1 FALL 2015 BIOLOGY 2F03 FUNDAMENTAL & APPLIED ECOLOGY PROFESSOR Dr. Lovaye Kajiura Assistant Professor McMaster University, Department of Biology LSB, Office 426 E-mail: kajiura@mcmaster.ca Office Hours: -Scheduled by appointment via email. INSTRUCTIONAL ASSISTANT Mr. Marvin Gunderman McMaster University, Department of Biology LSB, Office 116 Email: gundermn@mcmaster.ca *Email Marvin regarding lab section changes, permission for missing coursework & the midterm test, and tutorial/lab-related questions. COURSE DESCRIPTION An introduction to fundamental ecological principles and illustration of these are applied to current environmental problems at the level of organisms, populations, communities, and ecosystems. BIOLOGY 2F03 COURSE OBJECTIVE Understand basic ecological concepts and current problems in biodiversity loss, explore reasons that threaten biodiversity in Canada and in the world, and become familiar with possible solutions; develop communication skills (lab discussions) and independent analytical skills by completing independent computer exercises. BIOLOGY 2F03 LECTURES Please refer to the Fall/Winter McMaster University Undergraduate Master Course 2015-2016 Timetables posted on the McMaster University website. Lectures will be held on Tuesday evenings 7:00 to 10:00 pm in TSH 120. Refer to Lecture Schedule posted on the Biology 2F03 Avenue website. The Biology 2F03 lectures will be a synthesis of several sources (the required course textbook, primary scientific literature, such as journal articles, current research, and guest speakers). Lecture informaiton will be posted on the Biology 2F03 Avenue website. Note that the Biology 2F03 postings are NOT detailed lecture notes. Students are expected to attend all lectures and to supplement the Biology 2F03 Avenue postings with their own written or typed "in-class" lecture notes. 2 The Biology 2F03 Midterm Test & the Final Exam will include some concepts and current experimental work, which are not covered in the textbook. These topics will be discussed EXCLUSIVELY during in-lecture activities. IT IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT THAT STUDENTS ATTEND ALL LECTURES. The use of supplementary lecture resources will demonstrate how the concepts covered in Biology 2F03 lead directly to recent work and to applied research. **IMPORTANT ACADEMIC PROPERTY STATEMENT** NO part of the BIOLOGY 2F03 lectures, in-class discussions, course information or resources may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing by the professor (L. Kajiura). NO visual media, voice recordings, Powerpoint slides, MP3 media or lecture-related information may be reproduced or communicated by any means. Usage of cameras or video / camera-capable cellphones, smartphones or digital media are NOT PERMITTED to be used during lectures. REQUIRED BIOLOGY 2F03 TEXTBOOK The require Biology 2F03 textbook is ECOLOGY – Concepts and Applications (3rd Edition) by Molles & Cahill. The textbook is available for purchase at the McMaster Campus Store (bookstore). Please do not buy an old edition, since it will lack the updated concepts and figures. Using an older edition of the textbook will put students at a disadvantage. REQUIRED SIMBIO SIMULATIONS Two software modules (Population Growth, The Barnacle Zone) will be used in course. iClickers (OPTIONAL) iClickers (classroom response systems) are utilized in the lectures. The iClicker questions will not be formally graded, however, they will serve to provide valuable feedback regarding learned concepts. iClickers are available for purchase at the McMaster University Bookstore/Campus Store/Titles. 3 TENTATIVE LECTURE SCHEDULE WEEKS DATES 1 Sept. 8 2 Sept. 15 3 4 5 th th Sept. 22 nd th Sept. 29 Oct. 6 th TEXTBOOK SECTIONS TEXTBOOK CHAPTERS Introduction Chapter 1 Introduction to Ecology Section 1 Natural History & Evolution Chapter 2 Life on Land Section 1 Natural History & Evolution Chapter 3 Life in Water Section 2 Individuals Chapter 5 Temperature Relations Section 2 Individuals Chapter 6 Water Relations Section 2 Individuals Chapter 7 Energy & Nutrient Relations Section 3 Population Ecology Chapter10 Distribution & Abundance of Populations & Species Section 3 Population Ecology Chapter 11 Population Structure Section 3 Population Ecology Chapter 12 Population Dynamics th No Lecture – Enjoy the Midterm Recess! th MIDTERM TEST 6 Oct. 13 7 Oct. 20 Marvin will also present a lecture related to Insects. 