AP Biology Summer 2011 Assignment Welcome to AP Biology for the 2011-12 school year. You have decided to take on the rewarding challenge of an in-depth college level course in Biology. The summer assignment is due the first day of class and there will be a pre-test on the material on the 4th day of class. Materials: check out the book from Central’s library--- BIOLOGY by Sylvia S. Mader Summer Assignment Check List: □ AP Biology Student Information –please turn this in to me before the end of the school year. East students turn in to Room 1602 or attach it in an email. West students can turn in to the counseling dept. and they will send it to me. □ AP Biology Conduct Expectations □ AP Biology Course Syllabus □ Topic Outline □ Essay □ Self study of chapters 45, 46, and 47 What to do for each chapter: □ Read the chapter and study the information also on the website (listed at end of study guide..you may be able to access.) □ Reviewing the Chapter -- (at the end of the chapter) write out the question so that it may be used as a future study tool □ Testing Yourself --turn it in corrected with each wrong answer fixed (answers are in the back of the book) The idea is to get used to the level of test questions that you may have...yes you could just copy down all the correct answers, but then you will fail the exam. Exam failure will lead to course failure. □ Define each of the key words listed under --Understanding the Terms. You may either complete them as flash cards (word on side 1/definition on side 2). Flash cards are to be on a ring holder with your name and chapter as the top card or placed in a Ziploc bag with your name and chapter neatly written on the bag. --OR-- as Cornell terms (word in narrow column with definition written on the wider column. Remember...anything worth doing is worth doing well. Filling in the blank may get the work done, but it won't fill in the blank space between your ears unless you do the assignment to learn. I will be checking my email periodically throughout the summer. Contact me if needed. Email: lkanawyer@centralusd.k12.ca.us Good Luck! Mr. Kanawyer Please write VERY clearly AP Biology Student Information Name: __________________________________________________ Email: __________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian: ___________________________________________ Home Phone: ________________________________ Cell Phone: __________________________________ Email: _______________________________________________________ Science Courses: Check all courses completed and circle courses currently taking for 2011-12. Science I or Ag Science I Science II or Ag Science II Biology Ag Biology Zoology Anatomy/Physiology Chemistry Physics Botany Other ________________________; __________________________ School Sports: Fall: __________________________________ Coach: ___________________ Winter: ______________________________ Coach: ___________________ Spring: ______________________________ Coach: ___________________ Check all that apply: Computer with word processing at home Internet at home Power point on home computer Working printer at home CD-ROM on home computer Tell me about yourself: Personality, hobbies, other activities, college major and career idea so far… (attach or write neatly on the back) AP Biology Conduct expectations: I Promise to… • Be prepared to learn every day and demonstrate a commitment to excellence in all aspects of this course. • Contribute positively to the class and never interfere with the learning of others. • Study only Biology in Biology class. • Follow all safety rules and guidelines as well as school rules; demonstrate respect and courtesy for others. • Do my own work to the best of my ability. • Claim nothing that is not my own effort. • Neither give nor receive test information on exam days. • Conduct myself during lab assignments in a mature manner and understand that any item broken or damaged due to my negligence may incur a fine to repair or replace said item. ___________________________________________ Student Signature _______________________ Date I have read the above information and the AP Biology Course Syllabus with my student and understand the required expectations of the course. __________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature _________________________ Date AP BIOLOGY COURSE SYLLABUS COURSE MATERIALS: Textbook: Mader, Sylvia S., Biology, 9th Edition, McGraw-Hill, (2007) Lab: AP Biology Lab Manual for Students Mader, Sylvia S, Laboratory Manual: Biology, 9th Edition, McGraw-Hill (2007) Teacher designed lab investigations Daily Required Supplies: • Calendar to write assignments in • Notebook with binding devoted to AP Biology or lined paper • Binder with divider for AP Biology (This syllabus should be page #1) • Blue/black pens • pencils (mechanical preferred) • Colored pencils • Red pen (for grading) • Calculator • Graphing paper and college ruled lined paper COURSE OVERVIEW: AP Biology is a college level course taught using college level materials. Students will be required to perform lab work, note-taking, essay writing, readings and participate in discussions. The course follows the College Board course outline for AP Biology and emphasizes 8 themes: Science as a process, Evolution, Energy transfer, Continuity and change, Relationship of structure to function, Regulation, Interdependence in nature, and Science, technology, and society. All studies are designed to prepare the student to take the College Board AP Biology exam in May (cost approx. $80 or approval of waiver). Students will