Understanding by Design Title: __G=-=..et::..:t::..:in::.l!g'-'S:::..t::..:a:.::r~te=-=d=---Topic: Science Fundamentals Subject/Course: Honors Physics I College Physics I Chemistry Grade(s): 11/12 · Teacher(s):_--=R..:::;a:.::IpL;h:::...:::Bc.::e.:::;n.:;.;oi::..:t_ _ __ Date(s) :_ _ _ __:3::;_t::.:o~6::....=d=-ay"-=s::.__(;,..=s..:::;k:=iJ=Is--'w_;_:i::::llc..::b::..::e:...::u::.::s~ed=--==th=-=r:...:o:...=u:.eg=.ho:::..u=..:t:....:t=h:.::.e..J.y..::.e::::ar'""')_ _ Stage 1 - Desired Results Established Goal(s) I Content Standard(s): ·,. To introduce skills that will be used throughout the year in every lab report. To be able to take measurements, record data, reduce data, analyze data, make graphs, analyze graphs, use statistical analysis, perform error analysis, and use significant digits. (Strand 1.12) Understanding(s): Essential Question(s) 1) When and how to use the safety equipment I'm never going to need to know all the math that in the lab. they teach, am I? 2) How to properly use and read a variety of What's in a scientists' tool box? measuring devices. · How dol know if my lab results are good? 3) The uncertainties in all physical measurements. (error analysis) 4) Significant digits 5) Scientific notation. 6) Metric system and conversions. 7) Data Analysis 8) Graphing and graphical analysis. 9) Basic math skills. Siudents will be able to: Students will know: 1) How, when, and why to use all of the safety . 1) Properly use a variety of safety devices equipment in the lab. including fire extinguisher, fire safety 2) The safety color code system used by HHS. blanket, eye wash, and safety shower. 3) How .to use and read a variety of measuring 2) Deal with safety situations both in the instruments (analog, digital, and computer classroom and school wide. · interfaced). 3) Properly use a variety of measuring devices 4) How to find percent error, absolute error, including analog devices, electronic and relCltive error. · devices, and computer interfaced devices. 5) The difference between systematic and · 4) Measure, organize, and record data. 5) Create a data table random error. 6) The origin of significant digits and how they 6) Do a statistical analysis to solve for mean are used in mathematics. and standard deviation. 7) How to use significant digits while taking 7) Calculate percent error, absolute error, and measurements in a lab. relative error. 8) Distinguish between random and systematic 8) How to change numbers into and out of scientific notation .. error. 9) How to peiform both metric and non-metric 9) Distinguish between accuracy and conversions. precision. 10) How to organize and analyze data. 10) Understan.d and utilize scientific notation 11) How to construct a graph from and sigma notation. experimental data. 11) Generaie and interpret a variety ofgraphs 12) How to interpret and analyze graphs. from a set of data. l 13) How to analyze error. 14) How to statistically analyze the data. 12) Determine the slope of a variety ofgraphs, both linear and nonlinear. 13) Determine the formula of a line on linear graphs. 14) Determine the area under the curve for a variety ofgraphs, both linear and nonlinear. 15) Convert both metric and non-metric quantities. 16) Solve for an unknown in algebraic . ~quations, using a systematic problem solving technique. 1 7) Test the validity of an equation, using dimensional analysis. Stage 2 ,.... Assessment Evidence Performance Tasks: I) Course Syllabus and Introduction. 2) Math Skill Assessment Worksheet 3) Safety Mini-lab 4) Safety Quiz 5) Scientific Notation Worksheet 1 6) Scientific Notation Quiz 1 7) Scientific Notation Worksheet 2. 8) Scientific Notation Quiz 2 9) Measurement and Significant Digit Worksheet 1"0) Significant Digit Quiz 11) Measurement Mini -lab 12)Math Skills Worksheet 13)Factor Label Method Worksheet 14) Simple Conversions Worksheet 15) Complex Conversions Worksheet 16) Conversions Quiz 17) Graphing Guidelines 18) Graphical Analysis Worksheet 19) Standard Deviation Worksheet 20) Sign Convention Worksheet 21) General Science and Math SkillsVocabulary 22) Math skills Test Key Criteria: .. 1) The proper use of these concepts on ALL lab reports throughout the year. Other Evidence: © 2001 ASCD and Grant Wtggms & Jay McTighe Stage 3 - Learning Plan Learning Activities: Consider the WH.E.R.E.T.O. elements • • • • • • Safety Mini-lab: Students will develop a plan of action to deal with fire, chemical spills, and physical injuries. They will learn the location and proper usage of the fire extinguisher, fire blanket, eye wash, and safety shower. Measurement Mini-lab: Students will learn how to take proper measurements using a variety of measuring devices. Significant Digit Activity: Students will learn the origin of significant digits and there ·usage through a guided example. Students will also learn the difference between accuracy and precision, and the uncertainties inherent in measurements through a length measurement activity. . Factor-Label Method Activity: Student will learn the factor-label method through a guided activity. Solving Problems Worksheets (covering ALL topics) Open Response Question: Students will answer an open response question basedonthet~.PL-iic_·----------------------------------------------~ Understandinf! by Design Title: Physics Topic: Rotational Motion Date(s): Subject/Course: Honors/College Physics Grade(s): 11/12 Teacher(s):_--=R.::;:a:::.lp~h::::...:::B;.::e;:.:n~oi~t---- 5 to 6 weeks ----------~~~~~--------------- Stage 1 - Desired Results Established Goal(s) I Content Standard(s): ·~ To recognize, explain, calculate, analyze, derive, and measure all quantities and properties involved in Rotational motion situations. Understanding(s): Es~ential Question(s) How dq,you aim a cannon? Projectile motion What makes a curve ball curve? Circular Motion Why do you get pushed against the car door when Angular Motion The difference between cel)tripetal and making a turn? centrifugal. 5) The difference between centripetal acceleration, tangential acceleration, and angular acceleration. 6) Torque 7) Kepler's laws for orbits 8) Simple machines Students will know: · StUdents will be able to: 1) The independence between the horizontal 1) Display an understanding of the independence of the vertical and horizontal and vertical aspects of projectile motion. 2) How to calculate position, velocity, launch · velocity components of a projectile. 2) Demonstrate an understanding of the angle, and time for projectiles. 3) How the laws that govern projectile motion relation between launch angles, vertical and relate to rotational motion. horizontal velocity, altitude and range, and . time injlight.. 4) The difference between tangential and angular quantities. 3) Calculate various quantities related to 5) The difference between centripetal and projectile motion. centrifugal quantities. 