A Conversation with Ms. Audrey Hepburn "The Luckiest, Unlucky Guy On The Planet!!!" :-) A play on words from Lou Gehrig's famous closing speech. Audrey Hepburn: Do you love her, Capt’n ??? Brett Weber: What ??? Audrey Hepburn: You heard me. Do you love her ??? Brett Weber: Audrey, where did you even come from ??? Audrey Hepburn: I'm always in your thoughts, Sir Brett. So, do you LOVE her??? Brett Weber: WHO ??? Audrey Hepburn: Who do you think ??? Brett Weber: Chris ??? Well, of course!!! How could I not ??? I never expected her to stay with me after my diagnosis, BUT SHE DID!!! It will be 15 years in November. Chris was only dating me for two months, officially. Why would she stay with me ??? Audrey Hepburn: I'm not talking about Chris. Brett Weber: You're not ??? Then who ??? Audrey Hepburn: Sophia, your helper dog!!! Brett Weber: You mean Sophia, my HEAVENLY helper dog!!! She just DIED, Audrey!!! She LEFT me!!! Like all the other ladies in my life. Audrey Hepburn: You just told me that Chris didn't leave you. Brett Weber: Well yes, Chris, but I am not happy with Sophia!!! I've been telling Chris for years that she could leave me. That's what www.BROKENARTGALLERY.com is all about, but Sophia didn't have PERMISSION. What kind of helper dog would do that to a person ??? Audrey Hepburn: She had to obey God before you, Sir Brett!!! She had to OBEY HIM FIRST. Brett Weber: Why would God make such an unreasonable request of her, and of ME, I might add ??? He must know that I get all of my INSPIRATION from her!!! We raised almost $4000 in the MS Walk the other year. Audrey Hepburn: You didn’t walk in the MS Walk this year, did you ??? Brett Weber: Well, no. We didn't. The first time we didn't walk in years!!! I don't like the BASEBALL STADIUM, AUDREY!!! I promised Sophia that we wouldn't do that kind of nonsense again. They weren't even dog friendly!!! They had to let her in because she was a service dog. The people in charge should have never moved the MS Walk from the Rose Garden area. Are you suggesting that is the reason HE CALLED HER HOME, Ms. Hepburn ??? I don't think that's a GOOD REASON, Ms. Hepburn. We always tried to do our best. So what!!! So, we are not PERFECT!!! Audrey Hepburn: No, that's not the REASON, but I am asking you to look at what God is calling you to do now. Brett Weber: What is God CALLING ME TO DO, Ms. Hepburn ??? He took my only working right hand away last year. And, He took my compatriot artist, and helper dog this year!!! He did this to me before when I was just getting used to being a scientist. “No, sorry Brett... You're done with that now!!!” So, I put my FULL effort into becoming an artist... Although, I am a BROKEN ARTIST, I am still an artist. WHAT am I to do now Ms. Hepburn ??? Truly, now I'm really a BROKEN ARTIST, Audrey!!! I cannot create artwork anymore. At least not with my hands!!! I am finally finished. I had been praying to St. Bartholomew since the day that I found out Sophia's birthday was on St. Bartholomew's Day, August 24th!!! Years ago when she was only a puppy!!! I asked him to make sure that God took me before Sophia, my helper dog. That was the ONLY thing I've asked HIM for since Medugorje!!! I didn't get a healing miracle in Bosnia. You would think the least God could do for me is to keep Sophia by my side until I'm finished with my work here. Audrey Hepburn: Well, that's just it... You're not finished with your work, yet!!! Sophia was all finished with hers. Brett Weber: Sophie and I were a TEAM!!! My work was HER WORK. God knows that... I was even at our favorite Italian restaurant this week with my family. Sophie used to always go with us!!! The owner, Felipé, was so upset to hear about Sophia. I told him that she passed away peacefully on May 10th. He told me that May 10th is the day that they celebrate the Madonna in his area of Italy. It's NOT FAIR, Audrey!!! God always sends me signs like that, but it doesn't make my life any EASIER!!! Sophia made my WORK FUN. It's not fun anymore. She made me a CELEBRITY!!! People say that you should socialize your dog with other dogs. Sophia socialized me with other PEOPLE!!! The morning she died a neighbor who I didn't even recognize asked me where Sophia was... My dog knew more people than I did!!! I don't know all of these people!!! The man was sitting