A 4 l a c i Med What Do These Abbreviations Stand For? T EQUIPMEN MRI CAT PET AED EKG EEG omography Scan Computerized T nal Defibrillator Automated Exter ography Electroencephal DISEASES HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus AIDS STD Sexually Transmitted Disease PTSD TERMS HOSPITAL IV oom Emergency R ER ICU y Mass Index BMI Bod BP aecology etrics and gyn st b O OB/GYN OR nt ed Blood Cou RBC R MISCELLANEOU S NIH WHO World Health Organ ization Q: Does the (1st, 2nd, 3rd...) initial stand for ( __________ ) ? A: Yes, it does. / No, it doesn’t. Q: What’s the (2nd, 3rd, 4th...) letter of the (1st, 2nd, 3rd...) initial? A: It’s an (a, e, f, h, i, l, m, n, o, r, s, x). a (b, c, d, g, j, k, p, q, t, u, v, w, y, z). Q: How do you spell _________ ? For more FUN English Lesson Worksheets Visit: http://www.efl4u.com World Health Organization Abbreviations 5 (A) Medical - Lesson Collection Set #5 ©EFL4U.com B 4 l a c i Med What Do These Abbreviations Stand For? T EQUIPMEN MRI CAT PET AED EKG EEG ance Imaging Magnetic Reson on Tomography Positron Emissi Electrocardiogram DISEASES HIV AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome STD PTSD Post Traumatic Stress Disorder TERMS HOSPITAL nous Intrave IV ER nit tensive Care U In U IC BMI Blood Pressure BP OB/GYN om Operating Ro OR RBC NIH National Institu tes of Health WHO MISCELLANEOU S Q: Does the (1st, 2nd, 3rd...) initial stand for ( __________ ) ? A: Yes, it does. / No, it doesn’t. Q: What’s the (2nd, 3rd, 4th...) letter of the (1st, 2nd, 3rd...) initial? A: It’s an (a, e, f, h, i, l, m, n, o, r, s, x). a (b, c, d, g, j, k, p, q, t, u, v, w, y, z). Q: How do you spell _________ ? For more FUN English Lesson Worksheets Visit: http://www.efl4u.com World Health Organization Abbreviations 5 (B) Medical - Lesson Collection Set #5 ©EFL4U.com Teachers’ Instructions (1/2) Abbreviations 4 1. Student ability: Intermediate ~ Advanced 2. Approximate length of lesson: 30+ 3. Number of students necessary: 2+ 4. Preferred age/maturity: College, Adult 5. Type of lesson: Pair Work Activity ***** Language Target: Learning the meanings of common medical abbreviations. Most students will have heard of the majority of abbreviations printed on the worksheets, but many may not know what the initials stand for. In addition, this lesson is a natural way to practice ordinal numbers. Setting Up: W r i t e a f e w o f t h e m o r e familiar abbreviations on the board such as CAT (scan), ER and HIV. Ask students if they know what the initials stand for. If they don’t, encourage them to ask for the second, third, fourth, (etc) letters that spell out the words. (See the bottom of the worksheets.) Getting Started: G i v e o n e s t u d e n t a co p y o f W o r k s h e e t A and the other W o r k s h e e t B . In the first box, both students see a list of six abbreviations beginning with MRI. Student B has the meaning of MRI printed on the worksheet, but there is nothing written on Worksheet A. If Student A does not For more FUN English Lesson Worksheets Visit: http://www.efl4u.com know the meaning of “M” in MRI, he/she refers to the sample questions at the bottom of the worksheet. A typical Q&A dialogue sounds like this: Student A: What’s the 2nd letter of the first initial? Student B: It’s an “A.” Student A: Does the first initial stand for Maximum? Student B: No it doesn’t. Student A: What’s the third letter of the first initial? Student B: It’s a “G.” Student A: What’s the fourth letter? Student B: It’s an “N.” Student A: Does the first initial stand for Magnetic? Student B: Yes it does. What does the “R” stand for? At this point, Student A writes “Magnetic” on the worksheet then gets started on the second initial: “R” by following a similar dialogue. After Student A writes in all of the words for MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imagining), students reverse roles and get to work on the second abbreviation CAT. They continue in this manner until all of the abbreviations have been correctly identified. Variation 1: Don’t hand out the worksheets at first. Divide the class into teams of three, four or five students. Write each abbreviation on the board, one at a time and offer a point to the team that first identifies the abbreviation correctly. If no team can correctly identify the words, students ask questions following those at the bottom of the worksheet and the teacher (or another student) offers the answers. Students could also ask for hints. For example, BMI (Body Mass Index). The teacher could say, for example, the first initial stands for something we all have (a body), etc. Abbreviations 5 [Lesson Collection Set #5 – Lesson 12d] ©EFL4U.com ! Teachers’ Instructions (2/2) Variation 2: Using the same method as above, play a version of Believe Me! (Lesson Collection Set 2 – Lesson 11a). If no one knows the correct answer, tell the students a possible answer, which may be correct or incorrect. Students cast their votes as to how much they believe the answer. For example, if no one knows that BP stands for Blood Pressure, the teacher could tell the class that BP stands for Body Pulse, Back Pain, Brain Paralysis or any other whacky combination of BP that students might fall for. Each team votes unanimously; either Yes or No. The teacher gets one point from each team that believes the bogus answer. Similar Lessons: Abbreviations 1 (Lesson Collection Set #5 - Lesson 12a) Abbreviations 2 (Lesson Collection Set #5 - Lesson 12b) Business Abbreviations (Lesson Collection Set #5 - Lesson 12c) Contributed by Kurt Scheibner Save time on lesson planning Use the worksheets over and over Bring smiles to your classes ORDER NOW All 300+ Lessons For more FUN English Lesson Worksheets Visit: http://www.efl4u.com Abbreviations 5 [Lesson Collection Set #5 – Lesson 12d] ©EFL4U.com