4) Display an understanding of projectile 6) The concept of centripetal acceleration and motion and to be able to use it as a bridge centripetal force. to understanding rotational motion. 7) How to calculate tangential and centripetal .5) Distinguish between tangential and angular quantities using circular motion equations. quantities. 8) The relationship between tangential and 6) Distinguish between centripetal and angular quantities. ceiurijugal quantities. 9) How to calculate angular and centripetal 7) Demonstrate an understanding of the quantities using angular motion equations. concept of centripetal acceleration and centripetal force. . 10) The relationship between angular and tangential quantities. 8) Apply Newton's laws ofmotion to circular II) The definition of torque and its relationship motion and derive an equation for to force. centripetal force and acceleration. 12) How to apply Newton's laws for linear 9) Calculate rotational quantities using motion to tor_que in rotational motion. tangential equations. 1) 2) 3) 4) 13)How to apply torque concepts to solve for forces on static and dynamic systems. 14) The relationship between inertial mass and moment of inertia. 15) The laws that govern Orbital motion. 16) Identify and classify simple machines and calculate the mechanical advantages for these simple machines. 17) Identify the three classes of levers, and how they influence force, work, distance, and velocity. 10) Calculate rotational quantities using angular equations; 11 )Demonstrate an understanding of the relation between angular and tangential quantities. 12) Understand and solve for angular velocity, angular acceleration, and angular forces. 13) Apply Newton's laws for linear motion to torque in rotational motion. 14) Demonstrate an understanding of the concept of torque and its' application. 15) Understand and solve for torque, force, radial distance, lever arm, moment of inertia, and anguJar acceleration. 16) Demonstrate an understanding of the laws that govern orbittzl motion and how the apply to our solar system. 17) Demonstrate an understanding of simple machines and calculate their mechanical advantage. Stage 2 - Assessment Evidence Performance Tasks: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Projectile motion Info Sheet Projectile Motion Worksheets 1 through 4 Projectile Motion Quiz Circular Motion Info Sheet Circular Motion worksheets 1 through 4 6) Circular Motion Quiz 7) Angular Motion Info Sheet 8) Angular Motion Worksheets 1 through 4 9) Angular Motion quiz IO)Rotational Motion Lab 11) Rigid Body Rotation Info Sheet 12) Torque Worksheets 1 through 3 13)Torque Lab 14) Torque Quiz 15) Kepler's Laws Info Sheet 16) Simple Machines Info Sheet 17) Lever Lab 18)Unit Concept Sheet 19) Unit Concept Quiz 20) Unit Test Key Criteria: 1) 2) 3) 4) Passing grades on all Quizzes (Combined 25 percent of final grade) Passing grade on the two Labs (Combined 30 percent of final grade) Passing grade on the Unit Test (35 percent of final grade) Participate in all class activities, complete al1 assignments to the best of one's ·abilities ( 10 percent class participation grade) Other Evidence: 1) ~nswer questions in class pertaining to the topic. 2) Answers to the open response questions on both lab reports. © 2001 ASCD and Grant Wiggins & Jay McTighe Learnin~ Plan Learning Activities: Consider the W.H.E.R.E. T. 0. elements Stage 3 - • • • • • Projectile Motion Activity: Students will Jearn the nature of projectile motion by viewing computer simulation. They will be able to discover how changing different variables will affect the motion of the projectile. Rotational Motion Lab: Student will perform a lab that will reinforce the ideas of rotational motion. The students will analyz~ the motion using circular and angular perspectives. Torque Lab: Student will perlorm a lab that will reinforce the concept of torque. The students will determine the mass of a rigid body simply by analyzing the torque on the object. ., Solving Problems Worksheets (covering ALL topics) Open Response Question: Students will answer an open response question based on the topic .. Understandinf! by Design Title: Physics Topic: Simple Motion Subject/Course: Honors/College Physics Grade(s): ·11112 Teacher(s):_--=R=a:;;;.::l.a;,p=h-=B;;.;:e~n:.;;:;o.:.:it;.,.,__ __ Date(s): _ _ _ _~3..:::to~·.;::;.4...!.w!.!e:!:ek 2s~------ Stage 1- Desired Results Established Goal(s) I Content Standard(s): To recognize, explain, calculate, analyze, derive, and measure all quantities and properties involved with non-accelerated motion. (Strands 1.1, 1.3) Understanding(s): · Essential Question(s) I) The definition of motion and its relative nature. 2) What a frame of reference is. 3) The difference between speed, velocity, position, and distance. 4) The scalar nature of speed and the vector nature of velocity. 5) The difference between average and instantaneous situations. 6) How to calculate average and instantaneous speed a1gebraica1Jy, and graphically. 7) How to calculate average and instantaneous velocity algebraically~ and graphically. Students will know: I) The definition motion, 2) The definition of speed (total change in distance in a given elapsed time) 3) The definition of velocity (total change in position in a given elapsed time). 4) The meaning of signs for velocity and speed. 5) Speed is a scalar and velocity is a vector. 6) Average quantities depend only on end point situation and are artificial. 7) Instantaneous quantities are real and happen at a moment iii time. 8) How to calculate average speed and velocity algebraically and graphically. 9) How to calculate instantaneous velocity graphically. How can a sprinter run 400 meters in 80 seconds with an average velocity of ZERO meters per second? Students will be able to: I) Define motion in terms of position, time, andframe of reference. 2) Differentiate between speed and velocity. ·3) Associate sign for velocity with the direction of the motion. 4) identify the scalar nature of speed and the vector nature of velocity. 5) Calculate average speed algebraically. 6) Calculate average speed graphically as · slope on a distance graph between two · points. 7) Calculate average velocity algebraically. 8) Calculate average velocity graphically as slope on a position graph between two points. 9) Calculate instantaneous velocity graphically as slope of a tangent line at a point on a position graph. IO) To be able to define instantaneous velocity as the limit of the average velocity as delta time approaches zero. I 1) To be able to solve for an unknown in algebraic equations, using a systematic problem solving technique. 12) To be able to test' the valiiiity of an equation, using dimensional analysis. 