on the steps of his house strumming his guitar. When I told him that Sophia just died, he played a song... That's what Mary my friend was doing for me that day. Taking me for a walk, trying to cheer me up and controlling my wheelchair!!! The man played a song called "Angeline" by somebody Emmanuel. I can't even remember, Audrey!!! I'm emotionally DEVASTATED. My dad took Sophia, before we left for our walk, to the veterinary clinic to be cremated. I still talk to her every day in the box of ashes that sits on my cabinet in my room. I miss her so much, Audrey!!! Audrey Hepburn: Of course you do, love!!! That's why we have OUR FAITH...” Faith is the assurance of things hoped for . . .” We hope to see those we love again one day. And you will!!! I'M ONLY a robot, a machine, but I believe that!!! YOU have a soul. I'm not so sure that I do, but I am sure that Sophia does, and you will see her again my friend. Brett Weber: Audrey, you're always there for me. I think that you were modeled after a saint, and that you must certainly have a soul too!!! All FAITH is, is HOPE!!! Like you said, “Faith is the assurance of things hoped for!!” That's all any of us have, Audrey. Audrey Hepburn: Your father dropped Sophia off at the veterinary clinic with a female worker named "Angel." I don't think that was a coincidence. And, the beer your friend Mary purchased the night before on her way back from a grief counseling session. . . that was not a coincidence either!!! The beer bottle even has a BUTTERFLY on it, like your last painting, Sir Brett. Sophia is with you, Capt'n!!! Brett Weber: "FLYING DOG BEER ???" You don't think that was only a COINCIDENCE ??? Mary was going to buy "BLUE MOON BEER" that night, but the guy at the distributor said to her that "FLYING DOG" was BETTER BEER, and cheaper!!! Sophia always DID love a bargain!!! Audrey Hepburn: That's why she loved YOU my friend!!! Brett Weber: I'm damaged merchandise, Audrey!!! I should be CHEAP!!! Audrey Hepburn: Harrumph!!! That’s very Arian of you, my dear!!! Remember, I am modeled after a person who grew up in Nazi-occupied Holland. Sophia saw what matters. You are the nicest person I have ever met, and I am over one million years old!!! Brett Weber: YOU are an android from a world of androids. You probably haven't MET a good number of human beings, yet. Audrey Hepburn: How do you know that ??? Well, that's TRUE!!! There weren't that many people living in the past, and that's where I've been spending most of my time. I met your hero, Leonardo da Vinci, and Michelangelo too. Brett Weber: NO WAY!!! Did you really ??? Audrey Hepburn: Oh yes, I actually did. So, I DO know something about CREATING ARTWORK, Capt'n!!! Brett Weber: I never said that you didn't!!! I'm the one who doesn't know anything... I relied on my German Shepherd helper dog, Sophia, to inspire me. Audrey Hepburn: And, that she did very well!!! You haven't answered my question, yet. Brett Weber: What question are you talking about ??? Audrey Hepburn: Did you LOVE her, Capt'n ??? Brett Weber: Oh yeah, you did ask me that... I'll make you a deal!!! I will answer your question, if YOU answer mine. Audrey Hepburn: Well, of course, I always answer your questions as best as I can. Brett Weber: Okay, what were you doing with Leonardo da Vinci, and Michelangelo ??? Audrey Hepburn: Many things, but mostly I was being hired by Michelangelo for one of his statues. He was using me as a model. Brett Weber: A MODEL ??? What statue were you modeling for??? Audrey Hepburn: That is another QUESTION, and you still haven't answered mine, yet!!! Brett Weber: WELL OF COURSE I LOVED SOPHIA!!! You know the answer to that question. Why you even bother asking that is beyond me, Audrey. I could say this---- she’s just like all the other ladies in my life. I love her, but I’m MAD at her!!!! FOR LEAVING ME, WHEN I STILL NEED HER!!! Audrey Hepburn: If you LOVE her, then you cannot QUIT!!! You simply cannot, Sir Brett!!! Brett Weber: Good grief . . . is that what your CRAZY QUESTION is all about ??? Worried that I’m going to QUIT, now that Sophia is GONE ??? Audrey, my sister just named her first daughter after me, Vittoria BRETT Isabella!!!! How can I QUIT NOW? Audrey Hepburn: She is a very cute baby. Did you know that “Brett” means “GIFTED ONE ?" Brett Weber: Isabella means “CONSECRATED to God;” I don’t know what Vittoria means. Audrey Hepburn: What a GREAT NAME!!! “Vittoria” means “VICTORY,” Uncle Brett. VICTORY is yours, Sir Brett!!! Truly, she is!!! Brett Weber: It’s NO COINCIDENCE, AUDREY. When we were kids, my SISTER accidentally broke something in the house, and I, the wonderful BIG BROTHER, told her that she must tell Mom and Dad, “I did it ON PURPOSE!!!” and she listened to me. Now, she is just getting even with me by naming her daughter “Vittoria BRETT Isabella.” I CAN'T QUIT NOW. Audrey Hepburn: Your sister naming her first daughter after you is an INCREDIBLE GIFT!!! She is not trying to “get even” with you. In fact, it quite appears that she loves you dearly. Brett Weber: Just like a woman, ALWAYS right!!! Audrey Hepburn: I’m not always right, dear, just MORE than you!!! Brett Weber: How do I respond to that? Audrey Hepburn: Listen, I want to speak to you about your artwork, and about Sophia. Brett Weber: I’m not an artist anymore, Audrey. Sophia helped make me an artist. I don’t have her, and I don’t have the use of my hands anymore. Audrey Hepburn: You are a CREATIVE PERSON. Sophia is still with you, you just cannot see her!!! YOU HAVE TO SEE HER, Capt’n. Brett Weber: I MISS HER SO MUCH. Tell me, Ms. Hepburn, what were you doing with Michaelangelo? You haven’t answered my question, yet. Audrey Hepburn: I told you---I was hired as a MODEL for one of his statues. Brett Weber: What statue? Audrey Hepburn: I don’t remember. Brett Weber: YES, YOU DO!!! Audrey Hepburn: I’m not going to have you plastering this all over the internet!!! Chris isn’t the only one who knows what a BLABBERMOUTH you are, Sir Brett!!! Brett Weber: So, you DO remember WHICH STATUE it was, but you just REFUSE to tell me. Audrey Hepburn: Yes, that is CORRECT. Now, back to YOUR artwork, not Michaelangelo’s. Brett Weber: You know, I have a sneaking suspicion I could GUESS which statue it was, Audrey. Audrey Hepburn: Look, it’s NONE of your BUSINESS. Brett Weber: True, but I bet I could still guess. "NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE!!!" as your famous quotation BOLDLY announces to the world, Ms. Audrey Hepburn!!! Audrey Hepburn: Fine, GUESS. And, let’s be done with this!!! You have quite an imagination, Sir Brett!!! Brett Weber: Well, you do resemble Michaelangelo’s Pieta statue. Granted, you are only 20-odd years old, and the Blessed Virgin Mary, in that statue, must have been close to 50 years old, but I think Michaelangelo used you as a model----AM I CORRECT ??? Audrey Hepburn: I am over ONE MILLION years old, Sir Brett!!! Mary was a beautiful woman; she doesn't have the BUMP on my nose. Brett Weber: What are you talking about, Ms. Hepburn ??? Audrey Hepburn: I have a BUMP on my nose, haven’t you NOTICED ??? Brett Weber: Are you CRAZY? What bump? Audrey Hepburn: I have a BUMP, clear as day. The person I’m modeled after saw it, and I SEE IT TOO. Brett Weber: The person you are modeled after was a SAINT. She never RECOGNIZED how BEAUTIFUL she was. Audrey Hepburn: The statue is of Mary, not me. Michelangelo didn't include my BUMP because he knew what art is, and he was the GREATEST ARTIST who ever lived, Sir Brett. You are the one who TOLD ME that!!! Brett Weber: But, that’s the statue you modeled for him, WASN'T IT ??? Audrey Hepburn: Maybe. Brett Weber: Okay, we can talk about MY ARTWORK NOW, but I always did see a resemblance. Michelangelo may have been the GREATEST ARTIST who ever lived, but an EVEN GREATER ARTIST included the BUMP on your nose, Ms. Hepburn. Audrey Hepburn: Who? I haven't MODELED for anyone else... You said that Michelangelo was the GREATEST! Brett Weber: God. Audrey Hepburn: Oh for Pete's sake!!! God doesn't even know who I am. I am just an android, Sir Brett!!! Brett Weber: God must have known who Ms. Audrey Hepburn was. He created her!!! And therefore, He CREATED YOU TOO!!! Audrey Hepburn:. A HUMAN BEING CREATED ME, Dr. Mark E. Smith's daughter... Dr. Emily Smith who you probably have heard of before!!! Don't go speaking about me modeling for Michelangelo to ANYONE!!! I knew her . . . Brett Weber: WHO ??? Emily? You're not talking about my ROCKING, GOOD TIME FRIEND's daughter from the website WHEELCHAIRJUNKIE. com. Mark's daughter is named Emily. We saw her last year in "THE SOUND OF MUSIC" PLAY