8 9 10 Oct. 27 Nov. 3 th rd Nov. 10 th Section 4 Interactions Chapter 13 Competition Section 4 Interactions Chapter 14 Herbivory & Predation Section 4 Interactions Chapter15 Mutualism, Parasitism, & Disease Section 5 Communities & Ecosystems Chapter 16 Community Structure & Function Section 5 Communities & Ecosystems Chapter 17 Species Interactions & Community Structure Section 5 Communities & Ecosystems Chapter. 18 Disturbance, Succession, & Stability 11 12 Nov. 17 Nov. 24 13 Dec. 1 14 Dec. 8 th th st th Section 5 Communities & Ecosystems Chapter 19 Production & Energy Flow Section 5 Communities & Ecosystems Chapter 20 Nutrient & Elemental Cycling Section 6 Large-Scale Ecology Chapter 21 Landscape Ecology Section 6 Large-Scale Ecology Chapter 22 Macroecology Section 6 Large-Scale Ecology Chapter 23. Global Ecology FINAL EXAM REVIEW SESSION 4 BIOLOGY 2F03 TUTORIALS (aka LABS) Please refer to the Fall/Winter 2015‐2016 McMaster University Undergraduate Master Course Timetables posted on the McMaster University website. Refer to the following information & schedule listed in this document and on the Biology 2F03 Avenue website. Students will participate in biweekly 3 hour Field Trips, Lab Discussions, and Computer Exercises. HIKES AND TUTORIALS (aka Labs) SCHEDULE SECTION Hike Dates Oil Sands Discussion Fresh Water Discussion E-waste Discussion 1 Sep 14-24 Oct 19 9:30am BSB-105 Nov 2 9:30am BSB-105 Nov 16 9:30am BSB-105 2 Sep 14-24 Oct 26 9:30am BSB-105 Nov 9 9:30am BSB-105 Nov 23 9:30am BSB-105 3 Sep 14-24 Oct 19 2:30pm KTH-B107 Nov 2 2:30pm KTH-B107 Nov 16 2:30pm KTH-B107 4 Sep 14-24 Oct 26 2:30pm KTH-B107 Nov 9 2:30pm KTH-B107 Nov 23 2:30pm KTH-B107 5 Sep 14-24 Oct 20 8:30am KTH-105 Nov 3 8:30am KTH-105 Nov 17 8:30am KTH-105 6 Sep 14-24 Oct 27 8:30am KTH-105 Nov 10 8:30am KTH-105 Nov 24 8:30am KTH-105 7 Sep 14-24 Oct 20 2:30pm KTH-105 Nov 3 2:30pm KTH-105 Nov 17 2:30pm KTH-105 8 Sep 14-24 Oct 27 2:30pm KTH-105 Nov 10 2:30pm KTH-105 Nov 24 2:30pm KTH-105 9 Sep 14-24 Oct 21 9:30am BSB-B140 Nov 4 9:30am BSB-B140 Nov 18 9:30am BSB-B140 11 Sep 14-24 Oct 21 2:30pm BSB-B138 Nov 4 2:30pm BSB-B138 Nov 18 2:30pm BSB-B138 12 Sep 14-24 Oct 28 2:30pm BSB-B138 Nov 11 2:30pm BSB-B138 Nov 25 2:30pm BSB-B138 13 Sep 14-24 Oct 22 8:30am KTH-105 Nov 5 8:30am KTH-105 Nov 19 8:30am KTH-105 15 Sep 14-24 Oct 22 2:30pm KTH-105 Nov 5 2:30pm KTH-105 Nov 19 2:30pm KTH-105 16 Sep 14-24 Oct 29 2:30pm KTH-105 Nov 12 2:30pm KTH-105 Nov 26 2:30pm KTH-105 17 Sep 14-24 Oct 23 11:30am BSB-B154 Nov 6 11:30am BSB-B154 Nov 20 11:30am BSB-B154 NOTE 1: The hikes are open. That means you can show up on any day between the dates of Sep 14-24 at 2:30pm in front of the LSB. Look for details in the Biology 2F03 Avenue “News” section. There will be no hikes on Sep 15 and 16. Rain dates are set for Sep 28-30 if needed. Cootes Paradise assignment is due Monday, Oct 5th at 4 pm for the entire class. NOTE 2: SimBio Assignment 1 (Population Growth) is due on Friday, October 2 nd for the entire class. NOTE 3: SimBio Assignment 2 (Barnacle Zone) is due Friday, October 23 rd for the entire class. 5 HOW TO LOG INTO THE BIOLOGY 2F03 AVENUE SITE 1. Start your web browser and go to: http://avenue.mcmaster.ca 2. USER ID: Type in the first part (in lower case letters) of your McMaster MUSS e‐mail address (Your MAC ID). For example: if your McMaster e‐mail address is janedoe@muss.cis.mcmaster.ca, then your Avenue User ID is janedoe. 3. PASSWORD: Type in your McMaster Modem / Printing / CIS Lab Access /Proxy Services password. 