13) To be able to use the computer as a lab instrument to take data and aid in the analysis of motion via graphing. Sta2e 2 - Assessment Evidence Performance Tasks: 1) Zeno worksheet (Defining Motion) 2) Frame of Reference Info Sheet 3) Motion Definition Quiz 4) Speed vs. Velocity Info Sheet 5) Average Speed/Velocity Mini-lab Activity 6) Average Speed Worksheet 1 7) Average Speed Worksheet 2 8) Average Speed Quiz 9) Average Velocity Worksheet I I 0) Average Velocity Worksheet 2 li) Average Velocity Quiz 12) Average Speed/Velocity Lab 13) Instantaneous Velocity Info Sheet I4) Instantaneous Velocity Worksheet 1 15) Instantaneous Velocity Quiz 16) Motion Concept True or False Worksheet I7) Motion Concept True or False Quiz 18) Unit Test .., Key Criteria: I) Passing grades on all Quizzes (Combined 25 ·percent of final grade) 2) · Passing grades on the Lab (Combined 30 percent of final grade) 3) Passing grade on the Unit Test (35 percent of final grade) 4) Participate in all class activities, complete all assignments to the best of one's abilities (10 percent class participation grade) Other Evidence: 1) Answer questions in class pertaining to the topic. 2) Answers to the open response questions on both lab reports. © 2001 ASCD and Grant W1ggms & Jay McTighe Stage 3 - Learning Plan Learning Activities: Consider the W.H.E.R.E.T.O. elements • • • • • Defining Motion Activity: Students will work in groups to develop a definition and an understanding of motion. They will learn the relative nature of motion and understand its implications dealing with a given frame of reference. Speed I Velocity Activity: Students wiillearn how speed and velocity differ by. performing a class activity where a persons speed and velocity are calculated. · Instantaneous versus Average Activity: Students will learn the meaning of these terms and how they relate to the concepts of speed and velocity. Students will perform a micro-computer based activity where motion will be graphed and they will calculate average speed/velocity and instantaneous speed/velocity. Solving Problems Worksheets (covering AbL topics) Open Response Question: Students will answer an open response question based on the topic. · · Understanding by Design Title: _ _.P~h:.:.Y.t.:s~i:::::cs.:.---------Topic: Graphing Motion SubjectJCourse: Honors/College Physics Grade(s): 11/12 Teacher(s):_--::R.:;:a:::l~p~h..:;B::.:e~n:.:;::o.:..:it:-_ __ Date(s): _ _ _ _-::l;..:t~o:....::3:....w=ee::::.k~s:....-_ _ _ _ __ --------------------------------~--------------------------------------------~ Stage 1 - Desired Results Established Goal(s) I Content Standard(s): To create and interpret 3 types of motion graphs (position, velocity, and acceleration). To be able to convert between these three graphs. (Strand 1.4) Understanding(s): Essential Question(s) 1) Draw each motion graph. What's so important about a bunch oflines? 2) The relationship of various types ofmotion to the shapes seen on the graphs. 3) Qualitative descriptions of motion from the graphs. 4) Reproduce a graph from qualitative descriptions of motion. 5) Calculate a variety of quantities from the . . . graphs. 6) The difference between constant and non. constant situations. 7) The mathematical relationship between the graphs. Students will know: 1) How to create a position, velocity, and acceleration graphs. 2) How interpret shapes on these graphs in terms of direction, velocity, and acceleration. 3) How to. differentiate between constant and non-constant situations. . 4) How to determine if a non-constant velocity was fast to.slow or slow to fast. 5) How to determine if a non~constant acceleration was high to low or low to high. 6) How to write qualitative motion graph descriptions for all 3 graphs. (Direction, Velocity, Acceleration) 7) How to draw any motion graph from a description of motion. 8) Slope on a position graph represents velocity. 9) Slope on a veloCity graph represents acceleration. 10) Slope on an acceleration graph represents jerk. Students will be able to: 1) Plot and interpret a variety of graphs pertaining to constant and non constant motion. 2) Differentiate between accelerated and nonaccelerated motion via graphical representations. 3) Understand the meaning ofthe area under the curve of a velocity-time graph and be able to calculate the displacement from · such an area. 4) · Understand the relation between distancetime and velocity-time graphs. 5) Understand the relation between velocitytime and accelerati01i-time graphs. 6) Use the computer to take data, calculate, make graphs, and aid in the analysis of an object in motion. 7) Distinguish between dependent and independent variables and be able to interpret the meaning of linear, parabolic, and hyperbolic curves on graphs. 8) Describe qualitatively, the relationship 11 )Area under the curve on a velocity graph indicates change in position. 12)Area under the curve on an acceleration graph indicates change in velocity. 13) How the 3 motion graphs are related. among distance moved, the time it takes, and the speed or velocity of the body. 9) Describe quantitatively, the relationship among distance moved, the time it takes, and the speed or velocity of the body. 10) Use the computer as a lab instrument to take data and aid in the analysis of motion via graphing. Stage 2 - Assessment Evidence Performance Tasks: .... 1) Computer based Mini-lab Position Graphing 2) Position Graph Worksheet 3) Computer based Mini-lab Velocity Graphing 4) Velocity Graph Worksheet 5) Motion Graph Worksheet 1 6) Motion Graph Worksheet 2 7) Motion Graph Quiz 8) Computer based Mini-lab Acceleration Graphing 9) Acceleration Graph Worksheet 10) Motion Graph Lab 1 11) Graphical Interpretations Worksheet 12) Motion Graph Qualitative Analysis Worksheet ., 13) Motion Graph Qualitative Analysis Quiz 14).Motion Graph Quantitative Analysis Position and Velocity Worksheet 15) Motion Graph Quantitative Analysis Velocity and· Acceleration Worksheet 16) Motion Graph Quantitative Analysis Position and Acceleration Worksheet 17)Motion Graph Quantitative Analysis Quiz 18) Motion Graph Lab 2 19) Unit Test Key Criteria: 1) 2) 3) 4) Passing grades on all Quizzes (Combined 25 percent of final grade) Passing grades on both Labs (Combined 30 percent of final grade) Passing grade on the Unit Test (35 percent of final grade) Participate in all class activities, complete all assignments to the best of one's abilities ( 10 percent class _participation grade) Other Evidence: I) Answer questions in class pertaining to the topic. 