tri- Because some ELs may not have someone at home who speaks English well enough to work with them on BLM 6, make sure that they understand what they are supposed to do on the BLM. Also, pronounce and define any unfamiliar words. Have students define the unfamiliar words in their own words using simple words and phrases. Place the prefix category cards next to each other in a pocket chart. Explain that these are the categories students will sort by. Give pairs of students the prefix category cards from BLM 2 and word cards from BLM 4. Have one student read a word and ask his or her partner in which category to place the word. When the partner responds and the word is placed, the partner then chooses a word and asks where the word should be sorted. Spelling. Have students sort their spelling words based on the vowel sound of i in the prefixes uni-, bi-, and tri-. Students should have three columns: Long i, Short i, and Schwa. 4 Word Study & Vocabulary 3: Unit 24: Number prefixes mono-, uni-, bi-, tri- Kit 3_Unit 24_TG.indd 4 ©2010 Benchmark Education Company, LLC 6/10/10 10:14:25 PM Day Three Blind Sort Blind Sort Teacher Word Cards: same as BLM 5 Teacher Category Cards: one, two, three Place the category cards in a pocket chart so that students can see them. Have students write the categories in a row in their word study notebooks. Remind them that they sorted words yesterday according to the meaning of each prefix. Tell students that you will call out one word at a time and they will write the word in the appropriate category in their notebooks. After you have completed the blind sort, use the teacher word cards to sort the words together. Have students check their spelling against the words in the pocket chart. Applying Meaning. Give students BLM 7 and have them complete the cloze sentences and identify the prefixes. one two three monarch monochrome unification unilateral unity universal university bicentennial biennial bifocals billion bimonthly triathlon tricolor trillion tripod Assessment Tip Use students’ completed BLM 7 to assess their understanding of Latin and Greek number prefixes. Note whether they need more practice in identifying how the prefixes contribute to the meaning of the words. Providing Support ELs and struggling readers may have difficulty completing BLM 7 on their own. Have them work with a partner to read and complete it. Home/School Connection Give students BLM 8 to complete with a family member. Explain that they are to do the same thing they did on BLM 7 in class. Supporting ELs Make sure that ELs understand what to do on BLM 8 since there may not be anyone at home who speaks English well enough to help them complete it. ©2010 Benchmark Education Company, LLC Kit 3_Unit 24_TG.indd 5 Word Study & Vocabulary 3: Unit 24: Number prefixes mono-, uni-, bi-, tri- 5 6/10/10 10:14:26 PM re underlines erprint tes) Day Four Providing Support Some ELs and struggling readers may have difficulty reading the passage. Have these students read with an on-level reader. Alternatively, you could read the passage to them while they follow along or echo-read with you. Ask students to look and listen for examples of words with the number prefixes mono-, uni-, bi-, and tri-. Name ___________________________________ Date ____________________________________ Flags Word Hunt Give students a copy of the passage on BLM 9. Tell them that they will read the passage and circle words with the prefixes mono- and uni-. After students have completed the word hunt, ask volunteers to share the words that they found. Then ask students to identify words with the prefixes bi- and tri-. After students have completed the word hunt, ask volunteers to share the words that they found. Ask pairs of students to begin lists of words in their word study notebooks. They can Spelling start the lists by using the wordsDictation in the passage. Name ___________________________________ Date ____________________________________ Review Words Flags are pieces of material in distinctive shapes and patterns, often flown from a pole. They have many uses, most prominently in representing the unity of a country. Of course, countries don’t have a monopoly on the use of flags; many other entities sport them. Cities, states, companies, colleges, sports teams, military units, ships, and more use flags as symbols to help identify themselves or unify their followers. Flags are often tricolor, like that of the United States, which is red, white, and blue. Some are bicolor, like that of most of the countries in Scandinavia. These countries followed the example of the oldest national flag currently in use, that of Denmark. Denmark’s flag features a large white cross on a red background. Sweden’s, for example, is a yellow cross on a blue background. Only one country has a flag that is monochrome, a single color: Libya’s is a Then ask1.the pairs to look through other texts, looking for words with these prefixes. Have them add the words to their lists. 2. 3. After students have had a chance to develop their lists, discuss with them the meanings of the words, based on what students know about the word parts. New Words 1. Spelling Dictation 2. 3. uniform green. National flags are almost always rectangular in shape. Two flags, those of Switzerland and Vatican City, are square. The only exception is the flag of Nepal, which is a double pennant, which looks like two stacked triangles. Some countries and territories, such as Cyprus, Christmas Island, and Kosovo, have flags whose images include the shape of the country itself. Give students Spelling Dictation (BLM 10). Dictate the following words from last Sentence week’s spelling words to students, one at a time, and have students write them on their BLMs: proclamation, detention, deception. Often in the United States, several flags are flown together in groups. Our national flag is always given precedence and is flown or carried above all others. The same holds true for the display of most other national flags. Answer Key Reading Passage (BLM 9) Reading Passage (BLM 9) Word Study & Vocabulary 3: Unit 24: Number prefixes mono-, uni-, bi-, tri- Home/School Connection Dictate the following words from this week’s unit, one at a time, having students write them on the BLMs: biceps, monotone, university. Dictate the following sentence and have students write it on their papers: As I rode the zoo monorail, I saw through my binoculars a bright blue bird with triangles of green on its wings. Spelling Dictation (BLM 10) ©2010 Benchmark