earn a score of 0 to 5. Scores of 3 to 5 indicate that the student is knowledgeable in the subject matter and will earn them college credit. Units to be awarded vary by university. The AP Biology exam consists of 100 multiple-choice questions and 4 required essays. All homework assignments, lab reports, essays, projects, etc. will be given once and a due date will be established. I expect you to get the assignments and complete them on time. It is your responsibility to get any missed assignments and make up the work in a timely manner. Missed assignments due to excused absences will receive full credit when completed in a timely manner. Late work will receive a 70% credit if one day late and 50% credit 2 days late. No late work is accepted after the two day late mark. Many of the labs performed in AP Biology require perishable materials or whole class data to complete and may not be available for make-up. Please make every effort to be in attendance on lab days. Missed labs may affect the student’s grade. All planned absences should be reported to the teacher prior to the absence. CONDUCT EXPECTATIONS: • Be prepared to learn every day and demonstrate a commitment to excellence in all aspects of this course. To do this you should review class notes daily and read the text to preview the next class session’s material. • Contribute positively to the class and never interfere with the learning of others. • Study only Biology in Biology class. • Follow safety rules and guidelines as well as school rules; demonstrate respect and courtesy for others. • I reserve the right to assign seats and lab groups. HONOR CODE: • Do your own work to the best of your ability. • Claim nothing that is not your own effort. • Neither give nor receive test information on exam days. GRADING: Grading scale: A = 90-100%; B = 80-89%; C = 70-79%; D = 60-69%; F = less that 60%. You are evaluated through quizzes, tests, homework, essays, lab work, and projects. Your grade is weighted: 60% tests, 20% lab and quizzes and 20% homework. Your lowest test grade may be dropped. I will calculate your grade every 3-4 weeks and provide an update. There will be no extra credit or test re-takes for an improved grade. GETTING HELP: It is always best not to fall behind in your studies and good attendance is linked to success, but if illness, sports, or lack of understanding put you in a bad place…TAKE CARE OF THE PROBLEM EARLY! Exchange phone numbers and email with at least 3 people in the class that can serve as your support strings. I provide extra help and make-up time due to absences at lunch on Tuesday’s and Thursday’s (subject to change) and after school by appointment. Set up a student account on the College Board site: http://www.collegeboard.com/?student The AP site for students has lots of information, practice tests etc. for all AP subjects. Ways to contact me: Email: lkanawyer@centralusd.k12.ca.us Phone: 276-0280 xt. 1602 AP Biology is one of the most difficult AP subjects taught, but your hard work will be rewarded. You will only get out what you put in. Good Luck! Mr. Kanawyer Topic Guide College Board’s AP Biology Course and Lab Syllabus TOPIC LAB TOPIC I. Molecules and Cells……………………………………..…….25% Chemistry of Life…………………………………..7% Water Organic molecules in organisms 1. Diffusion & Osmosis Free energy changes Enzymes 2. Enzyme Catalysis Cells…………………………………………………10% Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells Membranes Subcellular organization 3. Mitosis & Meiosis Cell cycle and it regulation Cellular Energetics…………………………………..8% Coupled reactions 4. Plant Pigments & Photosynthesis Fermentation and cellular respiration Photosynthesis 5. Cell Respiration II. Heredity and Evolution………………………………………..25% Heredity…………………………………………..….8% Meiosis and gametogenesis Eukaryotic chromosomes Inheritance patterns Molecular Genetics………………………………….9% RNA and DNa structure and function 6. Molecular Biology Gene regulation Mutation Viral structure and replication 7. Genetics of Organisms Nucleic acid technology and applications Evolutionary Biology…………………………………….8% Early evolution of life 8. Population Genetics & Evolution Evidence for evolution Mechanisms of evolution III. Organisms and Populations………………………………………50% Diversity of Organisms………………………………….8% Evolutionary patterns Survey of the diversity of life 9. Transpiration Phylogenetic classification Evolutionary relationships Structure and Function of Plants and Animals………….32% Reproduction, growth, and development 10. Physiology of the Circ. Sys. Structural, physiological, and behavioral adaptations Response to the environment 11. Animal Behavior Ecology……………………………………………………………………10% Population dynamics Communities and ecosystems 12. Dissolved Oxygen & Global issues Primary Productivity AP Biology Summer Essay Address ALL of the essay prompt below. Please type or write the essay in ink. Make sure you make good use of biology terminology. The diagram above shows the succession of communities from annual plants to hardwood trees in a specific area over a period of time. a. Discuss the expected changes in biodiversity as the stages of succession progress as shown in the diagram above. b. Describe and explain THREE changes in abiotic conditions over time that lead to the succession, as shown in the diagram above. c. For each of the following disturbances, discuss the immediate and long-term effects on ecosystem succession. (i) (ii) A volcano erupts, covering a 10-square-kilometer portion of a mature forest with lava. A 10-square-kilometer portion of a mature forest is clear-cut.