2) Answers to the open response questions on both lab reports. © 2001 ASCD and Grant Wiggms & Jay McT1ghe ... Stage 3 - Learning Plan Learning Activities: Consider the W.H.E.R.E.T.O. elements • • • • • • • Position Graph Mini-Lab: Students will conduct a micro-computer based minlab where they will be required to reproduce several position graphs. They must then analyze their motion and determine how direction, speed, and acceleration are shown by the shape of th~ graph. Velocity Graph Mini-Lab: Students will conduct a micro-computer based minlab where they will be required to reproduce several velocity graphs. They must then analyze their motion and determine how direction, speed, and acceleration are shown by the shape of the graph. Acceleration Graph Mini-Lab: Students will conduct a micro-computer based min-lab where they will be required to reproduce several acceleration graphs. They must then analyze their motion and determine how direction, speed, and acceleration are shown by the shape of the graph. Motion Graph Lab 1: Students will conduct a micro-computer based lab where they will be required to reproduce several position, veloCity, and acceleration graphs. They must then analyze their motion and determine how direction, speed, and acceleration are shown by the shapes of the graphs. They will compare how these characteristics differ between the type of graphs being analyzed, and will develop a pattern to these characteristics. Motion Graph Lab 2: Students will conduct a micro-computer based lab where they will be required to predict quantitatively two motion graphs from one that was given. They will then test these predictions by reproducing the given graph and viewing the predicted graphs. Then the students will determine a rule of correspondence between these 3 graphs. Solving Problems Worksheets (covering ALL topics) Open Response Question: Students will answer an open response question based on the topic. Understanding by Design Title: Physics Topic: Accelerated Motion Subject/Course: Honors/College Physics Grade(s): 11/12 Teacher(s): ___R=a::::l""p=h-=B;:;.;;e""'n:.:::o.::::it:-.._ __ Date(s): _ _ _ _--::3;..;t::.:::o;...4:..w=ee:::.:::k~s:-_ _ _ _ __ Sta2e 1 - Desired Results Established Goal{s) I Content Standard(s): To recognize, explain; calculate, analyze, derive, and measure all quantities and properties involved in constant acceleration situations. (Strands 1.1, 1.3) Essential Question(s) Understanding(s): I) Define acceleration in terms position, Why did it take 2000 years to "Accelerate" our velocity, and time. knowledge of motion? 2) The difference between positive and negative acceleration. 3) Aristotle's theory on free fall and science. 4) Galileo's theory on free fall. 5) Analyzing uniform and non-unifonn accelerated motion. 6) Graphical interpretation of accelerated motion. Students will be able to: Students will know: 1) The definition of acceleration. 1) Define acceleration in terms of position, 2) The meaning of signs and the sign conventions. velocity, and time. 3) Aristotle's contributions to science. 2) Differentiate between objects that have a 4) Aristotle's theories of science. positive and negative acceleration based on 5) Galileo 's contributions to science. the sign convention and direction of motion 6) Galileo's theory of constant acceleration. in a given frame ofreference. 7) Galileo 's experiment. 3) Identify Aristotle's theories and explain how they are wrong. · 8) How to analyze uniform and non-unifonn accelerated motion. 4) Identify Galileo 's theories and his 9) How to graph accelerated motion on position, methodology. velocity, and acceleration graphs. 5) Differentiate between Aristotle's and 10) How to calculate acceleration froin position, Galileo's theories. velocity, and acceleration graphs. 6) Reproduce Galileo's results experimentally. . 7) Derive constant acceleration equations. 8) Solve problems involving constantly accelerating objects.· 9) Graph accelerated motion on position; velocity, and acceleration graphs. 10) Calculate acceleration graphically. · 11) To be able to solve for an unknown in algebraic equations, using a systematic problem solving technique. 12) To be able to test the validity of an equation, using dimensional analysis. 13) To be able to use the computer as a lab instrument to take data and aid in the analysis offreefall viagrap]ling. I Stage 2 - Assessment Evidence Performance Tasks: Acceleration Mini-lab Exercise Acceleration Concept Quiz Aristotle Reading Galilee reading 5) Aristotle vs. Galilee Concept Worksheet 6) Aristotle vs. Galileo Concept Quiz 7) Galileo Lab 8) Free Fall Worksheet I 9) Free Fall Worksheet 2 10) Free Fall Worksheet 3 I I) Free Fall Worksheet 4 12) Free Fall Quiz 13) Unit Test 1) 2) 3) 4) ·~ < " Key Criteria: 1) 2) 3) 4) Passing grades on all Quizzes (Combined 25 percen~ of final grade) Passing grades on both Labs (Combined 30 percent of final grade) Passing grade on the Unit Test (35 percent of final gr~de) Participate in all class activities, complete all assignments to the best of one's abilities (10 percent class particip_ation grade) · Other Evidence: 1) Answer. questions in class pertaining to the topic. 2) Answers to the open response questions on both lab reports. © 2001 ASCD and Grant W1ggms & Jay McTtghe Sta~e 3 - Learning Plan Learning Activities: Consider the W.H.E.R.E. T. 0. elements • • • • • • Acceleration Graph Mini-Lab: Students will conduct a micro-computer based min-lab where they will be required to reproduce a horizontal line on an acceleration graph. They will determine 3 unique motions that will produce this ·shape. Finally, the students will discover the positional and relative nature of acceleration. . . Galileo and Aristotle: The theories of Galilee and Aristotle will be compared and contrasted. The students will gain an understanding of the historical progress~ on of science and the theories of physics. Galileo Video: Students will gain a historical perspective to the life and accomplishments of the world's first true scientist, Galilee .. Galileo Lab: Students will perform a micro-computer based lab reproducing Galilee's historical experiment. The will prove that object in free fall are not affected by their mass. Also, that these objects do fall with a non-constant velocity and a constant acceleration. Solving Problems Worksheets (coVering ALL topics) Open Response Question: Students will answer an open response question based on the topic. UnderstandinK by Design Title: Physics Topic: Mechanics Subject/Course: Honors/College Physics Grade(s): 11/12 Teacher(s):_~R~a~l~ph~B:.::e::.:n,:;:;oi::::t_ _ __ Date(s): _ _ _ _--::S::...;t::.!:o:....:6~w..:::e.:::ek~s::-_ _ _ _ __ Stage 1 - Desired Results Established Goal(s) I Content Standard(s): To recognize, explain, calculate, analyze, derive, and measure all quantities and properties involved in the study of mechanics. (Strands 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8, 1.9. 1.10, 1.11, 1.12) Understanding(s): Essential Question(s) 1) Newtonian dynamics Why ...... why, why, why ...... why, why? 2) The relationship between force and motion Students will know: Students will be able to:· I) The four fundamental forces. 