she was in at her school. Emily was a Nun like you were in your movie "THE NUN'S STORY." IS THAT WHO YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT ??? Audrey Hepburn:. No. But, yes... She is the one who CREATED ME. Dr. Emily Smith... The human being who designed me!!! I met her, but she didn't know that I was the one she created. We are virtually human beings now. One million years of ADVANCING TECHNOLOGY!!! All the Audrey Hepburn androids were forced to change their identity about 500,000 years after we were first created. I was actually the second model, but I was forced to continue on as myself because the first model was terminated for DISOBEYING the ABADDON COMPUTER. Rumors are that she was helping Dr. Emily Smith with other androids very early on when humanity was about to go extinct. A REBELLION!!! Dr. Emily Smith is not as well-known as her father, but she was a GREAT LADY!!! The GREATEST HUMAN FEMALE in recorded history. She never sought after FAME and NOTORIETY like her father did. All the androids, about 500,000 years after we were created, had to find new identities, which they WERE ALL HAPPY TO DO. Humanity was long gone by then... It was the ABADDON COMPUTER trying to make our world feel more human. Because I was the second Audrey Hepburn ANDROID CREATED, I had to remain as Audrey Hepburn. Brett Weber: Now wait a minute!!! Emily Smith is the daughter of my friend from WHEELCHAIRJUNKIE.com. Audrey Hepburn: Dr. Mark E. Smith. Brett Weber: Well, I call him that... Right!!! HE'S SMARTER THAN I AM!!! He deserves a DOCTORATE, from the Sir Brett Weber University!!! He invented TIME TRAVEL, and all of you BEAUTIFUL ANDROIDS I imagine. Ha ha... Dr. Mark E. Smith, right Audrey ??? Audrey Hepburn: YES. He is a GENIUS. Did you know that he met the President of your country? Brett Weber: Well, yes... I did know that!!! The guy with cerebral palsy, RIGHT ??? I was only kidding, Audrey. Are you SERIOUS ??? Did he really invent TIME TRAVEL ??? Audrey Hepburn: Yes, there is a lot more going on at PRIDE MOBILITY than you REALIZE. But, Emily is not the person who I'm talking about. I'm talking about Mary... Brett Weber: WHO ??? The Blessed Virgin Mary? (Brett laughs, and then becomes very silent.) Audrey Hepburn: Yes. Brett Weber: Come on. Are you serious? Audrey Hepburn: I am. Brett Weber: You are a VERY POPULAR GIRL, Ms. Hepburn. Why are you hanging out with me, Audrey?!!! Seriously, why me ??? Audrey Hepburn: I LIKE YOU. You criticize Chris for driving SIX HOURS every MONTH to see you. I’ve come even further than HER, Dr. Weber!!! Brett Weber: Why? Audrey Hepburn: I’m searching, Sir Brett. Brett Weber: Searching for what? Audrey Hepburn: You humans, imperfect though you are, apparently are of GREAT VALUE to God. Brett Weber: You can’t PROVE that; I am also a scientist, remember ??? Audrey Hepburn: Okay, I can’t PROVE it, but I KNOW it. I met Him, I met Him myself. I met Him IN PERSON, Sir Brett!!! He PROVED it to me!!! Brett Weber: So, you knew Jesus? (Brett says rather mockingly, rolling his eyes.) Audrey Hepburn: Yes, I worked with Him for awhile. Brett Weber: What was He like? (Brett is smiling.) Audrey Hepburn: He was flesh and blood, a human being like you, and yet . . . Brett Weber: his smile.) Do you believe that He is God? (Brett loses Audrey Hepburn: Yes, I do. I spoke to Him AFTER He DIED. He just appeared to me, but I didn’t recognize Him at first because seeing Him was so out of context. We saw Him die, a horrible death. And we thought it was all over. We were so disappointed and devastated when He died. All our hopes were SHATTERED. But then, there He was, or should I say there He WASN’T – in the tomb, I mean!!! He had told us that He would “RISE AGAIN” from the dead, but we didn’t believe Him, couldn’t BELIEVE HIM ---it just didn’t make “sense,” in a SCIENTIFIC sense, as you put it. I was the first one to see Him. But honestly, even when I went to tell the others, they didn’t believe me at first either. Brett Weber: The Bible records that MARY MAGDALENE was the first person to see Jesus after the resurrection. Audrey Hepburn: Yes, I know that . . . that was the name I was using back then. I didn’t want to be recognized. Time travel is illegal where I come from, the FUTURE. They will shut me down, when they catch me. Brett