4. Then click on the Login button. You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader (this is freeware) to read the Biology 1P03 pdf files. Most computers have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed as standard software. If your computer does not have it, you may download it from the Adobe website: http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html Note: In this course, we will be using Avenue for some assessments. Students should be aware that when they access the electronic components of this course, private information, including first and last names, user names for the McMaster University e‐mail accounts, and program affiliations may become apparent to others participating in the course. Continuation in this course will be deemed as consent to this disclosure. If you have any questions or concerns about such disclosure, please discuss them with the professor and instructional assistant of this course. GRADING Biology 2F03 grades will be determined by the following evaluations: VALUE MIDTERM TEST, Tuesday October 20th 25% LABS 40% Participation 10% Leading Lab Discussions 15% Assignments (5% each, Cootes & 2 Simbio Reports) CUMULATIVE FINAL EXAM (TBA December) 35% Final marks for the course are based on a total assessment of each student's record. It is a student's responsibility to make sure that his/her marks are complete and correct. Grade adjustment techniques may be used. However, marks will NOT be bell‐curved at any point in the term. The Professor and the Instructional Assistant reserve the right to change or revise information contained in this course outline. The professor and university reserve the right to modify elements of the course during the term. The university may change the dates and deadlines for any or all courses in extreme circumstances. If either type of modification becomes necessary, students will be given reasonable notice with an explanation and an opportunity to comment on changes. It is the responsibility of the student to check their McMaster email and course websites weekly during the term and to note any changes. Marks will be calculated according to the above grading scheme in order to be consistent with previous years. The Biology Department does not approve of altering marks arbitrarily at a student's request. 6 BIOLOGY 2F03 IMPORTANT INFORMATION: 1. AVENUE TO LEARN will be used to communicate with students in this course. Lecture supplements may be downloaded from Avenue. Please consult this regularly (daily) to keep up with updates. You are also encouraged to use this to further your class discussions with classmates and the Biology 2F03 Team. Students should be aware that, when they access the electronic components of this course, private information such as first and last names, user names for the McMaster e-mail accounts, and program affiliation may become apparent to all other students in the same course. The available information is dependent on the technology used. Continuation in this course will be deemed consent to this disclosure. If you have any questions or concerns about such disclosure please discuss this with the course professor. 2. TUTORIALS (LABS). Please refer to the schedule that posted on Avenue in the LAB INFORMATION section. It is the student’s responsibility to attend and complete the tutorials (labs). 3. TEACHING PHILOSOPHY. This course aims to foster independent and collaborative academic and research skills. To achieve this aim, students will be asked to take their own class notes, study material from the textbook to expand and supplement the lectures and do so as they see necessary to firm up their knowledge and understanding to develop judgment as to which facts and ideas are indispensable, to engage in discussions of the material on Avenue, and to collaborate in learning. 4. ACADEMIC DISHONESTY. You are expected to exhibit honesty and use ethical behavior in all aspects of the learning process. Academic credentials you earn are rooted in principles of honesty and academic integrity. Academic dishonesty is to knowingly act or fail to act in a way that results or could result in unearned academic credit or advantage. This behavior can lead to serious consequences, e.g. a grade of zero on an assignment, loss of credit with a notation on the transcript (notation reads: “Grade of F assigned for academic dishonesty”), and/or suspension or expulsion from the university. It is your responsibility to understand what constitutes academic dishonesty. For information on the various types of academic dishonesty please refer to the Academic Integrity Policy, located at http://www.mcmaster.ca/academicintegrity The following descriptions some of the forms of academic dishonesty: 1. Plagiarism (the submission of work that is not a student’s own or for which other credit has been obtained) 2. Improper collaboration