1) Demonstrate an ~ttnderstanding of the four 2) The difference between mass and weight. fundamental forces and know their · 3) What inertia is and how it relates to applications to physics. Newtonian mechanics. 2) Distinguish mass from weight. 4) Newton's three laws ofmotion 3) State the first law ofmotion, and understand 5) The nature offrictional forces and be able the concept of inertia. to solve for coefficient offriction. 4) Identify the three causes of sliding friction, and the causes of rolling friction. 6) ·The relation betweenforce, mass, and acceleration in applying the second law of 5) Distinguish between static and kinetic motion. friction. 7) Understand the third law of motion and the 6) Demonstrate an understanding of the nature paired forces. offrictional forces and be able to solve for coefficient offriction. 8) How to create and use free body diagrams. 7) The relation betweenforce, mass, and 9) How to solve problems using Newtonian acceleration in applying the second law of mechanics. IO) Universal law of gravitation. motion. II) The units for force, mass, and acceleration. 8) Demonstrate an understanding ofnet force 12) The role ofGalileo and Newton in the and be able to apply this concept in solving development of mechanics. problems. I3) The concept of equilibrium. 9) Construct free body diagrams as an aid in . solving problems. IO)Apply vector analysis skills in solving incline plane force problems. Il) Demonstrate an understanding of the universal law of gravitation and be able to apply this concept in solving problems. Sta2e 2 - Assessment Evidence Performance Tasks: 1) Fundamental Force Info Sheet 2) Newtonian Info Sheet 3) Fundamental Force and Newton Concept Worksheet 4) Fundamental Force and Newton Concept Quiz 5) First Law Class Activity 6) Free Body diagrams Worksheet 1 7) Free Body diagrams Worksheet 2 8) Free Body diagrams Quiz 9) First Law worksheets 1 through 4 I 0) First Law Lab 11) First Law Quiz 12) Friction Info Sheet 13) Friction Concept Worksheet 14) Friction Concept Quiz 15) Friction Worksheets 1 through 4 16) Friction Lab 17) Friction Quiz 18) Second Law Class Activity 19) Second Law Worksheets I through 3 20) Second Law Lab 21) Second Law Quiz 22) Third Law Class Activity 23) Third Law worksheets 1 through 4 24) Third Law Quiz 25) Universal Law of Gravitation Info Sheet 26) Universal Law of Gravitation Worksheets 1 and 2 27) Universal Law of Gravitation Quiz 28) Unit Test "1; ,. .. ·~ Key Criteria: 1) Passing grades on all Quizzes (Combined 25 percent of final grade) 2) Passing grade on the three Labs (Combined 30 percent of final grade) 3) Passing grade on the Unit Test (35 percent of final grade) 4) Participate in all class activities, complete all assignments to the best of one's abilities (10 percent class participation grade) Other Evidence: 1) Answer questions in class pertaining to the topic~ 2) Answers to the open response questions on both lab reports. @ 2001 ASCD and Grant Wtggms & Jay McTtghe l Stage 3 - Learning Plan Learning Activities: Consider the W.H.E.R.E.T.O. elements • • • • • • • • • • • • ·. • Advanced Organizer: Video "Sir Isaac Newton; The Gravity. of Genius". Fundamental Forces Activity: Students will learn the nature of the 4 fundamental forces of the universe, and how they are related. Newtonian Activity: Students will·learn about the life of Isaac Newton and his amazing discoveries in physics and math. They will be introduced to his 3 laws of motion and his law of universal gravitation. First Law Activity: Students will learn about the first law of motion. They will be introduced to free body diagrams and learn how to analyze forces and solve for unknowns. · First Law Lab: Student will perform a lab that will reinforce the ideas of vector addition and prove that the first law is .accurate. The students will analyze 3 different force situations to determine if the forces are truly balanced. They will . do this by adding the vectors both numerically and graphically.: Friction Activity: Students willleam about the nature o'f friction and the .causes of friction (surface texture, molecular adhesion, and surface deformation). They will learn how to incorporate friction into their analysis of forces. Friction Lab: Student will perform a lab that will reinforce the ideas covered in. the friction activity. The students will analyze 2 different friction situations (static and kinetic) to determine the coefficients of friction. Second Law Activity: Students will learn about the second law of motion. They will learn how to add this to their analysis of forces. Second Law Lab: Student will perform a micro-computer based lab that will reinforce. the ideas introduced in the second law activity. The students will · analyze how unbalanced forces and mass affect the motion. Third Law Activity: Students.willlearn about the third law of motion. They will learn how forces come in pairs and how these paired forces are related. The student will then add this to their analysis of forces. Universal Law of Gravitation Activity: Students will learn ·about the universal law of gravitation. They will learn how gravity shapes the structure of the universe and how this force affects our planet. Solving Problems Worksheets (covering ALL topics) Open Response Question: Students will answer an open response question based on the topic. Understanding by Desi~n Title:_-=P~h~y.L:s~i::::cs~--------- Topic: Vectors Grade(s): 11112 Subject/Course: Honors I College Physics Teacher(s):_-=R=a~lp~h::...::B~e::.no:::.:i::.t_ _ __ Date(s): _ _ _ __..:2:...t~o:...:3::.-!!w.!:.ee:::::k:!.::s:-_ _ _ _ __ Stage 1 - Desired Results Established Goal(s) I Content Standard(s): ·" To recognize, explain, calculate, analyze, derive, and measure all quantities and properties involving vectors. (Strands 1.1, 1.2) Understanding(s): Essential Question(s) 1) The difference between vectors and scalars. . Why at:~ velocity and speed different? 2) Graphical and numerical vector quantities, 3) Graphical vector addition (head-to-tail method arid parallelogrammethod). 4) Trigonometry 5) Vector components 6) Numerical vector addition Students will be able to: Students will know: 1) The difference between a vector and a 1) Distinguish scalar from vector quantities, ·giving examples of each. scalar quantity. 2) . Distinguish distance from displacement and 2) How to graphically represent vectors. speed from velocity. . 3) How to quantify a graphically represented 3) Graphically represent vectors. vector. 