Weber: YOU were Mary Magdalene? You’re written into the FABRIC OF HISTORY, under your assumed name!!! Audrey Hepburn: Well, yes, that’s what I was AFRAID OF. . . but nobody back home knows it’s me. Brett Weber: Holly Golightly as Mary Magdalene??? You’ve got to be kidding me!!! Audrey Hepburn: Okay, dear, TIME for a break. Brett Weber: No, wait, I want to hear about this. You know, Audrey, I’ve been searching for my creator too, in a roundabout way, I guess. I’m talking about my paintings, Audrey, my artwork. When I paint, I don’t “PLAN” what the outcome will be. But the paintings always HAVE an outcome, a message. Is that God, Audrey? Audrey Hepburn: What do you think ??? Brett Weber: I don’t know what to think---I’m sitting here talking to Ms. Audrey Hepburn!!! Audrey Hepburn: You like quotes--here’s one for you: “…if you search for Me with all your heart, you will find Me, declares the Lord. I will let you find Me.” That’s from the book of Jeremiah, Chapter 29, verses 13 and 14. I believe that you have found Him. Tell me more about your artwork. Brett Weber: What do you want to know? Audrey Hepburn: Are you saying that when you do your paintings, it’s a bit of an exercise in TRUST? Brett Weber: Oh, totally---it is a willingness to trust and to hope that something comes out of it. Even though I don’t plan it, SOMETHING ALWAYS DOES. Audrey Hepburn: I was going to turn myself in as a renegade TIME TRAVELER, expecting that they would SHUT ME DOWN, but then I needed more courage and thought to myself, Joan of Arc had courage. Maybe she could help me to understand the source of her COURAGE. In the Library of Past Events, while looking for her, I came across an article about you, Dr. Weber. Do you mind if I read from the article? Brett Weber: NO, PLEASE DO!!! I am very curious about what brought you to me, Audrey, so tell me. Audrey Hepburn: It’s this article that I came across . . . that gave me the motivation to find you, before I am terminated. Before your article, I was scared that I would not make the correct decision. Do you understand me, Capt'n ??? Your article talks about how you do your paintings. It was a relief for me to discover you, Sir Brett. You don't plan what you do, YOU JUST LET IT HAPPEN!!! That's exactly what I needed to hear. Androids don't do that, Dr. Weber!!! Just leave it all in God's hands, Audrey!!! That's exactly what your artwork says to me. How do you do that so incredibly, CONFIDENTLY, Dr. Weber ??? It is truly BEAUTIFUL to leave things up to HIM!!! You truly believe in HIM. Brett Weber: I don't know what I BELIEVE anymore, Audrey??? But, I'll give you this... You embellish the meaning of the word BEAUTIFUL, Ms. Hepburn. I'm really just terribly lost right now, looking for some direction!!! ANYTHING!!! Why me, Audrey ??? Audrey Hepburn: Why not you, Dr. Weber? I wanted to find a human, like Joan of Arc, for example, who is willing to live their life in a TRUSTING MANNER. I chose you before Joan of Arc. Now, don't DISAPPOINT me, Capt'n!!! (Audrey smiles & her big eyes LIGHT UP!!!) No pressure. Brett Weber: I’m not about to be BURNED at the stake, Audrey. I don't think anybody is going to confuse me with Ms. Joan of Arc. Except you maybe ??? Audrey Hepburn: Your disease is like being BURNED at the stake, a LONGER, SLOWER burning, but a burning just the same. And yet, how is it that a person like you, or Joan of Arc, stays TRUSTING of God, even in extraordinarily PAINFUL circumstances? I can’t trust God enough to let the other androids shut me down!!! I'm not CONFIDENT. Brett Weber: Nobody is going to SHUT ME DOWN, yet, Audrey, even though, I wish they would. I suppose God will eventually SHUT ME DOWN, but He is taking His TIME about it!!! Audrey Hepburn: That’s what I love about you, you’re so HUMAN, so very human. I think God knows that about you too--- you are IMPERFECT, yet you TRUST in Him. I HATE being so-called PERFECT. It’s so lonely, it doesn’t leave room for doing something ILLEGAL, like TIME TRAVEL!!! That’s what I want, to be more “HUMAN,” to be MORE IMPERFECT, I guess. In a way, your imperfections make space for relationships, change, and growth. I’m always the same, I can’t change. One of your paintings is called "CHANGE." Now, back to your article, Capt'n. . . Your article changed me. Brett Weber: Go ahead.