Education Company, LLC Have students take the reading passage on BLM 9 home to read to a family member and point out the words with the Latin roots mono-, uni-, bi-, and tri-. Word Study & Vocabulary 3: Unit 24: Number prefixes mono-, uni-, bi-, tri- ©2010 Benchmark Education Company, LLC Write the words and sentence on the chalkboard and have students self-correct their papers. Supporting ELs Spelling Practice Make sure ELs know the meanings of the spelling words. Before student pairs use BLM 11, have the partners tell each other oral sentences using the spelling words. Give pairs of students Spelling Peer Check (BLM 11). While one student reads the spelling words from his or her word study notebook, the other student writes the words in the First Try column. After the second student has spelled the words, the first student places a check mark next to words spelled correctly. For the second try, the first student may prompt the second student by sounding out the words that were spelled incorrectly the first time. If the second spelling attempt is correct, the first student places a check mark in the Second Try column. Then students switch roles. 6 Word Study & Vocabulary 3: Unit 24: Number prefixes mono-, uni-, bi-, tri- Kit 3_Unit 24_TG.indd 6 ©2010 Benchmark Education Company, LLC 6/10/10 10:14:26 PM Day Five Name ___________________________________ Spelling Assessment Date _______________________________________ Unit 24 Quick-Check: Number Prefixes Answer Questions Use the following procedure to assess students’ spelling of the unit spelling words: Directions: Read the questions and choose the best answer. 1. Mari can speak two languages, so she is ____________. •Say a spelling word and use it in a sentence. 2. Math class was ____________ because students did the same activity every day. •Have students write the word on their papers. 3. The tiny country had a ____________ who ruled alone and had inherited the throne. •Continue with the remaining words on the list. 4. Carlos tried to ____________ the conversation, but Sara interrupted him to talk about trilingual bilingual monotonous unilateral •When students have finished, collect their papers and analyze their spelling of the words. •Use the assessment to plan small-group or individual practice. monolingual uniform monarch monochrome monopoly the game. unify monopolize monocle Apply Directions: In the space below, list three to five words you know that have a number prefix. ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ Directions: Using the words from the word bank, complete the following sort by writing the words in the appropriate category. Quick-Check Assessment one two three monorail uniform university unicorn universe binoculars bifocals biplane trigonometry triad tripod trident Word Bank binoculars, trigonometry, monorail, uniform, triad, bifocals, tripod, university, biplane, trident, unicorn, universe Think and Write about Number Prefixes mono-, uni-, bi-, tri- Assess students’ mastery of words with number prefixes using the Quick-Check for Unit 24. Suggestions for Independent Practice Find a Word. Assign one of the prefixes mono-, uni-, bi-, or tri- to groups of students. Provide groups with dictionaries. Set a timer for five minutes. Have students use the dictionary to find as many words as they can that begin with the assigned prefix. What Is . . . ? Provide students with a set of word cards and prefix category cards. Have groups sort the words according to the prefix. Then have students write clues for each word and use their clues to play a guessing game. Tell a Story. Have pairs of students write a story using the words from one set of word cards. Have pairs share their stories with the class. As the class listens, have them identify the words with the number prefixes. Word Search. Students can work with a partner to make a word search that uses some of the words from the word cards. Pairs should write clues to help the player identify the word. Once the player identifies the word, he or she should circle the word in the word search. Pairs can swap their searches with another pair. Directions: In the space below, explain how understanding number prefixes helps you as a reader, speller, and writer. _____________________________________________________________________________ Word Study & Vocabulary 3: Unit 24: Number prefixes mono-, uni-, bi-, tri- Answer Key BLM 6 bi- mono- bicentennial biennial bifocals monarch monochrome monolith tri- uni- triathlon tricolor trillion unification unilateral unity Answer Key BLM 7 1. triceratops 2. monotone 3. unicycle 4. trilogy 5. triathlon Kit 3_Unit 24_TG.indd 7 6. monolingual 7. unilateral 8. universe 9. monopolize 10. uniform Answer Key BLM 8 1. monologue 2. triple 3. monopoly 4. triumvirate 5. bisect ©2010 Benchmark Education Company, LLC ©2010 Benchmark Education Company, LLC Answer Key Unit 24 Quick-Check 6. monorail 7. monotonous 8. unity 9. monochrome 10. unification Word Study & Vocabulary 3: Unit 24: Number prefixes mono-, uni-, bi-, tri- 7 6/10/10 10:14:28 PM Name ____________________________________ Date ________________________________________ Unit 24 Quick-Check: Number Prefixes Answer Questions Directions: Read the questions and choose the best answer. 1. Mari can speak two languages, so she is ____________. trilingual bilingual monolingual 2. Math class was ____________ because students did the same activity every day. monotonous uniform monochrome 3. The tiny country had a ____________ who ruled alone and had inherited the throne. unilateral monarch monopoly 4. Carlos tried to ____________ the conversation, but Sara interrupted him to talk about the game. unify monopolize monocle Apply Directions: In the space below, list three to five words you know that have a number prefix. ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ Directions: Using the words from the word bank, complete the following sort by writing the words in the appropriate category. one two three Word Bank binoculars, trigonometry, monorail, uniform, triad, bifocals, tripod, university, biplane, trident, unicorn, universe Think and Write about Number Prefixes mono-, uni-, bi-, triDirections: In the space below, explain how understanding number prefixes helps you as a reader, speller, and writer. _____________________________________________________________________________ Word Study & Vocabulary 3: Unit 24: Number prefixes mono-, uni-, bi-, tri- Kit 3_Unit 24_TG.indd 8 ©2010 Benchmark Education Company, LLC 6/10/10 10:14:28 PM