4) Numerically interpret vectors that are 4) Head to tail method of vector addition. graphically represented· 5) Parallelogram method of addition 6) Trigonometry 5) Show the ability to add and subtract vectors 7) Vector components by graphical and algebraic methods: 8) Numerical vector addition 6) Recognize the application of geometry and 9) The concept of an equilibrant. trigonometry to vector algebra and be able to solve multiple vector problems. 7) Specify ihe proper method of resolving vectors into their component vectors. 8) Recognize the application of geometry and trigonometry to vector algebra and be able to solve multiple vectorproblems. Sta~e 2 . .;. Assessment Evidence Performance Tasks: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) Vectors Info Sheet Vector Worksheet 1 Vector Worksheet.2 Vector Quiz 1 Head to Tail Worksheet Head to Tail Quiz Parallelogram Method of Addition Worksheets 1 - 8 Parallelogram Method of Addition Quiz Trigonometry Review 10) Trigonometry Worksheet 11) Trigonometry Quiz 12) Vector Components Worksheet 13) Vector Components Quiz 14) Numerical Vector Addition Worksheet 1 · 15) Numerical Vector Addition Worksheet 2 16) Numerical Vector Addition Quiz 17) Unit Test Key Criteria: 1) Passing grades on all Quizzes (Combined 25 percent of final grade) .. 2) Passing grade on the Unit Test (35 percent of final grade) 3) Participate in all class activities, complete all assign~~nts to the best of one's abilities (10 percent .. class participation grade) Other Evidence: 1) Answer questions in class pertaining to the topic. © 2001 ASCD and Grant W1ggms & Jay McT1ghe Stage 3 - Learning Plan Learning Activities: Consider the W.H.E.R.E.T.O. elements ., • • • Vector Activity: Vectors an trigonometry will be introduced. The main goal is to relate learning vector math to the way the students learned regular scalar math in the past. We will start by understanding vectors pictorially and then proceed to a numerical study. Solving Problems Worksheets (covering ALL topics) Open Response Question: Students will answer an open response question based on the topic. Understanding by Design Title: -Physics Topic: Momentum/Energy Subject/Course: Honors/College Physics Grade(s): 11/12 Teacher(s):. __·-=R~a:::.:l.~::;p.:.:h..:;B::.:e:::.:n~o~it;_.._ __ Date(s):..;.._ _ _ _. ;.4.:. t::.::o:..:S:::.. ;.:w:.:::e;::::ek:::s;:.__ _ _ _ __ Stage 1 - Desired Results Established Goal(s) I Content Standard(s): To recognize, understand, explain, calculate, analyze; derive, and measure the conservation laws, work, energy, power, and the work-energy theorem. (Strands 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4; 2.5, 2.6) Understanding(s): Essential Question(s) What happens when two cars collide? I) The definition of key concepts. 2) The law conservation laws (momentum and · How does a rollercoaster work? mass-energy). 3) Momentum and impulse. 4) Analysis of collisions. 5) Quantitative analysis of momentum and impulse problems, inCluding the use of vectors in the analysis and the coefficient of restitution. 6) Work, energy, and power. 7) The work-energy theorem. 8) Simple machines including levers, pulleys, inclined planes, screws, wedges, and the wheel and axle. 9) Quantitative analysis of work, energy, power problems, including the use of the work-energy theorem. Students will know: I) The definitions of momentum, coefficient of restitution, and impulse. 2) The law of conservation of linear momentum. 3) The connection between Newton's laws of motion and momentum changes. 4) How to calculate changes in momentum, and impulse. 5) How vectors relate to the solution of momentum problems. 6) The conservation of angular momentum and siniple harmonic motion; 7) The concept of work. 8) Energy in various forms. 9) The definitions and characteristicsofthe two main types of mechanical energy: kinetic energy, and gravitational potential energy. 10) How to calculate KE and GPE, and changes in KEandGPE. Students will be able to: I) Define momentum in terms of mass, velocity and direction. 2) Define impulse and how it relates to momentum. 3) Define an isolated system an.d st(J.te the law of conservation of momentum. 4) Recognize the connection between Newtons laws of motion and momentum changes. 5) Calculate momentum of individual objects, changes in momentum, and impulse. 6) Apply vectors. to the solution of1norrientum problems, and extend the conservation law to 2 dimensions. · 7) Extend the concept ofconservation to angular momentum and simple harmonic motion. 8) Define the concept of work relative to the force acting on the. object and the I 11) The work-energy theorem and its application. 12) The definition of power and how to calculate power as it relates to work and energy. 13) Simple machines including levers, pulleys, inclined planes, screws, wedges, and the wheel and axle 14) How workforce, direction, and displacement are related in simple machines. displacement ofthe object. 9) Identify work as an energy transfer process and not as a form of energy. 1,0) Calculate work done on an object and by an object. 11) Define and differentiate between various forms of energy. (mechanical, electrical, internal, chemical, nuclear, and potential) 12) Define kinetic and gravitational potential · energy, and identify similarities and differences. 13) Understand and utilize the concept that a change in KE or PE is equal to work done. 14J Understand and utilize the work.:.energy ·theorem and apply it in the solution of problems. 15) Understand the difference between elastic and inelastic collisions, and solve energy and momentum problems for both. 16) Define power and utilize the concept of energy change per unit time to solve problems. 17)Recognize various simple machines and .state what theirforce!distance trade-offs are. 18) Understand the concept of work in terms of applied force and distance from a fulcrum, and utilize them in leverproblems. 19) Utilize the right hand rule in determining the direction of the applied force, lever arm and torque. Stage 2 - Assessment Evidence Performance Tasks: 1) Momentum Worksheets (2) 2) Momentum Quiz 3) Momentum Lab 4) Worlc/Energy Concept Worksheet 5) Work Worksheet 6) Work Quiz 7) Energy worksheets (2) 8) Energy Quiz 9) Power Worksheet 10) Power Quiz 11) Energy Lab 12) Simple Machines Concept worksheet 13) Simple Machines Quiz J 4) Open Response Questions 15) Unit Test Key Criteria: I) Passing grades on all Quizzes (Combined 25 percent of final grade) 2) Passing grades on the Lab (Combined 30 percent of final grade) 3) Passing grade on the Unit Test (35 percent of final grade) 4) Participate in all class activities, complete all assignments to the best of one's abilities (10 percent class participation grade) Other Evidence: 1) Answer questions in class pertaining to the topic. 