in group work. 3. Copying or using unauthorized aids during tests and examinations. In order to uphold the integrity of the Department of Biology at McMaster University, please consult the Statement on Academic Ethics and the Senate Resolutions on Academic Dishonesty stipulated in the Senate Policy Statements, presented at registration in the Senate Office, accessible on the web, http://www.mcmaster.ca/univsec/policy/AcademicIntegrity.pdf 7 Any student who infringes one of these resolutions will be treated according to published policy. The following are some pitfalls experienced by previous students: • If you use any information from the internet, verbatim or paraphrased, and you do not acknowledge the source, then you have plagiarized. • If you work with a classmate and have an identical written answer (i.e., sentences or phrases have the identical wording or phrasing), then you have plagiarized. • If you copy a photograph or a graph from the internet and do not acknowledge the source, you have plagiarized. If you are found to have committed plagiarism, you will automatically receive a grade of zero for the given assignment. There will not be any exceptions to this rule. 5. All assignments are due by 5:00pm and must be deposited in the drop box labeled with the appropriate course name outside of LSB 116. 6. Policy on missed work, extensions, late penalties and missed exams is simple: • There will not be any deferred midterm tests or presentations. • The final mark will be based on the grading scheme outlined in this course outline. • The calculation of all completed, eligible work that leads to the highest mark will be used. 7. Only McMaster-approved calculators (Casio FX-991) are allowed for midterms and final exams. This does not apply to the course as we will not be doing any calculations that require technical aids. 8. The professor and university reserve the right to modify elements of the course during the term. The university may change the dates and deadlines for any or all courses in extreme circumstances. If either type of modification becomes necessary, reasonable notice and communication with the students will be given with explanation and the opportunity to comment on changes. It is the responsibility of the student to check their McMaster email and course websites weekly during the term and to note any changes. 9. CHANGES TO MSAF This message is to inform students of changes made to the McMaster Student Absence Form (MSAF) policy beginning in the Fall 2015 term, most notably: The timeframe within which the MSAF is valid has been reduced from 5 days to 3 days. 8 The upper limit for which an MSAF can be submitted has been reduced from ‘less than 30%’ to ‘less than 25%’ of the course weight. The entire MSAF policy is available in the Undergraduate Calendar 2015-16 (Fall/Winter) >General Academic Regulations>Requests for Relief for Missed Academic Term work. Please review the entire policy prior to submitting any requests. http://academiccalendars.romcmaster.ca/content.php?catoid=13&navoid=2208#Requests_for_ Relief_for_Missed_Academic_Term_Work . REQUESTS FOR RELIEF FOR MISSED ACADEMIC TERM WORK The University recognizes that students periodically require relief from academic work for medical or other personal situations. This academic regulation aims to manage these requests by taking into account the needs and obligations of students, instructors and administrators. It is the prerogative of the instructor of the course to determine the appropriate relief for missed term work in his/her course. Any concerns regarding the granting of relief should be directed to the respective Faculty Office. Requests for relief should be made with a commitment to academic integrity in mind. Requests that deviate from this commitment will be handled under the Academic Integrity Policy and Student Code of Conduct, where appropriate. Relief for missed academic work worth less than 25% of the final grade resulting from medical or personal situations lasting up to three calendar days: Use the McMaster Student Absence Form (MSAF) on-line self-reporting tool. No further documentation is required. Students may submit requests for relief using the MSAF once per term. An automated email will be sent to the course instructor, who