Mathematics at NCSU The Department Ü Ü Ü Ü Ü Mathematics Ü Ü 56 tenure track faculty. ~196 graduate students, of whom ~131 are Ph.D. 65 MS (mostly Financial and Bio Math). ~83 TA lines, remaining Ph.D. funded by RA or fellowship. Guarantee 5 years funding. Large and successful PhD program (graduating ~15 per year) Professional MS program (30 per year) Strong BS program (50-70 BS per year) State of the art new SAS Hall, facilitating collaboration, and student learning. Research Areas Ü Ü Ü Ü Ü Ü Ü Ü Mathematics Ü Ü Ü Algebra and Combinatorics Analysis, Geometry, and Topology Industrial Mathematics Mathematical Biology Mathematical Physics Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing Optimization and Control Ordinary Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems Partial Differential Equations Probability, Stochastic Processes, and Financial Mathematics Symbolic Computation Financial Mathematics Linear Algebra, ODE, PDE, Optimization Symbolic Computation Option Pricing, Hedging, Portfolio Optimization Pure Numerical Analysis Control, Optimal Control Applied Mathematical Modeling Modeling Algebraic Geometry, Combinatorics Operations Research Physiology, Biology, Engineering Mathematics Experiments Applicable Pure Math Algebraic Statistics Quantum computing Dynamical Systems ODE, PDE, Delay Equations Probability and Statistics Random Matrices, Stochastic Processes Ü Research Funding – 4-5th nationally in total and federally financed R&D expenditures in mathematics (better than MIT, Cal Tech, Stanford, Berkeley, NYU, and all the schools in the Ivy League) – Training Grants (NSF) n n n Ü Mentoring Through Critical Transition Points Research Training Group: Mathematics of Materials Scholarships in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Affiliates – Center for Research in Scientific Computation – Center for Quantitative Sciences in Biomedicine (joint with Stat) – Statistical and Applied Mathematical Sciences Institute (SAMSI) n Mathematics Ü A national institute and a partnership of NCSU, Duke, UNC-Chapel Hill, and NISS Interdisciplinary research and internships – The Aerospace Corporation, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boeing, Calabazas Creek Research, Inc., CIIT Centers for Health Research, NASA Langley Research Center, NIEHS, Sandia National Lab, U.S. EPA, Waterloo Maple Inc. PhD Program Hallmarks Ü Ü Ü Mathematics Ü Ü 2010 AMS award for “Exemplary Program or Achievement in a Mathematics Department” for the diversity and success graduating Ph.D. students. Current retention rate > 90%. 2011 AMS award for “Programs that make a difference” for our diversity record. Only department that has won both awards back to back. Large Ph.D. program (~131 Ph.D. students in MA and AMA) Roughly 40% of Ph.D.s go to Industry/Government/ Labs. Program Goals and Overview. Ü Ü Ü Ü Ü Mathematics Ü Motivate students with potential Get and maintain student excitement about mathematics. Build a diverse community of mathematicians. Attract and retain good Students. Flexible program without sacrificing rigor. –allow undergrad classes, -variable time to quals. Currently 15 qualifying exams. Students need to pass 3. Motivation, Recruitment and Retention. Ü Summer Institute for Mathematics at NC State. (I’m @ State) Mathematics Programs for undergrads and grads to motivate. Students do math research in small groups in the summer, in a supportive and exciting environment. I’m @ State (Mostly Summer programs) Ü Ü Ü Ü Mathematics Ü REU: Modeling and Industrial Applied Mathematics (funded by NSF and NSA) REU+: Research and enrichment experience for under-represented undergraduate students (funded by NSF and NSA) REG: Research Experience for Early Graduate Students (funded by NSF) REG+: Post-Baccalaureate Program. Industrial Modeling workshop for Graduate Students Results Ü Ü Ü Ü Increased motivation of graduate students. Increased retention rate of Ph.D. Students >90%. Decreased time to degree. Students gain experience Mathematics – Working collaboratively – Working on “real” problems – Communicating about mathematics