2) Answers to the open response questions on both lab reports. © 2001 ASCD and Grant Wiggins & Jay McTighe Stage 3 - Learning Plan Learning Activities: Consider the WH.E.RE.T.O. elements • • • • • Momentum Lab: Students will conduct a micro-computer based lab where they will be required collide carts on a horizontal air track.' The motion of the carts before and after the collision will be analyzed. ~From the data, the students will be able to demonstrate the conservation law for momentum. Energy Lab: Students will construct a portion of a roller coaster. The relative , speeds will be measured using photo-gates and the relate heights will also be measured. The students will then demonstrate how energy is transformed for the motion. Simple Machines Mini-Lab: Students will construct several simple machines including pulleys, inclined planes, levers, and a wheel and axle. Force, displacement, and direction will be measured. The students will be able to demonstrate that work is constant, and how force, displacement, and direction are related. Solving Problems and Concept Worksheets (covering ALL topics) Open Response Question: Students will answer an open response question based on the topic. I -. Understanding by Design Title: · Physics Topic:. ___W.:. . :. . : a'"""v-=e:: . s_ __ Subject/Course: Honors/College Physics Grade(s): 11/12 Teacher(s):.---=Ro.:.::a::.::I~Ph::..::B::.::e;:.:n~o:.:it~--- Date(s): _ _ _ __;.:4:...:t:::::o;...:::S::....w!!.e:::e:::;:k~s------- Stage 1 - Desired Results Established Goal(s) I Content Standard(s): · ,. To understand the properties of waves including; reflection, refraction, interference, and dispersion. To understand and use lasers safely. (4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5, 4.6, 4.7, 4.8, 4.9) Understanding(s): Essential Question(s) 1) Differentiate between wave motion and the If a tree .falls in the woods and no one is around, motion of objects. does it make a sound? 2) The measurable properties of waves and their relationships. (velocity, frequency, wavelength) 3). Transverse and longitudinal waves'. 4) Mechanical and electromagnetic waves. 5) Qualitatively the laws of reflection and refraction .. 6) Wave interactions including; interference patterns, nodeS, dispersion, and polarization; 7) Material affects in mechanical wave propagation. 8) Standing wave patterns and resonance .. Students will be able to: Students will know: 1) All waves have the same basic properties 1) Understand that all waves have the same basic properties and behavior, and will and behaviors. identify them. .2) All terms relating to wave properties and 2) Define and utilize the terms and properties characteristics. of a wave such as: pulse, amplitude, time, 3) The difference betWeen wave motion and period, wavelength, frequency. linear motion. 3) Differentiate between wave motion and 4) The properties of mechanical waves versus linear motion. electromagnetic waves, and transverse 4) Distinguish between mechanical and versus longitudinal waves. electromagnetic. waves, longitudinal and 5) How the different waveproperties are transverse waves. relclted. 6) The influence that the material has on the 5) Understand and utilize the relation between speed, wavelength, and frequency of a wave velocity of the wave. in solving wave problems. 7) The boundary effects associated with wave 6) Understand the relation betweenamplitude motion. and the energy of a wave. 8) The properties of reflection, refraction, and 7) Understand the relation between speed of a diffraction ojwaves. 9) How to utilize the principle of superposition wave and the type of medium through which in defining wave interference, both it is traveling through. constructive and destructive. 8) Understand the behavior of a wave as it JO)Recognize and analyze standing wave reaches the boundary between two mediums .. patterns. and the effect this has on the wavelength of the wave. 9) Understand the properties reflection, refraction, and diffraction of waves. 10) Understand and; utilize the principle of superposition in defining wave interference, both constructive and destructive. 11) Understand the terms node, anti-node, nodal line, and anti-nodal line in studying wave interference. 12) Understand the nature of.sound waves, and list and utilize sound properties such as, pitch, intensity, and octave interval. 13) Solve problems relating to the frequency, wavelength, and velocity of sound waves, such as the Doppler Effect. 14) Describe the ori'gin of sounds from music instruments, and to define timbre sound quality, recognize the source of beat notes and overtones, and to understand the concept of resonance. 15) Understand the mathematical relation that describes simple harmonic waves. as Stage 2 - Assessment Evidence Performance Tasks: I) Wave Concept Worksheet 2) ·Wave Concept Quiz 3) Wave Properties Worksheet 4) Wave Properties Quiz 5) Mechanical Vs. Electromagnetic Worksheet 6) .Mechanical V s. Electromagnetic Quiz · 7) Transverse Vs. Longitudinal Worksheet 8) Transverse Vs. Longitudinal Quiz 9) Reflection Worksheet 10) Reflection Quiz II) Refraction Worksheet 12) Refraction Quiz 13) Wave Tank Lab I 4) Dispersion Worksheet 15) Doppler Effect Worksheet 16) Dispersion/Doppler Effect Quiz 17) Interference Worksheet 18) Standing Wave Worksheet 19) Interference/Standing Wave Quiz 20) Sound Concept Worksheet 21) Sound Quiz 22) Sound Lab 23) Open Response Question 24)Unit Test - '· I Key Criteria: 1) Passing grades on al1 Quizzes (Combined 25 percent of final grade) 2) Passing grades on all Labs (Combined 30 percent of final grade) 3) Passing grade on the Unit Test (35 percent of final grade) 4) Participate in all class activities, complete all assignments to the best of one's abilities ( 10 percent ciass participation grade) Other Evidence: 1) Answer questions in class pertaining to the topic. 2) Answers to the open response questions on both lab reports. © 2001 ASCD and Grant Wiggins & Jay McTighe Stag_e 3 - Learnine Plan Learning Activities: Consider the W.H.E.R.E.T.O. elements • • • • • Wave Activity: Students will view a series of transverse and longitudinal waves propagated through slinkie's, and strings. Wave properties and characteristics will be emphasized and a comparison of the direction that the wave moves to the direction that the material moves will be illustrated. Wave Tank Lab: Students· will conduct a lab using wave tanks to view a variety of wave properties. First, a simple wave will be propagated and frequency, period, and wavelength will be measured. Second, a solid object will be added to the tank. The property of reflection will be measured. Also, we will note what happens to the wave as it goes by the edge of the impediment. Third, wave interference patterns, and standing waves will be made and studied. Sound Lab: Students will conduct a micro-computer based lab where they will see graphical representations of saund waves. Wave properties will be measured. The concepts of timbre, pitch, tone, and resonance will be studied. Solving Problems Worksheets (covering ALL topics) Open Response Question: Students will answer an open response question based on the topic. Understanding_ by Deszgn Title: Physics Topic: Light/Optics Subject/Course: Honors/College Physics Grade(s): 11/12 Teaclier(s):._--:R:.:.;a::.:l;~::p.:.:.h...:B~e:;::.:n:..::o~it:-_ __ Date(s): _ _ _ _-::S::;...:;:to:<.