will determine the appropriate relief. Students must immediately follow up with their instructors. Failure to do so may negate the opportunity for relief. The MSAF cannot be used to meet a religious obligation or to celebrate an important religious holiday. The MSAF cannot be used for academic work that has already been completed/ attempted. An MSAF applies only to work that is due within the period for which the MSAF applies, i.e. the 3-day period that is specified in the MSAF; however, all work due in that period can be covered by one MSAF. The MSAF cannot be used to apply for relief for any final examination or its equivalent. See Petitions for Special Consideration above. 9 For medical or personal situations lasting more than three calendar days, and/or for missed academic work worth 25% or more of the final grade, and/or for any request for relief in a term where the MSAF has been used previously in that term: Students must report to their Faculty Office to discuss their situation and will be required to provide appropriate supporting documentation (see Documentation Requirements below). If warranted, the Faculty Office will approve the absence, and the instructor will determine appropriate relief. DOCUMENTATION REQUIREMENTS If the reason for a request for relief is medical, the approved McMaster University Medical Form covering the relevant dates must be submitted. The student must be seen by a doctor at the earliest possible date, normally on or before the date of the missed work and the doctor must verify the duration of the illness. If the reason is non-medical, appropriate documentation with verifiable origin covering the relevant dates must be submitted, normally within three working days. In some circumstances, students may be advised to submit a Petition for Special Consideration (Form A) seeking relief for missed academic work. In deciding whether or not to grant a petition, adequacy of the supporting documentation, including the timing in relation to the due date of the missed work and the degree of the student’s incapacitation, may be taken into account. Failure to do so may negate the opportunity for relief. If the petition is approved, the Faculty Office will notify the instructor(s) recommending relief. It is the prerogative of the instructor of the course to determine the appropriate relief for missed term work in his/her course. 10.STUDENT CODE OF CONDUCT ‐ APPENDIX D Major Offences include, but are not limited to: (h) engaging in disruptive behaviour. Disruptive behaviour is behaviour in class or out of class which involves substantial disorder and/or disrupts the operation of the University (j) engaging in verbal or non‐verbal behaviour or communication toward an individual or group which is considered to be intimidating, harassing and/or discriminatory 11.BIOLOGY 2F03 MIDTERM TEST AND FINAL EXAMINATION FORMAT Biology 2F03 Midterm Test will consist of multiple choice questions that may assess descriptive, conceptual, and applied knowledge and will be held during the lecture timeslot in TSH 120. For multiple choice questions, each question is worth 1 mark, no partial marks will be awarded. The Final Exam will consist of multiple choice questions only. The Final Exam is cumulative and will evaluate information covered during the entire academic term. The location of the Final Exam will be scheduled by the Office of the Registrar, with dates & times to be announced. 10 MISSED FINAL EXAM Students who miss the Biology 2F03 Final Exam for a valid reason may apply to the Associate Dean of their respective faculty for permission to write a Deferred Final Exam to be written during the Deferred Final Exam period. The student must submit a completed McMaster University Medical Certificate and the completed application for the deferred Final Exam to the Office of the Associate Dean within one week of the Final Examination period. McMASTER UNIVERSITY GRADING SCHEME Grades obtained for Biology 2F03 will be converted according to the following scheme, which is the one in general use at McMaster University. 90‐100% 85‐89% 80‐84% 77‐79% 73‐76% 70‐72% 67‐69% 63‐66% 60‐62% 57‐59% 53‐56% 50‐52% 0‐49% A+ A A‐ B+ B B‐ C+ C C‐ D+ D D‐ F th REVISED: September 8 2015 © Kajiura, Department of Biology, McMaster University