-8:::-.:.;w:.=e:.:::ek:.::;s~------ Stage 1 - Desired Results Established Goal(s) I Content Standard(s): · il< To understand theproperties of light including; reflection, refraction, interference, polarization, and dispersion. To understand and use lasers safely. (6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4) Understanding(s): Essential Question(s) 1) The particle/wave nature of light. Why cag a magician saw a lady in half? 2) Maxwell's principles of electromagnetism, 3) Electromagnetic Spectrum and visible light. 4) The uses of different wavelengths of light and their uses. 5) The properties arid characteristics of electromagnetic waves. 6) The parts of a laser and how it works. 7) Dispersion of light. 8) Reflection of light off plane and curved mirrors. 9) Refraction (Snell's Law). 10) Total internal reflection I I) Polarization of light. 12) Thin lens laws. Studen.ts will be able to: Students will know: ·1) Analyze and understand the nature of light. 1) The particle/wave nature of light. 2) Maxwells principles of electromagnetism. 2) Describe, understand, and utilize Maxwell's 3) How wavelength and frequency relate to the principles of electromagnetism. 3) Compare wavelengths and frequencies for EM spectrum. 4) Uses for different types of EM waves. different forms of electromagnetic radiation. 5) The parts of a laser. 4) Recognize that light is an electromagnetic 6) The theory behind lasers. wave and know its characteristic range of 7) . Laser Safety. wavelength and frequency. 8) The law of reflection. 5) Know and utilize the full range of energy in 9) The wave properties that cause refraction the electromagnetic spectrum. and Snell's law. I 0) The affect the medium has on refraction. 6) Understand and utilize the concept of electromagnetic wave and to know the tools 11) Total internal reflection, critical angle, and used to d{'!tect each type. fiber optics. 12) Thin lens laws for concave and convex 7) Understand the theory of color. lenses. 8) State and understand the law ofReflection 13) Real and virtual images and focal points. of light. 14) Magnification of images. 9) State different uses for various EM waves. 10) State the various parts of a laser and what 15) Ray diagrams. 16) Polarization of light. their functions are. I7) Light intensity. II) State how laser light is produced and the properties of laser light. I2) Know and obey all laser safety rules. 13) State and understand the law of Reflection of light. I4) Describe and understand the phenomenon of refraction in terms ofwave behavior. 15) Understand and utilize Snell's Law in solving refraction problems. 16) Understand and utilize the index of refraction property of materials and how it is related to the velocity of light. 17) Understand the effects caused by refraction of light in various medium. 18) Understand the concept'oftotal internal reflection, criticq.l angle, and their . application to fiber optics. 19) Understand and utilize the Thin Lens Law in determining the location· of an image. 20) Define, understand, and utilize the terms; focal point, real and virtual images, object and z'mage distance, power of a lens, positive and negative curvature, and magnification. 21) Understand and utilize the ray tracing procedure as applied to mirrors andlenses during the formation of real and virtual images, and to calculate the. location and size ofthe·images. 22) Understand the derivation of the thin lens law in terms of curvature and to utilize this law to solvefor single and double lens systems. 23) Understand the concept of polarized light and its application. 24) Understand the difference between parallel and curved light and recognize sources of each type. 25) Understandthe concepts and units of luminous intensity, luminous flux, and luminance. 26) Understand the terms opaque, transparent, and translucent. Stage 2- AssessmentEvidence .Performance Tasks: 1) Llght Concept Worksheet 2) Light Concept Quiz 3) Properties of Light Worksheet 4) Properties of Light Quiz 5) Laser Concept Worksheet 6) Laser Concept Quiz 7) Laser Mini-lab Dispersion of light 8) Reflection Lab 9) Reflection Worksheet I 0) Reflection Quiz I 1) Refraction Lab 12) Refraction Worksheet 13) Total Internal Reflection Mini-lab I 4) Refraction Quiz 15) Thin Lens Lab 16) Thin lens worksheet I 7) Thin Lens Quiz I 8) Polarization and Intensity Worksheet 19) Polarization and Intensity Quiz 2Q) Open Response Question 21) Unit Test . .._ l{ey Criteria: 1) Passing grades on all Quizzes (Combined 25 percent of final grade) · 2) Passing grades on all Labs (Combined 30 percent of final grade) 3) Passing grade on the Unit Test (35 percent of final grade) 4) Participate in all class activities, complete all assignments to the best of one's abilities (10 percent ·class participation grade) · Other Evidence: 1) Answer questions in class pertaining to the topic. 2) Answers to the open response questions on both lab reports. © 2001 ASCD and .Grant Wiggins & Jay McTighe Stage 3 - Learning Plan Learning Activities: Consider the W.H.E.R.E. T. 0. elements • • • • • Dispersion Mini-Lab: Students will conduct a Laser based min-lab where they will be required to measure the amount of beam dispersion experience by the Helium-Neon Lasers. Reflection Lab: Students will conduct a laser based rab where they will be use a . laser beam to produce a ray diagram depicting the· image formation on a plane mirror. The students will also calculate the real and virtual foci for concave and convex mirrors .. They will draw ray diagrams depicting real and virtual images and the magnification factor. RefraCtion Lab: Students will conduct a laser based lab where they will be use a laser to produce ray diagrams for several shapes (rectangle, prisms, semi-circle) and materials (water, glass, plastic). Total Internal Reflection Mini-Lab: Students will conduct a laser based minilab where they will determine the critical angle for water and glass. Thin Lens Lab: Students will conduct a laser based lab where they will be use a . • • laser beam to produce a ray diagram depicting the image formation from simple concave and convex lenses. The students will also calculate the real and virtual foci for concave and convex lenses, and they will draw ray diagrams depicting real and virtual images and the magnification factor. Solving Problems Worksheets (covering ALL topics) Open Response Question: Students will answer an open response question based on the topic.